The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    i on
Redskins Finish Game Out In I
Front of Locals by One
GoaTs Margin
. (Continued fnom Page I.
tin 'the ball on Qemawt'.
yard line.
C. Kelly hit center for three
and Sugai sained three more at
the same - place, Another lice
play brought no gain for Salem.
Bob Kelly tried a pass to Reed,
6alem left end, but the ball was
grounded. Chemawa took the
batl on. downs on her own 20.
The Indiana panted t C, Kelly
In mid-field and the fleet 8alem
back returned to the Chemawa 49
before lie was downed, v
Ha hit right tackle 'for fire
yards. Bob Kelly 1 circled right
end for three, and on the next
play made first do-xa on the u
dlan 29. Has squirmed four
yards oft guard and Sugal gained
two more through center. - Kelly
passed to Reed but the bait went
wild. Another pais to Reed was
Incomplete and Salem lost the
ball to Chcmaws oa the 23rd. yard
Three line plays netted the In-
dians a first down on their own
S5. Then Meacham, midget Che
mawa fullback, broke away for a
17 yard gain putting the ball in
Salem territory as the first period
-The Indians pounded the-line
to the Salem 10 yard marker but
were held tor downs there. Hug
punted over the Chemawa safe
ty's bead for a 80 -yard boot.
Smith, Indian safety, picked up
the bfll but wa tackled with a
crash by the hard-hitting Sugai
who downed the Indian on his
own 29.
An attempted split-buck lost
three yards for the Redskins so a
punt was called. Reed bowled
through 'the Indian line and par
tially blocked the kick, deflecting
the ball out of bounds on the 48
yard marker. Salem recovered.
Red and Black Slakes
Drive Across Goal
Then came Salem's march for a
touchdown. Bob Kelly passed to
Hug for as eight yard gain. Kelly
hit the line to make a first down
the 35 yard line. C. Kelly
made nine yards around end and
Bob Kelly made it first down
again on. the Indian- 20" Hug
, found a nice opening at guard to
gain 11 yards, putting, the ball on
the Chemawa nine. The next
play, an off tackle buck by, C.
Kelly resulted in a touchdown.
Hug crossed up the Redskinsjby
hitting the-line for the extra
point, making the score 7 to 0.
Hug' kicked oft to Chemawa
and Smith returned to his own
40. An attempted lateral pass
was fumbled by the Redskins and
Salem recovered on the Indian 35.
A nice pass from R. Kelly to
C. Kelly gained 14 yards and the
ball was put Into play on the In
dian 21. A second pass was in
complete and Salem wa$ penalized
15 yards for holding in the line.
A second later the half ended.
Scorer Salem, 7; Chemawa, e.
Chemawa Gridders .
Come Back Strong
Chemawa kicked off-to R. Kel-
. ly who returned the ball 21 yards
to his own 26. The high school
tried a line play but fumbled and
the Indians recovered. Chemawa
made first down In two plays but
lost the ball oa a fumble which
was recorered by Salem on . Its
own 10, Hug kicked SO yards to
his own 40. Wilder, Chemawa
back, gained" . eight yards off
tackle. Smitn, unemawa oacx,
-TF-trteara pass but it was incomplete.
An off-side penalty set the In
' dians back lire yards and Smith
kicked out of bounds oa the Sa
lem 2-foot line.
Hug hurried his punt as he was
standing nearly 10 yards back of
his own goal and the ball went
out of bounds on hi own 16
With Meacham carrying the ball
on erery play, all: line bucks, the
Indians forged through the line
for a touchdown. Then the husky
little Meacham ploughed through
" the Salem line for the extra point.
tying the score at 7 to 7.
Salem Player Sent
To Shower for Reaghneee
Chemawa kicked off over the
Salem goal and the ball was put
into play on the Salem-20. Two
line': plays gained nearly nine
: yards and' then an unfortunate
thing occurred. Giesy, whirlwind
Salem end, made an. attempt to
- block aa Indian back and In doing
so kicked the player la the mid
section. The umpire ruled the
play unnecessary roughness and
Salem was penalized to her " own
15. Giesy was ousted, from the
. contest.
Complicating matters further
for Salem, Hug only managed to
kick 15 yards on the pant and the
Indians receired the' ball on the
Salem SO. But a penalty for off
side against the Indiana after two'
poor attempts to gala at the line
caused the Chemawa Quarterback
to call for a punt, the ball going
ever the Salem goal.
Salem's ball on Its own 20. Hug
. -surprised .the . Cbemawa safety
agala and kicked 68 yards over
the Indian's head.' Chemawa was
forced farther back into Its own
territory when a tumble from cen
ter lost 19ards. putting the ball
. en the IS as the third quarter
- ended, the score still 7 to T. ;
: .-. Indians March Down "
Field to Get Score. : "-. ' -
On o-take punt. Smith passed
to, Alexander, Chemawa end, for
a gain Of 25 yards, the- ball being
put Into play on the Indian 40. f
Meacham was called upon again
and the smashing' little - player
battered his war through 4a six
line plays Jtor a tonchaowa.- The
added point was lost when -pass
was grounded. The scorsT-stood
' IS for Chemawa and. 7 lor Salem.'
' Chemawa kicked - oft to Bob
Kelly oa the Salem SO and he re
' turned 12 yards, taking the ball
out ot bounds a the Salem 42;
J' Sale&'tould not gala and Hag
' kicked to the Chemawa 28, a dia
. . tanee of 15 yards. The- Indians
- lost the ball on downs and the
ball weat to Salem on the Indian
40. Kelly started a last minute
Call Board
' '
'- Fox Elslnore
South High between State
and Ferry:
Tadkiw'TIu KAnhantor "
Saturday "Oli Yeah."
- .
Rllgh's Capitol
SUte between High
-Today' "Shanghai Lady.'
North Capital, North, Sa-
lera. r " -
Today "Frozen Hirer.'
Grud ".
North High between State I
and Court:
Today ''Scarlet Seas" .
The Frazler Players.
Saturday "Sons of the
Colden West."
"The stage-success ot the future
may be lim'ted to the subtle and
intellectual types- of production-,"
says George Abbott, playwright
director. "As a story telling me
dium, the stage cannot long meet
the competition of their talking
screen." Not to take sides at all
buf from the above remark one
might suppose Mr. Abbott to be
responsible for such pieces of
screen idiocy as "His Glorious
Night." Certainly there Was noth
ing subtle nor intellectual in that
but it did tell a story after a
fashion. In contrast to this read
what A. P. Wazman has. to say
en Sunday's theatre page concern
ing the screen public's ability to
"get" both subtle and intellectu
al screen productions.
Tou may take what you like
from -theatre amusement today
There la the stock company, the
Frailer players, at the Grand In
a eomedy "The Rapper Wins,"
starring Blllie Bingham, a peppy
blond little lady, whom you should
meet If you hare not already done
At the Capitol there Is Mary
Nolan In "The Shanghai Lady.
and it Is said of Mary that she
Is -one of the "beauties of the
Screen." Beauty and mystery
should make a good combination
one that Leola Allard would
recommend if the deduction drawn
from her remarks la today's
Statesman is correct.
Rin Tin Tin is at the Hollywood
and he is always good. There Is
one big thing in favor of an ani
mal in pictures It Is sure to be
free from 'affectation. It does its
best wihtout posing and crying
for applause. And Rin Tin Tin
as a came has become a classic
for Just these qualities.
And there is "The Sophomore"
at Fox Elslnore a genuine col
lege picture, life and pep and an
fexcellent football game all with
dash of lore and romance to
set the typical college atmos
phere. passing attack but Adams stum
bled' Just as the ball was about to
fall into his arms and the pass
was incomplete:
Another line play and Kelly
passed again bat the toss was In
tercepted and the ball returned to
the Chemawa 40. The Indians
kicked to the Salem 15. Kelly
tried a long pass but it was in
tercepted by Meacham and re
turned 25 yards to the Salem 25
Meacham was on his way for a
third touchdown, gaining first 10,
then fire, then 12 yards to put
the ball on the Salem six yard
line as the game ended.
The lineups: ,
Salem Chemawa
Reed LE McKay
Wetosar ....... LT . . Thompson
Coffey LG. .. Littlelight
Anderson. .... . .CLittle Swallow
Query. ....... RG Curley
D. Drager. .... RT Jones
Giesy ......... RE . . . Alexander
C. Kelly....... .Q....... Smith
R. Kelly LH Hosey
Sugal , . . R.H ...... Wilder
Hug.. ..F.... Meacham
Score by periods:
Salem ...... . ;...0 7 0 0 7
Chemawa 0 0 7 6 IS
Officials: Roy Lamb, O. S. C
referee; Wilson, Salem, umpire;
Gregg, Salem, headUaesman.
This Coupon and
Grand Theatre
Hollywood fteaire
Home ot 25c Talkies i
Today and Saturday
' Special Matinee Saturday:
: a p. u.
Also Talking Comedy ;
' Patho Neva and Fables
1 1 aN. I
Oregon Normal Students' Are
7 Entertained by Dean
- Of Women
MONMOUTH, Nor. 23. (Spe
cial) Deaa Jessfica Todd of the
Oregon formal school entertained
the dormitory atadenii at Thanks
giving dinner Tuesday erening
with tnrkey as the piece de resist
ance. " Colorful, decorations -of
autumn, foliage were attractive la
the large dining rooms.
Dean Dodd entertained Thanks
giving day for the girls ' whose
homes, are too distant to ' enable
them to leave town tor thier "va
cation. This dinner party Is one
whichjthe dean gad her assistant,
Mrs. Addle Robards make one of
the most charming of the school
year, to cheer the girls who: can't
go home. '
Dead Todd Arranged with her
own hands the centerpiece of
fruits and vegetables with its sig
nificant seasonal appeal, and she
plans many additional features ot
entertainment throughout the
weekend that the girls may hare
an enjoyable -''vacation i'in every
Faculty members who lire at
the dormitory . and who are
spending their Vacation In Mon
mouth also -participated la the
dinner and other features.
Mrs. Ardle Parker, preceptress
of the dormitory, is spending her
vacation with a sister at Beaver
ton. Misses Edna Headrlck and
Helen Wood are visiting relatives
in Salem. Miss Headrlck Is a mem
ber of (he 'Normal school library
tirf,.ad UUb Wood is secretary
to President J. 8. Landers.
. Dean Todd was the motif:, for
a charming; Welcome Home party
at Normal East boose Monday
night, in honor of her recent re
turn from a risit la Pennsylvania
and other eastern and mid-west
states. Mrs. Widner, student house
superintendent, received the
guests which also Mrs. Ardle
Parker and Mrs. Addle Robards.
Children ot the first, second.
third, fourth and fifth grades pre
sented a delightful Thanksgiving
program la various divisions at
the training school assembly this
week. Tuesday afternoon the par
ents are Invited to enjoy the af-j
fair, and It was repeated Wed
nesday morning Cor the student
teachers, faculty of the training
school and for the sixth, seventh.
eighth and ninth grades.
. Tuesday, morning the ninth
grade presented a play, "The Sto
len Prince," . a Chinese produc
You'U Know
She Will be Introduced at the Fox
Elsinore at 9 Come Early.
Miss Majestic Contest Sponsored by
467 Court St.
II I f , nnntn Ttm VV - .
TheyTl Lave th
loouag at ow wondertnl
Uye of every bind,
utue xouc ineabtsuy.
43il$ opportsmltj to
treat! ; Wo have wonderful mechanical
toys and Otber things
boys aad Ctrl priced . exceptionally
row. uaxe this m nappy Christmas
your chOlt " '
tion with the other junior high
members as their guests. :
All mine members ot the state
board of higher education spent
Friday, la conference at the Nor
mal, and were luncheon guests et
Dean Todd at the dormitory. The
guest Hat included: C. L. Starr,
Portland, president ot tht board;
A. R. Watxek, Pdrtlaad, actingl
secretary; f. B. Irvine, Portland;
C. C. Colt, Portland; B. C. Sam.
m out, Portland; Albert Burch. Al
bany; F. E. Calllster, Medford;
IwC. Pease, The Dalles; and Her
man Oliver, Canyon City; Presi
dent and Mrs. I. 8., Landers.
MrsTirginia C. Bacon, state
librarian was a chapel-speaker
Friday morning at the Normal,
and .ia her message showed the
importance ot a - knowledge of
good books and urged every stu
dent to accumulate a personal li
brary of his own thojosfng." vies
Grace Maurte Mitchell ottered two
violin numbers with piano accom
paniment by .Mrs; W. JV Gasktns
and. the orchestra of the school
gave several pleasing selections.
Frazier Players
Give Successful
It was the - old story of the
good little girt that inherited the
money, that Frailer Players pre
sented ai the Grand theater Thurs
day night, nd will, repeat Friday
aight. However, it was a more
modern Terslonthan most of the
stories.- - -
The character of the old Grand
pap was extremely wen protrayed.
as was the part of Oswald. The
other characters were rather over
drawn, but the play did not suffer
The Frasier Players are pre
senting next week on Thursday
and Friday evenings, "The Cab
Reporter," a three act comedy
concerned with the capture of a
dope Hog .
Fan Breaks Ana Slippery
steps leading to a basement at
$40 South Capitol street, caused
Mrs. C O. Branson to tall and
suffer a.triple fracture ot her arm
as a result of the accident. - The
woman vab putting un a stove to
aer aome ana. naa gone 10 ine
basement to obtain a store pipe.
She was taken to a local hospital
where the extent ot her Injuries
was learned.
Operated Upon Here Aa oper
ation tor the removal ot appendix
was performed at a local hospital
Wednesday on the person ot Mrs.
8. L. Fagg, route seven, Salem.
The woman is reported to be rest"
ing easily, M
; Alaskan sportsmen " are expert-;
menting with the growing; of wild
rice to teed water fowl and attract
them farther north. '
14? K. High
time of their
Hrea, I '
display of . , J I : s
that appeal
rive them
that m&
to the. : 1
naefl sm J M II '
a seal I V
OeCght 4 nil
1 r
for , irT'L
J . ' k-
Oregon, Friday Morning,' Noyembcr 29, 1929
J . "
$14,369.76 Gain Estimated
Tor ;19rpah :
; Ilake Report
Estimated cost of hlxh school
tuition for school districts which
maintain no high schoel for 1030
Is S14.SO.70 greater than for the
bast year. Principals' reports show
the IIS 9 figures to approximate
ISfJOO, according to a statement
which County SuperintendehlPul-
kerson Is submitting with Her bud
get to the county court. A 15000
hold-orer will brine the additional
needs for high school tuition down
to fJI9.T.
High' school transportation for
the year, the first year which, the
county has bad to include such an
item in the school budget; will
total S3 1 A 00, divided as follows:
Aomsrille, 1 2.000; . Jerxerson,
f 800; Salem, $11,000; SUterton,
$5,500; Scotts Stills. J 250; Stay-
ton. S2.000: Gerrals union high.
S700: Turner. SS50 and Wood-
burn, $0,400.
Cost Of high scnooi tuition,
which jthe transportation Is
levied against the non-high school
districts, are estimated for 1330 as
zouows: saiem. sss.ouv; tirver-
toa. S 1 0.000 ; Aumsvillei 15,300;
Jefferson, 53,500; Scotts Hills,
11,000; Staytott, 15.600; Turner,
$2,000; Woodbnrn, $1000; Ger
vats union high. $2,500 and out
side counties $1,500. Silverton,
and Woodburn show a substantial
increase oyer last year, and lesser
increases are recorded for all oth
er districts, except Turner, which
shows a slight decrease.
- Is 3 srlftloo fw
. sod. MALARIA
Xt la tW ssaat nAj tssMSy kaawn.
S Continuous 2 to 11 Daily
Miss Majestic and
eva, jean rvsiBBBm eaasa m sssraav
'1 4J
pur Toy Department ym Be Formally
Saturday Morning, Nov. 30 at 9 O'clock.
Every Girl and Boy who vuits this department oa that Say will
ZZZ irn
will be aet.iuida
(Continued tram Pare 1.)
tbeaehintT thrift to Children
tbrnnrh a rratem of saving ac-
cooaU la tht . school; and lastly
he referred to sr program of week-
MiMnna rf t1nn tn Salens.
Similar to that conducted la Port
land, ilrertoa and other uregon
L towns. . " "
How Can we Express our
Thanks' was the burden ot the
sermon given at the court street
Ptiri.Min r)innti Yrw Rat. Tj W.
Riddle.-who took his, text trom
"It is a good thing to give inanas
nntn th ImA." "Keror ko to GOd
for new blessings nntll yoa hate
given him a receipt xor oia ones,
u, TtMitu cautioned his audience.
He told them that thanks may be
expressed In tnree-iouu way:
Through words, by faces and by
i Rev, Harry E. Gardner, preach
lag oa "Deeper Thoughts of
Thaaf sgdving" at the Free Meth
odist ehnrcb, dwelt upon tbree
outstanding Ihla for which he said
the peopde may be thankful.
These, briefly, were: That there
are, ever have been and ever win
be hearts courageous to carry on;
that there is JoTe
eternal; and that talta has been
manifest not In God alone but in
man and providence in this world.
Especial thankfulness for the
Grand Theatre
'The Flapper Wins
With Richard Bartbetmess
Sat. .
and a Her
"sTrr .AL
other prizo winners presented
eassassm eMBMSav n aTiTTA - - '
r44" 1 y or Kimy at reasonable price. Anvil
f or Christxaas.
fn Y?
wonderful advancement the Amer
ican people are making along all
lines and particularly of educa
tion and. Invention and for the na
tion's strong hand In dealing with
those who betray trusts in high
nirML vwii anressed bv Rev. W.
Earl Cochran, who delivered the
sermon at the West saiem com
mnnlty church. Mr. Cochran div
ided his message broadly into lour
main things for which he said
thanks must b egiven. For the
nation, friends, church aad tor
the Saviour. -
(Continued from Pax I.)
Goshen, Warner Lee of Anmsville,
Howard I. Lee of Waterloo, ore ,
Claire Bell Campbell Of Litchfield.
Calif., and Nancy Lee Brady of
Seattle, three grandchildren: Mrs.
O. R. Raddy of Los Angeles and
Mrs. P. RWoodry and Dolph L.
Witiel. both of Salem; and one
great grandchild.' Meryl Marie
Ruddy ot Log Angeles.
Funeral arrangemeats bare not
yet been made, awaiting word
Contlnnons'a to 11 Dally
in mm
- 'gtry Last TJinee
tonight at 9:00 P. M.
Eoys amid.
rv , . a "
from the sisters farthest awav
but will likely be held either Sat
urday or Sunday afternoon at the
Rlgdoa mortuary chapeL Inter,
ment will bo in the Lone Fir cem
etery at Turner.
Too Late To Classify
BOT 15. wants lob on farm tar
room, board and small men,
Today and Saturday
I' 1 w 111 isja-jp111.'1
Dens of
IK -
Titaphone Acts Mack Bennett
All Talking Comedy
Fox Movietonews
' 4sfaioaAaoeiNcsl
Opened On
I nu.i.j
i 3 I-, r
V His
.i Ujf (alkie'