The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    pacc rein:
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"A'a Forw Sways U: Frr SforU Atre.
From Pint statesman, liana IS. If 1
Pauus A. SnAGrr, Skcldoh F. fUcairt, PkWfclert
CkaKLES A. Snucct . Editor-Manager
. Sheldon F. Sacxttt - Uammoiaa-Sditar
, Member of the
I The Associated rrm fa exeiusfreir witiN to the use far
publication of ill news dispatches credited to It or not other
wdse credited la this paper, ' ...
Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives:
Arthur W. Styles, Inc., Portland; Eecority Bids;
San Francisco, Share Bids.: Lm Angeles. W. Pae. Bids.
astcrn Advertising RepreaeaUtttev
Ferd-Psrseas-Steeher, Inc., New Tort, X71 Madison Ave.
Chicago, 800 K. Bfichfgaa iff.
Entered at the Petty fie at Salem. Oregon, a BaotmlCtata
Matter. Published every aaenttnf except Monday. Basinet
of fie 21S S. Commercial Street. . " ,
1 Mail Subscription Rates, la Advance. Within Ore cob;
Daily and Sunday, Mo. 80 eesU; 1 Mo. IMS; C Mo. 1.26;
1 rear 14.00. Elsewhere 80 eeata per Mo. or lor 1 year
la advance.
By City Carrier: SO eents a month; 15,50 a year la ad
Tance. Per Copy 2 cents. Oa train, and Neva Stands S eeata.
The Case of
i A COURT ruling at Denver
Xx the World lodge may not.
. higher rates which would have
-the older! members of the order. The old schedule provided
insurance at low cost It was adopted when the lodge was
young, and when it Was thought. insurance could safely be
provided at such low rates. Thousands were attracted by
the low rates and joined the
increased as the men grew older, then the younger element
asserted that insurance could not be provided at the old
rates; and by gaining control
ion of a new schedule, much
members to pay the new rates in order to keep their insur
ance in force. This is what the Denver court has set aside,
. a ruling which will be appealed, it is announced.
. There is something very pathetic in the situation of the
older lodge members. With loyalty to the order and to their
sense of obligation to thQse dependent upon them, they have
kept op their assessments and lodge dnes feeline- secure in
the protection which they felt the insurance fund would pro
vide for their loved ones. Then to find the rates raised to lev
els prohibitive to-many of them at a time of life when they
. could obtain no other insurance, and when their earning pow
er was diminished, the 1Iow is indeed a crushing one.
On the other hand, if the estimates have turned out all
wrong, this would be the situation, the reserves would be ex
hausted and those who failed to die soon enough would, fail
to benefit. The younger generation could hardly be expected
to pay rates fair for themselves and at the same time to pay
more in' order to take taure of the shortage for the older gen
eration. They simply would not join the order if the rate3
were high, but would turn to corporations writing old line
or legal reserve insurance.
'. Perhaps the trouble lies with the laws governing fra
ternal insurance in the past, or in the administration of the
laws. The power of lodges in politics has been strong in the
past, and that may have -prevented insurance executives
from requiring insurance premiums for fraternal orders
tvhich would be adequate. The claims for fraternal insur
ance have been that it was cheaper, furnished at cost, that
its expenses for commissions, salaries and overhead were
less. On the other hand, the almost uniform results have
been that fraternal or assessment insurance has ended by
jumping its rates until now there is no longer the great dis
parity as compared with old-line rates.
Perhaps under the new rates fraternal insurance may
conjuiue; but it has undoubtedly suffered in public esteem
because of the errors or mismanagement of the past. In
the Woodmen case if the older members win, it would seem
that some of them must lose,, or else the order itself wrecked
for lack of new recruits to carry the burden. Insurance is
a business governed b an. arithemtic that knows no senti
ment. In the past fraternal insurance has carried too much
of sentiment and too little of mathematics.
; Stream Shortages and Power Plants
IT is easy to think that hydro-electric power is much cheap
er than power generated by combustion. Sometimes it is,
but in Seattle and Tacoma there is being illustrated one rea-
': son why hydro costs run higher than it would seem they
should. The run-off is so low that plants cannot generate
enough power. The cities have
ship now in Puget sound turn
vuyir norse power, to supplement the hydro- plants which
both cities have. The water power Plant to renerate the
45 most power must be built with
run-off at its maximum flow.
between the maximum and the
try the maximum flow may not occur t. the season of great
est demand. Now for instance demand is very heavy and all
streams are low. A steam plant on the other hand is built
to a certain capacity and can
Steam plants are built in units and one or more units may be
cut but when demand falls off. Plant investment for steam
plants is far smaller per horsepower thanJor hydro-electric
' The Puget Sound cities are notHhe only ones- suffering
fforji the water shortage. In this territory the .power plants
are lorced to run their steam auxiliaries to capacity. In the
local plant the Pep Co. Is burning hog fuel and supplement
ing i this with, fuel oil because the supply of hogfuel is not
- sufficient. " . .:-
, All of this illustrates this point: hydro-electric is by no
means the cheap power which some people think it is. The
: cost depends on the cost of plant installation, the length of
the transmission lines to consuming centers, and the average
cost of generating which depends on how constant the
stream-flow is. In fact, if there is as marked an increase in
efficiency in steam plants in
the past, steam installations
for-power projects even, in
rich in potential power.
From' sow on till December
v ed Santas. All the lodges, service clubs, fire and ten cent stores,
churches schools will dress hp some fellow In scarlet coat and be-
whiskered mask to hand out cheap candy to boys and girls. By the
time Christmas comes santa win nave worn out nis welcome, the
. glad surprise Els visit ought to bring to wondering childhood will be
' missing, andthe day as meaningless aa merchandise to a truck-drirer.
. .A political leader suffers the
less he wins victories he is soon deposed as a leader. New Yorkers
are grumbling under the leadership of Sam Koenig, president ot the
republican committee, Because of the crushing party defeat of a week
ago;" ; : - -!: "
A Saa francisco traffic officer aays: "It-ta a little astonishing
that it should be so much safer la the present day to kill a man with
a motor car than with any other Instrument. .
- Reading the statistics after
- last month's expense account.
it have been,
Charlie Wilson Is always sure
when'aa editor of tie Oregonian
- ';ia Ontario newspaper aays:"The Ontario Limor Control Board
encouraging Canadians to drink, dder-iastead e-riiauer." -
Associated Press
the Woodmen
holds tiiat the Woodmen of
put into effect a schedule of
had the effect of penalizing
order. When the mortality
of the order, forced the adopt
higher, and requiring the older
asked the navy to let a war
its big dynamos generating
a capacity to utilize1 the water
But there is a wide divergence
minimum. Also in this coun
be run. steadily at that capacity.
the next quarter century as in
may become active competitors
regions abounding in streams
25th ire will hare a parade of stuff-
aam-a fate as a football coach. Un
a big football game Is like studying
All yon ean see Is the what might
' -:-",'
of a good crowd of office-holders
Is hilled to speak.- ,
: r-s -1-4. t , i f -" i-vl r t: " : , '-7 -jj -- i c --V-" r""-1 x-"--J r -i H
x :--v-"&: t. 1 11.1 1 'f - - - -1 14 1 if" ' " -vL -- -"J
rsjfeasppiaB 1 I " ft'"" I - i sjwr t-M
Hon. C. B. Moores
Sereml years ago made aa ad
dress before the Salem chamber of
commerce, In which he gave a vR
sloa of the capital city as It was
SO years or. so before and the
address was the latter part of
April, 1.924.
m .
"How dear to my heart are the
scenes 01 my cniia aooa, Mr.
Moores prefaced his remarks, se
eitlng 8ereral more Hoes of "The
Old Oaken-Bucket;" the old oak
en bucket, the Iron bound bucket,
the moss core red bucket, that
hung in the well." He said the
lines reminded him of the teacher
who handed the boy a piece of
chalk and asked him to go to the
blackboard and draw a visual rep
resentation ot the Impression
made uppa'him by the poem and
when the task w a a compietea
there appeared oa the board three
alleged buckets, surrounded by a
multitude ot dots. He explained:
This is the eld oaken bucket, and
this the iron bound bucket, and
this the moss coTered bucket that
hung in the well, and these dots
represent 'all the loTed spots that
nay infancy knew aa the poem
Mr. Moores then said he looked
back from an eminence of 70
years, with only 30 minutes in
which to cover them. He said Sa
lem was well born; "she -sprang
from a line of church and home
and school- buildeTS, and her chil
dren grew up In an environment
that developed the higher Ideals
of a healthy moral atmosphere,
with a tinge ot Puritanism: Just
sufficient to keep them straight
without making them eternally
unhappy. To trace and anlyse the
conditions whose ultimate devel
opment has been consummated In
the beautiful capital city that we
know today Is to trace the 'pro
gressive growth of a wonderfully
romantic Story.
Ir. S H
"Salem began 90 years agd (It
is 95 now) when Jason Lee and
his companions In 1834 started
across an almost trackless conti
nent for the mission fields ot Ore
gon. It was a time when the aaoet
thrilling Incidents were. pregnant
with great potentialities. Lea first
set his stakes in the "mission bot
tom 10 miles north of Salem.' For
sanitary reasons the 'Indian mUv-
aion manual labor scnoor was
transferred to Salem in 1842;-and
housed In the three story- build
ing, afterwards known as the 'Ore
gen Institute., On- January 17,
1842, a meeting was held at the
home of Jason Lee (the first
dwelling house built In what Is
now Salem, still standing at 9 CO
Broadway), to consult on the sub
ject of English education In Ore
gon, and the establishmenti.ot 1
literary institution. It was origin
ally decided to, locate .this .pro
posed institution on French prair
ie, but shortly afterward the lo
cation was changed to "Wallace
prairie. two miles north of 6a-
rlera (on what la now the southern
nart of the Bush land, next north
of the land of the state school for
the deaf and eaat ot the. former
pest house and. county grarel pit.)
In the mean time the Indian man
ual labor school, was abandoned,
and its building on what la new
the university campus was pur
chased and occupied by the in
stltution later chartered as Wil
lamette university, which then
abandoned the "Wallace prairie'
location. j " '
' Is
- 'This was 'a step which. had a
most important bearing on thefu-
ture of Salenu As a prospective ed
ucatlonal center, it gradually at
traded a considerable population
and soon began to develop poUt
lcal importance. - -
-v--;.:- b s .!
Dnrto-rtttdAyt-of the; pro
visional government -Oregon City
was the capital of Oregon., Ore
gon was admitted as a territory j
AUgUBt IS, 1848, (should be Aug
ust 14; th bUl passed Its final
vote on Sunday morning, August
13, after an all night session of
the senate, but was' not signed by
the president so aa to become a
aw till Monday, August 14, 1848)
and as a state February 14, 1869.
Salem was named aa its capital la
1849, but as to the legality ot this
act the territorial Judges dis
agreed. Congress finally Inter
vened, and on May 14, 1862, con
firmed the location at Salem. In
the interim a final session of an
alleged legislator convened at
Oregon City en December 2, 18S0,
and adjourned February:; 1, 1851,
thus ending a bitter and "protract
ed' controversy. At the- first ses
sions, convened in Salem in 1851,
a legislative committee, appointed
to secure a place ot meeting, re
ported that they had secured the
basement story of the Oregon In
stitute, pn the right-hand aide as
you enter the front door. Includ
ing stoves and seats, Oa January
13. 1856. the legislature under
took to transfer the capital to Cor
vallis, but this action was declared
invalid by the first comptroller of
the treasury. As a result, oa De
cember 8. 1855. the legislature,
meeting la Corrallls, officially re
located the capital in Salem,
where It resumed its sessions on
December 18th, 1855. Late on the
night of the 29th of that mouth
the uncompleted capitol was fired
by an Incendiary after $9874 ot a
government appropriation of $20-
eee had been expended on it. One
of my earnest recollections as a
youngster Is of looking on the
ruins of' the building next morn
ing. '
"My grandfather was a mem
ber of the legislative assembly at
the time, as he was also a mem
ber two years later ot the Ore
gon .constitutional convention,
which met In the old Marion coun
ty state house at the western ead
of Wlllson avenue. It is a matter
ot personal Interest to me that.
as my grandfather was driven out
of Oregon's first capitol by an in
clndiary fire in December, 1855,
my father in 1872 17 years
later--as a senator from Marlon
county, had charge, in the sen
ate, of the bill which appropriated
the first 2100.000 -spent in the
erection of the present capItoL
This hill, by the. way, was intro
duced la the house by Hob. T. Met
Fm ration, iatner or fjooae ration
and ex-Senator Hal D. Patton. The
father of 8am-H. Brown, Marion
eountys present senator, was also
at the time a senator from this
county. The new capitol was oc
cur led for the first time in 1870.
, It Is an Interesting diversion to
trace the genesis of Salem, and
of her pioneer institution, Willam
ette university. The founding of
this old school antedates the
founding of any other institu
tions of college grade west of the
Missouri- river, and but three oth-
1, . . . . ..1 .
er coueges wesi ot ine Missis
sippi were In existence when she
opened her -doors. On the date ot
her birth the whole American pop
ulation of the Pacific coast could
hare been gathered withia these
rooms (the Salem commercial
club rooms), and there was not a
single Protestant church on the
coast from Cape Horn to Bear
ing's sea, or a church ot any. de
nomination north of Sacramento.
It was five years after the open
ing of her bans that William Rob
erts, the presiding officer ox the
M. E. conference- ot Oregon and
California, dispatched the mater
ial for the building of ihe first
church In the city of San Francis
co. This whole northwest terri
tory was the 'no man's land' : of
America,,.' ,- . : .
The first patent for a dona
tion land claim ever Issued was
for land In Marion county In the
Waldo- UlI.V12 or IS miles oast
of Salem. It was issued to King
H lb bard on January 18. 1859.
Prior to that date bo individual,
since the dawn ot creation, had
ever owned a toot Of sou of ore
son." "m m -u
(What Mr. Moores meant by the
last sentence was that no one had
held actual title to a single foot ot
Oregon County Country soil up to
that time. No one owned the Ore
gon country up to 1840. Spain
perhaps had the best original col
or ot title and France had vague
claims. In the Nootka convention
of . 1790, Great Britain horned in
on Spain, under show ot force,
The British improved their toe
hold when, in 1818, she got her
Joint occupancy treaty with the
United States, and this lasted till
June 15. 1846. when the Use tor
thS British was fixed at the pres
ent international bodndary be
tween Canada and the United
States, and this lasted till June
IS, 1846, when the line for the
British was fixed at the present
International boundary between
Canada and the United States, the
United States retaining aU below
that lino north ot the Mexico
(California) line from the summit
Of the Rockies to the Pacific
ocean. But all this is a long story.
which will be told later. In the
mean time the C. B. Moores story
ot Salem's early days wfll take
two or throe mors issues to fin
Old Oregon's
Town Talka from The States
man Our Fathers Read
Xorember SO, 1904
Evangelistic errlces at the First
Christian church are attracting a
good deal of attention. Rev. D.
Brrett is preaching and and Dr. H.
C. Epley is leading the singing.
H. M. Branson, who has been
for years engaged with H. H. Re
gan in a grocery business here,
will leave today with his family
for Marchtleld. where he will hare
a wholesale flour and feed store
and a general commission busi
ness. Rev. P. S. Knight went to Oregon
City to preach a sermon at the
80th annual conference of the
Congregational church at that
place. This is where Mr. Knight
was ordained and preached tn
1855 and 1858.
Washington A bronio monu
ment of Frederick the Great, pre
sented to the American people by
Emperor William, was unveiled
this afternoon by the wife ot the
ambassador to America. The cere
mony was marked by great mili
tary and official display.
WOODBTJRN, November It.
The seniors of Woodbnrn high
school will. present their annual
play some time In the early part
of January, -t
The committee has been chosen
to select the play as- follows:
Charles Byers. chairman; Clair
Nlbler. Naomi Tan Cleave, Waivo
Lenon, Berneta . Thompson and
Miss Virginia. Mason faculty advi
sor. Last year the class of '29 put
on. ewiin -i- eompantive success.
Shakespeare's "The Merchant of
Venice" and some few of the fac
ulty and lovers of the fine arts
are secretly hoping for the class of
'20 to attempt such a project.
Many of the students, however,
are in favor ot the light' drama o
comedy drama and no doubt Quite
a battle will ie waged before the
'class, the committee and the fac
ulty are satisfied with a selection.
We print letter heads, business
cards, posters, signs, booklets, al
most anything In our job shop
Call 00 for prices.
'And bow kmhtlfy
marvelous ducovcry
Mead These' Vmues
' wearables are always Irreistlblr knri
Nation-Wide SaysService
In Brerjr Spkn&d Sheet end
Yard of Shryr?r?3
1 X
It 1 V
111 II
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i Test Spooos
$ Tails Cpoocj
Offer Seasonable
At Attractive Prissss!
How Fascinating Are die
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Bow fttcinsthn $rt the next feminine moJest Wids
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oped la glnminf satia, tad soft canton crepes!
low-rlct4bm! la feminlat circle all ever the country, the
is being made every clay that J. C Pcaaey prices oa taabJoaable
' Tbocsaxtis of faotnKwfvM lave already -solved
thrfr mbcetinx jpoblem wlta "Na-yoa-Wids
strong, drorrvtaHa quality
at tnrurj pnoca.
94 Ueadaed x 104
trnfnWfsfd thtrtfaz,
yatd 43c
Ot&s Deform Hemtmed
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I oxxou soeexs,
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Set of Plated
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And How Irresistibly
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Good-looking and
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two good reasons
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Tbe lxreirrralrrr ear rifi
fta-please set of
: Gizsrcztc? Certified