The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 22, 1929, Page 14, Image 14

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Th OHEGON STATESMAN. Salax Orcgta, Friday ITorolngNoreaber 22, 1923
iWam AmoMinices Resigeatiomi Effective After Mexft Year
Willamette Fans turn Out to
Squad Practice
Watch Gridiron
' : : : : : ; -O
Disagreement With Admin
istration Rumored Cause
Of Sudden Action
EUGENE, Ore.. Nov. 21. (AP)
-Captain John J. McEwan, head
coach of the University of Oregon
football team, tonight tendered
his resignation to officials of the
institution. The Oregon mentor
bad previously announced his re
signation to the Associated Press
and newspapers here. The resig
nation will become effective upon
the expiration of McEwan's con-
"tract, which has one year to run.
McEwan gave the Associated
Press the following statement:
"With deep regret it has be
come necessary for x- to an
nounce that upon the expiration
of my present contract as football
cbach at the University of Ore
gon my services will be complet
ed." , . McEwan declined to enlarge up
on the statement or to discuss.
his reasons for the unexpected ac
tion. Rumors were current in univer
sity circles, however, that differ
ences had arisen between - Mc
Ewan and the university admini
stration regarding a renewal of
the coach's contract. It was re
ported that McEwan desired to
sign a new contract immediately,
while the administration preferred
to defer action.
The Roth Grocers moved into
first place In the Business Men's
bowling league Thursday night by
winning two games from the Ore
gon Packing company quintet.
Capital Dairies won two from the
Salem Sanitary dairy, and West
ern Auto Supply company won
two from Stiff Furniture although
the women put up a real battle.
P. Roth 14.1 119 157 419
Hoxie ; 191 141 147 479
8. Vi! 191 154 199 .'.44
W. Bakrr 107 ljj 114' 403
Ed. Rotll 155 ICS 197 "JO
Total Th7 734 844
Davidson 15fi 152 174
lane 158 139 144
Hite 129 14:! 151
fckMein 156 15S 122
Allison .184 159 152
J 36 j
Totals . 73 751 '
Mc Manner
Loveall ,
Blatrhley ..
Total 737 733 705 2231
Lebold 158 144 133
Bacon 134 125 165
Shay 114 133 175
Ba!ey 166 160 167
Bobbins 202 116 123
Totali 774 67H 76H
fihamley 173 209 164
Levi ..132 101 154
Cleal ....147 13t 116
Kartmn 196 126 172
DaVanlt 151 153 202
Totali . . 799 725 80S
M. Poulin 124 149 194
. Newton 210 176 165
K. Hemenway ..143 147 13o
Schmidt , 129 130 138
I. Ponlim ....157 223 171
.763 825 798 2392
Parrish Battles
Leslie 11 Again
The second football game be
tween teams of Parrish and Les
lie Junior high schools has been
scheduled for next Wednesday af
ternoon, November 27. It had
been planned at first for Thurs
day. of this week, but a conflict
with other school activities pre-
Two Shining Rainbows
y "T" " ,L iiii ill 11 l" II "l" "
r .The passing combination, MeFarlane to Retersoa, la one of the
octstWaMTrng scoring threats on the Hawaiian team tab year. The
Bainbows, comins; from the snld-Padfie Island, wiH aaeet Oregon on
Blultnomab field at Portland next Satmrday. t
if THE Txi ,,M
ONE OF II -4' s , 1-1 I
HARKEY, Schmeling, Scotttorobably that much-moot Sharkey -
Schaaf , Stribline, etc. Never
has the letter "S" been so
prominent in the heavyweight fight
news since John L. Sullivan lorded
it over all fistiana. Of course,
there are two other big boys with
eyes on Gene Tunney's old crown
who do not come in that whimsical
"S"category, but it does not loolc
as thouga dusky George Godfrey
will ever get a shot at the title,
and "Tuffy" Griffith will probably
have to whip at least two of those
"S's" before reaching a champion
ship bout.
Right now the big business men
of boxing are planning two or
three big shows to be held at
Miami this Winter, but the Sport
Bug is inclined to believe that
these preparations will culminate
altinvately in one great event.
Portland Hockey
" Team Plays Tie
PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 21
(AP) The Portland Buckaroos
and Vancouver, 1928 champions
of the Pacific Hockey league,
played a 0 to 0 overtime tie game
at the Coliseum here tonight. It
was the first locat game of the
season and was witnessed by a
crowd of 3800.
Sschmeling dueL
Two lesser heav
bouts may also be staged in, which
Scott, Stribling and Griffith are
likely tar figure. But the big shot
must be a Sharkey-Schmeling
show. It is the only card that
figures to draw a big business
True it is that grim obstacles
seem to stand in the way of that
Sharkey-Schmeling natural. The
latter and his pari-mutuel man
agers are on the blacklist of Madi
son Square Garden and, so far, the
latter institution is boxing's only
big business outfit Frank .
Bruen, astute general manager of
the Garden, has made it clear that
his organization will have nothing
to do with Joe Jacobs, Schmeling's
favorite among those who own
"pieces' in his management.
Bruen claims Jacobs "broke his
word" with the former, and while
IW. Kb
Polk County Team Keyed Up
For Grid Contest This
DALLAS, Nov. 21. (Special)
The Dallas high football team
will play Forest Grove there Fri
day. The boys are feeling good
after defeating Silverton here
last Friday. They have pepped
up and shown that they can really
play football since Independence
beat them. At present Dallas has
a percentage of .500, having on
two and lost two and the team is
going to try hard to win again.
There are only two games left on
the schedule this season.
Little is known of the Forest
Grove team so there Is no way to
tell .what chance Dallas has of
winning. If the boys show the
same spirit as they showed last
Friday they should have a good
The starting lineup for Dallas
is: LE, Teats; LT, Moser; LG,
Parrish; C. McCann; RG, Cadle;
RT, Hyde; RE, Stevenson; Q.
Griffin: LII. Uglow; RH, Humph
reys; F, Vaughn.
Eugene. Nov. 21. (Special)
The outstanding inter-territorial
football game of the year will be
played In Portland next, Saturday
when Oregon and Hawaii meet on
Multnomah field. The Rainbows,
undefeated this season, should
give the Webfoots the hardest bat-!
tie of the year. ;
. Need of reserves to bloster up i
tne varsity in Its next two games
which will be played within a
period of five days is the prob
lem confronting the Oregon coach
es at this times. Although the
Oregtn regulars will be In at the
start of the Hawaiian game, ft Is
probable that, providing the Web
foots are on a par with the 11-
mm to m
- f such suspiciona and situations are
not uncommon in ring racketeer
ing, the keen-eved boss of the Gar
den is death on double-dealing or
anything that savors of what the
fans call "phenagling". With
Schmeling supporting Jacobs and
Bruen excoriating "Pieceful Joe,"
it is hard just now to see how the
German can appear under Garden
auspices in Florida next Winter,
The news comes that George
Carter, of Miami pier and dog
track fame, will rival the Garden
as a boxing promoter in Florida.
He is reported to have signed
Schmeling for an American bout
next Winter. Now the Garden has
Sharkey sewed up and Carter has
the German magnet. A war of
promoters coming? Perhaps if
Carter and Bruen are not old pals
as they hare been for many years
anders, many substitutes will be
Two of the outstanding football
players In this section of the world
will fight it out for honors Sat
urday. They are Bob Robinson,
Oregon halfback, and Rusty Holt,
captain of the Rainbows. Holt has
galloped past all opposition this
season, while Robinson rose to his
greatest performance In the Ore
gon State game in which he scored
Oregon's two touchdowns.
Oregon Electric Railway
tp points to
Oregon, Washington, Idaho
and Montana
Tickets on saUs Nov. 28, 27,
28; return limit Dec. 2
Bend .
Walla Walla
? hite Salmon,
Tickets, reservations, etc., of
J. W. RITCHIE, Ticket Agent
Phone 727
L. F. Knowlton. General Agent
Efforts Redoubled to Obtain
Quota for Excursion to
Walla Walla
On the gridiron, two dozen
football men in practice togs go
ing through routine signal prac
tice and fundamental drill, just
like any other practice afternoon
and up In the grandstand. 200
or more rootert, of both seies.
yelling and singing as 'though
there were only two minutes yet
to play of the championship game
and the score tied!
That's what may be seen at
Sweetland field, where the Wil
lamette Bearcats work out, any
afternoon from now until next
Tuesday, with Sunday excepted of
course because Willamette does
not forget its Methodism even
with a Northwest conference title
In sight.
New Spirit Shown
By Bearcat Fans
The spectacle of rooters turning
out to cheer the boys along in
practice is entirely new here, but
It Is eloquent evidence of the spirit
that is manifest at Willamette this
year, and Is swelling up to a cli
max as the date of the champion
ship game, against Whitman at
Walla Walla Thanksgiving day,
draws near.
As for the proposed excursion
to Walla Walla, if wishes were
round trip tickets, every student
would go; but not all are million
aires sons and daughters, and the
price looks awfully steep to those
who haven't It.
Good Chance of Raising
Needed Number Yet Seen
But Don Sanders, yell king, an
nounced Thursday afternoon that
the battle wasn't lost yet in fact,
everything looked encouraging.
Only a few of the necessary num
ber to make the trip from Salem
are lacking, but it will be neces
sary to sign up about 25 alumni
in Portland.
Unless the excursion pledges go
"over the top" sooner, the final
decision will be delayed until
next Tuesday night, when a big
rally dinner will be held.
Two of the classes in the univer
sity have voted to subsidize those
members who will make the trip,
to the extent of practically half
of their round trip fare; the other
classes are equally patriotic but
financially embarrassed, go they
will hold a tag sale today in hopes
that the necessary amount can be
raised. If all of the, tags are not
sold at the- university, some will
be brought downtown. The slogan
on the tags Is "Whale Whitman."
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 21.
(AP) The leg infection which
has kept Knute Rockne, famous
Notre Dame football coach in a
wheel chair for eight weeks, has
spread to both limbs, but his con
dition is not regarded as alarm
ing, Dr. Robert L. Sensennich, the
attending physician said tonight.
Rockne is suffering from a
thrombosis-phlebitis; the plug
ging of a vein by blood clots.
Because of this development
sc.-. i-x ?-::
"wV ; .(FU SmW
(H i l
' Let's see, folks, we haven't an
nounced our guessing average for
several days. Monday for the
first time we battled Old Man
Luck to a draw, on the Eugene
Corvallis game. Wednesday night
we held the right end on the
fights, for the first time in
months, and we won four of six
Sunday, which boosts the guessing
average up to .643; 36 right and
20 wrong.
So today we'll pick Whitman
to beat Pacific and Woodbnrn
to beat Silverton.
A week or so ago we discussed
the high school championship sit
uation and predicted that no mat
ter what the outcome of any
games that could be scheduled,
somebody would still be left un
defeated, and with a valid claim to
the title. Lair Gregory of the Ore
gonian apparently missed that is
sue of The Statesman, for here
the other day he listed Washing
ton high of Portland, Bend, Eu
gene and Milton-Freewater as the
undefeated teams.
Immediately the injured
fans began dropping around
Gregory's. e.ars and what they
said was plenty. The first to re
port was Wbodburn -undefeated
with a record of 147 points
to opjjonents 23. Woodburn
lias Ix'ateii Tillamook 13 to 7,
West Linn, 0 to 2, Gresham 1
to 7, Amity 62 to O, Indepen
dence 10 to O and New berg 38
to 7.
Then came North Bend If you
recall, we mentioned that there
must be an undefeated team In the
Coos Bay region. There will prob
ably be more popping up.
Pat Dundee's showing in de
feating Art Akers was not only
effective. It was pretty to watch.
We have never before seen so
much ring strategy displayed in
a close fight. Chuck Borden
used as much when he defeated
Jack Kentworth here, but
Chuck had everything his own
way. Bring on Mr. Borden for
a fight with Dundee!
There were more "challenges"
in the ring Wednesday night than
we had ever heard at one fight
card before. Winter must be com
ing on. Or maybe the boys had
read that Ralph Gruman was to
be the referee, and saw a chance
to get his attention.
By the way, fight promoting
and officiating must be a pay
ing business, for Gruman owns
at least two pairs of pants. We
know that, because Wednesday
the Romblers' coach may not see
his team in action again this sea
son, for his physician has forbid
den Rockne to go to Evanston,
where Notre Dame meets North
western Saturday and may with
hold permission for Rockne to
make the trip to New York a week
later to see his team meet the
Army eleven. The Army game
ends the Irish schedule.
Dr. Sensennich said Coach
Rockne's condition was not par
ticularly alarming, but bis patient
must have absolute rest. The
physician said the trip to Chicago
last Saturday where Rockne di
rected his team against Southern
California "had fatigued" the
coach considerably.
Some folks take pain for granted.
They let a cold "run its course.'
They wait for their headaches to "wear off.?
If suffering from neuralgia or from neuritis,
they rely on feeling better in the nwnung.
Meantime, they suffer unnecessary pmT
Unnecessary, because there is an antidote.
Bayer Aspirin always offers Immadfrt relief
from various aches and pains we once had to
endure. If pain persists, consult your doctor
as to hs cause.
Save yourself a Jot of pain and discomfort
through the many usea of Bayer Aspirin. Pro
tect yourself by buying the genuine. Bayer b
qf. Always the same. AD drugstores.
rf BaBqrfieacU
BOiiicbody stole on of them oat
of his car In Portland, and he
managed to get down here all
right without, using a barrel.
Russ Green fights EddieVolke
again in Portland next Tuesday.
Up there, it's billed as Volke's
first professional fight.
Yes, and we saw Spud Mur
phy back in the crowd Wednes
day night.
This Ward Graham, who
fought Bernard Kuhn and got
knocked out while ho was
smoothing his hair, must be a
Great Necker. On his rushes, he
usually shot out a glove that
would curl right around Kuhn's
We guessed right on Wetzel,
but it sure looked like black
rules for ours. Kid Summers
fought circles around the big
blacksmith, who will be a wonder
some day if his muscles will Just
learn to do what he tells them
without too much delay. But he
was. as advertised, in shape for
the flust time, and that was what
earned him the victory. With a
little luck thrown in.
Lloyd Ambrose is learning
something between fights, right
along now, and it seems the cre
dit will have to go to Mel
Brown. The accomplishment
Lloyd trotted out for the fans'
approval this time was that of
shooting his punches straight
instead of looping them as he
used to.
Red Moehier had plenty of dy
namite in his right mitt. We kept
wondering why it never occurred
to Getty to try stopping some of
them. But Getty came back and
earned a draw after Moehier had
worn himself out punching.
Not so many fellows as usual
had themselves paged at the
fight Wednesday night.
Clip This Coupon
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Egyptian Gems have the same fiery brilliancy, the same blue
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J. C. Perry's Drug Store
1 15 S. Commercial
Essex Sedan
IT WAS $535
Combined Used Car Lot
Jast Actom the Bridge ea Seetfc Commercial
- -
Bonesteele Motor Go.
Marion Garage Go.
P. S.If purchased before noon 7e Trill
give 50 gallons gas .
Bloody Bout Ends in Seventh
Round Victory for Port
land Scrapper
VALSETJS, Not. 21. (Special)
Jack Kentworth of Portland
knocked out Jack Nash of Lonx
view In the seventh round of a
ten round main event on the fight
card here Tuesday night. Kent-
worth weighed 142 pounds anil
Nash 138.
It was a bloody fight, Nash
dropping Kentworth to the can
vas twice in the first round and
Kentworth returning the compli
ment in the third. In the fifth.
Nash was on the floor four times
and at the end of the round, the-
referee, Bill Woods, awarded the
fight to Kentworth, but the
judges, Clifford Brink and Jimmy
Hones, protested. So the boys
went back into the ring, but
Kentworth was too strong for
Nash and bad him in a horizontal
position most of the time in the
sixth and seventh rounds.
It was by far the hardest fight
ever witnessed in the ring here.
Russ Greene, of Salem, won a
decision over Pat Haley uf Inde
pendence in a six round scrap.
Jackie, . .Wattenberger of Inde
pendence knocked out Willie .Pal
rick of Portland in the second
round of another scheduled six
rounder, and Jackie Woods of Sa
lem lost on a foul to Munk Ellis
of Albany in the fifth round of a
third bout, which had been plan
ned for six rounds. Woods wrs
practically certain of victory when
the unintentional fbul occurred.
Two girls, sisters, participated
in the four round preliminary.
which was a draw. They wer Dor
othy and LaVern Marquis. 9 and
11 years old, respectively.
The eard was put on by Mack
Woods of Salem. It was well at
tended. Ward Barnett of Valseta
was referee of all bouts except
ing the main event.
Read the Classified Ads.
for Mall Orders
r - -