Tfce brmGON STAfCSflAN. SafeaT Cofcgyljoraa?T Norm per 19, 1929 i r sUadiaff sotices, par Bss-t le (3 Una minimal charge) Classified Advertising, per Do. 10a Classified Advertising, per Ess time Classified ACvertitfng, V ha i tim 80s Ob moata. daily and 8uaday er Has 00 Copy for this pare accepted un to 40 the evening before publi cation tor classification. Copy r seived after this time will be run tinder the beading Too Ito to classify. HELP WANTED MALE MEN 1 PKH DAT An old established manufacturing concern will add three neat appeartn men between 25 and 45 to their or ganization. Experience not as essen tial as ability to work and follow in structions. Wo will teach you and how you, also pay you S4 per day for time spent training. 1 'CALL WEDNESDAY XI A. M. SHARP Room 147 North Commercial SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED" gTOcerynaanwanU position in store. Box 257, Statesman. WANTEDH-General housework. Ex perience. Sirs. A. Weidnem, Sublimity, Oregon. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Ljnjn-milSWVsfM"rM" FOR SALEM cave0er service call lil. . BARGAINS Burrouehs Adder, 350, American 310. Mimeograph, $25, Un. tierwood No. 5, 11-'. Thos. Roen, 421 Court. YWin atmlHi r. On box and ub. Sum- Kit home. Route 4, Box 26A,' tt-m!. east of Liberty. -FRESH Concord grape juice. Spe cial price. 75c per gaU while supply U3tS" PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM, OKEUOM FOR SALE A square Grand Web ber piano, excellent for practicing. 920 N. Capitol. Phone 3652. FOR SALE ! .Used - ICE MACHINE $75.00 Can be seen at the Valley Packing tympany's market at Dallas, Oregon. S. BIRKENWAUD CO. PORTLAND, OREGON FINE quality English walnuts. 1929 mn Kourth house east Keizer Bot tom school. C. E. Moody, Phone 54F3. ration, t Sixteen inch Oliver tractor plow, wood saw attaenmeni iar irac tor. practically new. The Fordson must aell I tret, u ne aoove is nui juoi. OTTO H. HUNT Route 8, Box 90. DRIED nrune. snlits and culls, good quality, 20 IDs. f i.uo, sac- lots c id. 1 .: . , il'fll ... 4G11P fllinie 111 . . Iff tji-"LLn-pLru"u-ir ,-u- i ii -i- ---- . . r- . . m . . . . . I . ti , T"l T v., .UiMa . n never been connected up. 785 Court St, GOOD cooking apples 50c box. We have the leading varieties to select from. Bring boxes. ,., PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST BAidSM Western Electric. Crawford range for sale or trade. 332 N. Com'l. $50. $65, $75, 9Q. $110 each. $5 end $( per mo. No payment until-after January 1st. New pianos reduced In proportion. Liberal . discounts for cash. Investigate these snaps. They will not last long at these terms and trices. Tallman Piano Store Inc. -The Home, of the Baldwin," 885-395 S. 12th street, Salem, Oregon. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used Dlanoa, In ex change en Radios, phonograph, or fow rirnre. H. I suit mirniture company. CARROTS wanted, Faulus Bros. Packing Co. WANTED Sewing. Will make over old clothes. Mrs. H. R. Lord, 1341 N. 18th. . . WANTED A modern 5 or 4 room bun galowln a good location val ued up to $5500. TO EX CHANGE for a cozy and neat 5 room plastered bunga- low located near Center street and bus paved street gar i age fireplace THIS HOME IS WELL WORTH THE PRICE ASKED BY THE OWNER, $3200. This property - is clear of all debts and the owner wants a : better and modern home. If Interested ACT AT ONCE and SEE X S. Obarer WITH . W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street Phone 518, MIDDLE aged man wants to buy Interest In established business, farm implements, tractors, and threshers, or poultry ouymg. P. O. BOX 211 CRESCO, IOWA BOARD AND ROOM WANTED MIDDLE aged man wants room and board at a widow's while looking for business opportunity into which he can. get aleoe, or in partnership, ; P-O. BOX 211 CRESCO. IOWA WANTED Good team of mares. 4 to f ark old. H. F. Guthrie. R. 7, box isq, gaiem. ' MISCELLANEOUS C A. W1TCRAFT. well driller. Dal las, Oregon. 111$ Birch st. Phone $71. WE , repair vacuum cleaners, wash ing machines and etc. Work called for ami a5i;rea. rnone stoi-j. FOR RENT ROOMS WARM room, dose in. Phone 58SW. CLEAN, furnished apts. and sleep ing rooms, close in, very reasonable, 292 So. Cottage. Phone 1081M. ROOM and BOARD MODERN rooms, three meals, $35.- vj a, montn. wiose in. 644 k. Uom L MEALS, private home. 245 So. Cot lage. rnnne iu63j. FOR RENT APARTMENTS .1 au.m nuiuUT, M , Wilt apt 1Z09 court --- - --- - -1 i--inrvxnnwxjxjxj": NICELY decorated 2 room ant. RIaa. trie reiriKeraior. eiec ranee. K&d a. Free phone service. Completely equip- Te ped ea launary room. Kent reasonable. none im i nf-Mt,u apis, ana sieenma rooma it. vuui 1. ruom ZV36J. FURNISHED anartment for rent at zi aaarion street. - -- -- -- - -I - -11 i, n i-irLrL,in TWO room apt Priced right 430 lortn XJDerty. FURNISHED apt. electric , ranra. .garage: $16.00 per mo. 244 S. 17th. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette. CTIosa in 'Lights, water, phone $15.00. 541 Mill Street ' FOR RENT 3 room dunlex. furnish. ed, furnace and electric stove. Inquire FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT unfurnished. Hoaaas furnished and F. I WOOD S41 Stale Street S R. modern furnished house for rent Melvin Johnson or A U Dark; 120 U. 8. Bank bldg. TeL 837. a Tnrr Kn.nim Fah $ffoaads ltd. Phone 138811 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES '. 915-918-830-925-935 Rent Your House of Bechtel LIST your vacant house with BECHTEL 341 State Street Room -4. HOUSE FOR RENT Because we shaH shortly remove to another home in Salem it Is our desire to rent the house we now occupy at 1 JS6 Marion street to someone desiring a comfort able, modern dwelling. The home has large living 'room and dining room, three bedrooms, kitchen and bath, is well arranged and well located. Pos session on or about December 1 ; please telephone 1988J or see Sirs. Sheldon F. Kackett at 1368 Marion street. . FOR RENT 4 R. 1159 Center .$35.00 . 34.44 . 30.00 . 25.00 . 25.09 22.50 20.00 - 20.00 . 16.00 - 15.00 . 15.00 9 R. 1498 Marion T R.' 285 N. 81st C R. 1495 Marion ..,... 4 ft. 1125 N.'16th 5 R. 1885 Fairground R. ( R. 295 N. 15th - 5 R. 880 N. 2dth 5 R. 705 Thompson 5 R. 2415 State St. , R. 2055 Hasel : s W. G. KRTXEGER 147 No. Com'l. Street $35 FOR RENT $35 NEW strictlv mw1' 5 room bun galow $35 to right party, 341 State Street FURNISHED apartment, two rooms and kitchenette, close in. 541 Mill St Light, water, phone, $16. COZY cottage for rent. Furnished. No children. 17C5 State. NICE 0 room modern bungalow. partly furnished , Double garage. Chicken farm. Close to. $25.00. Phone 1093J. Owner. FOR RENT' by owner A "house one mile from bridge. Oak Grove road. Phone 1969. FOR RENT FOR RENT 100 acre farm, rent also 260 A. farm. F. L. WOOD 841 State Street . For FOR RENT 360 A. ranch, good bldgs., 125 A. In cult., well fenced, well watered, 3-4 miles from Pacific highway. "about 20 miles from Salem. Rent $500 per year. GOOD 1 ro m bungalow, $25 mo. NICE 5 room bungalow $20. NICE 5 room furnished bungalow. See us for rentals. P ERR INK & MARSTERS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOME t Si 00. rmr rnA. InmmfL v aioe i v.vvu. raone ZZ9JB owner. OeVMwVVWwVwVWwVwWwV FOR SALE To sntue an estate, a s room none, lurntsned. gooa location, priced to aell quick. See L. E. Stiff- ler, at Statesman office or 1710 N, l"th SL 40 A. of fine land. Kood bulldmxs. fully stocked and equipped, 10 milch cows, 200 chickens, 30 turkeys, feed and seea. - r or sale cheap on account of owner's illness, easy terms. 1H ACRES, new 4 room house. 70 Rearing fruit trees, close in, will trade for house in town. 4 ROOM modern house, furnace, fine lot, $2750. Your own terms. Rich La. Reimann 219 N. High S. Phone 865. NICE HOME. CLOSE IN. FINE INVESTMENT STRICTLY modern home of 8 large cheerful rooms. In best of condition, has garage en paved alley with room for 3 cara Lot 44x145 ft 1 blocks of court bouse and sure to increase In value. Buy this property today for $12,600 with part terms. SEE . LEO V. CHILDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1737. sWessaMSjgShieeiaae, GREATEST -Tradta rcenlxallon am the Pmeinb Coast. We hav over S000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every Mice, every lo cation. We can match your exchange exactly. If you would like to rads gour property coaay, come vm cooay. B. at. SARUS, Realtor 214 N. High t Tel. 2341. FOR SALE By owner room house. $01 a 32nd. RM. house with full cement base ment and furnace, well furnished, 2 large lots with variety of bearing fruit garage, in good rental district. $3800, easy terms. location on Pacific highway in Salem, accident forces owner to sell stock and fixtures, good lease, a sacrifice at $2 000. ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street $50.00 DOWN New 4 room home on paved street Nook and garage. Price $2000.00. Owner. Phone 1570W. VVVVVwrVVMMtfwVVWMrVVVVVVVVwV8 FOR SALE 1 room house eood lot SStO. 1 room house street baved and paid: $755. b rooms z lots earaee X8&0 4 rooms lot 40x100 fruit and shrubbery $950. 6 rooms near Linen mm 81050. 4 rooms corner lot 2 walnut trees 11350. 5 rooms corner lot street saved and paid 81250. 3 rooms line lot street paved and paid 9UUB. Many otners to choose from, SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 t GARAGE HOUSE -WITH three rooms finished and lociftad in northeast Salem In a NEW and GROWING district paved street e a s t front city water and electric lights near school and us Price $575. SAVE YOUR RENT AND MOVE RIGHT IN $75. down. YOUR CHANCE TO own a comfortable home at a small cost 4 rooms bath and toilet garage large corner lot paved street lo cated near bus and school Price $1260. THINK OF IT $200. down will give yon possession. - NOW IS THE TIME TO buy a moderate priced home in South Salem at a sacrifice 4 rooms with two bedrooms full cement base ment garage furnace, fire place corner lot p a v e d street located Just off South - Commercial street LOOK AT TUB PRICE FOR QUICK SALS 27SO. CONSIDER THE LOW DOWN PAYMENT $209. for immediate posses sion. TOU WILL ENJOY LOOKING at and also ttf lng this brand NEW 5 room bungalow just completed full cement basementfur nace fireplace, garage, tile bathroom - and tile kitchen drain boards wired for elec tric range located In South Salem close to school and bus The pries $4250. is cheap when you consider the con struction OKT OUT OF THB RENT CLA83 and par down. $300. en this splendid homo with EAST TERMS on tbs) balance,. 8E81. E. Oberar WITH W. H, GRABENHORST CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street Phona 115. wMwwwMMwwwwwwMaaaS FOR .SALE OR EXCHANGE 3 room bunkaaow 2010 Maries at. Prac tically new. With, large lot. Ptios only $1950, Pa cae. Best lake Beat. Bar gain, siws aown. kbus owner jl. a. White. 2341 8tate street. FOR SALE 1 room new bungalow. Kved street, $3200. room new Kng h. strictly modern, saved st, 85000. Take lot or cheap house part pay. smau noose, gooa lot suo "'HMt-ta. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $1850. 4 room bunsalow with nook, living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, oak floors in 3 rooms, garage, S150. down. . 3 room house furnished, garage, woodshed, now rented for $22.50 per month. $200 down. $2000. fi room bungalow on large lot. fine fruit trees. $150 down. $2250, 4 room English type house with nook, fireplace, garage, oak floors, $159 down. $3250. room English type house, basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors. $300 down. $4250. room new Jnisgalow with large breakfast room, modern in very way, except fireplace. Will , take lot as first payment. A. l. dark; 320 IT. S. Bank Bldg. Phone C37. TODAY'S SPECIAL ONLY one more day to sell owner's $2800 equity for exactly H price. $2. 800 mortgage to assume. CALL Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727, WELL equipped chicken ranch all wired and very good mountain water. One block to good schools. szwv.vv down ; balance eas payments. FOR rent, very nice and large S room partly lurnisnea apartment, $25.00. STRICTLY modern Portland resi dence to exchange for Salem residence or suburban home. Tell us what you have to trade. A fullT modern 6 -room attractive home in California, choice location. Trade for Oregon property. 14 ACRES close to Salem on good rmd. 6 room house, two barns, two fhifkan houses In eooV condition. Some t runes, walnuts, and filberts, other familv fruit. Some stock, chickens and equipment Will trade for residence" up to ssuuj. - FOR RENT Very nice 8-room fur nished apartment close in. sa.ue. 320 ACRES near country town, on county road. 60 acres creek bottom. 35 acres oat land, balance pasture and timber. Two houses, three barns, all stocked and eouionea: some bay and grain. Price $7000. Sawmill on land can be purchased extra. See A. V. White, with . J. F. ULRICH COMPANY Insurance, Loans, Mortgage. 121 N. Com'L St Tel. 1354. $1250. 3 R. plastered bungalow, bath. corner lot terms. $1800. 5 R. home in good condition, tnta nf fni If rloaa to achoaL terms. $2250. NEW 4 R. and nook, hard wood floor, fireplace, subject to par In, $2400. New bungalow, 4 R. and nook, bath, garage, paving paid. $100 down. $3700. New and modern 5 B. house, paved st, garage, etc. Terms. 152.10. An attractive new English type home, good location, garage and paving; terms. Private money to loan Insurance. M FIT ATM JOHNSON 320 17. & Bank Bldg. Phone C37. I HAVE enjoyed a splendid business the last year and a half at 381 State street I have met a great many splen did friends, and am taking this op portunity to inform those friends as well as the many others I hope to meet I am now located in the ore cron Buildinc. I believe my business relations with Hawkins and Roberts will enable me to be of more service to my clients. It places me in a po sition where I can perhaps assist you In refinancing your property as well as having a complete list of the prop erties controlled by this financial In stitution to offer for sale or trade at prices below their actual value. Re- tnVUMWI, auvum JVII nam uitviurauvii. if we can furnish that it's free. If yott wish to sell or buy, that's our line. Should you wisn to traae. ubu our aneclaltr. - i We will be glad to write your In surance or rent your bouse or farm. Call on us. We can do you no harm. we might have lust the tuns; you want Ii. C. SHIEUJ3 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1784 BEST BUYS IN HOMES 5500 STRICTLY- nodera - double constructed 5 room bungalow, nook ex tra large, living room, hdw. floors, beautiful fireplace, two bedrooms, full cement basement Dest 01 piumDing large attic room for two rooms, pav ing paid, garage, mil neartng cruit trees, lawn, shrubberj. A real home worth $6000. Owner In California rea son for selling. Give terms. No cost to you to see it Phono 7(6 for an ap pointment or SEE 341 State Street TTflTISia WATP. ATN'S f ROOMS. South Salem. 3400. 85$ cash, balance $15 monthly. ; 4 rooms, batb and nook, new, hardwood floors, fireplace; garage, paved street $1850. $100 cash, balance $25 monthly. ' , 5 ROOMS, bath and nook. Strictly modern with hardwood floor through out Garage, paved street North Sa lem. $3900. Terms. 7 ROOM strictly modern house, 8 Mocks from supreme court building, in first class location. $4500, $1500. cash. SUJ01ArSJX SON First National Bank Building WHY NOT? NOW? I BUT ONE Of THESE RANCHES $200.00 DOWN. PRICE 93000.00 S ACRES onry 8K miles north of saiem, npe location ana one sou. house. Barn. Good well, close to good scnooi. . . . 3509.00 DOWN 13000.00 t ACRES all la cultivation, has 8-A in fruit berries, arapea, all bearing this Is a dandy place has good 8. room house, barn, xarace. large eotu- try house, only 5 miles from Salem. see tnis ana you win Duy it uooa easy terms on balance. For ranches both small and large SEE . BIS ARB er TUVJK.BK 184 South Commercial Street EXCHANGE Real EsUlt EXCHANGE FAnOIOU.NT HILL howss $4009 -take email suburban home. Let us how you. LEO N. CHILDS CO- Realtors $29. State Street Phone 17XT, A beautiful 10 acre farm 2 miles east of Salem, modern house, splendid barn, gooa oeigooornooo, near scaeot price 96500 and want t&iem nome. WE have a splendid horns on Fair mount .hill worth SS090 to trade for smaller home or for Improved acreage close. A splendid so acre larm xor ba lam home. - A GOOD I room bouse with base ment, good location and will take car as itrst payment price szaw. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 YOU NEVER CAN TELL I have three cars for sale or trade. Will take most anything I don't need them, wui consider what you nave. Owner, 775 Edge water, W. Salem. FOR SALE OR TRADE 24 For roadster. '24 Dodge and l Oaklasd se dan, wui consider what yw nave. 775 Edgewater, West Salem 9 ROOM HOUSB CLOSE IN. 141 SL 14th st. Salem, Oregon. 1 TWO acre tracts. NO buildings. close in. Would consider 6 or 10 acres ON Pacific highway. Improved or some business property m sajem. -OWNER. PHOXH 1775M. WANT SALEM HOME FOB mr horns near Oregon City. 9 largo rooms, fireplace, built tns and Dreagxast book, a sacs lots wun oaa trees and shrubbery. Well located for a rental proposition Price $5200 no encumorance. SEE Mrs." Ellis with ' LEO NL CHILDS CO- Realtors $10 State Street Phone lTtT, - FOR SALE FARMS LAND. LAND. LAND. RTVEtt bottom land worth $254 per acre, bat through foreclosure of first mortgage someDony win minn w half. Right near Monitor. Chtt Battle- son. 85 tugn street saiem. . - FARMS ' tT ACRES choice oratrie land. acres pasture, bejanee under plow, sub. Stanttai omiainga, on paygq rem, etev 19 XCRES doss to Salem, all plant ed to walnuts and cherries,' good build lags, to trade xor larger piace. isi ACRES close to Salem. U un der plow, fair buildings, water piped to house aod barn, some timber, price 950 per acre, all woven wire fence. SEE GEISER REAL ESTATE with ANDERSON KUflkKX . 149 JismUk JUca, JBtxatL -, - .'FOR SALE FAR5IS 294 ACRE farm can be bought at greatly reduced price. UHTKUW3 J. SC. rAuS 493 North Cottage 25 ACRES aU la cultivation, black soli, new 5 room house, barn, 2 large chicken houses, 5 cows, 1 horse, some machinery ; only $3500. Terms. 70 ACRES near Independence, dark soil all cultivated, practically new room house, large barn and dtcikea house, young orchard. Price $10,500. Want larger stock or wheat fans about same value. - , TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court 8tret - ACREAGE T vmiF rmnn frill iTisrurWI an Inst TUCKER and let them explain all n nniir ttt-j iswiininm ACRES 1M mt from Salem, close to enverton, roaa an in cultivation. line trees lor ouuarag place, sisov, Good terms to riant nartv. 15 ACRES 1 ml. from Salem, close to Siterton road, all in cultivation, fit filbert trees 3 years old la fine con dition. This is one of the best build ing places near-Salem. 1335 Der A. Good terms. ACRES ltt mi. from Salem, fine land. ioo i year old K. A. cherry trees, some English walnut trees. $18.75. Terms, f ACRES 3-4 ml from Salem-all In cultivation. This Is the best bay near Baiemvi.erms. 7 A. I DARK 32049. ft. Bank Bldg. Phone 137. FOR SALE It ACRES. 4 A. cleared. Irrigated, deeded water rights, equipped 9500. SO mt. west, inquire 49 jenter street. FOR SALE 40 acre farm. $2000. 140 acre farm bottom land. 96500. aZ acre larm siooo. acres ssooo. acres dose in, paved road, buildings. sisuu. F. L. WOOD 34 1 State Street OlMMMAArVVwVMwWwVVMWwVwwVVVVt 2H ACRES 1 mt. east of Salem, good soil lays well, $1800. $100 down; SIS per month. 5 ACRES about 1 mL east of Salem on Garden Road, fine soil, $1350. Reasonable terms. S ACRES good. room house, large . barn, chicken house, 3 acres Craw ford peaches, 1 ml. to school, a bargain $2100. $500 down. S ACRES M mi. from Salem, modern 7 room home, best of soil, 85000. Will trade for Salem residence. 308 ACRES 4 ml. from R. R. 260 A. , cultivated, 45 A. timber, 8 room plastered house. 2 ' barns fenced with woven wire. $4000 down ; bal ance long time at 6. Price $21. 000. Private money to loan. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 437.' GOOD 65 H acre farm 5 miles N. Lebanon, all calt. good buildings on market road, price greatly reduced. Trade or sell. H. C- SHIELDS Phone 1784 Oregon Building. Sl ACRES $10,000.00-v" NORTH PACIFIC HhiH.nT FINE LAND GOOD LOCATION 4 ROOM house, large barn, poultry house, all plow land, 6-A walnuts and filberts. 2 good wells, all fenced, 1-3 down. Balance easy. If you want a real good place that will make you money. Situated on Pacific highway don't pass this up. 110 ACRES $11,100.00 ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED GOOD 8 room house, large barn. 8 poultry houses, family orchard, 50-A cultivation, 50-A timber and pasture, spring and running water, 5 cows, 20 sheep, 3 horses, 600 bu. grain and hay In barn, all Implements. Will take home In Salem as part payment. FINE DAIRY RANCH 97 H ACRES $20,000.00 8 MILES OF SALEM, EAST MODERN 7 -room home with bath. Barn, room for 44 cows, 85 A. in cul tivation, bottom land, has good horse barn, a dandy place for a dairy. As It Is all equipped, you can run sour wae- on and sell -all your milk In Salem. This is a money-making Place and not over priced, win consider a good home in saiem in exenange. 8KB .. , msakb c a u f k r; 11 184 South Commercial Street WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 30 to 50 acres, stocked an equipped,; Howell Prairie section preierrea. wm pay cash. Rich L. Rei mann. 219 3. High st Tel. 865. Business Opportunities SHINE parlor for sale. See Roy Sim mons, second floor First National Bank building. IF you Want a dace to start a small business where you have living quar ters for $20.00 per month, see Mr, Stewart 775 Edgewater St, W. Salem. WORK FOR YOURSELF WE have five restaurants and con, fectlonery stores. $200.00 to 3500.00 down. Three small grocery stores, 9 meat markets. 3 apartment houses. 4 garages, small payment down on all of these. Why not see us? You never can tell what you can find. We have most any kind of business . yoa de sire. . TOURIST REALTY COt 775 Edgewater Street West Salem - GROCERY store and eonfoctlnnarv la goad, . location, -doing good bus iness. Invoice about 82809. Will trade xsr small noma m Salem. STOCK of new groceries and fix tures. Owner doing good business, but nae iw reason 1 or seuisg. invoice A. U DARK 320 V, 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 48T MONEY TO LOAN RESIDENT LOAN $13.35 per month retires a loan of $1,000 In 139 monuix. ray iasier 11 you wisn. no membership fee.'S4s Oeiaoa, 210 . U. Church. Phone 2830. 9100S. to 93000 to loan. Gertrude J..M, Page. . , ' . ON FARMS A NO CITY REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. FIRST K ATIONAL BANK. BLDG. . CITY AND TRACT LOANS . Reasonable Ratea No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAM ASSOCIATION ,T03-t First National Bank Bids, tnuM45T aWenOret aMiiMaMiMawMMwaAaMMa LOANS X TO men and women steadily employ ed. On your plain note, lowest rates, easiest payments, . quickest service. fairest dealings and newest methods. Loans also mads on Indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and other personal property. All transactions strictly con fidential. STATE LOAN CO. ' 2r3 Oregon BuBdln4r ii . ii. OA... . UImi Office hours 10 aw as. to 4:99 Bw m. Telephone 933. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other gooa security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need see us Dei ore closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1204 MONAY LOAN ED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrga redoes your paynienhs. Its keep the car. P. A. RlKEIt Car. Liberty fit and Fsrry Private r.lcney to Loan rum LOANS Ple-tr of money to loan on M4l farm security. City Loans Wt are loaalsg prudential In surance company money an city raet dences and business property at H per cent, plus a cusami ion. uwUrss Rooerta. io uregssi HBitamg. CTTT AND FARM loS SA Iswest rates. Best terms obtainable. Ovr Insurance deparfaent offers yoa ex pert advice ana service in au jmea. ' T HAVE THE MONEY " TO loan on your . home to huOd, Improve or reOnaaos. Plans are so varied, soms one of them wUl meet your requirementA Low rates. Long tsrms. Par off any time also loans on apt nouses ana twsweeeproperxy, F. a. DELANO MONEY TQ LOAN LOANS on real estate. Let me ex- ?laln our loans to TOO. P. H. Bell. 219 r. Bank Bldg. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private to loan n rej. escaie. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. " -134 South Liberty Street ' WANTED rrlvaie tnocwv tor farm tana. f-have several applications on hand. Hawkios ft Roberta, Inc. SOS Oregoa Bids, r. WANT a loan of $5000. os 340 acres good land. VALLET LAND CO. 144 . North Liberty Street LIVESTOCK and POULTRY W. J. Patterson. If. D. V. Veterinary surgeon. Res. 458 21st N. Phone 1441J. POULTRT wanted Salem Poultry Co. 390 S. High St. Phone 2490. Res. 2615M. FOR SALE or trade Cheap one good 1700 pound work horse. Trade for feed or machinery. Route 6, Box 94. COWS for sale or trade Fresh and springers; terms if desired. Red barn at Columbia and N. Com'l. St Nelson Bros. Market 185 N. High st Phone 70S. FOR SALE WOOD DRY fir and 'oak wood, coal and fuel OIL Call on us for prices. We give sood measure, good quality and eooA service. LARMER TRANSFER & STORAGE Telephone 930. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coai. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel C.. 752 Trade. UKX 1B-U1 old nr. 1L oaK. nan uu fir knotts. Cord measure. Reductions on largr orders. C U. Harbaugh. 838 Highland ave., phone 1990. THE best wood in the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phone 2985. GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price Well seasoned second growth fir and old fir slab and inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. Phone 1542. 250 soutn unurcn street. OAK wood 4 foot $7.00. Second growth fir 86.00 and ash $8.00 dellv ered. Call Nelson at 21 00. DRY. 18 In. old fir 4 ft fir. oak. old fir knots sawed. C. U. Harbaugh, 833 Highland. Phone 1990. .1' LOST and FOUND LOST Between S. P. tracks and nenitentiarv. suitcase, containing la, cue s ana iniants uouung. xeave i Statesman. FOR SALE USED CARS Buy Used Cars Where Your Dollars Have More Cents 28 Hudson Std. sedan, late ser pq rpfinished A 1 mechan ically new car guarantee $1050 '28 Whippet six convertible coupe oniv run a lew tnousana miles 595 29 Essex 4 door sedan, trunk, and many other extras, run 1pm than 10 000 miles. A-l In every respect " 475 25 Buick Standard four door se- rfnn now naint and tires motor overhauled 875 '28 Essex Coach, thoroughly over hauled new paint and tires 495 '25 Willys-Knight sedan m any thntisnnrl ml Ins or transnorta- tion 875 '24 Hudson 7 pass sedan new paint and A 1 mechanically 885 24 Essex Coach motor thor oughly overhauled new Daint and tires 875 895 '24 Hudson Coach new paint and tires motor overhauled '33 Hudson 7 pass touring, new tires all around and A 1 mechanically 100 '25 Ford Touring 95 Trades and Terms. State Motors, Inc. Hudson-Essex Distributors Phone 1000 High & Chemeketa Pettyjohn's Better Used Car Values 1924 Chrysler "68" Coupe, fine shape 19ZS Overland Z-dr. sedan 1924 Essex Coach, bargain ' 1925 Nash Spec. 3 dr. sedan 1925 Dodge Coupe, fine shape 1925 Hudson Coach, reconditioned Chevrolet Coupe, pick ud body Dodge Roadster, good shape, cheap F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 145 N. Com'l. St TeL 1240. "After we sea we serve." Valley Motor Company Reconditioned Used Cars Reduced prices on new Fords have Increased our used car stock at lower trading allowance We offer at re duced price the following iVKua Model A Phaeton 425.00 426.00 400.00 285.00 225.00 315.00 135.00 185.00 176.00 160.00 100.00 115.00 75.09 50.00 75.00 45.00 85.00 46.00 45.00 865.00 875.00 Model A Roadster Model AA truck dual high 1938 tor dor 1939 Tudor 1924 Coupe ri24 Roadsters, $190 1928 Pickup steel box 1928 Tudor Ruckstell 1925 Coupe Balloons 1984 'Coupe Balloons 1921 Touring Balloons 1924 Touring 1924 Touring 191 roadster 1934 Roadster pickup 1923 Roadster Pickup 1921 Sedan .435 1911 Coune MHES MAKES 1927 ChevVmet Coach Super 9 Essex Coach 1924 Studs Special Brougham. 460.00 1937 Dodge Coups 375.00 75.00 126.00 uoage Koaaster Hup Touring Star Touring 90.00 38.00 Buick 9 Touring 75 Can to Choose From. Valley Motor Company Salem Phone 1995, 75 Cars to Choose From 1928 Buick Sport Roadster 1928 Buick Standard Coupe 1927 Buick Standard Sedan 1927 Buick Standard Coupe 1923 Buick 7 Pass, sedan 1923 Buick Rex enclosure 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Chevrolet Touring 1935 Chevrolet Touring 1929 Chrvsler 69 Sedan 1917 Dodge Special Coupe I92 Dodge Roadster 1937 Essex coupe 1924 Essex Coach overhauled 1927 Ford Coupe 1928 Ford Coupe - 1925 Ford Roadster, ruxtell 1924 Ford 4 door sedan 1928 Ford Tudor 1924 Ford Roadster 1924 Ford Roadster 1923 Ford Roadster 1924 Ford Touring 1928 Hup Touring 1924 Jewett Coupe 1927 Oakland Sedan 1939 Oakland Touring ....,. 1938 Pontiac Cab Coup 1927 Pontiac 42oupa 1927 Star 4 Sedan 1924 Star 4 Touring 1923 Star 4 Touring Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BT VALET: MO TOR CO--j. U ANDERSON, INC,, - OTTO J. WILSON. il 9875 1 875; 4751 71631 S(1-I 2251 8451 145 150 425 I 4001 . 350;1 3851 250.1 255 236 100; 176 176' 160' , 75 , 45; 150- , - 125; 190 445; ;, 265 625- 416 . 346! 90 - 99 ; Marion Liberty .Phono 1017.1 HUDSON eoach tor sale or trader Rich L, Reimann, 919 N. High st TeL FOR SALE USED CARS Our Used Cars I Less Than Northwest Blue Book Prices 1928 Oakland two doer sedaa 1928 Pontiac two door sedan 1925 Studebaker 4 pass. Victoria 1925 Willys-Knight 4 dr. sedan 1923 Maxwell touring 1SIJ Overland 4 dr. sedan 1935 Rtckeabecker 4. 4 dr. brougham 1924 Studebaker, light six coupe USED TRUCKS 1928 Reo speed wagon, 3 ton, 204 in. wheel base 1927 Reo speed wagon, 1H ton izs Chevrolet iu yd. gravel true 1918 Chevrolet 14 yd. gravel truck 1939 Ira Jorgenson 4V ton trailer 14x7. dual tires, equipped, wita loar bunks. 1934 Reo speed wagon, 1 1-4 ton 1923 Cadillac tow car 192Y Ford truck, pneumatic tires These cars and trucks guaranteed to be as salesman represents them. Reo Sales & Service Co. 337-847 North High Street BETTE& USED CARS 1928 Dodge Victory Coupe $775.00 1927 Studebaker Custom Sedan 725.00 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan . 685.00 1928 Pontiac coupe 1924 Chrysler 60 Roadster 675.00 535.00 6ZS.00 1921 Buick coupe 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe 350.00 300.00 is z i tstar coupe 1923 Franklin Sedan 235.00 1824 Willys-Knight Touring 200.00 192S Overland Roadster 50.00 TERMS TRADES W. L. Anderson, Inc. De Soto Six Distributor 360 Marion Salem Phone 939. Open Evenings. Capital Motors Used Car Market Where you can exchange cars at tne Northwest Manual prices. 1SZS Oldsmobile z-door Sedan 1937 Oldsmobile Landeaa 1927 Oldsmobile Standard 4 -door Sedan 1927 Essex 4 -door Sedan 1925 Oldsmobile 2 -door Sedan 1927 Essex 6 Coupe 19Z7 .uocige coupe 1937 Chevrolet 4 -door Sedan 1933 Ford 4 -door Sedan 1923 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1927 Ford Touring 7 speeds 19Z4 wmys-Knignt 4-ttoor tieaan 1993 Oakland 4 Touring 1924 Ford Commercial Delivery 1929 Whippet 4 4-door Sedan 1927 Nash Coupe 12S Nash Cabriolet . 1925 Reo Speed Wagon, Commercial Doay 1928 Oldsmobile Coune 1934 Ford Touring (three) 925.00 each Capital Motors Co. Inc. 350 North High Street USED CARS Always the Best Always Phone 2125 1925 Model Nash Coach excellent condition. 3350.00. Will take good Ford coupe up to 3J0O.00. 2190 N. Liberty. McKay's Used Cars With An OK That Counts TODAY'S BARGAINS '29 Chev. Coupe tires and fin ish can't be told from new. Mechanical condition, positively guaranteed. Total cash price Includes license $860 1923 W. Knight trg, new tires and paint $195 1927 Chev. Cpe. reconditioned 289 1928 Chev. Rda.. first class thru out 398 1928 Chev. Cabriolet a beauty 560 159 189. LOTS of good running cheap cars. Coupes, sedans, tourings, roadsters. TRUCKS WE have several very fine buys In trucks. Ton to two ton capacity and priced from 8135 to 9650. We accept trades and quote low 42. M. A. C terms. MCKay Chevrolet Co. 430 N. Coml. Phone 1809. WANTED USED CARS -fc-fc aaa eyi lVl,WarVVVV4 CAgff wW for Fordii mkeyr Aot. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry 19 Yrt. Salem's Uadlng Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence) and Store 1919 N. Summer St Phono 611 COL. A. L. STEVENSON tipneer, 99 years experience hi the Willamette valley, for dates or ar- rangemeats see F. A. Doerflar, farm aaviaor, rirwi national -tana, Bauem. Phone or writs. A. L, Stevenson. Cor vallla Oregon. tf. F. Woodry esd Son Tn AtrCTlONEERS Who 90 Rite-Doana-Town" Pbone T TS Tear, gxaierlence BATTERr ELECTRICIAN R. IX tantou National Batteries Starter aod generator work. 302 Smith High. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD BX RAMSDEN Columbia Blcycleg and repairing. 887 Court cuiROPiXrurroRS Dr. a L. BCOTT. Chiropractor. 159 K. EOgh, TeL 97. 3 low. DBS. 8COTIELO, Palmer Chtro- practora. Z-ftay and 2. C M. New CLEANING SERVICE Cantur 8t Valeteria, tel. 8337. 8U1TS cleaned and pressed 31. VAR- LBY CLEANERS, 199 N. ComX ever Busicka COSTUBIES FOR costumes call Salen Co, 1211 n. Ptn. yet istTJ. EI.LTRIOATiir RAIXK ELECTRIC CXX 441 Korth Front at, Tet wo. - FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL I Oleen'a Court 4 High fit- TeL 6L CUT Flowers, wedding booquets funeral, wreaiha, decormtioaav G. F. Breitbaupt florist 619 fetal fttrsst th as. INSUItANCa. 1 flIranl. 919 W Hisb St. T.l i INSROANCa ill Uasonla Bldg. rhsn VX Itl West Cbast -Life- tnearaitew Ca - 'Insured Savlnw. 80S First National Bajt Palf TeL 979, H. J. Harder, Dist l-gr. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS -Life and General Insurance TeL 07. SIS V. B. MH snas BECKS HENDRICKS . ... It N. Him Tt. HI bAUNJJRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 36 lit a High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Laundry of Purs Materials" Telephone 165 - lt4 Broadway MATTRESSES uTTBRSSFSl RENOVATED bv the Capital City Beddins Co- 3039 North Capitol. Called tor and delivered. Ail wnrr ciaranrxi rci. it MUSIC STORES" FOR RENT New pianos. H, L Stiff Forniture Company. GEO. C - WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet musc and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs ana sewing macaines, s auu. trt Rslem lAi'ER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for bouse decorating, paperhanging. tinting, eta TteHnWo worttmnn - PLUMBING PLUMB ma and general repair work. Graber Proa. 144 So. Liberty T-l 650 PORTRAITS and FRAMES LET US copy that Old photo. CAM- ERA SHOP, 180 South Liberty. fRiNTLNG FOR STATIONERY, cards, pam phlets, programs, books or any kind of" printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department 315 S. Commer-Ml-7rei fio - RADIO CALL 8647 for.'B. Churchill, the radio doctor, 150 S. Liberty. FOR every purpose, foi every runs All standard sizes of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL 8HOP. 335 Court St Tel. 488 , REPAIRING Alvln B. Stewart, umbrella, cutlery and key store sharpening and light repairing, 251 Court Tel. 2876J. ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yosemite rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front Tel. 487. STOYES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves ror sale, reount ana repan-ea, aij kinds of Woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets and hooka, iogan nooica tsaiem i ence ana stove wor.a 262 Chemeketa street TAILORS D. H, MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 court St TRANSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 221 State St TeL 988. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rat. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THB JEWEL BOX. 1T3 N. TJhrty Baiem New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT Da fjna Rhlnmsi Parlr Experts for Ladies and Gent 1 pints Fourth Floor DR. L. R. Burdette. optometrist 403 First Nat'L Bank Bids;. TeL 119. TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson. Dentist Telephone 1385 1901 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKS A HENDRICKS 199 N. HUH . TeL 141 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. 999 Grey Bide Phono 799 7. GL DELANO I0 N. Church TeL 1999 & M. KARLE 334 K. Hurh St TeL 3349. HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 4794 Stat St TeL 943 W. H. GRABENHORST at CO. 184 a. Liberty St TeL 114 MELVIN JOHNSON 999 O. 9L Bank Bids. TeL 491 GERTRtTDB J. ML PAGE 498 N. Cottage TeL 1199. RICH L. REIMANK, Realtor 119 N. High ht. TeL 999 SOCOLOF81-Y t 8OK 804-9 First Nat Ba. Bids. TeL 979 J. F. ULRJCH 129 Mi Commercial TeL 1954 - TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 411 Court SL Tel. 451 s. Z WOOD 441 Stat St, TeL 794 t Whole xsla fleatarteas BaehlsVerries. la. 19 .9.50 .19 Oranberriea, bos . .. , ,- Urosmd Uharrlae. is. Appiea, leeals , -1A0 lb. JO rears -9.00 9.09 Lima, cartas 9 do. - Dates Dromedary, 88, 10-ox. pars, , Coa' a Pitted, ease Texas Grapefruit .6.50 uraperrsnv Arueas .50 Comb Hsney. aw eros . , 4j00ffl5.3 Uffloas, CsiU. 15.80 Casabas 01 Omces, VaWaels X3S's -9.00 -9.75-.7.78 -9.T9 -9.99 159' 179'i -, JOO'e 919's 352'a 388's 84'S- .8.50 a.5o Grapes, Bssdleaa -mprors CeraUaosi -3.00 -1A0 Lady 9gers Coacerda, baskata - 9AO 99 vcgttaMes (Wholesale Quotatiomsi Braaaela af-U va : Cauliflower, local J.OO Peas, coast, lb. Greta Boaat. lesal .19 09 .0Qtl.OO' 80 Celery, Labith, des. , tilery Hearts fpinaea, local erasge hex 90 arsains. lb. OS Hutabagaa.UK a BuBched vegeUbbja, per dos. bunchi CarraU an Beets J Turnips Ksdisbet Parsley Osiesa GarUa. lb. .80 .40 .15 Tosuteea. leeaL las ,tl Califeraia, htg Salem Markets ANSWER TO HUNT v l AWAIT, t AWAKE. iAWANJAWARD UWARB. Sit AWHIR, 14 AWBIT. If AWHMJ. If AWDBK. IT AWOKE. AWORK." JTTS ..o .09 J0Q1.7S 0L50- nr t SO Cabbar.; lb. Gieea Peppers, a. . Calaves, eate .7- , Egg Plaat crate .. Habbard 6qaasa.,u. Marblehaad aqoasa Pnmpklni lb. Danish Savaak .OS OS OS 04 JL80 . 05 1.50 .9.00 . .9.75 2.25 White-eera. 4 des. . Sweet potatoes, lb. ArMckoket, doses Potatoes, local Yakima, per ewt Persimmoni ... Pomegra sates reeds (Retail Quotatioa) Calf neal, 35 lbs. Scratek, toa . 1.9S J3.00 .49.00 .50.00 .33.00 .83.00 50.00 Cora, whole, tea Cracked sad grooad Mill na, tea - Bra a, tea ' Egg laaah With aulk 8.00 ggs (Baying Price) Extras M.diurat .49 .39 Poultry (Baying Pries) Sur Roasters, Heavies . Medium . Lighta ... Springers -19 -ST' eld .33 1518e 1518 - SO Bntterfat (Wkoletale QuoUtiont) matt Carton. -4T -48 Butterfat -. .4T Batter (Retail Quotation) Print. Carton. Grain sad Bay I (Buying Price) Wheta, westers ard, ha. Soft white, ba. Oatt, gray. be. 59 .59 -I.0T -1.12! 55 Wkite. bo. 50 .32.00 20.OO ..20.00 .25.00 Barley, toa Oats aad vetek Clover Alfalfa Dressed Meats (Buying Price) VeaL top Hog, top .16 -14 4Vooi and Mohair Fine wool -.30 Median ....33 -.80 ..27 S5 45 Coarse Lamb' wool Old kfonan- . Kid General Markets HAY PORTLAND. Ore. Kov. 18. flPl Bnyhig prices: Eastern Oregon timothy, f0.5021; do. valley. 319019.50: b. laita il; clover SIS; eat hay 91 atraw, 978 toa; selling prices 3 mora. FOBTLAKD GBADt Wheat futures: Ones Hirh Cloaa December 119 I I 120 i 11a March 124 128 5 9 136ti May 133H ISO 127i Cash markets: Wheat. Bis Bead bin stem, bard white 91.32: soft white, westo era white 9L20H; hard winter, aorta- era spring;, western red 81.19. Oats Na. 2, 38 lb., white 334. Barlev. No. 2. 48 OniM, Yaklsav 3fob Pickling oaieas, la. -Loesi saions, . lb, Lettsos. lepl . , California, feed Caeaabers, kotheese lb., B. V. 938. Corn, No. 8, eastern yel- - iow, impotent ?3. 328.00 Millrun, standard, CHICAGO CHAIN CHICAGO. Nov. 18. (API Temnt-I by the fact that prices had risen. a( much as 12c a bushel in a week, seller tursw immense etlerin(s into the wheat pit today. Prices cars way aa a result, influenced also by disappointment over scantiness of s decrease today la the United States wheat visible supply. Bearish significance was attached to a showing that whereas accumulation points showed decrease of the visible supuply totaling 8,049,000 bushels, Increases ware gutfnly the rule at the chief distrib uting center. Closing quotations en wheat were aa settled at Ue to l"4c per bushel lower then Saturday's fiaish. Cora closed to 7-Se off and eats Vie to e dews. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore... Nov. 18. iAPl Cattle sad calrss, fully steady to strongs, receipt: Cattle 2050; calves 150. Steers. 1100 to 1300 lbs.. 810.25(3llt do. good 10.2511: do. medium. 98.59 10.25: do. common 37Ci8.50 Heifera. good 99Q9.50; common to nediam 99 : sows, good 98GS850: do. comnom to medium 35.50 8; do. low cutter 89 bts. Bulls, good to ehoiee 87 0 7.60: cut ter to nediusi 36 7. Calves, medium to choice saw 10.50; cull te common 889 8. Vaalsrs, milk fed, good to choice 311. 5S 4Ji 13.50: medium 99W11: call te co Sa moa, 98.50 9. Hora. active, stronc te 10a hirhert receipts, 3,500, lacluding 431 direct er through. Heavyweight 8875 K 10: madiam weirht 3B.25iai0.35; light weight 910010.85: light lights, 99.85010.85. Packing aows, rough sad smooth, 7.2508.50. Slaughter Pigs 81. 50 W 9.50. reader end ateeker pigs, 98.60Q9.40. (Soft er eily hogs aad roastiag pigs, ezcladed ia abova quota tions.) Bhaep and lambs, talking aronad steady. Receipts 900. Lamb. S4 lbs. Sown, geed te ehoiee. 910.60O11: medium 39-50 10.50; a. waighta, call te common, 9730.50. Year ling wethers, 110 lbs., down, medium te choice 98-509. Kwes, 120 lbs- down, nediam te ehoiee 98.758..130 te 134 lbs- lAediam te choice 93 4.50. novven POBTLAHDJ Ore. Nov. 18. (AP Milk: Bow milk. 4 ser eeaL 93.50 ewt dellveied Portland, leas 1 per cent. Bms Urfat, station, dee, track 45e, dalivered at Portland 47e. Poultrv (bavins prices) Alira. heavy baas over 4ft lbs., 87; medlam heas. 5Vs t 4H lbs- 33c; tight, user- 8tt Ibs, 17; broilart.. nadpr IV. ibs- 28e; piiaga, ever 9 lbs See; sprrag Pekia docks. 4 Iba, ana! evar, 1 023a; M rakia castka. Nflix; eefwa sacks, 18; tarkeys. No. 1, 431. See; Bto, 49 soe. . , aotstses, leau, no. 1 trass, sz.ot 8.35 par ewt. WOMAX DEFENDS SELF BAKDUSKT. Ohio.. Nor. 11 CAP) Mrs. jean Hart, msatloaed: ia mysterious nates found In am abandoned car In Los Angeles to day purporting to connect her with the wreck ana holdup last Sunday on a Southern , Pacific train near 8augii9, Cai., w&l-od into tho Bnah street police atvtoa tonight to brand the charge ae untrar. yOTrCH OF FIJI Alt - 8KTTI3MK1T i - : Notice i Kereby glTea that the undnTaigned has tiled In the Coun ty Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the Ounty of. Marlon, her duly verified. Fiaal Account. ae Kxe entrtt of the last WUI and testa ment and esUte of Frederick Wal lace Htrmer, Defteasad, and that said Court has fixed Taeeday, the grd day of December, 1919, at the hour of ' tan o'clock M. of said dy,- the ttnte; and .the County Court Room In the County Court Houseravt Salem, in Marloa Coanty, Oregon, - ae the place for heartng eaid final account and aU objections thereto. " ' Dated at Salem, Oregon, thle rsth'dd or octdoeYriw- V;xiii ot tne last will an J testament and. Uls Frederick InraiiaoA TiarTn. dcaaed. L - -RONALD -Of OLOVBlt, JLttorney for Executrix, Salens, Oreroa. o. I-n s-i-i-tg. ,