The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 31, 1929, Page 11, Image 11

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The' OREGON STATESMAN. Salcm Oregon, ifcmfa tiah&ng' October 31, 1929
GERVAIS, October JO. Albert
Stolcx. who became suddenly III
. Sunday, nndenrenl-nn operation
for. appendicitis at a Portland nos
pital Monday afternoon.'
The Girls' League ot the high
school has taken up the. Big Sis
ter moTemeat. Each Freshman girl
is to select a girl from ene ot the
other three classes to act as Big
Sister to her. Sereral other mat
ters ot Importance were discussed
at the meeting last Wednesday.
Students riding to and from
school on the bus hare organised
a club and hare elected the f ollow-
' Ing officers: Ruth Palmer, presi
dent ; Edna Lesher, rlce-presldent;
Erelyn Henny. secretary; Kraid
Ashbaugh. sergeaat-at-anns. A
name has not been definitely de
cided, but at present it Is called
The Bus club. They win glre
one or two social function dar
ing the year., and will advertise
school activities in their respective
neighborhoods. They hare chosen
as their colors the O. U. H. 8. col
ors, blue and gold.
The senior class party will be
glren at the school house on Hal
loire'en. with the Hallowe'en idea
prevailing. Each member of the
class has the. privilege ef Inrttlng
a friend.
'. C. T. Brixey is nursing a cut on
his head and one on his leg and
bruises which he sustained last
week when be tripped on a barrel
at his home south of town.
Sam H. Brown suffered a cut
on the head aad an Injured eye
when he went Into his harn In the
dark last Friday night and stoop
ed oTer to pick up an article, strik-
: lng his head on a protruding ob
ject. ' ' i i f .
Mr 3. Clarene Noble, who under
went an operation at a Salem hos
pital on the 23rd, was so tar re
covered that she was. able to re
turn to her home 8unday.
Florence Schwengle Is quite ill
of glandular fever at the home of
Miss Gertrude Weiss.
Miss Pearl Nelson visited her
sister, Mrs. Harvey Aker, .south
ot town Thursday. Miss Nelson, Is
in vaudeville and is now playing
at the Capitol theatre in Portland.
Her stage name Is Sunny Sterling.
Miss Florence Bewley, who is
employed at the State hospital at
Salem, Is at the home of her fa
ther. City Marshal William Bew
ley, for a few days on account of
The Freshman class of the high
school Is planning a party for the
Sophomore class for some time in
the near future. , '
The committee on arrangements
is planning a good program for
the- quarterly convention of the
Marion County Rural Mail carriers
which la to be held in Gervais next
Saturday afternoon aad evening.
n is
ZEN A, Oct. 30. Ida McMat
thews of Portland recently organ
ized a five piece stringed orches
tra from her youus people's class
at Zeaa. The practice meetings
are held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Frank Crawford of Zena.
The personnel of the orchestra In
cludes Miss. M&rjorle Walling,
piano, Frank Crawford, Jr., steel
guitar; Miss Irene Windsor, tenor
banjo, Miss Hilda Crawford, ban
Jo, and Ellis Walling, saxophone.
Ida M. Matthews Is a popular ra
dio player. She also has classes
and an orchestra. In Salem and
other points besides keeping up
her work at her Portland stndio.
Hazel Green Home
Is Nearly Finished
T. Van Cleave's home is almost
finished. Charles A. Kobow has
the concrete foundations poured
for a modern house.. Mr. Kobow's
house was burned the first of Oct
ober. Louis, son of B. C. Zlelinskl, has
been sick with lnfluenia since Fri
day. Our roads were much improved
by grading the latter part of last
Miss Pearl Darkin la working
In Salem.
Mrs. John Tan Cleave has been
t 1 r3
Because It Is so
helpful In keen
ing babies and
children healthy
and happy, every
mother s h o a 1 d
know about Phil
lips Milk of Mag
nesia. .' -
This harmless, at-
most tasteless
preparation Is most effective in re
lieving those symptoms of babies
jind children generally caused by
souring food in the little digestive
tract such as sour-belching, fre-
- A " ... . . . ,
qoeni TCTmiuug, ieTeruoneH,.coi
ic As a mild laxative, it acta gent
ly, but certainly, to open the little
bowels In constipation, colds, chll
dren's diseases. -,
A teaspoonfnl of PhflUps Itflk
of Magnesia does the work of halt
a. pint of 'lime water In neutral!
' Ins cow's milk for Infant feeding.
and sreventlng - hard curds. Its
many uses for mother, and child
are fully explained In the Interest,
lng book "Useful Information It
wTl be sent you, FREE. Write The
Phillips Co., 117 Hudson St., New
York. N. T -Tti
In buying, be sure to get few
wine Phillips Mil of Magnesia.
Doctors have prescribed It for over
SO years.
"Milk ef Magnesia. has been
the U. 8. Registered Trade Mark
ot The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical
Co., and Its predecessor, Chas. IL
Phillips, sine 1S7. adv.
Cheers Stot Fliers on Second Leg of National Air Tour ;
; 'l""Ji' Ji' "
4 v.
-: . : A. -::-: .jr-.:-:-:-:.-.-.-.
1 . - s
. z 7 "vtvT. TT -v" vuvim wiu oe visuea.
sick for the past week. '
Mt. and Mrs. Archie McCorkle
and djaughter Telma are expect
ing, tev eare soon tor a several
weeks' visit to various points in
Calif ernla; :
Mr. Darkin and children attend
ed the- rally day ef the Nasarene
Sunday school; . . .
Mrs. Nellie Beedy, who has
been visiting her niece Miss Leila
Luckey, Is working in Salem.
fiii mm
' UREO 1(1 BK
MONMOUTH. October 30.
Henrietta Suter of Can Pedro,
California and Helen .Carter of
Halsey, Oregon, both students of
Oregon Normal school were In
jured Friday evening when an au
tomobile In which they were trav
elling to Albany was run Into at
the Suver crossroads intersection
on west side highway by a motor
ist making a lefthand turn from a
side road to the pavement.
A young man named . Craig
from near Corvallls was driving
the car In which the young wom
en were riding, and was not in
jured. Miss Suter, a Junior at the
normal. reeelTed cots and bruises
about the head and her eyeglasses
were crushed. Removal of frag
ments of glass was necessary but
her -vision Is net impaired.
' "Miss Carter, a senior, at the nor
mal, received a knee cut but no
serious injuries. Both cars were
badly damaged, to aid was sum
moned to convey the young wom
an to a CorValli hospital where
they were cared for and were soon
able to proceed on their way.
Miss Suter was enroute to Al
bany to see her mother who has
been visiting relatives In Oregon
and was te leave soon tor Califor
nia. Mrs. Suter Is an alumnae of
the normal, and partly because she
wished to attend her mother's al
ma mater, Miss Suter entered
school at Monmouth where she
bad friends. She Is sow recuper
ating at the home ot an aunt near
Mrs. Geo. Brown
Is Improving
Mrs. George Brown, who has been
qute 1U at her home tor several
days Is now imprortar. Mrs. Ed.
Shilling has' been earing for ber.
Dr; Van Winkle of Jefferson was
the attending physician. Helen
White of v Salem is now staying
with her and expects to remain
nntn her mother is fully recov
ered. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shilling are
now settled in their new home on
the McOinnls place.
Tony Gentry of Marlon called
on Hugh Cook one day last week.
Arthur Stockman
Dies at Burns
PLEASANT VIEW, October 30.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morris re
ceived the sad news ot the death,
of their son-in-law, Arthur Stock
man who died at Burns. Ore. The
body was shipped to Portland for
burial. Mrs. Morris Is now la Port
land at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Stockman where she expects
to remain for several days. "
.THE '
' A We
comfort .
' Atari
Alitrle) '
. cot
1 111 j
if, ft
Hopewell Women
Win Prizes at
booking School
Lynch. Mrs. Virgil Hieder, Mrs. G.
Lous, Mrs. Howard Stephens and
4Crs. Xsaae Bontsarl attended the
three-day cooking school held at
McMlnnviUe, Wednesday. Thurs
day and Friday.
Mrs. Lynch and Mrs.
Bontsarl each were lucky La hav
ing one of the several lucky num
bers drawn, Mrs. Lynch receiving
a basket ot groceries and Mrs.
Bontsarl a large cook book.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kerr and
Wit DlS
NORTH HOWELL, Oct, SO -Various,
improvements are noted
In our fair community whleh
seems to speak a degree of pros
perity as well as a desire to
beautify and Improve along, the
lines ot "art In the rural commun
ity." 7 - ; .
' The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gun
derson has had a new- concrete
foundation and several coats of
paint thus making a fery attrac
tive home.
Mr. and Mrs.. S. C. Richard are
also having new foundation blocks
put under, their house and im
provements have been made inside
axso, mi i 4
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew'Russ are
having their house, painted.
William Oddle has Just com
pleted a very convenient porch
with enclosed doors and windows
on the north and east side of his
home and Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
Dunn are laying the foundation
tor' an entirely new house on their
farm west of the school building.
The new barn and garage of B.
O. Dunn are very neat and attrac
tive and doubtless the house will
also command the sanfe attention.
Mrs. 1. Schaap and Mrs. W. M.
Oddie are spending a few days at
John -Rutherford, a student at
O. S. C. spent last week end with
his parents, MrC and Mrs. falter
Rutherford. .t .
family have moved Into the hills
I near MeMlnnvtUe.
j Lowell Campbell Is driving a
new Ford sedan and .Ross Rogers
has bought a new Ford coupe,
i The women conducted church
services Sunday very-nicely. Talks
were given by Mrs. R. R. Camp
belT, Mrs. Howard Stephens, Mrs.
Ross Rogers and Mrs. Frank An
derson sang a solo.
Next Sunday, November I,' Is
Rally Day and everybody invited
to attend and bring your friends
and alee your dinner and spend
the daft - ,
; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens
attended the banquet riven in
honor of the stockholders of the
Amity Bank at the M. E. church
dining hall Friday evening at
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Dissmore
were dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weston Sun
day. Mrs. E. Lynch is leaving for
Falls City to visit her son, Virgfl
Averfll. Mrs. Lynch formerly lived
In Falls City end expects to visit
many of held old friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Yarney ot Sa
lem were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Al
lison Sunday.
Santiam Beans
Being Served at
P. I. Stock Show
STAYTON, October 0. Mrs.
Anton Broms will have charge of
serving the famous Santiam beans
at the Stayton cannery booth at
the live stock show in Portland.
She was assisted the first of
the week by Mrs. Lawrence Smith
and the last part ot the week by
Mrs. J. W. Mayo.
C. A. Beauchamp and wife are
enjoying a new Studebaker Dicta
tor 8.
J. W. Mayo was a business vis
itor in Seattle the first ot the
. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sies-
mund and Mrs. Hattie Tlcklen mo
tored to Portland Monday.
Clinton Frank has Joined the
nary, and reported for doty Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Tate were
among those who went to hear
Harry Lauder.
Mrs. Vincent Meartx ot Jordon,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sim Et-zeL
B. F.UItif
Benjamin Franklin Little passed
away at the heme - ot his son,
Charles Little. St il State street.
Salem. October 29, after a ling
ering Illness.
' He was torn in Crawferdsrille,
Indiana. April 2T, IS Si. He came
to Oregon from Texas In 1924 and
has lived in Independence since
that time.
He was a member of the Chris
tian church. He. is survived by
three daughters: Mrs. Rosa Santi
fer, Mrs. Lillie Coney and Mrs.
Mary Harp, all of Salem sand ,two
sons, Charles Little of EWf in and
Gilbert, of El Reno, Oklal He
had. 25 rrandchildren and eight
great grandchildren, one brother,
Charles Little of Oklahoma City
and one sister, Mrs. Julia Blass
vf Kansas City, Kans.
Funeral services will be held
at 2:30 o'clock Thursday after
noon in the Keeney Funeral Home!
with Kev. k. u. Kanton oruciat
ing. Interment win be in the I. O.
O. F. cemetery of Independence.
ZENA, Oct 19. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank . Matthews and daughter
Marjorie ot Spring Valley, W. D.
Matthews ot Salem, father of L.
Frank Matthews, and Mr. and
Mrs. 8. H. Barker of Zena were
dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E.
Barker ot Zena, The group were
visitors in the afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Matthews of Popcorn. U
; Miss Louise See f eld ot Zena waa
a -visitor during the weekend with
friends In Portland. Miss Ssefeld
is the primary teacher at the Ze
na school, where she also taught
- Sunday Mr." and Mrs. M. B.
Henderson and - daughter1, Mary
Francis. Samuel Phillies and Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Woelke and small
daughter, Justine," all of ; Salem,
took advantage of the , splendid
weather and had a picnic .dinner
la the oak grove on the PhOUps
farm at Zena: The men in the par
ty were engaged In helping make
some Improvements . along the
creek In the afternoon.
Miss Jessie Smith, of - Salem,
and. her yeanxest sister. Verne,
and two. brothers, Vernon, ot Jef
ferson aad Ronald of Oak GroTe,
were Sunday visitors at the xld
home place at , Zena, Miss Smith
Is .employed in Salem and Verna
us attending the Salem high
cuke mils
Clarence Loy at 4he age ot 21
years, seven months end 26 days,
passed away October SO, at the
family home at Independence, R.
F. D. No. 2, after a long illness.
He was a graduate of the high
school ot Buena Vista and at
tended O. S. C. at Corrallis, for
two and one half years, when ill
health made it necessary for him
to give up his school work.
While there he was a member
of the Phi Sigma fraternity. .
Besides his father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lor, he leaves
two brothers, Alfred of New
man, Cal., and Gilbert F., of Rich
field, Washington.
Announcement as to funeral ar
rangements will be made later.
Shoes Havb More Color
. i
r, If too will, la shoes of tbc new
fascinating shades, boldly carrying oat the color
g jour nisrihMcsVr
Or if yo prefer, let the colot be introduced k delicate
reptile trixmnisgs'oa shoes of brown or black . .
Bat in any case, adect
NEW( )
New Bridge
At Pioneer
PIONEER. Oct. 29. A new
brides ! has ben built below thtt
Pioneer cemetery and church; ahdl
the hillside along the cemetery
has been eut to straighten the
rad The bridge which was con
structed by the county, bridge
crew, is three 'feet higher than
the fcld bridge. The dirt from the
hill "was used to -gride the road
up even with the bridge. The new
bridge is also wider than the old
one, and the cut in, the hill widens
as well as straixhtens the road.
This construction, was made
under the direction of C. A. Hoov
er, local patrolman. The road was
opened to traffic today.
O'wlng to the abuses, of the privil
ege of huntingyon the A. E. Kuenzl
place at least one more resident
ot this community will post "no
hunting" signs before - another
year passes. " ' " "
During the first week ot hunt
lag season someone maliciously,
wrecked the runabout car belong-:
lag' to Eugene' and Harold
XuenaL The car had been left
standing In the field and when
next seen two tires were In shreds,
the gestank punctured and en
gine completely, demolished, the
spark plugs being shot to pieces
aad colls shattered.
. Nor was this the only Joss suf-:
fared by the Keener. During the
second week of pheasant hunting
one' of their cows' was killed by a
shot In the head.
. - This will, no doubt, have ' Its
iatluence In causing land-owners
te post signs where here-to-tore
there has been none, as several
have been heard to declare their
intention of doing so.
. Lester Leigh ty has purchased
thai 40. .atcreav lrlnr between the
Kue'qiU iilace and A. rlals4iger
place nffllbh' belonged to q Steele.
m Era s
MONMOUTH, Oct 50. Shef
man Gwlnn was called to Hood
River Saturday by the serious Ill
ness of his brother Herman, who
suffered a paralytic stroke and is
receiving treatment at a hospital.
Herman Gwlnn Is well, known
over 'the .Willamette- valley as a
veil digger 'and a d,octor' of bi
satisfactory welts. In recent years
he has spent much time In south- ,
era California plying' his chosen
vocation, bat was; here for. the
summer and autumn. He possesses
the somewhat mystic power known
as "water witching", and has lo
cated innumerable wells ot large
flow by utilizing this gift bet he
Is also unusually well informed -as
to soil strata, water divides .
and other features affecting wa?
ter veins.
AUBURN, October 1 0. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Havllcak aad small ;
son Raymond ot Roy, Idaho, were
week end guests at the heme of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Armstrong
both of whom are aunt and uncle
of both Mr. and Mrs. Havllcak.
A brother, Henry Havllcak, and
his wife, accompanied thenuThey
are touring the west and Visiting
other relatives and friends. They
are to visit Mrs. Bessie Marshall
in Forest Grove after leaving here
They were very well pleased with
Salem, and hooeiito locate--here
some- time in the near future. .
becaase, added to ultra-smartiiess cT color and strle,
it is tJbe'ooiy shoe that gives job. these hidden fjur
aoces of foot beaotj, Titalirj and joothful sace: the
inbuilt arch badge, that prevents all awkward strain
... the metatarsal support that keeps the step clastic
and aliw ZfZlbc flat crosswise inner sole that permits
complete freedom of action to nerves, xnoacles and
We invite yoo to w!ew the new models, and to a
dcmocscratioa'of how the Sclbj csxlnsivc method of
licd-to-ball fitdn"pvesthcoa"'jrour feet, the
prrsonaliard charm of enatoanmade'shoct.
SmmtAhJcsfirBmrjOaxtlm fntf
j x
370 State Street
Open at 7:30 A. M.
The Store Where Shopping is
Made Easier by Congenial co
operation. If YOU are not satis
fied your money will be Cheerfully
Women's Dresses
High grade all wool jerseys, tweeds,
silks and crepes. Values J QQ
to $6.50, price $HkVD
Oar Shoes Are Guaranteed
Women's and Misses' Oxfords
Square toe Dog's, best grade calf lea
ther, goodyear welt soles,' solid leather
heels, brown or ;
black, price - : veJeeO
. Women's Cuban Heel Straps
- - -
High grade patent leather, wide strap,
center buckle, Cuban heel for dress or
street wear. ; : ioj QQ
Price , . apei.JO
; .Women's Rayon Bloomers
Extra" sizes,; heavy delusterized rayon,
good colors, sizes x and xx, - QO
values $1.50. Price, pair OC
Women s Rayon Combinations
Beautiful, high grade 'rayon in these
garments. Assorted col- : - OQ
or8,t'price,'sait' , ', ; vleaW
Children's B. G. Unions .
Regular B. G. underwear for chfldreiii
Short or long legs, grey or flOrCI
white. Our orice uer suit UeCTl
Boys' Part Wool Unions
Boys part wool winter weight under
wear, medium grey. Size 6 to
16 years, suit
Velvet Pumps !
Cuban heel velvet pumps, best quality
velvet, all sizes. Our . d0 JO
price ePOxO
House Slippers
Genuine felt, all sizes,
beautiful colors, pair -
Men's Shoes
Men's arch support oxfords and shoes';
calf or Idd leathers,' brown - or black,
Goodyear welt soles,
pair ".. .. ...
w eVMsrvaa
' Men's Oxfords
Calf leather uppers, no mark composi
tion, goodyear welt soles. v t0 QQ
Black or tan. Price . QL.XJO.
Children's Shoes
Composition sole shoes,
pair .
i Children's Shoes
Solid leather construction throughout,
black or tan, 5 to 8 run, 7 Q
Children's Gun Metal Dress
. . Oxfords; m a '
A dandy sturdy f oxford for: dress
every day wear, 5 to"8v : g
4 I
" .i
a . .
i t
4 -