The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 21, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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Liberty and Rosedale Com
munitics Join In Thanks
giving Program
LIBERTY, Not. 20 Tfce peo
ple of the Liberty and Rosedale
csptamnnrtlea will have a pot-tack
dinner at the Liberty Community
ball Tilda y evening, November
tt. at six-thirty o'clock. This
Will be a communitr Thanksgiving
' dlaner and all families in tbe Li
berty and , Rosedale districts are
cordially Invited. A good time is
scored as a namber of interest
isf features are betas planned
Those who attend are asked to
bring some of the following: ve
getable salad, meat loaf, bread
' and butter sandwiches, pie, scal
loped potatoes, eranberry sauce,
pickles. Jelly.
Everyone is alao requested to
bring their own silverware.
The pupils in Mr. Ingham's
room hare organized a club. The
I following officers were elected:
president, Stanley Neuens: vice
president, Alexander Potter; se
eretary, Verda Rains, Judge, Carl
Coffee; reporter, Dorothy Sana
The president appointed the fol
lowing committees:
Name Committee Wilms We
tenhbuse, Helen Tucker, Hazel
Entertainment Committee: Ru
-by Eshleman, Gertrude Valentine,
Dorothy Salladay, , Constance
Stark, Adelaide Winslow.
Constitution Committee: Esther
Cam mack, Margaret Chamer, Hel
en Tucker, Lillian Davis, Cather
Ine Dallas. -;
The club is to meet twice a
month on' the firs tand third Fri-
. day. The next meeting will be
November 22nd.
The pupils in V.n. Rees' room
hare selected thfe name "Demos
thenes" for their, . club. They
-chose this name because Demos
thenes was a great Greek oTator
who had to overcome many ob
tacies before he became a suc
cessful speaker. Since, the. club
was organized chiefly for debate
and speaking, it was decided that
VDemosthenes" would be a, very
appropriate name. -
It was decided to elect a ser
. geant-at-arms. 3Ilvin Cleveland
and John Williams both tied for
the office. It was finally decided
to elect both of them, Melvin
Cleveland for the fifth grade and
John Williams for the sixth
The club- will hold its regular
meetings on the first and third
Fridays of each month.
The weekly assemblies at the
Liberty school are proving very
interesting. Each room takes
turns at putting on a program.
La9t Friday morning, Mrs. Van
fianten's room furnished the en
tertainment. The little folk dem
onstrated their rythm band and
were much applauded by the other
Next Friday morning, Mrs.
Bains' room will furnish the pro
gram. Parents and patrons of the
d'strict are cordially invited to at
tend tkese assemblies which are
held in the Community hall every
Friday morning at nine o'clock.
"Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cleve
land had as their week-end guests,
Mrs. Cleveland's grandmother,
Mrs. W. J. Wright of Mount
Shasta. California, and her aunt
Mrs. Delia Blaco of Newport. Mrs.
Wright is 'leaving for her home
fa Mount Shasta this week and
will be accompanied by her daugh
ter, Mrs. Blaco.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Rees, Reg
inald Rees and Mrs. Laura B.
Hardwick motored to Newberg
Saturday evening to spend the
week end with .Mrs. Rees uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
tatlon. The four, - are "Jericho
Road," "Carrie Comes to College,"
"Once In a Blue Moon," and "Sun
bonnet Girl." v
; The commercial club met la the
commercial rooms and elected
Earl Shrock, president; Jessie
Sims, rice president; Margaret
Rich, secretary - treasurer. The
president announced that this or
ganization would start the season
out right with a party and an-
pointed Ruth Geer. Lester Btein-
noff and Catherine Pancic on
committee to bare charge ot ar
rangements. He also appointed
as a constitutional committee, to
Inspect the old constitution and
decide whether to adapt it or draw
np a new one, Willis Duncan, Opal
Hodge, Kathertne "Espy and Hen.
riette Chapelle. The faculty ad
visors ror tnis club are Preston
Rohner and Pearl Emery. .
The Home Economics club or
ganized and appointed a nominat
ing committee for their officers
composed of Gwendolyn Strike,
Elizabeth Miller, Jane Tergen and
Agnes Branehmann who are to
meet November, 20 and have the
ballots in the Domestic Art room
November 25 for tbe election.
This club is under the supervision
of Mrs. Helen Guiss and Audrey
Wienckea and invited the Ag club
to a costume party to be held De
cember 6.
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Thare Morning, Wovciabcr 211929
WOODBURN, Nov. 20 The
election of city officers was held
at the regufar meeting ot thfe city
council in the city hall Tuesday
nignt. . ..
"stb jacKson-a resignation as
lire chiet was accepted and the
nomination for that office- was
laid on the table -until the next
meeting In order that more time
might be given over to considering
an enicieni man ror tbe position.
John Mulr was re-elected street
commissioner and E, N. Soules
will again aerve as water superin
tendent. Blaine G. McCord was
re-elected city attorney and the
council confirmed the mayor's ap
pointment or Ted Nehl for city
marshall. Tbe group elected
George Beach as president of the
council to serve as mayor in the
absence of that gentleman from
the meetings.
City recorder Blaine " McCord
presented the facts to be consid
ered in amending the city ordin
ance In reference to the signs
which business men hang in front
or their establishments. The
tcouncil specified that they should
Ue between 10 and 14 feet high
ana extena-'not more than 8 feet
over the sidewalk. All signs so
hung should be substantial In
every respect and the council will
deem the controlling nrlvilaeevov-
er the signs and have the power to
oraer any aign taken down if It
becomes dangerous or is in any
way objectional.
Recorder Beebe read a com
munication from the University of
Oregon requesting that they
might have a copy of the eitv
charter and ordinances to be plac
ed in tneir municipal references
department. The council mov
ed that if they wished to send
someone here to copy the mater
ial or if they wished to pay a
typist to do the work, they were
entirely welcome to the requested
We print letter heads, business
cards, posters, signs, booklets, al
most anything in our Job sMop.
Call 500 for prices.
WOODBURN, Nof. 20 Three
of the social and improvement
clubs at Woodburn high school
were organised Tuesday after
noon. .
, The glee club met for the first
time since the members had been
chosen and elected tbe following
f fleers: Grace Shrock, president;
Peggy Sadler, rice president; Dor
othy Austin, secretary-treasurer
and Jessie Sims, librarian. ' Their
advisor. Miss Margaret Templar,
discussed the -various operettas
under consideration for presen-
Fre Ttrial of Method That Anyone
' fa T nrl.1 . v, - .
ma niinvnt uisrtjmtorv
or Loss of Time
We b ft Til A M.tliAt m 4V - - . . -.
Attfcnm, and w want 709 to try iWat
expense. If matter whether year case
ii of lone tUndiof a Chronic Astasia
r Hy Fejer, you should send for s frea
Trial of our method. Xo matter ia what
climate yoa lire, bo matter wJukt yew
f occupation, if jroa are troabM
with Aathma or Hay FeTer, .ar method
should relieTe yon promptly.
We ipeeially waat to tend it to those
apparently hepelrsi cases, when all forma
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fume, '.'patent smokes", etc, have failed.
Wo want to show everyone at oar ez
poaaa, that oar method is designed to
sad all diffienlt breathinc. U wheeriar,
sad all those terrible paroxyimi.
TSia free offer is too important to aec
lee a single day. Write now and basin
the method at once. 8oad no money.
Simply mail coupon below. Do it Today.
November Issue Tells of
. Commercial and Educa
tional Features
Buffalo, S. T. .
Send troo taial of your method to:
FOR . "
On business trips Otwoyi be ossurad of arriving
on time, end rested tool RaEave yoursatf of Ike
delays and respomtbCfy of driving your mm
car utile ahmrmamvth crowded htQhwaya. .
Sat bock Is) c ecsy choir end enoy yowm&
. knowirrgycVU boot your desfiftattai'eeKaM o
Our freqgfit scheduled onoblo you to leave
end return ot your plexmiriu - . -
Inquire of your kxal ogent for WoonoHon ro
Qordlng eptionoi routes end sdwluta. ;
Court & High Sla. ... . .: f
Phone 692
S1X.VERTON. NovemW ift
The SUxerton number of the Ore
gon, magazine (November issue!
has appeared on the news stands
and is attracting much attention
locally. Silvertonians are purchas-
lnar tne magazine not only to send
"the (oiks back east" ut also to
become better acquainted with the
bilverton country themselves.
The magazine Is in itself a rery
attractive number. It's lemon and
green coloring with its cover pic
ture or Silverton's famous "East
Hill View" instantly draws atten
tion. '. .
The first article la "Silvertnn
Lands Beckon to Farmers." . This
is written by Hugh Marshall and
describes the farming districts
around Silverton In a manner any
real estate man would do well to
Oscor Loe. a well-known Evan a
valley farmer, writes on "Diverse
Crops from Silverton Soils." Hugh
Marshall and J. J. Doerfler writes
short articles on walnut and fil
bert growing in the Silverton com.
munlty. Mr. Marshall also tells of
Silverton's new brooder factory
where Lewis T. Robinsnn manu
factures his electric brooders.
Leaving the commercial aide and
turning to the esthetic education
al, the reader finds a "charming
article written by Flora Frances
Hoblitt on "The Soirit of siItot-.
ton's Home Life." Carl Benson,
veteran pheasant raiser at Silver
ton does not mention Silverton in
his article but write
tainingly and Instructively oni
Our Crowing Scarcity of Game."
, - . .
jar. .nessoB cues ana deplores
many causes of depletion of our
wua uxv
Robert Goetz, superintendent of
Buvertoa scnooiz, writes oa
"School Enrollment Deplets
urowth," and Mr. Marshall glyes,
In hi article, "Two Votes -Saved
Oregon to U. S. A., early settlers
m tne silverton community credit
ior turning tne Balance at Cham
poeg when Oregon waa voted to
the states.
June Drake tells of the many
beautiful water falls in tne Silver
Creek country and Gordon J. Tay
lor of Moialla writes on the Cas
cade highway.
The magazine has many beauti-
iui news 01 Silverton fonnirr re
sides PhotorraDhs of her nroerres-
sive citizens. Many short articles
also gives interesting bits of in
formation concerning the city s ac
tivities ana personnel.
truck driven by Harry Wall of
Jefferson aide-swiped a Damascus
mux true a rrom Turner driven by
Clifford Ensley, on one of the
small bridges south of Jefferson
Friday morning.
On aecount of the fog and a
frosty windshield. Wall, who was
driving In the center of the pave
ment failed to see the milk truck
coming from the north. Ensley
saw him coming, but on account of
the bridge railing couldn't over
far enough to avoid a collision.
Wall's truck, being the heavier.
did considerable damage to the
milk truck. The bed was torn off,
and milk cans' scattered in all di
rections. Another truck came from
Turner to continue on the route.
Wall took the blame for the acci
dent, and assumed the damages.
The Karl Haberly home was the
scene of a merry party Saturday
night when about 19 friends gath
ered there to spend the evening.
Dancing and cards furnished 'en
tertainment, and refreshments
were served at midnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKay of
Condon were guests the latter part
of the week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A, Finley. On Satur
day Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore
took them to Portland.
A program and pie social will
be held at the Evergreen school
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester,
Mrs. S. J. Comstock and Bob Cof
fey were dinner guests at- the Ed
son Comstock home Sunday, help
ing Mr. Comstock celebrate his
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kellerhals mo
tored to Portland Sunday to spend
the day with friends.
The reunion planned by the
Willard Woman's club for Novem
ber 21 Jias been postponed. It was
to. hare been held at the home of
Mrs. A. A. Geer for It was this
home that was the birthplace of
the club, but Mrs. Geer, who is a
trained nurse, is still on a case.
There will be no meetine until the
first Thursday in December wheiA
Mrs. E. A. Finley will be hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mathes were
dinner guests at the P. W. Neus
wanger home Sunday.
(AP) Several new names en
tered today into the conjecture as
to who will be named to the va
cant post of secretary of war, but
In some official circles the talk
still centered on Patrick J. Jur
ley, of Oklahoma, now acting sec
IV n '
M w ILtJOTeirDo
Of the Real Ride of Paul Revere
Remember Mr. Revere's ride? Well,
Paulie, as the boys called him, took that same
rideevery morning., sh-sh Here's the "in
side" story Paul knew the 'whereabouts of a
certain famous Doughnut Shoppe.
You don't have to go horseback ridinc
today in order to get the most delicious and
over fresh doughnuts you ever tasted. Your
grocer has em.
Our doughnuts are made by special pro
cess, from our own formula. Done to a gor
geous golden brown crispiness bristling with
health, nutrition and "pep," and delicious be
yond words.
just ask your grocer for
. . . -,
Hade by
iigffy City Mil
i 60 N.Liberty. Salem. Ore.
Prepare far
And you will have many
tilings to be thankful fori
k New
The Femmine MocU
Ij Stressed in
These very mart fashions will delight
the heart of every style-wise . . . an"
thrift-interested .... woman, miss ano? -junior.
New style details appear oa
every dress ... satin and canton crepe ".
are the outstanding materials ( . . aaj
the price is only
Nation - wide" brand
white, also fancy checks
and stripes. Well-liked for
its splendid wearing qual
ity. 36 inches wide.
17c Yard
Our Trade-marked
Brand of Percale
This is a material well
known for service charm
ing sew patterns are dis
played for your fall sewing
needs. 36 inches wide, yd.
Protects and Enhances? .
a. tJV
Lovely Skins
Exquisitely dainty, delight
fully fragrant beaut aids a
complete line for dafljr treat
ment at home.
Cold Cream 29c, 49c
Vanishing Cream. .29c, 49c
Tissue Cream 29c, 49c
Skin Lotion ......... 29c
Talcum 19cand 49c
Face Powder. . .39c and 69c
Single Compact . . . r. . .49c
Double Compact .... .98c
Rouge .49c
Compact and Rouge
Refill- ..23m'
Perfume 49c and 98c
Toilet Water !... .98c
Cleansing Tissues. . . . .23c
Bath Towels
Which Our Customers TtU Us Are
Excellent Values ai
Made of double terrj
Large Size 22x44 2a. Soft
and Absorbent! In AO
WnJte ... or witb Colored
Borders . or Colored,
Block Patterns.
Ummy Houaewtr Mmj
Them Vj the Dotent
No. 445 Hose
The Choice of Women
Who Recognize Value!
A cloady-lmitted hoM of.tiTk.
ad rayon whkh wears beantl
foQy and always looks smart.
A rood ranga ot fashkmablo
hades. A real discovery' r
rrWiVaTt Th I'll W Tt Hnravnl
3 Dramatic Values Proving
CAN BE smart though inexpensive!
III mpfej mr,,. . ,i 'jnmc
III rV I lirif-f 1 hHfI d II ' JRI:
Uurtians BVK '
Brightness ..
checr faiety
come Into the home
'rith new curtains
and - there's a
tiirill In remember
ing what a lot yon
eared by bnyiar'
them at the J. C
Penney store!
KiSfc 431116
Itll a IT
lartta Cnrtaifla . .
crffflyrefikd ... an
mors that eeaml at, ft
Fringed Panelo
YavH Bk the smart foofcfne Cct
ect or narqolsetta sancls that an ae Q
remarkably low pricfil Each . -'OC
5-pc Curtain Sets
ntfled sla cnrtibs, valaac rtX
tSr" M imt 83c
- I II. ii rrra mi l ii
V v;?
- - - ,-- .J- . . . . -