The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN,- Salem Oregon, Tuesday Morning, November 5, 1923
Health Situation in County
Known at All Times by
Demonstration "' -
(Continued from Pas 1.)
for a healthful eounty. , And be
came each diseases are scattered
fever such a period of years. It is
Impossible to measure the harm
and hindrance therefrom
Consequently, it is among the
diseases where causes are know
that the .child health demonstra
tion la exerting its endeavor to
prevention; that is, immunizations
as In the instance of diphtheria
and small pox.
- Among diseases of which the
cause Is unknown, the only eon
trol weapons for combating the
spread are quarantine and Isola
tion. Of course the nursing ser
Vice gives care and instruction to
persons suffering from contagious
diseases. The crux of such care
Is often in the instructions given
to prevent spreading of the illness,
including those on how to care
for the dishes, bedding and other
articles, which come in .conta t
with the sick person, as well as
ine cleanliness or tne person.
Measles Epidesifc
Seen Every Twjo Tears
.. Measles ran la epidemic
cycles In this county as well as
over most parts of the world, with
th disease appearing every two
years. Last year, 102 eases of
measles were reported to the
county health officer here
In the period of service of the
demonstration, scarlet -fever in
Marion county has stayed at about
the same, with 71 cases in 1926 N
. - - - . 'I
14 In 1927: and 51 in 1928
Through. the control measures of
IsoIaUon and quarantine, spread
or the teases has been reduced
: Another method which 1 the
foenty health group is taking to
reduce the incidence of complice
(ions fronr contagion is the rule
to urge whenever possible good
medieal attention during the
acute stage and immediately fol
lowing this stage.
Over SSOOO Calls
Made in One Year
In 1928, the nursing staff of the
demonstration made 2.114 calls
for control and care of commun
icable, diseases. And in that same
year, the frequency of other com
municable diseases was recorded
as follows: influenza, 441; chick
en pox, 127; mumps, 18; whoop
ing cough, 15; infantile paralysis,
4; pneumonia, 46; diphtheria, 23;
smallpox, 21; typhoid, 8; tuber
culosis, 24; and malta fever, 2.
These figures do not include the
Cases from the state Institutions,
where 45 cases of influenza were
acred for by the Institution doe
tors, 11 of pneumonia; ,154 of
tuberculosis and five of malta
fever. It is improbable the low
figures reported whooping cough
and mumps, two of the minor dis
eases, account for all the cases of
such contagion in the county in
the year.
.(Continued from Page 1.)
It had been delivered by Mannix.
r Joseph delved into the case of
Condit, for whom he recently filed
suit in Portland against Mannix
and A. Neppach to recover dam
- axes resultinc- for the def Anrianti'
alleged fraudulent taking of his
property. . Citing the" alleged cir
cumstances back to this suit, Jo
seph mentions that Condit had
filed suit for divorce from his
wife. The suit was decided
against him In the circuit court
Fallowing this decree Joseph said
COadit informed him he was an
proached by Neppach who said he
would take him (Condit) to an
attorney who would appeal the
. case to the supreme court and
. obtain a reversal.
Following this, Joseph said
Condit told him, Condit was tak
en to Mannix's office, where he
whs .introduced to Chief Justice
jlbBride of the supreme court.
Taere. th iniwr M th nu
wis discussed "under circumstanc--
4b of great familiarity and during
riafc time all of said parties par-
- tltipated in the consumption of
liiuor." .
f it Is In the hands of W. K.
Newell, federal prohibition di
rector, at Portland. In giving
this information to Newell. Jo
seph declared, he mentioned nei-
; ther the names of Mannix nor
Rand. '
'! Subsequently, It was contended,
. Condit, on various and numerous
Occasions, was associated with the
said chief justice at the instiga
tion ot an under the guidance and
direction of Mannix and Neppach,
and during the alleged associa
tions considerable Jiquor. was de
livered by Condit to both Mannix
and the chief justice. ,
'Joseph recounted that as a re
sult of this seeming familiarity
(Too Late To Classify
1S2S advanced mix 400 Kaxh S
r isseng-er sedan, Will sell at a real
bargaio. Phone 48 for particulars.
(50 Votes)
: To Be Placed to th CfedH of
Mrs. Adaline Pooler, 89, ;
Last of Old Time Waldo
Hills Pioneers Passes On
t "When Mrs. Adaline Pooler, aged
89, died os Sitarday morning,
November 2, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Effie Back, 117f
Chemeketa street, Salem, there
passed the last of the early pio
neer residents of the Waldo hills.
Grandmother Fooler crossed the
plains In one of the many ox
waton trains of that rear. That
was the year of the "big Imml-j
gratlon," when perhaps 20,000
people came to Oregon.
She was Adaliae Starmer, and
she was 12. In 1856 she married
Lewis Clinton. Pooler. They came
in the same train, with their fam
ilies, from Des Moines, Iowa, and
both the Starmers and Poolers
settled In the Waldo hills on do
nation claims. Besides Mrs.
Back, her living children are Earl
Pooler of Corvallis, Ivan Pooler of
Salem, and Mrs. J. P. McMannus
ef Honolulu. The deceased chil
dren were Jefferson Pooler and
Alice Pooler-Bowen of Salem, Mrs.
Nettie McCalll8ter of Pratnm, and
Emory and Katherlne Pooler of
this city. There are three living
brothers, John Starmer of Ksta
cada, Abraham Starmer of Tilla
mook, and Frank Starmer of Mt
Vernon. Oregon. Mrs. F. S. An
and influence with the supreme
court, Condlt placed his business
affairs in the hands of Mannix
and Neppach, "by reason of which
be was eventually defrauded of
his property and business."
Joseph, in answering the.
charge that he was party to a con
spiracy to plant liquor at the home
of Justice RandV declared he was
""TiE JL man nam Mu
ann that itln 1 InnAp mama k Am.
son that "the- liquor was to be de-
livered at the Rand home. Jo
seph declared he had no way in
which to ascertain the truth or
falsity of this Information, so
placed it in the hands of W. K.
Newell, federal prohibition di
rector, at Portland. In giving this
information to Newell, Joseph de
clared, he mentioned neither the
names of Mannix nor Rand.
(Continued from Page 1.)
po3ed paving of Fairmount avenue
from Miller to Owens, was suf
ficient to defeat the improvement.
P. It. Frazier, contractor con
structing the Winter street bridge,
was granted the privilege of rent
ing the city's concrete mixer for
that work. It was explained that
the concrete must all be poured at
one time in order make a satis
factory job, and that the one mix
er the contractor Has in not suffi
cient. North Salem residents petition
ed the council for a storm drain
in . the vicinity of Columbia and
North Front streets. It was ex
plained that this was really a pro
test against steps a property own
er bad takea to make a fill on
property there, destroying the
natural drainage of the vicinity, sess the same subtle delicacy in
and that the intention was to re- hj8 gongs. His program was ex
quire this man to put In an arti- cellently suited to his voice and he
ficial drain. The matter was re- Banjr wfth slncorety and ease
ferred to the city attorney and
city engineer.
SEATTLE. Oct. 4. (AP)
Samuel Henry Jordan, who re
vealed an alleged secret marriage
to the late Mrs. Mabel Hunter
Seaborg of -Seattle and was suc
cessful in claiming her $50,000
perior court here today Jn a suit
inatltntMl hv T.lovd Hunter, brotn-
er ot the dead woman.
Hunter alleged in his complaint
that Jordan "bought bim off"
with a promise ot 18000 cash if
Hunter called off investigators
and stopped a legal fight to at
tempt to prove that Jordan as
an imposter. The estate Is sched
uled to be distributed to Jordan
in probate court Monday. Hunt
er obtained a writ ot garnishment
for $8000 against Jordan, posting
$16,500 bond as a guaranty of
gooa win.
In his complaint Hunter recited
the fact that he was bequeathed
$10,000 in his sister's will, which
item was set aside last March on
the grounds that it was made be
fore the woman' marriage to Jor
dan. The. plaintiff declared that
he now believes Jordan had no
intention of paying him the $8000,
but made the promise to prevent
further attack on the marriage
"so that the statute of limitations
might run and Jordan get the estate."
kJTv Iramim bomm. mil 1 aOfc fctaVV
T 21 tKfbbaa. Tibial mhrnr Bmrt V
derson, Salem, a sister, also sur
vives. . " '
The funeral was at BJgdon'a
mortuary at 2 o'clock Monday, and
the Interment in the Warren cem
etery to the Waldo hills, and the
whole countryside was present,
besides many from Salem. The
sermon was by Rev. W. C Kaat
ner, who also presided at the fn
neral of the husband who died
November 8, 1901; 28 years ago.
The pall bearers were grand
children of the pioneer wonfan,
Russell and Mark MeCallister of
Pratnm and Salem, Lewis Pooler
of Stayton, and Archie Bowen of
Pratnm and Clifford and Dolph
Bowen of Salem.
A neighborhood quartette sang:
Horace and Jay Thompson, Mrs.
J. C. Curry and Mrs. David Ram
seyer. - Mrs. Hinges also sang.
There are 12 grandchildren and
11 great grandchildren. Mrs.
Pooler lived on the old home farm,
10 miles east of Salem, till 1910,
since which time she had resided
In Salem. Up to a tew months
ago, her memory was very dear
concerning the events of the cov
ered wagon days and the years of
pioneering when this section was
being redeemed from the Indiana
and the wilderness.
It is seldom that two people ap-
pearU tShe on i a mnsical pro-
gram are able to blend both their
personalities and their art so sat
isfy ingly as did Byron Arnold,
organist, and. William Wright,
tenor, when they appeared en the
first McDowell program for this
fall, Monday night in th resi
dence studio room of Prof, and
Mrsr T. S. Roberta.
The transition from song to or
gan- and back again was smooth
and so harmoniously correlated
that no breaks occurred each
number was a continuation of the
one before.
Mr. Arnold, originally a Salem
man Having been a student in Wil
lamette university and later an
Instructor in the department of
music in Willamette is .now f
member of the department of mu
sic In Oregon State college.
His program Monday night In
cluded a group of old masters,
then a group of contemporary
moderns and last a number by
Gullmant written. in 1895. The
program chosen developed a re
newed appreciation for the deli
cate purity of organ tones. Mr
Arnold.g Bmooth. sensitive ' touch
resulted in an unusual flow ot
music. "In Dulcl JubUo," J. S.
Bach composition dating back in
the 18th century was more the
wraith of a song than real per
formance, so sweet and light
were its notes. Even with the
deep "Marche Funebre et Chant
Seraphlque" there was still evi
dent the light, closely akin to
spiritual interpretation.
William Wright seemed to pos-
there were no gestures, no affec-
tations, but there was beauty, and
pure song sung with a singing
voice a voice which remained
clear and controlled to the end of
12 numbers.
Mr. Wright is also a Salem pro
duct, one of which it may be
justly proud even now, and from
indications, it will have an oppor
tunity to be more proud. He is a
Willamette university graduate
and is now studying and working
under Salem folk.
His voice Is surprisingly adap
table. He sang a solemn, rather
sweetly melancholy composition of
Rachmaninoff with delightful in
terpretation and sang equally as
well "The Pilot" by Protneroe
and gate. it the power and empha-
"" "
Sweet, and clear and sure he
sang his way into the heart of the
audience Monday night. Prof.
Paul Petrle accompanied Mr.
Wright and as usual made his ac
companpaniment a joy to both his
audience and his soloist.
Your purpose in
San Francisco
wiS be better .
served ,
City Dads Resume Control
Of Appointments; Vote
9-3 on Measure
(Continued from Page J.)
ber of the Independent group, had
made the proposal.
Alderman Patton, Rosebraugh
and Vandevort said they had
known nothing of any such nego
tiations or promise. There was no
dissenting rote on the motion to
accept Mr; Simeral'a application
for the superintendency.
Special Committee Picked
At First December Session
The resolution creating the
committee on committees, provides
that this body, composed- of three
aldermen, ahall be -elected at the
first council. meeting in Decem
ber, and shall report at the first
meeting in January and prior to
the election of city officers.
It creates the following stand
log committees:
Ways and means; ordinances;
streets; public buildings and in
cinerator; sewerage and drainage ;
police, traffic regulations and li
censes; fire department; health
and sanitation; bridges and ap
proaches; lights and electric
signs; printing; public parks,
playground and band; rules and
revision ot minutes; airport and
aviation; public utilities; building
regulations; accounts and current
Members ot the majority group
declared after the meeting they
had no purpose other than as sar
in rr every member of the council
of a "square deal" in the matter
ot committee assignments, and
that whoever should be elected to
the committee on committees,
would carry out that policy.
(Continued from Page 1.)
ago, held no further meetings at
the offices of J. P. Morgan ft Com
pany believing that market condi
tions had finally been stabilised
and called for no further action.
The extent of which Wall street's
physical trading facilities had suf
fered, however, became evident
when the stock exchange board
of governors decided to resume
trading on a three-hour dally ba
sis after the legal holiday tomor
row, election Cay, and to close all
Saturday. Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday the exchange will close
at 1 p.m.. Instead of 3.
The day's new3 did little to dis
pel the cloud of uncertainty which
has arisen over the ruins of the
late bull market.
In general, the gains of Thurs
day were more than lost, although
the market closed generally 10
to 30 points above the low levels
ot last Tuesday. Only a few
shares broke to new low lveels. In
cluding Keith Albee and Gulf
States Steel.
Rubber Tile Is
Used On Floor
Oi Mausoleum
Improvements completed at the
Mount Crest Abbey mausoleum In
the last few days include the lay
ing of a hard rubber tile floor,
the first ot its kind in any mau
soleum in the United States or so
far as is known, in the world, ac
cording to a representative of the
company which installed it.
This type ot floor covering has
been used In office buildings, ho
tel foyers and corridors, hospitals
and many other places where dur
ability and appearance were botn
essential, but heretofore it has not
been adapted to the covering of
mausoleum floors because of cer
tain problems in connection 'with
the lack of heat These problems
are now believed to have been overcome.
Direction Fox West Coast Theaters
J fig.
31 is ntte'WV? C?
1 A Perfect f II
t . Gilbert 1Tgin 1
Conditions at Capital De
plored by Brookhart,
Dry, Advocate
(Continued from Pas 1.) -
on to ten how he had met the situ
ation under local option 30 years
ago when he was county attorney
of Washington county, Iowa.
"Those were the twilight days
of prohibition,' be said. "Three
connties around mine were wet
and I brought nine indictments
before the first grand Jury after
I took office including charges
against r doctor and a druggist.
If the law is enforced against the
big fellows, it's easy to enforce
It against the little ones."
District Politics
Soon Made Clean
After that Brookhart continued
"the republican boss" told him,
"If that was the way he was go
ing to do." he would be a. "one
term man." "One term was all I
needed to force him out," Brook
hard, said, explaining he was re
elected tor two additional terms
by larger majorities than he had
received in the first election. "Be
cause the six years ot my term
expired," he said, "enforcement
was fairly reasonable and juries
were more ready to convict"
Then the Iowan told how he had
written what he believed as the
first bone dry military order ever
It was while he was a colonel
In . the Iowa national guard and
the law was "enforced to the very
letter," he said, improving mark
manshlp on the rifle team.
"I gave the banishment of liq
uor the credit for it," he added.
School Board
Appointed For
Bridge Creek
County School Superintendent
Mary L. Fulkersoa Monday ap
pointed a school board at Bridge
Creek to succeed the board, all
the positions in which she declar
ed vacated several weeks ago.
When she counted noses In the
district, she found that there was
just enough residents to fill the
school Board positions. So all she
had to do was to decide which po
sition should go to whom. She
named F. P. Davis chairman of
the board, M. Boling and Joseph
Bonner, directors, and Joseph
Marty, clerk.
. There has been no school In the
Bridge Creek district this fall be
cause there are no school children
The board will have plenty to do
though It does not Issued a
monthly check to a tghcher, . as
school moneys must be received
and paid and the property and
building kept in ship-shape.
The boari positions were de-
Cwlltls, Ceasf!-
r Bteetat aa
Celea tflsertfers
Our non-surgical treatment, used
successfully for 16-years, per
manently relieves those condi
tions, restores health and
rebuilds vitality. Oar FREE
Booklet contains important fcv
tomaUoa and explains ear re
markable GUARANTY. Writ,
phone or call for It today.
Today to Friday
-e. a
elared vacant early this faU be
cause none- of the members had
performed their duties for the two,
previous months. The district
tailed to hold an election last
Mai. The appointed board mem
bers will serve until the next an
nual election.
Most of the steps In the evo
lution of lighting, recalled in the
recent Edison celebration, have
bee a witnessed by Judge Peter H.
IrArey in Salem, be mentioned
Monday in an address at the
chamber of commerce luncheon.
He has worked by tallow dip, tal
low candle, kerosene lamp ana
electric lighten the slightly more
than 70 years ne nas uvea in aa
Ion. .. -
Judge D'Arly'tecalled his ear
ly Jobs, the tfirst. . being at the
woolen mill, the second without
pay at a photograph gallery
ringing a bell to keep infant pa
trons auiet while they were pho-
tosranhed. and the third, as 'dev
il! In the Statesman prlntshop.He
said his ability at standing up for
his rights won him a compositor s
lob. which he held for ten years
The speaker Introduced Aimer
Lewis, who was bom in Marion
county 8S years ago when Salem
boasted one store, one hotel ana
one saloon; and Miss Theressa
D'Arcy, sister of Judge D'Arcy.
SEATTLE. Nov. 4. Official in
vestigation of the wreck near
Bremerton. Wash., last Thursday
of the Gorst Air Transport plane
in which two fliers met their
deaths will be informal, Frank
Knight, aeronautical inspector for
the United States Department ot
Commerce, announced today.
The Investigation Is now. under
way, but no public hearings will
be held. Knight, said, and his re
port will be sent to the depart
ment at Washington, D. C.
Divers were continuing the
search for the plane's motor,
which fell out when the craft
struck" the water. The actual
cause ot the wreck cannot be de-
Ltermlned until the motor Is re
covered, Gorst officials said.
United States Senator Herlk
Shipstead, farmer-labor, of Min
nesota, returned to his home nere
tnria -wfrtnnnTr recnTered from a
lonr illness which has kept him
away from the senate ror nearly
a year.
with the
O. S. C. Collegians
Radio Premier Entertainers
Crystal Garden
Admission 25c and 75c
""Benefit O. S.vO. Club
Scholarship fund-
100 YItephone
Talking, Singing
"The Drake Case"
100 Talking
Coming Nov. 10th
It Cia 11
32 Democrats and 22 Re
publicans Vote to Cen
sure Senator
(Continued from Paga, 1.) '
association, as an aide during his
work with the finance committee
majority in drafting the bill. His
friends pleaded for a softening of
the wording of the resolution.
Senator Glllett, republican, Mas
sachusetts, cautioned that the sen
ate did not have time to censure all
Indiscretions of its members, but
no one defended Bingham's ac
tions. The entire New England dele
gation, with the exception of Sen
ator Walsh, democrat, Massac hus
eaas, voted against the resolution
of condemnation. Senator Walsh
voted for both substitutes of mod
ification which failed. Senator
Bingham, who kept count of the
roll calls as they were being tak
en, voted "present".
The Norris , resolution was sup
ported by S2 democrats and 22
republicans, no democrat voted
Against it. Two democrats
Blease, of South Carolina, and
Walsh, of Massachusetts voted
tor the efforts to modify the cen
sure. Senator Heflln, democrat, Ala
bama protested vigorously
againsVthe Inclusion In the res
olution of the phrase proposed by
Senator Glenn, republican, Illi
nois, absolving Bingham ot "cor
rupt motives." Heflin said that
amounted to an-apology. All of
the speakers, including Heflin,
had said they did not accuse Bing-
nam oi corrupt motives, nowever.
and Norris accepted the Glenn in
sertion. He observed that by it
the senate "condemns what you
have done but says you are one ot
the greatest moral geniuses un
der the sun." .
Bingham protested against the
proposal ot Senator Bratton, dem
Last Times Today
,AIso Ijaarel and Hardy Corned
N Pathe News and Fable
Coming Wednesday and Thursday
Let Us Solve Your
Drapery . problems
. . - , -(.; - : .
M. Elgins Gregory, formerly of Bab
cock & Peats, Portland; .Decorators,
has taken the management of our dra
pery department. Mr; Gregory will
cheerfully assist you -vyith your drap
ery requirements. Meaehients tak
en, estimates given and material cut
without obligation oh your part.
ocrat. New Mexico, to have the
resolution specify that only Sen
ator Bingham was excused from
"corrupt motives." Bingham
ccntended this left a stigma upon
Eyanson, the representative ot the
Connecticut Manufacturers' asso
ciation. ' Bratton's proposal was
accepted nevertheless.
Senator Smoot republican, Utah,
the chairman ot the finance com
mittee who forced Eyanson to quit
attendance at the secret sessions
of the committee afer he learned
his identity, offered a substitute
which would condemn the practice
of using individuals interested in
legislation by members of con
gress. This was defeated, 44 to
32. Senator Edge, republican,
New Jersey, proposed a modifica
tion whereby the word condemned
would be changed to disapproved
and Bingham would be excused
from charges of Immorality. Hla
substitute was rejected, 3 to 34.
Then Senator Dill, democrat
Washington, demanded a broad
ening of the Norris resolution and
the author quickly accepted his
proposal to condemn the use by
Senator Bingham of the Connecti
cut association officer as well as
his action in placing the officer
upon the senate payroll.
Mail Early Is
Advice Being
Given People
The 'mail early" admouitioa
has been started by the federal
postofflce department, with word
to local postofflce officials that
the same schedule as operated
last year will be In force for
Christmas day this year. That
means that no carrier or window
service will be given on Christmas
day and that mall arriving on
that day will not be worked and
that only the regular holiday col.
lections and dispatches will be
made. Persons who want their,
gifts In the bands of Intended re
cipients on or before December
25, should see that that they are
in the postofflce In plenty of time,
the posfel officials say.
This schedule will give all but a
minimum of the postofflce em
ployes an opportunity to enjoy
Christmas with their families.
oaels f
"d love.
SAN ' :
, "Onr Gasw
AO Taikin,
m 'Ti i i . . S . .. ?- mm
Z10 Court CL