"The CnZGCIJ STATESMAN. Salcru-Orecn, Friday lloniz?, Novesfey 22.1323 PAGE.-TEN is? r It IB IIIBBEB Cooperative Marketing Plan Outlined in Session At Portland Cohtlne4 from Pas 1.1 board Is taking the position that the first thing is to establish sound' organization on a sufficient scale to eliminate local competition be tween cooperatives," Mr. -Wilson said. "We will take care of emerg encies, but are not attempting to supercede existing agencies each as the- federal intermediate credit bank and the federal warehouse act." Mr. Wilson told the group today that small, competitive cooperative associations in this state or else where can expect no direct finan cial aid from the new farm board. He said, however, that every ef fort will be made to point oat methods of organization and fed eratlon of marketing groups. which will put the marketing as sociations in a stronger position with the board and as regards handling their financial problems through existing agencies. Grain Growers Cooperative Given Full Explanation Much of the afternoon' session was devoted to explanation of the -newly formed North Pacific Grain Growers' cooperative, which is to 'serve as regional body in the na tional cooperative grain organiza tion though which the farm board will deal in its stabilization and orderly Marketing efforts. A de- scription of organization wor".: was given by Slate Senator F. J. Wil mer, Rosalia. Wash., temporary president of the regional associa tion. Senator Wilmer pointed out that the regional organization Us bow complete along lines approv-' ed by the farm board and that plans for local members groups are being worked out. He explain ed contract forms, financing and other details and said assistance In organizing would be furnished communities requestinglt but that bo drive would be made anywhere. Ward M. Buckles, director of the intermediate credit bank at Spokane, after discussing services of his institution, likened the fed eral farm board to the federal re serve system but pointed out the latter "was not established in a day." He offered his assistance to prune cooperatives in working out Improved warehousing plans. B (ID OPPOSED Bl ESPEE'S FORCES 1 (Continued from rase 1.) -Great Northern railroad over the Fouthern Pacific tracks from Flanigan, Nev., to Klamath Falls, Oregon. Nevada began Its case after A. G. Mott had been cross examined completing the presentation of eT'dence in favor r the petUIon ers. Mott who is chief engineer for the California Railroad com mission, was on the stand most of the morning. He was grilled by Southern- Pacific counsel, who sought to undermine evidence he had presented regarded by attor neys as extremely important. Mott testified that existing Southern Pacific lines In his opin ion would be physically inade quate to handle California-Oregon traffic in about seven years. Asked if Southern Pacific service was not satisfactory Mott said: "Sometimes additional facilities ' are necessary evep when the ex isting ones are physically ade quate." Questioned sharply by E. J. Foulds, Southern Pacific counsel, as to whether that company had .' given good service on its Shasta line, Mott replied: "In my opinion . the Southern Pacific has done a very good jote of providing service - on that line." 1 INCREASE (Continued from Pace 1.) creases as one remedy in the pre pared statement which he and his secretary distributed at the White House after the general businecs ; conference. i He also had some other renie- dies for the situation. One was ' that business brains get back on '.the Job and let the stock ticker -alone. Another was lower prices ' for commodities. ' Prices Generally : 'Too High 8ys Ford 5 "Nearly everything In- this , country is too highly priced." Mr. ; Ford observed. "The only thing ; that should be high priced In this ' country ls-the man who works. - Wages must not come down, they i must not even stay on their pres t ent level; they must go up. "And even that is not suffl t? cient of itself we must'see to it that the increased wages are not f taken away from our people by in- creased prices that do not repre " sent increased values. The couc U try gains rto benefit by letting the - working man earn an extra hun- Hi FORD ORDERS w mm NOMINATION COUPON hereby nominate V Address ........ Age .Telephone . .......... -"-';f . As Miss Please place (1000 Only One Nomination Coupon Courtis. . Present this ; Coupon to either of the above dealers Jersey Child Slayer Baffles the r Authorities Wi& Frozen Stolidity ' -Mill mlw " ' ' j: ''7 " f ' ' Gladys May Parks, former model, who is charged with murder of children placed ia her care, baffles the authorities with her indifference and frozen stolidity. The above illustration shows at the extreme left, Perdita Norris, six, standing beside the grave ia which the body of Dorothy Rogers was placed by the accused. The girl w3 used to demonstrate how the body was folded into the suitcase without dismembering it. (Above) Arrow indicates the accused woman as she calmly pointed out the grave of Timothy Rogers, two year old child, whom she claims died at her Camden home. Center, Allen Rogers, father of the two children whom Miss Parks is accused of murdering. At the lower said she "slapped" little Dorothy Rogers, who died five minutes later. I S Gladys Mae Parks the "woman of stone" shielding a man? Is he a man that means so much to her that she is willing to face even thV electric chair ratter tMan im peril his life by naming him? This is but one of the mysteries that sur rounds the blonde cabaret per former who insists that the death of little Timmie Rogers and his sister, Dorothy, was caused by an ex traordinary series of mishaps. - Detectives and others close to Gladys Parks are inclined to believe that she is shielding a man who is said to be a young law student of Perth Amboy, N. J., but it is not yet ascertained how deeply he is impli cated in the alleged slaying of the two children. The police are in j dred dollars and then taking it j away from him ajrain in increased I rents and a rise in prices gen j orally. To make wages better, and I to keep prices dov, n requires that business men come back into bns f iness as many are doing since ! the stocks came down." Manufacturer Appears In Jovial Mood The 66-year old manufacturer was in fine fettle and greeted the other business men here for the White House conference in Jo vial mood. The outlook for business ap peared to be the least of his wor ries. Asked about reports that his Kansas City plant-had been closed Mr. Ford said: "Oh. I thought it was the Den ver plant they were closing up." he said, making it clear that the "they" referred to the originators of the reports. "You know we closed the Washington plant for two or three days a couple of weeks ago but we didn't hear much about that," lie added, as he smilingly dis missed the reports of general cur tailment of activities in his fac tories. S ItEDWOOD CITY. Calif., Nov 21. ( AP) Ira Kirk admitted the killing of Clara Boeke, San Francisco high school teacher, to a coroner's jury today, and then heard himself formally charged in superior court with the girl's murder. Kirk passed serenely through the courtroom episodes. Officer in whose custody he spent the day said the only emotion shown by the former dishrasher and ditch digger was when, while being tak en from the county jart to the court house be saw two women- watching him. He immediately struck a pose, and called out: "That's right; take a good look while you have the chance." FOR JUST 3 HOURS HAMMOND, Ind., Nov. 21. (AP) Fora few- hours today United tSates Senator James E Watson, of Indiana, was defend ant in a $100,000 damage suit charging libel, filed In federal court by Ralph S. Bradford, Lake county political leader. The suit three hours later was dismissed on grounds the federal court had no jurisdiction. vm JUaJesUc.,, , to her credit - 1 Votes) COiES Hi H 0 Watson hit left the former modiste is shown leaving clined to the theory that the child ren were used for blackmailing pur poses and put out of the way after they had outlived their usefulness. The authorities are amazed at the indifference and frozen stolidity of the blonde singer, who worked in night clubs in Atlantic City and other places, and added to her activities by playing the piano at church socials. She is indifferent to the pleas of her aged father, him self held as a material witness, that she should tell the truth without reservations. She is impervious to the bitter imprecations hurled at her by Allen Rogers, father of the dead children who unceasingly re proaches himself with having given up his little motherless ones. She IntenMlSmul ins nCIATl MEETS SILVERTON, Nov. 21. The Silverton Teachers' association met at the mnsic room at the Eu gene Field building Tuesday, eve ning at 7:45 with Miss Martha Belle Whittaker "of the senior high school presiding. At the business meeting com mittees were appointed for the December meeting. Mae Arnold, Dorothy Kruger and Mrs. Veda Bennett, will be in charge of the general program while Gwen Clif ford, Marjory Robinson and war ren Crabtree will, serve on the professional program committee. Florence Story, Hervie Silver and Murlal Bentson will be in charre of the refreshments. . Following the business meeting program was given, which had) been arranged by Mrs. Harriet Dunn, Mrs. Mary Alfred and Mrs. Anna Powell. The program con- slated of a voeal solo by Kathleen Bo-oth, accompanied by Franklyn Erenson; a trumpet eolo by Will iam Kleeb, and a cornet solo by Wayne Tate, both accompanied by Hal Campbell; a piano solo by Betty Kleinsorge; a vocal solo by Marjory Hubbs, accompanied by Mildred Hubbs. Jean Lambert, principal of the senior high school spoke on "Vocational Guidance." Following the program, an old fashioned spelling match was held In which Miss Hannah Olaen was the winner. Lunch was served at the close of the evening's enter tainment. FIVE CLUB WOMEN KILLED III ACCIDENT MiALLAS. Tex., Nov. 21. (AP) -Five Texas clnb women, promi nent members of Fort Worth, and Leonard families, lost their lives in a grade crossing accident near here today. Robert Guess, negro chauffeur. only v survivor of an automobile that crashed into side ot a fast traveling motor train, was taken to a hospital in a serions condi tion, but was expected to recover. The-Aad: Mrs. Charles Clark; 43. Mrs. A. P. Grlder, 41. Mrs. G. R. Grlder, 61. Mrs. II. S. Pendrgrass, C5. Mrs. E. G. King. 39. Mrs. King lived in Fort Worth, the others were residents ot Leonard. The first snow storm of tbe sea son was blamed for the accident. Guess said the falling flakes ob scured his vision . and the car akldded Into the train when he tried. to stop. "Upside Down' Well Presented Thursday Nightl "If things do not turn oat cor rectly right sfSe np, lust turn them upsldo down. At least that was (he gist et the. advice offered BXii MMM kn, mmtmi aid the house in Camden, where she International Newucd listens with a contemptuous smile to the stories of her friend, Mamie Dolson, who told how the accused woman used to stay at her house occasionally and how she never failed to say her prayers before re tiring. She does not interrupt the recital of the ride she took with the Geisler brothers to National Park, N. J, and their repeated assurance that they believed her story that the suitcase was filled with bor rowed dishes that the woman wished to return. She is calm when con fronted by Ahthony Baker, her common-law husband, who -Urged her to surrender to the police, and in the face of all other ordeals staged by the police of Camden, N.J. in the play "Upside Down" at the Grand theatre Thursday night by the Frailer players. There was plenty of comedy and some new wisecracks, but to tell them would be to spoil them for the folk who may go to see the play Friday night. Next week the Frazier players will present a three act comedy, "The Flapper Wins." They will be at the Grand for the usual Thurs day and Friday night perform ances, and will give in addition a Thursday afternoon matinee. BOOSTED SLIGHTLY WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. (AP) On the eve of taking a few weeks respite from its long tariff labors, the senate today wrestled with what was famous twenty years ago as "schedule K" and voted an increase in the import tax on raw clothing wool from 31 to 34 cents a pound. As a result of this boost, which was against the recommendations of the finance committee tariff framers' and in accordance with the rate d opted by the house, Chairman Smoot announced .that levies on all manufactures of wool would have .to be stepped up to ht" level of the house measure. These duties, known as compensa tory rates, were cut by the com' mittee In proportion to the reduc tion on the raw wool tariff. Thirty four republicans, nine democrats, and the sole farm la bor member. Ships tead, Minne sota, voted for the house increase. Only five republicans supported the committee, being Joined by 21 democrats. ineir TIFF ON IS U.S. CONGRESS 111. ADJOURN Week's Resf Will be Taken Before Regular Session . Begins at Capital (Continued from Fas L) tariff issue found a solid block of republican Independents from the northwestern ' states standing firmly wftb. the-democrats in the senate for revision in the interests of agriculture alone, -and this combination which seems destined to carry on in .the regular ses sion with potential political possi bilities In the future has nulli fied the administration paper ma jority in the senate. Census Reapportionment Accomplished by Congress Mr. Hoover was gives, the farm bill he desired by the special ses sion and the census house reap portionment meejBttre he . , recom mended. . However the senate re jected on 'a nonpartisan vote his suggestion for another postpone ment of putting into operation the national origins immigration quo ta basis. The fourth Hoover re commendation was "limited tar iff revision" and that contest goes Info the regular meeting. The weary senate plugged slow y ahead today with its prolonged tariff debate and will carry on until 10 p.m. tomorrow. The In vestigation by the senate judi ciary committee into lobbying ac tivities in Washington will con tinue next week through the seven days rest period between sessions. At the outset of the regular session, the senate will take up the three year old dispute over the right of Senator Elect William Vare, of Pennsylvania, to a sear and then return to the I tariff. E IS T SEATTLE, Nov. 21 (AP) A temporary injunction barring county officials from making fur ther alleged use of "truth serum" and a "truth machine" in an ef fort to force Decast Earl Mayer, confined in the King county jail to 'break his long silence concern ing the dsappearance of James Eugene Bassett was issued here late today by Superior Judge Mal colm Douglas. The officials enjoined are Coun ty Prosecuting Attorney Ewing D. Colvin and Sheriff Claude G. Bannick. The court set the mat ter for final hearing next Satur day morning, wheu officials must appear and show canse why the restraining order should not be made permanent. Bassett, member of a Balti more, M. r., family disappeared here more than a year ago. He was last seen with Mayer, who had answered an advertisement which Bassett inserted in a news paper offering his automobile- for sale. Mayer, who was found in possession of the car, said he had purchased it and that he and Bas sett had parted under friendly cir cumstances. L DEALER WINS II SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21.- (APF" H. P. Brown, wealthy lumber and cement man of Aber deen. Wash., won a temporary victory in the United States dis trlct court here today In his tight to escape extradition to the state of Washington where he is nnder Indictment on a charge of violating the state banking act. Judge Frank H. Kerrigan Issued a stay of the writ of extradition ordered by Governor C. C. Young. The stay, In the form of an order to show canse why a writ of habeas corpus should not be is sued was made returnable Mon day. Brown's attorney,-Morgan Doly, asxea that the government inter vene as It may in disputed extra TRUTH F,'II m 1 LUMBER E The gigantic task of laying gas mains from Portland to Salem has been accomplished as per schedule... right to the dot. - - And now Portland Gas, known for its reliability, is being sent undejr pressure into -the homes of our people, who have signed up for, or already had,gas service in nomes. Another sign of real progress for Salem. By using the. ingenious modern Gas ap pliances, you too will be convinced that gas is the Ideal Fuel . . . the Greatest Ser vant of-all. 5 ... , - -Farewell to Reno I U i , if Mrs. Edith M. Belpusi Ilealy, twenty-five years old, who has returned to New York with a Reno divorce decree from Percy C Healy, one of Wall Street's wizards of finance. International Mewtrcel ditlon cases. Doyle contended the Washington bank act was uncon stitution, that Brown was never an officer or stockholder of the bankbutioustemer that he re ceived no money from the bank' and finally had committeed no crime in filing a false statement of his assets. At the time of the collapse of the Hays and Hays bank, Brown was a dealer in cement and lum ber in Aberdeen. He is now presi dent of the Diamond Spring Land company in Placerville, Cal. T LONDON, Nov. 21 (AP) A dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph from Sofia, Bulgaria, said the Orient express, Europe's crack train between Constantinople and Paris, was held up near Caribos this afternoon by brigands who killed two passengers and wound ed several others.. The train was plundered. The Bulgarian government has closed the frontier In order to ef fect the capture of the bandit;. Advices from Belgrade stated that the locomotive of the express had arrived at Tzaribrod, near the Serbian frontier. WARNI BssnerrfceMs, Colitis, Coasts 9nam mma tit er octal Colosi ettsortlors taarreas aysti Our non-surgical treatment, used successfully for 16-year, per manently relieves those condi tions, restores health aad rebuilds vitality. Our FREE Booklet contains important inv formation and explains our r-' ourkable GUARANTY. Wnte, phone or call for it today. Dr. Cbas.IDean RECTALW COLON CLINIC BEAM BU Oft'OlCOSRTROtSC TELEPHONE. ATWATE.K 2061 AFFtuATtD or r ices $tAT ru, San Francisco. col Los Angelcs - N IS HELD IIP Ml CASHES E OF PRIEST MALDEN, Mass Not. 21. (AP) Police today arrested. Sam uel Cohen, 23, of Chicago, as the first obvious fake "cure" at the grave of the Rev. Patrick J. Pow er here which has attracted thou sands of pilgrims. Cohen ran out of the cemetery chapel shrieking that he bad been cured of a, foot ailment and fung hi? crutches in the snow. He held out his hat to the Im pressed onlookers and received charity donations of nearly $100. He said he had hitch hiked all the way to the shrine from Chi cago. Police became suspicions, . and taking Cohen aside, unwrapped his voluminously bandaged toot. It proved to be quite normal they said. Cohen said he was penniless, but police found $85 in his clothes. He was arrested on a vagrancy charge. '' SIX 61GLERSM EVIDENCE AT TRIAL NEW, YORK. Nov. 21. (AP) The parade of the big time gamblers, laconic, soft spoken gentry to whom the loss of $50,- GREENBAUM'S Department Store Beautiful BLANKETS Heavy, fluffy, pretty patterns, d O 7J part wool, pair . , ' vOe 1 0 Beautiful Blanket Robes Part wool, Indian patterns, 66x804 Special v - BLANKET ROBES AT $2.15 WOOL BATTS 72x84 $3.25 2 lbs. Amber .$2.50 240 & 246 N. 9 ?. -1. !' 000 In a stud poker game is noth ing to get excited about, began today In the trial of George Mc Manns for the murder of Arnold Rothstein. v " Matter of fact, at times with dry humor, and always deferential in their attitude toward the prose cutors, they described a 22-hour session of stud poker at the home of Jimmy Meehan one Saturday night and Sunday in September, 1928, in which, they said, Roth stein lost $200,000. In their account of this party, the state had announced it hoped to find a motive that would driven McM&nus, race traek bookie, to shout the overlord of the New York gambling world in a room at the Park Central hotel the night of . November 4, 192S. MercurDrops To Low Record EUGENE. Ore.. Not. 21 (AP) Breaking a 10-year record for low temperatures in November, the Mercury dropped to 19 de grees here early today. This was the lowest temperature this year since February 9r when a mark of 14 degrees was established. In November 1919 a minimum of 19 degrees was registered for the month and this mark stood until today. la Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU. DENGUE. BILIOUS FEVER and MALAtUA It U the most tpoedy remedy knovm. Ladies' Bath Robes Heavy, Warm Beautiful . Material Well made $4.50. $5.00 $3.95 and BATH ROBE Material Pretty Patterns 59c Yd Bath Robe Cords to match $2.90 COTTON BATTS 3 lb. stitched 72x90 - $1.00 Commercial St. 666 f - ; "v;v