WEATHER Generally fair today; TTn- settled Saturday. Max. tern peratmre Thursday 84; Min. SI; Part cloudy; Calm; Traces of rain. BARGAIN RATE Daring October, Statesman dally for oae year by mail $3.00. FOUMDED 1831 SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 175 Salon, Oregon, Friday Moraiaj, October 18, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS v. er- y s fin wrs.WVVr. i it ! MEL FIRE IS H FVfour utners uurnea so &er iously That Recovery Held Doubtful Man Observed Rushing From Building Just Before Flames Start ' SEATTLE, Oct. 17 (AP) The blaze which swept through the Portland hotel, in the oldest section of this city this morning. Burning eight men to death and causing Injury to 14 other per sons, was definitely established -tonight as the work of a j firebug. Fire Marshal Robert Lalng de clared he believed the fire, one of-the worst In the history of the city, was started by the same py romaniac who set off a number of other suspicious fires below Tes ter way during the past few months. .After a thorough investigation it was disclosed that one witness had seen a man rush out of the lodging house carrying a bottle and a few' minutes after this in cident several witnesses saw , a wall of flame shoot out of the narrow hotel entrance, which leads directly to the second floor, llkto a furnace door had been opened and with the suddenness of an explosion. The fiend had soaked both flights of stairs in the three story "building with gasoline and kero sene, trapping the score of peo ple asleep in the-hollding, fire men declared. As the hotel was operated for Itinerant white laborers by Japan ese and as some of the victims .were burned beyond recognition, difficulty was encountered in identifying the victims. ' After study of the charred hotel regis ter and discovery of personal iden tifications, the coroner has given out a list of seven of the dead, as follows: John Brink, Lynden, Wash. Harold George, Seattle. Patrick Holland, Seattle. James Little, Seattle. John Maniick, Seattle. ' Thomas O'Mealey, Seattle. Carl Van Oman, 19, Battle Creek, Mich. Four so severely burned that hospital attendants doubted their recovery were: Robert Elms, 19, logger, Gigg Harbor, Wash. Henry Marsh, CO, laborer. John Miller, 59, rail worker. Chester A. Moore, 22, ship, yard worker. In addition .to six other men tenants, the managers of the ho tel, Mr. and Mrs. Mayeda, and twd firemen were less seriously injured. The stairway served as a flue vending the fire raging through the hotel. Firemen had to kick in locked doors to reach many of the tenants. A eoroner's inquest will be held fts soon as the victims are able to testify. MOSCOW, Oct. 17. (AP) The Soviet government today de clined a proposal put forward by Germany, the latter acting as rep resentative of both Russia and China' In the present break be tween those countries, .that the two parties to the Manchurlan dis pute cease arresting each other's cltisens. The proposal was made With the Idea of removing one of the many causes of the charges end counter-charges, that have been exchanging ever since the Chinese seized the Chinese East ern railway. Russia based her refusal of the German proposal on the ground that the Nanking government has failed to keep its pledges and ob ligations and thus far has declined to show any good will of readiness to adhere to existing agreements. US REFUSE Ml FOB PEACE Central Station in Salem Headquarters for Large Efficient County Group Editors Note: The Statesman today presents the fourth of a aertes of daily articles designed to acquaint the peo ple of Marion county in a comprehen sive sense with the program and ac complishment of the Marlon county child health demonstration and with the proposed manner In which the health program wlU be carried forward when the demonstration withdraws at the end ef this year. Like any efficient organisation that serves hundreds of persons .scattered over a large area, the Marlon county child health dem onstration functions from a cen tral station the child health dem onstration headquarters at 434 North -r High street y in Salem- through a series of local branches or council! scattered throughout the county. ? . , V Dr. Walter H. Brown, first di rector of the Marlon county child health demonstration, arrived In Salem early in January. 1125, and from his arrival dates the organ ization of the health center In Sa Restitution Will - Be Made By Boys In Paint Episode Eugene Authorities Make Complaint About Job There Similar to Previous One Inflicted On Salem High School Building SALEM high school boys, or at least boys who enrolled in Salem high school the first of this year, were responsible for smearing the walls and windows of the Eugene high school Wednesday night, Principal Fred Wolf ,aid Thursday afternoon following an investigation into thjrtashfch .was called to his attention Thursday morning brVxiniigjzrry Johnson of Eugene. r fT---'-Johnson told Wolf over the telephone that unless Salem 9 took steps to round up the in FOR IK DAY American Legion Post Makes Elaborate Preparation For Coming Event He's allowed to use his own Judgment about carrying the plan Into effect, but at Thursday night'a meeting of the Ann let ice day com mittee of the American Leglan, Biddy Bishop, commander of Cap itol post, was authorised to use an the steam he could muster In advertising the event scheduled for November 11. The idea is that he will noise the affair abroad with a steam eaUlope the one tfow housed at the state fair grounds. Another publicity scheme in volves the assigning of "minute men" to make brief addresses at the theatres on the three days pre ceding Armistice day. They wiU explain the program, and the nec essity for purchasing legion tick ets in order to assist the service men's program. It was suggested at this meet ing that more than the usual ef fort be made to arrange a demon stration of jubilation at the "sero hour," 11 a. m., comparable with same hour eleven years ago. It Is probable that some of the mill whistles and other noise making devices will be "tied down" dur ing that period. Efforts will be made to stageH the biggest parade ever seen here on an occasion of this kind. The Albany Legion band, other groups of veteran musicians, the Che- ( Concluded on Page t. Column L) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 17. (AP) Declaring that he wel comed disbarment proceedings filed against him In the Oregon supreme court by Thomas Mannlx, George W. Joseph, prominent Portland attorney, said today that Mannix' action "opened a way for me to tell the public the truth." Mannlx, another attorney of this city, filed disbarment com plaint against Joseph at Salem yesterday, charging that Joseph and Henry Hanzen, Portland newspaperman, conspired to plant liquor In the home of Associated Supreme Court. Justice John L. Rand In an effort to make it ap pear that he (Mannix) was the carrier of the liquor. More than a year ago Mannix filed disbarment proceedings against Joseph .with the grievance committee of the Multnomah county bar association and recent ly Joseph took similar action against Mannlx with the same committee GRAF REACHES HOME FRIEDRICHSHAFEN. Germany Oct. 17 (AP) The Graf Zeppe lin landed here shortly after nine o'clock this evening, completing a flight of 48 hours over the Balkans, Austria and Silesia. lem, with Its headquarters la the house owned by the Salem school board adjacent to the senior high school. Among the first moves was the- assignment of the Salem sehool nurse and the county health association nurse to the demon- stratlon staff, to which In short order were added five other nurses. a director and assistant director of nursing service a pediatrician and director of school health ed ucation. " - ; With headquarters established and functioning in Salem, the next move was organization of outlying communities in . the county, for without the "branch" demonstra tions' la these centers, It would In deed have been a Tery difficult matter to stimulate and supervise health education la more than a hundred rural schools, scattered over such - a large -'territory - as JOSEPH PLEASED AT DISBARMENT ACTION (Concluded on Page X, Column L) I I . t- - J! J At-- Jli A Doys wno am me pamung to the school building;, Eugene would break athletic relations with Salem. Wolf Immediately started an Investigation and found names of six or eight boys In volved In the escapade. If the boys agree to do the proper.thing in the matter. Wolf says the mat ter will be settled without more ado. As soon as Wolf had data on the boys, he wired Johnson that he had the group in hand and that Salem would make restitu tion. Johnson's reply, was favor able, and Wolf said last night ath letic relations would carry through. Wolf said that no members of the high school football team were Involved In the episode, and that most of the group who made the Journeyvhad dropped out of school after the first week. While Eagene has been stirring up a fuss over this matter, a sim ilar smearing which occurred at the high school In Salem last week end, with Indications that Eugene boys were instigators, waa quietly (Concluded on Page 8, Column L) Vicks Made Bankruptcy Defendants Involuntary petition in bank ruptcy was filed against Yick Brothers, Salem automobile deal ers, in the federal court at Port land Thursday by Ballon and Wrght of Portland, the Pennsyl vania Rubber company of Jean ette. Pa., and the Associated Oil company, San Francisco. Claims totaling $1514.46 were listed In the petition. The Vlck Brothers establish ment, one of the largest automo tive concerns in Salem, has been operated since August 30 by Fred Delano, as assignee under an as signment for the benefit of cred itors. It has been known hew for sev eral days that the bankruptcy proceeding would probably be fil ed, and it is also common knowl edge that a number of the cred itors are opposed to the move, be lieving that their chances of re covering a large share, if not quite 100 per cent, of their claims within a reasonable time are bet ter under the assignment than they would be in a bankruptcy proceeding. It appeared practically certain Thursday that this group of cred itors would - make a showing at the hearing on the petition in the Portland court November 6, in op position to the bankruptcy move, although no definite announce ment to this effect could be ob tained. - The 1ck Brothers company has been operated in Salem for about 20 years. Difficulty in making collections and high overhead costs were said to be the reasons for its financial difficulties. 5 1 BOSTON. Oct. 17 (AP) Drunkenness and obscenity on the part of Harvard students during Hasty Pudding club initiations was charged today in an editori al in the Harvard Crimson, an un dergraduate dally.' The editorial, entitled, "Public Initiations," de nounced initiation tendencies which it described as violations of "good taste and public decency." Publication of the editorial fol lowed upon a recent disturbance on the steps of the Fogg museum In whjch a young Initiate was re sorted to have thrown a Chinese student down a flight of steps and to have shouted epithets at sever al Jews. There' Is obviously heavy drinking In connection with the Padding running." the editorial said. "Women students are regu larly seen In the yard and In the class room buildings. It ts an affront to them and a slur, upon Harvard that they are forced to run a gauntlet of drunken fianc es, bawdy ballads and bblcene re citations In order to attend their "Yesterday mor.,ag " a man quietly mounting the steps of the new Fogg museum - waa thrown violently down the whole flight by one of these neophytes J or no oth er apparent reason than that he was born and brought up In the Orient, . - HARVARD 1 HITS DRUNKEN ESS BOOTLEG K RUM BUSINESS Importations of Liquor are Found to Total $2,000, 000 in 6 Months two of Chief Leaders Es cape Police Net; Data Found in Notebook NEW YORK, Oct. 17 (AP) Operating all the way down the Atlantic seaboard from Maine to the Virginia Capes, the gigantic rum smuggling syndicate whose extensive properties here and in New Jersey were raided last night did a $2,000,000 business in six months, federal officials revealed today. To the office of William J. Cal houn, New Jersey prohibition ad ministrator, in Newark, was tak en today a little black notebook picked up last night in the man sion at Highlands, N. J which was visited simultaneously with 31 other of the syndicate's centers scattered all the way from Sandy Hook to New York City. In that notebook, government men said were set down the syn dicate's transactions, Indicating a 12,000,000 turnover In a period of six months. $700,000 Spent in Month for Expenses Quoting from the notebook, of ficials said the ring last March spent 1700,000 In Montreal "for hips, the purchase of merchan dise, and operating expenses," during another month, the syn dicate spent in Montreal $200, 000, and during a third month $7fi,eoo. The book revealed that beads of the syndicate declared weekly dl? vldends of from 7 to 23 per cent. Nine men comprised the "board of directors" of the syndicate, and the Lillien brothers, William and "Al" were the actual heads. Neither of the Lilliens has been arrested, although both were se cretly Indicted by a federal grand Jury in Trenton last Tuesday. While the raid was actually in progress in the old mansion at Highlands, which was headquar ters for. the whole ring, William Lillien called up from Montreal, agents said. Deputy U. S. Mar shal James J. Donnelly answered the telephone. Lillien Interested In Progress of Garage Donnelly said Lillien Inquired about the progress of a garage that was "being constructed near the mansion a garage with three 12-foot doors and a gas pump near its entrance. "It's nearly done we're put- ( Concluded on Page t. Column 1.) TO Headquarters of Reid Murdoch and company will be moved the first of next week from the West Salem plant to the former Kings Food Products buildings In North west Salem, it was announced Thursday by local officials of the big concern which will be housed in the local plant permanently. Repair and improvement work has been under way for some time at the plant which the company will occupy here, with a large staff of men employed; but after the office staff moves in next week much planning, alteration and in stallation of machinery will re main to be done. The company still has a con siderable quantity of fruit to be handled at the West Salem can nery, where its operations have centered during the present year. County RE D If C TO ME Here's a, map draws by Commonwealth VmmA artist to show his Idea, of the IS health ceacers es tablished in Marios county. Upper photo shows the Taylor school, oae of the snoot resaote schools to which the health program iscrrieL Below la .tike teacher and three of the pupils at this school. School Directors AU Lose Places At Bridge Creek - Vacancies la al board of fices for the Bridge Creek school district were' declared Thursday morning by the district boundary board, ha session at tbe cout bouse. School is not in session this year nor waa any teacher elected. Mary Lt. Kalker aon, county school superin tendent and secretary of the boundary board, has notified the' Silvertom bank to pay bo funds for this district sntil notified to the contrary. Thu district has been em broiled in difficulties within the district at various times. The school board 'did not hold an election last June, and the school law providee that in cases of districts fail, ins; to perform duties, the boundary board may declare vacancies on the board after 00 days. CLAIMS OF PIPER Construction of Local Build ing Held Not Contrary To Salem Code Charges appearing In a local newspaper that the building code was being evaded in connection with construction of the Steeves building en Court street, are con tradicted in an opinion obtained from the Pacific Coast Building Officials conference by City At torney Fred A. Williams at' the request of Earl C. Bushnell, lo cal building Inspector. The claims published dealt principally with failure 1o con struct a masonry division wall be tween this building, which will be occupied by the Hallk electric company, and the one adjoining which is already occupied by that company. The opinion returned by the building officials conference states: "It is the custom of building departments generally to regard long term leases as ownership of the property in question. A building erected on property lo cated as this Is should be consid ered as a single building if this is the desire of the lessees, and should be designed and erected in all Its parts in conformity to the uniform building code. "Leases seem to show single occupancy for both properties. If combining building not over area for group F buildings suggest considering both properties single ownership." The building Inspector has not yet ruled as to whether the struc tures to be Joined fulfill tbe re quirements of the code, but the issue raised as to the division wall appear to be answered fully in this opinion. Prune Dryer Is Taken by Blaze Early Thursday MONMOUTH, Ore., Oct. 17. The prune dryer on the Frank Lane farm, three miles southeast of Monmouth, was destroyed by fire this forenoon. The loss in building and equipment was esti mated at $4,500, and destruction of dried prunes representing an additional $3,000 loss. The plant was a converted dwelling, and had been in nse steadily for six weeks. The dryer crew attempted to extinguish the blaze, but lt spread to rapidly. An alarm was brought to Mon mouth by a passing motorist and the fire department made a trip to the scene, but found that lt had been called too late. Has 12 Health IMS PROSECUTION EVIDENCE HIT Eunice Pringle Not Attacked Says Dr. Peter Suden in Pantages Trial Defense Continues Effort to Indicate Blackmail is Dancer's Plan LOS ANGELES, Oct 17. (AP) The defense rocked ' the trial of Alexander Pantages on a statutory charge late today with the curt testimony of a doctor that an examination he made at the request of the state produced no evidence of a criminal attack on the theatre man's alleged vic tim, youthful Eunice Pringle. The physician. Dr. Peter Su den, was brought. into the sensa tional proceedings while a storm was raging over the testimony of Leo Zlaket, a grocery man. Dr. Suden said that on August 12 he waB Instructed by District Attorney Buron Fltts to examine Miss Pringle. That was four days after the alleged attack. He said he found no indications of an at tack. Physician Insists Pitts Asked for Examination The state asked but one ques tion in cross examination: "Was the examination made at my re quest?" Fitts inquired. "It was," the doctor replied quietly. Tbe defense followed with a motton to place the grand Jury transcript of Zlaket in evidence. A 20-minute debate followed end ing with the state's voluntary dis missal of its objection and the document was introduced. . Zlaket. who had testified to a conference with Pantages before the trial, said today that he saw Nicholas Dunear, a playwright, "many times" at Miss Pringle's home in Garden Grove, a Los Angeles suburb. The defense has tried- to establish that Dunear and the girl planned to blackmail Pantages. Subsequent Talks With Pantages Are Admitted When the witness was asked how be knew lt was Duneav vis iting at the Pringle home, he said: "Well, I had my own opn ion.M Later he amplified the-reply, saying: "Mr. Pantages told me lt was Dtfheav," admitting he had talked with Pantages at the theatre man's home sometime aft er the alleged attack. The frequency of Duneav's vis Its as described by Zlaket was In direct contradiction to the testi mony of Miss Pringle and her mother, Mrs. Lou Irene Pringle, who said he had been at their (Concluded on Pag S, Column 4.) SOITFilSl mm ONE DAY SEATTLE, Oct. 17. (AP) Delayed a day because of broken control cables governing the sta bilizers, the Russian fliers were confident tonight that they will be able to take their plane, "Land of the Soviet," into the air shortly after dawn tomorrow morning for their flight to Oakland. The fliers are enroute from Moscow'to New York on a good will tour. The broken cables were discov ered early this morning shortly before the four Russians arrived at the Sand Point Naval air base to take off. They decided to post pone the flight until tomorrow when informed that it would take mechanics until noon to repair the cables, as they wished to arrive at Oakland in daylight. The Rus sians expect to make the flight of approximately 700 miles in eight or nine hours. Centers BY PHYSICIAN Leader J : HENRY L. ST1MSON WASHINGTON, Oct. IT (AP) Henry L. Stimson, secretary of state, has been determined upon by President Hoover as head of tbe American delegation to the London naval limitations confer ence in Jan nary. OPEN HOUSE EVENT HELD H51S 200 Attend Social Meet in Fraternal Hall Here Thursday Night About 200 persons. United Arti sans and other fraternal orders which meet in Fraternal hall on Center street, attended the "open house" for which the Artisans were hosts Thursday night. Two high officials of the Arti san order from Portland were present and addressed the meet ing. One was Jerry Baylor, su preme secretary of the Artisans of Oregon, who outlined the plan for the state wide competitive drill for all fraternal drill teams to be held Sunday, November S, in the stadium of the Pacific Interna tional fairgrounds. Seme very fine cups are to be awarded win ners by the Pacific International fair board. Mr. Saylor, between jokes, spoke emphatically concerning the membership campaign which is being carried on in a competitive manner between California, Ore gon, and Washington, which will close with January 1. H. S. Hudson, supreme master srtisan of Oregon, addressed the fraternal group on the value of fraternal Insurance and f rater n alism. Mr. Hudson prefaced his talk by reminding his audience that the Artisan lodge was originated in Oregon 35 years ago and that its anniversary was being cele brated this year with a member ship drive over a large territory which Indicated the rapid spread of the order. Among many other things Mr. Hudson emphasized the value, first of life Insurance, which he said was "the greatest safe-guard of the American people," and sec ond, the value of fraternalism. Said he, "Do not discount the value of fraternalism. Go down to the Shriners hospital for crip pled children, to the Artisan home, to the Maccabees or the Odd Fellows home or any of the rest of like institutions and look around you at the folk there be ing cared for. Ask them about the value of fraternalism." DEFEAT OF TARIFF By JAMES L. WEST Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON. Oct, 17 (AP) Unless congress completed ac tion on the tariff bill at this spe cial session, lt is quite unlikely that President Hoover will ask for such legislation at the regular ses sion beginning in December. With the senate and house al ready in ' deadlock on vital pro visions, enactment of the bill be fore the special session of congress expires automatically at noon on December 2 is regarded here as practically impossible. It Is no secret that President Hoover Is Indifferent about, the measure as the senate is shaping lt and few leaders either of the senate or house expect him to sign any bill shearing the chief executive of the authority to In. crease or decrease tariff duties as the senate measure would do. . Educators Meet For Conference Of Principals More than 100 prominent Ore gon educators will gather .here today, for the annual high school principals conference. The con ference waa arranged by Harry B. Johnson, chairman of the depart ment ef high , school principals, and C. A. Howard, state superin tendent of publle Instruction-, MEASURE PROMISED Fi Hi PEOPLE TO BFJJLTED County School Superinten dent's Office Without Necessary Funds Boys' and Girls' Organiza tions Will Receive No More Support After carrying the burden of boys' and gtrla club work in Mar lon county for nearly 12 yars. the county school superintendent's of fice will end its work In this dl-j rection on November 1, the end of the club year. Announcement to this effect was made Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Mary L. Fulker- son, county school superintendent, after efforts had been made to se cure some financial assistance from the 4-H club division of tho extension service at Oregon State college. In all the year that club work has been carried on in Marion county through the county school superintendent's office, the fuws for it have been furnished by Mar ion county, with the exception of from April. 1926, to the end nt that year when the extension serv ice paid a part of the expenses. In this time, the county carried the burden without complaint. But when .new requirements of the service, last spring, necessi tated additional clerical work in the headquarters office here, Mrs. Fulkerson determined to ask for federal aid for a part time clerical assistant and for some considera tion toward traveling expenses, a total amount of about (500 a year. The request was flatly refused. Regret Expressed At Necessary Step "I am sorry to make the an nouncement that the club work will no longer be handled threucn this office," Mrs. Fulkerson said Thursday, "but the county has been carrying the load all these years without complaint, eithrt about the funds expended or the time the club work has takes from the regular school work at this office." The superintendent said, with the need for more clerical heln arising, she did not feel that she should ask an increase is the budget for her office, and that tbe only way to carry on waa through financial cooperation of the exten sion division. When this failed, the only course open was to suit. Which means that after November 1, club work will be handled di rect from the state headquarters in Corvallis. Other counties In Oregon ba been drawing some federal aM Vs (Concluded on Paga 8, Column S ) Membership Drive Nets ni rsrv t zau rotai New members numbering 256 have been signed up by the T. af. C. A. in the "enrollment w campaign, the active phase of which closed Thursday afternoon. In the men's division which was chiefly concerned In the campaign, 150 new members were signed, the teams falling short by 50 t the goal set. However, many more men have become Interested, and the goal Is expected to be reached within a short time. Col. Carle Abrams scored tbe highest number of points In the men's division contest, 4Sf4. signing up 16 new members and 13 continuances. Fred Duncan ranked next with 447 1-4 paints, signing up the greatest nusvber of members. 25 new and five con tinuances. The points were figured both on memberships and cash turned in. Beth Dodge ranked third whn. 18 new members and 11 continu ances; R. J. Roen brought in 1( new members and one continu ance : C. APage reported 11 r members and four continuance. R. J. Hendricks led the field in signing up lapsing members, get ting 25. Thirty-three men partic ipated in the campaign, which was directed by Paul B. Wallaec Dog Is Found Promptly Through Ad . . LOST er 9tim, wltit Colli, brwwa mn. Rtwtri. TaL 1SF1 The above ad ran In tjs Lost and Found classifien tion of The Statesinnsi Thursday mcsmlng. Thurs day evening the owner f the dog aked to have the ad disconttnned. "Yes, mm found Duke. she said, fhc telephone began to ring is answer to yoor ad short ly after tho paper was on this morning. She sounded happy, and no wonder: The ads cost her 73 cents, an tho dog which Is highly nt wed by every member of the family was f onnd. , This ts only one of band reds , of - instances show fast that Statesman , clnssifM and render ode pay. p 0 II