, lAGIBJSDL.n' Te CnilGCrr CTATTSlIATf. SsJcra. Ortosi, Saturday Kornlay, October 25,1523 M v SACRED II Thirty-Minute Concert Pre lude to Sunday Night Sermon at M. E. The large rested choir of the First Methodist church will pre sent a SO-minute program of "ac red music on Sunday eTening in connection with the evening serr ice. Prof. Forrest W. Gaw wlH direct the choir and Prof. T. S. .Roberts win preside at the organ. Miss Ruth Bedford will accom pany at the piano. The following program will be giyen: Oregon Prelude, "Berceuse," ' Spiney. ? Processional Hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers." Anthem, "0 .How Amiable," Rogers.. . t ' -Solo, 'The Holp City," Miss El eanor Moore, i ' Anthem, "The Radiant Morn," Woodward. Solo, "Where'er Ye Walk," Han del. Mr. Ronald Craven. Duet, Organ and Piano, "Sere nade," Wldor; Prof. T. S. Roberts and Miss Gretchen Thielsen. Anthem, "The Silent Sea," Neid Inger. i A brief sermon on The Tri umph of Faith" will be given by the pastor. Rev. Fred C. Taylor, at the close of the musical pro gram. Education Aim Of Presby terian Drive in State A campaign In the interests of the Westminster Foundation has ba?n authorized by the Presby terians of Oregon and a campaign of education has been inaugurat ed to acquaint the membership with the work being done at the sf.e university and the college where the foundation maintains houses as centers for the Presby terian students on the campuses and where the student pastors hare a residence. C. A. Kells of Salem was named a member of sthe board of trustees of the foun dation. The campaign will close the day before Thanksgiving, Novem ber 27. Offices have been estab lished in the Odd Fellows buUding ta Portland, and members of the denomination throughout the state are being asked to cooper ate. Paul T. Shaw is chairman of th ecampaign committee and Dr. H. L. Bowman, pastor of the First church, Portland, Is chair man of the board of trustees. To interest the eitixens In the educational work for young stu dents an appeal is being made by the committee for cooperation in the undertaking. Relief Cor is to Present ) Flag to Lutheran Church The Women's Relief Corps will present a flag to the American Lutheran charch at a special cere mony Sunday morning. Mrs. Helen Sou'.hwick, acting on De lia If of the. Relief Corps, will con duct the presentation and mem bers of the W. R. C. will attend la a body. Gross to Albany Rer. B; W. Gross, pastor Of St. John's Lutheran church, will leave Monday noon for Albany to at tend the three-day session of the Oregon district Lutheran church. Missouri synod, which will con yeue ; Tuesday. A Sermon for the Week The Perfect Prayer . CHARLES C. HAWORTH (Pastor South Salem Friends Church,) Test, Luke 11 :1 Lord Teach ns to pray ; The disciples felt the need of learning to pray. We, too. need to learn to pray. Prayer is essential to the christian lite and to the success of christian work. How caa we better learn to pray than by studying the Lord's Prayer, the Perfect Prayer? Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, ottered or unexpressed;, yet there is little progress in thought without words.' The Perfect Prayer has seven petitions, the perfect number. As there are seven days in tbe week, six for material needs, one for spiritual, in this prayer there Is one petition for material needs, six for spiritual ends. The prayer begins with the salutation. Our Father, express ing the lore and confidence of a son, yet drawing near with awe and reverence. 1. Hallowed be thy name. There must have been a need for such a petition! Is God's name hallowed, treated as holy and sa cred? Does it pain us when his name Is blasphemed? -r- 2. Thy kingdom come. Where Christ is recognized and crowned king, there is bis kingdom, within you. This petition is a prayer , for missions, for the extension of God's kingdom. . J. Try will be done. It was Jesus' meat, the motive of his life, to do the will of his Father and by the same will we are sanctified. O! God, may thy will be done! v , :- The first three petitions are spiritual, are of a wide out-reach;, they have nothing selfish, nor even personal. They relate to tad honor of God, the progress pt his kingdom, to obedience to him. , After this period of exaltation of spirit and eommanion with God the mind comes back to personal needs. It is an Inverted climax, yet one thinks of self as a part of the great plan which, his spirit . has contemplated and as a part, he must be ready and in condi tion to fit into the whole. A. Give us this day our daily bread. The best christian life and development are not possible without these physical needs being:, met We find, this one petition for the' material In the very center of this Perfect Prayer, slight we Infer that It should be the center about which our christian activities should revolve? - t-! IV TorglTe us our debts. From God we recelre eTerythlnt; good,, and we in turn owe him obedience, loyalty, lore. Do we prayT Yes, we need to learn this petition alsd, forgive na our debts. -u Lead us not into temptation, let us not fall lato temptation. We 'need guidance In our ignorance and -weakness. Temptations ' are Terr real and aterrifjto: to thttro eWld ot God. 7. Deliver us from the erU one. TU cloeely comecUd with, theJ sixth .petition as s part of the defensive christian lite. The enemy is astute and'wiley tad would take m la :raares, but. with the Father we are v'tl'XJ The last three petitions are spiritual ns were the first three, but these are personal. The personal christian life in harmony with God, is of the greatest ImporUnce If we are to do our part in the work of GodJntho world.T What a wonderful prayert Ut us take it as our model and study It to follow It teachings. LORD TEACH US TO PRAT. New Church Edifice For United Brethren In Sight, Says Biddle The Tnitcd Brethren charch is aavared of a new cltnrch baMding, probably within another year. Rev. L. W. Biddle, pastor, reports Mr. Biddle has received word front the " Home Mis slon and Charch Erection society of the church of the raited Brethren In Christ, with headquarters at Day ton, Ohio, thai the society has taken definite action to assist the Salem church by a. gift and loan in the erec tion of the first unit of a modern building. The church which now stands at the corner of Ne braska and 17th streets was erected 20 years ago. Dr. R. 8. Showers, associate se cretary of the Home Mission society will be in Salem next Spring- to decide with the local church the details ef the building program. , Quarterly Conference Held by Leslie Church The first quarterly conference of Leslie Memorial church was held Thursday evening under the direction of the District Superin tendent, Dr. T. H. Temple. Follow ing the church supper. Dr. Tem ple gave a devotional address, af ter which the reports of the vari ous departments of church work were given. The pastor, S. Darlow Johnson told of some of the plans for the coming months. CHtrxcH or the mazabshs On block loath mt Center lfltk. L. U. Smith. psst.r. Fhooa 240. Horn ing mrric 11 o'clock. Subject, "Saving the Children." Special ma tic: 1 Large male ehorut under the direction ( Joan frusta, will ling a fascial number. E uing servic 7:80 o'clock; aobjeet: "Lost at Sea;" Mr. and Mrs. Clyd Hoffer 1U siaf. Soadajr aeaool rally at :45 a. m. V. M. Litwiller, nipt Jaaiar choir ( S3 retce. Midweek services 7:80 p. m., Wednesday; Rer. Lear Meyers, leader; place, church. Young people! meeting!: Saadaj 6:30 p. m.. Mist The Sampson, in charge. His 1t TalbeU aad Ma line ChiMa, leaden. The Jaaier X. T. P. 8. will aaeet at :30 with Mm. Smith the supervisor. Yoaag people's prayer meeting Enday even i a- at the home at Mr. andIra. W. J. Seamiter, 26j North 24th street. rrasr snurxrausT Fraternal Temple en Center street, be tween Liberty aad Hirh. Serrices at 7:30 'clock. Patter Rer. Luella X. La Valley will be the apeaker. Topic: "The De- aaeaetratraa ( Peter' a Power and Hie I Wonderful Gifts." Mecuces. A circle will be held front S ta 7 o'clock. GLAD TIDUTOS XXSSIOB 353 Covrt street, otst Western Ante Supply company'a store. C. 8. Johnson. pastor, 1520 Front street. Serrices S aad 7:30 p. . Sunday school 3 p. m. Weekday services Tuesday. Taaradav and Saturday evenings. CHZISTIAJT SCIENCE Corner of Liberty aad Chemeketa street. Serrices at 11 a. as. and Is, a, th same service it repeated ia the erc ning. Lessen topic: "Probation After Desih,." Wednesday evening meetings t B clock include testimonies of healing. Sunday school classes at 9:45 aad 11 o'clock a. a. A reading room for the public ia maintained at 4 Oft Masonie Temple, opea from 11 to 5:30 except Sundaj-i and holidays. TOST arrAaosxzcAi. Liberty and Center aueeti. A. P. Lay tea, pastor. Pboate 981-J. Moraine Berr ies 11 o'clock; subject: "Who It This. Evening service 7:30 ' clock; subject: "God Touched Men." 8anday school 9:43 a. as.; L. L. Thornton, enpt. Mid week aerrieea T:I0 p. m. Thursday; 9. E. Erskine, leader; place, at charch. Young people's meetings: Sunday eve ning at 6:10. Topic: "What Ia Wor ship t" Leader, Bertha Magnet. CASTLB WHITES BSETHBXV Vebraska and Forth 17th streets. I. W. Biddle, pastor. Phone 28.M-J. Mom. ing service 11 'clock; subject ; "Th Growing-Chriatian." Evening aervice 7:30 'clock. Th Woman' Missionary Socie ty will give their "World' Minion Ad vancement" program. Mr. L. W. Biddle, president. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mid- iimntrap ibertitceg m jjalem Cfmtdjeg FIELD WORKER T Mrs. Julie CT. Way of Illinois Will Be at Congrega tional Church Mrs. Julia M. Way, traveler and church worker of Illinois, will bring interesting lectures at the First Congregational church at the 11 o'clock hour Sunday morning and at the Knight Memorial church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Way is making a tour of the western states, and her appearance in Salem will mark the first of a number of lectures and addresses she will give. Mrs. Julia M. Way is field worker for the Illinois state con ference. Mrs Way was released, with considerable reluctance, by the Illinois women td. spend some months in speaking In the western states. She is the daughter of Dr. J. W. Marcuson, a missionary in Constantinople, and the widow of Dr. J. W; Kay, who was pastor at Portland, Maine, at the time of his death in 1909. Mrs. Way has spent many years in child-placing work for various institutions, and for the Russell Sage Foundation. During the war, she traveled in Tennessee, North and South Car olina, and Georgia, as a "Super visor in Institutes of instruction for home service secretaries of the Red Cross. ' In 1923 Mrs. Way began work for the Dlinols W. H. M. TJ., and week services T:30 p. m., Thursday; etndy of "Holy Spirit." Senior C. E. :15 p. m. Special pUns for the year' work will bo nude. JLadies' Aid meet ing all day Wednesday. OHWSTIAaT AWO 1CSSI0VAXT AXUAHOn S55 Ferry street. Loie Pinnell, act ing paster. Snnday school at :45 a. m. Mrs. Gilbert White, snpt. Morning ser mon at 11 o'clock will be preached by Mr. Alio Caswell, former pastor of the Tabernacle, Subject: "Eaadt Off." T. P. 8. at 6: SO. led by Elvena Orow. Evening evaarelistic aervice at 7: SO. Prayer and fellows fp Tuesday night at th Tabernacle. T. P. 8. cottage meeting at the home f Joe Wilson. Junior T. P. S. Saturday afternoon at B:S0 'clock. XbOUWOEX. BAPTIST Bible school 10 'dock. Preaching serv ice at 11 a. . nnd 7:45 p. m. Good messages both morning aad evening pre eeded ia the evening by a song service. 8pecil mnsic at both service. nn METHODIST Market and North Winter streets. W. K. Coffee, pastor. Phone 2S9S-W. Morn ing service 11 a'cloek. Br. F. L. Bnrnr of Pnrtlnnd preaching. Evening service 7. -SO 'clock; Bev. P. L. Bams preaching. Snnday school. 9:45 a. as.; Herbert Han- snot. Midweek aervice 7:30 s. m. Thnrsday; Webb Barkam. leader: place. charch. Tevng people' meetings: 9:30 t the chorea Sunday evening. cbbxst nvAHonuoAX. xtrrHxnAv Eighteeatk aad Stat streets. Rev. Amos E. Minnoms. pastor Pfcoa S72S. Oermaa Keferasation morning aervie at :45 o'clock: enbieht: "Hold That Thou Hast. English Baformation aerrieet 11 o'clock a. m. 8biect: "Rock hewn. RnekbnUt. Bock-firas.'' Special antic: I Was Glad Whoa They Said." by the chair. Hymns of th Reformation will be mad a feature of th congregational singing. Sunday school, 0:40 a. a.; Mis Jtartaa saturate, asp. Xonng people s meetings: Lather Leagwe anoeting 7:30 p. ns. Leetnr by the pastor : "If Every Lutheran. War Just Such a Lutheran Aa I FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corner Stat aad Cbnrek streets. P. C. Taylor, pastor. Phone 974. Morning Bert ie 11 ' clock; subject; "Th Plae ef Christina Liters tore." The Bev. Edward Laird Mills, D. Editor of th Pac ific Christian Advocate, of Portland, preaching. Special mnsic: Organ prelude. "Setters, In D Minor ay Woodman. Antkemet "O Lard, My Trust I ia Thy Mercy," by Hall. 'Incidental solo. Mitt Bath How. "By Bapyloa' Wave," Gou nod. Evening serviea -7:10 'clock: tup Jeet: "The Triumph of Faith," Special ntusiet Half boor special music jmder the leadership of Prof. F. W. Gaw, Son day school t:45 a. at.: Ben E. Bickli. tapt. Midweek aarrieci 7:30 p. m. Tburt dsy; th pstor, leader: "A Psslm ( Forgiven." Epwortb League services : University chapter: Topic, "Planning n Oeed Time." Leader, Margaret Ghormley. First Cbarch Chapter, Topic: "Bight or Wrong. " Leadr Dorothy Kloepping and Grace Skinner. Jenior High, chapter. Top ic: "Thy Kingdom Come." a playlet. Junior church 11 n. am. ia the Annex. Meet re. "Africsn Stories," Mrs. A. A. Lee. BVAVOKUSTIO TABESVACXB -Conor 13th. and Ferry street. Earl V. Jeaaitea, pastor. Phoa 2050-M. Moraiag service 11 'clock, tb pastor win preach. Evening service, 7:45 o'clock. Seimoa by Eva M. Jeaaison. Sunday Shoal 9:45 a. m., W. B. Finney, aupt. tildrea' cbarch, 8andy evening 8:30 'deck, led by Mit Lorea Pryor. Mid week meetings: Tuesday night 7:45, top ieal Bible tady: Thursday night praiae aad prayer. Wednesday afternoon, 2:80 prayer boar. Saturday aight, 7:45, tb young people's serviea, Mrs. Howard Olsen, president. nXTOBMED CHtrnOH Capitol and Marion streets. W. G. Lien kaemper, paster. Phoae S6S-W. werasaa servic 10 'dock; subject? "The Chris tian View f Recrcm&o. Xaglisb serv ieo. 11 'dock; subject:' "FeUot-Ln-borer With God." Special mnsic: An them by the choir: "Savior Comfort V" by Erneit O. Sellers. Suaday tchol 10 a. m F. Z. Kras, tapt. i ' ygavrw OTMCTftvr f (Methodist Epiaeopal) ' Soatb Commercial and Myers streets. S. Darlow Johnsoa. patter. Phea 1794. Mrning aervic 11 'cleck; (abject : "Sean Methodist Baaiaalags.' by the paatovv Kew member will bo roeetvod ia to tb fellowship of tb ebwrch at tbia aervic. Special mutie: Aataet. "Oh, Ttst aad 8e," (Heyser). Happy Iv niag Hour T:30 e'elock:. aubject: "Tb Ha Who Ksm Wa Changed." Special atasie: Sol. f'Roek f Ages.', (Joaaaoa) by Mrs. A. E. Utley. Sunday tchaol, 9:45 . ta.: E. J, Bat tetany, aapt. Cbarek aight 6:30 p. -.; Tkartdayf Rer. A. H. Thompson. t Portiaad,' arill b tb peker. Tesmg peepl' aaeet lag : Leali Toug people). Praaci Asbary (high school) aa XatermsdUt (jnir bigb) LaagaM vUl aMtt at f-.t . ,-,-:.': SIOHLAJTD PaUDrSB . Highland aad Chwreh streets. EdgaV P. nmaa, pastor. Moraiag servtc 11 'clock; subject: "aal ( th Traaigrestioa Eveaiaff ttrries 7:80 s'cloek; sabjeet: -.'Mega tm th Churebee." Bsasdar aenal 10 a. aa.; B. af. Bockeft. aw.; Midweek service 7:80 p. aa. Thursday; th pastor, leader; plae,' tb chares. Toaag i people's meetiag: , Jr. C. E. . at s:t0 p. amj Sr. C. . at 1:9 p. a. ' ' ' ' . rntsT pltEssTTzxiAjr -u Chemeketa aad X. Winter , street. Krmaa K. Tally, D. I), patter. Pbn 1010-W. Vsraisff Mtric 11 tjdeck; sab eet-Tba Problem f Hawaii." Spe cial aaaeiet Aatbam. "Frm Cgypt'd lldar Ca" Par)." Offertory t, 0 SPEAK HERE in the spring of 191 & she became a field worker for the. state con ference.. Last winter from Janu ary 1 to March 1, she made a world tour, visiting Hawaii, China, Japan, the Philippines, India, Pal estine, and Egypt, which enabled her to see the needs of those coun tries at first-hand. MISSION STUDIES TO START SUNDAY Calvary Baptist Departments Plan Special Series of Meetings The school of missions for which the Calvary Baptist church has been making plans will start Sunday evening at S:30 o'clock. The school has been divided lntoi departments, with senior B. T. P. TJ. to meet under leadership of Miss Mina Gile, who will direct study of "All in the Day's Work" by Phillips. The intermediates will study the same text under leadership of Mrs. Will Taylor and the Juniors will discuss "Going to Jerusalem" by Slattery, under di rection of Mrs. H. S. Gile. Rer. W. Earl Cochran, pastor, will have charge of the adult group, which will meet in the main auditorium. ; The church will hold the first fellowship dinner of the fall sea son at the church dining room Wednesday evening, November 6. This gathering will be followed by a session of the teacher train ing class, which will precede the regular mid week meeting at 7:30 o'clock. The cantata "Esther" by Brad bury has been selected for the first choir presentation of the season, and rehearsal will be gin shortly. (Hoffmeister), Mr. WeadeU Robinson. Evening service, 7:30 'clock. Dr. Tally and Bar. James Aikea Smith, of Dallas, will exchange pulpit. Special mnsie: Anthem. "Tarry With U O My Sari Mr" (Baldwin). Organ nambert, "Mem eriet" (De ma rest) ; "Front the Land of the Sky-Bine Water" (Cadmaa). Sunday school S:S0 a.-at.; L. M. Ramage, upt. Midweek services 7: SO p. m. Thursday; Dr. Tally, leader. Young people' meet ings: 0. E. 8ocietiet meet at 6:30. CKtmCK OF GOD 1S4S North Charch street, a W. Hatch, pastor; Phono 1SSO-J. Morning servic 11 'deck. Evening xrvlc 7:50 o'clock. Sunday school 10 n. a.; LyI Knox, aupt. Midweek Services Wednes day 7:30 p. m.; place, church. Toaag people's meetings S:S0 p. m. Subject: "Christ. God's Pitt to Man." ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Church school at 9:45 a, m.; morning prayer and sermon at 11 a'clock. Bep. George Her bert Swift, rector. STTaCmT X. S. Orchards Height road. Meredith A. Groves, pastor. Phone 1S41-B. Morning service t:45 e'cloek. Subject: "Growth ia Grace." 8aaday aeheol 10:43 a. as. Larkin Grace, superintendent. FOnO BfXafOXIAL CHOBCH Gerth and Third atreet. West 8a Wm. Meredith A. Grovea. patter. Phoae 1S41 R. Morning service 11 o'clock; subject: "Lylty." Children' aermon, "Playing tb. Game. Special maale: Chovn by th junior choir; aelo by Jeha Trachsel. Eve aiag aervice 7:30 o'clock; aubject: "Christianity aad Chemistry." Special matlc: Tiolia tol by Mis Tiaa Em matt; vocal solot by Jim Smart aad B. A. Raymond. Snaday school 0 :4S a. am.; Mr. J. Austin, aupt. Midweek services 7:15 p. as. Wednesday; tb patter, leader; pi tee: Epwortb Leagu room. Young peo ple 't meetings: Iatenaadiate aad Senier Leaga at S :80 p. at, Sunday. VBTZTAnZAir OBfOBCH Cottage and Chemeketa atreett. Rev. Msrtia F. FeTrey, minister. Charch school at 19 a. m. Graded instruction. Mrs. W. E. Feldmsn. tapt. Devotional eervices t 11 a. ns. Subject mt the aermea. "The Oonqcest ef Faith." Mn. W. A. Dea toa at th piano. CA2.VAET BAPTIST Oonrt aad High trt. W. Earl Coch ran, pastor. Pbaa SS3. Morning aervic 19:50 o'clock; aubject: "Blockades." Special music : "Mora Lor to The, O Chritt," by Williams. . Evening servic 7:30 ' clock; subject: "On Thing That Pays." Suaday aehool t:4S a. .; W. T. Jenks, aupt. Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wednesday; the pastor, leader; place, the charch. Young people' meeting 6:S0 p. m. Senior aad Iatenaediate. JASON LEE CHTTECH Xorth Winter and Jefferson street. Church aehool session at 9:45 by depart ments with classes for evtry age, H. B. Carpenter, tupt. Worship at 11 a. m. Special mo tie by tb choir directed by Mr. Sheldon Beckett. Them: ' "Tbo Light of Men," by tb pastor' Joseph Barber will have charge t the Forum t 9:30 for th older folk ef th cbarek. Intermediate, High School aad Tenng People' League meet at 6 :S0 with sno eial features aad worthwhile theme for discussion. Eveaiag praiae aervic' beriat at 7:80. "Thrill That Com ( Follow ing Chritt," will I th theme. Special music numbers. Midweek devotion, stu dy and choir practice, Thursday at 7:30 p. as. COTTET STEEET CHTjECH OP CHRIST Court aad lTth atreet. B. P. Shoe maker, 344 Korth ISth atreet. Phone 1570-i.- Moraiag aervice 11 o'clock: sub ject: "Maa's Batpoatibility to God and Man.' Evening aervioe 7:30 o'clock; tub jeet: "Th Unpardonable Sin." Suaday school :45 a. am.; Mr. Frank Marshall, aupt. Midweek services 7:30 p. sa. 'Wed nesday at the church parlor.- Toung peo ple's meetings Christian Endeavor and Junior meeting f :S0 p. St. ' . ItTXi, 8TKEST St. B. FifteenU aad ' Milt street. Leslie B. Bailey, pastor. Morning serviea, 10:00 o'clock; subject: "God' Wrk Around th World." Eveniaf rerviee 7:30 'dock; abject: "Meeting Temptation t Caa uer." Suaday eebool-9:45-a. as.; Miaa Esther Erickaoa, supt. Midweek aervice 1:09 P. at, Wedoasdty; tas.aaeter lead er; plaea, eknreh.' Tung people' mee lags: Epwortb Lga 0;I0 p. m. at th chatca. . . . " .. Mariea f aad - Liberty ttreei. Robert La Payaa. .pttT. PbM. 20. Moraiag servic 11 'leek: eubjeetr"Wby tb Hear of Drkasst" -Ala - aanaeaett f ev -' chlldrea. Special sautle by - churcb choir. Evenlnr aervioa :S0 'clock; tub joet;,"Hi Weederfl Xante. -Special matTer ''Chen Chair and rehettra. Sua day,chol f:45 a. mt Jred ltrr, eupt. Midweek aorvieaa Tbsrsdayr pastor, Jd r, Toug pepl' nsootings: Thro aTapamaeg.at-eft,.-;.:''; ; .-. i-Higa-aid, Center tret.-XJ.'.J,.Hewe, pat tor; Phass 1933-J. Morniaf -atrvfc 11 'eWk; subject: Th Oa Task 4 tb Cbarek' aad How 9 Aeeomplish It, Special sratiet Aatbso, "Tha .Trinity." Liileat. 8c4o: "ResiJe Stilt WtUn." Hambleat Batb Howe. Evening aervie TOO o'clock: aabioet- "TW BmI Gifts." Special ataaie: S4 -f selected) Helea aUrpk. Saadtf sehae, f:45 a. Jeet & nent, tapL Midweek aervic 7:90 P. m. Wednesday. Toaag people' meet, lag J C E. at Uaga 9:30 p. m. ... rmiT osemajt baptist ;" Karth 4t1ac aad D street. O. WV Katsek. paatax. Pha IWT-J. Jleralag servic 11 v 'eWk; aabjeett Tb Sreateat Weed f th Cburch." flpeciat Static: Cbetr aathem: "God ear Back SPECIAL EVENT TO Castle United Brethren Church Plans Program For Mission Day The Castle United Brethren church will observe "world mis sions' advancement day" with ap propriate program at the church Sunday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The. program as sched uled, follows: Prelude, John Gilhousea. Hymn, "The Banner of the Cross," congregation. Scripture, "Service," Matt. 25: 34-45, eongregatioa. Hymn, "Tell Me the Old, Old Story," congregation. Prayer, Mrs. K. W. Harritt and Mrs. Hannah Yarnell. Piano duet, Marian Chase and Frances Christiansen. Missionary theme, ''Knowing, Being. Doing," Mrs. L. W. Biddle. Address, "Our Work Abroad," Mrs. J. C. Hill. Vocal solo, "Where Are the Reapers?" Rev. 1 W. Biddle. Address. "Our Home Work," Mrs. Gertrude Chamberlin. o'clock; subject: "Aaxiety for the Salva tion of Our Fellows and Friends." Sun day school 9:45 a. m.; Sam Schinnan, aupt. Midweek services S o'clock Wed nesday; pastor, leader; place, church. AXESIOAH rOTHXKAir Church streets between Chemeketa and Center. Bev. P. W. Eriksen. pastor. Phone :1. 11 a. m. Sermon: "He ShaU Set up aa Ensign for the Ktin." Special music by the choir. Evening service at 7:30. Sermoa topic: "Tb Meaaest Maa." Th choir and church chorus will furnish special music. William HcOilcbrist, Sr, director of music. Sunday school at 9:45 a. ol. Max Oehlhar, tnpt. A graded sys tem with clattet for ail ages. Sealer aad Intermediate league devotional meetings at 9:30 p. as. SOUTH SALEM FSHTNDS Booth Commercial aad Washington ttt. Chat. C. Hawrth, patter. Phen 1697-M. Moraiag aervic 11 'deck; aubject: "I Believe." Evening ervie. 7: JO o'clock. Sunday school 10 a. in.; Mrs. Marguerite P., Elliott, eupt. Midweek tervices 7:10 p. m., Thursday; the patter, leader; plae: Church. Toung people' meetings: Suaday 6:30 p. m.; Mrs. Bertha M. Hs worth, leader. PiaST OOHOESOATIOVAZ. Center aat Liberty atreet. Charlea E. Ward, pastor. Morning sewiee 11:00 'clock; Sermoa by Mra. JaUa M. Way. Special musie: "Aatbam: "O Lead Me Lord," by Blnm. Titter Waif trill aiag a solo: ''Hi Ey I oa th Sparrow." Evening servic 7:90 ' clock; abject: "A Physical Giant, but a Moral Weak ling," a biographical sermoa n Samson, accompanied by th moving picture: "Th Lead at Samsoa." aad "Yilleg Lit U rs lest in a." Special asaaie: Th quartet wiU ting tw aerro spirituals: "Were Yoa Tbaret" aad "Hash, Soasebody'e Calling My KaaM." Suaday school 9:45 a. m. ; P. E. Xer, aupt. XEIOHT XEKOEIAX, 19th aad Parry Street, H. C. Stever, pastor; Phoae 1925-J. Morning service 11 o'clock; aubject: "Tb Excellence of Kindness." Special music: Duct: "I Need Hi Card," uag by Ireae Bitaer aad LoBayne Haas. Eveaiag ssrvico 11 o'clock; Sacred cacrt aad addreas by Mra. Jala M. Way f Chicago. Everett Craven af Portland, gueet soloist. Sun day cael 10 a. at.; C. O. Harria, (apt. Youag peepl't met tings: 0:45 p. m. BE i AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Chnpob St. Bt. Chemeketa and Center, A Downtown Charch. 11 A. M. An Ensign For The Nations. A Flag -will bo presented at this service) by the Women's Re lief Corps, which will attend In body. Ceremony by Mrs. Helen Sonthwicx. 7:30 P.M. THE MEANEST MAN. Special musie at both serrices by the Choir and Chorus. William McGUchrlst, Director of music. Sunday. School at 9: if. Max Gohlsr, Supt LutheY Leagues at C:S9. REV. P. W. ERIfcSEX, Pastor. WhatShallltProfitaCity to Gain the Whole World and Lose Its Boys and Girls? .Which is Worth! the Most?. The World Is Light and Cheap When Placed in the Balance fwith 1 I Your Boys and Girls. A Spiritual Greatest Agency f in the World Saving OiurYoutho A' v " t '1 Churcli Office Phcne MrlFm. LitAvffler, Our Supfc Wilh Have r VrT-:5i Sermon Lecture at ll:00ja.m.f ' jw: vj li ii a i . . v flit"' Reading. "At the Sign of the Cross," Mrs. Carrie Chase. Offering Objectires, Mrs. Blanch Welsh. . Offertory, John Gilhousen. Announcemeats and Benedic tion, ReT. L. W. Biddle. FIRST CHURCH MEN TO MEET TUESDAY Program and Ejections to Fea ture First Meeting of Year Here The Men's Council of the First Methodist church will hold its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 o'clock. A din ner will "be served the men of the church by the Yew Park circle of the Ladies' Aid society with Mrs. A. A. Underhill as chairman. An interesting program of music by the Chemawa Indian orchestra will be giren at the close of the dinner. An address on "The Amer ican Indian," will . be given by O. Hi Lipps, superintendent of the Chemawa Indian school. At the close of the program the Men'B Council of the church will hold a brief business session at which time of the officers for the ensuing year will be elected. TJ. G. Holt will preside at the meeting and D. H. Mosher will act as sec retary. A nominating committee consisting of J. D. Foley, Dr, George Lewis and A. A. Lee will present the names for the offices' in the council. Elaborate plans are being made by the executive board of the council to make the monthly meetings of special interest and help this season. Prominent men of the state will be secured as speakers and a dinner will be serred each month. This organiza tion will merge its program with the six o'clock men's club and the meetings will be made public to all men of the city who may be Interested. Congregational Church To Show Biblical Films At Sunday Night Service Events for the week scheduled by the- First Congregational church, Center and Liberty streets, are announced as follows: Sunday evening in connection with: a biographical sermon on Samson, "A Physical Giant, but a Moral Weakling" there will be shown moving pictures: "The Land of Samson" and "Village Ufa In Palestine." The Young People's Fortnight ly club will have a Masked Hallo ween party in the social rooms of the church Tuesday evening. The members and friends of the church are invited to spend Wed nesday evening . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Newton, also S. High St., where an informal so cial : hour has been arranged by the Newtons assisted by Mr. and Mrs. John Orr and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater. A Junior Choir of 35 Voices. You Never HeaTd Such SfogiiiiT. Our Goal-250.Present. Will You Be One? Sunday Morning, 9:.4Sr-rOctoberj27, i929 : m v a . . . One Clock South of 2313 L. IL SMITH, faster 5 "1 V Nazarene Church WiU Operate Free Bus for Children A free bus service will be inaugurated this Suaday by the Charch of the Kazarcae, tier. ii. V. hmitlx, pastor, has announced. Coincident with Installation of the Sam day school bus line, Xazar enes are planning a record breaking rally day, to be held Sunday morning. Goal of 250 pereoas has been set. Features of the rally day program will be appearance of the Junior choir of 85 voices, v songs by the male quartet and male chorus nn der direction John S. Frkv sen; and a sermon lecture at 11 o'clock oa "Saving the Children." Route which the bus will take each-Sunday is: Leave . State . aad Slat streets at 0:15 going South to Lee; west to 14th; north to Trade; east to 17th; fcorth to State; south on 14th to Mission ; west to 13th; south to Cross; west to- Berry; south to Rural; east to 12th; north to State. Pastor Smith says a care ful driver has been eeenred and every Insurance has been made for the safety of the children. PRAYER SERVICES SET The regular mid-week prayer and serviceof First Methodist church wis held on Thursday evening, with the Rev. F. C. Tay lor, pastor In charge. From "Pearls of Psalmnody" the S4th Psalm will be chosen and studied as "A Psalm of Forgiveness." First Methodist Church FRED C. TAYLOR, Minister. Sunday, Oct. 27, Good Literature Day II A. M. Sermon by Dr. Edward L. Mills Editor Christian Advocate 7:30 P. M. Program of Sacred Music By Vested Shoir Sermon "THE TRIUMPH OF FAITH" by The Pastor J . t (k-f I , V t il;iiili-""'',y.. m.-flBaf Fourfold Gospel Church 655 Ferry St. Christian aad Missionary Alliance Tabernacle SUNDAY, OCT. 27TH Mrs. Alice Caswell (former pastor) WiU preach at 11 A. M. Subject "Bands Off." YOU WILL WANT TO HEAR HER Excellent 'Savins the Children." Center on i9th SL i, n CHOIR TO Gift Fl Everett Craven to be Guest oloist at Knight Me morial Concert This vested choir of the Knight Memorial Church will present its first concert ot tha fall season Sunday night at 7:39 o'clock. Everett Craven of Portland will be- the guest soloist. Donald J. Allison is organist Following is the program: Chorus, "The Light of Light." (Zeisberg); ladies' chorus, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes," (Loreni); chorus, "How Lovely Is Zion" (Heyser). ohll gato solo, Mrs. Beulah Talmage; duet, "Come, Jesus, Redeemer, Abide With Me" (Hammond). Everett Craven and H. C. Stover; chorus, "A Wandering Sheep" (Wilson), incidental solos by Beneitta Edwards, Harriett Adams and Mrs. G. C. Newgent; ladles' chorus, "My Task" (Ash ford); solo, Everett Craven; chorus, "I Will Sing" (Bains). . The organ numbers to be played by Mr. Allison ' will be "Prelude In F" by Thone, "Melodie" by TschalkT&wsky, and "March Cele bre" by Laehner. ATTENDING SCHOOL Four of the members ot tin young people's group of tin Highland Friends church are at tending the bible school in Port land. They are Edith Riggs, Gen. evieve Beckett, Hazel Newton and Milo Ross. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Grand Theatre Graded S. S. 9:45 a. m. W. T. Jenks. Supt. Preaching services 10:50 a. m., 7:30 p. tn. School of Missions C:30 p. m. WELCOME. ;A.M. "BLOCKADES" Anthem: "More Love To Thee, O Chritt," by WUliama. P.M. "ONE THING THAT PAYS' Duet: "It Pays To Serve Jesus" . Harkness Ton Will Receive a Hearty WELCOME at These Services. W. Earl Cochran, pastor Are They Worth Saving?, Res. Phone 2110-YiT man 9tu:'&&ii mm ties n . tt