4 . t r.j Tfcs OltLGON STATESMAN Skka Orerca, Friiay IlaxIT.lfovealsr 22, 1ST Lstja?i '- ir. -x r . '- Shop Early! Phenomenal Values in New Fall and Winter 1 fl II 4 100ALLWOOL Fabrics with beauti ful finish all the newest Fall and Winter Styles and Colors. Herringbones Cashmeres Mixtures Stripes Checks AND $35 VALUES One Dollar Down! buys "any one of these marvelous Suits -Use Your Credit Shop Early! HATS for Gifts OuUt suiting values In all the latest styles and colors. Snap Brim, Rolled Brim, Welt Edge, In Pearl, Tan, Natural, Grey, Brown. " ' "Westover" Quality Felt In an styles and colors. Derbies In various she pea Regular 8.00 values.. $4.95 "Highway Quality Felt In all styles and colors. Genuine- Brush Beaver tn Brown and Grey. Regular tSJBO values Q 6.95 "Fifth Avenue Quality Felt. Regular $1QD0 values. &95 "Slsney" and Tut Lane" Brand Quality Felts. Regular SX2J50 values 310.95 ONE DOLLAR DOWN bay any mn of the Hat USE YOUR CREDIT Charg It! Dress Gloves foil AftMl WWlW v . for Gifts Gloves make a serviceable gift take ad ran tags of these wonderful values. Nationally known makes ruch at BACMO PERRIN GATES in Capes Mochas Goat kin Pic Skin Bock Skin Grain Deer in Cream, Tan, Cork and Grey Charge It! LINED GLOVES - fleeea Lined. Knitted Wool lined. Fur lined- in Creanv Taa and Browa. Charge lit li : o n?, ... - n m - - a is si - - n sn ssav - m - m j N. f ... ,. ., .... , ,.. I M i ..jr t j , i " 'jr? ;i ' lP MIGi TY VALUES IN EVeJ s ifei:Fti tst infi imiiini m 'H-'iy J0 -MBir,,"i i TsnnlT I SALE STARTS TODAY 8 A. M. to accommodate those of our patrons who have to be at work early in the morning. We have taken months of preparation in order to make this Mighty Sale the most stu pendous in merchandising annals. In addition, our Twelve Store Buying Power has enabled us to bring to you unheard of values-in every department. Every manufac turer we are doing business with has co-operated with us in an effort to make this Sale the Biggest Money Saving Event of the Year. Another feature number in our mar velous range of NEW FALL and WINTER mm real money-saying ralues ! 100 ALL WOOL Choicest Woolens Custom Tailored New Fall and Winter Styles $40 and $45 VALUES Buy two of these mar velous Suits. You may never have such an op portunity to cash in on values like these again! ONE DOLLAR DOWN on any Suit in the house. Just think! Right in the heart of the season we are giving you this most unusual opportunity to save on your holiday purchases. Shop Early! SHIRTS for Gifts man sa Shirts Geo. F. Ids and Arrow shirts la Madras Plata Colored Jacquard. Broad cloth. Collars attaeaed and two collars t mates. Regular SZM Tataas - Ceo. P. lie and Arrow Shirts, other natSeaaSy known makes Imported aladraa. Laotrous BroadeleUt; Rayon Striped Madras, Belt-Figured Stripes and Checks. Collars attached and two collars to match. Regular SIM valoas. .... .2j Imported UnHs, Solwayt, SUk-fSled Broadclo&a Collars attached. Regalar ISJS values. !.............Jr..5.f55 FINE RADIUM SILKS Collars attached. Shirts that woold Asy s auke a real jglft. Rsfnlar tWM valaes s euU Charge It! A real outstanding value in FALL and WINTER SOTOTTC Men who ' wear high grade clothes will mar vel at the values in these 100 ALL WOOL Suits at such a moder ate price. Choicest Woolens Custom Tailored Newest Styles Highest' Quality Extreme Values $50 and $55 VALUES ONE DOLLAR DOWN Buys Any Salt m the' Star ; " USE YOUR CREDIT -Chargmftl, A SILK (lo- ROBE or Gifts A nstlonslly famous mak buotl fully tailored, full cut Rose trimmed with Bkinnef aatiieoUar and cuff a and cord i sash. In numerous striking t&A and patterns. Buy one w ' m a a . h. . ' - m . . ox wese marvelous KODet. ineynsKe a wonaerrui giru Regular S15.00 values . OTHER NATIONAIXT FAOn MAKE3- Heavy quality 'full Robes. Skinner satin trimmed itfb beltd satin sash and slppc match. j Regular $25 values JL, S16.8 Regular S30 value3...l2fr. S19.S A beautiful heavy quality quilted Slk Robe, full Silk Lined, trie with Skinner Satin in contraat eolit and slippers to match. This truly Is a marvelous value ani vould make an outstanding gift Regtilar S45 values $Z6. WOOL (Bath) ROBES A genuine Imported Ombre Woolef Blanket Robe with slippers to 1 A match. Regular $20.00 values t ONE DOLLAR DOWN Buys any one of thet Robis Use Your Lredit PAJAMAS, For Gifo WattonatiT Irnnwn mikes III brosd Clota and print madras. Tbesi S 1 .85 make a very useful gift. Re?uiu X2JBQ values Lustrous Broadcloth end Wov Madras Pajamas Begufar SUM values -is Regular S&00 values Beantlfol Lounge Suits to Si tQled Broadcloth, Kayoni aad Molls ' Begular SSM values mi Begalar SlsM values iflM C i Charge It! i .85 I n I I I n ii . m Bill I OBBSSBSnSBBBSBSBSMS. Charge It! &ay for It on Out-of-Town Charge Accounts Invited Ladies9 Charge Accounts Welcomed PORTLAND (Two Stores) SPOKANE BUTTE ABERDEEN BELUNGHAM - - -J 1 KORT55VESTS If ARGEST C - - - - - " " - " , - N i r