The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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Tie OREGON STATESMAN Safest, Oregon, Tncsday Morning, November 5, 1929
Vera Pack is Expected to be
i Able to Testify
Local Case
A three-week period will probab
ly be necessary before -Vera Pack,
Junior high school girl who at
tempted to commit suicide here a
week ago, will be released from
the Deaconess hospital for the
purpose . ot giving testimony
against Earl Bowman, the man
who la charged with contributing
to. her delinquency and thereby
causing the girl to shoot herself.
Miss Pack is rapidly gaining
strength, physicians report, and
will be ready to . appear against
Bowman when he is brought into
Justice court for preliminary
At his arraignment Saturday
before District Attorney John Car
son and Judge .Brazier Small,
Bowman denied having anything
to do with Miss Pack's case and
declared that he was not a mar
tied man. It had been pointed
oat shortly after the complaint
against Bowman was filled ont
that he was married Aumist 29
- to Octavia Hjalmson, daughter of
- Chru Hjalmson of Sidney. This
fact is definitely established as
falsehood by Bowman and advice
, from Kelso where the license was
said to hare been obtained, bear
out the man a story.
Miss Hjalmson has not been
located although Bowman declar
ed that be had met her at Kel
so. Bowman had. left here short.
. ly before the attempted suicide
.and was staying at Kelso to find
employment, he told officials at
his arraignment. Additional
charges in, connection with Bow
man's conduct with the Hjalmson
girl may be filed this week, ctfl
cials believe.
Bowman is characterized as a
floater," coming to the coast
from Kentucky where he was born.
21 years ago. He was arrested
early Monday when he called at
the hospital where Miss Pack Is
being cared for and asked to see
the girl. His bail wai set at
11000 and being unable to raise
the bond was confined to the
county Jail.
Paul Dunyan Repeated by 17. of O. Sculptor
f Iivl r-.-.j :;rr
ImmoYtaiized la hera tales of the laraber jacks, Fiavl Baayaa and Babe, hi big bine ox, were asade
the subject of a sUtae by Oliver I Barrett, talented young; sculptor ef the University of Oregon. Ho
hopes sometime In the future that It can be erected heroic size as a memerial eft the Inmberman.
VALSETZ, Not. 4 (Special)
Mrs. Arthur McDonald of Oregon
City spent the week end at the
Levi Green home visiting her
sister Miss Louise Brown.
Visiting at the home of Bert
Thomas are his father and sister.
Mr. r. B. Thomas of St. Paul,
Minn., and Mrs. Alex McRae of
Portland, Ore.
A bridge party of 3 tables was
given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pat
ton at their home Saturday night.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. L.
Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Coyl Morris,
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stoltenberg,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Ross and Audy Dybslin.
High score prizes were won by
Mrs. Morris and Andy Dybslin,
Mrs. Stoltenberg and Mr. N Gates
received the low score prizes.
Bert Th'omas returned from
Corvallis Sunday where . he had
gone to witness the big home
coming football game between
TJniversitw of Idaho and Oregon
State college Saturday.
Just as the school bell rang at
1 pjn. Monday Billie Morley, age
7 years was pushed by a class
mate, and fell, fracturing his right
colar bone. Billie is in the third
George Huebschman has plaeed
his daughter Lydia with friends in
Portland, where she is attending
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brooks
have moved into the house vacat
ed by Mr. Huebschman.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Gosso are
moving into the Brooks house.
Mr, and Mrs. Arn Marquis who
have been stopping with the Bell
Marquis family will live in the
house vacated by Sam Gosso.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Marion, her duly
verified Final Account, as Exe
cutrix of the last will and testa
ment and estate of Frederick Wal
lace Harmer, Deceased, and that
said Court has fixed Tuesday, the
3rd day of December, 1929, at
- the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of
said day, a.; the time, and the
County Court Room in the County
Court House, at Salem, in Marlon
County, Oregon, as. the place" for
hearing said final account and ail
obiections thereto.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this
29th day of October, 1929.
Executrix of the last will and
testament' and estate of Frederick
Wallace Harmer, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix, Salem
Oregon. O. 29-N. 6-12-19-zs.
TOLEDO, Ore.. Nov. 4. (AP)
A county wide organization
known as the Lincoln county
chamber of commerce formed here
last night, elected Judge F. C.
Robinson, Taft, president. Henry
Howell was elected vice president;
William Adair, Toledo, treasurer.
The board of directors follows:
F. Mahoney, Ocean Lake; H.
Hostettler, Delake, C. P. Nel
son, Nelscott; rea KODinson,
Taft, Paul Baird, Depoe Bay; A
Thomas. Newport; Lee Doty,
Waldport; A. Willis. Eddyville; L.
G. English, Toledo; N. G. Wil
liams. Seal Rock; J. T. Mahoney,
The board will select a manager
at a meeting to be held at New
port next Tuesday.
Walter Hammond
Taken By Death
MILL CITY. Nor. 4. (Special)
Walter Hammond, aged 15, who
was a student in the eighth grade
here, died at the hospital here
early Thursday evening from an
acute attack of appendicitis after
an operation. He is survived by
his parents, two sisters, and one
brother. He is also mourned by
a host of friends.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by the. County Court of
the State of Oregon for tne coan-
ty of Marion,' as executrix of the
last will and testament of the
estate of M. Battalion,- deceased
and that she has duly qualified as
such executrix; all persons having
claims against the estate of said
decedent are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified to
me. at the office or Konaia u.
Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon
Building, Salem, Oregon, within
six ntonths from the date of this
'notice. -
.Dated at Salem, "Oregon, this
15th day of October, 1929.
v f Executrix of the last will
end testament and estate
of M. Battalion, Deceased
attorney for Executrix.
Salem.' Oregon.
v i . .0.-15. 22 23. Nov. 5, 12
' . NOTICE .
TOR SALE: F." N. Derbyv re
ceiver In bankruptcy, will sell on
the 8th dayof November, 19 29, to
; 1 1 lit ffhont hMil.r the : stock of
I merchandise formerly owned by
, W. P. Hlllpot and J. V.'L. Hfllpot
1 at 105 SUte Street Salem, Ore-
gon, at 1 o'clock p. m. ; All bids
most be sealed and 10 per cent of
;.- the bid must accompany same, a
- bids will be opened at'l o'clock
- P. U. November 8, 1929. The stock
of merchandise wiUTJe sold to the
highest bidder, subject to order of
CLEAR LAKE. Nov. 4 (Spe
cial) The farmers are busy har
vesting their apple, walnut and
potato crops, aqd many are plow
ing and seeding.
Cecil Boyd has recently com
pleted building an up to date
chicken house on his farm near
Clear Lake.
Mr. and Mrs! Franke, who pur
chased the William Massey place,
have just completed harvesting a
bumper corn crop, which is hous
ed in real eastern type corn crip.
Mrs. G. N. Thompson of Kelzer
was a caller in this neighborhood
the past week in the interest of
The Oregon Statesman.
Mrs. E. Lataurette and her son
Everett Latourette spent the past
week visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Harold.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Landers
have begun housekeeping on the
Albert Egan place. Mrs. Landers
was formerly Miss Beatrice Rick
etts. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McFarlane
who are spending several weeks at
their cottage in Cutler City are
reported as being very successful
in capturing salmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones have
purchased a new Ford roadster.
Mrs. Ralph Harold has been
busy taking school census for dis
trict 134.
Both men were lodged In jail
following filing of the, charges by
Deputy Sheriff Red Barton.
Burton brought ' Jones back
yesterday from New Mexico, on an
indictment for a. lianor law vio
lation.' Hodges, manager of a boil
er works here, was arrested at his
LONDON, Nov. 4. (AP)
With prime minister Ramsay Mae
Donald and the foil array of the
labor cabinet on the government
benchesT the house of commons
today began a week of Important
deliberations with a speech from
J. H. Thomas,' lord privy seal and
minister of employment, on the
all-important question of unemployment.
The blight of unemployment In
England will not be wiped out by
any magic care, Mr. Thomas said
in a .review of the labor govern
ment's efforts to reduce the num
ber of more than a million jobless
during four months of office.
After Mr. MacDonald had re
ceived an enthusiastic and noisy
welcome, Mr. Thomas brought a
hush, in, the house with his out
spoken admission that in "some
districts of the country there is
no .hope whatever of work for
thousands and hundreds of thou
sands of our fellow men, no mat
ter what is done." -
Nevertheless, he asserted, trade
was improving and there was in
the long run cause for optimism.
, The prime minister's mission in
America, Chancellor Snowden's
achievements at the Hague repar
ations conference, and foreign Sec
retary Henderson's work at Ge
neva, were real contributions to
the solution of the unemployment
"In fact, anything that substl
tutes peace for was is a contri
bution," he said.
He warned the English people
against "silly and extravagant ex
penditures," and dwelt on the de
velopment of England's export
trade as the soundest method for
reducing the number of unemploy
14 parts to be held in trust for
nieces and nephews of the sena
tor. The largest single bequest
among the relatives goes to Miss
Grace Burton, who was in constant
attendance at the bedside of'the
senator during his last illness in
The following educational insti
tutions received bequests:
10,000 to Oberlin college,
where Senator Burton was grad
uated; 81,000 to the College of
Shasl, China: 8500 . to the Canton
Christian college of Canton, Chi
na; 82,000 to Grlnnell college;
81,000 to the Tuskegee Institute
of Tuskegee, Ala,
800 turkeys.
On their way in Tuesday their
big track load of furniture going
into a ditch, took two tractors to
get onV This accident happened
on the Fischer hill which Is near
the Eagle Crest ranch.
MILL CITY, Nov. 4 Special)!
Darrel Rambo, who has been
employed for several months in
the Santiam garage, left recently
for Santa Anna. Calif., where he
has accepted employment.
Mlk-nw. milk (A yer ct), S2.M ,
WinnJ Prt)sad, Imj 1-prT cent. Bt
terfat, (tattoo. 45c4c; track, 7;
deliir at Portland. 49c. -
Poaltry (baying pric aliva, Imy
aeaa Ter 4V Jbs.. 27e; mediiua ini,
34 to 4i lbs.. 2Ioft2!p; light, Wr
3'i Ui 17; iro!lT3. nadcr 1U bs
S8; aprio j, tw 'S Ib.. 2c; pric
Pekia dack, 4 lbs. ami ever, 21e6i22;
14 Pekin ducks, lrHti 13c; colored dn-fct,
18c: Turkeys, Xo. l, S3eS3e;; 1:t,
2Sc?30e. Nk.
Potato Genu,
13.00 per cwt.
'. 1 grade, 2,"5
KEIZER, November 4. George
Settlemier, one of the Keizes boys
attending business college in Sal
em, took five high school boys
to Astoria Friday for the football
game between Salem and Astoria
Miss Nancy Edwards of Van
couver, B. C, has been a visitor
at the Wm. Blake home. Willow
Lake farm.
Burton Estate
Estimated At
$750fi00 Sum
The late Senator Theodore E
Burton's will, disposing of an es
tate estimated at S750,uou was
filed In probate court here today,
The bulk of the estate, accord
ing to the will. Is to be divided in
LINCOLN, November 4. The
Eagle Crest Orchards ranch con
sisting of nearly 500 acres, pas
ture and .apple orchards, has re
tently been purchased by Mr. Cox
of Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Cox moved to the
placa Tuesday, leaving the two
girls with grandparents at Corval
lis for a few days or until they
get established in the new home.
They Intend to raise sheep and
turkeys. At present they have
120 head of sheep and more than
Night Coughing
Quickly Relieved
Famous Prescription Gives
Almost Instant Relief .
Night coughs, or coughs caused
by a cold or by an Irritated throat
are usually due to causes which
cough syrups and patent medicines
do not touch. But the very first
swallow of Thoxine is guaranteed
to stop the most stubborn cough
almost Instantly. Thoxine is a
doctor's prescription, working on
an entirely different principle, it
goes direct to the internal cause.
Thoxine contains no harmful
drugs, is pleasant tasting and safe.
for the whole family. Sold on a
money back guarantee to give bet
ter and quicker relief for coughs
or sore throats than anything you
have ever tried. Ask for Thoxine,
put up ready for use in 35c, 60c,
and' 81-00 bottles. Sold by Per
ry's Drag Store and all other good
drug stores. Ad.
General Market?
(Continued from Page 9.)
HfSTT weight 18.501? $9 60: medium
weights $9.00fl00; light Weight,
$9.73g10; light light, 9Cl$10. Park
ing sow, rough and amooth 7o f.
Slaughter pigs, medium to choice $8.50(3
19.00. Feeder and ttocker pigs, $g.504
$9.25. (Soft or oiiy hogs and roasting
pigs excluded in shove quotations.)
Ebeep and laiwljs. OuoUbly steady.
Receipts 500.
Lambs, 84 lbs., down, good to choice
$10.50(tf$ll; medium, 9.50ff$10.50:
all weights, cull to common, 7.00 (i $9.50.
leaning weatst'r. 110 Is., dawn med
ium to choice, $6.50 $9.00. Ewes, 120
lbs. down, medium to choice $3.75 (n $5;
120-125 lb., medium to choice $3(4
$4.50; all weights, common Sl.D0??3.0G.
chicaoo oeaxk -
OlftCAGO, Not. . AP) Surprise
orer fresh piting-ap of tb Unite Statea
wheat Tisible suppijr 4id much to tc4
wheat values reeltug da fast at tima
today. Anxiety ir. c ncectiotwith re
newed nnsettleasent of tLe stock luartrt
tended foHher to plunie vbeat priera
Meanwhile, export eVmand for
irom North America a practically
standstill, and it was cr.rrvot talk that
there is little chan-e ni mtwlug ut r..
csgo's big stock ef wheat I fore na ca
tion on the Great LaVe ia at aa tv4 f r
the season.
After a maximum fall it IcM i bunl.
closiug quotation on . wheat here n
nervous SVie to 3 T 3c below Satur.'r.j a
finish . Corn closed 7-9 to le ;' a
and oats extra t
PORTLAND, Ore., Nor.
" STAGGER " fl
The deaigoen trri
tainly have caught the fiver, Vad
daeh of yoath La tbe "Swagger.?. And
they're done It without losing a vretigs
of comfort.
If yoa doabt it, come try on ji pair.
Well be tremendously rarprited if iu
mart Blucber cat and roomy foU
pace don't satisfy every demand ye
make or a shoe. fj tsM)
Clothing: and
Woolen Mill
Store, Inc.
1 1
ciEaiiE nDiiiE mmn
Armistice Day
Speaker Chosen
SILVERTON, Not. 4. (Spe
cial) The principal speaker for
the Armistice day service here
will be Dr. W. Carlton Smith of
Salem, appearing at the armory at
11 o'clock Monday forenoon. The
community orchestra directed by
Hal Campbell and the Mt. Angel
boy's band will also be on the pro
SILVERTON. Nov. 4 (Spe
cial) After being confined to the
local hospital for fonr montns
Charles Wampole was removed to
his home for a conple of weeks
Mr. Wampole suffered a crushed
ankle and broken leg when he
Was hit by a Jitney at the local
7th Grade Has
Its Initiation
A School Party
HUBBARD, Nov. 4. (Special)
Initiation for the seventh grade
of the local school took place at
the six weeks party held by the
seventh and eighth grades at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank In-
galls, parents of Jessie who was
hostess assisted by her cousin
Bessie Ingalls. Bessie and Jessie ;
are both members of the seventh
The pujjil were in masquerade
costumes and the games, stunts,
decorations and refreshments
were all in keeping with the Hal
lowe'en spirit. i.
The pupils were accompanied
by their teacher, Arthur Myers !
and Mrs. Myers.
ifwjwi With every dollar purchase of the merchandise I premium of your own choosing is given with every l0
BORGER, Tex., Nov. 4. (AP)
Former Deputy Constable Sam
Jones and Jim Hodges late today
vera charged with the murder of
District Attorney John Holmes
last Sept 15. Holmes' murder
was tbe immediate cause of mar-
tlal law In Borger.
, ad Con CFaal Saeaa !
n r Cry : 1 l
V for it ; 1 jJ
taste of Castona. And this pure lm I ..rrfz I I f
Children hate to take medicine
as a rule, but every 'child loves the
taste of Castoria. And this pure
vegetable preparation is just as
good as it tastes; just as blancl
and harmless as the recipe reads.
:(The wrapper tells you just what
Castoria contains.) '
When Baby's cry warns of colic,
a few drops of Castoria has him
soothed, asleep again, in a jiffy.;
Nothing' is more valuable in diar
rhea. When coated tongue or bad ,
breath Jell of constipation, invoke
its gentle aiolto cleanse and regu- i
late a child's bowels. In colds or
children's diseases, use it to keep
the system -from dogging. - Your
doctor will 4ell you Castoria
listed below you may have your choice of any one of
the premiums pictured above. With every $2.00 purchase
you may choose two premiums with every $3 XX) purchase"
'you may choose three premiums, etc, etc no limits one
deserves a place in the family
medicine cabinet atari sour child
it. i .. f
w jnws, nc sjiuwj it is saie xor
the tiniest baby; effective for a
boy in his teens. With this special
children's remedy handy, you need
never , risk giving a boy or, girl
medicine meant for grown-ups.
Castoria is sold in every drug
- store ; the genuine always bears
Chas. H. Fletcher's signature.
Frass tit LMberctmritt
TM Osrf Drug Ctw
Owl Norwegian
Cod Liver Oil,
; !-.. 75c
" Rick la Vitaniat
A tad D
Axneroil, regular,
itf-oz. $QC
Amcroil, extra
- heavy, il-oz. ISC
Agar-Agar, granulir, t-oz.. ..59C
Analgesic Bain Tuba . . . . .$OC
Owl Aspiria Tablets
Bonk of 14 25C; too, 9C
Captain Job Ordertcyi
Box of too ......... ..1.
Owl Cod Hrer Extract,
tasteless, 16-oz. , $1.00
Korot ana H ygJeuic Seppeei-
torics Box of 14 , . . . .$US
Owl Corn Paiat ....... ...JOC
Eacalyptoj, Menthol aad Honey,
relieves "tight coughs, 6-01. ,40C
Glycerta Soppoaitorirt Infinr '
or adult, bottles of U.......25C
Famous Tkompsoa's Tablets JOC
Saggoud (at colda.
ataret boa of 60 leo..50c
Lavaseptol, universal antiseptic 75?
Owl Milk of MagtMda, itox,
the great anti-acid . .....59C
Piaatnulsioav, cough relief ...7$C
Puxlctts, box of 60 tablets. .50C
A saiM mnmt.
VapoLyvcas.large.iOC; sned,SSe
Owl sect, iron sad wise,
if-ox. $1X0
Owl Esmslsiosi of Cod Livcr
OU,iK: , ... $lt
fM Cad Lmr O0, aakaUa,
Owl Threat Gargle. . vS
Scott Vegetable Tablets,
box of too ........... S&
rathiHis liTf
Baty Helps
faiW Chtiettt Critltm
DarneeBath Crystals..... -50
Roat. Verbena, Cologaa,
Red Fcathar Brilliantine. Kx ,$0C
Papular taro-bycr tqpid.
Red Feather Cold Cream,
medium size
Red Feather Greaselest
CreeM 500
Red Feather CompUxkm
Powdr,Tnut, NimrJ, kacLd $0C
Red Feather Hair Oil 5C
Dane lilac Vegetal. .Tl'-ISC
A aua's tsilet eater.
Jumbo Lips tick, LigltUi..Dirk 75c
Famous Owl
Cold Cream,
pound can 7SC
Silque, perfect skin
lotion 50C
Pom Pom Lustre, hair sheen. .59C
Red Featlter Reuge . : S0C
Dark, Sptaith, Garaaiwa, Sniiiy.
Red Featber Shaving Cream 35c
Mentbol-icW Bay Xam.
Red Feather Snaving Lotion . 50c
Grecian Rose Body Powder. 79C
Darnee Talcum Powder. . . .JJC
Ubc, Violst. Rosa,
Darnee Toilet Water. . , , .$10
Use, Violst, Rasa,
Vcoaice Face Powder. . .. .$L59
VcnkcComplexion Cream flO
CoIIeea Moore Face Powder. 7SC
Colleen Moore Lip Sticks. . . 75e
LigKt. Mlina,Dack.
Colleen Moore Ron ge, brilliant 7$C
CoUeesi Moore Perfume.., .75
CoOaen Moore Body PewaL $1.M
Colleen Moore Beta Crystals. 75C
Powder Pus's, plain, fancy ..10C
1.00 purchase of any of the standard, nationally known.
everyday needs listed below.Check this list and bring it with
you. Buy season's needs now and get premuuns at no extra
cost. The Premiums will male appropriate Holiday Gifts.
Howhold Utilities '
Household Necessities
GnmrmteJ "Ow Umimr4
S tor Oil, 3-0Z. .... .... ,25C
nphorated Oil, a-oz. . , ; , .256
Bathing Epsom Salt, 4 lbs. . . J&O
Owl Fabric and Glove Cleaner,
is-oz. it.... 35c
Rubcobol, rubbing alcohol,
16-oz.. 50C
Bora ted Bay Rum, 16-oz. .C.$0C
Glycerin Rose Water, 4-oz.. .25C
Owl Lemon aad Cocoa Butter
Cream $OC
Owl Lemon Lotion ....... .SC
Owl Lemon aad CocoanutOU
Shampoo 6$C
Witch Hazel, 1 6-oz. . . J5C
JEpsom Salts, U. S. P
1', lbs. 25C
Glycerin, j-oz. ...25c
Extract of Cascara,
sweet, a-oz. 25C
Oil of Eucalyptus,
a-oz. 25C
Imported Bay Rum, t6-oz..$1.00
Churchills Antiseptic Soep..l5C
Box of 3 cakes for ,4C
Todco Cocoa Almond Soap . ,10C
Todco Cocoa Lemon Soap. . .10C
Coeti Castile Soap , ,25e
Tarritn Castile Soap . . , . , .25C
Virgin Soap, Imported from
France, a', -lb. bar , . 4fC
Peroxide, 1 6-ox. . . . s... . . . , , .25c
Spiritt of Camphor, a-oz. . . ,25C
SanOra, mouth wash, 1 4-oz.. ,85c
R-C-L Tooth Paste ...... .$0C
RIM Tooth Paste ......... $0
Owl Milk of kagaesia Tooth
Gauze Bandage axio inches 15C
Household Cotton, 1 pound 59C
3tKtu Xra loag btecaadtugiDy
' Usal sbr intisaatt sooaAaU M
Todca Adhesive Plaster
istyd.l5C; 11 yds. 15C
Whisk Brooms, fancy, plain, . .5&C
Sterile Abaorbent Gauze
I -yard , 75c
Comfort Water
Bottle, s-qt.
Comfort Fountain
Syringe, a-qt.
Nail Files..... 50c
DowUt aa4 tripls cat, y er S laches.
BathBrvshes U...RL29
Hair Brushes 4 tlSi
Nararsl cbaay back, srttta brirties.
Hair Bruahes $10
Black ahxry back. tu Wstdsa,
Hand Brashes .......... .$0c
Shaving Bruahes ... . SLAO
.Aawnasl ftalond tmia, aad CopS.
Tooth Brushes ...;... .....SOC
Pur sOwluM bnsdLS, tsocf eolorcd kaadW
Wash Clotlu . . . . .1$C; a tor 25C
e r 1 1 j rilnr nllnptiaas
Pocket Combs j 50c
Yaw choice f black . rai enttU, oaarst tad
fine. Afl cesm or aB fiaa.
Olde Chesterfield EjiVclopes .49
I o cavdoca, attrscsiverf boaasv
Olde Chesterfield Writing
Paper, ya flat sbem. . . .C
Wnunj Tablets Artloom
15C and 25C
Dental Hoss ...... X5c;ibr 25C
Sanitary Napkins, box of ia. .29c
Nappettes,box of la . .2K .
Ceuucottaa tOasV
Magnifying Mirrors . . . ,Se
Rubber Glove, Pair .... 7fe
romlar "Last Lobs' beaan.
tlectric Curling tress.. fit
1 Scarsss. arwh s3k caai aad
Oxxiooii Skins . . X .tt2f
a i iakUs, im fradi, el nseaa.
40S 8UI Street
the court. V a to inci,