The OREGON STATESMAN, Satem; Ore Friday Morning; NovembCT 22, 1929 PAGE SEVEN OREGUfJ CITIES PAY HIGH RATE Middle Western Municipal ities Get Funds at Low - er Interests UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, Eugene, Not. 21. (Special) Oregon cities, exclusive of Port land, pay one half of one per cent more for their borrowed funds than do cities of the mid dle west, and one per cent more than cities in the east, it 13 re realed in a survey on municipal borrowing rate-? In -.Orer-on. re cently completed by Earl L. Mos er, associate professor of business administration at the University of Oregon. The survey, in bulletin form, has been published under the direction of the bureau of bus iness research of the university, and will be mailed upon applica tion. It is expected to be of spe cial interest to Salem bankers, city officials and others interested in finance In the state. Portland fare3 slightly better than cities of the smaller class, the report shows. The average in terest for Portland is 4.269. while that of Illinois is 4.003 and Iowa 4.244. Portland has an advantage in Interest rates over cities over 30,000 population in both Califor nia and Washington, the survey shows, while in cities under this the advantage is the other way. In cities over 30,000 the differential In favor of Oregon is .411 per cent over Washington and .054 over California. In cities under 30,000. California has an advantage of .654 per cent where population is under 5.000, and .671 per cent from 5,000 to 30,000. In the un der 5,000 class Washington has .157 per cent advantage and in 5,000 to 30,000, an advantage of Salem Reader Have Own of Celebrating Book Week, Librarian. Stated Way Salem seems to have Its own particular style of celebrating "good book" week according to indications picked up at the city library. It is not so much the "week" that is taken into con sideration by Salem but the mo tive of the week and It would seem . that tbe motive-is spread over several weeks and at a dif ferent date than that eel by who ever sets the time from "good book" week some whisper it Is the book concerns that took this original little way to Increase their trade. Regardless of who started it it is a good thing, according to Miss Maud Covington, city librarian for "it encourages the buying of books for the home, and good books in the homers one of tbe things that is needed most there right now when the home as an In- .024. "Undoubtedly an outstanding difference between Oregon rates and those in the east is the fact that Oregon is a long distance from the center of money, namely, in the east. Investors in the east hesitate to put their money in pro jects that are far away and with which they are unfamiliar. An ad ditional factor which may be in strumental in causing the present situation is the comparative youth of Oregon as an Industrial state,'" says Mr. Moser. "If borrowing rates are higher in the west because capital is afraid of the distance and unfam iliar with the municipalities, 1t behooves the Investor to Investi gate the actual risks of western eity bonds. He may find an Oregon city bond with a 5 per cent yield fully as safe as an eastern bond yielding but 4 per cent says Mr. Moser. ttltutfon seems to be faltering In Its proper functioning. . ,,, ? ' "Time was when at" least tfie standard poets were to be found In nearly every home and a copy of Shakespeare gtood side hy aide with the family bible, but that time has passed apparently, and bow when children need to read one of the standard authors they come to the library to get it Ev idently even this small library has ceased to be in the modern home,' said Miss Covington. The library is glad to give this service and wants to Increase its scope as is attested by the fact that Miss Covington was greatly pleased with the results of an' ex periment, tried by the teachers of English In Leslie and Parrish Jun ior high tcifioja under the direc tion of Miss May Ranch. Each child was confronted with the slogan "every pupil of the Junior high schools a patron of the public library." In addition to this each child was requested to take out a public library card. Now many of these children seemed to have only one idea and that was to take ont the card reading & book to which the card entitled him was nob considered but the whole result was to teach the child that It cost nothing to get a library card and that this card opens the whole field of readinr that the library has to of fer. This it is hoped will lead to reading these books. In addition to this scheme the library sent out to the Junior high schools sets of books with unus ually fine illustrations and attrac- M bttdlngi ind content matter. Here these exhibits were on dis play and the children had a chance to examine (hem, and read them at school If they liked. Books, according to Miss Cov ington, are here recently being bought in greater numbers than in the years Just passed and this may be due to advertising done on the part of book concerns, but even so, it Is creating more in- Winter Coat Sale Values to $49 24 UPSTAIRS Values to $29 $(Q).98 Downstairs Thrift Store Open Til 8:45 Saturdays 255 N. Liberty Open 'Til 8:45 Saturdays EFo UDOJQ OT : I DENVER! Ill ii "'if! : KANSAS CITY A J f on THAT TRIP Via Portland by Union Pacific is your fast, most convenient mode of traTe! cast to Den ver, Kansas Gty, St. Louis as well as to Chicago. PORTLAND LIMITED Daily from Portland 6:10 p. m. 7teter Hoaegcxsg EXCUEiCIONC Farm and on -third for round trip Co Council Bluffs Minneapolis Chicago Milwaukee Des Moines' . Omaha Duluth St. ImIi v Kansas City St. Pari Sious City Departure Dates Nov. 23, 30. Dee. 7, 14, 19, 20, 21" Final return limit February 21, Iff Jf. Stopover going and returning. General Passenger Dept., 637 Fittork Block, Portland, Ore. i that has to be watched with this growing Interest in books is that people buy "good books.' They must be taught to spend monsy for that which is really good rath er than that 'which Is showy or expensive. Some of the best books come in very inexpensive editions. "Now there are the encyclope dias; said Miss Covington, "they are very expensive and the ave rage home cannot afford to have a set regardless of how much ev ery home needs some sach refer ence Moot Then are, however, many condensed books ef stand ard make and name which will offer a very fine reference library at far less than the average en cyclopedia. People need to be ed ucated to these things. ; "But we do not do that in one week in Salem. Salem seems to like to emphasize "good books' during the. December days pre ceding Christmas. Then lists of OUUOOK IS BRIGHT FOB WOOL GiMRS terest in owning books. The thing (the best books are made out for clubs which request them, talks are made, exhibits are made so far as possible and every effort is bent to make Christmas book giving a sane and intelligent af fair. Thus "good book week" Is stretched over a longer period of time and at a time when it seems that it will have more direct value and appeal." And Miss Covington concluded with a wistfully enthusiastic "I just wish people would buy more 'good books.' SAN ANGELO, Texas., Nov. 21. (AP) World trend of wool prices has been upward and Amer ica wiH experience an increase in the near future. A. W. Z.elomek of New Tork, textile statistician and economist, told the National Wool Growers' convention here. Interest in steps through which the wool producers may create a greater demand fbr their products supplanted that dealing strictly with marketing problems at tbe second day's session. -Zelmek ex pressed the opinion that the wool industry, including producers and manufacturers, would be forced to match- tbe advertising cam- rayon ". industries and ft similar rimnilm hfiinr organised by the Japanese silk industry, If It Is to hold its place among the major textiles.. A report published Thursday in which Secretary of Agriculture Hyde was Quoted as having said increased production of wool was responsible for the decline of wool prices was described by Zelomek as misleading. He said wool pro duction has not Increased in pro portion to population, and further asserted that other textiles have entered the field once occupied exclusively by wool. "The outlook for consumption of fine wools in their country,' Zelomek added, "however, has arely been brighter." ' r - Christmas cards that please, make your selection from our sev eral hundred designs. Printed or engraved to order at the States- paigns fostered by the cotton and man Publishing Co. 1 ST. LOU I S TUB OVERLAND ROUTS MM- Fancy Creamery Made in Salem Specially Priced for Thanksgiving POUND 47 2 lbs. 93c Sugar Pure Cane 17 lbs. $ e v " - w-:. A steaming, golden-brown turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pieand "all the "fix inV to go with them." "These goodies surely sound like Thanksgiving! Now's the time to start planning. Glance down our list of appetizing foods and then hurry to MacMarr8 for an early selection. Let us help you to have a Real Thanksgiving feast! Cranberry Coupon This Coupon and 19c Entitles Holder To One Pound Of Fancy Cranberries At Any Of Our Four Salem Stores. Prices Effective Sat., November 23rd to Wed., November 27th End. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS Your choice of varieties, (Limit 12 cans) 3 Cans, 25 c Plum Pudding Heinz, 16 oz. Tin 37c 1 CRAB MEAT Geisha fancy Jap Vz, 3 Cans ! - $1.00 Dunbar or Gulf Kist SHRIMP, fancy quality, No. 1, 3 for 49c MINCE MEAT Kerr's Fancy Bulk 2 for Heinz 2 lb. Tins Heinz 1 lb. Tins . 29c 43c 23c FRUIT CAKES Barker's A r 1 lb. loaf ftdZ N. B. C. Fancy Quality in decorated can 2 lbs. $1.65 SNOWDRIFT Finest Vegetable shortening in the new can' 3 lbs. 69c Mazola Oil Quart Cans 45c Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb. 27c Best Foods Mayonnaise Pint Jars 35c Bread & Butter Pickles Mediuin Jars 19c Ocean Spray CRANBERRY SAUCEr Ready to serve 1 lb. Tins 2 for - 45c KRAFT CHEESE American, Pimento or Brick lz lb. package - 24c Seedless Raisins 4 lb. Bag 25c Fancy layer Figs O C pounds for OO C Shredded Cocoa nut, bulk pound 25c DATES New Crop Hallowi'i 2 for . . : 25c Nuts - Confections - Candied Fruits, Etc. Brazil Nuts 2 lbs. Almonds I X L, Fancy OCn SoftSheuV Filberts grown OA OOC 2 for 05JC in Oregon, 2 lbs... OUC ..: Walnuts- Groner's fancy banquette 3 lbs. for $1.00 Peanuts No. 1 Virginia fresh roasted pound 15c French Cream Mixed Chocolate Cones. Asst. Cinnamon Imperials. l : :-v, - u- Red Hotsw fine for Candy, pound Cream Centers, fcr baked apples, 1A. 24c; 3 lbs. pound 19c; S lbs. Oal W 35c. Bag IUC Citron Fancy Torelli pound 45c. Peel Orange & Lemon, fancy .... 35c lb. CANDIED CHERRIES and PINEAPPLE, a pound 60c Pumpkin Pineapple Peas Gardenia or D. M. No. Fancy Sliced 22 2-49c San Wan Extra Sifted or 2Y2 2 Cans 25c Fancy Crushed 1 SeL Sweet 2s No. 2 2 Cans 19C 2 tor. 25 C 2 for 35 C Swansdown CAKE FLOUR r QQ Large package OOC Baker's Premoum Burnett's Eagle Sweet Chocolate lb. Cakes Vanilla Extract Chocolate ' U for 45c 12 oz. Bottle 29C 1 lb. Package Jello All Flavors . Of Knox Gelatine OA 3 pkgs OC J Package UC SPICES Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, sage 1 C 2 oz. Cans A OC Catsup Del Monte QO. I PoP Co"1 Large. 2 for - .OVC Bulk 3 lbs. &OC ASPARAGUS TIPS Hillsdale Is square AQ 2 cans TivJC OLIVES Del Monte,' Mammoth Ripe, Pints A 2 Cans "frOC American Beauty Oysters for cocktail or soup A f No. 1, 3 for r........ .1 ffrSJC Maraschino Cherries O C 3 oz. 15c 5 oz. . . OC CURRANTS Imported Recleaned 15Lozi pkge 174 N. Commercial St. State & Comercial Sts. 20c MacMarr Coffee You want good coffee for your Thanksgiving dinner don't you? lb. 45c -31bs.$U3 Welch's Grape Juice pints 29c Canada Dry Ginger Ale 3 bottles Kerr's Pure Strawberry Preserves, 3 lb. Jar.,. . , 57c 59c Hershey's Cocoa, lb. Cans, 2 for 25c Lipton's Tea, Vz lbJ Cans - 45c 1 , 19th & State Sts. 1980 N. Caoitol St. " Successors to 20th Century Stores 4