o s e is G .1 9 j - 1 Hi i: ' Ml t h is positive gu a r a n t e e 1. Total freedom from high-compression knocking 2. A saving of more than eight ounces of fuel per gallon CONSIDER these results of the nef formula: Less than half the benzol contained in the new blue Gasco would stop high-compression knocking in any car made. The added quantity is to reduce the fuel consumption of your motor. Benzol, a marvelous fuel itself, is 'different from other anti-knock solutions. Instead of merely "slowing down" the gasoline, benzol actually produces energy! Nearly half the tremendous power in Gasco comes from benzol. And the gasoline that is now being blended with benzol to make Gasco is high-test "dry" gas. It vaporizes completely, burns cleanly, thereby preventing crankcase dilution. You pay a premium price per gallon for Gasco. But your motor burns fuel by the pound, as automotive engineers will tell you, and since a tankf ul of Gasco weighs more pounds you are getting your money's worth in two ways. In addition to perfect anti-knock qualities, a gallon of Gasco will posi tively carry you farther than any gasoline at any price! Try it. Compare it with other motor fuels at the same or lower prices. See for, yourself how much longer it lasts. M Tn c New ' ' .".! - -v.. - - . , :. - - .i Bin: O T O R : F U E . . .t.. . ., .. ( .. i : x' ' Colored to prevent sulstituticv) NEWrFO RM ULA GREATER VALUE L f . ' ' 7- : . r " Z H E30 milUBORO Nowhere on the Pacific Coast are motorists so fortunate as here. A big factory in Portland produces a limited supply of btnxol and yon are therefore able to have Gasco. It is impos sible to get enough precious benzol to supply car owners elsewhere. Yon save more than eight ounces of every gal Ion of the new bine Gasco, because your motor burns fuel by the pound and Gasco weighs more If yon expect to use Gasco regularly, thin the carburetor mixture. Gasco can burn m larger proportion of air than gasopne can. Thus you'll save still tnonjuel-cs csck a 20 to 2S to some cases! .. - " : "" f i - : .. . - ( -.-. -'.'T't ..-jr s ..J . .f..- - . ' .. '. .. i ' ... - , . - .-..f".".-.' . . . . .1" - ..l .... , ? . . .,- .. ' " . - ' ' 1 t, ' '-" : i' ' t -.'.".-.,. r- i. .. . ; . - ..... j, ::.' j- V ' - - " "-- . J '4