The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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    ;Tfeg OltrGON (STATESMAN, Eakin, Ortega, Saturday llgrafay Odcbcr 19, 1929
1 '" 1 " ' 1 V. . J " 1 1 ' H-..-,-- " " . i-'i'i ... 1 1 ' . ' . " 1 " , P Bf,
Lutheran Young People From Columbia iDistrict in Session Here
Christian and Missionary
Members of Northwest
To Come Here
District conventions are holding
Attention of various church organ
isations la Salem, with the latest
conference announced by the
ChrUtlaa and Missionary alliance
tor a three-day seriea of meeting.
The annual district prayer con
ference of this group will open
here Tuesday. October 22, and
continue the next two days, with
full programs planned for each
day. The district embrace Ore
gon, Washington and northwest
ern British Columbia, and nearly
every alliance in this territory
will hare delegates, Including both
pastors and returned missionaries,
at the meeting here.
Morning, afternoon and evening
eessions will all be open to the
public, announces Mrs. Louise
PinnelL acting pastor. The alli
ance Is located at 655 Ferry street
. Several outside speakers will
participate In the program, how
ever no definite announcement re
garding details has. been received
The new district superinten
dent. Rev. W, I. McGajvey, will
hare charge of the conference,
McGarvey has recently arrived In
the west from Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hazel Green Plans
Annual Rally Day
Event for Sunday
tober 20, will be Rally Day here
The following program will be
given by the Sunday school at 11
Piano solo, Floyd Salisbury; re
citations: Welcome by Josephine
Wood and "What the Teacher
Said," by Bessie Darkin; song,
"There Rings a Melody," by Jun
ior choir; recitations, "What I
Missed" by Elva Darkin; "A Boy's
view," by Richard Van Cleave.
Duet, "The Ivory Palace" by
Mrs. Cecil Ashbaugh and G. G
Looney; Playlet, "Which Kind
Are You?" by girls class; vocal
solo by Pearl Darkin; musical
reading "The Children's Crusade'
by Kraid Ashbaugh; recitation,
"God Needs the Boys" by Sanford
Davis; vocal solo, "God Give Us
Homes" by Mrs. Cecil Ashbaugh;
reading by Edna Rutheford; song.
"Consecrated Talents" by junior
choir; exercise, "The Books We
Are Looking For" by Clinton
Wampler. Glesner Bunrldge. Nor
man Luckey and Donald Dunnt-
gan; "Your Part and Mine,
Loucile Wood; talk by Rev. Miss
Luckey and Benediction.
Gervcas Presbyterian
Women flow Practicing
For Annual Bazaar Play
GERVAIS. The cast for the
play "Sewing for the Heathen"
which Is to be given by nine wom
en of the Presbyterian Missionary
society in connection with the an
nual bazaar early next month, has
been selected and is rehearsing
In the cast are: Mrs. Judd, the
hostess, Mrs. AIsup; Mrs. Chesty,
the president, Mrs. Slegmund;
'Mrs. Powers, the stranger, Mrs
Marshall; Grandma Biggs, deaf.
but persistent, Mrs. S. Jones; Mrs
Day, the bride, Mrs. Tern Jones;
Mrs. Strong, the suffragist, Mrs.
Brehaut; Mrs. Meeker, gentle and
good, Mrs. G rations; Miss Luella
Hug-gins, the sentimentalist, Mrs,
Molsan; Meely, the hired girl, Mrs.
Robert Harper.
! Church Tuesday Evening
? Members- of Jaarm Lm fcnmti
I North. Winter and Jefferson, are
planning an Informal social pro-
grans and fellowship meeting to
I be held in the church narlora on
I Tuesday evening in special recog-
nlttan of the new members who
f have joined the chnrch daring the
f . past year or so far during this
rear, 5IJS3
i A, short program is being ar-
ranged by Mrs. A. L. Dark and
Mrs. A.-F. waller. Mrs. W. W.
i Chadwlck is chairman of the i
i freshment committee. This
.J,, characterised as a "get acquaint-
a nriai x n n an nin mimun
,-m.f .to be Official "erpptpra"
. though a mixer program Is being
A Sermon for the Week
y Vision
Rector St. PaitTs Episcopal Church.)
A group ot pioneers settled in a certain township in Minne
sota. They were, poor but they had vision and determination.
There were no reads, no schools, and no churches within reason
able distance. Scantily clothed, poorly housed. It would seem to
the practical man that their first consideration should hare been
to have Improved their living conditions.
These men were men of vision; they realized that while they
did need better housing conditions, more draft horses and farm
machinery, that to secure these at the sacrifice of the Christian
nurture ot their children would be unthinkable. So they built a
church; and secured the, services Of a missionary.
-V j How far reaching will be the results of their action we shall
never know. Several generation ot church men and church wom
en have come out of that community, but that is not alt Through
the migration of the people of character from that community,
"other communities throughout the length and breadth of this
country are being enriched. The pioneers themselves, being dead,"
yet speak to an ever widening circle. While these pioneers en
Joyed comfortable circumstances later, they had, the vision to
see, while their children were growing up, that the bringing vp
of their children tn the nurture and admonition of the Lord was
of vastly greater Importance than adding another draft horse, er
haying a few more pigs. .
How large Is our vision when we have to choose between an
other luxury and the support of ear religious institutions?
Rector Here
... . j
! j
f I
W. ,-mmm, ,J
Rev. George Herbert Swift, rec
tor of St. rnTs Episcopal chnrch
here since last June, who today
offers the weekly sermon. Mr.
Swift came to Salem from Minot,
N. P.
Program Outlined for District
Council Gathering at
Leslie Wednesday
At least 250 men are expected
to meet here next Wednesday
night for the Salem district Meth
odist Men's council to be held at
the Leslie Memorial church, be
ginning at 6: SO o'clock.
The complete program for the
gathering has been announced as
Korean Dutch lunch beginning
promptly at 4:30 o'clock; group
singing led by A. M. Hammer of
Albany; trumpet solo by Ralph
Morrison of Salem; address, "The
Chief Virtue" by Professor J. T.
Matthews of Willamette univer
sity; violin solo by John Cranko
vich of Salem; talk, "Bugs and
Humbugs" by J. A. Lawrenson of
Albany; group singing; address.
The American Motive by Harold
W. Burt, dean, of Pacific univer
sity; special music by A. M. Ham
mer of Albany; address, "Religion
and Life" by E. W. Warrington,
department of religion, Oregon
State college; two minute speech
es by district sabchairman; Omar
FendaU, Earl A. Nott. A. M. Ham
mer and C. F. French; roll call
and miscellaneous business; one
minute talks from the floor; clos
ing group song.
Mrs. J. Austin Elected
Superintendent Church
School in West Salem
The Women's Foreign Mission
ary society of the Ford Memorial
church will hold the monthly
meeting for October next Wed
nesday at the parsonage.
At the Sunday school board
meeting Tuesday evening, the fol
lowing officers were elected for
the coming year; Mrs. J. Austin,
superintendent; Floyd DeLspp,
assistant superintendent; Peter
Folkl,' secretary; J. M. Haraby,
treasurer; Mary St Pierre. librar
ian; Violet Wallace, assistant li
brarian; Boris Hamby, pianist;
Miss Lottie McAdams, cradle roll
superintendent; Ada Clarke, as
sistant cradle roll superintendent.
Christian.Chnrch Rally
At IM City Declared
Big Success; 204 Attend
MILL CITY. The Chnrch Of
Christ at MOT City held its annual
Rally day Sunday, with 264 peo
pfo trreeest. This day was also
birthday Sunday and homecoming
A basket dinner was enjoyed at
noon after which a short program
was given.
There were several out of town
guests among them Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Powell and son and daugh.
ter, Marshall and Josephine. The
day, as a whole, was very success
ful and the local members of the
church are greatly satisfied with
the real get-together day.
About 90 peopld attended the
banquet cod program In" the
Court Street . Christian church
Monday night. Those present re
presented several churches of the
community and all enjoyed the
evening very much. The program
was in the interest of local
ehurches and state missions. .
Woodbum Folk
Honor Minister,
School Teachers
WOODBURN, Oct. IS. Bar. O.
3. Hartong. new pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church, his
wife and the teachers of the
Woodburn public schools ware
gnests of honor at a reception at
the Methodist church Thursday
The teachers who attended were
Mrs. Nellie Mnlr, Gilbert Oddie,
T. P. Otto, P. JL Rohner, Marg
aret Templar, Ruth Mitchell, Pearl
Emery, Mrs. Myrtle Clark, Georgia
Albee, Mrs. Margaret Davenport,
Virginia Mason, Harold Aspinwall
V. D. Bain,, Mrs. Maude MoeheL
Audrey Wienken, Mrs. Mabel Bal
lard and Helen Washburn.
The program opened with a
hymn by the congregation and
"High Road is the Low Road"
was sung by a trio of the high
school faculty members, Virginia
Mason. Ruth Mutchell and Marg
aret Templar, Wilma Morrison,
accompanist. "Ladles' Aid", a
clever, appropriate reading was
splendidly given by Mrs. Carrie
Young. Rev. Henry G. Hanson
extended greetings to Rev. and
Mrs, Hartong from the Presby
terian church. Mrs. Jack Hansen
and Mrs. V. D. Bain sang Her-,
man Lohr's "Where My Caravan
Has Rested." H. L. Gill welcomed
the new pastor In behalf of the !
professions pf Woodbum and of
fered the nse of his publication In
any way he could help Rev. Hart- j
George A. Landon spoke for the j
business men. Other ministers who
were invited to be present were
unable to attend. "When the Mln-
ister Calls," by Edgar Guest, was
read by Kathleen Garrison. Super
intendent Bain greeted the teach
ers and Rev. and Mrs. Harting as
a representative of the city
schools. Helen Woodfln expressed
the greeting of the Sunday school
in a comedy song with uke ac
companiment. J. D. Woodfln,
chairman of the program welcom
ed the guest in behalf of the
Methodist church and Rev. Hart
ong responded.
Light refreshments were served
in the dining hall in the basement
of the church by a committee, Mrs.
O. L. Withers, Mrs. Carrie Young
and Mrs. W. D. Simmons.
Missionary Society Plans
Gathering at Chamhertin
Home Tuesday Night
The women's missionary so
ciety of Castle United Brethren
church will hold Its October meet
ing Tuesday night at 7: SO o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Susie Cham
berlin, 1127 Waller street
The 'devotions will be led by
Mrs. Hannah TarnelL Mrs.
Blanehe Welsh will conduct the
study ot the book "From Jerusa
lem to Jerusalem," by Montgom
ery. Mrs. Susie Chamberlin will
lead in the "Wonder Box" discus
sion; and the business session will
be In charge ot Mrs. L. W. Blddle.
The playlet entitled, "Books.
Books. Books," will be directed by
Mrs. J. C. Hill. All members and
friends are invited to be present
to enjoy the program and social
CooHngham to Show Film
On Prohibition at Two
Churches Here Tomorrow
Rev. R. T. Cookingharm, former
sheriff of Umatilla county, will be
the speaker at the West Salem
Methodist church Sunday at 11:00
o'clok. Mr. Cookingham is said to
be the only minister who haa the
distinction ot having been elected
to the office of sheriff in Oregon.
He is an earnest and eloquent
speaker and his experience as
sheriff for four years In the round
up center has furnished him with
an abundance of Information
which holds the attention ot those,
who hear him. Young people are
greatly Interested and benefited
by his message.
Mr. Cookingham will also speak
at the Knight Memorical Congre
gational church Sunday evening
at 730 p. m., at which time he
will show the prohibition film,
"The Transgressor," which is be
ing shown In churches and schools
in Salem and vicinity. There Is
no admission charge. An offering
win bo taken.
Nursery for Preschod
Children Gets Under Way
A church nursery has been or
ganfzed in the First Methodist
church by the ladles ot the Y. K.
K. Bible class ot the church
school. These young mothers are
gathering equipment se that reg
ular kindergarten training may be
given' the pre-school children who
are left in their care while the
parents attend the church service.
Mrs. P. H. Acton, Mrs. James Ben
nett and Mrs. Annette Lang are
committee who will'be respons
ible for the nursery this week.
Free Methodist Church
Will Observe Ratty Day
The Free Methodist church,
corner of Market and North Win
ter streets, will observe Rally Day
in the Sunday school Snnday. A
special program Is being arranged
Including special singing, class ex
ercses and a short address by Rev.
Rozeila Douglas, the conference
Sunday school secretary.
UhsHlers to he. Hosts
To liazarene Young People
The young- people of the Church
of the Nazarene will have a et
toffether a n d get-acqualnted
nteettns Tuesday erenlnr t the
homof Mr. and lira. Prank Lit
willer, 1671 South Chnrch, street.
This will be to the many mew
friends of the chnrch. lire. C It.
LitwiTlttr, vice-president, will be
in chart e -and promises .a blessed
- and deUglttfsVtlme for,nlW
Some Who and Where for Lutherans' Meet
r;; if -
if i
O, K. Andeen, D. D of
sages at the convention; America
Muem, noec -pnsvor co uw cowvemHon.
uttbap getf)iceg in talent Cfjurctjesi
CoTBCT tiU and Chnrch strmta. 9.
O. Tsylor, PMUr. Phoa 9T4. Xorniae
ervie 11 o'clock t nbjcetr "EatruUd
with th OtMveL'1 8pil mvtic: Of
n prelaiu In V ' (Toon). Anthem: "I
ill Lift no Mint Ktn." (Mmi).
Incidental tolo. Mist Eleanor Moor. Solo,
"Grusoo and Reaes," Bortlatt, Mr. K.
D. Barton. Erenint; aorrlce, 7:30 o'clock;
dojecic - ueniDg itmaiy wits tno Mas
ter." Spoeial auiic: Organ prelada,
"Vitiono." Raoinbersor. Antkan, "Tha
Hallow ," Holtea. Solo, Mr. Ronald
Oraren. Chnrca school 9:45 a. m.; Bos
E. Bickll, Sapt. Midwook aorrieea: 7:5
p. ., Tanraday; Tha poator, leader. Ep
worth League: IJniTeriity Chapter, topia
"Relision and a Good Time. Leader,
fennio Lilly. First Chnreh chapter, topic.
Bkinnor and Beryl Johnson. Junior High
chapter. Mrs. O. M. Keefar. connaelor.
Jnnior chnrch 11 a. m. Mear, "Fish
erman," leader Misa Sutherland. Chorea
nnrcory is Epwerth hall for pre-aehool
Chnrch street between Chemeketa and
Center. Rer. P. V. Erikaen, pastor. Phone
2921. 11 a. m "In the Way With tho
Master. Her. 9. K. Andeen, 8 p. m.
Harwell Rally to Lather League con
vention. (A mats' meeting). Closing at
7:80 at which time the Rer. Andeen of
Astoria will apeak on the topic: "The
Final ChaVce.' William MeGilchrist. di
rector of annate in charge of music and
tone serrtce. 8:30: "Jute of Fun. etc.
Competitive stunts by league of tho con-
. : cf j i. i . . n . .
fflHUBK. 0QHUI7 BCQQOl B V :3 . B.
Max Oohlhar. sunt. Special elassea for
eonTontioa young people.
emxahttel run, oospel mission
Epocial aervieea in progress at corner
of 17th and Chemeketa street, ETaageUat
aleaaeta A. Mine in ehaxga, every Tnea
day, Thursday and Saturday night at
7:80 o'clock. Sunday school It a, m.;
Breaching 11 a. a.; yonag people's meet
ing :I0 p. as., and erangetitUc aerrlee
at 7:30.
Nertk Winter and Jafforaoa. Barry &
ri .!... QOU W f1L..V
acheoi at 1 :45 by departments aad with
claaao for orery age. tU a. Carpenter,
aaporinteBdeat. Worship at 11 a. aa. Ba
li ei in or Possessed by Christ, tho
theme. Special musia by tho choir. Chnreh
Foruat mad three leaguea aaeet at 1:39
with vital conudoratioaa of vital theauav
Ereaing prsilo aerrie at 7:80 with.
"Then and Now, tho theme. Special bo
ale and feUowahip hour at tha parson
age following. Thursday ereaing mid
week devotions, Bible studies and choir
SU Coart atrtat. 0. S. Johnson, pas
tor. Serrlcet 8 p, m. Evening aervire I
o'clock. Son day school i p, as. Mid
week aervleea Taeaday, Thunday aad
Saturday evening. Meetinga at 7:S0 p.
m. Xosnenrber, tho aew location ever
Westora Auto Supply store.
North Cottage aad V streets. O. W.
Rtitfch, pastor. Pboao 2927-J. Mornlag
servtce 11 o'clock; subject: "Carta' at
titude toward those who come to Hias."
Special anisic: Choir anthem: "0 Sab
bath Day." Evening aervice 7:30 o clock;
subject: "Tho-Message) of Forgiven es a.
Sanday school t:45 a. m.; Sam Schir
raan, aapt. Midweek aervieea 8 p. at,
Wodaeaday; pastor, leader; place, church.
Court and High etreet. Rev. W, Karl
Cbchram. patter. Phono 152. Morning
aerriee: 10:5 o'clock; subject : "The
Power, of the Invisible." Special aao
sic: Anthem: " Abide With Ms," by
Fedorelia. Eveln aervice 7:30 o'cloekt
isMact: "A Uaa with om PorMte.'
Speeial motie: Aathm, "The King of
Lto. My tihepher Is," oy BteJiey. H on
day achool 0:45 sw as.; W.T. Jsmka. aapt.
Midweek aervieea 7:80 p. m., Wedoeaday;
tho pastor, leader; place, tho chnreh.
Young people' meetinga: 6:30 Senior
B. Y. P. U. Topic: "Taking Part in the
Meetinr. How and Why." Leader. Janet
McAllister. Intermediates, topic: 'Jem
Tea cats to Pray." Loader: Miss. Kama
SlnetMnth and ; Ferry streets. H. CL
Stover, paetor. Phono 1D24-J. Morning
aei me 11 o'eioaK; wabjeet: "Taa f Mice-
man." Bneetal aausle: "God Is Love.
(Hacks) Myra Cloataa aad K. C. Stover.
Evening aorvieo f:30 o rleek; subject:
A tueviar aietare. "The-TrsnsareSsor.
aa lecture by Mr. Oookinghaau. loraaor
laoriff of Lmatilla coaaty. Enpcial music :
Aathwav "Seek Ye the Lord" (RoberUi
with obligate solo by H. L. Bradefl. La
dies' chorus, -iow the uay is wcr"
(Wilsoa). Sunday echool 10 o- av; O.
C. Harris, supt. Young people's meetinga:
B:45 p. at.
Corner Garth are. and Third street.
West Salens. Meredith A. Grew, pae
tor. Pboao 1S41-R. Moralag terriee. It
o'clock; aubjeet: "The -Work of The
Anti-Salooa Lea rue.' rosy T. Ceekisr-
kana. preaehiag. Special sauaic : Vocal
olo by Mrs. Brtakley aad a chorus by
tho Junior Choir. Evening service 7:80
o'clock: aubiect: "The Crest of Christ.
Speeial music: Yocal Solo by Miae Ruik
Bedford. Sunday sehool. ;45 a. m.; Mre.
J. Austin, aupt. Midweek services 7:15
B. as. Thuradav: the vaster, leader:
place, Epworth League Room. Young poo
pies meetings: Intermediate and Senior
leagues 8:30 p. an. Wealey Warren, lead
er of the Senior League, topic: "Re
ligion and a Good Time.
Cottage anft Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Martia F. Ferrey. asialater. Church aeheel
10 a. as. W. t reldsaaa, aapt. Davo
tional aarvicee at 11 a. m. Subject at
aermoa, "Insairfry and Betigto." Mre.
W. A. Pee tea, director of atute, at tha
Thtrteeata aad Center streets. P. J.
Benson, pastor; i aorta- wtaior at.
Phono 6S0-M. Sunday achool meets at 10
a. an Martia . Behreiber, aupt. Morning
preaeaiag eerrico at 11 'clock, special
music, cveatag aervicaa at. 1 :so o'eioea.
MieVwoek prayar service aext Wedoea
day evening ia the boa of O. .
SchraaiA, xstt Marioa street.
ttmxt eoxaMxaxnomAX.
Osaaar a4 Liberty atrota. Chartea at,
Ward, pastor. Keraiav aervice 11 o'clock;
subiost: tae Proposal of Jeu.M Spe
cial aaaslet Anthem : v'0 Joeua W
Adore Thee." by Brewer. lnet, "la tao
Creu M Cbrtai Wa lory,w by Mrs,
Harms aad Victor WeK. Eeair aervice
7-.SO Velockx tubloett Ee What Do
Men Straggler" illustrate by tha fivo
nat pietara, "Tha Werld'a Stragglo for
Oil." eaweiat aaaaiot Aathoaa "AU ioa
TheoW; br nMarsh. fta'My .J,,
r a
.-"X s
Astoria, prominent Lutheran leader
LvUteram church where Leaguers
fhoa," sung by Mr. Hamas. Sunday
achool 0:43 a. m F. B. Neer, tup.
Midweek terrices: 7:80 a. m. Wednes
day; A study of the Fsataa.
North Winter and Chemeketa atreeta.
Kormaa K. Tolly D.D4 paator. Phono
181A-W. Morning service 11 o'clock:
subject! "Seven Thousand Emeralds.'
Special music: "Anthem. "The Lord Is
Exalted" (West). Offertory tolo, "How
Lovely Are Thr Dwellinn" (Llddlo).
Josephine Albert. Evening service 7:30
o'clock; subject: "Seeing the InvKible."
Special music: Anthem, "Welcome Sweet
Grace" (Macey). Sunday school t:80 a.
to. Midweek aervieea 7:80 p. a. Thurs
day; JJr. Tuny, leader. Xoung people
meetings: S:80 p. m.
S55 Ferry street. LouUe Pinnell. acting
?stor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Classes
or all agea. Morning preaching at 11
o clock. Subject: "The Separated Life.
xoung people a alliance at 6:30. Eve
ning evangelistic service at 7:30 o'clock.
Subject of evening message: "The Two
Ways." Special music at both aervieea
by the chorus choir. No prayer meetings
next week because of the district con
ference which convenes here Tuesday.
1348 North Church street. 0. W.
Hatch, paator. Phono 1960-J. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:30
o'clock. Sandav achool 10 a. m.; Lyle
Knox, taps. Midweek services 7:80 p. m,
Wednesday. Pastor, leader; place, chnreh.
Young people'a meetinga Suaday 8:M
p. m. Sermons aad Miracles of Christ.
Lyle Knox, and James Davis.
Marlon and Liberty atrets. Robert L.
Payne, paator. Phone 1920. Morning aerv
ice 11 o'elock; subject: "The Taber
nacle is tho Wilderness." Also seraen-
ette for children. Special music by the
church choir. Eveniar aerriee 7:80
o'clock: aubjeet: "A Vital Question: la
LIZ worth Mvuigl Bpeeial music :
Chorus choir and orchestra. Senear achool
9:43 a. .; Fred Broer. aupt. Midweek
services 7:10 p. tn. Thursday. Youaf
peoples meetings: Three spleudid groupe
ot young people, meeting at 8 :80.
Market aad North Winter streets W.
N Coffee, paator. Phone S298-W. Mora
tag service 11 o'clock; Rev. SoseUa
Deugtea ot Falls City, preaching. Spo
eial music: Solo by Victor Cooley. Eve
ning service 7:30 o'clock; Rev. Rosella
Douglas will speak again, especial music:
Song service before the sermon. Rally
day at the Sunday achool, 9:45 a. aa.
Herbct Hansen, aupt. Midweek oetelceo
7:30 . av. Thursday: place, church.
Yoaaf people's meetings: 6:30 Suaday
evening in charge ex JUarwin uooa.
Liberty aad Center streets. A. P. Lay
too. Vaster. Phone 991-J. Morning serv-
ite 11 a'coek; subject: "The Joy of
Harvest." Evening service, V:30 o clock:
"Whoa tha Dew Falls." Sunday achool
9:45 a. m L. L. Thorton, aupt. Midweek
services 7:80 p, ta Thursaay; 0. N.
Tbompsoa, leader; place, at church.
Young people's meetings: Suaday eve
ning :8 o'clock. Topic: "Takmg Part
la Meeting; Why and Howl"
Nohoa BIdg, 881 Cboateketa Street
Abas V. Decker, elder. Morning aerv
ice. 12 to 1 o'clock: subject: r'Fruita
of Mormonlsia." Mario Hansen preach
lag. Ssnday school 10 a. am.: Ladiea'
meeting a p. at. Monday; Mrs. Frank
wane mi. leader; place, isap j. Btumoo a
home, Weat Salens.
' Coraer at Llbcrtf aad Cheatokata St
tl a. as. aad p. at, aad tha same
service repeated la tho evaaing. "Doe
trine of Atonement, lesson topic. Wed
nesday evening meetings at 8 o'clock
include testimonies of healing through
Christian Science. Sunday school classes
at 9:45 and 11 o'clock. A reading room
tor tao pahiie at 40 Mneeaio Templet
opea frees 11 to 8:30 axoept Sundays
and holiday.
Fraternal Tempi oa Cantor street bo
tweea Liberty and High. Service Sua
day eveaiag at 7:10 o'clock. Tha regular
paator. Rev. Luella M. La Valley will bo
the speaker. Topic: "Tho Law of For
giveness." Message. A eirel will bo
held Suaday eveaiag from 8 to 7 'clock.
Churek -and Cnemeketa atreetai Kev.
Ooe. Herbert Swift, paator. Phono 1045-
J. Holy eemmaaioa 7:88 a. m. Morning
aervice 11 o'clock. Choral Litany and
sermon. Evening aorvieo 7:80 o clock at
bVoodburn. Sunday achool 9:45 . A. m.;
Robert Kelmeyef, aupt.
Corner 15th aad MiU atreeta. Leslie B.
Bailey, paetor. Moraine service 11:00
o'clock; subject: "God's Co-Worker in
tho Chareh School." Evening service at
7:80 o'elock; subject: "Christ Chal
lenge to Tenth." Sunday achool 9:45 a.
av. Miss Esther Erlcksoa, supt. Mid
week services S p. m. Wednesday ; Mrs.
Alt M. Gentry, loader; place, church.
Young people's meetings: Epworth league
8:10 p. m. at tho church.
On block south ot Center oa 19th.
L. D. Smith, paator. Phono 2940. Mora
lag service 11 o'clock; aubjeet: "A
Complete Consecration." Special met:
Mr, a M. Lit wilier will aiatj a eole.
Evening service 7:80 o'clock; aubiect:
"The Acid Test of Christianity." Spe
cial auaic: The Singing IVieaoa will
aing aoveral aambera. Sunday school 0:45
a. as.; P. M. Litwiller, aupt. Midweek
aorvieo 7:8 p. aa, Wednesday; place,
ehurch. Young poop hi 'a saee tlnjrt; Sun
day evenlag 8:30. Mhts Thea Sampson,
pretldeat; Paul Mayer. leader, Tha juni
Church of the Nazarene
One block south of Center on 19th
a ' " . i
Be sure to hear the
"The Singing Friesens"
Sunday evening 7:30
-C7 . v-,sv
: ..: aS .v. -a -X'- .:
who will hrintt the Sdndmr
are meeting; Rev. P. W. Kriksea of
r N. Y. P. B, wUI meet with Mrs.
Rmtth annaow! ba at t lfi Tahmoi w
pie's prayer meeting at the horn at Mr.
. j i f i 1 1 t .
uu mra. uovi s mil, x nosr oveamg as
i .av. lit president win do ia cnargo.
Court and 17th streets-. B. F. Shoe
maker, pastor; 344 K. 18th. Phone 1576J.
Morning service 11 o' cloak; subject:
"The Kingdom of God and the Con
ditions of Ite Advancement." Evening
service, 7:30 o'clock; Question Answer
ed. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. ; Mrs.
Frsnk Marshall, aupt. Midweek aervieea
7:30 p. m., Wednesday; place, church
parlor. Young people's meetings: Chris
tian Endeavor and junior meetings 6:30
p. m.
Nebraska and North 17th street. L.
W. Bktdle. pastor. Phone 2 62,2 J. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock; subject: "Pray
ing for the Minister." Evening service.
7:30 o'clock; aubjeet: "Thunderstorms
In the Bible." Sunday school 10 a. m.
Midweek services 7:80 p. m., Thursday,
Study of th Holy Spirit. Young peo
ple's meetings: 6:80 Miss Ruth Draper
ia leader. Sunday church achool council
meeting on Thursday at 8:80 p. m. Wom
en' Aid meeting Wednesday.
Corner Capitol aad Marioa atreeta. W.
O. Lienkaemper. pastor. German service
10 o'elock. Subject: "Useful Work, a
Christian Duty." Engliah tervleea at 11
o'clock. Subject: "Temptation and De
liverance." The laat sermon la the series
on tho Lord's Prayer. Sunday school
10 a. m. F. E. Kruse, superintendent.
(Methodist Episcopal)
South Commercial and Myers streets.
8. Darlow Johnson, pastor. Phone 2784.
Morning service 11 o'elock; subject :
"The Joy of th Lord." Dr. T. H. Tem
ple, district superintendent of tho Salem
district, preaching. Special taosSe: "Ho
aannah In the Highest," (Wooler). Eve
ning aervice 7:80 o'clock: aubjeet:
"Light and Light-Makera." Suaday
school 9:45 a. aa.; E. D. Bosemaa, supt.
Midweek service 6:10 p. m. Thursday;
with pot-luck auppcr; Dr. T. H. Temple
wilt be the speaker. Young people's meet
inga: LeoUe (young people, Fraaeia Aa
bury (high achool) and Intermedia to
(Jaaior high) moot at 6:80 o'clock.
(Mo. Sya.)
North 16th and A atreeta. block north
of Old People' a Homo. H. W. Grose,
pastor. Morning service (English) 9:45
o'clock; German 11:00 o'elock. Sunday
achool 9 a. m.
Eighteenth and State street. Rer. Amo
E. Minaeman, paator. Pboao 8726. Eng
lish eoaamunioa morning aervice 10:30
oclock; subject for the eomnmnioa prep
aratory sermon: "Little Foxes ia th
Vineyard." For the communion sermon :
"Holy Communion ae a Strengthening
for Faith and Life." Special matte:
"Just aa I Am," by the choir. Sunday
school 9:40 a. m.; Mis Martha Batter
man, eopt. Young people' meetings:
Lather League meeting at 7:30 p. m.
Mb Martha Batterman, leader. Lecture
by th pastor: "The Christian Ideal of
High aad Center streets. D. 7. Howe,
pastor. Phone 1983-J. Horning aorvieo 11
o'clock; aubjeet: "Making Firat Things
First." Special music: Anthem, . ,r0
Jean Thou Art Standing?' (Carrl Ad
am) Contralto eolo by Mis Laello
Oammiaga. Evening aerviea 7:80 o'clock;
subject : ".Are Wo Preaching and Teach
ing Christ!" Speeial musie: The choir
Thaorit" (AKbrot). Sunday school 9:45
wUI iag a spiritual, "0 Down Motes."
Ladiea' quartet, "One Sweetly Selenta
Thought" (Aabroae) Sunday achooL 9:45
a. at,; All departments maintained1. Mid
week rricM 7:80 p. at. Wednesday.
Tkla week- i '"rally night" for tho
prayer meeting. Young people a meetinga:
Chriatiaa. Endeavor meeting 6:30 p. mu,
South Commercial aad Washington
Streets. Chart O. Ha worth, paator.
Ffaeae 1697-M, Morning tea-vie 11:09
'clock; a abject: The Superman." Eve
aiag service 7:80 o'elock. A report of th
All-Friend conference bold a Osktloosa,
Iowa, by Joseph Silver. Suaday School
10 a. to.: Mrs. Marnarit. P. Elliott.
soph, Midwook aervieea 7 tSO p. at.. Thars-
ayr tao pastor, leader; pmee : Lauren.
-Yoaaar tteosle'e aaeetface: Sunday 6:80
p.m, Qladys Wright, leader. A report of
taa louag rrteao coaxarenco aeut re
cently at Richmond, Ind., by Joseph
Highland aad Church street. Edgar
P. Sim, paator. Morning aervice 11:00
o'clock; subject: "Tho I Test, Tempta
tion aad Fall." Evening aorvieo 7:80
o'clock; subject: "Meats go to th
Churches." Sunday achool 10 a. at.; E.
M. Beckett, rapt. Midweek servleee 7:30
p. an, Thursday, paator, loader; place;
th charek. Young people'! meeting! : Jr.
O. E. at 5:30 a. tn.. Hsxet Kawton. lead
er. Sr. O. E, at 6:80 p. ta Genevieve
Beckett, president
Movie of Biblical Story
WiR be Shown at Leslie
"Joseph and His Brethren, a
six-reel production from the fa
mous Old Testament story, is to
be presented at Leslie Memorial
chnrch, Tuesday evening-. October
22, at 7: SO o'clock. The admis
sion will be free, but there will be
a sirrer of ferine taken at the door.
Lutheran Young People
From Columbia District
Gather for Annual Meet
Three Day Session at Church Here Gets Off to
Splendid Start; Convention Banquet
Will be Held This Evening
Scores of Lutheran young people from southern Wash
ington and western Oregon were Dourinsr into Salem last
night for the twenty-ninth annual convention of the Colum
ella district Luther Leagues, and by tonight at least 400 dele,
gates and visitors are expected. Sessions are being held at
the American Lutheran church on Church street, between
Chemeketa and Center, and will continue through Sunday.
A large crowd attended the opening night meeting, when
Rev. Frank S. Beistel of Eugene delivered an inspiring and
pertinent address on "Call for Way Clearers." Theme of the
pimp nrn riiiiASf
Recommendations for Year's
Work Show Desire to
Strengthen Groups
Function of the Marion County
Christian Endeavor union will be
greatly strengthened during the
new year li recommendations 01
the future work committee, which
reported at the annual convention
held here last week nd, are adopt
ed. Members of the committee
were Ella R. Smith, Ross Guiley
and Gertrude Chamberlin.
The committee recommended
that the Crusade with Christ cam
paign be promoted in every so
ciety; that deputation work be
emphasized and visitation be made
by the deputation team at least
twice during the year to every so
ciety In the county; that the Mar.
Ion Trumpet, union paper which
appeared a few times last year, be
continued each month; and that
social activities be increased to in
clude a picnic and annual hike.
Work of the union would be
further enhanced It each society
would send a representative to a
quarterly executive committee, the
committee further recommended.
Congregational Church
Will Show Educational
Picture Sunday Evening
At the Sunday evening service
at the first congregational church.
In connection with a sermon on
the theme "For What do Men
Struggle," there will be used a
frve-reel educational picture en
titled "The World' Struggle for
Oil." Oil was used In religious
ceremonies and In the anointing
ef kings In that far-off day when
David sang his Psalms. The spir
itual enlightenment of the world
has gone hand In hand with the
development of light. This fas
cinating story of the "world's
Struggle for oil" Includes the time
when the lamps on ancient altars
were kept burning with oil and
brings the story down to the pres
ent time.
On Wednesday evening at 7:30
the minister will continue the
study-course In the Psalms in con
nection with the mid-week prayer
meeting. Young People's Union
To Elect 1930 Officers
At Meeting October 29
The Salem Christian Young
People's union will hold its an
nual meeting for election of offi
cers Tuesday, October 29. The
executive committee recently ap
pointed a nominating committee,
which will make its report on that
sale, following a meeting with Dr.
K. K. Tally, advisor.
. The coming meeting wUI be
held as a at the Presby
terian church, according to Hayes
Beall, president ' All members of
Christian Endeavor societies and
Epworth Leagues are invited to
be present
The membership committee ef
the church council of Christ Lu
theran church will meet Monday
evening at the home ot August
Kehrberger, 1740 State -street at
T:3e o'clock. Tharsday evening
then, the church council proper
Will meet at 7:10 at the church
Church St Bt Chemeketa and Center, A Downtown ChmrchL.
11 A. M. "In The Way With The Master
Rev. G. K Andeen
S P. M. Closing Rally Mass Meeting ot Luther League Con
vention. Theme: "Clearing The Way-For Christ."
7:30 Final Convention closing. Address: The Final
Charge5 by Convention Speaker
Sunday School at 9:45, Max Gehlar, Snpt,
William MeGilchrist, Director of Music
Calvary Baptist Chnrch
8. 8. t:fS
Oconventlon Is "Clearing the way
ivr vsui isu
One ot the highlights of the
annual meeting will begin at
6:15 o'clock this evening, when
all delegates and visitors are en
tertained at the annual,
over which Gus J. Weigelt of
The Dalles wUl preside. Elec
tions wlU Uke place early today.
Dr. G. K. Andeen of Astoria,
prominent Lutheran leader. wUI
deliver the convention address
today and Sunday.
Olive J. Abrahamsen of Port
land, president ot the district
group, will preside over all bust- -ness
sessions. Other officers are t
Marie Stuts, Vancouver, Wash.,'
corresponding secretary; Grace
Beistel, Eugene, recording secre
tary; Ralph Ludke, Vancouver,
Program Complete
Following is the complete pro.
gram for the two remaining days
of the convention:
Saturday morning 9 o'clock,
song service, William Saliman,
leading; 9:15, quiet moments.
Rev. P. W. Eriksen, chaplain;
9:30, business session: reading
minutes, report st officers, report
of standing committees including
educational, missionary and lite
service and extension work, re
port of special committees, district
goals and presentation ot presi
dent banner. Adjournment will
be taken at 12 o'clock aad lunch
eon will be served at the church
parlors by the ladies' guUd of the
host church; reports oa the na
tional Luther League convention
held in Omaha will feature the
luncheon meeting.
Saturday afternoon 2 o'clock,
song service and quiet momenta;
2: SO, business session with com.
mittee reports and election of of
ficers; 3: SO. half hour conference
ot personal evangeliam and Junior
work; S:30, half hour conference
on social work and reading course
and future work; 4:15, adjourn
ment; 4:20, capital city sight
seeing trip.
Saturday evening: 6:16 o'clock,
banquet served by Central Boosted
club of Salem, with Gus J. Wei-.
gelt. The Dalle, master ef cere
monies; pep songs and table
talks; 8:20, "night ot fun," under
direction Booster club. T
Sunday Events
Sunday morning-Sunday school
at-9:45 o'clock, with two speetai
Luther League classes led by Mrs.
P. W. Eriksen and R. C. Arpke
morning worship at 11 o'clock,
with the following program: pre
lude. "Village Chapel" by Hp
krns; "Call to Worship," chair;
"Beautiful Savior," audience;
opening article; anthem, choir;
offertory, "Song of the Sea" by
MacDoweU; convention hymn;
sermon, "la the Way With"
Christ," Rev. G. K. Andeen, D. D
ot the Columbia district Angus.
Una Synod; InstaUation of offi
cers by Rev. P. W. Eriksen; song, '
"Consecrate Me, Lord;" doxologxi
postlude. "Farm Impromptu" by
Schubert Dinner will be served
at 12: SO o'clock by the. ladiea
Sunday afternoon S 'clock,
League mass' meeting: sons; kerv-.
ice; opening servieei; address, -"Forward
Only,- Paster (Leef)
P. P. Eriksen; anthem; a message
from Dr. Andeen; solo, "A CaU te
Service," William McGUchrlst;
"Retrospect,M President Olive J.
Abrahamsen; Leaguers' sengr
Leaguers' Impressions, doxotog
and benediction. t
Sunday evening 7 : S 0 o'elock . ,
song service led by William Mo..
Gilchrist; opening .service; 'Ad
dress, "The Final Charge, Br.
Andeen; anthem, choir; farewell
messages from visitors; closing
service. - . ?
Grand Theatre
a. m. B. T. P. U.'s f:Sf p
Preaching ltflt ant and 7:29 p ra.
"Aataam: "ABIDB WITH ME" bf Tederella
Anthems, "The KSng Of Lore My Shepherd
Is," Shelley ".-
Gospet Song: "What WtU ' It Be To . See
Jesus,", narknert '
A WELCOME awatu ye at these services
Job! our BTNOSPIRATION in the evening
w. aan