tht OKEGOJf STATESSlAW, Patera, Oregon, rrttay Morrita?, Novraber z2 1929 PAGE nrrEEN i ! I f I CSJJ0ITXX9 ASTBSTXSan (Usdiaf eotiee, fr Bm 6e 2 Itu aueUsast tMnt) Classified Atvertialag, pr baa. Classified Advcrtiaiag, per Mm ti a i , ' , Ctaiilfisd veftiasir PT &M MMMB . i ,. I r n to tOe Oae stoat, daily sad Sander ! net Um -, l$l.oe Copf for (Uiui' accepted lm ta 0:10 tb evlir before pablV sstlea for classification. Copy re solved after this time w&l ba ran under the beading Too Lata to classify. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Foot yoniig ladies tor iioor to door work. eetBitg.- phone for appointment Mr. Share, Kellogg-a Corn Flakes company. New Salem ho teL rbsna 1515. between aad it - 8eUestadiee wanted, Phona H79W. $30 K. High. FOR SA1X 31lsceilaneous SAXt2-l Scavanser Mrrk can 17. TinniTNt.Wurrnuchs Adder. (31. 'American $10, Mimeograph. $25. Un derwood No. 6, f 12. The. Been. 411 Court. . awwwk nnrvn .MilM ES Imvc bjm! on. Sum mit home. Route 4, Box 24A. mL ast at Liberty. ." FRESH Concord grape Juice. Spe aiu.1 price, 75c per gat while supply lasts. PURITAN CIDER "WORKS WEST SALEM, OREGON. MH-1-- -"aaaa FOR BALE A square Grand Web r piano, excellent for practicing. 2020 N. CapltoL Phone 3(52.. BARGAIN New electric range I erer been connected up.. 785 Court St. i n n i-M-i n n uuxrtru ..--.- I rioon mokliur aDDlea 60c box. We rVam tB?i,1TboxfaVarteUe l "M from. Bring boxea. i PURITAN uivmti wun&a i Western Electric, urawrora range I fnr ni r trfiiio 22J K Com L I for sale or traae. . I wx n I J liaj ntnetAa CSC T HI dTVUHU IWUU was a ww. JO. $6. $75. I0, 1110 each. .. f svnd SO per mo. No payment until ax- rer January Trt. Nw e.Teice4 r jhoroi iiimmMi for I juh Innatleala these ana Da. They wilt not last long at these terms and prices. Tallman Piano Store Inc. "The (iome of the Baldwin." 85-a 8. 12th atreet. Salem, Oregon. , , , CULL 'prunes for hog feed, '3d 'Eh. tiood apples, oc nox. onnsr ooa. cum riilt home, R. 4,' Box 3 6 A. V Bd. east Liberty. 1000 TOUS sheen guano, ground and Sacked 110 per ton F. O. B. the cars or truck, snaniao, vre., xor pamciuars write Box si, Bhaniko. uregon. FOR SALE All electric comblna IIaii w-srilr ansl nhAnmminh Rrrt lrn. illy low price U takeoat once.' Also wn nmnhnmiL TL 3X21. I " " I LLOYD baby buggy for sale. 2058 .Warner street. 10. KITCHEN RANGE FOR SALS WE have left with us to be sold, cash, or terms to tha right narty. one tsuDrrior atx cap, blue -enamel kitchen range with coils. Almost new and re tailed When bought for 2130.00, FARMERS' GRAIN COMPANY 280 South Liberty Street RADIO for sale second band radio f.-r aale. Phone 1 7 60 J. W ANTED Miscellaneous WANTED used pianos. In ex ehanze on Radios. Dhonograsha or fur. rl"ire. H. L. Ptiff Furniture Company. MISCELLANEOUS C. A. W1TCRAFT. well driller. Dal las, Oregon. 1112 Birch at. Phono 072. WE renalr vacuum cleaners, wash ing machines and etc Work called for and dellgred. mono zl-J. kVR RENTR00M8 WARM room close In, Phone l5W. CLEAN, furnished apts. and sleep-1 Ing rSoms, close In, very reasonable. 292 So. cottage, mono ivslm. tiu'M,rar'ara iisiai i iaTVirvviianryarsrai FOR RENT Sleeping room, also . ROOM and BOARD MODERN rooms, three meals, $35.- 90 a month. Close in. 644 n. uom t MEALS, private home. 246 So. Cot tage. Phone lOfW. Roomers and boarders. 1041 8. 12th. FflR RKNT APARTMENTS HEATED apts. and sleeping rooms, T3a n. com 1. ynons vaj. TWO room apt Priced right. 430 North AjDeny. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette. Close In. Lights, water, phone $10.00. 041 MU1 street COZY Well furnished 4 R. apt Close in. 4(0 N. High. Phone 101 811. wc h.v. . two mnm and ana W-EJI fZ,JZZ fSSSJSf S fci,i,t mnJ three room furnished' apartment ana one three room unfurnished for rent Every comfort for the winter montns. AMBASSADOR APTS. 1 1 Phone 1972. . t4VnrjrMsf'i i - - i ATTRACTIVE lunushed aparunent at 2078 N. CapltoL 2 ROOM apt., partly furnished. $12- 60 per mo. 695 Highland. FOR RENT HOUSES rOR RENT Bouses furnished and auifurnished. P. L. WOOD $41 8 tale Street VOC" V;.. " miuau xvm mini oecnuw w .111 shortly removo. to another horn, In Salem it is our ere te rent tne Iuuim we now omiDV at 13(( Marion street to sonieone desiring a comfort- Street to SOTieoao aesinns nnaivn - & T Us" ihr bedrooms, kitchen and bath, is! w.n ..r,fl inrt wall located. Pos- " ov,7 rwwT i rJ vcsaiuu wm y. -"y- - Shone "sTorSasb slickett at 13(( Marion street COZY cottage for rent. Furnished, No children, l i t stats. '" kuu m..i.l - - WM BlllMI. . 1 . r v FOR RENT HOITSES HOUSES HOUSES FROM (IS to 43S furnished 327(1 to $0. List your vacant nouses with , '".Bllw etreel " wal VAl, lUIUHV VU IV, BIU1C lUIUi j zz n. Hign. FREE RENT For fixinir as house and buildings 7 miles out Phone 16I3J. HOUSES FOR RENT 3180 Shipping 8t, S rooms 1310 Waller St. B rooms 79 Trade bi, a rooms , IS . IS 205 Beltevue 8U 7 rooms 2272 Laurel Ave. 4 rooms , 1(76 Oxford St, 6 rooms 444 University St. 6 rooms . 17 20 JO 39V itoyt tsx a rooms 4(7 N. list St, 4 rooms 744 Mill St. S rooms 244 N. 12th St, 4 rooms 146 N. Kth St, 4 rooms 1120 Norway St. 4 rooms 1898 Fir St, S rooms 1070 N. 15th 8t, 7 rooms 450 & Capitol St. T rooms 93 N. Front St. T rooms 10 to 25 25 25 SO 30 25 20 SO 35 rc. lain et s rooms 1(60 S. Hish St. I rooms 198 W. Lincoln St. ( rooms . 685 8. Com 1. st, 4 roozas PARTLY FURNISHED: 40 1147 oak Bt, s rooms 485 S. Com'L Ft- 16 rooms - LEO N. CIIILDS CO. Realtors 220 State Street Phone 1727 r" - - "r-r rrmnnnnnnnn CLOSE la room inodern tnmgalow. faralshed,- One wiew, ehiotcen ranch, garage. $25.00. Phone 1433J. V FOR CENT HOUSES . f It. FDR KENT, tit. -NEW modern -4 R bunralow. nook. U-buUt Ins, . fireplace, furnace, garage. attic. Should reat tor $40; wtu take f 10. responsible party. SEE any agent. LOUIS BECHTKL 441 ittate Street FOR" RENT (-R. 141 Marion 6-R, 14S Vnkm. , 6-R. 1iS Rlrar .110.09 :! . 2S.00 2S.04 . - 20.00 S9.00 - 1C.00 . is.oo - 10.00 . 10.00 4-R. 14S Marion 1-R, 1326 N. 14th, furn. S-R. 1186 Fairground Road. 4-R. 2 V. N. 16th 6-R. 8(0 N. torn 6-R. TOO Thompson Ave, 6-R. 2416 State 4-R. 174S kST 7-R. 697 So. 14th W. O. ICRirEQBft 147 No. 0ttX fit. , Fbone '117. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE . ROMS at f WO. . par me. Income. rawe JIO.OOO. Pbono 2JSU. owneA 40 A. of flao fand. good buHdlnga, fully stocked aad -equipped, 10 milch cows, 200 chickens, 20 turkeys, feed and seed. Vir sale dieap ea account ot owner' Illness, easy terms. 1 tt ACRES, new 4 room house, 70 bearing fruit trees, dose la, will trade for kotise In town. 0 ROOM modern bouse, furnace. Cine lot, 02760: JCour own terms. Rich L Reimann 219 N. Hleh 8. Phrnie sei. FOR SALE To seme mm estate, a room home, furnished, good location, priced to sell sulck. Sea U E. Stiff kr. at Statesman office or 1710 N. 17th St RRRATKSfT rndtot orsanixatlon on tha Parlflc Cibast. Wa hare over (000 Dronertles listed for exchanse. Erery kind of property, orery price, arery lo. cation tv. can match your exchange exactly. IT you would like ts trade irour property today, coma is tooay. ft U. If ARIA Rsalwr xr nta, m T.t tA9 " rr - - - - "'" iVv. i.wV Tria2 large lots with variety or Hearing MnaM r.nti i.trr-r ttn, cobjt inuio, - STORE paying good dividends, fine lon jactfjc highway to Salcm accident forces owner to sell stock and fixtures, good lease, a sacrifice at 12- soo. WINNIE PETTTJOHN, Realtor 17S Sooth High Street A REAL BUY PRACTICALLY new lira room stue- co houaa, oeraor afyrtle and Highland paving ootn ataes ana paia, nrepiacs, bath, garage, all for 12650. Terms, TRIANGLE REALTY COM PANT 421 Court Street HOUSE BARGAINS 2 ROOMS. South Salem. 9800. 250 cash, balance t IS' monthly. Kuuua. Data ana noox, nkw, hardwooa floors, fireplace, garage. "iTSa VFL V?1 H80. 100 cash, balam ice tnraitnr S ROOMS, bath and nook. Strictly -- modern with hardwood floors through out. Garage, pavad street. North Sa lem, sswe. Terms. 7 room Btrictiy modern nouse. 3 blocks from suoreme court building, in first class location, f 4500, 31500. cash. tjOCOUUtSKX & HUM First National Bank Building EXCEPTIONAL REAL ESTATE BUYS 12100. Buys modern room bouse with 3 bedrooms, rurnace, basement, east front, garage, beautiful lot located close In, oavement paid. This Is an exceptional buy. f 6760. Buys a dose In house, 2 apart ments, on North winter street. Owner lives out of town and asks us ts sacrifice. See L. A. McAllister with W. H. GRARENHORST 4 CO. Realtor 124 South Llbectr Street Ofk Phono 61$ Res. Phone CUM. GREEN HOUSE AND XURSERY 10 ACRES on Pacific hlirhway. dark loam 9olf. S room plastered house, wat er system, 'two large green-nouees ail equipped, tws acres xuberts. This is a money iker. Price only $9300. Will take about an half value In rentable I w TRIAIS TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 431 Court Street $2200. 4 room house with nook, fire place, garage, oaa 1100 ra. flaw, down. $3500. 4 room bungalow with 3100k, Basement, rurnace. nrepiaca. gar age, oak floors, will take good tot as nrsc navmenr. $1050. 6 room .bungalow on largo lot, fine fruit trees 31(0. down. 11290. 4 room bouse In good condi tion, larga lot wita zrutt trees. Bv OOWn. m. $2600. 4 room bungalow with nook, pasemeat, comer 101, east xront. Good terms. I f"0. rootu English typo, boussv $5000. a room bungalow with nook. siswaivaes su vai aaww w f atae stairway, aaodern in, every way. Terms. . A. L. DARK 320 TJ. & Bank Bldg. Phone 427. $30000. $66.00 down. New 4' room home, aookgarage. paved st owner. rnone iiotv. $2600 REDUCED TO (1800 4 ROOM bungalow, furnished, part basement aood nhunblnc"" Karaca. I l?r"0 lot- CloSO to School and Store. w.dow offers bargain for quick action. 1 "mow oner Diirtaja ior uuics snun. i ti cn avga down baL asA mo a ?t ' ' mo' SEK Mrs. Enis with LEO N. CHiLDB CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phono 1737 TODAY'S BEST BUT IMMEDIATE possession of a 4 room semi-modern house on good corner lot In South Salem, several choicer walnut treat ta yard and parking. Pries re duced from $3009 to $3400 with easy terms, or ww accept a vacant lot op 10 S6UO. LEO N. CHTLDS CO.. Realtors I 20 State Street Phone 1727. S ACRES 6 mL east of Salem, ail m cultivation, s room piasterea house, in good condition, barn, and rood wall. I Will trade for Salem residence. r , nT.(i . - . m. . . . . - I t'V i - cte., to school $210V 1600 I -rM -iim o pciiooi, iv. ; down. 1 . . . -rr-fw,K, fl.r-. ?f J&S we'SSTSSk! f"-" wr Hn. I V nouse. large oam. au 1 1" cuiuvuuon. isrm second to none m I una eomtrv- XiOfiB mm torms a u. Bart dZPl Phone 43T. FOR SALE STOP nay liar rent I Bur this ( room 1 trie range. Double garage, 4 larga 1 rnerrv triiaa in HAlvwood and tha f - . L . " " . - - i nnea ia amir iuusi. $2760.00. 4 rooms with bath, flre- fr? ."rTZrh placn, bssemsnt, garage and paving I A wu of ( large rooms. Fine location. Lari f ( larae rooms. Fine location. Larse lot with shrubbery. Reduced from $(,- avo.ov to 9&&00.SO lor Quick I rtAl.ll AJIUK ICeal JSSUlie 1 wi wxwmm.. m A twanttrul II aara farm 2 miles aaat Of Umimmm eaojera hniM. anlendid 'u, snxt swiaaarnoaa, near acnooa Orlee UIMselvut Ma torn hnmt ws bare a sotandld home on Fair mount titit wsrta $(H to trade for aniattar nsto4r ror improved acreage m ayienoin s asre xarm zor ba Cm xarOfrleBh A (JOOD a room houaa with - nent. good location and will take car aa iirst payment, nrtce (3600. ' McOfLmmiST k PENNINGTON 209-14 U. a Bank Bldg. Pbons 140. assaajsatsahMnasyasytiSajBiaifOs LOOK LOOK LOOK . OWNER WRITES ME To Sell Cosy 4 R. Buniralo - if s all fwrntnhed too. It MA rent (f I for 030 naeutfc. Prion reduced (rem 0. 36 000 o $336eTOeod terms. Now vacant immediate possession. To sea It SEE LOUI3 BECHTEIj S41 attat IMraat 7 ROOM haunt wIam tn n for from 1 to S acres, with bulidlnrs or win reat reasonable. 771 M. ComT. PRUNE orchard for sale or will 1 trade far Il429w; ANGE eal EstaU 1 t ROOlf. HOUSE CXOS&'ZM. Ill R lirh at Rilam nnm i " . V 7 TWO aero tracts. HO "bulMtnga.1 close in. Would coosldar or 10 acres ON FaciQa bighwar. improvaa sr son baalneaa property In Salem. s OWNER. PHONB MOL FOB TRADE Z.' 1SS irRPS Ixr nmtrt anA la miles from Vancourar. Washington, t Win trsda for an eaultr in a Kosd modern 4 or I room bouse in Salem. ! HOIXTWOOD RE ALT I 2000 North 42apttot - - . Phone 2807 Res. 202. FOR SALE FARMS . i.ivn riim TJlNTlL TAKTJl TAMTJl RIVER bottoa land worth 250 paT acre, but through forectoSBrs sf first mortxsin aomeoony whi r half. Rlcht near Monitor. CaS Battla- son. 260 High street. Salem. ,294 ACRE farm caa bs bought at GERTRUDE I. It PAGE 492 North Co'tage t mm m nhimhinBL bulldlnrS b A L COTldl tton. . Boll cannot bs surpassed, fias springs, dairy barn for 30 caws. Sea me. 83 A,A cultrratkm. balance rood nasture. Sale or trade. You will like it too. Ore eon BuHding Phono 1724. imPARR AKYJ CREEK SITUS BOO 1 acre close In on paved feign-i way; planted to walnuts and cher ries. 11 one. 9 arrraa slanted to fruit ! 4 room plastered houss adjoining , store; close to senooi. sivw casn; balance 310.00 per montn. 81(00 Choice 3 2-4 acres suited for poultry and fruit ; 4 room houss ; garage ; 2400 cash ; balance terms. 2100 Beautiful homo site, natural traaa and aomo timber : creek : on pavad road: electricity: dose In. S00 cash; balance, terms. $12 SO Creek bordering tract of 2 l-t 1 acres; city water cioas oy; ai blocks from city limits; electric-1 Ity; rich sou. $(500 10 acres planted to walnuts ana cnemes; piasterea 0 bouse barn and chicken houss; 4 J miles out. See GEISER REAL ESTATE with ANDERSON 4t RUPERT 1(9 South High Street -tr-r ACREAGE ANOTHER GOOD BUT GOOD ( room house, 2 nice bed rooms, built In kitchen and dining: room, hot; and cold water, bath, toilet, modern and almost new. On one of our nest paved streets close to grade and high school. This place is worth mors. Pries for quick sale $2(50. This Is surely a good buy. Call SEARS d; TUCKER 1(4 South Commercial Street I your houaa fully insured against fire loss? If not, SEE SEARS TUCKER and let them explain all about fire Insurance. IS ACRE tract with 5 room bunga low, near Pacific highway north. Oae horse, 3 cows, 250 Leghorn hens, and larm equipment, also nouaenota rural -ture. All goes for $5000. One-half cash. Hal. easy terms. W. U. KKUHUKK Phone 217 147 N. Com! Street BARGAIN WEEK SMALL TRACTS $200.00 Down buys 5-acres with house, barn, only SH miles or Sa lem. Price reduced to 23000.00. $500.00 Down buys an excellent 6-A tract, good 4-R. house, barn, poul try house, garage. 3-A in fruit and berries. This place Is cheap at tha price or isuoo.oo. Better look it over. Only 6 miles north of Salem. $300.00 Down buys this dandy sub urban home, on paved bumway. North Salem, dandy. S R. house, city water, bath, toilet, felectriclty, & acre set to straw oerriea ana rruit. Just think $300.00 down. Pries 32960.00. $500.00 Down. Pries S1S00.0O. S 1-2 acres, small house, barn, f H miles of Salem, has young family orchard, springs, a mighty good nuy. tseaa SEARS ft TUCKER I 8. ComX Street Salem, Oregon. ; CHOICE FARM EXCHANGE 70 A. FINE level dark loam soil ! close to town. About 40 Ar tn cult Good farm bldgs well fenced, wells ana creex. some umoer, Dai. easily cleared. Fine location, fine aolL aao- ririce. ssee ; terms or taae clear res idence or acreage ior part. rKKKI at Pi at JSAKSTttaiS 218 Gray Building Business Opporttniltics M esrrxnc iu4 rm l. cu t er mons.. second floor First National Bank buikuag. VERT deatraala aarvtM atetina and house affjoming for rent or lea venr reasonable. Loaatsd. la Salam. Write $90. Statesman or nhone 438 aiCTT a p. m. MONEY TO LOAN RESIDENT LOAN:" " (lWaiosr month retires a loan ot $1,000 1st 120 months. Pay taster If you wish. Ne, nemoarsnu rae. see ueiano. . 39t If. umrcn. rooao zs3t. $1000. to $2000 to loan. Gtfrtrede J. AL Page. OK WARirn iMti orrr reat. m. TATE UiWEST INTEREST BATES. ttSiKT T. tXJtSJJ FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. , CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 702-4 First National Bank Bide.' 7 anient, Uregon OINS TO men and women steadily employ ed, On your plain note, lowest rates, eastest payments, quickest service. fairest oeaunga ana newest tnetnods. Loans also made on Indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and other nersonal i property. All transactions strictly con fidential. STATIC IwOAN UU. 219 Orecoa Bull dins; It .. 1 a i. m C- ..J TTI V on Ice bours u a a a IM a Telephone 932. crrr AND FARM loans at lewest rates. . Best terms obtains Ms. Cvr terms e liisui ante deparr B3ent effers rea pert eidvtee and aervtoe In all llaes HAnaiJia sOBEBTa HOC TeL 1427 (04 Ortgea BUg. PERSONAL LOANS UAiJB on furniture. cars, sauaiiee Reoavabla or other good security, monthly. When la financial need see us before closing a loan. QXflERAb inVESTIaSJfT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Phone 1290 HUlMMiyMMWIIIIMV MOSRT LOANEr OR dUTOS) uoazracts werrnancaa Arrange to reduce foe payinentA Zoo keep the ear. ' J. ATKIKBin Cor. Lihertr st aad Ferrr 1st aisiara. ore. Private Money to Loan SlStf tlUMS-BlMI M IMMI to loan on geod farm security, city Loans W( are toaaiiur prudential In- surance company tnonay ea aty resi- deneoa and business nronerty at IK par cant la a oununlsston. Hawkins Kooerxa, see ursgen buhhbs- I HAVE THE MONET TO loan oa your home to build, Improve or refinance, lana are ee varied, some one ef them aril! meat your tUrententa, Low rates. Long terms Pay off any time also loans on apt nouses ana business property. F. O. DELANO 29$ N. Church Phone 2(24. LOANS on reel estate. Let me ex plain our loans to you. P. H, BelL 219 LOANS WANTED WMMtMllMWIAIWMIMyaWMM 1 WANTED Private a real estate. - W. hTo RABENHORST Ca 1(4 South Liberty treet .. nrrm main sat for a We harre several appucatiena on aaeev f"TTmt m nsestllL .1 lafl EJUCB ITT 4 - ij LITE STOCK ud POULTRY xW. 2. Patterson. If. D. V. Vatarlaanr argeoa. Res. 4SI ZAst 1C Phoaa I4lu. POtTLTRT wan tad galem PouJtrr Ca f 8. High st. P&ono 2490. Res. saiaja. - COWS for sale or trade Fraah sad springers : terms If desired. Red barn at ColambU. and N, 0mL St. Nelson Bfaa. Markat. ItS N. High st. Pboaa HORSES far sale a haad. UBS la 1C00 lbs. 1 Shetland none 62 Broad. way St, corner of Brown. Woedbara, Orafao. . . . . .,. FOR SALE Cbolco' tnrkera. aorn fad. See then.' fttctit -artea. - -Phan 6FS. R. g. Box 213. Salem. FOR SALE WOOD SMMMWMMWIMM DRY Or and aak wood, eaal and fuel OIL Call on ua far oricaa Wa 224i(aMur' 00 uuty LARMKK TRANSFEB aV STORAGE 7 Telepbotra 110, DRY lWn old fir. 4 ft. oak. ssh and flr knotts. Cord measure. Reductions oa largr ordera. C. TT. Hartaugh. 023 Highland ava, phono 1990. THE best wood th the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phone 2926. GOOD WOOD at a reasonable erlee. Well seasoned second growth Or and 01a or sua ana instae wooa. rrorapt delivery. Fred E. Wells. Phans 1S42. 339 south Church street. DRY 10 la. old fir 4 ft. fir. oak. old fir knots sawed. C. U( Harbaugh, 833 Highland. Phone I90. LOST and FOUND LOST on letterhead of Girls Jew ish hoeoitaL Pacifla Protective so ciety date relattng to Salem doners to society. Kewara. lnnaer reutrn to Cnrhon V ViT C. A. ixjst fair or glasses Jetwaea Ore. bldg. and 6(6 Chemeketg. Return to 408 Ore. bldg., Salem. Reward. OREEN Columbia bicycle stolen from Leslie sehooi two weeks ago, Finder please return to Route I. Box 207A. Reward. LOST Black Persian cat from 13(2 State. Finder please return or call 3474-J. LOST on hiebwav south of Brooks iwvemDer 1 u wainma in iss-ia. sack. Finder please pbono 20T6R, Sa lem, FOR SALE USED CARS Buy Used Cars Where Your Dollars Have More Cents We have many different makes and models to choose from, priced from $60 up. Be sure to sea. our stock of srnar- anteed used cars before purchasing eisewnere. Trades ana terms within reason. State Motors. Inc. Hudson-Essex Distributors Phone 1000 High A Chemeketa Pettyjohn's Better Used Car Values 1928 Chrysler "58 Coupe, fine shape itZ6 overland 3 -dr. sedan 1924 Essex Coach, bargain 1925 Nash Spec. 8 dr. sedan 1925 Dodge Coupe, fine shape 192S Hudson Coach, reconditioned Chevrolet Coupe, pick up body Dodge Roadster, good ehape. cheaft F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 3(1 N. Com'L St Tel. 18(0. 'After we sell we serve." 75 Cars to Choose Prom 1(28 Bulck Sport Roadster 1928 Bulck Standard Coupe izt uuica manoarw Heaaa 1937 Buick Standard Coudo lszs Bulck 7 Pass, sedan 1923 Bulck Rex enclosure 1927 Chevrolet Coach 192$ Chevrolet Touring 192$ Chevrolet Touring 1924 Chrysler 68 Sedan I l93f Dodge Special Coupe 1 1924 Dodaa Roadster ) "J "Coupe 1924 Essex Coach overhauled 1427 Ford Coupe i zsxs f Bra uoudo (924 Ford Readster. ruxtall 1484 Fori door sedan 1924 FOrd Tudor 1(24 Ford Roadster 1924 Ford Roadster 1423 Ford Roadster 1939 rwa Touring , 192$ Hup Touring 1934 jewett coupe IS IT -Oakland Sedan (928 Oakland Touring 192$ Pontine Cab Coupe 192T Fontiac Coupe 1937 Star 4 sedan 1024 Star 4 Touring If zi titer 4 Touring Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BT VALET MO TOR CO, W. L, ANDERSON. INC, OTTO J. WILSOX. Marion A Liberty Phone 1037. Reo Sales & Service Three Days Only Nova 21,22, & 23 Our hnsfnesa has seen so good lately hat are have no room for the new set imjs ana parts aepartment that we are installing. For Three Days Only We are offering a few exceptional valuea ta used ears at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Following are soma ot our eergains: 1928 Oakland 2-door Sedan. Was f 825.04. New Z 2- 498.0$ 193S pontiae 3-door seoaa. Was 2(69.44. now $74.00,, 1926 Studebaker Victoria, Wan seoo.oa. now 459.1$ 12215 wniys-Knlght was aeas.eo, now 1923 Maxwen Touring 464.00 loi.oo Was 417(0. now 1928 Overland Sedan,: VAVV.VV, VW i i . 1222 Rickrnaacker broham. Was 87(0.00. new bow 414.44 1924 Light 4Mx Studeliaker Coune. was 4978.40. now . 836.04 1928 Chevrolet 114 yd. gravel truck, was $(, new IJI.W 1927 Rea Speed Wagon. .114 tons, was $1000, Bear 1928 Chevrolet 1H yd. (travel truck, eras $785.00, now 1927 Res Speed Wagon TW 440.00 42I.M 1800.0$ ton 299" wheel base, was itW irTjlfisr -07. I f 2 MIU u W I . SSZ-V' siss'sa" ""J04 Tr0 $840.00. 470.00 1I9.M 290.00 now 67 CaalUae Taw Car steel bed oa back, wee $460.44, II 2 4 Speed Wagoa I M ton, was $259.04. now - -t We have atae three Ree Firing Cloud stemoostreAors with NEW i CAR GUAR- Ittke i All care guaranteed as res neemea te ne sa perrect macnanirai ooiiauioBV. , . .... . . Terms A Trades tf desired. These cars and trucks must move as we cannot let them alt In the street REO TRUCKS AND PASSENGER CARS. Reo Sales & Service 224-S4T North High Salem, Oregon. wm iieseeii.wr llfS Msshv saitsn 4n the best of eonditietv Cor information peeae 14$ ar call at (pxraga, 240 sforth mgn street 1929 x Challenger 4-door sedan. I Thla ear has only run a few hundred I n i Tl na win sen st sunstsntiai oiscount. 4741 7ir. I asa 1 Z225 . ,, .... ,. 8(5 ,. 1441 ISO 41S I r , ., 4001 2501 2(5 260 22(1 300 175 175 ISO Tl 45 1(0 12$ . 100 445 2(i 43( 415 2(6 00 40 1 avfJLTaa iavruBA n&v. . FOB SALE USED CARS McKays Used Cars With An OK That Counts TODAY'S, BARGAINS 29 Cbav. Coupe ttres and fin ish can't ba told from hew. Mechanical condition, positive ty ansrantead. Total cash nrlce Includes license $(50 112$ W. Knight trg, new tires ana paint 1927 Cher. 47ne. reconditioned 1928 Chav. Rda. first class thrn- -out 89S 1$28 Cher. Cabriolet a beauty SS0 $60 2160. LOTS, of good runnlne? cheao cars. uoupes, seoaas. tou rings, roaasters.' TK1K1KH WE have several very' fine buys tn trucks. Ten to two tan canard rv and priced from 0125 to $(50. accept traaes and quote low u. m. a. c terms. MCKay Chevrolet Coa 420 H. ComX Phone 1202.1 Capital Motors Used Car Market Where you can exchange cars at tse Northwest Manual pricea, 1920 OldsmobHa 3-door Sedan 1927 OldsTBobue Landeau 1927 Oldsmobtle Standard 4 -door Sedan 1927 Essex 4 -door Sedan 1926 Otdswiobile 2-door Sedan 1927 Essex 4 Coupe 192T Dodge Coupe 1927 Chevrolet 4 -door Sedan 1922 Ford 4 -door Sedan 1923 Chevrolet 4-deorSedan 1927 Ford Touring 7 speeds 1924 Willys-Knight 4-door Sedan 1922 Oakland 4 Touring 1924 Ford Commercial Delivery 1929 Whippet 4 4-door Sedan 1927 Nash Coupe 1920 Nash Cabriolet 1125 Reo Speed Wagon, Commercial body 192t OWsmobile Coune 1924 Ford Touring (three) $25.00 each Capital Motors Co. Inc. $50 North High Street USED CARS Always the Best Always Phone 2126 HUDSON coach for sale or trade. Rich la Reimann, S19 N. High Ot TeL BIB Loder Bros. Announce their first sale of good used cars. Our used cars have alwaya Son Ser'aBrhaTbeen valuea On account of doing a heavy - new rtu- bnsineaa latelv and a aeneral slow ing down of used car purchases, we aava a larae stock or srooa nsea cars on hand. If Price Will Sell These Used Cars Here Is Your Opportunity The old prices are all on the cars. Bring ' this list with you and get thai benefit of the savings. Nash 4 door Sedan, was $776. now ..3435. Bulck 4 pass. Coupe. Was 0395. Now 850. Chrysler Coach. Was $450. Now 400. Dodge Coupe, was (375. Now 295. paigo troupe, was $fz. Now 650. Hupmobile Cdube, Was $350. Now 295. Maxwell 4-door Sedan, Was $250. Now 193. 1 Paige 4-70 Phaeton. Was 8175. Now 211. StudebakefCoupe, . Was $250. 210. Jewett 26 Tour. Was 4296. Now i 295. Flint Tour, Was $225. Now 185. Studebaker Tour, Was $234. INOW 195. Ten Fords ranartn In nriM fmm 1(3 to $18$, All Fords reduced 16 per cant All cars from $145 up are covered by our 89 day suarantaa. Easy terms on all cars. Trades ee - cepteo Open evenings. Your Money Will Buy More Car Now Than Any Time This Year. iron m tooay ana insnect our stock. Loder Bros. 444 Center 8tr. Hum sis. H)wn n Graham-Palgs Salee and Service for saanoa ana sout counties MaMMMMANMSMIMWIIIMMIMMI Valley Motor Company Reconditioned Used Cars Model A Fordor sedan new Urea iiik an Model A Tudor SedanZ 121.19 Model A Phaeton 425.00 i9z Fordor Sedaa ., , 285.00 1924 Tudor sedans $196 250.00 is:; coupes. $314 .. 250.00 1927 Touring $140.44 1(5.00 I92f Touring 140.00 1928 Roadsters, $135. $150, 190.00 oeoan - - ., , , 175.00 1924 Coupe balloon tlree Rale Imbh . its aa Cheap ones that will run with starter nonoster p"r f 80.00 coupe , ss.oo ceaan as is . 35.00 Touring Hudson Coach 35.00 176.00 1934 Bulek Teorfng RoITtna Cpe 4 wh. 175.00 brak oauoons 125.00 1924 Star Tour. ton- good curtains .. is no Overland Touting 45.00 vpea svenings Valley Motor Co. Phone 1995 center and Liberty WArmiD USED CARS CASH psM rar avtna;. ginw Ante. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry 12 Trr. 8alenfg leading Anettonesr ana rurnituro Dealer Residence and Store S010 N. Summer St , Phone 6U uju a. 1. KruvENsnN bha. floneer, U yaars experience tn the wiiiamette vauav. ror oatee ar ar-1 rJU.W . . VWIZHTl UUW advisor, 9irst Nsttsnal Bank. Salem. rnone or wnta a ia Butventoo, vor- raina orettm DATTEilT JEUZCrmClXN R. D. 8utsa Waqora isarteriea Starter aad rV fTTrH . ... filClCLXS IfXrAliUJNG liotd k. ramSDEN Columbis Bicycte ana -psini-. m umn. CHmOPRACTOBS Dr. O. U OKXrrr, PSC. Chiropractor. 1 no iiauia vaereiur m us pru 844 aaVHish, Tetf" Res. 31S4J. 1 portlonate share ot the cost of lm- DR3. aCCOnSSJi. Palmer Chlre praetora, X-Ray aad K,C. M. New tinn hi-. CLEANING SERVICE Canlw Bt Valsterta. taL 222T. HIIITH r leaned end nrsaesd (1. VAA- LET CLEANERS. 142 N. CataX ever COSTUMES FOR tostuitwa 'call Salem Co. SKI IN. 6th. TeL 1947J. ELECTRICIANS HALXK ELECTRIC COL 441 North I Front st, TeL No. f, , IXjORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL tXsen'a Cant 4t High St. Tel. SOL CUT wedding bouquets .,cl funeral erreeiha, dacaraUoaa, 3(5 litte tlor&t- 013. SUaa v. . INSURANCE IOCH I REIMANfl 210 K Hi-i St - ' . Ta INSURANCE WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 2IS Masonic Bldg. - Pbeae No. 922. West Coast LhTa Insurance Cs ' "Insured Saytnga." - , ; SOS First National Bank Building ' TeL 970. H. j. Harder; Dist Mgr. . WARREN T. POWERS -Life aad General Insurance TeL 407.. . - . Ml P. B. Bank Bldg. I9 N Him Tel 141 LAUNDRIES THE NBWALKSf LAUNDRY THE WElDKR LAUNDRY Telephone 26 I $2 a High CAPITAL CTTY LAUNDRY "The Lnnndrv of Pure Maierial" Telephooa 14 13(4 Broadwar fdAlTKESSES" If ATTRKSSR9 RENOVATED bv th CaDital City Beddins Co. SUSS North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All Wors ergwranteea TM is MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New atanoa. H. L Stiff Famlture Company. GEO. C WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet musc and piano studies. Repairing phono. grapns-ana sewing mactunes. stats pfrt Ratm FAFER HANGING" PHONE GLENN Adams for bouse I decorating, pnperhangtng tinting, eta rnMWt wnrmwin - PLUMBING PLUMBTNa end reoalr work. Graber Proa, T- (SO 140 S Liberty PORTRAITS and FRAMES LET US copy that old photo. CAM- KRA South Llbc PRINTING I FOR STATIONERY, card a, panv any kind i!!" i Dawts. oroaTama. nooas ox let nrtntlna call at the Stai rrtnung ieparuneDL in & commer cial xel inn RADIO CALL 2(47 for H. B. ChurchilLthe radio doctor. 160 & Liberty. PAH Afv in 1 1 nlfn trtM .nrv tiiirii All standard sixes of Radio Tubes. EOFF SXECTRICAL SHOP. 826 Court Ft Tel. 4 US REPAIRING Alvta B. Stewart umbrella, cutlery and key store sharpening and light repamnsj&2UTtB-TeijsBTji ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties srith Pioneer Tosemlts rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. lie w. Front. Tel. err 'stoves OrroVES and stove lepslrtng. Stores I for aale. rebuilt ana repi repe trad. 1 kinds ef woven wtre fence, faacf and I plain, hop Baskets aad lmka,ogaa I hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works. I 242 Chemeketa street TAILORS Q. H. MOSUEU TaOor for men and 4T4 court Bt 1TIANSFEKS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 331 I mate tn. xei. sis. ixssrtouiing, isr - warging ana storage ear specialty, uer Otn. rates WATCH REPAIRING OCARANTKKD WATCH REPAIR- fNQ or money . back. THB JEWEL box. 178 w. Mbmy. naiem Hew First National Bank Building Directory BASEMICJrr rw tjiti fhluaa Paj-ir Kxperts ' tmr Ladles and Oentlsmee Ksurth Floor DR. X R. Burdette. optometrist 402 First NaeL Bank Bldg. TeL 118. TKNTH PLOOH a 1 rar w. a. sesmarm. nentba Telenhone 1286 1401 o -o REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY -SECKJg A bmiipti 1 140 K. High TeL (41 JOSEPH BARBER BASALT T CcT 200 Gray BUs. Phone TN F. O. OBXANO 290 N. Church TsL 2820 a K. WAPT.m 234 M High St. TeL 2242. I n. FOSTER REALTY Ca $70 state St Tet 443 W. H. ORABENHORST A CCv 124 a. Ubertysc Tsli U ! IK-TIS 4UtNSOH 810 U. B. Bank Bldg. TeL 427 GERTRUDBJ. PAOB 1402 M. Cottage mtrff r. wwr-tavn Itsaltor 112 N. High bt TeL 181 SOCOLQF8KT SOh . 804-4) First Nst Bk. Bldg. TeL 479 ' J - w VTTTf-1 122 X. 43oe-aerta . . TeL 126 TSXANOLB RKALTB' CO. (21 Court St TeL 441 r. i- wood $41 State St Tej794 TUB fJOST OP ll!TlWsTGf21"-4 ttVRAh ATEXUE FBOM HIGH STREET TO VKW HIKKKT. KsHm la hAiwhr a-Ivpa thai tha I Co7Mnon Cotmcn of the City f Ba- I . 111 .1 .I..., sv 1 lem. uregon, wiu ax or avuut 1 p. tn., on tne zna trap ox wecena- K.. n a 9 a a, t an anhaannamr meeting of the said ConncU there- w,a A V . w. I after, in the Conncil Chamber I tha ItV Ol SaXfinL. (JregOn. proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof "or parcel of land liable therefor in its pro- nmIW. nTTDAT. AVERTS! VUflM tiiun x - im a ( STREET, in the City nt.8aieis.i wktMk.aa. Marlon County. Oregon. All persona Interested la the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear before tk said Conncil at said time and place and avesent their objectloaa, tf any titer hare, to said assessment, and apply to said Council to eqaallze their pfopomonatd har of same. By order of the Common Coun cil this 11th day ot November, 192. , If. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first, publication, Novem ber 22. 19I9. Date of final publication, Novem ber 24. 1929. - N22.23.2i NOTICE OF ASSKS8MEXT FOR THE CX3ST OF IMPROVUfG SVaOfEB STREET FROM THE SOUTH LDK OP ORO88 STREET TO THE NORTH IJXE OF HOWARD STTKET. Notice Is hereby siren that the Common- Coancll of the City of Salem, ' Mario County, Oregon, will, at or a hour 7:20 p. on the 2nd day ox December. 12Z9, or at any gubseqnent meeting of the said CoancH -thereafter, In tha Council chamber of the elty hall of Salem, Oregon, proceed to as sess fipon and alalnat each lot or part thereof or parcel of land 11-able-therefor In its proportionate share ot the-' cost . of - improving SUMMER STREET-FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF CROSS STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF HOWARD -STREET. In the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. AU persona interested In - the said assessment, are hereby noti fied to appear before, the said Coancll at said time and place and present their, objections, if any they have, td said assessment, and apply to said Council to equalize their proportionate share of same. By order of the Common Coun cil this 18th day ot November, 1222. M. POCLSEN, Cty Recorder Date of first publication, Novem ber 22. 1929. Date ot final publication, Norem ber 24, 1929. N22.23.24 NOTICE OF ASSESS5IEXT FOR COST OF niFROVINO THE ALLEY IN KDKS ADDITION' FROM FOURTEENTH STREET TO TWO HUNDRED SEVEN Tl itEET EAST OF FOCR. TEfiXTH STREET." Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will at or about 7:30 p. m.,on the 2nd day of De cember, 1929, or at any subse quent meeting of the said Council thereafter, in the Council Cham ber ot the city hall of Salem, Ore gon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof or parcel of land liable therefor in Its proportionate share of the cost of Improving the ALLEY IN 1 EDES ADDITION from Four teenth street to 270 teet east ot Fourteenth Street, In the City ot Salem, Marion County, Oregon, AU persona interested in the said assessment are hereby noti tied to appear before the said Conncil at said time and place and present their objections, if any they hare, to said assessment. land apply to said Council to equalize t h e Ir proportionate share of same By order of the Common Coun cil thla 18 th day ot November, 1929 M. POULSEN, City Recorder J Date of first publication, Novem- oer zz, 19Z3. Date of final publication, Norem ber 24, 1929. N.22,23,24 Salem Markets Tresk Pratts (Wholesale Oaotstkms') tsuekleberries. lb. 14 ..4.24 .10 .1.50 OS .3.00 -8.00 Snnberriai, t&olrd barrel Uround Cherries, lb. Apples, loeali i Banasas, is. , pears I Umes. carton i.doi. iustes Dromedary, 80, 10-os. pkgs. 0.50 Coos's Pitted, ease 4.75 fru'TSa..- Texas Grapefruit 8.50 .506.00 J.00Q5.25 15.00 04 Comb Hooey, new crop Lemons, CalU. I Ceiabes Ursares, Vslaadss lie's .... - 160's 174'e - 300s 2l8e , , 952s 99'u 344'S -0.00 0.74 7.7S -4.74 -8.25 -4.00 -.4.50 8.50 -2.00 .800 Grspet. Empsorer -leksys CeeoaaBts, sack TacsuUss ( Wholessle QuoUtlons) Bruneli Sprouts, lb. , S!"- .y7"",' .14 .1.50 i,'"""? ,k .14 Bress Baaas, local O0 I Celery, -Labirh, dos. JO 1.00 L40 3 Celery Hearts Spinach, local, oranfe box I Parsnips, id. BuUbsgaa, Ik. 02 Bunched Tegstablas, per das. bunch. Cerrets .40 Beeti Tsrnipt Radish ea Parsley Onions -40 -80 40 40 15 -2.54 -3.7$ Gsrlie, lb. Cahferaia Toautoea. Ing Onions, T skims, Globe . Lecal eaioas, Is. -02 Lsttsea, local -1.50S 1.75 OsUforala, lead 4.00 90 1.50 03 26 4.60 1.50 aa 0( r 08 . . 04 I i,v- Mrs, hothouse . Cabbage, lb, "Ppers,. lb. li;"'"'' HI mi, Hub! bard Soaash, lb. Ifsrelebsad squats . Psmpkias, Qw Daaish Saaaak . , . . Sweat potatoes, lb. .04 ttj,igattrb-g dasea Takttsa. er swt -8A0 .1.7$ Pomagra Bates 2.$ Paeds tBataQ Quota tioas) Calf mtaL 28 lbs. 1.2$ Scratch, Wa .,. , ,. 6$ M Oars, wkala, tea , .- ., .,, ., 49J0 tJraakad sad sroaad MU1 ran, (sa ea'oa I Bran, tea , , .33.00 -40.00 -5$J Erg mash V. Wlt Kilk E-gs fBayiag Prlaa) Extra. .44 .8$ Ialtrr (Bsytac rlae) . I gtsgs .19 -Of I Roosters, eld S"-" .23 .is diss -29 I Springers Bafierfat Wholsaala Qsetatleas) 1. . J .47 U4 -47 of 1 I .... ( Retail Qaeiatioae) -53 ctrtsni 4rsla ud Hay (Baying Price I weroo iwa, v. . -1-10 K -Lll i oata. gray. ss. .55 .50 Barley. -83.O0 J20.00 -20.00 25.00 uar Oats sad vetch Clever - . t Baying Prase) TaaL top aa -14 Veal sad aUhei rise Medium -38 Coarse .AO Lamb's weal -if 35 -45 Old Meaair Kid General Markets -BAXXT PORTLAND. Ore. K.t. SI Predaee exahaaga. net priest: - , , Setter: Exama 4Se: nriaa finte E(ga: Yraak extras 6152e; trash utedi- aras iim; suaasrat; 44e; firsts 88c : rtaadards, 48847c; tresk pallets 930 S6e. HAT PORTLAND. Ore. Kev. 2L fAM Baying prices: Zartera Orates theotsy, 820.S0G31; as. valley. 019lO; al tsUa $19019; clever $14; eat say $14; irrsw, f 7uv tea; saiiiag prices fz POtTLAXTD OXADY PORTLAND. Ocs Kav. 21. (API Wheat fa tores : Opes Hick Clesa Deeesibtr 111 H 129 111 7-4 March J26U 127 127 Kay 12M 18044 "OH rash markets:, Bic Tlead blae- steam. Uid waite. 01-80; soft wkita wettera whiu $L23U; hard whiter, northern sarinr, westers red $1.39. Oats Ko, 2. 98 lb. white $34. Barter Ne. 3, 45 lh.. B. W. $32. Cera, Ua. 8. eastern yel low, shipsteat $43. Millrnn, sUaisrd, $28.00 LIVESTOCK POBTLAND. Ore:. Hov. 2L AP Cattle aa4 calvea. talking steair: re ceipts: Cattle 40; calves 10. Steart. 1100 ta 1300 lbs. $10.254111: do. rood $10.25 11; da. Btedium, $8.(0; do. common S708.5O Heifers. road 99Q9-50; caauaoa to aediasi $6 9: eowa rood ISM 850! An mesin to medinm $5.50 '8; do. lew rnttar $3 5. Bolls, roes to choice fTfif 7.50: cot ter te Mliia 9ST. Oalves. stedioa te cheiea 9S10.S0: eaU ta comaiOB 904 8. Vealers, sulk fed, gaod to choice $1L5 13.50; medium ?9(ll; call to com- man. 38.50 KS. Hess: Quotshlr study; receipts 1000. Hearraraisht. $873 ID: median weirht $9.2510.25; light wsifht $10(910.25; light lichts. $9.5 (2 10 J5. Psckiag saws. roagh aad smooth. $7.35 8.50. 81asgfcter pigs 31.60 .50. feeder aad stacker pigs, $$.609.40. (Soft er oily hers aad routing lgt, excluded la soots quota tions.) Sheep and Ismhi: Quetably steady : re ceipts 200. e Lambs 84 lbs. down, rood to choice. $10.00(211.00: medinm $9.00010.00; aU weights, coll to eommon,. $747. Year ling: wetacrs, iiu lb... lovn, aieaiass t choice $6.50(28.50. Ewes, Ito lbs., down. medium to choice $3.75S. 120 to 125 Ibi., medium to choice $3 4.50. PkODUOE POBTLAKD. Ore, Kov. 21. (AP Milk: Baw milk. 4 Mr cent $2.60 cwt. delivered Portland, less 1 per eant Bot- terfst. sUtioa. 44e. track 45e. delirared at PorUaad 47c Poaltry (buTing priest) Alive, heavy Ji.ns over 4!3 lb.. 27e; Bcdium kens. SH to H lbs., SSc; Ught, nader SVh lbs, 17s; broilers, coder lVfc lbs 3&c; springs, aver 3 lbs., (4c; spring Pekin duckt, 4 lbs, and over, Ziy23e: old Pekia dneki, IS 19c; colored docks, 18c; tnrksrs, o. 1, SlfZ4c; Uve, 3S Potstosi. gemi. No, l grade. SZ.&0U S.25 per ca-t. CHICAQO QBAXK CHICAGO, Nov 31. (AP) About 4 cents s bushel jump is wrest veins re sulted today from buying ruihss tnt were largely doe to disturbing crop ad vices from Argentina. Absaooameat af IS per cant at Argen tine, wheat acrMge officially was aa noouneed aad eitimates ot ths Argea tiaa exportable torplu from ths sew wheat erap were reduced todsy to as low ss 91,000.000 bashals, a total decidedly tha smallest suggottad so fsr this sea son. Anxiety wat grouted also by re porta of sesvy menace from blaek rosO spreading la Southern Argentina where tha wheat harvest is yet three ta tons weeks distant. Current Radio Pro grams From Portland KGW 433.8 Metara. (30 Kcvs. PORTLATtD. ORBO6N 7 to 6 a. m. "Making Merry wit. Sparry." KPO. $ to 9 a. m. NBC. 9:10 to 9:20 a. m. Cooking SchooL : 9:30 to 14 a. m. Town Crier. I 10:14 te 10:30 a. m. Town Crier. 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. NBC. 13 to 12:48 p. m. Organ recltaL 12 :45 to 1 ISO p. m. City Club of Port 'land. 1:30 to 1:45 p. m. U. 8L market te- port 1:45 to $:30 p. m. Studio records, 4 8:30 to 4 p. ta. NBC. 4 :30 to 6 p. m. Service Hour. ( to 10 p. m. NBC. 10:20 to 12 midnight Hoot Owla. KGO 279.5 Meters, 790 Keys OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA 10:15 to 10:20 a. m. RecItaUsta, 19:30 to 11:39 a. ta. woman's alaga. sine ef the Air. 11 :30 to 12 noon Philharmonic ops ran recital. 12 to 1 p. m. Luncheon concert 1 t 2 p. m. Pacific Feature Hour. 2:3 to 4 p. m. What's Happenlns In the World. John D. Barry, te 446 p. m. Edward J. Pits Pat rick end his Hotel St Francis Sa lon orchestra. 4:45 to 6 p. m. "The World tn Mu sic" 5 to 6 o. m. Concert 4:30 to 7 p. m. Theater Memories. s to s p. m. university of tne Air. 10 to 10:2$ 9. m. In the Parlor. . 10:10 to 11 p. m. Ths Nomads. . 11 to 12 midnight Laughner-Harrla Hotel sc. iTancia aance orcaestrs. San Francisco. KPO 440.9 Meters. 484 Key 8 AN FRANCISCO 7 to f a. m. Health exerclsea. I ts l a tn. Happy Time. 9 :30 to 10 a. m. Dobbale's Dally Chav 10 to 10:16 a. in, NBC. 10 :30 to 11 :30 a, m. Woman's Mag- as f no er the Air. 11 :46 te 12 :05 p. m. Time ; Scripture, weather: announcements. 12:05 to 12:45 p. ra. Saul Raft and Wilbur Stump, piano duo. 12:46 te 1:39 p. m. Commonwealth club luncheon. 20 to 2 p. nt Jerry Jermatne. ' te $ p. ra. Aeolian Trie; steek tiuo talona. 4 to 4:46 p..m. Theodore Strong, sr- gan reciuu. 4:44 to 6 p. at Stock market oue- tJona I to 6 :60 p. m. Children's Hour. to p. ra. nri digest, bcotty- Mortlana. .- fto 7 p. mT KPO 8alea ercbaetra. to 4 p. 9a. Popular concert. I to 9:39 p. m. NBC 14 to 11 p. m, Jess Staftord'4 Pal ace Hotel danee orchestra. II to 18 midnight NBC. KOMO : 321.1 Meters. I2t Kern SEATTLE, WAtmNOTON 4 :5f a. m. Jnaptrstional eervloes. 7 a. m. Making Merry. 6 a. m. Happy Time, $ a. m. T. M. Cv A. health sxarclssa. 9:15 a. nij Organ recltaL 19 a. m. te 19:10 a. ra. NBC. 11:10 a. as. Orchestral O. Donald Gray, baritone. 11 :4I a. m. Mary Blake recipe talk, tt noon Dalrymm and pouttrymsn. 12:16 p. . .'What te Prepare for Dinner." 11 :(0 sv na. Oroheetra; VeOaa Soe- olofsky and Perdia Kotamo. 1 p. m. NBC. - 2 p. m. Orchestra : Greenwood IDtch 8:30 Bwtn. NBC. ell and Agnes Skartvedt 4 p, ra. Mining stock eiuotaUonn. 4 :16 rrn-Ajraea Skartrsdt and Rhe- 4:30 p. m. Stock, aond and grala one- : tationa. j - 4:46 to o:(0 p. m. NBC m 10 p. m. So-A-Tone hroaacsst 10:30 p. m. rTOHies. 11 :30 tx. sa. Newa flssnos. line m. mt. a-, :44 s to D 12 20 a. at.- rscttaL Hogs, tap