PAGE SIXTEEN t The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem; Oregon, Friday Morning, November 22, 1923 IIpSe Substantial Progress Made By Most of Quotations On Wall Streef . NEW YORK, Not. 21. (AP) Tie stock market firmly resist cd selling . pressure . today and made further substantial progress nder the impetus of continued latprorement in credit and con tractive news from Washington. Profit taking on the advance of the-past two days, -inspired con siderable short selling during the early hours of the session and r leading shares sagged moderately , until close to midday, when they Attracted sufficient buying to snase .on tneir siuggunness. and aborts quickly covered, closing prices generally 1 to 17 points Algher. Strength was concentrated In the utilities, rails and chemicals trading continued orderly and comparatively quiet, but showed moderate expansion of vrlume, ,130,980 shares changing hands. compared to 2,829,040 yesterday. -Henry Fords announcement of . n Immediate wage Increase for Bis employes was a surprise In lew of the recent overproduc tion problems in the motor indu- stryi Otis Steel and liidiand Steel Products, which serve the automo bile Industry primarily, posted aotiees denying Tumors that any wage cut was planned. Not least among the day's sur prises was the federal reserve weekly brokers' loan compilation, disclosed late in the afternoon. A further reduction of $585,000,000 In loans, carrying the total to $3,--4f7,(J00,000, tilowe3t since Dec $eiblerf 1927; in pipe more than "half the record total of S6.804, 000,000 of Cfct'jber 2, last, sur passed all estimates. Credit was so plentiful during . the day that bankers said they could see nothing to delay build ing and public works projects which have been held up during the recent high rates. Call money Bgain renewed at 5 per cent, and was reduced to 4H at the loan post. But funds stiil went beg ging, and were offered as low as 1 per cent outside. Money brokers said that between 160,000,000 and $80,000,000 seeking employ ment could not be placed. J West Salem o o Mra. Wilbur McCune and daughter, Elcena of Salem, were Tuesday afternoon guests at the home of Mrs. Wilbur's aunt, Mrs. Guy Newgent of Kingwood ave Bue. Mr. McCune came Tuesday evening and joined them in a dinner party. Daring the second week in Jan uary a big men's meetine will be field by the church in West Salem. Jt will bring about 200 men to the church and city. Mrs. I. W. Thomas was a visitor Wednesday afternoon at the home f Mrs. L. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. C. . Greene and children of Plaza street, visited in Lyons Sunday at the home of Carl Jordan. They also made a short visit in Sclo during that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rohfling, f Portland were recent dinner . guesti with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Skin ner street. Mrs. Anna Derbyshire has left for Davenport, Washington, where he will Tisit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. , and Mrs. Alvin Rookstool. Mrs. Derbyshire is the daughter of Mrs. Sutton, whose home la Ion Skinner street. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wallace had as their dinner guest recently, Mrs. Williams of South Salem. She later accompanied them to Brooks to visit Mrs. Wallace's invalid mother, Mrs. E, Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips of Maclear were recent visitor with Mrs. Phillips' parents, Mr. and Airs. A. swlgart of Skinner street. Mrs. H. H. Harris of South Sa lem was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sebern of Franklin street. e early part of the week. Mr. Harris was also a visitor there daring the week. Miss Marlon Burns spent a day recently with her grandnarent. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt of Ze- aa, Marlon Is the small daughter - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burns of Third street. Mrs. Charles Creasy, of Port- ana, was a riday overnight visit er at the 8. H. Creasy home In West Salem. She left for her home 1b,. Camas Saturday after she had spent some time in Portland, visit ing ner mother, who has been ill lor some time. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLapp of West Salem had as their recent visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Lester De- J-aPD and ion. of Salem. JEuell Needham and Arthur Sprout were week-end. visitors with the Needhams and Sprouts ( West Salem. . Needham and Sprout are both patients la the Fellow Ambassadors to Europe? r I - in umgm Iff v , v-s 1 F4 ?.c X I 1 3 i Jt Scientific, tKoro examina tion by an' experienced op tometrist . assures .- correct glasses if ' needed. j VL: " "'; you value yhur eyet give them thelare they require. Let us examine your eyes J today.-" 1 I 1 " 1.. 1 r v -.-.-V. . ; v5 A ,'l -y - jr -c I i7 h:zA f ....,-. J I f General Charles G. Dawes, American Ambassador to the Court ot St. James (right) and Senator Walter Edge, of New Jersey, who is expected to be America's new ambassador to France, succeeding the late Hon. Myron G. Herrkk. Iatcrnatioul Ntwireal United States Veterans' hospital of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. Follke and son. Robert, were dinner guests the fore part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Creasy of Third street. There will be three board meet ings Monday night in the Epworth league room. Sunday school board 7 p. m.; official board 7:45 and board of stewards at 8:30. All members of each of these boards are requested to be present. The Boy Scouts meet Tupsdav evening at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. choir practice Wednesday 7:15. The young oeoole ot the church and community enjoyed a swim ming party at the Y. M. C. A. Friday evening. The Fruit Growers had a meet ing Wednesday afternoon at the West Salem church. County Agent Beck had charge of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. George Lathrop and sons, Kenneth and Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLapp and son, Lawrence, were birthday dinner guests at the DeLapp home in Salem. Mrs. Mary Davis of Skinner, street has as her guest, her daugh ter, Mrs. May Tillson, who lives on a ranch near the coast. Miss Joy Cochran spent all night Thursday with her chum In Salem. Early In December the Epworth league will present a play, "The Path Across the Hill." This Is a thrilling, gripping comedy-drama in three acts. Proceeds will go to ward eliminating their debt. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Looney of McNary avenue received word ot the birth of Evelyn Patricia on November 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Muenster of Portland. Mr. Winter Coat Sale Values to $29 MPS Values to $49 24 UPSTAIRS Downstairs Thrift Store Saturdays 255 N. Liberty Open Til 8:45 Saturdays in THE ONLY PART OF YOU. IO0Y THAT MUST IE FITTED E.FECTI.y i l . , m ma Ml IBS! WW u(iixwAy-Eni I I Modern as Air Transport. New in principle. Up to the minute in style. Foot Savers Bring discerning men the perfect foot cchifort that doctors say is so necessary. Get into a pair. See what a.diiTerence they make. .New ic, new Jtpri wll come back to THI OMIT SHOE .WfTMTMl 1AVINO V" your lecL ; And new pride m pedtrmce - for FOOT' SAVERS are wonder folly! emsrt looking. Ilay diowi you? " f -' -. ; BISHOP'S CLOTHING & WOOLEN MILLS STORE, INC LADIES AID GROUP STAGES SILVER TEA J WEST SALEM. November 21 The Ladles Aid of West Salem held a- silver tea Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Fred Gibson. of Kingwood avenue. Mrs- J. I. Miller, Miss Lottie MeAdams and. Mrs. Jock Goaser consisted of the refreshment com mittee. Mrs. J. T. Ifuat and Mrs. M.. E. Groves made up the program committee. The program consisted of music and reading, which In cluded a number of vocal solos. A game was also enjoyed dur ing the afternoon. The next tea will be held at the home of Mrs. George Chap man sometime during December. Those present were the Mes dames Y. M. Moore, M. E. Groves, Jack Gosaer, J. R. Bedford, George 8teward,-J. I. MUler, Ralph 8e- Looney Is the grandfather ot Mrs. MuensteT. This birth makes Mr. Looney treat grandfather for the first time. ' Mrs. Mabel Gilbert, daughter of Mr. Looney, is the new arrival's grandmother. hern, Guy Newgent, Ed Brock, Emmet Dixon Elmer Rlersoa, Jennie Phillips, L. Wallace, Mary Kennedy. 8. H. Creasy, Frank Wells; Floyd Delapp, Avery Ap plewhite; Mrs. Halt. David Wll llama, T. BJelland; George Chap man .Mrs. Beckman, Mrs. Arm strong, Fred LaDaue, Darrell Bradford. B. K. Englehorn. Fred Gibson, P. Foelke, Waldo Baker, Wayne Baker. Mrs. Robinson. Jack Summers and Miss Lottie MeAd ams. Several small children were also present. Lincoln Club to Meet on Friday. ; LINCOLN. November' 21. The Lincoln community club will hold its second meeting Friday, night, November 22. : A rood Drosram is beine nlan- ned by the entertainment com mittee. Miss Mabel Thomas. Mrs. Joe Hackett and - Mrs. George Boyd. The refreshment committee is also planning a big lunch. TUNIA - ( AP) Sidi Ahmed. Bey of Tunis,-has had his first airplane ride la his 71st year. He viewed his capital from, the ; a and also the ruins, of Carthage, rival of ancient Rome for world supremacy. . - t . Rushed by Plane lor Aid f -S- St- If General Hondo .Vasques is being rushed from Santa Domingo to the United States by airplane following the discovery that his life depended on ah immediate surgical operation. He is President of the Island Re public HERTS CH TO MEET Sfflllf ROBERTS, Nov. 21 A good program is being assembled for the community club Saturday night. The program committee for this month is Maxlne Petty iohn, Dorothy Rice, June Edwards and "Janice Higgins. New plans for . future programs are to be made at the meeting when the members will be put into sections and be able to announce programs several weeks in advance. Re freshments will be served at the close. Each family is asked to bring sandwiches, also cups for coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leeper of Salem moved out Friday to their farm here which they recently purchased from Leonard Zielke. Mr. Leeper has built a new wood shed and also intends to make many Improvements on his farm, in the near future. A. Smith and family will live in the ranch house belonging to Mrs. C. D. Query and work for her this winter in the timber. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter went to ' Portland Monday and heard the address glvn by John R. Mott at the White Temple. - Robert H. Risteen has "sought two ten acre lota at Halls Ferry from the 7udd Brothers. Walter Dennis who attended school here several years ago, and who graduated this spring from Albany college was married at Triangle Lake recently. He has entered 'the Presbyterian minis try and will preach at Malin this winter. Silverton Mill Waits for Logs SILVERTON. Nov. 21. T! Silver Falls Timber company mill closed Tuesday afternoon to he hdown until logs are again brought In. Logging in Silver Falls camps has not been carried on since ear ly In August when forest fires stopped the work in the campsi Considerable track and a number of bridges were burned out at this time making a great deal of con struction work necessary. Con struction crews hare been working: in the camps ever since fire con ditions -permitted and mill offi cials stated Tuesday that It th present weather continues con struction would be sufficiently completed to begin logging by December 2. S)gD31fflS jfffij?l7 Free! 1500 TOYS! Free! W SSvm (VwS ll& til 10 the,firs 500 B08 and Girls PL tQj) yt iti visiting Toyland Tomorrow iM J xf a11 direct from old Santa's work- KjC!cC5fr Siwrfr fojtfn shops to be given with Ward's compli- TVj 11 latw ments to the first 1500 boys and girls "Z ' I TrJ i Wh ylei Ward' Toyland tomorrow. jCm 4 k&j me Early in the Day O Entrancing Teys a gsc for Every Boy and Girl r frWitt w. A Jointed Wooden Clown Doll 25c B Trapeze Set, well constructed. .. .8c V 1 s"--rl I Is t 0 Character Dolls unbreakable. . .91.00 MuV vr x (ePt n Q T Four-Key Cornet, clear tbnes....85 Oil V lN Xs -jJ E Cuddlesome Stuffed Dogs 63c 11 x. KT! , F P Electric Stoves with cord $19 R n rJ fx I J O G Heavy Steel Airplanes f 1.33 1 1 Vy f I (TJ H Colorful Building Blocks 2o A Xi 0A er yVV 0 1 Velocipede rubber-tired 911.08 n- SY WnllJlll J Decorative China Tea Set 91.08 "V ll br lT o J $10.75 Ai l 7 j. 1 a . , I 1 "mm Come BOYS and GIRLS and watch the new ELECTRIC TRAINS speed 'round the curves ... the new AIRPLANES gracefully wing away . . . the 1930 Automobiles, all ready to speed along at the sound of a shrieking horn! And the DOLLS DOLLS that TALK and SLEEP and WALK pretty, furniture to make them comfy ... electric stoves to cook their meals . . . and new clothes to make them smart and gay. LIVELY TOYS for BOYS DOMESTIC TOYS for GIRLS. You're specially invited. . . you may bring your parents, too! Joy for Young Mothers This "EFFanBEE" Can Stand Alone $T).69 Easy to Sew For 18 H Inches tall They call her "Patsy" because her slippers are so sturdy she can stand alone In almost any pose. "Pat sy"' has a radi ant sun-burned coloring, and. wears a smart print p a n 1 1 e frock and a scar let satin hair ribbon around her head. Small Mothers liove to Play With "PBtsj" A Small Deposit Holds Toys Until Called For Choose your toys norr while the selec tion Is perfect! By paying a deposit you can hare toys held until wanted. We want to help yon make Christmas a happy day! L Sewing Machine good, lever. .$5.79 M Electric Freight Train. ...... .f 9.45 N A Jumping Bunny, la cloth. . . . . .85c O Snappy Speed Boats .fl.4S pi Mechanical Tractor, spring motor 1J50 O Hunting Horn, clear tone 27c Snappy Jordan Roadster The Growing Boy's Fine Car Smart lines and eolors sad! the same nameplate as the famous Jordan playboy. - It assures your boy ot a world of healthful fun and the pride of owning the finest car In his crowd. Sheet steel body, balloon tires, cushion springs, head lights, horn. wonderful rains at this special rice. - . - - A Stylish Carriage for the Doll Parade Round Fiber Reed $4.25 "For Dolls Up to 20 Indies How proud little mothers will be when Jhey wheel this carriage along 1 Sturdy and strong, too. Rigid construction . . . transparent window la hood... foot brake ... reclining back. OFTEN SELLfi FOR $5.00 IVV - , LtM. UV1 "" UJ VsV f LVIi' 3 3 m v vm l w m, u a l 7 275 N. Liberty Telephone 1435 Salem, Oregon - - -' , , , I