PAG3 ELHVETI Bill Measles Patients Should .. Be Allowed Reasonable ort Amount of Light Ren ? 1 " i -t t i Contestants ' Active in Miss Majestic Race, Report Indicates . Not content -with merely taking those votes which may come to them, many of the young women entered in the "Miss Majestic' contest are waging vigorous cam- patens for votes seeared from toe coupons printed daily in The Ore gon Statesman, wnicn enuue them to 69 votes, and throngs turning In tkrospective radio buy ers, each sale netting the contes tant from 20.900 to 40,000 votes. The stories told by the person nel of the Imperial Farnitnre company and Vibbert Todd, Sa lem agents for the Majestic Ra dio who are sponsoring the con test, are interesting indeed: -one young lady has Interviewed 1(0 friends and bis them dipping cou pons and watching for prospective radio buyers: another has gone out to sell the radio herself. Bha lias interrlewed a number of prominent bnsiness men in Salem who are now Majestic owners and U using their statements as a background for constructive sales talks. She says she found it easy to obtain ' these little testimon ials in favor of the radio she is selling. The interest shown in this con test may be surmised from the number of youns women who are working earnestly to earn the first prize- which is a trip to Hollywood or one of the numerous smaller prizes. Contest standings to date are as follows: Arleta Gell , 154,850 Evelyn Kertson 137,550 Roberta Everson : 110,550 C!ara King Gladys Schaeffer Rose Krauger Mrrtle Lane ; Hazel Daue Francis Walker Betty Ross Ruth White ftlildred Sexauer Marcla Fuestman Ernestine Porter 97,300 84,600 81.500 71,950 64,250 63,550 39,350 24,200 22,850 14,250 2.450 LAST DATE FIXED in National headquarters of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars has rent to Marion Post No. 661 of Salem a reminder that expiration cf time for filing World war ad justed compensation applications, available to all World war veter an. has been set for January 1, 1 MO. ; With the possibility that con gress will, refuse further extension v' time after this date, every V. F. W. post throughout the conn trv has been asked to canvas its membership and World war vet erans in general In this regard, advising them of benefits that wait application. More than 1,000,000 World war r?terans hare failed to apply tor their adjusted compensation cer tificates, according to government records as of June 30, 1929. Ap plications totalling more than .3, S 00,0 00 have been received and approved by the government. The expiration date for filing applications has been extended twice in the past as a result of efforts of the national legislative committee of the Veterans of For eign Wars of the U. 8. and other service organizations, bnt another extension beyond January 1, 1979, may prove unavailable. The value of the average cer tificate outstanding is estimted at 81,000.00 and provides the vet eran with a twenty year paid up endowment insurance policy. At the end of twenty years the vet eran collects the face sum of his certificate, or in event of his death the full amount of the pol licy goes to his beneficiaries. Like ordinary insurance poli cies, these government certifi cate have an increasing loan value as the date of maturity draws closer. ' v " Veterans who ha vtf delayed thus far are being urged to act quickly or run the risk of being deprived of this government benefit after January 1st. Marion Post No. 661 of Salem and vicinity is making as effort ta locate any veteran who has not yet applied for his certificate In quiries addressed to J. 8. McKJn ney. Adjutant, Turner, Oregon, will meet with immediate attention. 8i One of the smwI cesipljcated performances ever achieved by saan. flyinr an airplane nnder all coadrttons e) weather and darkness, has bees accomplished by the se of this Sperry gyroscopic robot, at the extreme left T"VhJw!r b T aehievessent made in conquering the air. At the vpper right b shewn the "Umbrella Plane," which it was assumed would be nsef nl in case of forced landings. In a test at Royal Oak. Michigan, it performed a new innovation in aeronautics. Instead of tying it danced arennd the fteM. The perfection of airplanes has brought forth many instances; of heroism. In the lower right is shown Thomas CarroD, who has tested all makes of freak planes for more than twelve yean, with Doaglas Davis, winner of the Cleveland Air Derby, who broke the record far flying, between New York and Atlanta. tatamaUoaal Maaarwl ma OF wonsinw SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 21. (AP) The shooting and fatal wounding of Mrs. Gertrude Haw dins Larine in an apartment here last night continued to provide a mystery which police were at tempting to penetrate before ac cepting the theory of suicide as final. One of the disclosures casting some doubt upon the suicide the ory was the absence of powder burns around the ballet wound in the temple that caused the death of the 23 year old divorcee and secretary of an automobile dealer here. If she had shot-herself, said City Autopsy Surgeon Adolphus A. Berger, there would probably have been powder burns. The apartment where she was found dying was occupied by Lau rence P. Tulloch, employe of a local broadcasting studio, and Tulloch's friend, William Whittle, Santa Cms broker. Both these men were being questioned in the city Jail. Allea Hamilton; son of Black Birds Are i Brown Birix on Farm at Zena ZEXA, November 21. Host of ns have heard the sons; My Blackbirds Are Blue Birds Now, but how many of ns have ever seen a black bird that was a brown, bird. That is what a fanner at Zena reported he saw recently. A lively flock of birds had been following after him as he plowed, pich ing up insect and worms. In the flock was one that seemed to be just like the others only fa color, betas; brown like an English spar row Instead of coal black. Another in the flock was a copper color with black wings flecked with white feathers. The flock, number ing all the way from SO to 10 birds seemed to be very tame, following the plow quite closely. Collector of Customs W. B. Ham ilton, was being sought for questioning. roll s w on DALLAS. November 21, R, R. Turner, superintendent of schools of Dallas has announced the hon or roll of Dallas high school for the first quarter as follows: Seniors: Barbara Elliott, Betty Lou Finn, Louise Fletcher, Annie Cayman. Edna Janzen, Margaret Ellen Kelly. Muriel Kelly, David Peters, Lorraine Roberts, Kather- lne Smith, Marjorle WestiaU and Alice Wlens. Juniors: Mona Brooks, Laura Doell. Edith Dunn, Betty Hawk ins, and Philip Hayter. Sophomores: Norma Eecleston, Dorothy Elliott, Ralph Finseth, Otto Fisher,-Irene Guy, Catherine Hawkins. " Mary Hlmes, Lydla Ifehl, Anna Neufeldt, Elvln Quir ing, Irene Soehren, Rachel Dg Iow, Helen Viers. ""Freshmen: Orva Aebl, Lois Clanfield, Porter Friztell. Pauline Hughes, Edward Jansen. Harriett Locklfng, Lydla Neufeldt, Maria Neufeldt, Lillian Plett, Hazel Contrary to notions which have been caret nily guarded for years, patients who have measles should not be closeted la a dark room, but rather, should be permitted a comforahle and adequate exposure to light, gays the bulletin of the state ooara or health this week which deals with care of measles. The bulletin follower One of the earliest signs of an oncoming attack of measles- Is the reddened condition of the eyes. Tears may be noticed as excessive Plnmmer, Eugene Stoller and Ma beLWarrell.' The reaulrement for honor roll are nd ease of tardiness or unexe cuted absence for the quarter, two "EX" grades, and no grade below GD. - . Albany Man Is Visitor ih This City Thursday Edward E. Bryan of Albany was a Salem visitor Thursday, calling on the Salem Hardware company. Mr. Bryan is advertising manager tor the hardware group affiliated for buying with the Northern Hardware company. Over 200 stores pre in the group, including stores In Albany, Sllverton, Cor valis and Salem. The affiliation is tor buying, the stores continuing to be Inde pendently owned and managed. Mr. Bryan wiU handle the adver tising for the stores in this area. Ifeadthe Classified Ads. The annual Father and Son ban - qnet of the First M. E. church will - be held in the church parlors on Friday of this week at 6:20 p. m. The dinner will be served by - mothers of the boys, and the ban quet Is sponsored by the Men's Council of the church, all boys without fathers being the special - guests-of the council. Therefor ' ir is urged that all boys of the - chorea school be present. An enjoyable program of songs, games, short and snappy toasts is being prepared by the committee . in charge, and a special feature ot j the evening will b,e comedy mov 4 les. J. O. Russell will preside as master of ceremonies while the group singing will be under the direction ot E. E. Bergman, with Prof.' Gaw at the ' piano. Games will be led by Mr. B. H. Mosher. ' - This banquet has come to be V looked forward to as an annual event in the lives ot the boysand - last year was perhaps the best that has ever been held . in the church, and It is the desire ot the committee to mak the one this year surpass last year's ef fort. . . - ' rail " W v Now is the brighten your rooms vnth new,, color ful dra$erie8. Dreary winter days are drawing near. The' cheer, of new.ciraperies will help to offset tKe'-gloom of winter. Our drapery- department is' forging' ahead of former years hecause of the excellent service we are giv ing at smaU cost . Informal treatments of great charm are easily possible with a few yards of cretonne, chintz, or damas;-;:'-f-:- .. i.-S5SV ;. Cy-: Ring up 29 and have Mr. Gregory measure your win dows and submit estimates. No obligation on your part. 'V - I V: i ii TB , 'IS. 340 Coat St. and almost ready to overflow the lashes "darter thm star of mmu tng and coughing that precedes tne sxin erupuon. These early in flammatory warnings in' the eyes nsnallv rflmnilnlf K - an ma reiulre ho treatment. They are rear of light has prompted the vi cious care that is responsible not only' for loss of eresicht but also for th loss of life of many children. ' Probably more harm has been done bv th nld-faalitonAii ftntlon that the child with measles mutt be kept in a dark-room than by any other nursing fault. - The fact that tb tears. ra flAwlnr .n4 the eyes are a little congested" la not sufncient reason for putting the child in a dark room. In no other diaeasa of rhildtwwut tr fresh air and good light so Im perative in treatment. Fresh air is necessary to avert and counter act lung infection, the thing that kills these babies and children la ter from pneumonia and other germs often responsible for the Se rious eye conditions developing in later complications In measles. Avoid eve comnllAsHana la measles by banishing the tear ot light. Keen tha nalient comforw table by adequate light and an anunaance ot fresh air. Extreme cleanliness is a necessity. Noth thing stronger than boric acid so lution should aver b used la the eyes. Assure comfort by having tne patient's back to the light. Too early use ot the eyes at close ranra and tnr tnn ltr period after any illness when the eye muscles are relatively weak and flabby, has been responsible for muscla fantea. Thl fat ha- comes noticeable during conva lescence. Winter Coat Sale Values to $49 $24.75 UPSTAIRS Values to $29 $(P8 Downstairs Thrift Store Open XU 8:45 fiatardays 255 N. Libertj Open Til 8:43 Saturdays 7 6 Some young lady better known as MISS MAJESTIC will soon be packing her trunk for that trip to Hollywood, Calif. You can help your favorite Contestant win by saving YJk for v5' Miss Majestic Just a few days left Co. amnciraai a 4S7 Court SU Vibbert & Todd 143 N. High St. . Sbjatie Radio SImw Foyer Fox Kblnore rzrzrr: I I T I if St " New Browns... to complete the new autumn en semlbes with true Parisian chic J New Styles... that give outward expression to the youthful exuberance created by the exclusive Arch Preserver in-built construction for root youtlj and happiness. , TSNEW Tutor PRESERVER 0 sites