The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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V ' :Tb tZ222GQTT tTATE5IlAl. fafca. Omtoa. Snmgay 13arla Wrcisr 17. 1929 - .
Events in the. Social World and News of Varied Club Activities
Open House Event
For Willamette
Is accord with the spirit of
Hospitality which prevades the
atmosphere at Thanksgiving the
sororities of Willamette univers
ity held open bouse between the
hours-of 7:30 o'clock and 9:30
o'clock Saturday evening.
The first house to open its
doors was Alfcpa Phi Alpha sor
ority on Oak street. Guests call
ing vere greeted by Miss Leon
Clothier. Hiss Georgia Striker
introduced to the line which was
beaded by the house president.
Miss Dorothy Gordon, and Mrs,
W. W. Johnson, hnnsa mother
TBen In order were Drx and Mrs!
can uregg uoney, ur. ana airs.
G. -A.Alden and Dr. and Mrs
Robert Gatke .
The long living room of the
orority house was decked in
brilliant yellow chrysanthemums.
- HereMiss Lain Allen gave out
favors to the guests.
t The dining' room was decorated
-- with chrysanthemums ot yellow
and lavendar flowers. Tapers of
lavender in crystsl holders com
pleted the decorative note. Pres
iding at the tea table was Mrs.
Alice Fisher, and Mrs J. H. Laut
The girlg who served were Miss
, Louis German. Miss Helen Stiles.
Mrs. Josephine Conn. Miss Gladys
Taylor and Miss Helen Breit-
i - ha opt. - .
' ? The Krocram which was kiven
during the evening hours was a
group of piano solos by Miss
Grace Henderson; violin S0I03
presented by Miss Lucile Flan
nary; and a group of vocal num
bers by Mi3s Marjorie O'Dell.
4 The Delta Phi sorority were at
home between the hours of eight
of nine o'clock at their home on
Court street. Miss Margaret Bolt
met the guests at the door and
Miss Pauline Findley introduced
tn th line which wa3 headed by
Miss M.iry Hirschmerger, house
president, and Mrs. Paul E. Ed
wards, house mother; following
theai was Dr. and Mrs. M. C.
Findley. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Mc
Cormick and Miss Margaret Pro.
- Directing guests from the living
room which yas beautifully ar
ranged with yellow chrysanthe
mums, to the dining room was
Miss Marie Mc-fsersmith. Little
Mbtress Leon Spaulding gave out
the favors.
Presiding at the tea table be
tween the hours of 8 o'clock and
8:30 o'clock was Miss Florence
Emmons, and Miss Anna Lanke:
between 8: SO o'clock and 9
o'clock Mfcs Yvonne Cornell and
Miss Mildred Cook presides.
The. serving was divided be
tween two group of junior girls
who were Miss Mary Allen, Miss
Virginia Edwards. Miss Irma
Green. Miss Jean Middleton, Miai
Dorothy Pemberton. Miss Joyce
Kidder. Miss Elizabeth Atkinson,
Miss Dorothy Bosshard, Miss Mar
ian Bret. Miss Katheryn Elgin,
Miss Amy Fox and Miss Betty
The sophomore girls guided the
guests through the house and the
pledger assisted about the rooms.
Miss Marjorie Miller and Miss
Lillian Scott each gave a group
of vocal numbers; Miss Helene
Price and Miss Edith Findley each
presented instrumental numbers;
Ml33 Iva Clair Love gave a group
of violin numbers and a trio num
ber was given by Miss Jean Mid
dleton. Miss Marjorie MHler and
Mis Edith Findley.
The Beta Chi sorority received
Its guests between the hours of
8:30 o'clock and 9:30 o'clock.
Miss Norabel Pratt and MUs Car
ol Brad en greeted the guests at
the door and Miss Florence Power
Introduced to the line which was
beaded by Miss Kathryn Everett,
president of the bonse and Mrs
. Alice H. Dodd. house mother. Fol
lowing in line was Den and Mr,.
F. M. Erickson. Prof, and Mrs.
E. C. Richards, Mr. and Mrs Paul
- Wallace antf- Miss Frances Mc
Gllvra. Miss Leila Johnson presided at
the serving table daring the eve
ning. Ia the dialog room laven
der and yellow chrysanthemums
formed the decorative note.
Palms, ferns, and large baskets
of yellow chrysanthemums were
gracefully arranged about the
living rooms. . -
An Informal program of music
and features concluded the open
bouse hour at the Beta Chi "sor
rlty. Hayesville Woman's
Club Has Party
The home of Mrs. Rovilia Mc
Afee, north of Salem, was the
- scene of a merry party for mem
bers of the Hayesviile Women's
club and their husbands on Fri
day evening.
;Mrt McAfee was assisted in
. the' entertaining by Mrs. J. L.
?' V Morrisen, Mrs. Clark Ritchie. Mrs.
C. F. Rhodes, and Mrs- W. E. Bal-
- ley. A social evening of games
and conversation was enjoyed. At
a late hour refreshments were
served by the hostesses of tbe
s evening.
Saeh an enjoyable time was
had by all present that It was de-
elded to have another such meet
ing after tbe Christmas holiday
l Those present, for tbe evening
were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bailey, Mr,
and Mrs. E. R. Bedwell, Mr. and
. Mrs. J.' it. Batdorf, Miss Ida Den
- ny, Mr. and Mrs. D. Greig. Mrs.
M. Halbert, Mr. and Mrs.. W. H.
.Kay. Miss Gladys Kearns. Mrs
M. Kobow, Mrs. R. McAfee, Miss
Janice McAfee, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
- , Morrison. Mr. and -Mrs. McMillin,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R- Powers, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles "Reed, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hickman, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. RhodeSj Mrs. Clark Ritchie,
.. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rylander, Mr.
- , Rylander, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder,
Mrs. B. F. Wells, Mr. and Mrs.
" Watkins, andr. and Mrs, Fred
.j ..: WUHams.
: , . Mrs,, Eric Butler spent the week
c ' ' "'nu- afthe coasts
j- if:.,
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Si i
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Prof. E. T. Reed Addresses
Salem Woman's Club
The annual tpa fnr tpnphora
which is giTen by the Salem Wom
an s club in compliment to the
teachers of the public schools will
be remembered as one of the most
enjoyable meetirfg3 of the year.,
This year not onlv teachers from
the public schools, but those from4
the school for the deaf and tbe
school vfor the blind as well.
Prof. Edwin T. Reed from Ore
gon State college spoke at 3:00
o'clock on the subject "Voice of
Authority" in which he made some
interesting statements pertinent to
both the parents and teachers in
his audience.
"It is a common complaint."
said he, "that the old authority
of the nast is sronA atu n a run.
sequence the whole world is going
wrong." But Prof. Reed -was on-
timlstic In his view of the situa
tion for he said "there has al
ways been the revolt of youth
against the older generation" and
just now ther is a re-adjustment
period from the most recent peri
od. There is in his opinion Just as
much obedience but it is obedience
to a new kind of authority the
authority "of experience, knowl
edge, esteem." Prof. Reed illu
strated this will illustrations from
Mrs. H. A. Johnson
Honored on Birthday.
Mrs. H. A Johnson, Sr., was
happily surprised Tuesday even
ing at ber home on North Winter
street when her children and their
families gathered in and prepared
a dinner in honor ot her 80th
birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Johnson Jtias 'lived in the
family home on tvinter street for
more than 40 years.
Ail the members of the family
were present with the exception
of one son. II. A. Johnson, Jr..
who with his family is now resid
ing tn San Diego, Cal. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Hamer Kansler and Frances, Mrs.
Creta Spratt and Billy. Mrs Eve
lyn Aufrance. Claude- Johnson
and Edwin, and Mis3 Sally Jones,
a sister of Mrs. Johnson. .
Prof. E. W. Hobsson
Wins Reception
Prof. Emory W". Hobson met
with genuine acclaim from Port
land critics for the manner In
which he directed the first ap
pearance of the Appolio clab for
this year as well aa the first time
he has lead them publicly after
J having been made leader to take
4 V .a 1 . aa. a nv T r n .
w 4mw m . ii. x2uj ri , vug re
signed last spring. '
Harmony Music Studio
903 Union .
G. Calyar Larkin, Director
PIANO (Harmony)
.Individoal and Class Instrmctlonu BegisAers and Advanced.
Register on Wednesday and Saturday
homes, schools, health, the field
of women, teaching. "The whole
tendency is to promote obedience
by superiority rather than power."
Included in the 'ernoon pro
gram were three delightful vocal
numbers by Miss Josephine Albert
accompanied by Miss Helen Mc
Pherson. Jlrs. S- P. Phipps talked
on "The Doctor" ona of the pic
tures from the club's picture col
lection, a canvas from the English
art field. Mrs. J. A. Bernardl had
on display 100 scrap books which
her committee has just completed
for the school for the feeble mind
ed. It was announced that the date
for the state confederatiAn meat.
ing which .comes tb Salem ia the
spring will be May 12-15-14-15.
It was also announced that the
December 28 meeting will be
abolished this year and combined
with the reception for new mem
bers which comes January 25.'
At the tea hour Mrs. R,- J.
Hendricks and Mrs. C. P. Bishop
presided at the tea table which
was attractively arranged with gay
colored chrysanthemums and' tapers-
Mrs.. V. 0. Shipley was chair
main of the social committee
which had charge ot the arrange
ments tor this tea. -
Of Mr. Hobson's work Emil
Enna said, "Hobson proved him
self a conductor of the Very high
est type, masterly reading, mag
nificent blending, and .splendid
exhibition ef finished ensemble
singmg was the result ot bis
Miss Rath Bedford who acted
as one of the accompaniests won
strong praise from (he chorus
itself for the masterly support
she gave In her work.
Dr. Martin Ferrey Will
Speak to P. T. A. Fplk
Dr. Martin F. Ferrey will take
charge ot the A. A. U. W. child
study class Tuesday. -November
26. at Lincoln school. - '
It, will be the lesson on the
"Mechanisms ef Behavior." and
will be illustrated by interesting
blackboard drawings and dia
grams. Visitors are welcome. For in
formation, phone Mm. C A.
Downs, chairman.
Dr. Ferrey is a psychologist by
experience and training, having
received his Ph.D. in physiolog
ical psychology.
Miss Jean Shipp attended the
Oregon-Hawaii football game in
Portland Saturday.
sPAofte 500
W - s.-sJ'V ''v -v v.
Toclay We Present
Some of the most exclusive folk of SaXem.
They are not personally known to many but to
those who do know them they are the most pre
cious and altogether worthwhile folk of the town.
They are conservative in the affairs which they at
tend; they are quite satisfied with the small circle
of intimate acquaintances, and the delights of
their own world of dolls and balls and funny
ducks. -
At the extreme left is Ernest Pierson Thorn,
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Thorn. Ernest
will be two years old January 21.
Next to him is Donald Van Delinder Young,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Young, who was
one year old October 24.
The young miss who is so interested in some
thing just over the edge of her crib is wee Nancy
Hendricks, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Hendricks. Miss Nancy will be one year old March
To the right is Master Perry Dwight Quisen
berry, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry.
Even though he sits so very straight Perry will
not be a year old until June 8.
Book and Thimble
Club Meet
KINGWOQQr Mrs. Mary Beav
er was . hMtaas'. t . h Rnnb-.anri
Thimble felnE Tnarsfiav. NnTem.
ber 22.- Mrs. Ross Damrell. pres-
ident of the clnb, presided at the
hiiin m..Hr .kui,
business meetiar. after vhiih an
iui.wnuu( ytj&i mux wm given.
Mrs. Bearer presented the sub
ject of Thanksgiving from the
viewpoint of an older generation,
and Mrs. Hathaway gave the fes
tival in the . spirit of modern
times. A long and Interesting
letter was read which the club
had received from Miss Ella St.
Pierre, a former member, who Is
now teaching In Honolulu. The
club plans to send a reply which
will reach Miss St. Pierre at
Christmas time.
The rooms were fragrant with
flowers. , The club members
worked during the afternoon on
a quilt which they are piecing.
Late In the afternoon. Mrs. Bear
er served a dainty luncheon.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. George Trott In
Safem, and Mrs. Trott and Mrs.
L. F. Brown will have charge of
the program.
Members present were Mrs.
Qharles Schwarts, Mrs. Ross Dam
rell, Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Mrs.
Charles Adams, Mrs. ElmenCook
Mrs. L. F. Brown,' Mrs. George'
Trott, Mrs. C N. Hathaway and
the hostess, Mrs. Mary Beaver.
Community Club Has
Thanksgiving Dinner
FAIRVIEW Friday night the
Community club held their an
nual -Thanksgiving or. Harvest
Home dinner. x
The U-shaped tables were beau
tifully decorated with chrysanth-
440 Stale SU Salem, Ore.
50c 50c
75c 75c
Phone 833
t xor reservations
Society Editor
emums and candles. The candle
hojders were a unique feature,
being made of red apples hollow
ed out to hold candles. A de
licious course dinner was served.
I Features of the entertaini
Features of the entertainment
!!ere vc"0118 by E' B'
Dent' ,1to,k b? Henry Crawford,
n an instrumental solo by Miss
Mildred Halseth.
About eighty guests were pres
ent. Special guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Crawford, Mrs.
Schawb and daughter, and Miss
Margaret McAlpine.
The study classes of the Salem
Woman's club meet each Monday
following the club meeting ot Sat
urday. This Monday they will
meet In the fireplace room of the
city library at 2:19 o'clock. Mrs.
Alice H. Dodd win give tbe first
lecture, the continuation ot her
series on "Art": and following
this will be Dr. F. O. Franklin oa
a discussion ot international rela
tions. Refresh
and Stimulate
rrtssM is a hoilovr in one side
X of Dorothy Gray's new Tonic
Patter which will securely hold a
pad of cotton dampened with
Orange Flower Skin Tonic, so that
you mayeffccUTclypatthisrefreth
in astringent over your face and
throat. The patting stimulates a
healthy, vitalizing circulation,
wtple at theame time.the tonic
genxlycloses the'pores, and learn
your skin gloricwaly fresh and COoL
The new Tonic Patter may he
used also ia applying Pore Lotion;
Dorothy Gray's clear,' flagrant
preparation which normalizes en
larged pores and corrects the un
lovely shine of an oily skin.
On sal mt ur Toilet Gds Dtpt
Tbe Tonic Patter ... S2.50
Orange Flower Skla Toole
85c, L75, $3.23
Pore Lotion . . 12.00, S4.00v
Capital Drug
405 Stale
JC yS.J -'A I
. JAW-Ai 4'a ,:!V!'f
xN.vr: i..iiA -a . urn
Prominent Women
Aid Worthy Cause
The Wajerly Baby home has
become crowded to past capacity
and there is an effort to secure
funds with which to build anoth
er addition to this home which
has done so much for Oregon
Although Salem Is not Port
land, yet there are those from
Salem who have and will be bene
fited from this home and with
that thought In mind a small
fund Is to be .sent from Salem,
not to exceed $100 for a bit of
aid in the worthy work.
Mrs. W. H. Burghardt heads
the list of a Email chain for
Salem women. The plan of work
ing for this chain Is that the one
who starts it sells four more wo
men, each of these sells three and
each of those two and each two
sells one.
The list of those who are now
working on the fund Is Mrs. W.
H. Burghardt, Mrs. Clifford
Brown, Mrs. TJ. G. Shipley, Mrs.
William Lytle, Mrs. T. A. Lives
ley, Mrs, F. D. Thielson, Mrs. Wil
liam Walton, Miss Elizabeth
Lord, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs.
Chester Cox and Mrs. Breyman
v '
An Advance
Showing of Eveffast
Under Ordinary Circumstanc
es these new Spring Suitings
would not be shown until aft
er Christinas however,
they're here now-and bring to
mind that they would make
up excellent.
These smart Everfast Prints of unusual
weight and quality can - be made into
charming pajamas, smocks, ensemble
suits or dresses. Particular attention
is called to the Eyerfast Cord Pique
corded like an English Broadcloth. Ev
erfast Suitings are priced at, per yard
- 59c
guaranteed fast
' in color
255 N. Liberty
Wedding Date Is
Celebrated in
Surrounded by family, relatives
and friends, ia rooms profusely
decorated with gold and bronze
chrysanthemums, Mr. and Mrs
W. S. Cook, formerly of Monitor,
now of Los Angeles, celebrated
the fiftieth anniversary of their
wedding, at the home of their
daughter. Mrs. L. D. Lenon. on
Wednesday afternoon and eve
ning. Beginning with a S o'clock din
ner to which 25 guests were bid
den, the festivities continuert
throughout the evening. Gtft
laden callers to the number of
more than 50 greeted the honor
ed guests.
Pour children of the honored
pair were with them for the cele
bration, only one being absent.
In" addition to Mrs. Lenon, Mrs.
Bertram Cecil Granger, daughter,
and James Truman Cook, son. ot
Los Angeles, motored up for the
occasion. Mrs. Leon Carlyle Le
Van. daughter, of San Diego, ar
rived by rain the evening of ttie
anniversary. Albert Bryan Cook,
son, of El Monte, California, was
unable to attend. Gilbert P.
Lenon. of Nampa. Idaho, and Don
old Cook Dinwiddle, of Los An
geles, grandsons, were present
also. Mr. Cook's only sister. Mrs.
C. K. Ferguson, of Portland, and
a brother and sister of Mrs. Cook,
Aaron Thurman Jones, and Mrs,
John AndreWiKlgftins. both of
tacada, attended the dinner.
Among the dinner guests wen
three who were present at th
original wedding fifty years ago
An appropriate program bad
been arranged, most of the num
bers being original contributing
from members of the immediatt
Miss Waivo Loudene Lenon.
only granddaughter present, read
a poem written or the occasion.
Miss Jean Ferguson, of Port
land, a grandniece of the honor
ed couple, gave two dance num
bers. James Truman Cook, actini
as master of ceremonies, was in
terrupted frequently throughout
the evening by the arrival oi
messages of congratulation from
distant friends and relatives un
able to be present.
At the close of the unique pro
gram a great bridal cake wai
presented to the fifty-year bride,
and later served with other re
freshments to the throngs of call
ers. x
The program given at the boys
Industrial school under the aus
pices of the Institution's depart
ment of the Salem Women's clb
was much enjoyed Friday night.
Dr. D. B. Hill presented a group
of moving pictures and Wendell
Robinson sang several numbers.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Endicott
have as their guest for this week
end Miss Amanda Matthews, ot
Shaw, Oregon.
JiBi y
if j it i
it l Will
Open 'tn
8:45 on
V. V