The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 9, 1929 PAGE THREE Church News .'. Sunday Events and Happenings of the Week 1 . a 1- STUDY SERIES IS INTEREST Two Groups at Mill Street M. E. Church Consider ing Foreign Topic "The Government in China" will be the topic discussed by Pro?. Roy M. Lockenour at the Mill Street M. E. church, 15th and Mill streets, Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. La?t Sunday an in terested audience heard Professor Lockenour tell of the educational situation in China. Interesting bits of description and incidents of his trip last summer added much to his entertaining talk. gmnbap getbtceg in ibalem Cfmrcjeg ouo TZDnras Mission 253 Court street. . 8. Johnson, pas tor. Service 8 p. m. Fall gospel teaching and preaching. Evening services 7:30 o'clock. Bandar school 2 p. m. Midweek services Thursday and Saturday evenings. Another interesting departure In the regular program of the church will begin next Wednes day evening, when the time of the midweek meeting will be divided into two periods. From 7:50 to 8:30 o'clock. Rev. Leslie Bailey, the pastor, will lead a devotional meeting. Then a stu dy of the great religions of the world will be aken up. This first meeting will be a discussion of Shintolsm, the national religion of Japan. Mrs. Alta M. Centry will be the leader. Something of the history, beliefs, customs, ideas and : influence upon Japanese are, cult ture and government will be con sidered." Also is similarity and un- likeness to Christianity and Juda ism will be studied There will follow in the weeks to come, studies on Buddhism. Ju daism, Hinduism. M'ohammendan ism and other great religious of the world today. The studies will . be based on a book called "Out of Their Own Met ths," which pre sents the religions from the lead ers of those religions themselves. The course will seek to discover values and likeness to Christian ity, wherever possible. It is open " to all who are interested. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Corner of Liberty "and Chemeketa at 11 t. n. and 8 p. m."Adanf and Fallen Man." lesson topic aod the lame service ii repeated in the eft-Ding. Wednesday ' evening meeting at 8 o'clock and in i eludes testimonies of healing through Christian Science. Sunday school classes t for pupils op to the sge of 20 years are held at 9:45 and II o clock a- A ; reading room for the public is main ! tained at 406 Masonic Temple. Open from 11 to 5:30 except Sunday, and holidays. REFORMED CHURCH Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W. Q. Lienkaeinpcr, pastor, i'hoae 6B8-W. Itennan service 10 o'clock; subject: Kev. T. 1". Bollinger, It. li., ol Madison, Wis., superintendent of missions, department of the .Northwest, preaching. Special mu sic: Anthem by the choir: "How Excel lent la Thy Same.'' by E. 1. Loreni. The league Invites anyone Who i English service ll o clock; subject: "The . " , Mn1 thU tfrlpR i Church ia ths City.'1 Afternoon service cares to come to attend this series Vr hMign pre,chint. Of discussions. Of Which this IS tne J 8pecial mus;c: Anthem: "Kingdoms and BeCOnd. I Thrones," by Carrie B. Adams. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; t . e. Aruse, aupu At noon the ladies of the church will terve lunch in the basement. CAS TUB UNITED BRETHREN North 17th and N.-hraska. L. W. Bid- die, pattor. i'hona 2'.-'2-J. Morning service- 11 .o'clock; snbjecl: "Ueaee," A Pledge el Acceptance of the World Peace Pact will be presented to the con gregation. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "The City Church in Adversi ty and Prosperity." Sunday school 10 a. m. L. W. Kiddle, tart- Midweek serv ices 7:30 p. m., Thursday; Mrs. Hannah Yarnell. leader; topic: "The Holy fcipir it." Young people's meetings: Senior C. E., 6:30 p. m. Leader: John Gil-haust-n. Attendance foal : 25. Ladies' Aid meeting on Wednesday. CHTXRCH OF THE HAZABENB One blick so.itu of Center on 19th street. L. 1. Smith, pastor. Phone 2110W. Morning service 11 o clock. Kev. Laura Meyers preaching. Special music by the Church Choir. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "A Moth-Eaten Gar ment." kv. Laura Meyers preaching. Special m.sic: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Scli roe der. will sing a duet. Sunday school 9:43 a. m. ; 1. M. Litwiller, supt. Mid week services 7:30 p. m.; Wednesday; L. Van Delinder. leader: place, ehuch. Young people's meeting Sunday evening C:30; Miss Tbea Sampson ia charge. Mil ford Stnll will lead the meeting. The Junior N. Y. P. S. will meet at 6:30 with Mrs. Smith. The choir will meet with the director, Joha S. Eiiesen, Friday eve ning at 7:30 and Young People's prayer meeting will follow with the president in charge. MILL STREET M. E. 15th and Mill streets. Leslie B. Bailey, pastor. Morning service 11 o'clock; sub ject: "They Who Take the Sword." Spe cial music: Anthem by the Choir. Eve ning service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "Aa Abundance of Life." Special music: Hymn by the choir. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.; Miss Esther Erkkson, supt. Midweek serr ices 8:00 p. m.. Wednesday; the pastor, leader; place, at the church. Yonng peo ple's meetings: Epworth league meets at 6:30 p. an. Professor Lockenonr of Will amette will speak on the Uovernment of China. TTBST CHRISTIAN High and Center streets. D. J. Howe, pastor. Phone 1933 J. Moraine service 11 o'clock; subject: "The Way1! Perman ent Universal Armistice." War Mothers will attend ia a body. Evening service 7:30 ' clock; subject: "The Iebt Oar Country Owes to Civilization.." Special music : A group of patriotic songs will be sung. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. ; Joel K. Benton, sapt. Midweek services 7:30 p. ni-, Wednesday. Young People's meet ings : 6 :30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meet ings ia reception rooms. Choir rehearsal Thursday 7:30 p. m. Miss Lois Plummer organist; Miss Florence Howe, director of music. JASON LEE M. E. North Winter and Jelfersoa streets. Harry E. Gardner, pastor. Church achool at 9:45 by departments with classes for all ages. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Special services when the annual thank offering services of the W. 1 1. M. 8. will be held. Miss Lucille Hixson, of Monmouth, will sing two special songs. Three leagues and church t ormum meet at 6:30 o'clock. Evening praise service at 7:30, Dr. T. H. Temple, superintendent Salem district, speaking. Special music under direction pf Prof. Herman Clark. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Corner 13t and Perry streets. Earls V. Jenaison, pastor. Phone 2050-lf. Morn ing service 11 o'clock. Eva M. Jenaison, preaching. Evening service 7:45, the pas tor will speak. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. W. B. Finney, supt. The Children s .church 6:30 p. m. Miss Lorene Fryer ia charge. .Midweek services: Tuesday night. topical Bible study. Wednesday afternoon 2:30, prayer hour. Thursday night, praise and prayer. Saturday night, young peo ple a service to be held in rear room. IIRST SPIRITUALIST Fraternal Temple on Center street be tween Liberty and High, services this Sundsy evening at 7:30 o'clock. The regular pastor, Jiev. Luctla M. LaYalley wiU be the speaker. Topic: "Spiritualism, it Position in Human Affairs." Mess ages. A circle will be held Sunday eve ning from 6 to 7 o'clock. CHJUSTIAN AND MISSIONAET , ALLIANCE S55 Ferry street. Louise Pinnell, pastor. Phone 2286-R. Sunday achool 9:45 a. sa. Preaching eervieea en the Holy Spirit. Subject: "Christ and the Holy Spirit." Y. P. 8. 6:30. Evening evangelistic serv ices at 7:30 o'clock.. Subject: "Con science." Prayer and fellowship meeting Taerday night at the tabernacle. 1. P. S. cottage meeting Thursday night. PASTOR MB PROPHECY GLASSES ZHMANUEX. BAPTIST Corner Haiel and Academy. Come and hear the pure gospel preached. Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Lesson: Exodus 24. Preaching services at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. UNITARIAN CHURCH Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Rev. Martin i. Ferrey, minister. Church school at 10 a. m. Graded instruction. W. E. teldman, supt. Devotional services at 11 a. m. Subject of the sermon: "Swords and Plowshares." A sermon for Armistice Uay. Mrs. Martin Ferrey will sing, "The Peace of God," by Gounod. Mrs. W. A. Denton at tne piano. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Highland and Church streets. Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Morning service 11 o clock. Subject: "The Fallen Race." Evening service 7:3) o'clock; subject: "The Things Which Shall Be Hereafter." Sun day school 10 a. m.; E. M. Beckett, supt. Midweek services 7:30 p. m., Thurs day; the psstor, lesder; place, church. Young people meetings: Jr. C. E., 5:30 p. m.; Sr. C E., 6:30 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 1346 North Church ttreet. C. W. Hatch, psstor. Phone 1960-J. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sunday acnool 10 a. m.; Lyle Knox, supt. Midweek services 7:30 p. m., Wednesday; place, church. Young peo ple's meetings: 6:30 p. m.. Senior Mis sionary program. A class In prophecy ia being organized at the Christian and Missionary alliance tabernacle for the winter months, announces the pastor. Rev. Louise Pinnell. The first class was held Friday night, with an introductory lesson on the eight Bible dispensations as regards God's dealings with man. Rev. Pinnell, who has conducted large prophecy classes in other pastorates In the past 14 years, will conduct the sessions. The study will begin with the primal creations, giving a general survey of the eight dispensational periods, but will deal principally with those prophecies concerning the dispensations affecting the present day. Anyone is welcome to enroll in the class, which will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock on Friday nights. SUMMIT Orchard Heights. Meredith A. Groves, pastor. Phone. i:Ul K. MorniDg service, 9:45 s clock; subject: ofthe Meek." Sunday school, 10:45 a. Larkin Grice, supt. War Mothers Will Attend Christian Church Services Sunday; Peace is Theme War Mothers will attend in a body the services at the First Christian church at 11 -o'clock Sunday morning, when the pas tor, Rev. D. J. Howe, will preach on "The Way to Permanent Uni versal Armistice." A section will be reserved for the War Mothers and offleers of the group urge that as many as possible attend. Special music haS been aranged for the service, including a solo, "Christ in Flanders" (Ward Stephens) by Miss Lucile Cum mings. The choir will sing "Na tional Anthem" by Kellar and "God Bless America" by DeKo ven. Patriotic services will also be held at the church Sunday evening. FIRST EVANGELICAL Liberty and Center streets. A. P. Lay ton, pastor. Phone 991-J. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock; subject: "Some F'acts Concerning Miasions." Kveniag servlee 7:30 o'clock; subject: "The Christian's Message to the World." Sunday school 9:45 a. m.; L. L. Thornton, aupt. Mid wnek servieea 7:30 p. m.. Thursday; G. X. Thompson, leader; place, at church. Young people's meetings: Sunday p. m. at ti:30. Topic: "Uprooting the Cauae of War." Leroy Rudin, leader. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington street. Chaa. C. Hawortb, pastor. Phone 1697-W. Morning service 11 o'clock; subject: "Why All War Ia Unchristian." Arm istice Day sermon. Special music: Solo by Nathan Cook. Evening service 7:30 Vh. ieVin;: o'clock. Sundsy school 10 a. m.; Mrs. The Inheritance ' ... ' rUi.t .n UiJV jarucina x ""wv, services 7:80 p. m., Thursday ; the pas tor, leader: place, the church. Young I . . r. i . n n M FORD MEMORIAL M. E. COMMUNITY people a meetings. -Dunuay . y. Salem. Meredi'th A. Groves, pastor. Phone A m fit! C fin LnthfTOTl GrOUD 1341-a Morning service 11 o'clock; sub- I lHICI ICUI L.UUICIU11 VIIWSa jfet: "The Inheritance of the Meek. Also a sermonette for children. Piano voluntary by Eva Arnold; chorus by Junior Choir. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "A Young Man'4 Exper ience on a Mountain." Whistling solo by Wesley Wsrren. Sundsy school, 9:45 a. m.; Mrs. J. T. Austin, supt. Midweek services 7:15 p. m., Wednesday; the pas tor, leader; place, Epworth League roem. Young people's meetings: Senior and In termediate leagues 6:30 p m. Mrs. A. D. Sutton Chosen Head Missionary Society Of First Church of God To Hold Monthly Meeting Mrs. A. D. Suttou was elected president of the Women's Mis sionary society of the First Church of God at the meeting held this week at the home of Mrs. F. Repine, 1845 North Com mercial. Mrs. Zielkie is vice-president, Mrs. Hutchings, secretary, and Mrs. Sutton, treasurer. Mrs. Jake Van Lydergraf is correspon dence secretary. About 60 garments have been made and turned in by the wo men to send to Rev. Heinly, mis sionary in India. The report of the treasurer showed a substan tial sum in the society coffers, and much of this will be used for eitra in the new building which YiNGER SEXTETTE WILL SING K The Tinger sextette of Boston university will give a musical pro gram at the First Methodist church Thursday evening, the singer's appearance being spon sored by the First church chap ter of the Epworth League. The Yinger quartet is composed of Clement, Dempster, Eleanor and Homer Yinger of South Ha ven, Mich., Ruth M. Yinger of Al bion, Mich., and Alleen H. Yinger of Jackson, Mich. They are pop ular artists throughout New Eng land. The quartet has keen singing together for 14 years. Trained by their father, they made early appearances at the Centenary cel ebration at Columbus, Ohio, in 1918, at the National Bible con ference at Winona Lake, Indiana, and were popular Juvenile Chau tauqua and lecture course singers throughout MichJaan and Ohio. During the school year of 1927-28 the quartet sang from Albion col lege in 133 concerts, as well as taking part in debating, dramatics and athletics. Aileen Yinger has not only been a popular reader, but a writer of plays and songs. Ruth Yinger has accompanied for two years in the Darleen Wellington Miller studio at Albion, and organized and trained the large vested choir at Cadillac, Michigan. Jason Lee Men To Hear Hewitt Discuss Peace Dean Roy Hewitt of Wil lamette unit-vrsity will give the principal addreM at tiie Jason Lee Men's Brother hood meeting to be held at the church parlors Tuesday evening. . Dean liewitt will speak us "Peace Progress." A potluck supper will pre cede Ue evening program and will begin at 0:8U o'clock. Dr. H. C. Epiey will lead community singing and Ronald Craven will sing a solo. Sheldon F. Sackett is pre. fsident of the Brotherhood; A. Li. Dark is vice? president and Luther Cook is secretary-treasurer. CHURCH TO OBSERVE mm id I Presbyterians to Wear of Work Done on State College Campuses S1LVERT0N WILL UU.UW- AMU i; 'Lit UUUUIIL HIimiUIIUL Local Legion Post in Charge Of All Day Celebration In City ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL rknrh nd rhsmik,l atraota- KaT. Geo. H. Swift, pastor. Phone 1045-J. the young laaies. Henry Aureus Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. Horning j8 president and Miss Charlotte service 11 a. m Morning prayer and - ,,.-.. secretary of the termon. Nursery in parish house during Lindquest, secretary, 11 o clock service. Special music, sppro- Boosters priate for Armistice Day. Evening serr ice 7:30 o'clock at Woodbnrn. Sunday school 0:45 a. m. ; Hobert Selmeyer. supt. Midweek services 7:30 p. m., Wednesday; the rector, leader; place, the chapeL is now beine constructed. Mrs. u..itinii noil a nariAi nn "AvAll- At Church Parlors flOV. J J ing Prayer. " A vote of thanks I was given Mrs. reiers iur uci faithful service during the past American Lutheran church win hold their monthly meeting in the church parlors Wednesday ev- - , aL.. ening. beginning at 8 o'clock. At frOteSSOr KOOert Uatke S? ZZSHuX? ZT8X To Address Local Pastors LBBO UiaWUSMWSsuia - - a At Meet Tuesday Morn The Salem Ministerial associa tion will meet at 10:30 o'clock ax tne . v. a. uuuuiu. E. S. Hammond of the Kimball School of Theology will conduct devotions and Professor Robert M. Gatke of Willamette will address the ministers on "Jerusalem, an The church chorus will be en tertalned at a day evening, beginning at :au o'clock. An invitation Is extend ed to all, children, young people and grown-ups, who wish to sing. KNIGHT MMOSIAL !,,,. iq i.j Mori.;..? aorvica. ii Alre&dv nearly 60 persons are en- Z?k; r .nWeVt " "bi Ar. h. roiled for the church chorus, of ExnerlmenP' iui the Peacemaker,.' ' Solo. 'Broth.,, of All W11am McGilchrlst is di- "A0 . K - u;n.lil " I irvnl Hnulnv. BlBf aarv. I 1 lea 7:30 o'clock; subject: "The s'ounda- I rector, tiont f Peace." Special music: Anthem: ministers of the city are urged to attend this meeting ReT. Fred C. Taylor Is presi- XIKST C0N0KE0ATI0NAL Center and Liberty streets. Charles E. Ward, pastor. Phoue 591-K. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock; subject: "The New Pa triotism," an Armistice IHy sermon. The quartet will sing: "lie Leadeth Me," by liuerter and "Kecessional," by De Ko ren. Evening service 7:30 a'elock; sub ject: "The r'orcivenes of God," sccom- Nazarene Pulpit For Time js. LW' I Mr McCalli&tes: "More Like Him." Sunday school 9:4j a. m.; t. . ieir, supt. Midweek services 7:30 p. m. Wed nesday; A Study ot the l'aalms. Young people's meetings: Fortnightly club Tues day at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Loura Meyers to Fill Rev. Loura Meyers will fill the pulpit at the Church of the Naz arene both morning and evening for the next three Sundays while the pastor, L. D. Smith Is con ducting a revival campaign for the Church of the Natarene in Centralia, Wash. The choir di rector, John S. Friesen, will have charge of the music and special singing and L. Van Delinder will lead the prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. Confirmation Class to Meet At St PauYs Church Tues. A class for confirmation in struction will be held in the rec tor's study at St. Paul's Episcopal church Tuesday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock. Tuesday afternoon the Junior Guild will meet with Mrs. Carlton Smith at the Roberts apartments on South Winter street. nEST METHODIST Corner State and Church streets. F. C. Taylor, pastor. Phone 974. Morning serr ice 11 o'clock: subject: "Tht Retribu tion of Divine Indulgence." Special ma aic: Anthem, "Kven Me," Warren; aolo, vi r R. ii Rarton: orsTan prelude. "Chor ale," Lindaey. Evening service 7:30 nVlwk? subiect. "Caleb, the Man ol I'mirin." Kneeial music: Anthem: "The Inl Ia Mv SheDherd." Macfarren; solo. "There Is No leath," O'Hsra, Mrs. 1. TV. Gaw; organ rrelnde, "A Twilight IdyL" 8chneker. Church school 9:45 a. m.; Ben E. Kickli, supt. Midweek services 7:30 p. m.. Thursday; Psalm 40; "A Psalm ef Salvation." Epworttt league n.inirt- ITniversitv chaDttr: "World Peace." First church chapter, "What's nninz on in the World. Special speaker, Junior High chapter, Mrs. J. R. Blake will aDeak on Missions. Church nursery in charge of Mrs. G. E. Lewis and Mrs. Fred Lang in Epworth, Halt Junior church, message. "We Serve." Leader, Mise Sutherland. The boy scouts troop spon sored by the Ford Memorial com munity church will meet in the church parlors Tuesday night at 7 o'clock, and choir practice will be held at the church Wednesday night at 7:15 o'clock. AITEKICAJT LUTHERAN CHTJ1CH Church street between Chemeketa snd .nt.r Rrr. V. W. Eriksen. pastor. "The 11 s;. Edna." at 11 a. m. "Bless nrc which Reach out inta tht Future," at 7:30. Speeisl music by tba choir", nn- der the direction at vnum ascwucnnai, Sunday school at 9:4 a. m., aiax ueni' har aunt. A rrandet school for all ages Tha Intermediate and Senior Luther Leagues meet for therr devotional meet ings at 6:30. HZ2F Mothers9 Convenience reUry ? the "soclatlon-, The Jason Lee church will open Qgf Leslie Church Night "The Earth is the Lord's" (Wooler). f W - N. ' T ixr mu con. Sunday achool 1 a. m.; C. O. Harria, 1 JOSOJl LCC KpCIUIlg listiacf j oeni, snu " supt. xoung people s meetings Young Married People s club evening ia church parlors. CHXIST EVANGELICAL LTJTHEJLAN 18th and State streets. Kev. Amos i.. TnfrBry for small Children tnis . . . . ! Minneman, Sastor Phone 3726. German Sunday ta order that mothers may btTltS tO 0 if CXt M UUTS. morauig service t.wva , . .VilJron with ,Tk. 1 1 ..rn.rf fmn tha I nnUE I.lltSir JUUUft " ' . . - - . . " . i, : I . .. . . . , . Raisins- of Jaime' Daughter." English them to churcn ana piace mem m The last meeting oi tne cnurcu services ii a. m. Subject: "How the -omnetent hands while they en- nizht aeries at the Leslie Memorial congregation M.y tnjoy a joy the morning worship. The chnrcn be held Thursday eve- i"h.m." M.k.'.HJoU,?ul SSSvXXi committee In charge of the nurs- ,lBfi beginning with a potluck Lord." by the choir. Sundsy school 8:40 erv. which will be a regular fea- BVJDner at 6:30 o'clock. At the : Jiiss aaarina nsuerms., aup. . fncindes MTB. Waiter J. ri- I moetinsr held TftursaaT 01 XU1S W VitaWd- ham. Mrs Joe Klinger and Ms. week 70 persons were in attend ee A lecture by the pastor wiU be a ladene Hubbad. ance. Dr. Estella Ford Warner, feature ef the meeting. director of the Marion county .vn. ,,.no.n.Hnn a-ava an In- aa, TAtrvia Tmnvviv i a mffrrfru avijaw a iuh - " a .... aj iia us f I. ..! t.iv health In Mar. North 16th a streets. Block North I RfoTg LeiUc Brotherhood ion COUnty. ox wio jreopie a iivwc. avimui 'clock. Sunday school 9:00 a. as. The Men's Brotherhood of the T il Uamnrlal ehnrch TJlKt IneS- I . i ijtsniin v . . . Marie. .ndTiberTr sit.. Robert U day evening fora potluck supper Pstm naator. Phone 1920. Morning serv- and nrogram. J. o. Murray, ain- ira 11 o'clock: subiect: "Being nu- r nrint vnprt at tne state pen- uined Daily." Evening service v:30 ?..: ,-v th addresse of the The first Quarterly conference subject: "The Hypocrisy ! i -.. v I v7i.f u.t),nl.t hi Many ,t the So Called Peace Movem.nU." evening, telling ot WJTiZ? ,h. i t H fern- Special by chorea choir aad ee events and routine at the pent- conducted by the Rev. T. H. Tem- ehestra. Sundsy school : a. m.; are Lcist Half Moving Picture, "Wild Geese" to be Shown At Church Sunday Night Announcements for the week from the First Congregational church include: The Young People's Fortnightly club will meet at the church on Tuesday evening at 7:30. All young people of high school and college age are invited. The theme Sunday evening Will be "The Forgiveness of God" and will be accompanied by the last half of the picture "Wild Geese." For the benefit of those not at tending last Sunday evening the story of the first half of the pic ture will be told. Wednesday evening the minister will continue the study of the Psalms In connection with the prayer meeting. The Transgressor" Movie On Prohibition, Will Show Sunday at Leslie Church The Interesting prohibition mo tion picture, "The Transgressor," which has been shown In many churches of the state, and which Is being shown In several of the churches of Salem, will be shown in the Leslie Methodist church Sunday evening, November 10, at 7: 30 'o'clock. Rev R. E. Close, su nerintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of Oregon, will bo press ent and deliver an address in con nection with the showing of the nittture. All are Invited to attend tne meeting. There will be no admis sion charge, but an offering will be taken. Children must be ac comnanied by and sit with their parents. First Methodist Quarterly Conference Wednesday Broer, supt. Midweek services 7:30 p. m.; Wednesday, lonng reopie a meetings 6:80 Sunday evening. tentiary. About ia memDers pie, v. u., supennienueni 4 iUC Tha Brotherhood Salem district. In the church par- WCIW I tt. a -1 -wlwen. TVl la vw m An t n i lori n euucsuai vtcuiuk. will be preceeded by a meeting ... et iff a of the local finance committee, Missionary OOCieiy incci and foii0wed by a short session of a t r. L HI -J-mAr.-a thn official board nresided over ' Th Women's Foreign Mission- ,.,i . niav THrilns? per. There will be special music. Evening society of the First Methodist irc1 nvr the ?oti.XttX2 JKiSU e.t in the church 111 Wy stoe at l CENTER STREET M. S. Thirteenth and Center streets. P. J. Sehnert, pastor. Phone 08O-M. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Dr. T. H. Temple, dist. supt. of the Salem district ef tha Oregon conference will bring the mess age. We will celebrate tha Lord's Snp- meeia at iv.vv o cioca. , jk.iuu .'iuiwwi 1 . . , i rt afiiiriiinn I - supt. . . parlors on Wednesday afternoon Court etreet &re growing Bteadlly interest, reports the pastor, . .3fi aVIocV. with Mrs. M. C LESLIE KEMOBIAZ. rMntiw th president, presiding. I a ssswav r a ..a npAflArttsti nv South Commercisl and Myert streets. I ne iessuu w hX 3 T n..i.. jntnuB naxtor. Phona 3764. Meadames Herbert Rahe, J. v. Morning service 11 'clock; subject: ajTcOormick and C. K. MOUK. P- "Tha in g service n a'elock; subject: McCormick and C. R. Monk. Spe- w-an-aai-ai Lnthern Cr,h,- ?&r$ Sal music wUl be a feature of the tXt cScT A Sermon for the Week The Will to Peace By REV. HARRY E. GARDNER (Posfor Jason Lee Memorial Church) TEXT THV WILL BE DONE." Armistice day is at hand. "The War to end Wars" Is on in earnest in the mind and heart ot mankind. Permanent universal peace can only come through the will to peace. Poets, preachers, statesman and other individuals have long held the will to peace. Now the atmosphere is condusive to Peace thinking and willing. The "Renunciation of War" has made the advocate of peace the true patriot. The adoption of the Young plan lends encouragement to workers for peace. MacDonald s vis it gives wings to our hopes and prayers. Newspapers and maga zines Join in the crusade. The churches are a unit In its promo tion. ' Secretary of State Kellogg says: "The government of the United Staets desires to see the institution of war abolished." From the Individual, to isolated groups, through federated groups into the hearts of the nations of the earth has grown and is growing the WILL TO PEACE. Thanks be to God for progress! Let us face the fact that we must develop international ideals in promoting the will to peace. These and others have been suggested: WE BELIEVE that nations tbat regard themselves as Christians- have special international obligations. WE BELIEVE that CHRISTIAN PATRIOTISM demands the practice of good will between nations. WE BELIEVE that international policies should secure equal Justice for all races. WE BELIEVE in a warless worid, and dedicate ourselves to Io its achievement. The will to peaee is a possibility of and an obligation on this age. Through the prayer "Thy Will Be Done" ales the highway . toward the heights of the will to peace. music Ages." (Heyser). At the 7 :0 evening service, the motion picture, "The Trans gressor," will be shewn, and a prohi bition address will be delivered ia con nection with the showing. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; E. D. Roaeman, supt. Ye'ung people's meetings: Leslie (young people), Francis Asbury (high school) and In-' termediate "(junior high) league meet at 6:30 o'clock. afternoon's program The Ladles' Aid of the Christ church will parlors Wed nesday attenroon Business Girls' Class Will Meet Tueday Night SILVERTON, Nov. 8 Silver- ton is all set for one big Armis tice Day celebration to open at 10 o'clock with a parade forming at the Southern Pacific Depot on North Water street. The forma tion will be led by Company I fol lowed by the American Legion, the Legion Auxiliary, the Civil War veterans, the Boy Scouts and school children. The line will march to the armory where a pro gram will begin at eleven o'clock. Dr. Carlton Smith of Salem has been secured as the principal speaker of the day. Dr. Will Liv ingston will pronounce the invoca tion. Musical numbers will be furnished: Mrs. M. G. Qunderson, who will sing a vocal solo; Mount Angel boys band; piano solo by Weston Smith; violin solo by Fred Baker, with Mrs. Lowell Daven port at the piano; and vocal solo by Max Scriber. The audience will sing America and the Star Snangled Banner. Mrs. Jonas Byberg will give a reading. At 2:30 in the aftertoon the un. scheduled game between St Mary's boys ot Beavertou and the local hieh school boys will he played. This promised to be very real game and all football fans around Silverton are plan ning on taking it in. In the evening the- annual Le gion Armistice Day dance will be held at the armory. November 17 will bo observed in scores of Presbyterian churches in Oregon as Westminster Foun dation Sunday. On this date pas tors will tell their 'Congregations of the good work done at the cam pus bouses at Eugene and Corval lis where the foundation main tains centers for social and reli gious life and where ministers e. t)!cially qualllfied for work with young men and women are rationed. Dr. John Maxwell Adams is at Westminster house at Eugeue and Dr. Monroe G. Kv-.r-!t at Corvallis. Tiie West minster houses are ued by hun- ; ;.ouiik people, according o the statements of these stu dent pastorjg. To maintain and carry on this constructive work money is being raised through out the state. Paul T. 6'uaw is campaign chairman and this city in keeping with the other cities is represented on the state advisory committee. J. J. Ross is treas urer of the permanent board and Dr. H. L. Bowman is state cnair man of the board. Dr. W. J. Kerr, Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall. the deans of men and deans or women and many of the prom inent members of the faculty ot the college and the university have endorsed the cause and have stated that the Westminster cam pus houses are most Taluable as sets to the state institutions. Dr. Norman K. Tully. C. P. Bishop. R. C. Davis and C. A. Kells are members of the state ad visory board from Salem. LOOMS South Salem Friends Hear Levi Pennington of Pacific At the church night supper at the South Salem Friends church Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock. President Levi T. Pennington, of Pacific College, Newberg, gave an address in which he told of the all-round work in education being done at Pacific. In his own pleas ing way he' described the various activities of the faculty and stu dent body. At the business session of the meeting, following the ad dress, Mrs. Bertha M. Haworth, and Professor and Mrs. William Jones wereVeceived as members by transfer from other meetings. Rose Festival Is Endorsed by Rosarian Group PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 8. (AP) Unanimous endorsement of the Rose festival and a pledge of support in their work was giv en the Rose Festival association by the order of Rosarians in a resolution adopted at a meeting here today. Possibility of the discontinuance of the annual event was seen by the Rosarians in the announce ment that the association would close its offices here December 1. The resolution urged that the fes tival be not abandoned because of its national value to the city. NEW RIFT 111 TIFF BUM WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. (AP) Asserting that the senate had "done a great deal of harm to the tariff bill," Representative Til son, of Connecticut, the house re publican leader, tonight predicted that the house would not accept the debenture plan as incorporat ed in the bill by the senate. "Neither do I believe," he sall.v "the house will agree to the elim ination of the flexible tariff pro vision." He added, when questioned with regard to the slashings by the senate of the rates on indus trial products, that "the Joouse will have a pretty good guess on them also." The republican leader arrived in Washington tonight. He said he came here specifically to learn "what the senate is going to do with the tariff bill." He plans to confer early tomorrow with the senate leaders on what disposi tion they expect to make with the bill. ZEEK RITES HELD HUBBARD, November 8. Fun eral services for John Zeek, fa ther of George Zeek of Hubbard, will be held at Canby Saturday. Mr. Zeek, 81, formerly of Hubbard, died at the family home in Can by early Wednesday morning af ter an illness of only a few days. Mr. Zeek is survived by his widow who is very ill and by five sons and three daughters, George, Clar ence, Elmer. Arthur and Johnny, and Mrs. Minnie Phelps, Mrs. Laura Lewellyn and Mrs. Mae Robertson. DALLAS, November 8. The annual observance of Armistice day in Polk county will Btart with a program at th Oregon Normal school chapel at 10 o'clock Mon day morning, with a free lunch at noon for ex-service men. In the afternoon on the Independence field will take place the usual football struggle between the In dependence and Dallas teams. This is a big event each year and Dallas people will undoubtedly make a good turn out. This year Independence has won three out of five games played, while Dal las has played just two games, losing and winning one each. A dance at the Independence armory will close the day's celebra tion. Next year the Armistice day observance will be held in Dallas in accordance with the nsual cus tom of alternating each year. Dallas business houses will be closed all day Monday. Campaign With Girls9 Kisses Is Quickly Halted XT&ST PRESBYTERIAN North Winter and Chemeketa streets. Norman K. Tully, I. D.. pastor. Phone 1C10-W. Morning service 11 o'clock; sub ject: "The Decisive Decade," Rom. 14:19. 8pecial music: Organ numbers: "Transcription" (West), "Msrch ia C' (Csdman); "Ia A Mountain Church" (Torjussen); Anthem, "Recessional" (DeKoven). Evening service 7:30 o'clock: subject: "Minding Our Own Business," Mats. 7:8. Special music: Organ numbers: "Song af Autumn" (Stooghtoa) ; . "Pri ara Offertolre" (Devred) : "Alia Mar- The Business Girls' Bible class ot the First Methodist church will hold Its regular social and busi- nn meeting at the home of their invNRAPOLIS. Nov. 8. (AP) teacher, Prof. A. A. Vaiakas, A chorus girr8 kiss with every Court apartments, Tuesday eve- BbscriptIon was the lure held out ning. today to prospective purcnasers i "The Gopher," unaergraauaie Erangefirfcrnoernoclc Sf-J-fJSTSmW. Making Oumgt ,n Time a-jsjj-t bid tn. . m Ih. tin. Khedule ried 1! slrH. appearlns lo- S'n t.b.m.el. will cal Peace" luraiiuaiu. anno- ecnooi . effective on and after sunaay, "vhw" , r 9:30 . m. Midweek services 7:30 p. as, Iw 1 7 norts Earle V. J hour and fifteen minutes. Th-rsdsy. Dr. Tully,. leader. T..f peo- Nojember 17. reports IV WW V I rf pie', meetings: C. . societies as MUUOi, p. . . . " sT i J Tteftn f! E. Nicholson heard :so e ejoca. m be neia ai x:o u c"a l - . - r Ti .vt a- " the afternoon and the worsnip suul.i ADO l" W " returned to its normal, drab way. P. O. Henderson Birthday Honored SILVERTON, Nov. 8 P. O. Henderson celebrated his 71st birthday at his home on East Hill Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Henderson's three daughters, Mrs. Henry Torvend, Mrs. Melissa Gol-berg-and Mrs. William Sjovangen were guests during the afternoon. Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon in the dining room where a yellow and white scheme had been carried out with chry santhemums and candles. Seven large candles were used to repre sent the seventy years and one small one for the one year. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary next spring. OOTOI.ST. CHTJECH OP CHRIST " ,t 1 o'clock No 17th and Court streets. B. T. Shoemak- hour will follow at 1 OClOcr. WO er, pastor. Phone 157S-J; n. ibib. i morning services win in ... WANTED To ride to San Francisco or Los Angeles with party going at once will share expenses Tex, S811M. First Methodist Church FRED C. TAYLOR, Minister. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH SERVICES 11:00 A. M. Morning Sermon 'The Retribution of Di vine Indulgence." Anthem, "Even Me, Warren 7:30 P. M. Evening Sermon "Safcb, the Man of Courage." Anthem, "The Lord Ia My Shepherd, Macfarren Songfest of Favorite Songs on Sunday evening Come and announce your favorite song from Hymns ot Praise Moraine- service 11 o clock; subject "Tha Desire for Peace." Evening service "Tha Desire for Peace." Evening service . it 7:30 'elock; subject: "A Question Is xLutheXOJl IT Omtti 10 Olttt Baptism jsore unponans lsis o-1 f a weanesaoy irieTnown ahinl" Sunday achool 9:45 a. m.; Mrs. freak Marshall, supt. Midweek eervieea 7:80 p. m.. Wednesday; place, church. Tauaf people's meetings: Christian Ea iaavar and Junior meetings 8:30 p. as. CALVARY BAPTIST Court and High streets. The Ladles' Guild of the Amer ican Lutheran church frill meet! i Wednesday afternoon it i: Hie-h streets. W. Karl o'clock with Mrs. ueorge vines- Cochrau, pastor. Phona 852. Horning I eiJx ani Mrs. AgenS, hostesses. :?a?;fe?I., 2iT Mrs. P. W. Eriksen will be in r.S VirwvT-" i; sWii chsrec of the program. Mrs. C. Sola: 'The Lora Is Sly Ugkt." AUiUen; I J. Boyd is president Ot the Guild. Mrs. reercy. .Evening service-,, i :a 'aleak: subject: "TUa reras i . . ... . ... Bt, v0w- rtnst " Special snaste. Beneay seaaai - , : a. m.; w. T. Jeakn. sup. Midweek serr- Lutheran church will meet Thnrs- ieee t:IO s. a, Wednesday; tha sator, aay, November 14, at the home r?- AT..tefr?&l! ot Mrs. Jessie Prince at 1880 N. ; g. .. ' '! ii M . 1 V J CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH GRAND THEATRES 8. 8. :45 a. m. Preaching 10:59 a. m. and 7:J0 p. m. A. M. "THE CHRIST OF GOD" ANTHEM: "Still, Still With Thee, Speaks Solo part by Mrs. Davis Solo: Ttte Lord la My light, Allftaese Mrs. Pcarcy - P.M. "THE FORKS OF THE ROAD" Special Haale by cfctfr and pastor. -, V. Earl Cochran, Pastor. A Moth-eaten Garment Sermon Topic Rev. Loura Meyers Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schroder will sing Church of the Nazareiie One block Sonth of Center on 10th J9 AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Church St. Bt. Chenseketa and Center, A Downtown Chnrch. 11 A. M. The Great Sin of Edom. 7:30 P. M. The Far-Reach of Blessings. Special Music by tha Choir. WUlIamMcGHchrlsL Director of Music. Max Gehlhar. Supt. of S. S. Ladles' Guild next Wed. at S.Sfl. - Central Boostera Social next Wed. Te?in f JL' M. And the blf Socttl for the Church Chorus Thursday eve- nins 7 P. M. AWAITS YOU BJCV. T. W. aOMXSKN, Pastor. V ZZZZ I Uberty treat,