The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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local News Briefs
SeU'jialem Height Store Of
Interest 0 Salem Heights folk is
tme aianpnncement of the sale of
the, .associated store No. IS, fcrni
rlX(Qnfd and managed by H. G.
WlJji to A. H. Patchell. 422
SotJ,.rd street. Mr. Patchell
formerly, conducted a grocery
toxt. oft' 23rd street. Mr. Wiggins
opfBfiLthe store several years ago
aa4Xrtae name of Wiggins & Son,
later changed the name to the
Sa)ep Heights Gorcery and last
TTi.ths stock was taken oyer by
tun -Purity stores and renamed
Associated Store-No. 15. The nrop- !
erty, on, which the store is located
ao4,,thp building were traded for L
the .Patchell home, according to
MrWigginr. The deal is the sec-
OodwOl-its kind to hare been ef-
faded in the district, the Wilcox 1
Grocery having just been pur
chased by R. A. Hamilton, recently
of Liberty. Harry Scott, meat cut
ter .employed at the Associated
tore, wili remain in the employ
of Patchell, it was announced
School Program Given -Program
for today and the remainder
of . the, week at the senior high
school has been issued as fool-;
lows:iTuesday Girls' League and
boyaglee club: Wednesday
French, club meeting, Tech ne clnb,
- Home J?conohiics club, Science
club, meeting and Latin club of
ficers' meeting; Thursday, general
assembly; Friday, girls' glee and
Clarion annual staff try-outs.
Boxing, Salem, Armory, Wed.
Nov. 2Q. Art Akers vs. Pat Dun
dee, main event 10 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries, 28 rounds of
boxing. Tic kets on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store.
Californian Ilics Here Judge
M. J. Cooney, who had been visit
ing here at the home of his sister,
xMrs. C. D. Thomas, died at the
Thomas home Monday morning.
Judge Cooney's home was in Oro
virie, Calif., and the remains wifl
be shipped there tonight for in
terment. Services will be held at
the liigdon mortuary at 7 o'clock
Mrs. Brandenburg Dies Mrs.
Helen Brandenburg, formerly a
resident of Salem, but whose home
has been in Lakeview, Wash., died
at Lakeview Sunday morning, ac
cording to word received here. F.
H. 'Brandenburg, her husband, a
s-n Edwin and a daughter, Pat
ricia, survive. Several si9ters live
in California.
Want used furniture. Tel. 511.
Dnuu Corps Shown Salem's
drum corps which traveled east
this year for the national Ameri
can Legion convention contest, is
pictured in a recent issue of "The
Goat.'' publication of the Great
Northern railway company. The
picture was taken in St. Paul,
Select your Christmas cards at
The Statesman, we print or en
grave them to order.
Mrs. Coehran Here Mrs. Lil
lian. V. Cochran, field representa
tive of the Pacific Protective so
ciety, is a business visitor in Sa
lem, coming to make the annual
appeal for funds for the Albertina
Kerr Nursery and Louise homes in
Portland, which are supported
Jointly by state and private funds.
Hurry! Hurry! Order your
. Christmas cards now. Make your
selection from our several hundred
designs at the Statesman.
Attend Mrs. Leabo's Funeral
Last tribute to a charter member
was paid Monday afternoon by
members of the W. C. T, U. when
be women attended in a group
the funeral of Mrs. Pauline B.
Leabo. With Mrs. Leabo's death,
,J here, passed the last surviving
charter member of the W. C. T. U.
, Christmas Cards with our with
out engraving or printing at The
Statesman Publishing Co.
. i
..Brunks See Game Dr. and
Mrs. E. L. Brunk were among the
Salem people in Eugene Saturday
tort witness the Oregon-O. S. C.
, game. Mrs. Brunk went down Fri
day, to attend a Saturday morn
ing affair at her sorority, the
Alpha. Gamma Delta house.
Examines 173 Pupils Dr. Estill
Erunk, dentist with the county
health unit, Monday examined 173
children in the schools at Labish
Center, Hazel Dell, McKee, Grassy
Pond and the Mt. An?el academy,
lie will be in Pratum and vicin
ity today.
.. Dr. Dolph L. Craig, dentist, has
moved to Suite 315, First Nation
al Bank Bldg. Phone 2327. Eve
nings by appointment.
Cbemeketans Hike Nineteen
members of the Chemeketan so
. ciety engaged in a hike Sunday
from Lyons to the Cochrane
Hjnkle sawmill. Luncheon was
served in one of the mill buildings,
the company furnishing some of
the food. H. L. Crawford was the
leader on this hike.
Install Carrier The Spauldine
Logging company has instated a
lumber carrier, one of the latest
type produced by the Ger linger
company at its Salem and Dallas
plants. It is expected too take the
place of five single horse carriers.
It is operated by gasoline.
...See Hamilton's rug sale ad.
page 5.
;X. K.'s to Play The Y. K.
K. class of the First Methodist
church will hold at party at the
y. M. C. A. tonight, the feature
.lf (.whlch will be a dinner and
. games. A swim has been scheduled
forthe. group.
, Creeses Com man it y dub
Dr. Estella Ford Warner talked -on
value of the health program la
" schools at a meeting of the West
Salem Community clnb held at
" the community hall there last
r. Attends Meeting Alice Blake
But, who is Willamette- Valley
. derision secretary for the Port
land . Electric Power comoanr. at
tended lb monthly dinner meet
ing vof -the company women's pub
11$ .peaking class la Portland
Monday might.
Oliver Talks at High School
J. C. Oliver, Y. M. C. A. secretary
at Hangchow, China, who is
spending a short time with his
friend, C. A. Kells of the local
Y. M. C. A., addressed a high
school assembly the last .period
Monday afternoon, telling about
the development of the Chinese
revolution and the changes In
Chin which have been attendant
on the revolution. He pointed
oat that the old army is passing
in China and that now command
ers and soldiers are young: that
they are soldiers of education
and spirit.
Loder Bros, are giving away free
with each used car purchased a
Thanksgiving Turkey, weighing
10 to 14 lbs. This oifer applies to
every used car, regardless of price,
which ranges from 35 to S695.
Lodcr Bros, are located at 445
Center street. and are open eve
nings and Sundays. Why not drop
in and inspect their stock.
Leajruc Plans l;;irajm The
Girls" league of the senior high
school will hold this morning the
last of a series of programs de
picting the activity of the various
clubs and societies which form a
part of the school life. At the
league assembly during the home
room period today, the Snikpoh
society, the Girls' Numeral club,
the Home Economics club, the
French clnb and the Gleo club
will each present short skits and
Delhi Named Clerk Mrs. Mary
l. Fuikerson, county school su
perintendent, Monday named
John Delhi clerk of the Mt. Angel
school district, succeeding F. J.
Ficker, who resigned several
weeks ago on account of ill
health. Mrs. Fuikerson filled the
vacancy by appointment because
the board failed to elect a clerk
within 30 days after the vacancy
was declared.
Raid City Home Mrs. Bessie
Bramwefl was incarcerated in the
city jail Monday as a result of of
ficers finding 60 pints of beer and
two pints of moonshine In a raid
of the woman's home at 1204
South 14th street Sunday night.
Mrs. Bramwell .was charged with
sale and possession and her bail
has been set at $250.
See Hamilton's
page 5.
rug sale.
Mrs. F. A. Legge Hostess The
War Mothers will meet with Mrs.
F. A. Legge this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock at her home 1499 State
street. The afternoon will be a
social affair and several things of
interest are planned for the mem
bers. Mrs. Jennie Vincent will be
assistant hostess.
Woodry Released Posting a
$250 bail. H. F. Woodry was re
leased from the city jail by Judge
Poulsen. Woodry was arre3ted Sat
urday night on a charge of driving
while under the Influence of In
toxicating liquor. A hearing has
been scheduled for Wednesday aft
ernoon. Cider Apples
Stolz CO.
Bulletin Ready Soon The No
vember issue of the Salem Teach
ers bulletin will be ready for dis
tribution shortly, as conv goes to
the press today. Svlvia E. K-; - j
of Parrish Junior high faculty is 1
edito'r. MfS" Dorothy Tayio. - j
t.-!-i.. a t i i- ..: .:.i iia
the association president.
Junior Chamber Party The
senior high school junior chamber
of commerce, is making final plans
for a skating party to be held at
Dreamland Saturday," November
23, following the Salem-Corvallis
football game.
Sliver Winged Used Cars, re
conditioned Chryslers, at real sav
ings. Fitzgerald-Sherwln M'atof
Co., Salem.
Annual To outs Scheduled
Tryouts for positions on the gen
eral staff of the Clarion, senior
high school yearbook, will be
started Wednesday, announces
Wilda Fleener, editor.
Miss PbiiHpe in Eugene Miss
Aileen Phillips, secretary to Hal E.
Hoss, secretary of state, was
among the Oregon graduates who
spent the weekend on Jhe cam
pus at Eugene.
Boxing, Salem Armory, Wed.
Nov. 20. Art Akers vs. Pat Dun
dee, main event 10 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries, 28 rounds of
boxing. Tickets on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store.
Boy to Garner Mr. and Mrs.
Orel G. Garner of Salem - route
eight, box 201, are parents of a
baby boy, Jobn Willard, born at
the home Friday.
Lee Co Fined A fine of $10
was assessed Monday on Lee Coe,
1315 South High street, for driv
ing more than 20 miles per hour
within the city limits.
Zonta Board to Meet The ex
ecutive board of the Zonta club
will meet at the Y. W. C. A. at
7:30 o'cleck tonight for the reg
ular monthly business meeting.
WttfceM parattoa ar leas sf
J2S Oracon Slog.
is Prsscrtstioa fe
- sd MALARIA ' :-: - -
tt ts Ska ssost tsseay i
Eyeglass Insurance and thor
ough examination included. '
Extra Window Planed Bids
will be closed Wednesday for con
struction of a new parcel post
window and letter drops intha
publie mailing compartment at
the local postof flee. Work on the
window will be started a soon as
possible thereafter in order that
the second parcel, post window
may be used for the Christmas
mailing rush. This addition to
the mailing department is the fi
nal touch la the general program
of construction which started
with erection of the addition.
Viavl Phone 1411. -
Mam Will Recover Walter
Scott, Albany, la expected to re
cover from injuries received Sat
urday when an automobile- In
which b and two other Albany
men, John Gerry and George Ha
ger, collided with a Pickwick
stage near Hnbbard. Scott's in
juries are serious, it was reported
from the hospital here where he hi
eonfined, but a complete recovery
is predicted.
To Visit swftserUnd Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Staedeli, newly married
couple from the Pratum district,
are scheduled to leave there for
a year's trip to Switzerland, - the
native land of both yonng people.
Mrs. Staedeli was formerly Miss
Margaret Kuenzi of Pratum. The
couple plan to motor to New York
and will take passage from there
to Europe.
Boxing, Salem Armory, Wed.
Nov. 20. Art Akers vs. Pat Dun
dee, main event 10 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries, 28 rounds of
boxing. Tickets on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store.
Scio Man Fined N. Bermier.
Scio, paid Judge Brazier Small a
fine of SIS when he pleaded guil
ty to a charge of speeding filed
against him by a state traffic of.
ficer. The hearing was Monday.
Case Non-suited The case In
circuit court of J. I. Case against
A. F. Elins has been non-suited
according to a motion by attor
neys for the plaintiff and approv
ed by the court.
Evelyn Richards, 18 years old,
at the family residence, S2S So.
19th street Sunday morning. Sur
vived by her parents, Mr. and Mr3.
William Richards, one sister El
sie,, and two brothers, Allen and
George. Funeral announcements
later by Clough-Taylor company.
Fern Richards, 11 years, at the
family residence, 525 South 19th,
Saturday noon. Survived by her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. William
Richards, one sister, Elsie, and
two brothers, Allen and George
Funeral announcements later by
Clough-Taylor company.
Michael J. Cooney, 85, died
Monday morning at the home of
hl3 sister, Mrs. C. D. Thomas. He
Thomas of Salem; Mrs. Mary Net
ins of Kansas City and Jam'
Cooney of Ireland. Remains ar
at the Rigdon mortuary Where the
rosary service will be held Tues
day evening at 7 o'clock,' follow
ing which the body will be shipped
to Orovllle, Calif., his former
Elizabeth Emma Farrar, age
"2- d'ed V18 ' H?
893 South 12th street. She is
survived by the following nephews
and nieces: John H. of Salem, Dee
of San Francisco; Herbert E. of
San Diego; Donald of Olympia,
Wash.; Helen Farrar of Olympia;
Mrs. Gladys Kellogg of Portland;
Mrs. Thomas Wllkerson of Beaver
Falls, Penn. Services from Ter
williger funeral home Wednesday
at 10:30 a.m. Rev. W. C. Kent
ner officiating. Intermerft in Odd
Fellows cemetery.
Wright f
Albert O. Wright died In this
city Nov. 1 at the age of 63
years. Announcement of funer
al later from Clough-Taylor com
pany. Bartrnff
John Bartruff, age 72, died at
his home seven miles east of Sa
lem. Survived by his widow.
Kate, of Salem; and brothers and
sisters as follows: Jake and Wil
liam of Illinois; Charles Bartruff
and Mrs. Kate Scharf ef Salem;
Mrs. Minnie Wiess and Mrs.
Charles Bauer of Illinois: also1
eight grandchildren; no children
living. Funeral servicea Tuesday
at 1:30 o'clock from Clongh-Tay
lor chanel. with interment ' in
Murphy's cemetery on the Silver
ton road.
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 Tel. 1266
Conveniently Accessible
Prices Reasonable
ptlcrest iHemortal
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Jost tea minutes from tbe
heart of towm
1 ?
Tare Motorist Hurt When
Ralph Hanaon's automobile over-
Urn ed at Liberty and Center
streets Sunday night as a result of
aa auto crash between his ma-
2 tine and that driven by O. D.
cLane three persona auf f ered in
juries. Hanson, Mrs. L. If. Gissey
and Madeline Giesey, 65 1 South
23rd street, each received euts
and bruises as a result of the mtx
up. Cigarette Starts Fire A care
lessly thrown cigarette stub,
thought to have been tossed from
one of the windows on a upper
floor of h court house started a
fire In the top of an automobile
owned by Deputy Sheriff Bert
Smith. The Incident is the second
of Its kind to have been noted by
the Deputy during the past tew
Hart in Crush Cuts and
bruises were suffered by John
Marr, 1132 Hines street, Sunday
when his automobile was struck
and overturned when it collided
with a machine driven by Earl
Hyde, route 2. The accident oc
curred at Market and Summer
streets. Blinding sup rays are
blamed for the accident.
Boxing, Salem Armory, Wed.
Nov. 20. Art Akers vs. Pat Dun
dee, main event 10 rounds. Snap
py preliminaries. 28 rounds of
boxing. Tickets on sale at Adolph's
Cigar Store.
Verdict Given Upon the de
fendant's plea of abatement, a
verdict in behalf of R. J. Hen
dricks in the c :e of Arthur C.
Marsh company against Hendricks
was given in circuit court here
Monday. The suit was the cause
of action for money-declared due
the Marsh company for a radio
purchased by Hendricks.
Rock Crasher Stopped Neces
sary repairs to the rock crusher
located on the Abiqua has caused
a temporary shutdown of the
plant, it was reported to the coun
ty roadmaster's office Monday.
The rock crusher is being operat
ed by Charles Hoyt and Is being
nsed to supply rock for the coun
ty market roads in the vicinity.
Wants Guardian With proper
ty listed at a valuation of $77,500
owned Jointly by G. F. and Caro
line M. Kutrz, a petition tiled in
probate court by F. A. Kurtz, a
son, asks the court to appoint the
Ladd & Bush bank aa guardian for
the property. The elderly couple
are aged 80 and 85 years, respect
ively. Want Divorce Phylis Incle
don filed complaint in circuit
court here Monday against Leon
ard Incledon, requesting the grant
of a divorce. Desertion Is claim
ed as the basis of the suit. The
couple were married in London,
England, in 1918 and have one
Dollar dinner every night 5:30
to 8 at the Marlon hotel.
Road Nearly Completed Work
on the short stretch of road
known as the .Checkerboard mar
ket road will be completed today.
according to Roadmaster Johnson.
f, uwus 1
pound baby "few,. .
to Mr. and Mrs. Elmep
this city. Mrs. Klelnke is b
cared tor at the Wilcox hospital
in Portland and is reported to be
doing well. Mr. Klelnke is an em
ploye of the Cherry City garage.
Federation to Meet Members
of the Salem chamber of com
merce have been invited to at
tend a meeting of the Marion
County Federation of Community
clubs to be held at Silverton next
Monday night.
Builds New Home Frank Gar
land is building a new home on
his property in the HayesT llle Ti
cinlty. Vhcn It'G
Think of
We buy rags, sacks, paper,
iron, brass, copper, hides,
Capital Junk Co.
II. Stelnbock, Prop.
Pbone SM By tbe Bridge
Celltla, Cmu
r Beetal
Ouraoe-iurgkal treatment, used
aacceasfatty for 16-yeara, per
manently rsBevu those costdf
Ueas, restores health aad
rehvilis vitality. Oar FREE
saarkabto CUARANTT. Write.
phone r caB far II today. .'
tec A
AWin of r tecs
Scat tk, Sam Than Cisco,
Los Angcu;;
4 V
Majestic Radio Makers Work
Out New Plan to Give
Votes in Race
In spite of. the fact that Thanks
giving is etiU In the offing. Miss
Majestic contestants are finding
the Salem publie distinctly Christ
mas minded. A plan has been
worked out by the Grigsby Grunow
company, manufacturers of the
Majestic radio, whereby contest
ants may receive 20,000 to 40,000
votes tor each prospective radio
buyer, who will Join the Majestic
Christmas clnb. And the seal with
which these yonng ladies are seiz
ing upon this new source of plac
ing themselves in line for the five
prizes offered by the Grigsby Grn
now Co., the local Majestic deal
eers. Imperial Furniture Co., and
Vibbert and Todd, the Oregon
Statesman and the Fox Elsinore
theatre is bringing Tnletide
thoughts to the community a
Case fa Dismissed Lack of
Jurisdiction on the part of the cir
cuit court here caused Judge L.
H. McMahan Monday to dismiss
the case of R. Freidman and 20
others against the Woodmen of
the World.
Dinner Tonight The residence
hall men of the Y. M. C. A. will
hold their monthly dinner at the
Y. dining room tonight. Eugene
Parr, Wendell Robinson and L.
M. Leton are on the committee ar
ranging the event.
Y. Worker to Talk J. C. Oliv
er, who has been engaged in Y. M.
C. A. work in China for several
years, will be the speaker at the
Salem Klwanis club luncheon at
noon today.
Local Couple Wed Frank R.
Kellogg, local public accountant,
and Miss Marguerite Lengren, Sa
lem route 9, were married at Bend
Saturday, according to word re
ceived here.
Reynolds Returns Lloyd Rey
nolds, state senator for Marion
county, has returned from Med
ford where he attended the meet
ing of the state horticultural so
ciety. Portland Couple Wed Arthur
Van Patten, Portland, and Marie
E. Hamilton, also of Portland,
were licensed to wed by the coun
ty clerk here Monday.
Dwelling Planned W. J. Mor
ford took out a permit Monday to
erect a dwelling costing 83,000
at 1705 North Church street. E. R.
Edwards has the contract.
Pianos for Rent,
Furniture Co.
H. L. Stiff
Here From Jefferson W. C.
Looney of Jefferson was attend
ing to business matters in the
city Monday.
Oregon ILqu & upi
Willamette Valley Line
Phone us for the
Highest Cash Price
We buy and sell everything
Salem Junk Co.
320 N. Commercial
Saffron ft Kline
fKoleof 'ijj0Sh
regular price. This includes everything
ranging from 11.3x15 down to the smallest sizes.
When we have a
there are no used rugs taken in exchange and none charged at
saoath beforehand. Members are
enrolled la the . Christmas dub
through a simple and easy plan.
They choose the Majestic radio
they want reserved for them, pay
a small amount each week and on
December 24. sooner, if desired,
the Majestic of their choice wUl
be delivered to their home. And
in the meantime the contestants
reeeire full .credit for club mem
bers. '
At the latest counting rotes
ranged as follows:
Erelyn Kertson 118,350
Clara King
Arleta Gell .
Rose Krauger
3. 950
Roberta Eversoa
Hazel Dane
Myrtle Lane
Francis Walker .
Betsy Ross
Ruth White ....
Gladys Schaeffer
Marcia Fuestman
Mildred Sexauer .
Ernestine Porter
When the First National Bank
opened at ten Monday morning the
staff was prepared to take care
of customers of the old First Na
tional and of the Bank of Com
merce following the merger of the
two Institutions over tbe" week
end. The lobby was crowded all
day and many called to extend
congratulations to the officers of
the consolidated institution.
One omission occurred in the
list of directors of the reorgan
ized bank, S. B. Elliott, former
vice president and director of the
Bank of Commerce will be vice
president and director of the First
National Bank.
Patrons of the former Bank of
Commerce found familiar faces to
greet them when they recognized
former officers and employes at
work in the new location.
Situation Now
Becoming Felt
The period of employment is
beginning. The Salem Y free em
ployment office secured Jobs for
only 52 of the men who applied
for work last week, up to Friday
evening, and only five of the 27
women. Four matrons and a con
fectionery worker among the
women were sent to situations.
ag MOttim aTsurvssa
- , , . - '
r ; . -.- 1. .
A new scientific preparation
for removing dandruff, im
parting vitality to the hair ft
promoting its growth. Abso
lutely ; aaranteed or money
Price 50c & $1.00
Prepared by
Emil A. Schaefer
Mfg. Chemist
185 N. Com'l St., Salem, Ore.
JrT .wMMc kw, lid kk Btumf
TSk SViUta Take ithw Bar V
I L kb mauoitb
I H BilBrma.fc4jii n
This morning we will place on sale
sale it is no delusion, no
grams From
SI Meters. 940 Keys
8 to 9 a. m. Hon uphold Twins.
to f : a. m.-Orc"n recital.
:3t to :S0 a, ni. Horn Economics.
9:50 to 11 M5 a. m. Shoppers' Guide
and town topks.
11:S to 12 noon Vocal program.
12 to 1 p. m. Luncheon c oncert.
1 to 1 :J0 p. m. Organ recital.
I :S9 to 3 p. m.Orchestrs.
S to 5:15 p. tn. Inspirational speaker.
I: IS to 3 p. n. Strinff ensemble.
5 to 5 p. ru. News Items and music.
6 to C p. m. Orchestra.
to 7 p. m. CBS.
7 to t : JO p. m. Benson Hotel orches
tra, 7:30 to 10 p. m. Studio proarram ; or
chestra. II to 12 mldnlfht Popular orchestra.
4S3 Meters. 29 Keys.
7:15 to 7:45 a. m. T. M. C. A. health
7:45 to 8 a. m. Devotional services.
S to n. m. Portland Breakfast club.
5 to 9 :S0 a. m. NBC.
9:30 to 9:45 a. m. The Town Crier.
9:45 to 10 a. m. "Betty Crocker."
10 to 10:30 a. m. The Town Crier,
10. JO to 11:30 a. m NBC,
11:45 to 12 noon Records.
12 to 1 p. m. Orpan recital.
1 to 1:1 p. m. U. S. market report.
1 :15 to 2-p. m. Xhttlcal entertainment.
2 to 3 p. ra. NBC.
3 to 4:15 p. m. Musical Master
4:15 to 4:30 p. m. NBC.
4:10 to 5 p. m. Service Hour.
5:S0 to ( p. mAronnd the World.
6 to 9:30 p. m. NBC. - -
10 to 11 p. m. Concert. KOMO.
11 to 12 midnight Dance band.
440.9 MeNrs. 6R1 Keys.
7 to 8 a. m. Health exercises.
8 to 9 a, m. Happy Time.
9:30 to 10 a. m. Dobbsie's Dally
10 to 10:30 a. m. Helpful Hints for
10:30 to 11:30 a. m. NBC.
11:45 to 12:03 p. m. Scripture:
weather and special annnincements.
:05 to 1 p. m. Aeolian Trio.
1 to 1;30 p. m. Jerry Jermaine.
1 :30 to 2 p. m. Ann Warner's home
coming chats.
2 to 3 p. m. NBC
S to 4 p. m. "The Toreadors."
4 to 4 :30 p. m. Brldgs lesson.
and two woods laborers, two car
penters, and the rest being com
mon and casual laborers and farm
hands, among the men.
Every Wed. Night
7 P. M. AT
F. N. Woodry's
Auction Market
1610 N. Summer St.
Consisting of 1 Blue Velonr
Davenport, like new; 1 Wal
nut Occasional Chair, vrith
Tapestry Seat; 1 Cabinet
Phonograph and Records; 1
Walnut Finished Round Ex
table; 6 Walnut Dining
Chairs with "leather seats;
one' Unfinished Breakfast
Set; Electric Sweeper; 8
good used Beds with coil
'T"""?'f4 flotton.-Mattres-
and tiiAg Ui j yMj 1r. . i '
Lamps; 2 Table Imps'1S"
Sectional Book Cases; 3 Oak
Rockers; Oak Library Ta
ble; Oak Ex. Table; 2 Burn
er Oil. Stove; Wood Heater;
Linoleum Rugs; Linoleum
by the yd.; K. Utensils;
Dishes; Books; Curtains,
and many other Miscellan
eous articles. Terms Cash.
Private Sale Daily New and
Used Furnifure
Cash Paid for used furni
ture, tools, etc.
Phone 511
every Wilton rug in our
in worsted and wool
This is a
idle claim.
The only
4 :19 to 4 :49 p. m. Stock market duo
4 :4v to S :2 p. m. Children's Rotw. '
5 :20 to S :S0 p. m. News alfsst,
"Scotty" Mortland.
:J to 4 p. m. NBC.
S to T p. m. KPO Salon orchestra.
8 to 9 p. m Porwiinr concert.
to :30 p. m. NBC
10 to 19:30 p. m. Tommy Monroe and
Bob Allen.
14:30 to 11 p. m. Theodore Strong,
organist, with Elmer Herllnfc bari
tone. 11 to 13 mldnlsht NBC.
379.5 Meters. 790 Keys.
9:39 to 9:45 a. m. "The Moraine;
9:45 to 19 a. m. Betty Crocker Home.
Service, tulle
10 to 1S:30 a. ra. Sunshine Rays.
1 :3S to 11 :J a. m. Woman's Maga
line of the Air.
11 :9 to 12 noon Philharmonic organ.
12 to 1 p. ra. Tb Wanderers.
4:15 to 4:3s p. m. NBC.
4 :3 to 5 :30 p. m. Hotel St. Francis
Salon orchestra.
5 :J0 to 4 p. m. Around the World.
7 :30 te S p. m. Orcbestraldana.
10 to 11 p. m. Spotlight Review.
11 to 12 midnight Musical Musket
eers. KOMO
323.9 Meters. J0 Keys.
:57 a. m Inspirational services,
a. m. Happy Time.
:30 a. m. So-A -Tone broadcast.
:i a. m. is tsu
10 a m. So-A -Tone broadcast,
m :0 a. m. NBC.
11:30 a. ra. Orchestra: O. Donald
Gray and VeOna Socolofsky.
11:45 a. m. Mary Blake recipe talk.
1 i noon Farm talk.
12:15 p. m. "What to Prepare for
12:30 p. m. Orchestra; O. Donald
Gray and VeOna Socolofsky.
2 p. m. NBC.
S p. m. Artistic Ensemble : Green
wood Mitchell and Rhena Marshall.
4 p. m. Mining- stock quotations.
4 :15 p. m. NBC.
4 :30 p. m. Kiddies' program.
5 p. m. Stock, bond and grain quo
tations. 5:15 p. m. Fred Lynch and Rhena
5 :30 to 9 p. m. NBC.
9 :30 p. m. So-A-Tona broadcast.
lip. m. News flashes.
11:15 p. m. NBC.
12 to 12:30 a. m. Organ recital.
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