The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 22, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Calem, Oregon, Friday Morning. Nowemher 22, 1923
'ri .
Wo Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe,"
g From First Statesman, March 28, 1151
Charles A. Sfracue, Sheldon f. Sackctt, Publisher
CHXRLE3 A. SPBACTK - - - Editor-Manager
Sheldon F. Sackett . . Managing-Editor
Member of tbe Associated Press
--. - . The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us for
. publication of all news dispatches credited to It or not other
V wise credited Id tola paper.
- 11 - '- ip p j-
Paeifle Coast Advertising Representatives:
Arthur W. E types. Inc., Portland, Security Bid.
San Francisco. Sharon Bids. ; Los Angeles, W. Pae, Bide
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EnUrcd at the PotUtffiee at Salem, Oregon, mi Seeond-Cbu
Matter. Pbtihed every morning except Monday. Burin
of ic4 215 S. Commercial Street.
Mail Subscription Rates. In Advance. Within Oregon;
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A Quarterly Passes
IT1HE Edinburgh Bevies, for a century and a quarter one
A of the great journals of literary criticism in the English-
speaking world, has published its last issue. Its ancient pres
tige could not suffice to sustain it in the face of competition
of newer periodicals. The remark was made in connection
with its passing that the staid quarterly could not hold its
readers in this stirring age when the magazine stands offer
such a colorful array of publications of much greater fre
quency. Still, one may point to the Yale Review and to For
eign Affairs, both quarterlies: and to the change of the old
Century magazine from a monthly to a quarterly. In fact
the subscriber sometimes wishes his weeklies were month
lies and his monthlies quarterlies and his quarterlies annu
als', He barely gets time to read one or two articles in the
current: issue before a new and fresher issue comes to his
library table to divide attention.
So the Edinburgh Review's failure could hardly be at
tributed to its leisurely publication; for that might easily
have been remedied by stepping it up to a monthly. The
Review failed because its old standards did not appeal, be
cause it was no longer the arbiter of literary fashion even in
I the British Isles, and because its editorial content was too
' unhurried for an age whose literature must keep an allegro
rhythm with tlie life which it reflects.
Founded in 1802 bv a erouD of whom JeFfrev. Walter
Scott, Sidney Smith and Lord Brougham were chief, the Re
view ushered in a new era of literary criticism. Scott wrote
for it. Jeffrey accepted for the Review some of Carlyle's
early essays, including his matchless Essay on Burns. Some
of Macaulay's finest essays, which were occasioned as book
reviews, appeared in the Edinburgh Review. Hazlitt was
also a contributor. Such an array of essayists quickly gave
distinction to the quarterly, and its issuance regularly stim
ulated the trade at the bookstalls. To have an article ac
cepted by the Review was a veritable passport to literary I
fame. The Review had a place in Britain which the Atlantic j
Monthly long held on this side of the ocean, until the vener
able Atlantic caught the fever of mass circulation with its
accompaniment of generous advertising.
It is as well, mayhap, that such a publication die after
the period which it vitalized has passed. It belonged to the
19th century, with the Victorians and the Romanticists. Bet
ter a high place in literary history, than a continued anemic
existence in an age with which perforce it would be out of
11 ii I I I ilk 1 m i . I . , i, , i. ,, i . i j . I . . J l.
I J The First Warning ;
, : I
Spread of Foot Ringworm
DO you know anything about foot ringworm, or about
.'planters' warts? We are not sure that there is any dif
ference. It is a recent disease which is said to afflict some
ten million Americans' and is particularly prevalent in col
leges and universities. The Medical Review of Reviews and
noted health authorities are endeavoring to curb the spread
tf the disease. While the conventional recommendation is
for one suffering from such foot complaint is to consult a
physician, we know that even skilled physicians do not rec
ognize it, and do not know how to treat it when it is observ-
. ed. The ailment may be quickly cured by foot specialists and
this doesnt mean corn-doctors either, but men who have
thorough training in diseases of the feet.
The trouble seems to occur chiefly among those who
6j"oiuuii). Ad we yj m eiaity vl vauiornia an
- inspection showed some 62 of the men had foot ringworm
Colleges in this state have had numerous cases that required
special treatment. The method of treatment is by radium or
vy cutting out tne aiseasea part.
Here are ten rules which health authorities have out
lined in their fight against the disease :
1. Never -walk barefoot in gymasiums.
t. v. 2' ?i!i&T . rubber BOled. eneaks or shoes in athletic work and use
auiwviUb suoea ior general wear.
a t E"mlno th.e feet t0 detect ringworm; when it has been found.
4. Bathe feet thoroughly immediately after nndreasinir
6. Never use towels on body after they hare been used on feet
6. Avoid wooden gymnasium floors.
T. Consult a physician as soon as ringworm of toes or body an-
. TUar w
sr "
8. Protect other members of the family by remembering that
ringworm la contagious.
ji ' 6011 hose Bnd underwear which have been exposed to the
10. Once cured, remember that it Is easy to become reinfected.
. , A Visitor rromlllinois
"Tip WARD Hines has been visiting Oreo wW hi inm.
XJ ber company is compietihg a big mill for manufacturing
Pine. .jur. nines stated on a visit to Portland that he plan3
xU"rar development in the fir belt of western Oregon.
With big retail yards in the.Chicago territory the Hines in-
:e zorcea to turn to tne west because their previous
ovules wie souin are Deing exnausted.
t Hines is a big lumberman.
?euedtobea ll1olitician Hines was the Tay fig.
ure" in the great William Lorimer aetanAstU in
tics in 1909-1910. Lorimer had been elected United States
senator by the legislature. The Chicago Tribune investi
gated the election and due un evideneA that htt pUIah
been purchased by interests that wanted Lorimer's vote in
uie eenaie to put over a lumber tariff. , After two hearings
; Ixrimer was expelled from the senate and never regained
i This may be one reason why congress has never been
xordial to a lumber tariff since then. The odor of the Lor
;imer case perhaps hung over the commodity, even though
the train of events leading up to the Lorimer discharge has
5 been pretty well forgotten by the public - Hines. atany rate,
.'seems to have stuck to lumbering and laid off politics.
' V ' The Washington naws of hospitality were badly wrenched
again this week when a dry-voting, liquor-importuif congressman
I war Indicted. - Thla. fellow has small show; the weta will condemn
; him because he Toted dry and the dries Because ho acted wet. No--jbodj
lores a hypocrite. V . .
C Harry Sinclair la out of lan and nia'Mv Tnrv nrrUm. t,.; .
Dia siaiemeni in mac zona all over, the .country. Sinclair sayt he
was convicted or no crime and asserts his innocence. Perhaps, tut
we venture It will be a long tune is seized witt desire
to buy any ranches in New Mexico.
Old times in Salem-
As told by Hon. C. B. Moorea
the story runs on: "As boys, with
cards denied at home as immoral
we usually played in the brush or
in the loft of the barn. Young
and old played euchre, casino and
seven-up. Five hundred, bridge
wnist and mah jongg were un
known. Poker, then as noW. was
not wholly barred, but it was only
piayea on me sly in polite society,
"The old time auadrille. the
simpler waltz steps, and the Vir
ginia reel fuled the place devoted
in modern days to the fox trot
and the bunny-hug. Tallow can
dies were the ordinary inumin-
ants, sperm candles being used
only for company and extraordi
nary occasions. Later kerosene
oil was Introduced at 11 a gallon
and up. For a water supply every
one needed a well, and a well
sweep, or windlass, or a Douglas
pump, water faucets1 were un
known. Every Saturday night we
heated water in the wash boiler
and performed our ablutions in
the 'family wash tub. The pre-
Talllng diseases of the time were
the result of. and usually adapted
tnemseives to, pioneer conditions.
None of them was monopolized by
the 'upper ten.' Abdominal trou
bles were not unknown, but oper
ations tor gall stones and appendi
citis were not then, as now, con
sidered essential passports to the
higher circles of society. There
was an insect pest, first cousin to
the cootie that, In the late war.
Infested the battlefields of
France, for which the only anti-
dote was the faithful use of
fine tooth comb. There were also
sporadic cases of a cutaneous in
fection, epidemic In some local
ities, 'tor which a sovereign rem
edy, as I know from personal ex-
perience, is an Internal use of sal-
pnnr and molasses and an exter
nal application of lard before an
open lire.
"As Indoor sports the pioneer
boys and girls played fox and
geese, drop the handkerchief, ring
around rosy, potful of posey, and
on the carpet we do stand, take
your true love by the hand, kiss
the one you love best before you
ciose your eyes to rest . .
"Reverting to matters of more
dignity and Importance, it would
o interesting to know how many
vi you rememner ma ram on a ai.
dress of July 4th. 1810. delivered
on almost the very spot on which
we now staad, by Coh E. D. Baker;
wbb was once pronounced by At
lorney uenerai George H. Wil
Hams to be the most eloquent or
ator to whom he ever listened.
How many of you remember
the flood of 18C1. when water
four feet deep surrounded Salem's
court house, when a steamboat
could have made its way up Ferry
street, ana wnen cape Geo. A.
rease made his perilous trip up
the Willamette on the steamer
Onward from Oregon City to Sar
lem, rescuing 'the people front the
tree tops and from floating flot
sam or every description.
s ;
(The reader should .be remind
ed that In 1861 the land around
the court house was much lower
than now. It was filled in later.
and still later, under the admin
istration or County Judge W, CL
Hubbard, it was filled in lot
more, at an expense of $7001 to
18000. Also the tiart of Ferrr
street. Just west, was very much
lower than now; known-' then as
Tansy flat, and Inhabited by the
-red light' district of onr nioneers.
the houses were bunt up on pil
ing. That Was the dumping place
lor many yearV what may be
termed as the pioneer 'city damp'
na nence it was partially ruled.
up. i It Is - Still lower than it
would havo been had the city
dump of the old. days been left to
the devices ot the scavengers for i
a longer period. When Salem
was Chemeketa, when the early
missionaries came, there was a
low place between what Is now
Liberty and Church streets, south
from Center or Chemeketa, and
in the rainy season there was a
creek near where Liberty street Is
now, that in flood times would
swim a horse.)
"How many of you ever in the
old days manned the brakes of
Capital No. 1 and Tiger No. 2
when we pumped water from the
city cisterns at the junctions ot
state and Commercial and Liberty
and State streets T How many ot
yon ever manned the ropes of
these two engines as we respond
ed, time after time, to the fire
alarms coming In from the outer
district of the town How many
oi you made the record trip of 63
minutes on a flat car to Portland
In 1873, with Capital engine, and
how many of you were on the root
of the St. Charles hotel and there
successfully battled to stem the
progress of that disastrous fire
that swept out of existence so
many blocks from the northern
business end of Portland?"
(Capital engine company's
house was where the Steeres or
Bank of Commerce building Is
now, and Tiger engine company
had its house on the south side of
State street about the middle of
the block back of Commercial.
The Tiger house became the barn
of the Salem Street Railway com
pany, for Its horses and mules. In
the old days, there were firemen's
contests annually, participated in
by the vojunteer departments ot
all the cities in the state that had
and took pride in their organiza
tions. The Salem Tigers were
the hard boiled, rough necked
boys; the Capitals were the dudes
and silk stockinged lads. The
Bits man was a member of the
former. He was what was called
a "side walk fireman," and, on
account of his other duties, was
excused for more roll-calls than
he attended, generally on the mo
tion of wait Lowe or 'Gene Eck
erlen, saving him a lot ot money;
for there was a stiff fine for faU
ure to answer to a roll call (after
a fire.)
W .
"Among the most Interesting
and exciting memories of the days
that are gone were the hard
fought senatorial battles that sel
dom ended until after midnight
ui iue ur et wt uaai adjourn
ment of, the legislative Bes&ion. A
reference to but one ot them wlU
suffice, and it is selected because
one ' of the contestants has re
ceived but minor mention In the
annals of the state, due to the
fact that he left Oregon perma
nently Just at the close ct the
Civil war in 1865. This contest
I witnessed as a boy in 1864, as I
sat In the gallery of the conven
tion hall by the side of Henry H.
Gilfrey, who has been an attache
ot the United States senate la
Washington for the last 46 years.
(He was for a long time reading
clerk, then one of the chief
clerks; since deceased. The Bits
man could ten an intimate story
concerning himself and Mr. Gil
frey, and others; probably wlU.
later.) It was a contest in which
the two leading contestants were
Rev. Thomas H. -Pearne and
George H. WlUiams. Williams.
who was elected, led on the first
ballot by the narrow margin of
only seven votes. It was a race
between two ot the greatest stal
warts of our pioneer days. Pearne
was a fearless, virile, aggressive
and most ambitions nun.'- He was
the first editor of the Pacific
Christian Advocate, then oub-
iahed In Salem. He was at one
time presiding elder ot a district
extending from Paget sound to
southern Oregon. He belonged to
the church militant and was an
uncompromising foe of humaa
slavery. He was chairman' of th
Oregon delegation in the national
republican convention that nom
inated Lincoln for reelection at
Baltimore In 1864. At the close
of the Civil war he located per
manently In the east, and at a
time when the animosities of the
war were at a white heat he was
named to fill a pulpit In Knox
ville, Tenn. So bitter was the
feeling that he was waylaid, shot
at, beaten by roughs and notified
that he would be killed If he held
any services In his church. He
replied that he was ready to main
tain his rights as a Methodist
minister and an American citizen.
He went to his church, he knelt
in prayer, he laid his trusty pistol
on his pulpit and he delivered his
message to his pastorate, and
during aU his remaining years
continued to fight as a faithful
soldier of his church militant un
til he passed away at the ripe old
aaw ot SI years. -
I Rev. Pears was in charge ot
the (meeting In IS 5 4 .of the second
Oregon conference ot the Metho
dist church In the log school
house la the Belkaast Settlement
when the famous Bishop Simpson
arrived, bespattered with mad and
travel worn, and, after a short
rest, delivered one ot the greatest
sermons ever preached, it w
at that conference that ft was de
cided to tart the Paclfla Christian
Advocate and arrangements were-j
made tor purensjang tne printing
office equipment and sending it
to Salem. Rev. Pearne had been
what Is called an Infant prodigy.
He was an exhorter at 8 Tears ot
age. a licensed preacher at IS, and
an able pulpit orator at It.)
(At least another Issue will bo
needed to finish those reminis
cences of pioneer Salem by Mr.
Moores.) . .
Entrace Into
World Court Is
Declared Need
(AP) Henry P." Fletcher, who
recently resigned as ambassador
to-Italy after a long career in the
diplomat's service, told the Penn
sylvania. couacU ot republican wo
men tonight that a permanent
world court Is distinctly an Ameri
can Idea and ideal in advocating
entering tb world tribunal, ho
said: "We aaould no longer Hes
itate to take this step toward
world neace."
- The world court, he said, should
not become a hone of party con
tention; It has received "fine and
loyal support from distinguished
members of both parties."
Source of Funds
SpUght in Probe
' By Senate Body
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Nov. Z0
(AP) In an effort to deter
mine the amount and sources of
money used in Wisconsin cam
paigns since 1924, a legislative in
vestigating committee today re
quested Senators Robert M. La-
Follette and James J. Blaine to
appear for examination In Wash
ington on December 16.
The committee, which has been
witnesses in Milwaukee for the
pastt wo days, made the requests
past two days, made the requests
er to uncover the expenditures of
the candidates of the LaFoIlettS
progressive group In Wisconsin.
Returns to Her Nalire
4 it
ASHLAND, Ore.. Nov. 20
(AP) The University of Ha
waii's Rainbows roared into Ore
gon today and in a brisk workout
on the Ashland high school field
gave Coach Otto Klum's former
townsmen a glimpse of the grid,
iron typhoon from the cross
roads of the Pacific which thus
far has swept all opposition be
fore rt
nil lib
MONMOUTH, Nov. 21 Mon
mouth's Lions eluh members were
dinner hosts to the members of
Monmouth grange last night at
the Monmouth hotel. In compli
ment primarily, to the grange for
having won first place on booth
display at the Polk county fair In
October, and also to augment co
operative relations between the
two organisations.
Delmer &. Dewey, Lions club
president, welcomed the grange
and W. J. Stockholm, grange mas
ter, responded. Other speakers
were Lions F. B. Murdock: and
O. A. Petersen, granger. The im
minence ot world peace; easstions
of taxation; and prod notion and
consumption problems were the
subjects stressed.
The Lions attendance prise was
won by Mrs. A. H. Craven.
Claims totaling- S131S.T0 have
been paid to Statesman readers by
the North American Accident In
surance Co in the past year.
These claims were paid on the policy Issued to Statesman
Lady Higham, wife ot Sir Charles
Rfgham, noted tea advocate, visits
the United States after an absence
of nine years. She is the former
Elolse Bowe, of Buffalo, New York.
Intarutioul Mmrwl
Old Oregon's
Town Talks from The. Stales
man Our Fathers Read
November 22, 10O4
B. F. Hall, owner ot the famous
Hall's Ferry and hop grower, is
in a 6erious condition at a local
hospital as the result of a fall
while he was repairing his hop
Subject of street paving was
taken up again last night at the
council's meeting. A representa
tive of the Warren construction
company explained usa and costs ! Keener in mind
of bltuHthic pavement. Jolin H. W1I &lTe nT Iat PMn a joyous
Albert. J. P. Frizzle, Rev. P. S. ; surprise, j
Knight. G. Stolz and others scoke i Get an S3c bottle of KRUS-
enthusiastically upon the subject ! CHEN SALTS from Perry's Drug
How Ono Woman Lost
20 Pounds of Fat
Lost Her Double Chin
Lost Her Prominent Hips
Lost Her Sluggishness
Gained Physical Vigor ,
Gained In Vivaclooreee
Gained a Shapely Flgwr
If you're fat first remove tr
cause! ,
KRUSCHEN SALTS contain the
6 mineral salts your body organs,
glands and nerves must have to
function properly.
When your vital organs fail to,
perform their work correctly
your bowels and kidneys can't'
throw off that waste material'
before you realize it you're
growing hideously fat!
Try one half teaspoonful ot
KRUSCHEN SALTS in a glass ot
hot water every morning In 8
weeks get on the scales and note
how many pounds of fat have van
ished. Notice also that yeu have gain
ed in en9rgy your skin Is clearer
your eyes sparkle with glorious
health you feel younger in body
of street Improvement.
Tilmon Ford, well known law
yer, met with a peculiar accident
as he was going to bed. As he
was undressing, his foot caught
and he was thrown violently onto
his chair, resulting In a broken
leg, halfway between the knee and
Store or any leading druggist any-
anywhere in A ai erica, (lasts 4
weeks). If this first bottle does
n't convince you this Is the easiest
safest asd surest way to lose fat
if you don't feel a superb Im
provement In health eo glorious
ly energetic vigorously alive
your aoney gladly returned.
j Tapestry, Velvet, Antelope, WSm
a"d atf'skiD &
j Ji i J sure ho pleas q rmK "C
Nw- y Ml I .EvcrMe you go, Rollins Runstop Hosiery
i --fcp S dariting women. That rnalbi i
fiJw aY wclcomc Christmas gifts.? -
7 rTV I t . Woneofthe new of Rollins Run- tjf