The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    Hi CnrCO:? CTATCSIIAn. &t!gn,V Ortca, TTetsday Kerslap Novcabcr 23;
pace nvc
Yates Back fat Jan Louis
.... tbo:
Yates, sentenced to wrre tbm
nths In the county Jail her last
spring for failure to pay an allow
ance to nia wife for the support of
a minor child, was brought back
to the county Jail yesterday from
Portland to serve another three
months' stretch. According to the
sheriffs office, the man must
scire three months and is then re
leased for three months during
which time he is required to give
a certain portion of his- earnings
to the support of the child. Should
this requirement be not fulfilled,
the man is to be resentenced for
Mother three months, the same
procedure to be effected each
time. The mother of the child is
now married. It was learned yes
terday, and the man declares he
cannot seer the ..reason for his
paying the money to the woman.
Editors to Speak Editors of
l.Ttlir&a Aittatandinc ATpthndiHt nnh-
ucauons win oe me speakers i
the Salem Rotary club luncheon
today. They are Dan B. Bram
mitt, of the Northwestern Chris
tian Advocate, whose home Is in
Chicago; W. E. J. Grati, editor of
the Epworth Herald, also of Chi
cago, and Dr. James R. Joy, of the
Christian Advocate, from New
York. They have Jteea attending
the annual meeting of the board
f missions of the Methodist
Episcopal church in Portland.
They will be introduced by Dr.
John M. Canse, president of Kim
ball School of Theology.
Boxing, Salem Armory, Wed.
Hot. 10. Art Akers vs. Pat Dun
dee, main event 10 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries, 28 rounds of
boxing. Tickets -on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store.
Student Norses Elect An or-
anizatlon of a student body com
prising the esudent nurses at the
Salem General hospital was effect
od Monday. Miss Margaret Mor
gan was elected president; Miss
" Virginia Barr, vice-president and
Miss Etta "Wells, secretary-treas-nrer.
Miss Signa Wahlstrom, sup
erintendent, entertained the stu
dents following the business meet
ing. A number of graduates of
the school were present at the
Police Hold Suspect George
Kelson, said to be of Detroit,
. Mich., is being held by local police
as a navy deserter suspect. The
' man was picked up by police about
8:30 Tuesday morning and search
of bis clothing revealed a chisel,
three pass keys, a putty knife and
a flashlight. Articles of wearing
apparel gave the officers a reason
to believe that the man was a
naval deserter. He was fingerprint
ed and photographed.
. Thanksgiving Turkey Free with-
each cash Permanent Wave! Ap-
pointments mutt be made before
SjL Not. 27. Model Beauty Parlor.
t rraii'SKfi
. Lights Draw Fine Improper
lights are the causes of several
110 fines being collected at the
Justice court during the past few
days. Recent violators under the
Improper lighting on motor ve
hicles law include Earl Simpson,
Salem, who paid alio fine Tues
T day and' Floyd Finn, route 9, who
X appeared in court Tuesday In an
swer to a charge but because he
did not have the money he was
released and the case continued
to November 26.
4 - rooms $2150 Modern
home with excellent lot Walnuts,
fruit and fenced. See 1S54 South
High Street. Terms reasonable.
Beeke Hendricks. 189 N. High.
Dad's Xlght Thursday - Boys
In the Junior department of the
TM. C. A. will be hosts to their
fathers at a "Dads' Night? pro
gram at the Y. building Thurs
day night beginning at 7 o'clock.
The program will include games.
m tumbling exhibition,. gymnasium:
exhibition, games between fathers
and eons, a swim and reffesh
menta. room Home Brand New
430 Terms like rent. Large
furnace, deep basement, fireplace,
hardwood, large kitchen. Large
garage. Large lot. Walks, paving
and landscape. S45 Tamarack St
Becke & Hendricks. 189 N". High
Lobby Program Miss Blips
Weller is arranging the Y. M. C.
A. lobby program for Friday
night. It will include several en
semble Humbert -Including six two
piano, quartet selections, two pia
no duets, songs by Leon Jertnison
and violin numbers by Cleo See-
Ping Pong Champ Dayton
Robertson was the winner of the
preppers ping pong tournament In
the boy's department at the Y. M.
G. A..' defeating Bob Hill and Phil
op Salestrom in the last two
rounds, " ."
Vf . Want used furniture, rTeL'lll.
Chimney Braze Calls Quick
; "work on ihe fart of thef fire de
partment la extinguishing a chim
' - ney - fire in a residence 'located at
74 Thompson avenue Tuesday
morning probably -kept the blaxe
from doing any damage.
Eyeglass Insurance and thor
ough examination included.
110 Commercial Sc. -.
,We buy rags, sacks, paper,
r Iron. brass copper, aides,' :
,tc . ...... ,Ar .'; ;:-
: Capital ; Junlr .Coi
:f r VU; Steinbock, V
. rione 999,' ft By Um BHdge
Hear From ABdenea Super
intendent George W. Hag has re
ceived a letter from Louie Ander
son, coach and director of physi
cal education In the high achool
here until last year. Anderson
says he is enjoying his work In
the physical education depart
ment at Colombia, where ho is in
charge of physical education in
the Horace Mann school, which
is a part of the Teachers' college.
Anderson says he keeps In touch
with Salem affairs .through the
local paper and that he is glad
to see that physical examinations
being given this year, to all
school children.
Select your Christmas cards at
The Statesman, we print or en
grave them to order.
May Form Gideon Camp W.
O. Williams, national field secre
tary of the Gideons, la spending
some time In Salem, assisting L.
Van Delinder of this city in or
ganizing a Gideon camp In Salem.
Van Delinder is former state
president of the Gideon of Min
nesota. The men say that so far
they are gratified with the suc
cess attending their efforts, and
that within the next few, days
they plan to visit a number of the
business men of the town.
Dr. Doocy on Trip After at
tending sessions of the Methodist
Episcopal boatd of missions at
Portland Tuesday, Dr. Carl G.
Doney, president of Willamette
university, will leave tonight for
Wenatehee and Yakima, Wash.,
where he will address county
teachers Institutes. At Wenat
ehee he will also meet with a
group of Willamette alumni.
Clean up on bulbs. Special pric
Thursday. Salem's Petland. Phone
Plan Ctieer Fnnd A. special
Christmas cheer committee head'
ed by Dean Roy R. Hewitt was ap
pointed at the Tuesday luncheon
of the Salem Klwanis club, to ad
minister the fund to be raised for
this purpose. In the past the Kl
wanians have pooled their Christ
mas cheer fund with those of oth
er organisations and bad no part
in its expenditure.
Viavi Phone 3466.
Articles Filed Aldernook, Inc.,
with capital stock of $3000 and
headquarters in Portland, Tues
day filed articles in the state cor
poration department. The incor
porators are A. A. Rucker, Luella
Rucker and C. C. Stout
Hager .
Mrs. Cordelia B. Hager, age (9,
died Tuesday In the St Vincent
hospital in Portland. Survived by
one son, Harold of Clatskanie,
and the following brothers and
sisters: Dr. R. D. Byrd, L. A.
Byrd and Mrs. Bertha B. McMa
han of Salem. E. F. Byrd and Dr.
J. C. Byrd of Spokane and Vir
ginia Byrd of Portland. Funeral
services will be Thursday, prob
ably at 1:30 o'clock, from the
Rigdon mortuary, with interment
in the City View cemetery. .
Charles Saari died iiy this city
November 19. Funeral announce
ments later from dough-Taylor
Agatha Engel, age 75, died at
the residence' in Hubbaid Tues
day. Survived by the following
children: Mrs. Lenak Resnizcek of
Howell Prairie, Mrs. Marie Doran
of Salem, Mrs. Rosa Votet of
Hubbard and Mrs. Theresa Man
ger of Malta, Mont Also 17
grandchildren and aeve . great
grandchildren. Funeral announce
ments later from the Rigdon mor
tuary. C. BichardjT- "v C i
Evelyn, Richards, .11 years . old,
died at the family residence, 525
S.'19th street Survived by her"
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Richards, one sister, Elsie, and
two brothers, Allen and George.
Funeral services Thursday after
noon at 2 o'clock at the Clough
Taylor mortuary. Rev. F. C. Tay
lor officiating. Interment Bel-
crest Memorial park.
Fern Richards. 11 years. died
at the family residence, 625 South
19th. Saturday noon. Survived
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam' Richards, one sister, . Elsie,
and two' brothers, Allen and
Georae. Funeral services Thurs
day at 2 p. m. at the Clough-Tays
lor mortuary, Rev. F. C. Taylor
officiating. Interment Belcrest
Memorial park.
City View Cemetery
Established 1803 - Tel. 12M
Conveniently Accessible .
Perpetual care provided for.
Prices Reasonable .
I ; -
J$ttxtiSt Memorial
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
J asX ten mlnntes from tbe
heart of town
.Think of - .
. UemhersUp Ctauuattte Uecta
The membershia eommltteo of the
lT. ,w. C. A. leld a. meeting at the
I. w. last mgnt to consider plans
for election of board, member on
December t and a tea to be held
in ' connection with the - election.
-Mrs J. H. Lanterman is chairman
L m v v v i .
ui ,iu jurat ocramp group, wnKn
ha recently been enlarged to In
clude, in addition to the represen
tatives of the executive board,
two members from each affiliated
group of tke Y. W. C. A. f The
board members elected December
f -will chose their own officers.
Hurry! Hurry! Order your
Christmas cards now. Make taut
selection from our several hundred
designs at the Statesman. -
To Repair Approach T h e
bridge approach of the Pudding
river structure on the ML Angel
Woodburn road will be roughened
up wltn screenings which are to
be applied after the asphalt baa
been burned off, It is planned by
the county road officials. Tuesday
Roadmaster Johnson and Commia
aloaers Porter and Smith visited
the bridge and decided upon the
foregoing method of eliminating
the- slippery approach to the
Puppy Sale Thursday at Sa
lem's Petland. 273 State St. -
. Bear GaUi-Corcl Sins; Miss
Lena Belle Tartar, head of music
at the senior high-achool. and a
number of music students at the
school were In Portland Monday
night to hear Galli-Curcl sing.
Students . going included: Doris
Boss, Phyllis Plummer, Jeanette
Scott,' Elisabeth Clement, Lucille
Cnmmings. Oliver Schrurts, Bar
bara Barham and Ratherine Mish
ler. Christmas Cards with our with
out engraving or printing at The
Statesman Publishing Co.
Funeral SerrWs Today Funeral-cervices
for Miss Eliiabeth
Emma Farrar. who died Monday
at the home at 893 South 12th
street, will be held this morning at
10:30 o'clock at the Terwilliger
funeral home, with Rct. F. C.
Kantner officiating. Interment
will be made In the Odd Fellow
cemetery. Postmaster John H.
Farrar la a nephew.
Editor Speaker The speaker
at the Willamette university
chapel exercises today will be Dr.
W. E J. Grata,' editor of the Ep
worth Herald, who has been at
tending the Methodist missionary
board meetings in Portland.
Hair Tonic
A new scientific preparation
for removing dandruff, im
parting vitality to the Jiair
promoting Its growth. v Abso
lutely guaranteed or money
Price 50c & $1.00
Prepared by
Emil A. Schaefer
Mfg. Chemist
15 N. Goaal St, Salem, Ore.
Ixta : Special Bar:
In Heaters, Rugs, Ostermoore All Spring
Mattress and
Site -
All New and of the Highest
Quality and Design Fully
Guaranteed. A large assort
. ment of colors to choose from.
verse Cushions. -; " G A OCA
Exit Special lrJ VLtO U
VELOira DAVENPORTS with Rererse
Cushions. - ' r - v4- CM A CA
Extra Speetal:j:.:
Exira Special
Circulating'' Heaters,
.Extra Special ..
Extra Large Piflow Arm 100 Mohair
Davenport, Chair and Stool with Re
verse, of the Best quality. Extra
Complete only" . $164.50
New and Used
F; II Vcodry
1G10 N. Scnrscr St.
CUrer Speaker 3. C OUrer,
T. If. C. A. worker In China, talk,
ed en "World FeUowaklp" at tka
meeting f the Junior board of tbo
local Y Tuesday night. : It was
his last appearance here, as he
lea for Ban Frandsca that nlaht
At the junior board meeting, plana-
ior u "Dads' Night" program
Thursday night were discussed,
and also those for the dinner for
new members next Tuesday.
May Organize Girl Reserves
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gallagher, gen
eral secretary of the T. W. C. A.
and director of Girl Reserve work,
ha been Invited to visit the Lib
erty achool this afternoon to con
fer with the girls and teacher ret
stive to organizing a Girl Reserve
group there. Invitation was ex
tended by Mrs. Clara H. Rees, one
of the teachers there.
Dr. Dolpb L. Craig, dentist, has
moved to Suite SIS, First Nation
al Bank BIdg. Phone 2327. Eve
nings by appointment
Festival Date Set Date for the
annual harvest home festival for
the Methodist Old People's home
on Center street has been announ
ced for Friday, November 22,
with open house to be held from
2 to S o'clock in the afternoon.
Donations of fruits and foodstuffs
for the homo will be received.
Ladles' Aid Bazaar at the Ger
man Baptist Church. N. Cottage
and D Sts. 8 p.m. Thursday.
Zontaa to Meet The regular
weekly meeting of the Salem Zou
ta club will be held this noon at
the Marlon hotel. A discussion and
action on business matters which
came before the executive com
mittee at Its meeting last night
will be the chief order of the
Drunk Sentenced John Gary,
Klamath Falls, was sentenced to
servo 10 days In the county Jail
on a charge of being drunk in a
public place. Gary appeared in
Justice court Tuesday to receive
the sentence. I j f t
. i rl ; '
Boxing, Salem Armory, Wed.
Not. 20. Art Akers vs. Pat Dun
dee, main event 10 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries, -28 rounds of
boxing. Tickets on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store.
Stock Clearance
Until this entire group of
$12.50 frocks is sold at
$7.95 1
In all the newest styles and
materials in this season's
color range.
Entire Stock of Hats
Greatly Reduced
H. Marie Butler
429 Court St. Between Liberty and High TeL 946
a- r-
Large - High
match, with'
and up
with Reverie
Extra Special
Only . -"
Furniture Bought, 1Sold&: Exchanged
Auction : Uet and
4 Ifcrev Vtom Coast FotntD. N.
Head ricks, who is developing the
Roads-End coast resort near De
lake, was la the city en business
Tuesday. Hendricks has been
supplying several markets' la this
section with coast peas this fall,
and say that picking will not
cease until frost bits the patch.
He has had pickers in the field
since late August
Cider Apples wanted. Gledon
Arnold Racier Dice Mr. 'and
Mrs. Royce Allen left recently for
Hornlbrook, Calif., summoned by
the serious illness of their son-in-law,
.Arnold Rader. Rader
died shortly after Mr. and Mrs.
Allen arrived. Mrs. Rader was
Miss Gnida Allen of Lablah Cen
ter. Besides MS widow, he is
also survived by one daughter. -
Doable Service Changed- Fun
eral serTices for Fern and Evelyn
Richards, announced yesterday af
ternoon" for Wednesday at 2:00
o'clock will be held Instead at two
o'clock Thursday afternoon.- It was
announced last night Services will
be held at the Clough-Taylor
Hoyfer Has Operation Mrs.
George Hoyfer is the guest of her
son for a few days while Mr. Hoy
fer is rallying from the effects of
an operation performed at the. Sa
lem General hospital Monday.
The' Hoyfers reside south of Salem
on Route 8.
Scott In City Fred U Scott,
clerk of the Liberty school dis
trict was a Tuesday caller at the
office of the' county school superintendent
Tonight, 8:30
Art Akera
t Dandeo
. a m si w.. tLi arf J.. J r I H
it.ifc4na' . . a i
5 irxinr
Snappy Preliminaries
28 Rounds of Boxing 28
1 J
Make your choice early. . A
t few quoted prices will give you
an idea of Uie savings that
await you.
Back Bonny Chairs to
Reverst Cnshionsi Extra
- - K.--- " 5-
Extra Special large size . Spring Arm V
Davenport and ; Chair. 100 Mehair,
with m reverse of the Highest Quality.'
; V -
Just Received a new shipment of 9x12 '
Felt Base Rugs to go at CQ 9C
Extra Special ... . . ... $0O
Other Sizes Priced Accordingly
TRESSES Regular Price $42.50. Our
Extra Special close out v f9Q Cfi
while they last .... .. VLO.OJ
Furoitore Store
---'- :.-
Phone 511
- Baay CMa Dom Two baby
girls were born to mothers at the
Salem General hospital Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Will. 1911 Fir
street, being the parent of one
child while Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
White, 2142 North Commercial
street, the parents of the other.
Boxing. Salem Armory. Wed.
Not. 20. Art Akers vs. Pat Dun
dee, main event 14 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries, 28 rounds of
boxing. Tickets on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store. -
Thirty la Part Time School
Thirty students are now enrolled
in the part time continuation
school,' which occupies a room in
the basement of the senior high
school. Work la the school Is keep
ing up well, reports the director,
Miss Lil ah Holloway.
Dance with Thomas Bros. Band
Mellow moon. Every Wednesday.
Called for Funeral Mrs. Lydia
Hobbs of Scio arrived in Salem
early in the week, summoned by
the deaths of her grandchildren,
Tern arid Evelyn Richards.
Complaint Filed A suit for
money was filed against H. P.
Grant, et al, by the Cobbs
Mitchell Lumber company in a
complaint registered in circuit
court Tuesday' afternoon.
1 la
Luncheon Sets " Damask Cloth
Madeira Doilies and Table Cloths
Pastel Luncheon Sets Guest Towels
. x 255 No. Liberty ;
Open Till fl:45 Satmrday Evening
Cantilever Shoes
For Men, Women and Children
Bfg"gi?tSnyMawsnn s
415 State St,
VfflttM nnnnnnnnns- -a
211 North Commercial St. Phones 1371 -1372
Stores. Although the
with over six hundred
quotations, so is able,
49 Pound sack of
(milled from Montana
lirtl wheat :
100 pounds of local Bur
bank potatoes .-
1 box of fancy Jonathan
3 large cans of Grand
solid packed tomatoes
7 bars of White Wonder
soap L:...j;-
1 pint of NaOeys
1 pound of M. J. B.
1 pound of Golden West '
1 pound of S. & W.
coffee ...........
1 pound of Cooky's
iaflTOperior coffee
3 packages of
Jell a Teen
2 bottles' of
Along with thefe low
r . r: ?! If in 1 U f---nrk frnfl !fnt r
: m m w m m
-i - ' II ! , li ' J it 'll il-J II- a H, :h IK?
f Tin by lfanlt L, Ltebreiek
was awarded a judgment of $257
and costs against Withers. Keal
and Jordon, incorporated. In an
order by default banded down in
circuit court Tuesday
Boxing, Salem Armory, Wed.
Not. 20. Art Akers ts. Pat Dun
dee, mala event 10 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries. 2S rounds of
boxing. Tickets on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store.
Sot Richmond Pupils Fern
and Evelyn Richards, sisters who
died here Saturday and Sunday,
respectively, were not pupils of
Richmond school, reports the
principal, Miss Anna Fischer.
Dollar dinner every night i:20
to 8 at the Marlon hotel.
Mall to San Francisco C. M.
Mail, president and general man
ager of the Northwest Canning
company, left last night for San
Francisco, where he will remain
on business until the end of the
week. .
Wltkm pwatlon r toes of
329 Oncvn ZOng.
Salem, Ore
Member Affiliated Buyers
OUT Every day is bargain day
proprietor is the individual owner by joining hands
others he commands the finest at the lowest market
as an individual store owner, to sell you your full
Cere tana flour
2 pounds of
Peanut Butter
4 pounds of
1 pound of Calumet
baking powder .
3 cans of Otter
oysters "l
2 cans of Standard
corn - ......
''J&iz.t;'"; ' -.- .
3. cans of Federal
2 packages-of
Rinso -LiZ.
1 quart of bulk
Salad Oil
1 large can of
1 pound of
Creamery butter
Y 3 cans fWax
Kerr's Best bulk Mince Meat OC r
"2 pounds for , . J C
prices we give S. A H. green
aree delivery to an parts of the
" Pianos for Bent; H. U : Stiff
Furniture Co, -
..Tourney Planned The Salem
and Albany Klwanis club golf
teams wHI compete In a series of
team matches at Albany Sunday.
Free Turkeys at Schindler'i An
nual Turkey Dance, Sat,
Now Open Until
Dally Except Snnday
Complete Service
for your Model A
and Model T
Cars and Trucks
Washing . Lubricating
Lubricating Oil
Battery Service
Light Adjusting
Sales FORD Service
PHONE 1995
Phono ns for the
Highest Cash Price
We buy and sell everything
Salem Junk Co.
320 N. Commercial
Saffron ft Kline
at Affiliated Bayers I
B. & M.
discount stamps; ate
city -
. , ' . pV '
35c y I
59c mi
50c J.
k - 3! f y
. ...........
la--..- . '. - .
- . -M