The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 18, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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LocatNews Briefs
Play Cut Named Cut f of I
jthe high, school student boay piny 1
baa been announced by Miss Cecfll
HLToirikA Vutaafc In InofnitA A1m I
SAVJMV f vwavwf awa
"olchok, who will take the part of
Grand DuVe; Robert Eyre at
Count Ivan; Reynolds Allen ar
(Prince Vladimir; David Eyre as
Gutterldge; Richard Baker as
'Amos Welby; Don Sodeman a
0'F&nen Savin Phelns as Mrs.
IWelby; Charlett Brown aa Alice
milr. Rath Chapman as Belly
WelS Louise MeDetnaU as Con-
ule Welby; Ruth Howe as Mary
rMaadsley; and Dolly Morgall as
Princess Irina. The play. "The
New Poor," will be fire Novem.
bee 2S.
P. B. 6. Bazaar, Rummage Sale,
13 e S. High t, Frl. and Sat.
Lenders OrganUed Members I
tot the Juhlor fymnasiam leaders
corps, recently organised at the
,Y. u. c. A., incinae f an wown
ell and Harry Mosher, master
leaden; Jim Earle, Dayid Compt
on, Howard 8ehon, Foster Crone
miller, Ed BuBlck. Darle CollleT,
Charles Collier, Frank Tibbetts,
George Tibbetts, Junior Derers,
Lonts Bean, Bob Brewnell, Win
field Needham, Wallace Sprague,
Ned Hale, Philip Salstrom, Bob
Smith, Dick Pierce, David Thorn p-
son. Douelas Chambers aad Gor-
don Dunstan: 1
sacruice saie riioaern o roou i
... . . tm
22me: h"00;
i . c m . A &i okMeawf
,w. a. uraoennorsi, - ov.
Mlnlurn elected Club Head
George Minturn has been elected
president of the high school
science club to succeed Fred
Blatchford, resigned because
school regulations do not permit
lioldinr of two such offices. Ger
trade jWltislpw Is secreUrt f
fiiviteri Hof4 ' Is treirfef 1 1 The
club has only held one meeting so
far this year, but expects to be
organized completely in another
two or three weeks.
Renew your subscription before
Nor. 1. All mail subscriptions In
Oregon to The Statesman $3 year
ly. Dr. Warner in Portland! Dr.
Estella Ford Warner,-director of
the Marlon county child health
demonstration, will attend a lun
cheon of the City club In Portland
today, when Dr. W. F. Walker
and Dr. James Wallace, both of
the American public health asso
ciation, win give addresses. The
luncheon program has been plan-
ned In connection with a health
'survey being conducted in the city
of Portland.
A few children's bonnets and
hats left to be closed out Howard
Cnrwt Shnn. IBS M LHuvrtr. .
; Chambers Return Mr. audi
Mrs. J. M. Chambers returned
Thursday from Oakland, Calif..
where he attended the annual I
Pacific coast convention of Pen-1
i1 ,::r, .niZn
gone about 10 days, and also Tlslt-
ed In Ban Francisco, motoring
south over the Pacific highway
and returning by way of the Red-l
Dollar dinner every night 8:30
to S at the Marion hotel.
Auto Hits Wagon Type of
brakes team of horses" says the
accident report filed by W. W. Ry
an. 21(4 Hazel avenue, at the po
lice station, Thursday. It relates
that the Spautding Loggiag com
pany wagon driven by Ryan, was
Struck by an automobile owned
: by John Fromm, Salem route t.
Wednesday at 5:30 p. m. on State
treet. T - ;
'! Closing out odds and ends In
rayon bloomers. Values as high as
$1.95 specially priced S 5 a Howard 1
Corset Shop, 185 N. Liberty St.
Car Catches FireFire appar
ently, caused by a short circuit
did considerable damage to the
automobile of P. Thompson, 1770
North Capitol street, about 7:00
o'clock Thursday night The car
was in the garage at the Thomp
son some when it caught tire, The
fire department was called.
The Statesman by mall In Ore-
gon for a year Three
during Bargain Periodl
Community Night Punned!
Englewood Community night will
.be observed this evening at the
Castle United Brethren church,
beginning, at 7:30 o'clock. Pro
gram for the evening will include:
ftupper at 6:30 o'clock; commun
ity sing conducted by L. W. Bid
die; reading by Miss Lola Sehuls;
violin numbers by Joe Sliver; pi
ano solo by John Gilhousen, ad
dress, "My Impressions ot China"
by Professor Roy Lockenour, of
Willamette University.
Alvln B. Stewart, Umbrella,
Cutlery and Key Store, formerly
at 347 Court now at 251 Court
Hurt In Wreck William Wen
del suffered a broken shoulder
and fractured rib Wednesday
when the car In which he was
riding skidded on wet paving aad
went into the ditch. Ira Kirsch
of Stayton was driving his car on
the Salem-Turner road with Wen
del In tbe back seat When he
'saw another car coming on the
highway at the foot of a bill he
applied his brakes and the car
went Into the ditch.
Pianos for Rent, H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co.
. nimica SchAdni-1 L Toxin-an
titoxin clinics will be held Mon -
a a . . a. at a. a. w
oay, oegiamag at i o ciocx, at toe
school buildings at Illahee, Loo
ney, Sunnyside and Jefferson, It
was announced Thursday from tbe
. Salem health center. Parents
. wishing to have either school or
; p re-school children given the Im
munization treatments should see
that the youngsters are .at the
school houses on that day.
Returns From Washington
C. A. Sprague. manager ot the
SUteeman returned - Thursday
011 . Time Dance at Castniian
Hall Saturday night Adm. 25 and
0c, 8:30 p. m. , .
GoClibtas Ceported Antomo-
ones driven by Daryl o. Evans,
If 5 North 35tn street. onsV Art
A Vara mIiM WMnfttarat CAB
ayaaya ay vwi w
ter and Commercial streets. Wet
brafce on AMrs ear were blamed
tor the crash.. Gustar KlempeU
1161 Hall street, reported a eol-
listen wMch wcurred Wednesday
afternoon on the Pratom road, bo-
tween all t ontOmobllo and' an
drivea by O. CVElentt Korth
17th. Kleiaple al4 Dthle en-
tered Jrora side road and went
past the tenter of the Pratum
road la makinr the turn, nta-j
eblnee driven by LeoPttrrtte,
ll Oaa? street, and D. H. Da-
Losr. collided Wednesday attar-:
noon at BeUerue and Commercial.
DeLong was making a rererse
C um.
T ta InAMtd a Barratn Period:
jone yearti bscrlptloa te The
! gu,teaman by mall In Oreron for
ts.eo. Offer good until Nor. i.
Ttatte Health
Professor Klbbe. psyebologist at
the Belllngham normal school.
was a visitor tn-Salem Wednesday
to study what is being done la 8a-1
Um and Marlon eounty in word
ing out a health education pro
gram. Belllngham was one otthe
21 western towns that Did xor tne
ircVi ..ih'mmtraMi wMrh I
was estubllahed In Salem and Mar-1
ion county, and this year Belling-1
inn ri 11 lit. m.uu l 1 1 rt vckk uetuj,A-
" WrT.., .t-
temptlnif. with tad aid Of the Am
... - wi. KIUl aasoeiation
and the Rockefeller ounauon,
to put In -a' combined city, and
county health unit.
Flala Vinyards. Bring boxes,
Aoote MacbJne Gotnk Ta N
H. .Massey of 8eattle, president Of
company, were In Balera Thursday I
to meet with Ray L. Faschlng. Sa
lem representative. The company,
formed by Wenatchee and Takima
interests for marketing choicest
apples through a Tending ma
chine. Its experiencing sales away
ahead of anticipations with the
machine. Massey will leave Imme
diately for Chicago to form an op
erating company there.
Card of Thanks We wish to
thank our friends and neighbors
for their kindness and sympathy
during the illness and death ot
our sister. E. E. Leslie. Albert
Stewart. Montie Leslie, Mrs. Myr-
Visit Pratnm and Wlllard
Mrs. Mary L. FuUterson. county
sehool superintendent, visited the
Pratom and Wlllard schools
Thursday. It was her first trip of
the year to Pratum, where she
found teachers and pupils most
happy 4nthe new school building,
The building Is not unite complete,
a few finishing touches re mam-
ing to be done on the interior.
Why nay Bell Ringers a fancy
Price for ordinary elec We clean-
era when yon can bay the famous
Hamilton-Beach for S41.09. (Was
JJj jv
$65.00). C. 8. Hamilton Furnl-
Manr Want Glee Club Ninety
senior high school girls have sign
ed up for the high school glee
club, Lena Belle Tartar, head ot
the school music department, re
ported Thursday. This number is
more than double the 40 Miss Tar
tar has anticipated for the glee
group, and K may be she will or
ganise two giee duns.
The new low price on Hamilton-
Beach Electric Cleaners saves
$Z4 over the old price. C. S. Ham
ilton Furniture Co.
Portlaaders Visit Mr. and Mrs.
John Grimshaw and daughter
Helen ot Portland, were recent
guests ot Mrs. Roy J. Anderson
of Salem Heights; and of H. M.
Bibby of Lablah. Mr. Grimshaw Is
the state vice-president ot the W.
T. Rawietgh company ot Oakland.
Shocnaker Visits Fred Sho-
miker. formerly of Salem, now an
agent of the American Railway,
Express Co. at Portland, has re
turned to Portland after attend-
ln td matters in connection with
the estate of his mother, who re
cently died here.
Plant tulip bulbs now. Phone
! S2F14. The Tulip Farm. Wallace
Road. W. C. Franklin.
Road Graveled The section!
et the market read trom Mehama
ud the north side of tbe santiam
to. Taylor's Grove has been gravel
ed. TWo coats were spread on the
road. Some reenf orclng with graf
t jut' be necessary after the
rains settle the road.
Sehen Leaves for South James
m gshon. deoutr state insurance
commissioner, left Thursday for
Nashville. Tenn.. where he will
spend two or three weeks attend
ing to private business ana Tun
ing his father and Ola inenas.
One dollar places a Hamilton
Beach Vacuum cleaner in your
home. Now 141.00. C. 8. Hamil
ton Furnltttfs Co.
Waives Hearing June Robert
Barr, waived preliminary hearing
when brought before Justiee Bra
zier C Small Thursday and is held
in the county jail waiting posting
ot a bond for $1000. Barr Is
charged with forgery. ,-
Modern. T-room home, large lot
and plenty ot fruit, flowers and
shrubbery. Fine location. To trade
tor close-ia rooming or apartment
Wiesacr From Gervais George
Wlesaer of Gervais was a business
visitor la th,e city Thursday. Mr.
Wiesner 4a planning. to leave next
Monday for Los Angeles, where he
will spend six months or no.
Visits. -Relative- Mrs. II. W.
Bennett ot Santa Monica, CaL, Is
Visiting In Salem at the home ot
her sister, Mrs, J. Lincoln Ellis.
Mrs. Bennett spent the sammer in'
1 British Columbia,
Two to Wed The county clerk
issued ' a marriage license Thurs
day to Charles Peter .Wytfel and
Margaret Schmidt of Mount An-
j -- - -
29th ftinual ;$Msionf ViEl
Slart In City Tohiflht
and last 3 Daya
The twenty-alnth annual
S'" J.taKsw
Tentlon ot the Columbia district
eeeslom at the American Lccthetnat
ehureh. Church -: atreet
Chemeketa aid Center. Reglstra-j
tion wfll begin Friday erenlnsr at I
T o clock with delegates to report 1
from ChehJala. Keua.
Taneourer and Lengrlev. Waah
aad The Dalles, Portland. - En-
gene, Aatorla, LaGrande, Medford
and Koaeburg.
Bet. Frank & BelsteV tf ; En-
gene will deliver the opening nd-j
dresa, Friday eTenlng, "Call fori
Way dearers. Opening night
errleea wfil etart at 7:4 o'clock
with the fouewing program: Or
gan prelude. "Melodie," by Mac
Do Well; , song eerrlce; scripture
reading and prayer; welcome by
Fred Relnwald, president of - the
local league of the Amerieaa
Lutheran church; response, Misa
Oure J, Abrahamsen, district pi
ident; conrentlon hymn, "Clear
77t . 1
vZJ - T. TTZC,.' "riirr," 7a 1
lights, district superintendent;
w raawM p vm? vHvai awvivr-
Luther league rally hymn; bene
diction; postlude. "March of the
Noble, by Keats.
District officers are; Miss Ab
rahamsen, Portland: Miss Marie
a. a Tr-
Belatel, Eugene, recording secre
tary; Ralph Ludke, Vancouver,
treasurer; William Salsman. senx
leader. WiHUm. mmW will
ber Erector t.mmlibd music.
."r ;r,lT 7. I
Arlene Tlmm, organist.
Judge J. W. Hamilton of the
Douglas county circuit court will
sit on the state supreme court un
til January 1, In place of Justice
George M. Brown, according to
announcement made here Thurs
day by Chief Justice Coshow. Jus
tice Brown has not been in good
health for several months. ,
Justice Brown probably win re
main in Salem, where he will re
ceive medical treatment. Physi
cians said he; fully re
covered by the last ot the year.
Judge Hamilton is the oldest
circuit Judge in Oregon, with re
lation to length of service. He
first was elected circuit Judge in
IS It, and assumed office in July
ot that year.
Judge Hamilton will arrive lh
Salem next Wednesday. He will
recelre the same salary aa for his
service as circuit Judge. This is
the first time that a circuit ludge
has been called to sit on the su
preme court since the law author
izing such procedure was enacted
in 1921.
With the settling "out df court
of cases docketed for trial Thurs
day and Friday, the eixeait court
petit Jury was released 'to report
again Monday, when the case of
Cherry City Baking company vs.
Harris lea. Machine worr goes
to trlaL This 1 the most import
ant actlOA ot the October term
from the standpoint of the money
consideration , involved. Flaintif x
seeks damages from the ice ma-
chine company, allegins; that
through its negligence In Install
ing a refrigeratiesv. system. Its
plant was -destroyed by tire In
Invited to Eugene Governor.!
I. L. Patterson has been Invited
to address a Joint meeting ot ser
vice clubs ot Lane county to be I
held at Eugene Wednesday, No
vember 0.
Rexall 1 Cent Sale, Perry Drug
Store. Oct 24, 25, 2t.
jBi&noB in roruano c. e. jn-
ahon fa anendinr a few days In
Portland, on "business,- during the
abscenee of his son, Clarence in
the east
Here From Eugene N.
Morehouse of Eugene was a busvj
iness visitor in Salem Thursday.
City View Cemetery
Established 1803 TeL 1206
Conveniently Accessible.
Perpetual care provided for
- ----- a
Pelcrest illemorial
820S 4PaVU MM
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
asf tern, aataates mat too
w heart of town
: bo cAon :
We buy ragv sacks, paper.
Iron, brass, copper, hides, e
etc. .
"Capital Junk Co.
H. Steinbock, Prop f-
rhoae Z2S Ey the BrCa
12S. amd seeks to
around, f 70.00 1- The defendant
has filed am amtsfled answer U
which It asserts that la the base
ment, of. the plant flow and cereal
dost had bee permitted to ao-
commute, that tna air was tilled
with tuch dtut thronli plalaUfrs
operation ot a aack. heater there.
Which la claimed to bo hlzhlr in-
atf a. & a a . .
Or did not origtnatalrem kere-
senax or othe vapor from the re
rxireraoar Plant; and: utt ii a
counter data of tl far Per
sonal property lost In the fire.
The MiMnI J af
S-?0 Seethem
Jfrrahsport company
"M Tnwsday
nternmhT last aa 'the court
reedy to proceed with thr trial of
The First National Bank of Sa
lem was named guardian for the
estate of William L. Oiatburg; in
sane. who as . entitled te recelre
monthly gorernment. compensa
tion, end- whoee mother resides
In Saratof, Russia and a may not
Helen Haines was Appointed
guardian for 4Sina Haines, insane;
vno t bare an interest
n real estate rained at float.
Judge Siermund signed, an or
der appointing Henry Whitney
guardian fbr Sarah D. J. Whitney,
A. J. Beattie was named guar
dian for Emery C. Dye, an Insane
person, whose estate was reported
to consist of equity la Insurance
The will of Martha Jane Crow
ley was admitted to probate and
Mary Minona Leonard end Rachel
Caxlotta Crowley were designated
Adeline Coffey was appointed
administratrix of the estate of
John A. Coffey, deceased, whose
estates consists of proceeds of a
government insurance policy. R,
H. Bassett, Mildred Barber and
George A. Rhoten were named ap
Vera L. Shattue was discharged
as guardian for Robert W. and
William Hugh Shattue, her final
report having been approved.
Kosa J. Haverson's final ac
count as guardian for Walter R.
Haverson was approved and she
was discharged.
Albert Reillng was discharged
as executrix of the estate ot Ca
therine Reiling.
Willis fl. Moore, assistant attor
ney general, left here Thursday
for Washington, where he will ap
pear in the united States supreme
court-In behalf pt Clair Lee, state
insurance commissioner. In a suit
filed by Karl Herbrlag ot Port
land, who Is attacking the consti
tutionality ot a It 17 legislative
act which limits representation ot
insurance companies to two agents
excepting in cases where add!
tional agents pay an annual fee of
The Jaw applies to only those
counties having a population ot
more than 100.000.
The suit originally was filed In
the circuit court for Marion coun
ty, where Herbring prevailed. Lee
later appealed the case to the state
; supreme court, with the result that
the lower court was reversed. Her
bring then carried the case to the
united States supreme court for
final determination.
Herbring is the Portland agent
tor the Northwest National Fire
Insurance company.
Eyeglas Insurance and thor.
ouga examination included.
HO If. CkMHftercUl St.
First Chiircii of
Free Lecture on
Of BrooklineV Uass.
Member of the Board of Lectureship 'of The Mother
" Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of
Boston, Massachusetts
Church Edifice, Chemeketa
and Liforly Sts. -
Thursday Evening,
. Oct. 17, 19Si9
: -.u '. : -5-, '- -. .' X . : ' ' " ... . -V
THe ptiblic is cordially; invited to attend
John.tathrop of BrqokTms
tlass Heard at Chris
tian Science Church
Material beltata and matter
ever a complexity ot lite which
Is vanity and Taxation at spirit.
John. C. Lathrop, C nV B.. et
Bresddlaev Mass.. teld a group of
Salemltes Thursday night inn- lec
ture on "Christian: Science; Its
Simple and Inevitable. Appeal.' de
livered, at : the Christian' fieieace
ehureh. Corner Liberty aad Chess-
eketa streets. Mr. Lathrep isf a
member of tlra board of lecture
ship of the Mother church In Bos
ton. Mass.
A summary . ot Us address
Thursday night follows:
"Mrs. Eddy discovered that
what shuts out the true sense ot
Spirit. God. is material sense, and
It Is evident that whatever shuts
out ' God has no relation to God,
and must therefore be false. This
false sense or evil sense evolves
matter, sin, sickness, death, she
discovered; hence the liar and
the Ho are one and the same, and
are denominated mortal mind, or
the Tory carnal miad-wlta which
Paul . battled. Jesus called this
false sense, or sense ot evil, a
murderer and a liar from the be
ginning. The false material- sense
which mortals accept and obey is
anything but simple, for It con
tinually leads mortals into confu
sion, darkness, discord, suffering.
and death, Why should any sens
ible person desire to be left alone
in his misery and unhapplness?
Material beliefs and matter evolve
a complexity of lite which is vani
ty aad vexation .of spirit, the very
reverse of that which is really
simple and harmonious.
And now we come to the prac
tical application ot the truth.
which is simply a process of right
thinking, and right thinking is
right prayer. To think rightly.
each day about God, man, and the
universe, is to nve aaiiy a lire el
right prayer, and to obtain daily
bountiful blessings. Instead of be
lieving la the vague, confusing,
and contradictory testimony ot
material sense, from which
springs all sickness, discord, and
sin. Christian Science shows ns
how to lift our thoughts higher
and apart from this false sense ot
existence. We are taught to affirm
the allness and all-power of Spir
it, divine mind. Then the things
(thoughts) which God, divine
love, spirit, prepares for those
who love Him; will be born in
onr thoughts. This hungering and
thirsting after righteousness, this
right affirmation about God and
man, will enable us to reflect the
mind which was in Christ Jesus.
This right affirmation of truth.
Christian Science shows, must be
coupled with a right denial oL er
ror, and if we hare faith in our
honest claims, this denying will
be easy and natural. And thus
material sense is repudiated embh
aticaiiy and thoroughly, nntil its
false beliefs of fear and sickness.
sin and death, are annihilated and
"Does not this opportunity and
ability to 'obtain an answer to
your prayers appeal to youT
Right thinking about God and
-man, ana aoout spiritual sense
and material sense, everyone some
day will rind is a simple process.
Doubt fear, or human will have
Family Style
Bountiful servings
Alt ttosno cooking,
Argola Dining
hts. aad am. EnUfUU, Tnp.
22S V. CeaU.
We Give
- Straps
Phone 233 We Deliver
Hotel Semator Bids.
a place m true VTaysr. -'because
GoeT Is lore, to be loved and pror -
to. not reared, rrmr u an ea-i
viduai demonstration - of dmnh
principle, the will ot God, Cbris-
uw Bcieuce ows. it is the ar-
nmttlon of tat trata of-peta
tad a denial of error, and
constitutes a Christian. Seteaee
troatsaesst In this way real avena-
way tt brought ts pass in oar
lives,! and health and abundance
et good are demonstrated by each
m dividual, and aro not tneee the
signs of true prayert Is it not this
rule et prayer the one Jesos
taught when he eaid, 'Therefore
take ; no- thought sayinav What
shall wo eat 7 or, .What shall we
ariak? or Wherewithal shall we
be clothed x .... But seek re first
the kingdom ot Gvd. and His
righteousness; and all these things
suau ee aoaea auto you.'
A personal injury suit for
110,000 damages has been brought
oy uuy u. Huriey against the
Spauldlng Logging company. In
the eomplaint Hurley sets out that
during his employment with the
logging company the cable used
to draw logs from the mCl pond
into the mill became frayed and
extremely dangerous, that Its
condition 'was known to the fo re
in, who neglected .to change
the cable for a new one which
was en hand, that when the cable
broke on April 16, 1928, it threw
him against the refuse shoot at
the -log dump causing him griev
ous bodily injuries, likely to be
Hurley states he received some
compensation from the accident
commission, but seeks 110.000
from the Spauldlng Logging com
pany because of the Injuries
which he claims prevent him from
Governor Patterson. Secretary
of State Hoss, Treasurer Tom
Kay, as trustees for the A.. R.
Burbank trust fund, filed suit
against W. E. Milburn et al. to
foreclose mortgage note for 1900.
A motion for a new trial was
tiled in the case of. Herbert and
Alice Lunt vs. Jos. Formlck and
Woodland Development company.
The grounds brought forward are
aueged error In law and second
inai eumctent evidence was
brought in to send the case to
the Jury.
Attorney General
Goes to Memphis
I. H. Van Winkle, attorney gen
eral, left here Thursday for Mem
phis, Tenn., where he will attend
the annual meeting ot the Na
tional Bar association.
Notice to Subscribers:
The Special Bargain offer to Mail
Subscribers of the Oregon States
man for $3.00 per year by mail
is not good within Salem City
Phone ns for the
Highest Cash Price
We buy and sell everything
Salem Junk Co.
320 N. Commercial
Saffron A Kline
Largest Uvcsk
J Wff
1 tr v& vMW
J '- ' till,
' eSW
II -m,.u
1 -v o '
: ;
1 f
1 1
BTLVESTOtK. Oct. IT. The ex
ecutive committee of Trinity
Toung People's society met tor Its
first meeting at the home ofthe
Rer. aad . Mrs. I H. Fobs. These
attending were ASthea Meyer,
Victor Sather, Stella -Dyberik,
Clifford Eklund. and Ludvig
Meyer. .
Plans for the coming six months
were discussed and committees
appointed. Miss Meyer reported
that she had received a letter of
acknowledgement from Dr. O. A.
TinglesUd for the $100 Which the
society seat to Pacific Lutheran
college, at Parkland, Wash.
Committees appointed were re-i
freshments, Mrs. Victor Madsen,
Mrs. Alvln Legard. and Mrs. Ed.
Helden; program, Henry Torend,
Martha Thompson and Mabel
Strand; ushers, Norman Jensen,
Palmer Torvend, and Herman
Horde; acquaintance committee.
Alt O. Kelson and Helen Thomp
son. Two suits for divorce were filed
in circuit court Thursday. IL A.
Jtuselle would divorce E. T. Bus-
eOle. alleging that defendant de
serted and refused, to live with
the plaintiff. They were married
at Brovks, Nov. 2 s, 19 2 S, and
have two children, the custody ot
which the plaintiff seeks.
Hilda Matson Freeman, who
married Stanley Prentice Free
OO for 1
uuv, ounces
TfUC pounds
Crisp, golden peanut brittle
filled with selected fresh
A real treat for the whole
family 16 ounces
Only at
Tho original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem.
N 135 Com'l. St. Phone 197
Peaslar Agency
National Cash Register
$250 Machine Like New $150
Inquire 403 First National Bank Bldg.
the Champions at'
Ponruuip. OnEccri, Oct. 26 l.ov. 2
1Z Ccsiplsto Chowala Oso!
19th Annual Exposition wnHncs Pure Bred
Liyestock ShowiFat Stock Show; Dairy,
tmctutrrf and UkmI rrodocts Sbowsp
Natiooal FoavGhow) National Wc
trhl ExpodooiBort and Girls' Work
sup w ....
OiCOeCCD fa Prcsil
acres wader ooe roof exhibitlnc milUoiis oc
sVdlars Viet Ui off Amencafs fineac pore bred
Dtiry battle. Hones, Sheep, nogs,
foxes; special exhibit Poultry and Kabbtts.
and 3
Parades of IVLmrwtnidnglivostoda
tkns of Beef sod Dairy Catttet Joaior
Agncaioaral octrnties ta new j.k;.
Pextoey Hall. 0 days of edocation
' eq flffftMaaiaii t
Fans si TrsssasitsuM lists
Shsv in tht? VorM W '
man June 1, : 19 IT, at FerndsJe-.
Washington- seeks dlvoreo frora,
hr hasband. bees use, ns her com-'
piamt alleges, no has rexasaa toj
make a home tor the family. She
seeks- ftee suit money, ? f SO
nronth separate matklenanca .and:;
f! month (or eaeh at thj twoj
minor children whoso care and!
custody she desires.
Paper Is Used to
Inclose Product
Haney growers la Idaho, are reu
sponsible tor a new ouirk Jo mar
keting which every careful house-,
wife I going to appreciate; Hat,
Is the use of celopaane about,
combs on honey. The first ship-,
ments of comb honey thus pre-'
pared were received la Salem this
week aad are being distributed to .
the stores, from which they sell at4
around to cents each. Each comb'
Is carefully sealed within printed
celophane, and in addition to the
sanitary Inducement, presents an
attractive appearance. "
Athlete and Beau Brttaa
mel may want diflcrent
things in shoes. "Foot
bealtV sajs ooc "Style,1
says the other. Yet both'
can agree on Foot Saveks '
For here is a shoe that tsj
amazingly comfortable
vet smart as a boot trom
Bond Street.
Bishop's Clothing
and Woolen Mills
Storey Inc.
v -
Show; Indus.
ficrca cinder ens rcsf
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