The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 22, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAG2 CIX
TLs CnZGON STATESIIAir. fo!a, Orr-co, Friday Kerala?, WbTerggr 22; 1S2TJ
P. E. O. Chapter
'Receives New
- . i Member
, Mrs. D. X. Beechler was host.
cat for Ciapler O of the PEO sla-
terlraod at ner anstt Thursday aO
. ernoon. Several visitors were pres
ent to enjoy tab meeting. Mrs.
woir ot caapter x. or Portland,
" Mri. Frances Bait, a former mem
ber of Chapter O., cow from Loa
Angeles, and Mrs. Fred Tooxe
who has bees la. St. Helens bat
- who has bow returned to Salem to
. live and a!?o -to renew her mem
bership la Chapter Q.
A new member wjts received in-
. : to the sister hood Thursday. Mrs.
lC A. Ssrazne. wbosa membership
had been held In chapter S. ol
Cor nil la was demitted and re
eeived Into chapter G.
.At the program hoar, Mrs.
Amanda Knnts read a paper on
Irving Bachellor'a "Coming Up
the Road." Boll call waa answer
ed with Quotations or verse eon
cerning Thanksgiving time. ,
i At the tea hoar Mrs. Beechler
was assisted by Mrs. W. H. Wlrtz,
- And Mrs. H. & Hughes.
:- Those present were Mrs. A. A.
' Schramm. Mrs. Fred Toose, Mrs.
"C A. Sprsgne, Mrs. Frances Hall
. of Los Aagcles, Miss Wolf of Port-
: 1 land. Mrs. F. E. Churchill, Mrs. A.
L, Godfrey. Mrs. W. T. Hickey,
Mrs. EL J. Huffman. Mrs. H. S.
Hughes, Mrs. W. M. Hughes.
-. Mrs. Amanda Kuntt, Mrs. Gard
aer Kaapp, Mrs. F. W. Lange.
Mrs. B. J. Miles, Mrs. W. W.
:. " Moore, Mrs. Caroline Selee, Mrs.
Wr4I. Smith, Mrs. A. T. Woolpert,
Mrs, G. W. Laflar. Mrs. W. H.
Wlrls. Miss Welch and Mrs.
. Beechler.
Ladd and Bush Folk
. Have Surprise Party.
V The staff off Ladd and Bash
bank were happily surprised at
- the close of a class meeting, which
formed one of a group which they
have been having the past month
under the direction of the trust
department of the bank, when
' they were Invited to the recep
tion room of the bank and there
were served an attractive late
luncheon prepared and served by
, caterer. Special flower arrange
ments in all the gay autumn
shades and bought from the gar
den of Miss Sally Bush were grace
fully arranged about the reception
. Following the refreshment hoar
a happy social time was enjoyed
. by 50 members of the bank Staff,
Mr. Bush, accompanied by Mrs.
Bush, who made this one of the
. rare times to leave her Invalid's
room for a social affair, and a
few special quests among them
Mr. Alton and Mr. En from the
(rust department of the United
States National bank of Portland.
During the social hour Sidney
Jones showed, moving pictures on
his new "bead" screen, much to
(be delight of the audience. Pic
tures were shown of climbing Mt.
Everest and a travelogue of Paris
and London.
Mrs. C. E. Bowen
Is Hostess
Mrs. C. E. Bowen ts hostess
at her home on North 6th street
Wednesday afternoon to members
t the Willing Workers class of
the First Christian church. Asslst
v lng Mrs. Bowen at the tea hour
were Mrs. C. F. Reilley, Mrs. C E.
Lee, and Mrs. W. Schleisaer.
Members and guests present
were Mrs. George Alden, Mrs. Earl
Chapel. Mrs. B. W. Macy, Mrs. Al-
bert Cox. Mrs.: Earl Wood. Mrs.
Homer Conklen, Mrs. J. D. Sears.
Mrs. A. B. Seeley, Mrs. Arthur.
Flin t, Mrs. J. C Perry, Mrs, Har
vey Hunt. Mrs. L. H. Dnan, Mrs.
E. I. Reaney, Mrs. A. r. Nota,
mrs C' w. cooiey, Mrs. D. B,
Simpson. Mrs. George Gibson. Mrs.
V.' F. Oxhian, Mrs. Fay Humph
reys. Sirs. w. K. HIckathier, Mrs.
v. C. McDowell, Mrs. J. a Shoe
maker,' MUs Morrison, and Mrs.
- - ioretta May, teacher of the class.
KEIZER, Nor. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Blivea's home was
, the scene of a delightful evening
.-Friday when their daughter, Mrs.
Lioretta Bnvea was hostess. A
- dainty luncheon was served by
Mrs. BHven following a social er-
; vcain&v Those enjoying the ev-
, , ening were Rntnju'elson, La Vaun
Gardner, Mary McCalL Dorothy
Bulifson, Dorothy Ackman, Uaona
and Sylvia Claggett, Freeda Mae
Blake, Blanche Be tier, Harold Mc-
: call, Harlan, Glenn and Charles
Kelley, Boyd Claggett, Tommy
' : Settlemler. Arthur Browning.
j C rover Betxer. the hostess Loretta
:"rr v Bllven and her brothers. Walter
. aod aruir Biires.
- '
, I Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McMorris
- v were pleasantly surprised In their
- borne os Kansas avenue Monday
evening by group i of . their
. friends. The event waa in honor
of their first wedding anniversary.
Those calling were Rev. D. J.
Howe and Mrs. How, Mr. and
- Mrs. B. W. Walcher, Mr. sad
' Mrs. A. D. Welch. Mr. andJfrs.
C. F. ReUly, Mr. and Mrs. L.
' Dunn and children - Delraer and
. Evelyn, Mr. , and Mrs. E. J. Rea-
eor, Mr. and Mrs. E. w. Cooiey,
Mr. and Mrs. B. a HoUlngsworth,
Mr. and fin. C.F. Doaae. , ;
. i-
WOODBURK The federated
.Women of the Methodist Eplsco-
, psl churchamet lp the church at
2:3a Tuesday afternoon. ? ?
.The meeting opened with alng
' ingand devotionals were led by
--- M rs. A. E. ' Austin, president of
- the Federation.: Mrs. Aastin gave
. Ulk on service and Mrs. W. D.
. Sfmrnons read an article oa home
missions, vr- Little Charlotte Mae
Livesay gave - a reading which
'. concluded the prograsa. .4 i ?
-' Hostesses for this meeting were
Mrs. V. D. Bain, Mrs. E. N. Hall,
Mrs. E. J.' Haller and Mrs. A. E.
" Anstin. Misses Marclle Lore and
- Freda Nelson assisted in'aerTiiig.
V.: :-v- r -vt
, -Mrs. TJ. G. Shlpler wUl eater
tain members of the O. T. club
:" tt her home for an afternoon of
bridge today;-" ? " ; : --
Dure 1L Pqak.
Molded Silhouette
Daughters of Union Veter-
ans, 8 o'clock. Woman's club
house. -m..
T.M.C.A. Friday night pro
gram, 7:Jtf o'clock, Y. M. CT
A. building, Court street.
Leslie Can Do class. Dr.
and Mrs. C. W. Davis, CCS
Breys avenue.
Harvest Home FesUvatH
tea, Methodist Old People's
home. Center and 16th'
streets, public invited.
Salem Woman's dob,
"Teachers' Day." 2:80 o'clock
business meeting. Program Z
o'clock. Prof. Edwin T. Reed,
O. S. C, speaker of the day.
A. A. U. W., 2:3 o'clock,
residence bf A. N. Bush, ad-
dress by Morton E. Peck,
.Willamette university.
Executive Board of B. it P.
W. club with Mrs. Susan Tar-
ty, president.
Little Light Bearers' party,
2:39 o'clock church, parlors
of First Methodist church.
Kensington Folk Guest
Of Mrs. C. Hudkins
Mrs. Charles Hudkins was host
ess to members of the Kensington
club at her home Thursday for a
pleasant social afternoon. Mrs.
Hudkins served at a late hour as
sisted by Mrs. I. M. Dough ton.
Bronze chrysanthemums were ef
fectively used for a decorative
about the rooms.
Mrs. R. Llndon and Miss Kath
leen Lindon were special guests.
Club members present were Mrs.
Alfred C. Smith, Mrs. N. C. Ka
foury, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson. Mrs.
L M. Doughton. Mrs. Herbert
Hauser. Mrs. Frank Power, Mrs.
J. H. Mohr. Mrs. T. S. Roberts,
and Mrs. Hudkins.
Attractive Afternoon
At Egin Home
. Mrs. Homer Erin entrttnaf
her club and a few special guests
at her country home Wednesday
afternoon with a 1 o'clock lunch-
eon. followed by bridge.
Mrs. Allen Bynom. Mra. XL. if
Hofer, both of Portland, and Miss
ary sennits were special guests.
mons waa hostess to the Chapter
j.. i js. p. at her home Thursday
afternoon. , .
The program was in charge of
Mrs. Florence Butterf ield. Follow
ing . the program refreshments
were served by the hostess assist.
ed by Mrs. A. H. Dean and Mrs. Y.
v. sain. . ,
The ladles present were Mrs.
E. J. Alien. Mrs. V. D. Bain, Mrs.
C. Beers, Mrs. H. F. Butter-
rieid, Mrs. A. H. Dean, Mrs. E. K.
Hall," Mrs. F. O. Havemann. Mrs.
G. A. Landon, Mrs. Eugene Mosh-
oerger. Mrs. Katherine Powell,
Mrs. W. D. Simmons, Mrs. Kate
Beck and Miss Wllma Morrison.
Additional guests were Mrs. W.
u. Masterson of Molalla and Mrs.
r. e. Fagan of McMInnvine.
' ' e e : -
HUBBARD The attendance
was large at the roll call meeting
of Arton Temple number 24 Pyth
ian Sisters held at the Bvtbiaa
hall Tuesday evening. Many re-
sponaed to rou call by brief talks.
Following the business meeting
refreshments were served. Oat of
iowa members were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Klnser of Salem, and Mr.
and Mrs. Claud Moomaw and Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Pulley ef Sheri
daa. . . .
. e e : e .
dersoa Is spending a few days of
this week Tbltlng Miss Esther
Towe at SeatUe. . MIss.Towe. who
waa graduated from the Sllvertoa
high school a few years ago. la a
Junior at the University of Wash
ington. Recently she has not
been well and tor this reason Mrs.
Gunderson went to visit her at
this time. Miss Towe makes her
home with Mr. and Mrs. Gander-
sob at SUvertoft.
, ,e . e wvvi j1
The Coffee House club. liter
ary society of Willamette unlver
slty, met at - Willamette lodge,
home ot , Mrs. Claudius Thayer.
Wednesday evening. -. .
Mrs.' Charles Hewitt Is a' neat
at the home of her parents. Dr.
and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt -
and tolub" Art
Society Editor
Statesman I5e Practical Patterm
The molded silhouette-is
pllfled fa this striking afternoon
frock of velvet or satin. The long
shirred bodice is extremely smart
while the skirt flares gracefully tm
accepted daytime length. .... Tiny
tucks on the shoulders give added
fullness to the bust. - ac.7-
Design 1715 may be fashioned
of solid color material, preferably
black, raisin, navy bine, brown or
bottle green; or it may use a print
with tiny colorful patterns splash,
ed on a dark around. This model
gives very slender - lines to the
May be obtained only In aises
1C. 13, 20, 24 and 40. Slse 1C re
quires 4 yards of 40 inch ma
terial. .
No dressmaking experience Is
necessary to make this model.
The pattern has ample and exact
instructions. Yardage is ' given
for every size. A perfect fit is
guaranteed. .'.,. wtn h. ai(pi muni
receipt of fifteen cents te coins
carefully wrapped or stamps. Be .VT.;, ,,v
sure to write plainly Be.arera of tte
address, style number and' sixei""" snurcn win enjoy
The new winter fashion book Is
ready for delivery. Price fifteen
- v- -.i. v- ...
dered with a pattern. Address all
mall and orders to Statesman
n.i . . ... .
17th street New York Citr.
Waldo Hills MaiaJ.warUithe pUyarelSsther
ur interest
The First Christian church of
Silrerton was the scene of a
pretty autumn wedding Tuesday
evening at S o'clock when Miss
Helen King was united in mar
riage to Chester Mulkey, Rev. J.
A. Bennett 'officiating.
Preceding the service Mrs. W.
F. Krens, accompanied at the pi
ano by Mrs. Edson Com stock,
sang "When Song is Sweet" and
"Oh, Promise Me." The bridal
party entered the church to the
strains of "The Bridal Chorus"
vows were spoken under an arch
of smiiax before the altar banked
with ferns and yellow chrysanthe
mums. The bride was lovely la a gown
of pale pink satin crepe made
sleeveless and with uneven hem
Hut. She carried a ahower bonttet
of pink carnations and sweet peas.
2U "ii;."!!! ?:
mour, wore pale green georgette
and carried an arm bouquet of
pink carnations.
Mr. Mulkey was attended by his
brother, Arthur. Both young peo
Arthur. Both young peo-
well known and nonnlar I
ple are
in this vicinity. Mrs. Mulkey is the!
daughter of Elmer King and Mr.
aiuikey is the son of Mr. and
Mac Mulkey.
A reception at the home of the
bride's father followed the cere
mony. There were 50 guests pres
ent to wish the young folk well.
Club Members Are
Mrs. D. Eyre's Guests
Mrs. D. W. Eyre entertained her
dub with an attractive luncheon
and an afternoon of bridge at her
nome oa fiortn Summer afreet on
T&ursday afternoon. Covers were 1
laid for IS. I
Special guests for this afternoon
were Mrs. T. A. Livelier. Mr n 1
F. Johnson. Mrs. "Frederick Lam
port, ana Mrs. T. C. Smith.
e e
HTJBBARD The : subject
"home" aroused keen Interest at
Sfffif W. T?,g n
2 wJfi. etb heW
S. wliSLttlifttv aWomeoa
' ?L"7-.-, ..
tvuviiug luyica were ais
cussed: The Chad in the Home"
by -Mrs. Ethel Johnson: ' "The
Child in the School," by Mrs.
Lole Miller, and "The Child in the
Community by Mrs. Maud Bid
food. .
Roll call proved entertaining.
The club quartette sang and Mrs.
KHa Watsoa gave a group of mu
sical readings.
Preparations were begun for the
Christmas meeting by drawing
name, for the purpose of exehanr-fng-
Refreshments were served by
the joint hostesses. Mrs. Rebecca
Cleaver and Mrs. Loma Jackson.
. Members present were Mrs.
Margaret Anderson, Mrs. Blanche
Brown, Mrs.- Kathleen Beckman.
Mrs. Vera jBoJe. Mrs. Eunice Bra
den, Mrs. Maud BIdgood, Mrs. Re
becca Cleajrer. Mrs. Elisabeth Fo
bert, Mrml Louise Grlmps, r Mrs.
Loma Jackson, : Mrs. Ethel John
son; Mrs.; Neva McKensle, Mrs.
Lefar Miner. Mrs. Sadie RJeh, Mrs.
Sadie SeaolL Mrs. Anna Stauffer.
Mrs.. Merle Stewart, Mrs. Ella
Watsoa aad Mrs. Hetty EarL
son Rebekah Lodge held their re
gular meeting Tuesday afght, in
the lodge mob. it the close t
regular lodge, a short t program
was given,. and dainty refresh
ments wer served by thtf host
esses, Mrs. Lee Wells, Dora Hum
phrey and Stella Hart, The lodge
decided to hold a cooked food and
candy sal Saturday, November
21. The proceeds win be donated
to the Odd Fellows home at Port
land. , - - ;-,vVfv-,
INDEPraiDENCE The '- Wom
an's crab met Tuesday afternoon
In the clubhouse. Response . was
made to the roll can br "Some.
thin? .American Women Hare to
Be Thankful for." Mrs.' Thomp
son, Mrs. Butler and , Miss Mrra
Montgomery, also appeared on the
program. Hostesses for -the after
noon were Mrs. W. B, Day and
Mrs. D. P. MacCarthy. ; . r
. e e - e - 1
Mrs. Sheldon Sackett and Mlsa
Pauline Remington win spead the
weekend fa Portland. Miss Rem:
Ingtoa la aa Instructor la the Cor
bett high school.
Hear, Vivian "Cooiey
Mist Vhian Cooler la charge
of the book department of Meier
Frank; store will be the speaker
far the regular dinner meeting of
the Basin ess and Professional
Women's club Tuesday. Mise Coo
ler comes with the reputation of
being one ox the best platform
speakers among the B.' P. W.
elaba-of the state. Her subject
will be "Books for Basiness
. The dinner meeting win be held
at C: 30 o'clock at the Marios
hoteL The lecture will follow din
ner and the meeting will be con
cluded with a business meeting.
Farther plana for the rummage
sale sale which the club will spon
sor December 6-7, will - be dis
cussed at this meeting. The pro
ceeds of this . sale will go to the
Associated Charities and to the T.
W. C. As :
Mrs. Susan Varty, president of
the dub, is eaUlatr aa executive
board meeting to meet at her
home Saturday night. .
D4. T- DT- i
I a oiiv u a Irtiiucu
Kov I ffl TT- -
. fV. mi nurch at 2:30
"r"1""7 ra?on. A pro-
I ?, ..Aianfea r?clt-
i cunvernuK 'inanKSCiTinr.
tl "IVPif7111 be P"ted
1 CnrT-, , ,
r The children who wilt fva vm t.
T Scott, Alice Bro-
. inrtnn um.a m
w.bwu, a buiw Ajan. JUUQ11 UOTW.
ersonJ Janice Uoom. Ttm..
i n I IHerridk. Richi
eland' BerryVDaryl Col
well. Mar -Joe Geiaer, Grace Co-
pert, urate Keafer, and Jiichard
Barton and Beth Slewart who win
airs. sran. Mra. Gabriel ami
uxs. w. f. Farro will andii u
A. A. Lee With the children Sn.
ug i ne afternoon.
Ladies Altar Society
-To Sponsor Card Partv
The Ladies Alter society win
nvTcmiwr 20, at
St, Joseph's halL Prizes will be
glTen tor high scores.
The committee in charge Is
Mrs. T. Albrlch. Mrs. tt- Rritn-
siein, Mrs. saxi Demytt, Mrs. T.
M. Barr, Mrs. John Nathman,
Mri. James Heenan, Mrs. C. Rlng
waM, Mrs. W. Sheiss, Mrs. A. E.
Laoranch, Mrs. T. Fitspatrick.
tsaca. strs. James Smith, Mrs. C.
Fisher, and Mrs. L. Nobblefeld.
The public is welcome.
e e
JUT t t vj .
ivirs. I, 1. JTlUnt IS
Informal Hrtof0oQ
Orrnai rlOSteSS
Mrs. J. T. Hunt entertains
Tuesday evening at her home for
an evening of rtrnsic for a group
of friends. Mrs. Hallie Parrish
Hlngea gave several solos, accom
panied by Miss Roberta Morton.
The songs which she sang were
old-time songs and greatly pleased
her audience. Mist Morton also
gave several accordion numbers.
Mrs Hunt served at a late hour
assisted by Mrs. Henry Tate of
Stayton, and Miss Georgia Hunt,
e e e
A swim at the Y. M. C. A. tank
followed by games and dinner
Tuesday night was one of the
first social activities which the
Y. K. K class et the First Meth
odist church has enjoyed this fall.
Officers of the organization this
year are Bra. Paul Acton, presi
dent; Cecil Monk rice president
aad Marlon Carry to eeeretary-
teichthe cTaVa. Tae
rwlar clu meeting data la the
third Wednesday of each month!
women of the elaa. ml.tS
treasurer. 2fcr. J. D. MeComiek
aa extra meeting the first Tues
day of each month.
No need lot
fusion. For a short trip- or a
00 oat, aB she detaiS an
qokkly sawpliaed.
Padac agents ace travel 1
aetca, They w2l atcanf
irseifi mmkm byiafler abay
; to row destssatioa, aMk aU
leservstlaae. dmk yeas bag
age'and flsd give a3 sa
formsrioa sesashe yoncttip'
. .; ecssetraSc joyous
Call at ear Qty Office,
lot travel satooasdoa of an
' luads. Sornhfra PaciSc '
tickets see good ea the Oca
oa Sracea Yea caa aw ene
way by raS,eaei
if yoawisa.
what yoac des
lossbata Padfic
wQ be glad (0 help yoaw
Per sB trwtl htftrmttlm
City tkktt mffteei
1M North L2xrty Street
. rbone Sd or 41
' -' M M
Mica Virginia Donnell
To mairy
Mrs. K. J. Donnell entertained
Wednesday with an evening
bridge party in compliment to her
daughter. Miss Virginia Donnell.
and announced her engagement
at the tea hour to Yernon Perry,
son ef Mr. and-Mrs. J.C Perry.
No definite date has been set for
the marriage, but it I expected
that it will take place sometime
lust after Christmas. Several
things are being planned In
bliment to Miss Donnell.
Guests for tnie attractive psny
ire Miss BettT" Simpson BUss
Dorothy Bn, Miss Martha Bob-
son,. Miss Helen Campbell, uxss
Gladys Miller, Mise Velma Simp-
kins, Miss Mary Fake, Miss Botha
Kash Mrs. Garten L. -Simpson,
Mrs, Kenneth Perry, Mrs. Kate O.
Bell, Mr J. C Perry, Mrs. Brazier
Small, Mrs. Joe Lane' aod Miss
Donnell and the hostess, Mrs.
. ..
BROOKS Mrs. Charles Coffin-
daffer entertained n groan Of
guests recently, at her home fa
Brooks, honoriar her sister .In-law
Mrs. Fred Molssn, with a gift
ahower. Many lovely gifts were
received by the honor guest. De
licious refreshments were served
by the hostess. Ia the gronn
were: Mrs. Mary Moisan, Mrs. G.
J. Moisan or Gervais: Mrs. lorn
KilUoa, Mrs. Kenneth Coffey, of
baiem, aira. Terciua DeJardia.
Mrs. Coffee and daughter Miss
Adeline Coffey, all of Salem, Mrs.
Aioert Nys of Jefferson, and Mrs.
F. A. Moisan of Salem, and the
honor guest, Mrs. Fred Moisan of
Portland, and the hostess. Mrs.
Charles Coffindaffer.
e e e
BROOKS The Brooks Com
munity club held its regular meet
ing at the home ot Mra. Sylvester
Harris, Mrs. Harris, the president,
presiding at the business meeting.
The afternoon was spent with
fancy work. Delicious refresh-
PWtfs were sprved by the host.
4swlrsL Sylvester Harris. 1 1
' 'Those present were Mrs. B. F.
Ramp, Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs.
YCrgil Loo mis. and children Ber
tha and Roy Loomis. Miss Ellen
Hackit, Miss Marie Dunlavy, Mrs.
John Dunlavy, Mrs. A. E. Harris,
Mrs. a L. Allison. Miss Lavone
Harris, add. the hostess Mrs. Har
ris. e e e
Y0-O0-I-G0 bridge clnb met ftt
the guest of Mrs. William Craig
Monday afternoon, a one o'clock
luneaeoa. preceded bridge which
waa la play at two tables.
4 I
:tXuntcs3 Vho Ilamepi Fifth; Secltfj
" -ii' Milliono of Her TTiiid
The five times married social xegisterita, Mrs. Maryoa McCarter, who
W. - - ?a. a. . a M AAA aaa mm a m m m.
losfc ner suu voompei aa accounanx: ox us i,wvjwq estate ox ner third
husband, Peter Cooper Hewitt, the inventor, ia Trenton, N. J., Chancery
caurc sua. Mcuarter wnose xourta Husband was Baron IVErlanger
and fifth Is George W. C. McCarter. son of the noted Jeraev coanaeL;
inherited two-thirds of the inventor's
hne-thlid In case of her re-marriaee.
Mrs. A. T. King had as her re
cent guest, Mrs. Corean Strana-
haa of Hood River, department
president ot the Auxiliary to the
Sons of Veterans. Mrs. Stranahan
eft Salem for Portland, where she
waa to Inspect the Owens Sum
mers chapter of the Auxiliary.
Mise Ada Ross entertained In.
compliment to Miss Pauline Rick
11 Wednesday evening. Miss RicUl
Going Out Of Style?
We Kate to see it,- but we cant change 0,
so to help the cause along we have secured
about a hundred silk street frock and are
putting them on sale in two groups at about
one-half their regular values Colors and
tyles which were tie very latest thing just
a few weeks ago. Fine, high grade silks
and satins. Late fall colorings. Almost all
$17.50 Values L $12,95
$15.00 Values -- $7.95
. .We stni think there are a lot of women
going to stick to short hair and short dresses
They are the ones who will surely profit hyt
this sale Personally we can see about as
much sense m long dressei for street, school
and business wear as we can in long finger
nails, waist lines and iron bound corsets.
But its all in a Hfetime. Were here to please
the ladies, and whether you want them long
or short, Ve have them.
V i
5;.' r!!'-?:- :r-
, . 1 - y rf ti Hrt
estate, which was to be reduced to'
will marry James Cairns of Port
land within the near future.
Guests for this coclal evening were
Miss Rickll, and Miss Beryl Holt,
Miss Ruth Smith, Mrs. Leon Jen
nisen, Miss Echo Balderee, Miss
Leila Johnson, Miss Era Roberts,
aad Miss Cecil McKercher.
The Friday bridge club win be
the guests of Mrs. P. E. Fullertoa
for one o'clock luncheon and an
JaiLPjaooBLpXiiridgd at the Fuller.
ion nome on oiate. street today.
Bridge will be In play at three ta
bles. -
The Daughters of Veterans will
hold a nomination of officers this
evening at the . Woman's club
house and it Is greatly to be da
sired that all members be there to
assist with this important busi
ness. e e
Dr. Mary Rowland has as her
house guest until after Thanks
giving. Mrs. Harwood HalL They
have lust completed a motor m.
to British Columbia.
TURNER The ladies of tb
Christian church will serve their
annual dinner and give their ba
saar Thursday, December 5, In the
basement rooms of the church.
Miss Genevieve Emmons.
daughter of Mrs. O. W. Emmons
returned Wednesday from a week
spent in Woodburn aa the guest
of Miss Opal Hodge.
Mrs. Ida RvUo haa lust returned
from a motortrip throuah Califor
nia in company with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H.
S. Rollo, of Portland.
Tom Kay Again
Home; Recovery
Will Be Speedy
Thomas B. Kay, state treasur
er, who recently underwent a ma-
or operation at a Salem hospital.
has returned to his home. Physi
cians said his condition was sat
isfactory and that he would be
able to resume his official duties
within the next two or three
Kay was stricken with ptomaine
poisoning while touring Europe
early la the summer, and was
compelled to return to his home
here. He has since been nnder the
care of physicians.
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Children Qy for It
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