The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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The OSZGON -STATESMAN. Saleo, Oregon, Tuesday Honing, November 5, 1923
' .
Society K
1 -
Lliss Knowland Is
. Bridge-Shower
? Guest
" Miss Helen Arpke entertained
with a charming affair tor Miss
Pauline Knowland who leates
- coon tor California where she w81
beco'me the bride of. Barton T.
.-Randall, Monday evening at the
. - Arpke home on Fs-Irmount hill.
: The .affair was a bridge even
ing; i and a miscellaneous shower.
. The gneat rooms- were attractive
ly decorated vlth orchid and yel
' low ehryaanthemums and autumn
" leaves. Following bridge and the
informality of the shower Miss
Arpke was. assisted - in serving a
' late sapper by her mo '.her, Mrs.
C. A; Arpke.
' Guests for this affair were Miss
' Knowland, Mrs. C. E. Knowland.
; Mrs. RexvAdolph, Mrs. Prank
. x Decketrach, Mrs. Kenne U Wilson,
Mrs. Datid Adolph, Mrs. John
t Caugheil, Jr Miss Irma Bolan-
der. Miss Kathryn Hartley, Miss
' Eunice Robertson, Miss Vivian
ElkerMIss'Leatha Cox, Miss Pru
dence Patterson, Mrs. Gordon
Wilson, Mr3. Warren Jensen, Mrs.
Harold Rex, Mrs. Don Pritchett,
Mrs. T. Purvine, Miss Eva Roberts,
Miss Josephine Baumgartner, Miss
Margaret Breitenstein, Miss Helen
Breltenstein. Miss Marguerite
Christensen; Miss Mildred Chrls
tensen. Miss Claudia Plank, Miss
Virginia Dorcas of Eugene, Mrs.
C. A. Arpke, and the hostess. Miss
Helen Arpke.
Citizenship Group,
Will Meet
'Mrs. Ivan Martin, general chair
man of the citizenship department
of the Woman's club has called a
meeting of the committees of this
department to meet at her home,
1675 Fir street on Fairmount hill,
this afternoon at,- 2 o'clock. Not
only- are chairmen to be present
hut all members of the committees
are included. Plans will be made
for the all-day session which will
be sponsored by the citizenship
department at the clubhouse Sat
urday beginning at 10:30 o'clock.
Members of this department are
' Mrs. Ivan Martin, general chair
: man; Americanization Mrs. Ed
win Nissen, chairman, and Mrs. C.
F. Breiihaupt, Mrs. S. H. Probert,
Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, Mrs. Haieu
Southwick, Mrs. U. G. Boyer, Mrs.
O. E. Moll, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks,
and Mrs. R. G. Balderee. Citi
zenship training: Mrs. Mary C.
Fletcher, chairman, Mrs. W. C.
Dibble, Mrs. Earl H. Anderson,
' Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. T. S. Rob
erts, Mrs. W. J. Liljequlst. Com
munity service: Mrs. B. E.--Sis-son,
chairman, and Mrs. John Bro
phy, Mrs. R. E, Downing, Mrs. C.
L ..,-JJloodwia-44ra , Ida ; L. Niles,
v ... j-. -i TRoy Bur
. . 'Mrs. U.
Vv-ii -is a'. I . -C. Ra.e,
- .., Associated charities: .MrsAl'.ce
Bates Fisher. Campfire girls,
Mrs. W. J. Minkiewitz. Indian
i , welfares Mrs. W. B, Johnston,
chairman, and Mrs. H. T. Love,
Mrs. A. A. Underhlil, Mrs. W. H.
Bytd, Mrs. Walter Stolz, and Miss
Nina "ilcNary. International ro
- lations, Mrs. Roy R. Hewitt,
'chairman, and Mrs. Ronald Glover,--
Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs.
i George M. BrowB, Mrs. John L.
d Urs. H. J. Bean.
.nal Tea Honors
Miss Elizabeth Freeman's home
at.' 1955 South Commercial street
. . was the sccse, after midaf terncon
Saturday for " the finale to the
.' western Oregon public health
-' ; curses' institute, when members
". ct the county public health associ
ation and the county health unit
'v. jauxea--were jo4Ht1-SKstes30s at a
, ' 4.1 honor et the. visiting nurses.
r!uuk4& p:r attended.
Aencs Ca pbell, supervis-
rian-coty nurses, pour-
A musical program arranged
by Miss Margaret McAlpln
added to a delightful afternoon.
Miss Vina Kmmett, violinist, play
ed several numbers, accompanied
by Misa Ruth Bedford; Mrs. Ver
non A. Douglas sang a vocal solo.
with Miss Basil Hoye accompan
ist; and Miss Elizabeth Boylan
played a piano solo.
':on Club WiU
"all Activity
Tue""Ttft meeting of the fall
' following cummer vacation will he
i"fcel& by the Carnation Iciub at the
home of Mrs. D. P. Wright, Thnrs
day beginning at 1:30 o'clock with
' a covered dish luncheon and ao-
cial afternoon.' ; - f
An evening dinner will he serv
" ed for which the husbands will be
Invited and following this i 00"
will bo In play. ! .
- Tho first meeting- wUl .be for
i members ot the club only.
Brdwn-Dancy Party i
Starts Return Trip, j .
. . ,Wdrd ' received-; from - Mr; and
Mns.William --Brown ? and.- Mrs.,
- 'WHlIam Dancy who -are'-motbrin
' 'oa a long trip through: the "south
ern states and probably to Den-
ver. Colorado, states that they
-wr8 . starting, the return trip to
-SalenrrOctober 23. " -r-rrp."
"- Miv :-. ' '.-'
Delvln-Dnrham.was host to-i;a
group of members of the younger
i et Tuesday night at the country
home ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
' 1L F. Durham. The guests were
greeted at the door by Miss Do
. lores Mills. .
'Games were . played, and re
J; frishments -were-served at -Iate
- hour by Mrs, Durham, assisted hj
trnV V. HMlllsv -- - --i'-v
Guests Included Rosalie iNeus-
. fcaum.- Evelyn King, : Harriett
- Beall, Rath Dake, Helen . Peaxce.
; c KaflkryaHuthIn, Don,WooT.
' Edrar Kine. Georre MUtennerger,
' Howard -Mills - and . Raymof
ewS and Club
1 OimmT)aAX.SocUt Editor
Tuesday -.
B. 4 P. W. "funny paper"
dinner, f :3A o'clock, Wo-
man's clubhouse.
Yomarco class, first Meth-
odist church, Mrs. Roy Hew-
Itt, 1329 Chemeketa street,
2:30 o'clock.
War Mothers, i Regular
meeting, in auditorium of 8a-
lea city, library. 3:30
o'clock, reports of delegate
to national convention.
Citizenship department ot
Salem Woman's club, chair-
men and committee members,
with Mrs. Ivan Martin, 1675
Fir street, Fairmount hill, 2
W. C. T. U. 2:30 o'clock,
regular business meeting fol-
lowed by address by Dr. Clara
Degree of Pocahontas, 8
o'clock, Odd Fellows ball. ''
. P. I E. and F. of the Pyth-
lan Sisters - will meet with
Mrs- O. F. Furlough, (89
Brays avenue.
First Congregational Mis-
. sionary society, Mrs. George
Roseman. 910 North Capitol
street. Take 17th and Sum-
mer street bus. ;
Women's Home Missionary
Society, First : Methcdist
church, 2 i4uo!c.lock church
parlors. -
Woman's Foreign Mission-
ary society, 2 o'clock, Mrs. P.
L. Frazier, 795 North Cap-
itol. '
Spring Valley Missionary
society, Mrs. J. Fred Purvine.
Chaptfr G, P. E. O., with
Mrs. A. - T." Woolrert, Mrs.
Frank Churchill.
Piety Hill club with Mrs.
E. T. Barne3. First meeting
this year. .
Carnation club, Mrs. D. P. -
Wright, 1:30 o'clock covered
dish luncheon for members
only. Evening dinner for hus-
bands with social evening and
"500" following.
Ladies' Aid society of the
Woman's Relief Corps, All-
day meeting at Fairgrounds, 4
quilting. Potluck dinner.
U. S. Grant circle, Ladies "
of the Grand Army of the Re- '
public, inspection at armory.
Department president, Mrs. '
Leota Brown and other offi-
cers present. "
Barbara Frietchie Post '
No. 2, Daughters ot Union
Veterans, Annual Inspection '
by department inspector, 8 '
o'clock, Women's clubhouse.
Mrs. F-GDelano will be '
hostess for the Friday bridge
club, at her home, 292 N.
Church street '
All day meeting, 10:30 '
o'clock, American Citizenship '
department institute of Salem 1
Woman's club. Mrs. Ivan G. '
Martin, chairman. '
New Publication
For B. and P. W. Club
The first edition of the Oregon
Business Woman is just off the
press and will be distributed some
time this week.
The Oregon Business Woman,
of which Mrs. Madalene L. Callin
of Salem is the editor, is the offi
cial publication of the Oregon Fed
eration, Business and Professional
Women's clubs. Mrs. Callin edited,
the magazine two years ago and
resigned as editor because of ill
health. Since that time publication
was discontinued until the pres
ent issue.
There are more than 1,000
members of the Oregon Federa
tion of Business and Professional
Women's clubs in Oregon and
every member receives a copy of
the magazine.
The present issue is of a dif
ferent style to that previously is
sued, being smaller in page size,
but containing 16 pages. The front
cover carries a picture ot Miss Ce
celia M. Beyler, president of the
Oregon Federation B. P. W. C.
It is planned to issue the maga
zine every other month until aft
er the state convention of the
clubs which will be held in Med
ford some time late in May.
The committee in charge ot the
magazine is Mrs. Callin, Mrs. Em
ma McKlnney of HIHsboro and
Mrs. Christina Kneal Links ot
McMinnville. Business affairs are
handled-by Miss Reva May Ever J
had,; of Oregon City, state treas
urer of , the Oregon Federation jt
Business 'nd Professional Wom
en's clubs.
... .-.v.-.. -. .
W. C. f . U. WilLHear
Miss Delia Armage
Jr. Clarg Ingham, director of
the health - department of state
W. C. T. U. will address the mem
bers of the' Woman's . Christian
Temperance thion at the Temper
ance hall, corner of South Com
mercial and Ferry street, Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Miss
Delia Armage will lead the devo
tional hour.
Regular business will precede
the at ternopn program.'
The benefit which .was spon
sored by the Daughters of Union
Veterans at the Car5 theatre.
"Words and Mas!'
reports .nation
rd Fri
from it
ough success aect
from members ot-t .
Saturday ntornlarv
was sponsored Th. "
day. and the funds
will he used for tt
work which the Da
ing the year.
' Miss Dolores MU,
day, surprise part
night -at the- Mill
rooms were, decora
greenv.' Gflests -ine
Brown,' Mr. .and 4.
T-eit 'Mrv and Mrs 1
and Mrs. TV. A. WJ
ot honor received a
o cheer"
.2 lo dur-
'aesday it her
v The
-.k and
of at-
The Girl Reserves have plunged
into fall activities with a will. Last
week was a busy schedule and
this week promises to be likewise.
Monday the Washington Girl
Reserves entertained with a Hal
lowe'en party at the T. W. C. A.
The advisors, Miss Loretta Fisher
and Miss Ladle Brown, and Mrs.
Elizabeth K. Gallaher, general Y.
W. C. A. secretary, were special
guests. Mrs. Gallaher was intro
duced and spoke briefly. '
The Leslie girls had a. joint
business and. program meeting
Tuesday at the Leslie school. The
meeting was presided over by
Miss June Johnson, president
The program consisted of a short
talk by Mrs. Gallaher, who spoke
on "How the Girl Reserve Move
ment Grew and the Purpose;"
Miss Carin Dagermark who sug
gested a program for the year, and
the whole group discusses the
Girl Reserve code under the di
rection of Marian Beckley and Ei
leen Cocoran.
The high school Girl Reserves
had their regular meeting at the
high school Wednesday under the
direction ot the president, Miss
Hazel McElroy. Committee chair
men were appointed for the year.
Chairmen of the committee are
program, Margaret Nunn; so
cial, Grace Skinner; service, Na
dene Hargir; finance, Doris Mc
Allister; publicity, Katheleen
The program hour was given
over to a talk by Mrs. Gallaher on
the subject of "The meaning of
the Girl Reserve triangle and the
purpose"; and to instruction con
cerning the Girl Reserve song.
Miss Murial White of Willamette
university had charge of the work
on the song.
The committees appointed will
meet this week to make plans for
the year's work. The next regu
lar meeting will be November 13.
Parrish had a discussion meet
ing Tuesday at the school concern
ing program and plans for the
coming year's work. Miss Eliza
beth Atkinson and Mrs. Louis La
Bare, advisors, were present to
assist with making plans.
A Hallowe'en party at the Y.
W. C. A. marked the Garfield
meeting Thursday. A feature of
this meeting was the fortune tell
ing which the lighted candles re
vealed. Miss Helen Breithaupt
and Miss Louisa Sidwell, advisors
for this group, were present for
this party.
The Englewood Girl Reserves
met Friday for a regular meeting.
Officers were elected. Thelma
Jayes was elected president; Rnth
Alice Grant, secretary; Dorothy
Jayes, vice president; Elma Par
clus, treasurer; Mildred Sherman
and Roma McReynolds, inter-club
council members. .Miss Dorothy
Taylor will be advisor tor this
Highland will be organized this
week by Mrs. J. E. Bllnkhorn.
Noted Speaker to be
Alliance Dinner Guest
Dr. Lewis C. Cornish of Boston,
president of the American Unitar
ian association, will be a guest of
the Salem Unitarian church today.
The members of the Unitarian Al
liance will be .hostesses for a din
ner in his honor at 6 o'clock in
the Emerson room of the church.
Following dinner Dr. Cornish
will speak at 8 o'clock in the
church auditorium on the subject
of "The International Mind." The
public is cordially invited to at
tend this lecture.
Members of the Alliance who
wish to attend the dinner will
make reservations through Mrs.
Lloyd LeGarie or Mrs. W. E. Feld
man. Miss Dell Burkholder has Just
returned from Rockaway where
she has been for the past three
weeks convalescing from a serions
illness. She is much improved af
ter ber beach vacation. Mrs. Clara
A. Burkholder and Mrs. Lydla F,
Stouffer accompanied Miss Burk
holder and returned with her.
Mrs. Ray Clark, and son Wal-
ic Clark, Miss Maaine Clark:
MrsvNelli Knox, and Mrs. Hattie.
Grrtns motored to Portland Tor
JLh e-weekend.
Thai Summer Sun Tan Takes All
Ask us about a ticket, which entiUes you to further
: :r treatments at-halfr price . .;
..TV-- -
mer Beauty P k x
Lausanne Hall Tea
Will Compliment
Miss Mareia Seeber, national stu
dent secretary of the T.W.C.A.,
will be the gnest ot honor when
members of Willamette University
T.W.CA. entertain tomorrow af
ternoon with an Informal tea in
Lausanne Hall.
' The big- living room of the Hall
will be festively decked in fall
flowers and autnmn leaves. Mrs.
Carl Gregg Doney will preside at
the tea urns and serving will be
Miss Louis Sidwell, Miss Frances
Jackson. Miss Esther McMinimee,
and Miss Alvis Love.
.The board of advisors for the
campus T.W.CA. will receive with
the T.W.CA. student members.
The advisors are Mrs. Carl Gregg
Doney, president. Mrs. John
Cause, Mrs. Alice Fisher, Mrs Roy
Hewitt, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs.
Frank Learner, Mrs. Cecil Monk.
Mrs. M. C. Findley, Mrs. Erie But
ler, Mrs. Paul Wallace and Mrs.
Elizabeth K. Gallaher will be
special guests.
The honor guest, Miss Seeber,
will speak sometime during the
tea hours on the subject of ''The
relation between campus T.W.CA.
and their advisors."
California Guests
Are Being Feted
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wickert
have as house guests at their
home on North Capitol street, Mr.
and Mrs. John E. Lager of Berk
ley, California. Mrs. Lager and
Mrs. Wickert are sisters.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Lager were honor guests for an
evening of cards. "500" was in
play at six tables. The guest
rooms were beautifully arranged
with chrysanthemums in the gay
fall shades.
Honors at. the close of card
playing were held by Mrs. C. J.
Taylor, Mrs. J. Smart, Glen Tay
lor and John Sande. At the close
of playing Mrs. Wickert w,as as
sisted in serving by Mrs. I. A.
Franz and Mrs. C. J. Taylor.
Guests for the evening were Mr.
and Mrs. John Lager, Mr. and
Mrs. I. A. Franz, Mr. and Mrs. H.
C. Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. Linls
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tay
lor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smart, Mr.
and Mrs. R. O. Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
John Sande, Mr. and Mrs. William
Moses and Mrs. O. Victor. -o
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor en
tertained with dinner tor Mr. -and.
Mrs. Lager at the Taylor home
on North Commercial street. Cov
ers were placed for Mr. and Mrs.
John Lager, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Wickert, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason,
of Chemawa, Merle Lange, Albert
Wickert and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
Amperette Bridge
Club Begins Season
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Seeley were
hosts to members of the Amper
ette bridge club and two invited
guests Friday night at the Seeley
home on North Winter street. Hal
lowe'en decorations made a gay
decorative note for the rooms
where cards were in play.
Honors were won by Mrs. Ells
worth Hartwell, Mrs. Merle Travis,
Mason Bishop and Jack Cherring
ton. At the conclusion of cards
Mrs. Seeley was assisted in serv
ing by Mrs. Merle Travis. .
- Special guests for this evening
were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Courtner.
Club members present were Mr.
and Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mr. and
Mrs. D. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs.
William Merriott, Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Flagg, Mrs. Ellsworth Hart
well, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Travis,
Jack Cherrington and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Seeley.
R. Ingram Jones was married to
Miss Ruth Hoppes in Honolulu
October 25. Mr. Jones, who is
now connected with the Hawaiian
Electric company in Honolulu,
was formerly a resident of Salem.
He Is a graduate of the Oregon
State college. Mrs. Jones was a
teacher in the Honolulu schools
before her marraige. She Is a
graduate of the University ef Ne
vada. Miss Olive Casto formerly of
Salem but who has been making
her home In Seattle for some
time past ia now here as a house
guest of-Mrs. Ella Watt tor tbis
week. Miss Casto is en route to
California whereshe will he mar-
Smartness Out of
Filmy Frocks
why should it when Miller's
Beauty Parlor is introducing; a new
bleach pack, absolutely harmless to
the skin; for just price?
Cooling: and soothing', as good as a
rest-cure, yet it softens and whit
ens the kin almost miraculously.
Regular price
. This Week-
Haley, Prop;-:' -
Barbara Frietchie -Tent
to be Inspected '
Barbara Frietchie Tent No. 2 ot
the Daughters of Union veterans
will have Its annual inspection and
reception Friday night beginning
at 8 o'clock at the Woman's club
house. At this time Mrs. Ethel An
drews of Astoria, department in
spector will inspect, the floor work
et the Tent. Following this work
there will be a reception and In
formal social evening at which
time all the members will be able
to meet Mrs. Andrews and the
other out-of-town guests who are
expected to come.
All the officers are to be in
white uniforms. The officers are
Mrs. C. N. Need ham president;
Miss Gladys Bartholomew, L L.
Cutler, Mrs. John Shipp, Mi3S
Julia Webster, Mrs. Jennie Miller,
Mrs. Mabel Gardner, Mrs. W. F.
Neptnne, Mrs. Melissa Persons,
Mrs. J. W. Nash, E. L. Stow, Mrs.
E. E. Bergman, Mrs. E. C. For
sythe, Miss Evelyn Entress, Mrs.
K. T. Bernard, and ' Mrs. ' C. A.
J. W. Entress,. Mrs. Tyler H. Mor
ley, Mrs. Margaret Ringle, Mrs.
Dr. H. Kohler Host
For Informal Tea
An attractive informal tea to
acquaint . new members of the
Willamette university fac.ulty
with some of the townsfolk was
given by Dr. Henry Kohler at his
apartment In Kimball School ot
Theology Su itJay afternoon. Tea
was served be 'veen the hours of
four and six clock. Miss Mabel
Robertson assisted with serving.
Those making the guest group
were Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Jones,
Prof, and Mrs. Forrest Rahe, Dr.
and Mrs. George O. Oliver, Mrs.
Clifford Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Bughardt,"Miss Mabel Rob
ertson, and Miss Genevieve
Department President
To Make Inspection
The Ladies ot the Grand Army
of the Republic, U. S. Grant cir
cle No. 5, will be inspected by the
Republic, U. S. Grant circle No.
5, will be inspected by the state
department president, Mrs. Leota
Brown, Pendleton, Thursday at
the Armory. Among other state
officers who will be present for
this occasion will be the assistant
department Inspector.
A 12 o'clock dinner will be
served and the inspection will fol
low in the afternoon. All mem
bers are urged to be present.
Mrs, P. L. Frazier
-Will be Hostess
Mrs. P. L- Frazier will be hos
tess to members of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary society of the
Jason Lee Methodist church, at
her home, 795 North Capitol
street. Wednesday afternoon at 2
The program for the afternoon
will be one of Interest. Mrs. C. F.
Hagemann will lead the devo
tions; Mrs. Marie Putnam will
present the lesson study. Mrs. R.
V. Hollenberg, branch, recording
secretary will give a report of the
branch meeting held at Great
Falls, Montana. Miisic for the af
ternoon will be given by Mrs. Mark
Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Randall
and family of Cottage Grove,
motored to Salem to be with Mrs.
Randall's mother, Mrs. Mary B.
Crawford, over the week-end. Mrs.
Crawford will leave soon accom
panied by her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry
for a six wekes' visit In Illinois.
Relatives will be visited in Alton,
Illinois, and Mrs. R. B. Munger,
a daughter who visited Salem last
spring, and a son, P. L. Crawford,
will be visited in Chicago.
The women of the First Congre
gational church will again present
the delightful style show which
was presented recently at the
church. This time the show will
be at the Grand theatre and in ad
dition to the old dresses of which
many more will be shown this
- Hats
Smart little brimless
models, the more con
servative poke styles,
-matronly hats, in fact
almost .what you will
all like in the best au
tumn colors with vel
vety ribbon, and stitch
ing trim,
. . ' ' x" ".' -
Store No. 24141fNCSmiiieraali:
Counters Divorce
- ' 0" ?
.- -- v -.-.w.y .w.'-v.v
Irene Bordoni, noted singer ot
French songs, gave an unusual ren
dition in Chicago, when she filed
suit for annulment of her marriage
to E. Ray Goetz, theatrical pro
ducer. International NawavMl
time than at the first time, there
will also be modern styles that
are the last word shown by
Mack's, Miller's, and Shipley's.
WOODBURN, Nov. 4. (Spe
cial) -Jessie Sims, Margaret Mo
chel, Opal Hodge and Hazel Em
ery were joint hostesses in enter
taining a group of students from
Woodburn high school at the For
esters' hall Friday night in keep
ing with the Hallowe'en season.
Hallowe'en decorations made
the hall attractive and the fea
tures of the evening were a ghost
story telling circle around a camp
fire over which an iron pot was
hung and a clever seer concealed
behind weird draperies and a mask
who told fortunes to the guests.
Dancing, card playing and games
helped pass the enjoyable evening
and cider and doughnuts were
served at a late hour.
The guests were Misses Jessie
Sims, ITargaret Mochel, Opal
Hodge, Hazel Emery, Evelyn Nel
son, Nona Otjen, Ruth Geer, Mar
garet Rich, Catherine Pancic, Gel
ta Mae Hunt, Dorothy Austin,
Elizabeth Miller, Berneta Thomp
son, Marguerite Hart, Waivo Len
on, Pearl Emery and Messrs.
Lowell Grlbble, Gorda Klamp,
Harold Gustafson, Laverne Schoo
ler, Virgil Dirksen, Jack Guiss,
Adrian Schooler, Willard Hunt,
Hugh Gearin, Robert Powers,
John Kinns, James Kinns, Leon
ard Gearin, Donald Covey, Charles
Byers, Albert Lemcke, and Clair
Nlbler. Additional guests were
Miss Genevieve Emmons of Salem
high and Neal Butterfield of Ore
gon State college.
The degree of Pocahontas will
meet at 8 o'clock at the Odd Fel
lows hall tonight. This will be a
regular business-meeting followed
by drill for the initiation team in
practice for the class of candidates
to be entered November 19.
Mrs. J. Fred Purvine will be
hostess to' the members of the
Spring Valley missionary society
Wednesday afternoon at her home.
Mrs. J. D.. Walling and Mrs. Jesse
will be the assisting hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. C P. Bishop spent
yesterday in Eugene with their
grandson, Robert, attending the
"Dad's Day" observance.
Curirent Radio Pro
grams From
Jl Meter. t4 Key.
8 to 9 a. m. Household Twin.
9 to :30 . m. Onnui rerUaL
t:JS to :5 a. n. Home Economic.
S :5 to Jl :45 a. m. Town Topics. .
tl:45 to IS noon Vocal program.
12 to 1 p. m. IvUncheoo concert.
1 to 1 :3 p. m. BUlVa Hawaiian,
1 :30 tola m. Orchestra.
3 to 2:1 p. m. Inspirational speaker
2:15 to S p. m. Orchestra andstrtmc
S to S p. m. Xew Items and music
S to p. m. Orchestra.
to 7 p. m. CBS. '
7 to 7:3 p. m. The Benson Hott!
7:S0 to I p. m Orchestra,
8 to S:SS p. m. Studio proaram. '
10 to 11 p. m. Strlns ensemble and
orchestra. .
11 to 12 midnight Popular orchestrs.
. 4S3.I Meters, 2 Kcya.
7:15 to 7:45 a. m. T. H. C A. Health
7:45 to 8 a. m Devotional seri-lces
8 to 9 a. m. Meetina ot the Portland
Breakfast club.
9 to 9:15 a. m. Cooking school.
9:15 to 9:45 a. m. The Town Crierr
9:43 to 19 a. m. Eetty Crocker. t
10:S0 to 11:30 a. m. NBC.
11 :45 to 12 noon Records. KGW.
12 to 1 p. m. Fox Hollywood organ
1 to 1:15 p. m. 17. 8. market report.
1 : 15 to 2 p. m. Musical entertainment.
2 to 3 p. m. NBC. !
3 to 4 : 30 p. m. Musical Master Works
4 :30 to 5 p m. Service Hour.
5 to 6 p. m. Around ths World.
( to 7 p. m. NBC.
7:30 to 8:39 p. m NBC.
8 :30 to 9 p. m. Musical program.
9 to 9 :30 p. m. NBC.
10 to 11 p. m. Concert, KOMO,
11 to 12 midnight Dance band.
325.9 Meters. 920 Kcvs.
7 :55 a. m. Inspirational services.
S a. m. Happy Time.
9 a. m. NBC.
9 :30 a. m. So-A-Tone broadcast.
9:43 a. m. NBC.
10 a. m. So-A-Ton broadcast
10:30 a. m. NBC
11 :30 a. m. Orchestra : Dorotliea Wei
and Fred Lynch.
12 .15 p. m. What to Prepare for Din
ner. 12:30 p. m. Mixed quartet.
1 p. m. Orchestra ; Donald Gray, bar
itone. 2 p. m. NBC.
3 p. m. Orchestra: Greenwood Mit
chell and Agnes Skartvedt
.3 p. m. Orchestra : Greenwood Mit
chell an4 Agnes Skartvedt.
4 p. m. Milling Mock quotations.
4:15 p. m. Kidres' program.
4:45 p. m. Stock, bond and grain quo
tations. 5 p. m. Artistic ensemble.
5 :30 p. m. to 8 p. m. NBC.
S:30 p. m. Miniature biographies.
9 P. m. NBC.
9:30 p. m. So-A -Tone broadcast.
11 p. m. News flashes
11 :15 p. m. NBC.
12 to 12:30 . m. Organ recital.
4140.9 Meters, CSO Keys. ,
1 to 8 a. m. Health exercises,
f Vi a m. Happy Time.
?3? t0,iA m- Dobbsle's Dally Chat
10 to 10:30 a. m. Helpful Hints for
10:30 to 11:30 a. m. NBC. I
A Car
Never before was such' a varied Line of patterns and
colors offered the pubb'c as we are now showing in the
Monarch line. For nearly forty years the Monarch
foundries have been producing high rradt, cooking
equipment and today are leaders in the manufacture of
Electric, Gas, Wood and Coal ranges. . '
And while a high standard of quality is maintained the
prices are steadily hammered down until now we have
this full size range, full automatic control
Thjs is not a dinky sired range. It is 40 inches over all
with a full 15 inch even and three full size top burners.
Where can you get such valuer Where can yon find
the beautiful lines, finish, high: quality and fiukk action
heating ef the Monarch! 1 h' ,
11:41 t H:S to. Ttm, 8crlp
ture. weather and" announcetuents.f;'r"
18:Sft to 1 p. nv Aeolian Trio.
J to 1 : p. nv Jerry Jermalne -1
:3t to 2 9. m. Ann Warner's Hm . .
' Chat ' ' . .
to I P. m. NBC !
X to r n. Studio Hour with th ;
4 to 4:25 p. ra. Theodora Strong, or
gan recital. - .
4:25 to 4:4 p. m. Stock market quo
tattoos. -- ,. . ,
4 4 to S :2t -p. m. Children s Hour.
5 :29 to S :3 P. - News digest,
"Scotty" Mortland.
5:30 to 7 p. m. NBC.
8 to I p. m. Midweek variety program.
9 to ,:3 p. m. NBC.
IS to 19 :! p. m. Tommy Monro
and Bob Allen.
18 :30 to 12 midnight NBC
J7S.I Vetera. 798 Keys.
9 to 9:30 a, ; sf-Halttf in RefHgcr
ation." . '
9:30 to 8:45 a. rn. Morning Glories.
9 :45 to It 1. m.- Betty Crocker Home
Service Talk.
18 to 18:88 a. m. Sunshine Rays.
19,:Z9 to 11 :S0 a, mWoman's Hsg
axine of the. Air. -.i
11:S to 11:45 a. m. Decorators.
11:45 to 12 noonrPhilbarinonlc Or
gan. 12 to 1 p. m. Novelty Flv.
2 to 3 p. si. Th Wanderers.
4:15 to 4:3 p. m. bbi;
4 :30 to 5 :39 p. jn. Edward
nntrtok and MS Hotel St.
Culnn Vvhastra Kan Francisc.
5:30 to p. mAxound the World
with Llbby. '
7 f30 to 8 p. m. Orchesrradians.
S:30 to p. m. Miniature Biogra
phies. t to 8:31 91 at Ths Parker DuofoM
Family. . i
Read 4iow This Medicine
Helped This Woman
Rrainerd". Afinn. "T read .about
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUble Com-
pouna in a news
paper and I hare
pot great results
from its tonic
action at the
Change of Life.
Before I took it
I was nervous
and at times I
was too weak, to
do my house
work. I waahis
way about a year.
JL But now I do all
mv limnework ana' do chores outside
also. I must say that Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable V0mPoun1 nas aone
wonders for me and no woman should
be without it.? I sirre can speak a
good word for it." Mas; Jim Smith,
R. R. 7, Brainerd, Minnesota. '::
Lydia Pinkham Vegetable
Comrxrand .
Por Sale at '
Nelson A Hunt Drag Store
Corner Court V Liberty. TeU 7
Load' of
! . !' , " ... i
'-yrr- - ! luff
Terms if J
Desired ffl 1 M
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ttractite ftu "L
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