The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 17, 1929 PAGE THREE News From Mid-Valley District Communities Tlhe4lBLACK o- Woodburn WOODBURN, November 23. Mrs. J. C. Beaumont of England who has been visiting at the home f her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H. Shorey was accompanied as far as Port land by the Shorey's Monday. Mrs. Beaumont has been honor guest at many social functions during her stay here and intends to visit In Chicago and New York before leaving the United States for Eng-, land. Mr. and Mrs. Saren Nelson en tertained 17 guests at a family dinner last Sunday. J. C. Noyes and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and children were re- S CPIH KllCHS ill UIC liuuio ..... Noyes, son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Noyes. Mrs. Noyes has recently made a trip to North Dakota where he says the weather is quite frigid, a foot of snow covering the ground and the thermometer registering near 15 below. T. C. Poorman drove his moth er, Mrs. Susan Liveley to Port land where she will visit at the home of her son. Major P. A. Livesley until after Thanksgiving. The Willamette Valley Veterin ary Medical association will hold a meeting in Woodburn in the City hall December 11. The pub lic is invited to the afternoon ses sion where problems of intere3t to all stock raisers will be dis cussed. Mrs. I. L. Patterson and Mrs. A. E. Austin attended the an nual meeting and election of of ficers of the Society of the May flower descendant of the state of Oregon in Portland Jest Friday. In the evening the ladies were Joined by Miss Julia Bell Austin and attended the Passion Play at the Auditorium. Mrs. Eugene Moshberger has been quite ill for the past week but is now able to be up and around. Mrs. G. Vickers. who has been Tisiting for the past week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Vickers, has re turned home to Cornelius. Keith Powell attended the banker's meeting at Spokane the early part of last week. Another card party, lunch and dance will be given by the Cath olic Daughters of America in the St. Luke's hall, Tuesday night with music for the dancing by the Kinns' brothers orchestra. Mrs. Jennie Corey of Seattle, Willis Kesey of McKenna, Wash ington, and Mrs. Ada Hoberg of Portland are at Kelsey home at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. i.. H. Kelsey who is ill. Roy Kel jBey of Detroit, Michigan, Is expect I ted to be home before the end of the week. Joan Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beck is rapidly conval- New Presiding Episcopal Bishop Congratulated on Election f .'. . " I ? ; if ' ' f i I - ' x - I Bishop James E. Freeman, of Washington, left, congratulating the Bight Rev. Charles Palmerston Anderson, Bishop of Chicago, on the latter's election as the presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. The new Bishop will not resign his Chicago Diocese although much of his time will be spent in New York, the headquarters of the Episcopal Church. tatarnatiaaal Kmtai expected. Mrs. Asnby has many friends here, having lived here for several years. She is a sister of Mrs. W. D. Horner. Mrs. C. Warner who has been a t the Salem General hospital with blood poison of the hand is able to be out again but v. ill be unable to return home for some time. Jefferson JEFFERSON. November 23. Mary C. Hamilton of Albany spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. M. A. Epley. Mrs. Hamilton's home Is in Medford, and is spend ing the winter in Albany where she Is taking a post-graduate course at Albany college. Mrs. Robert Pendergraft un derwent a major operation Mon day at the Albany General Hos pital. Dr. Wallace performed the operation. It is reported that Bhe is getting along nicely. , The girls of the grade school have organized a basket ball team and are practicing for the coming games this winter. The line-up is as follows: Jumping- center. Svl- via Vasek: side center, Ruby Ko- ker: forwards, Keithel Smith and escing from her operation for ap- . Goldie Gardner; guards, Jean Mc- pendicitis and was brought home rKee and Mervin Thurston. from the St. Vincent's hospital last Sunday. "Jimmy" Chapelle returned home after working for the past eight months in northern Califor nia. Colonel Eugene Moshberger and Lawrence Moshberger attended the funeral of their uncle, Morely Mack who died in Longview and was burled from the Christian church in Canby. They were ac companied by V. W. Tremaine and Charles L. Ogle. O O Rosedale o o ROSEDALE, November 23. Mrs. E. B. Stroud returned Wed nesday from Portland where she has been visiting her sister, Mrsw C. Boxell. The ladies Missionary society met with Mrs. Pearson of Sunny side Wednesday afternoon. It was reorganiied for the winter and the following officers elected president, Mrs. A. J. Healy, sec retary and treasurer, Mrs. Elsie Trick, committee to arrange work. Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. May Way, Mrs. H. H.' Smith. Mrs. M. Cammack was appointed chairman of the study committee. The next meet ing will be with Mrs. Elsie Trick Wednesday afternoon, December 11. All ladies of the community are Invited. The Bloom sale Thursday was well attended and most things sold well. Mr. Ladd who is working for the Telephone company near Portland at present, visited his family here last Sunday. Several from here attended the Friends Quarterly meeting at South Salem Friends church last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKee re turned Wednesday evening from a two weeks motor trip, which took them as far as Tia Juana. The Woman's Missionary socie ty of the Methodist Episcopal church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. C. Mason. Miss Addie Llbby lead the devo tions. Mrs. George Mason, being the leader, conducted the lesson from the study book. Mrs. Earl Lynes had charge of the mystery box. After a social hour lunch was served. o o Marion Amity AMITY, November 23. Grant Newman of Wisconsin is visiting at the home of his uncle, Fred Newman. The Amity high school second team met the Dayton second team on the home field In a game of football. The score was 12-0 In favor of Amity. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mfller were Salem business visitors Monday of last week. Miss Florence Snodgrass re turned home Tuesday after spend ing several days in Portland vis iting with friends and relatives. O Rickey RICKEY. November 23. Work on the play "Excuse Me" to he presented November 30 at the basket social is progressing nicely under the direction of Mary Sher idan. W. D. Home is hauling wood from the Waldo hills. A male quartette has been or ganized and are practicing num bers for the basket social under the direction of H. E. Martin. W. Baker of Bethel did repair work on the Waldo hills tele phone lines Thursday. Mrs. Claude Ashby of Salem, who underwent a serious opera , tion In Portland the first of the '.w?ek .1 doing as well as can be MARION, November 23. Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Roy Akins are the parents of a baby boy. Mrs. Akins will be remembered here as Miss Winnie Stephens. Dr. David Hill of Salem gave a very interesting and enjoyable program of motion pictures at the Marion Community club meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Overholser and Mr. and Mrs. TJ. F. Terhune motored to Lebanon Sunday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fennell. Mrs. Overholser remained over until Tuesday to assist in the care of her sister Miss Laura Thomas who is ill with rheumatism of the heart. Miss Thomas was taken to the hospital at Corvallis Tuesday for treatment. George Stephens left Wednes day by auto for Chicago where he will be employed by the Yigana Horse company ' of Alberta, Can ada during the International Live Stock show. After the exhibit at Chicago, George expects to bring thirteen head of this company's horses back to Oregon. O the sermon and the men's chorus from the Silverton church . fur nished the music, which was en joyed by a well filled house. O Of I Gervais o GERVAIS, November 23. John Henry has begun the con struction of a house on his lot' on Third street. It will contain four rooms, will be a semi-modern house and will be occupied by Mr. Henry's mother when com pleted. Members of the Rebekah lodge gave a surprise party last Satur day afternoon for Mrs. Ward Manning. Twenty ladles were pres ent and passed the time In con versation and sewing. Mrs. Man ning and' her mother, Mrs. Ellis Stevens, served refreshments. Mrs. Manning received a large collec tion of nice gifts. A community farewell dinner was given Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Der Pette on rote 3, for Mr. and Mrs. S. A., Parker, who are soon to move to Gervais. The friends gave Mr. and Mrs. Parker a nice gift. L. L. Horsfall and family are moving from southern Oregon to the T. A. Gunter property In Ger vais, which they recently pur chased. O O Roberts Pleasant View PLEASANT VIEW, November 23. Miss Bertha Shilling of Hus um, Wash., is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Ed Shilling. Hugh Cook is having a new chicken house built at his farm which will be quite an up to date building. The structure is 12 feet wide by 67 feet long. George Brower is doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Fehlen of Stay ton have been spending a few days at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. Walter Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook are now at Clarkston, Wash., visiting with Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hartley. o o Scotts Mills - SCOTTS MILLS. November 23. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brougher and son Ira visited their daugh ter, Mrs C. E. MulvihiU In Port land Sunday. Mrs. A. Lang and family re cently moved here from Bell grade, Minnesota, and are staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eoji, until they can find a place to locate. . Special services were held at the Christian church Tuesday evening for the boy scouts. Rev. Livingston of the Chris tian, church la Silverton preached ROBERTS, November 23. Miss Julia Query attended the Passion play in Portland Friday evening and spent the week end visiting relatives. Mr. and 'Mrs. Forest Edwards and children June and Leroy went to Portland Sunday to visit Mrs. Edward's sister, Mrs. Harry Near hoff. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fidler of Sa lem visited from Tuesday until Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fidler. They have sold their bus iness In Salem and will go to Cut ler City for a while to visit friends. Miss Julia Query is teaching an art class at the schoolhouse on Saturday mornings at ten o'clock. Those attending the class are Miss June Edwards, Miss Janice Higgins, Miss Maxine Pettyjohn, Miss Dorothy Rice, Miss Dorothy Salchenberg and Miss Sawakl Us ui. ThjB girls are showing much interest and are' producing some fine pieces of handwork. O . O Central Howell o CENTRAL HOWELL. Novem ber 23. A. E. Kuenzi is adding a large machine shed to his group of farm buildings. P. Steffen has reshingled his house. Mr. and Mrs. A. Berglund of Washington and Miss Violet Fun nimark and Dale Funnimark of Portland were over Sunday guests at the R. C. Ramsden home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swanson and fam ily of Silverton were additional guests for Sunday dinner at the Ramsden home. Dr. David Hill of Salem gave his moving picture program at Cen tral Howell on Friday, the 29th. Irene Nazelger and Florence Hansen celebrated their birthdays together recently by entertaining a number of their friends with a party at the A. A. Nafzeiger home. The children had a merry time playing games and after the games Mr. Nafzeiger served a much enjoyed lunch to the little folks. o o Dall as i DALLAS, Nov. 23. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Stockwell were in Port land on business Thursday. On the occasion of their last trip their car was so badly damaged in an accident that they purchased a new one. A number of Salem folk were in Dallas to attend the play given Tuesday night under the auspices of the Woman's club, among those noticed were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Renne, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Pies ecki, Miss Janice Fawk and Miss Viola Keller. From a monetary standpoint the show was quite successful, over $70 each being realised by the club women and the producing company. Miss Marguerite Husser, who is now employed in the office of the state accident commission, was a visitor in Dallas last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayter of Salem are moving within a short time to Seattle where he will be in charge c the sales department of the E?i i and Wright com pany for .iingto nahd part of Idaho. Mr. Hayter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hayter of Dallas. Jud Foster, who left Dallas about a month ago to engage in the garage business in Marshfield, was in town on business ofr a few days the first of the week. Mrs. Otho Williams has return ed to the Dr. Coffey hospital in Portland for additional medical treatment. Mrs. Williams was there for several months this sum merbut has not been so well late ly. Dr. and Mrs, L.A. Bellman and family visited in Tacoma over the week end with Dr. Bellman's mother and Mrs. Bollman s neice. Several people making the loop trip through Newport on Sunday reported the weather as being ideal on the coast. Mrs. H. J. Elliott of Perrydale was in Dallas last Friday to at tend a meeting of the Daughters of the Nile at the home of Mrs. L. A. Bollman. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Retzer are this week in Walla Walla where they were called by the serious ill ness of Mr. Retzer's mother, who passed away on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Bursell of the Mistletoe district and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Edwards of Monmouth, attended the meeting of the Na tional Grange held in Seattle dur ing the past week. Mrs. Charles N. Bilyeu attended the meeting of the flax seed grow ers held In the Salem chamber of commerce Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mariam Murray was in Portland Monday evening to at tend the Galli Curci concert. Mrs. Murray's sister, Agnes Davis, was the national winner in the first Atwater Kent radio audition and is often to be heard over the radio. She still has one year of study under direction of the At water Kent Foundation. All official board members of the Christian churches in Polk county will be entertained by the Dallas church Monday, November 25, when a banquet and meeting will be held to make plans for the Pentecostal meeting to be held this next year. C. P. Swander, state secretary, will attend the meeting. Charles Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell, who is attending Willamette university, is working to become a member of the debate team, which will mean a trip to Arizona, and par ticipation In the debate tour. He was a member of the team last year. Lincoln I -o LINCOLN, November 23. Mrs. J. P. Walling, who has been spend Ing a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt of Sa lem, returned to her home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walling of Woodburn were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Walling. George Boyd of McCreedle Springs spent the week-end with his family at the Gus Lake home. Barbara Jean and Virginia Lee small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Cox of Eagle Crest are spending a short time In Corvallis as the guest of grandparents. Mrs. W. H. Moss, formerly Mrs, Jake Starr of the Zena district bat bow of Silverton has been quite ill, and was taken to a Port land hospital where she under went a successful operation. Aumsville ATJMSVILLE, November 23. Henry Stiener of Salem has pur chased the M. McCollough farm about one mile west of town. The student body of the high school held a banquet Wednesday evening In honor of the football team. A. E. Bradley has purchased a farm at West Stayton and have moved their stock and farm Imple ments to the farm and moved the household goods to town for this school term. The high school has organized a basketball team this week and will soon start playing basketball as football season is over. Miss May Bel Powell is at Lyons this week keeping house for Mr. and Mrs. E. Powell as Mrs. Pow ell has a badly sprained ankle and is not able to do her work. The annual bazaar was held at the school house Friday, Novem ber 15, the proceeds netting be tween 1350 and 400. The P. T. A. held a meeting at the school house Thursday eve ning to decide where to use this aum of money. It was decided to start the hot lunches to be served to the school children about De cember 1 and various other things be .bought for the benefit of the school. Mrs. A. E. Bradley was chosen to prepare the hot lunches tor the school. Mrs. M. McCol lough, as a delegate to the P. T. A. state convention held at Grants Pass, gave a report on the splen did work being done by the P. T. A. of the state. O O Jefferson left Wednesday for an extended visit with relatives and friends In California. A drag-saw was stolen from the Fred Looney ranch north o town Monday night. It was the prop erty of W. Barnes, who had been catting wood for Mr. Looney. Barnes had left his trailer in the timber, and the thieves used the trailer to haul the drawsaw to the highway, where it is ! supposed they loaded it onto a truck. O s O North Santiam o o NORTH SANTIAM, Nov. 23 Mr. and Mrs. R. Barber and fam ily of Buena Vista were Sundav visitors at the home of Mrs. Bar ber s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam i Hinkle. , The Rev. J. Madden of Salem held services at the church here I Sunday. ! Miss McNeil came Tuesday to"j spent the week with her neice, Mrs. Howard. i J. S. Langhlen Is having re-1 modeling done to the interior of the kitchen at the McLaughlin home. J. R. Hammer is doing the work. R. E. Tyler and family are now occupying their new home recent ly purchased from Mr. Whitney. The county is doing consider able road Improvement work here this year in the way of several new bridges and several miles of i crashed rock. Several new pupils have entered school recently making an enroll ment of twenty at present. o , : c McCoy McCOY, Nov. 23. Misses Myr tle Shively and Dorthy and Lu ella Finn attended the sophomore freshmen reception at the Dal las high school Friday night. Mrs. Dora Butterlck of Amity spent Friday as a guest of Miss Myrtle Davis. Mrs. Pauline Domes and Mrs. J. P. Peterson were Salem visit ors Wednesday. Frank Brooks took a load of dressed turkeys to Portland Fri day. Miss Winona Finn was home from Airlie Friday. She visited in Portland Saturday and Sunday. Miss Myrtle Davis of Portland Is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Finn, for two weeks. Mrs. Glenn Stevenson and Mrs. George Shively were Salem call ers Saturday. Miss Beatrice Hawley was e home from Oregon State college for the week-end. Miss Catherine Shively of Port land spent the week end with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. George Shively. Mrs. George Vincent and Mrs. Frank Brooks were Dallas shop pers Tuesday. CROWS , i ire nerei BLACK THE MOST POPULAR COLOR POPULAR PRICE 100 7. LEATHER A r ; FASHIONABLE PATTERNS AND LASTS The Four Popular Styles Also the Big Four in Tan Are on Display Complete Assortment of Styles for Men Priced $5.504o $8.00 Buster Brown Shoe Store Where Style, Service and Economy Meet JEFFERSON, Nor. 18 Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Emery entertained at dinner Sunday In honor of Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Ramsdell of Sa lem, whose Birthdays occurred re cently. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ramsdell and sons Manley and Delmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haynes and sons,-Delmer and vernon and the host and hostess. T. O. Barnes of Waitsburg, Wn. Is spending her vacation In Jef ferson, the guest of his mother and brothers. Mr. Barnes lo cal manager Of the Union Oil company at Waitsburg. 'Mrs. Charles McKee and Mrs. H. E. Jonea were Salem visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Looney and daughters Eleanor and Elizabeth VALLEY MOTOR CO MITHORIIED FOR.D SALES AND SERVICE SALEM, ORE. OSSeiPS If an EJLYT AT PRICES WHICH REPRESENT THE MOST TIRE ECONOMY FORD SIZES Kelly Buckeye 30x3J reg. ..$6.75 $5.30 30x3Y2 O. S. $7.25 $5.60 29x4.40 $8.25 $6.30 30x4.50 $9.20 $6.95 Truck Tire ' Tube 30x5-8 ply $28.40 $3.35 32x6-8 ply $36.00 $5.60 Keep Smiling with Rellys LARGER SIZES Kelly Buckeye 29x4.75 ..$10.65 $ 8.35 30x5.00 ..$11.35 $ 9.15 31x5.25 ..$13.65 $10.95 29x5.50 $14.10 $11.35 33x6.00 ..$16.45 $13.60 32x6.50 ..$1935 $15.90 Sizes not listed are priced proportionately low. Your used tires taken in trade Valley Motor Co PHONE 1995 Sales - Ford - Service Open TJmtll Midnight Dally Except Samday Associate Kelly Dealers Triangle Service Station Carson's Garage Cottage and Falrgronnd Road! Cherry City Garage 170 8. 12th St. RFD Kow 1, Salem, Ore. Priem & Caspell S4th and State, Streets Edgewater Ser. Stat W. Salem, Ore. Capitol Motors 850 N. High St.