The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    .ca, Urt-ca, Litzrr lrr;- Ucictcr 19, 1S2
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Oijscttvee Dim ased Sugges
tion H to objectlres which the
galea Lions club might profitably
adept, were made by five sneakers
At thm dab's Friday noon luneh
aW President Dewey of the Mob
! Lions club suggested that
serrate club ought to be a "start
er t)k the community; President
Lli.da.aUt of Independence den
siressavl the fellowship objee
Urej President Roe of the SUyton
denS emphasized the opportunity
tUt Intercity cooperation and shar
lif et ideas. Dr. Edgar S. Former
of tie Salem Rotary club express
ed belief that serried Is the prin
cipal reason for the existence et
ierrtee clubs, and that it should
Dgl with the little things. Dr.
Knrman K. Tally, representing the
Krwinis club, said a clrie organ
ization should be a Jackscrcw un
der the community, and the mem
bers ought to giro It a couple of
urns erery now and then.
T S. VA.a T) .. M M A fl A 0.1a
IS Si High St.. Fri. and Sat.
Air Cadets Meet Local boys
-who are members or plan to be
come members of the Air Cadets,
and Boy Scouts who wish to try
tot merit badges in aviation, hare
nee inTited by Lee Eyerly, pres
ident of the Eyerly Aircraft cor
poration to meet at the airport
this morning about 10 o'clock,
where all will be sires an oppor
tunity to Inspect the planes, and
Mr. Byerly will answer any ques
tions which may arise. Similar
meeciilgs may be arranged for
east Saturday morning.
Ask for a free kosae demonstra
tion et the new Radiola S3 A. Eoff
Eteetfk, 3S7 Court St Phone
Meeting, Place Chanced Alum
ni et Willamette university hare
changed the meeting place of their
day noon luncheon in Port
ia MS irom me uroiawaj nui-
xweod to room i Beaeu nuiia-
7-""iog, Sixth and Alder streets. The
rnange Ukes effect next Monday,
Ed Arerlll. president of the alum
M association, has announced.
TTM new room is located in quartets-operated
by the Business and
Professional Woman's club of
Renew your subscription before
Nov. 1. All mail subscriptions in
Oregon to The Statesman f3 year-
.,. -
jt ItepectioM to Start Following
cottptetion of physical examina
tions at the senior high school the
past week. Dr.' E. L. Russell,
school physician, is preparing to
start inspection of boys and girls
at the Parrisa junior high school.
He will be assisted by Dr. Vernon
A. Deuglas. health officer, and Dr.
Kseella Ford Warner. Dr. Warner
wttl nave charge of examinations
i Radios' greatest ralue! The new
1 T aJeia 33A for S1U.7& In a beau-
W ITf a 1 . VI - L . 1 4 V J 1
1 1 roi waiBUL cnuinei wim uynninic
sweater. See it at the Eoff Electric.
tl Court St. -
A. I. B. Ticket 8eIe Big Rain
s' rftre Goulet, chairman of the sale
of student body tickets at the sen
ior high school, reports that mere
thh ft hundred tickets abore the
marie reached at this time last
year hare been disposed of so far
this year. Goal has been set at
To sales, and indications are that
the chairman and "her committee
men will reach that number.
Dollar dinner every night 5:30
to 8 at the Xarien betel.
Walker Coming Today Dr. W.
Walker, field director for the
American Public Health asocia.
ttoft, "will be in Salem today to
spend tne day. . From here he will
t t Jackson county to make a
1r port on a health surrey conduct-
there late last spring. He has
ha in Portland assistant with a
health surrey of that city.
See the new Earl eight tube ra
dio, only $117. 2S complete at Vib
ftert & Todd's, 143 N. High St.
Ptione 2112.
' Larceny Charged Ed John
won and W. H. Densmore were ar
raigned In justice court Friday on
charges of larceny filed by H. R.
Jones. The case against Johnson
Involved a discrepancy in the
number of sacks of prunes he took
away with him after negotiating
a purchase. Densmore is also
charged with theft of prunes. Both
pleaded sot guilty and failed to
furnish hail.
The Statesman by mail in Ore
gon for a year Three dollars
during Bargain Period!
Oppose Bankruptcy The in
roluatary petition in bankruptcy
tiled against the F. W. Pettyjohn
company of Eugene by employes,
will be opposed, and all creditors
will be paid in full. Frank W.
Pettyjohn, president of the com
puny, said Friday. The proceed-
S will not affect the local com-
ny of the .same name, which
continue to operate as in the
Temple radios at Vibbert &
Todd's, 143 N. High St.. Phone
'pursuit Iaaned Leona Einfeldt
nras granted a permit in the city
bottding inspector's office Friday,
to repair a dwelling at 105 Gar
tt street at a cost of $50. L. F.
Wttarmute took out a permit to
MnkM the-roof on a woodshed
ml North 20th street at a
i af tio. II. D. Landon will re-
fj. T
Yoot dwelling at 162 Mill street
- t a cost of ?9. .
' Alrfn B. Stewart, Umbrella.
Cutlery and Key Store, formerly
- t et 947 Court now at Zal Court. "
- CUnic at StaytOA Twenty-fire
..J- ' StaYton children -were giren im-
v Voauftlzation treatments against
, - ; -ttipbtheria at ft clinic held Friday.
V Tom's" Service Station, Ferry
jnd. Liberty. Gas 20c per ga. West
' rn wil. 15c ft., eastern blend oil
- 39c per qt., eastern, 100 per ct.
rpfr9r Pennsylvania oil 25c Qt.
Nrtiese price will continue as long
.. i wkolesale price do sot change.
"' - (. . . .
CampalgB Ends A committee
of Parrish Junior high school stu
dents Friday concluded ft abort
subscription drlre for the school
paper, the Periscope, of which
Lynn Martin is manager and
Francis Bownea, editor. Others as
sisting In the drive were Rosemary
Hoffert, Harry Mohr, George Cor
ey, Lawrenee Morley, Robert
Clarke. Jean Clabek. Sngene
Stricklin, Eleanor Wagataff. Don
ald Sumpter, Charles Barclay and
Rosemary Sawyer.
Pianos for Rent, H. L. Stiff
Furniture -Co.
County Filings Henry Mrs.
Mildred Robertson Brooks, county
recorder, reports that the work of
her office has been rery heary the
past two months. The four type
writers used for recording instru
ments hare been kept busy near
ly all the time. There are many
deeds, mortgages and satisfactions
of mortgages presented daily for
Majestic radios. See them at Vib
bert it Todd's radio shop, 143 N.
High st. Phone 2112.
Brings Man From Lakeriew
Deputy Sheriff Sam Burkhart re
turned from Lakeriew bringing
with him Mr. Mahn, county
clerk of Lake county, wh is held
at the county jail on charges of
having Issued checks not covered
by funds. Mahn recently came
into the valley for a touch of high
life, Issued too many checks and
got entangled with the law.
Old Time Dance at CasUllian
Hall Saturday night. Adm. 25 and
50c, 8:30 p. m.
Makes Sanitary Inspection
Harry C. Sinks, sanitary inspector,
Friday made Inspection visits to
the Richmond school In, Salem and
the rural schools at Talbot, Sld
ned and Illabee. He reports that
the school at Sidney is overcrowd
ed and that no sanitary facilities
are at hand there. This is his sec
ond trip to the Sidney school,
where he says about the only rem
edy lies in a new school building.
'Atwater Kent' "Golden Voice"
table, the latest fn radio. C. 8.
Hamilton Furniture Co.
Um Kahler Hart A sprained
ankle and other injuries were suf
fered Thursday nigbtJby Miss Hen
rietta Kahler, 249 North Summer
street, when she was struck by an
automobile at State and Cottage
street The name ot the driver was
not reported.
It is indeed a Bargain Period:
One year's subscription to The
Statesman by mall In Oregon tor
$3.00. Offer good until Nov. 1.
Boxcar Entered Southern Pa
cific special agents hare reported
to the local police that the seal on
boxcar standing near the freight
house here, was broken on the
night of October 14. and three
cartons of cigarettes stolen from
the car.
See Atwater Ken't "Golden
Voice table" tho latest sensa
tion in radio. C. 8. Hamilton Fur
niture Co.
Stevens Here For Meet Mr.
and Mrs. S. D. Stereos, who are
teaching in Wasco county, ire
amonr the educators here for the
first organised principals' meet
ing. Sterens formerly taught at
Those Big Black Grapes. 4c lb.
Flalft Vinyards. Bring boxes.
Delays Const Trip On account
of illness Miss Belle Bur k holder
has found It necessary to delay
her trip to Rockaway, where she
plans to go as soon as possible in
the hope that the eoast climate
will improre her health. '
Beauty with the best reception
in Atwater Kent's "Golden Voice"
rtable. See it at Mfcmilton's.
Prom Entemrise Mr. and Mrs.
Bern A. Wright of Enterprise are
risiting at the home of Mrs.
Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. C. Pratt. Mr. Wright is attend
ing the conference ot Oregon high
school principals.
Plant tulip bulbs now. . Phone
52F14. The Tulip Farm, Wallace
Road. W. C. Franklin.
Girl Bora Here Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Merrick. Salem route one.
are parents of a six and a half
pound girl born Friday morning
at the Maternity bungalow here
The baby has been named Audrey
Rexall 1 Cent Sale. Perry' Drug
C(n rt. 4 5 '
l vri j 0 a ) vs "
Crltes Improving After un
dergoing an operation in a Port
land sanitarium Monday. J. W.
Crltes. supervisor of rural educa
tion for the state, is reported to
be improving satisfactorily.
Big spot dance at Hasel Green
Cat! fSftnH m u cf vttA .,AWf
Son to Perkins Mr. and Mrs.
Granville Perkins. 1010 North Cot
tage street, are parents- of baby
boy. born Thursday. October 17
He has been named Granville Wil
Boxing. Salem armory. Wed.
Oct. 23. Pat Dundee. Salem, vs.
Don Mack. Seattle. Tea rounds.
Four special events. - '
See the new Radiola S3 A. all el
ectric seven-tube radio with dyna
mie speaker In a beautiful walnut
cabinet for $113.75 complete. Eoff
Electric, 337 Court St. Phone
Boys' fleece lined helmets tterf
C. J. Breler Co.. 141 N. CoufL
. .Visit in Eugene Miss Helen
Bristowand. Miss Mildred Ihrig.
the tatter statistician at the child
health demonstration, will spend
the week-end: at Miss Bristew's
home in Eugene. , '
The lowest price- radio set on the
market today Is sow on display
at 161 No. Liberty st, "Davie
Shack," "The Music Box Radio.!
Free borne demonstration.' L. M.
Darles, local ageat. ' -;-
roup" Platen, CUlm Robert
If cGrath of Dallas wasarresjed by
)ou pouee Thursday en eaarg
of operating an automobile; with
license' plates which had been Is
sued for another machine.
lira. Shlpnana ta Hospital Mrs.
Isabel 8hipraan of Staytoa route
two was brought to the Deaeon
ess hospital Friday evening for
medical ear.
Pat Dundee will box ten-rounds
with Don Maek, Wed., Oct. 23 at
the Salem armory. Tickets on sale
at Adolph's Cigar Store.
Goes to California William
Gahlsdorf bas gone to San Fran
cisco on his annual buying trip,
planning to be gone about two
Latin Club to Meet The Latin
club of the high school will hold
its first social event of the year at
the school auditorium Tuesday af
ternoon, beginning at 3:10 o'clock.
Miss McBtercber to Portland
Miss Cecil McKercher, English at
the senior high school, is spending
the week-end at her borne in
Benefit box social Sat. ere. Fra
ternal temple. Ladies bring supper
for two. Coffee served free.
One License Issued Victor
Ahalt and Minnabell Lemke both
of 428 No. Church street, Salem,
obtained ft marriage license Fri
Zontft Board to Meet The ex
ecutive board of the Zontft dab
will meet Monday night at 7:30
o'clock at the T. W. C. A.
Boys' fleece lined helmets 98c.i
C. J. Breler Co., 141 N. Com'L
Speeding Charged W. C. John
son, Salem route 4. was arrested
by local police Thursday night on
a charge of speeding.
Th nowMt nf the Fanchon A
Marco Ideas "Hollrwood Studio
Girls" comes to the Fox Elsinore
Theatre today and Sunday.
Camera . . ,
Action ...
Here's something new . . . You
are going to hare a glimpse f
Hollywood, not on the screen as
you havB before, but this time
on the stage presenting the Hol
lywood screen beauties and a big
cast of single talkie dancie en
tertainment makers.
This revue is a jambouree of
screenland girls . . . and capers
. . . and gags . . . 'n ererything
. . . direct from many famous
screen productions in the cinema
Beginning Sunday with the
Fanchon Marco show and ex
tending through Monday comes
Colleen Moore la her very first all-
talking picture. "Smiling Irish
Eyes" which- Is a 1taphon pro
Dallas Ckarch to Install
Two New Furnace Soon
DALLAS By action of the of
ficial board and members of the
Christian church a joint contract
was signed Thursday with East
man Brothers of Salem and Sil
rerton and Rich and Ellis ot Dal
las for the Installation of two new
furnaces in the church In Dallas.
This wltl Include the fan type for
circulation of air and also re-
ramping of the entire hot air sys
tem. The work is to be started at
Motion Picture Is Slated
For Dallas Church Group
DALLAS A six- reel motion
picture. "Joseph and his Breth
ren." will be shown in the audi
torium of the Christian church.
Monday evening, October 21. The
picture is said to bo most au
thentic and depicts vividly the life
of that period. In addition to this
a one reel picture ot actual scenes
taken la the Holy Land will also
be shown. In preparation of the
big rally day October 27, 1000
invitations will be sent out byM
the church for the day's services.
General Ladies9 Aid
Will Meet Wednesday
The General Aid society of the
First Methodist church will meet
Wednesday afternoon in the
church parlors at 2:30 o'clock,
with Mrs. W. C. Young, the presi
dent, presiding. Mrs. F. C. DeLoag
will lead the devotions. The ladles
of the South Central circle will
serve as hostesses for the after
noon. Mrs. W. B. Minies. chair
man, assisted by Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, Mrs. William Yarnell
and Mrs. F. C. Taylor.
The Baracca Philatnea class of
the Calvary Baptist church will
meet Monday evening at the
church parlors. Other group meet
ings scheduled tor the week in
clude the orchestra practice Tues
day, midweek prayer service on
Wednesday and choir practice
Thursday evening.
, Mean Changed Every Day :
Argola Dming Room
S2t V. Coss'L Mr. sad Mrs. Esatknold
We buy Tags," sacks, :ps per,
-. - - . . . -
ire, brass, copper, hides, e
--..- . .
'Capital Junk Co.
. H. Steiabock, Prop. .
Pbose SM By the Bridge
Polk. County Fair Awards
Prizes for Work in Do
mestic Science
DALLAS. Oct. 1 8 Pol a coun
ty women demonstrated their abil
ity la the field of domestic science
and art at the recent county fair,
winning many prizes.
Prise awards were:
. 'Tian't . pimcm horn irrtm r
1t a proa, Mrs. I. E. McCUb. tint.
Woman's sterrslsss work aprsa, Mrs.
Hslsn MeClsrsa, first; Rath Hifgins,
csond. Child' drM with blooaen. Mrs.
U. K. VcCafeb, fin. Child's cap or boa
net. Xrr. T. A. TOoxaaa. second. Othar
articlo of wMriii apparel. Pearl Ward,
first and second. Knitted socks, UUs A.
Ladstock, Tint; Mrs. Maria McCall. aec
ad. Knitted aeazf ot enairi. Mra. C. X.
Baakla. first; Mrs. 8. It- Stewart, sec
ond. Knitted bedroom slippers, Mrs. Ms
rU MeCatl, first; Mrs. C. W. Heakla,
second. Hand baft-, Mr. Marie McCall,
Collection three handkerchiefs, Mrs.
A, B. Dilloy, first; Mrs. $. E. Henkle,
second. Dresser scarf or set in color, Mrs.
Helen MeClarea, first; Mrs. F. A. The
amaa, second.
Dreaaer aeart or set trinuned with lace,
Gladys lndis, second. Two hand towels.
Mrs. i B Diner, first; Mrs. O. W.
Hankie, second. Bed set. embroidered,
Mrs. T. A. Thomas, first. Bed aet. other
than a bora, Bl the Hoekette. first. Bed
aaread, crocheted or ' crocheted trimmed,
Mrs. Csl Miller, first. Spread, not aboT.
Mrs. C. W. Heakla, tint; Agnes lanes,
second. Cotton quilt, pieced and eailtod,
Mrs. M. J. Ballantyne, first; Mrs. O.
M. Hera, second. '
Othar atdH. hf. B. GLrla' elnb, ta care
of Mrs. Weiaia, first; Mrs. C. M. Bern,
second. Pillow eases, hand made Ises,
Mrs. 8. P. Bitra. first; Mrs. C. W. Hsa
kla, second. Pillow eases, embroidered,
Helena Btnapel. first; Mrs. J. N. Mills,
aeeead. Band triaaaaed curtains', Mrs. 8.
L. Stewart, first; Arnes Eones, second.
Boudoir pillow, Blanch Hoekott, first;
Berths Parson i, second. Lampshade, Mrs.
1. A. Thoeaaa, first. Bedroom rax. crock
a ted, MUa Adah Syren, first. Bedroom
roc, hooked, Mrs. Maarice Dal ton, first;
Mrs. C. M. Horn, second. Bedroom rac.
braided, Mrs, Henry Gehrke, first and
second'. Tsblo eloth or mack sloth with
foar napkins in- white, Mrs. C W. Han
kie, first. Cloth and fonr napkin in
color, Bath Hifgins, first; Blanche Heek
ott second. Cloth and foar napkins,
trimmed with hand made lacs, Mrs. Goo.
Thompson, first: Bertha Parsons, second.
Cloth not specified aboTe, Bath Meek
er, first; Blanche Hockett, aecoad. Table
set in color. Bertha Persona, first; Mrs.
J. N. Mill, second. Table set band made
lace, Mary Preisen, first. Table set not
specified abore. R. X. Helms, aecoad.
Contersieco embroidered in color, Bath
Meeker, first; Anne Kesfeldt. second.
Centerpiece, other thsa sbor, Mrs. Hel
en MoClarea, first. Mrs. C. M. Horn, sec
ond. Tray cloth embroidered in color.
Mary Priesen, first. Tray cloth, hand
made lace. Pearl Ward, first. Buffet
set in color, Mrs. Fred Holmes, first;
Mrs. Helen McClaren, second. Sofa pil
low, filled and embroidered. Mrs. Fred
Hotaaan, first; Ansa Keofeldt, Second.
Pillow, othar than abwre, Mre. C. J.
Bsstsr, first; Mrs. W. J Stockholm, sec
ond. Runner for liring1 room table. Mrs.
C. W. Henkle. first; Acaes Biehards, eee
nd. Specimen filet crocket, Mrs. C. M
Hornar first; Mrs. S. P. Bins, second.
Specimen ether crochet, Blanche Hockett,
first and second. Specimen, tsttmf, Mary
rreisoa, first; Pearl Ward, Second. Speci
men knitted lace, Mrs. Abixal Elliott, sec
ond. Other hand made lace, Mary Preisen,
first; Mra. Marie McCall, second. French
and eyelet embroidery, Helena Bampel.
first. Pearl Ward, eeeoad. Cat work, Mrs.
C. W Henkla, first; Rath. Meeker, see
sad. Other embroidery. Mrs. Carl Mailer.
first; Blanche Hockett, aecoad. Block
print, Anna Dashieil, first. Swedish weer
ins, Mrs. John Molenssr, first. Italian
hemstitckinr, Henrietta Jobes, first. Tsp
estry work. Mrs C. W. Henkle. first;
Mrs. Mario MeCaH. second. niltins. Mrs.
M. jr. BsUsntyno, first. Other hand work
a eloth, Mrs. John Meienaar. first.
Frenck knots, Mrs C. M. Horn, first;
Mrs. Mary Cetler. second.
Cleat 129, bread', Mrs. Broadly, Dallas,
first; Mrs. 8. !. Stews rt. second. Lot
o, Qrahsm bread, one loaf, Mrs. Ij E.
McCaleb, Moamoath, first; Mrs. W. J.
Garner, Dallas, sscond. Lot SS, steamed
brown bread, Mrs. W. J. asraor, first;
Mrs Gass Prenc, Kickreall, second. Lot
9, nat broad, Mrs. Boy Black, Dsllai.
first ; Mrs. W. J. Garner, second. Lot
100, prase bread, Mrs. Boy Black, sec
ond. Lot 101, Raisin- bread, Mrs. W J.
Garner, first; Mrs. L. E. MeCsleb, sec
ond. Lot 103, ai ana-men rolls, Mrs. 6.
L Hawkins, Dallas, first; Mra. Roy
Black, aeeond. Lot 108, rolls, one doiea
Lot 104, Parker House rolls, one dos.,
Uiii Msrie McCall. Salem. FX. 1, second,
(plain), Mrs. M. B. Toons, Dallas, first;
Mra. G U Hawkins, Delias, first; Mrs.
A. V. Olirer, Biekreall, aecoad. -
Class ISO. sake. Lot 10T, layer cake,
white, Mrs. Geo. Shields, RickreslL first;
Mrs. Elmer Hamilton, Riekrestl, second.
Lot 108, layer rske. dark, ether than
chocolate, Mrs. Boy Black, firs. Lot 109.
fruit cake. Mrs. Boy Black, second. Lot
110, angel food cake, Marjory Stewart,
first; Mrs. Walter Kerr, Snrer, second.
Lot 111, deril's food cske. Mrs. Robt.
Mitchell, Amity, Rt. 1. first; Mrs. Leon
Tnmer, Rickresll, second
Class 131, cookies. Lot 113. doachnnts,
one half doxen. Mrs. 8. L. Stewart, first;
Mrs. W. J. Garner, second. Lot US,
dropped cookes, one half dosea, Mra
H. W. Frewinr. Biekreall, Rt. S, -first;
Mrs. Geo. Shields, second. Lot 114, roll
ed cookies, one half doiea, Mr, fius
Frsnr, first; Mrs. L M. Bissefl, Dallas,
Bt. 1, second. Lot 115. filled cookies.
one hslf down, Msrie McCall, first;
Mrs. W. J. Garner, second.
Clara 1S1, pies. Lot 116, one erost
with merinfoe, Mra M. 9. BaUaatyne,
first. Lot 117, one emit wtthoot mer
ingue, Mrs. Roy Blsrk, first. Lot 11S,
two emit, Mr. Boy Kelly, Dallas, first;
Mrs. Roy Black, aeeond.
Class- 133, rsnned fruit. Lot 120, best
collection poicklei. Mrs. Boy Black, first;
Mrs. Milt Grant. Dallas, second. Lot 121,
best collection lolly. Mrs. T. J. Edwsrds,
Moamoath, first; Mrs. Roy Block, second.
Tot 1S3, best collection pVeierree, Mrs.
Roy Black, first. Lot 123, best two
anarts cherries, dark. Mrs. Alma Alsip.
Dallas Rt. S, first; Mrs. A. M. Toews,
Dallas, Rt. 1, second. Lot 124, best two
City View Cemetery
Established 1883 Tel. 1206
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
i n
Peltrest ittcmotial
820 eas na a la. en
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Jwst tea minutes from the
heart of towfa --- -
SfM 1
- JlrJIootJIiutoX
iS "a -
laHMi." C6a. Ahaa
Alms, Alain,
prnnos or proms, iif as, mrs.
first: Mrs. Bar Black, aecoi
two traart a rasas or ntnmS.
T. jr. AW, first: Mrs. Bar Black.
eeeV Lot 139, two enares lofaaberriee,
ws7seoaI'lVwosrs leH
berriaa. Mrs. A. M. Toews, first: Mra.
Miles DaTia. 8u Tar, "-second. Lot 131. two
qsarts raspkerriea, Mrs. Alms Alsip,
first; Mrs. Naomi Hnatley. Sheridan,
second. Lot 132, two qnarts etrewberries.
Mrs. Aha AUip. first; Mrs. T. I. Ed
wards, second. Lot 134. two anarta-peas,
Mrs. T. J. Alsip. first. Mrs. T. 3. Ed
wards, aeeond. Los 1S5. two onarta can
cat frees eon. Mrs. T. J. Alain, first.
Mra Boy Black, aecoad. Lot 138. two
anarts koaas. Mrs. Goo. Shields, first;
Mrs. Irene Babler. Falls City, second.
Lot 1ST, two we arts tomatoes. Mrs. C.
W. Henkle, first; Mrs. Boy Black, aec
oad. Lot 188, assortment canned Tt(a
tablea. six or snore. Mrs. Irene Babler.
first; Mra. W. J. Stocks la. Moamoath.
second. Let 189, assortment canned
traits, six or mors, Mrs. Roy Black, first.
Lot 140, assortment csnned meat, six
or more, Mrs. Boy Black, first. Lot 141.
senoral exhibit of meat. Tegetables sad
frnit, Mrs. C. H. Psrker. Moamonth.
first; Mrt. Boy Black, second. Lot 142,
assortment esnnod cherries, Mrs. T. J.
Alsip. first; Mrs. Boy Black, second. Lot
143, assortmeat canoed prnnes. Mrs. T.
J. Alsip, first; Mrs. Boy Black, aeeond.
Corrallls, Oct. IS Oregon has
the best student Judge of butter
In the United States and the third
best judge of cheese and ot Guern
sey cattle, according to results
Just receired from the National
Dairy show In St Louis, Missouri.
A team from this college compet
ed with those from 27 other col
leges in the cattle Judging con
test and 14 others In the products
Bryan Gordon of Silrerton was
high man in butter scoring and
the team, coached by Dr. G. Wil
ater. professor of dairy manufac
turing, was fifth In the products
Judging. Melrllle Ritchie of Bor
ing placed third in cheese Judging
and ninth In lndiridual scores for
all classes.
W. H. Brandt ot Silrerton was
third among the 84 contestants
In judging Guernseys and the
team, coached by Dr. I. R. Jones,
associate professor in dairying,
was third in Guernseys and thir
teenth In all breeds. Harold R.
Maltby of Alsea was the third
member of the cattle team and al
ternate In the products team.
Road Tax Sought
In Wasco County
Now Demanded
Mandamus proceedings were fil
ed in the state supreme court
here Friday to compel the county
court of Wasco county to levy a
general road tax for 1929 ef not
less than one mill nor more than
10 mills on alL taxable property in
the cities of The Dalles, Dufur
and Mosier.
It was set out in the complaint
that the county court had refused
to levy this tax because ot char
ter provisions which exempted the
three cities from the general road
The proceeding was filed by C.
A. Harth and other taxpayers of
Wasco county, who alleged that
an act of the 1927 legislature
voided the charter provisions un
der which the levy was exempted.
Finance Firm
Files Articles ot
The Podosa Investment company,
with headquarters In Portland and
capUal stock of $180,000. has
been incorporated by James L.
Con!r, A. G. Fletcher and GL S.
Gentry. Other articles filed in
the statecorporatton department
today follow:
Cascade Airways', Albany, 120.
000; Charlie Langmack, Ruth
Langmack and George B. Craw
ford. Dayton Telephone company,
Dayton: capital stork Increased
from 87400 to $14,000.
We Give
Phone 233 We Deliver
Hotel Senator Bids;.
Oregon Electric Ry.
Willamette Valley Line
L Wttkoot operation or loss ef
828 Oregon Bldg.'
Eyeglas Insurance and thor.
ough examination included.
- 110 N. Conunerrial St. .
v '.i. Fboate mm for the
T Highest Cash Price :
We buy and sell everything
- -Salem Junk Co.
320 N. Commercial k
' - PHONE 43;
Saffron it Kline
isrss: sn. .m ijwa, unuas m. a,
second. lis, best two oasrns pears.
Mffflhna Alsip, first- Mrs, T, J. Ed
ward, adnata LaS ISA heat two aaarta
e ffbsna
dark. Mr:
CorTallls. Oct 18 The greatest
array of 4-H club liTestock exhi
bits in the history of the west is
assured for the Pacific Interna
tional Livestock exposltkht- In
Portland, October x to November
2, .announces H. C. Seymour,
state club leader in the extension
service, and manager ot this divi
sion ot the exposition.
Livestock entries are already 80
per cent greater than ever before,
and Oregon boys and girls alone
will show 350 animals in compe
tition wltn those sent by other
junior farmers in Washington.
Idaho. Montana, Nevada, Utah
and British Columbia.
Forty county champion live
stock judging teams, half of them
from Oregon, will compete for
honors, and for the first time
there will be a crops judging con
test as well, in which Oregon will
have at least five teams.
Two atate champion demonstra
tion teams from Oregon will put
on their "show" at the interna
tional. One consists of Reid
Smith and Fred Ward of Tilla
mook, who will demonstrate dairy
herd management, and the other
is made np of Lois Bailey and Ma
nia Osborne of Lane county who
will demonstrate the use of flour
sack material by bleaching the
goods, dyeing It making a child's
dress and putting it on the young
sters, all la 80 minutes.
Fatalities Are
Put at Six by
Accident Group
There were six fatalities due to
industrial accidents in Oregon
during the week ending October
17, according to a report prepared
by the state industrial accident
commission Friday.
The victims were John H. Jic-
Cubblns, Eugene, fire fighter; Al
vin Peoples. Eugene, fire fighter:
Harry Norris, Myrtle Point, wood
cutter; A. F. Bourlier, McMlnn-
vflle, truck driver; Frank Miller.
Portland, foreman, and R. M.
Thompson, Wasco, laborer.
There were a total of 725 acci
dents reported to the commission
during the week.
Highland Friends Enjoy
Social Meeting at Church
Members and frienda of the
Highland Friends church held an
enjoyable social meeting in the
church basement Friday fe' night.
The entertainment opened with a
supper meeting which was follow
ed by a social gathering and pre.
gestation of a program. Various
church committees took the op
portunity to plan work for the
coming year.
The mid-week prayer and
praise service of First Methodist
church will be held on Thursday
evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Psalm
God's Ownership" will be the
study which will be led by the
pastor, the Rev. F. C. Taylor.
Prices Reduced
On Res! Cedar Shingles
We are overstocked on these
shingles . and are offering
Red Cedar Shingles at re
duced prices.
The Root Eternal
Installation If Desired)
Hollywood Lumber Co.
Concord and Sweetwater
a gallon
West Salem
Phone 2374J
enseal fa. OUnCS
jin for Two
Crisp, golden peanut brittle
filled 'with selected fresh
peanuts, u ,
': A real treat for the whole
family. IS ounces
for : :
s; :i . Only "; 1 -
Tb original Yellow Front am
Candy Special Store of Salem.
N 135 Com'L St. Paose 107
, . - - --..-'
Pestslar Agevscy '
Charles Llbores-
Seriously Sick
Hon. Charles B. Moore, for
Saay years' a resident of Salem,
is been 111 at his home in Port
land, at 117 East Bind street. Mr.
Moores was private secretary in
the office of Governor Moody, and
for a long time was interested in
business affairs In the capital city,
including the ownership and oper
ation ot the saw mill that was
taken over by the Spauldlng com
pany. HO has been for a genera
tion a trustee of Willamette uni
versity. At one time. Mr. Moores
was known to almost every man.
woman and child in Salem, and
he had a wide acquaintance over
the state In political, official and
business circles. His old friends
in Salem hope he may soon be
around as usual, and due for
many years yet of his singularly
helpful and useful life. He is a
brother of A. N. Moores of Salem.
Frieda Oehler Is
Named Guardian
Frieda M. Oehler was appointed
guardian of Carf Schroeder, in
competent, by Judge Siegmund.
The final account of M. B. Hay
den and Ben Isaac Maiwoll ioint
administrators of the estate of W.
O. Hayden was spproved and the
estate ordered closed.
L. D. Gaffey of Denison. Tex.,
has spent nine years building a
two-story business structure. He
expects to finish It by 1931.
trusted to this institu
tion wil be under the
care of men who have spent
their lives in caring for capi
tal, and who have proved
their ability to care for it suc
cessfully. Their services are at your
disposal to settle your estate
and administer any trust you
desire to create, if you name
this institution as Executor
and Trustee in your will.
Instruct your attorney to
thus safeguard your estate.
Ladd & Bush Trust
A. N. BUSH, President. L. P. AMrfch, See.
W. S. Wart on, Vice-President. Jos. H. Albert, Trust officer.
Originators of Low Prices
Our prices are the lowest possible for the kind of meats
you would be satisfied with.
Fop Oatafrday Wo 0Sci?
Sirloin Steak
Boiling Beef
315c IICd.
- "Nut Sweet" Brand
Genuine LEGS OF LAMB 30c lb.
Genuine LAMB CHOPS 25c lb.
Young Pig
Pork Roasts
119c Mb.
Ground Beef
Useless to pay more
Sugar Cured
Oat t)f coesiieration to our employes, wr close Safer
days at 7:00 P. U-IIaiTy EL LeTy. Mgr. :
Officials of the Rogue Rim tr- -rtgation
district in Jaeksom county"
today urged the state reclamation,
commission to authorize the issu -ance
of bonds in the amount of
$219,000, and approve a contract, - r
under which the district woald
take over a part ot the works ot- s
the Public Water company, form
erly the Rogue River Valley Canal, ( .
A portion ot the works has al- .
ready been taken over by the Med
ford irrigation district. The re
clamation commission took the
matter under advisement and will
give a decision Monday.
The new district contains 4774
acres ot highly developed land In
the Rogue River Valley.
In case the reclamation com.
mission gives a favorable decision,
all ot the works will be held by '
the Medford irrigation district and
the new Rogue River district in
The Church of the Nasarene Is -putting
on a special Sunday eve-
ning service each week, with a
happy, live song service, which
has resulted in a marked Increase
in attendance and interest, re
ports the pastor. Rev. I D. Smith.
Sunday evening a great singing"
esrvice is planned, John S. Frie
sen and family, known as 'The
Singing Friesens" will sing sever
al special numbers with guitar accompaniment.
551 State St.
Beef Roasts
20c Mb.
T-Bone Steak
25. Mb.
Young Pig
Pork Steak
2$Q EEiV
Little Pig
Little Links
25o Hb.
risky to pay less t
: - Sugar Cured I
Bacon Squares
f 5
"- ft
'- i