The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    The IpnEGOT? CTATCS21AN. Caltn,' Ore Thnraday IJorain?, October 17, 1923
Local News riMs'
.. Finish Physical Examj Physt--aral
examinations of about 570
glrbj at the senior high school
were finished Tuesday sight and
first physical education classes of
the year were held Wednesday, re
ports Mrs. Grace 8. Wolgamott,
head ef the department. Much lar
ger classes than last year are be
ing experienced this year, with en
rollment running 100 girls in sev
eral of the classes. Following the
examinations, students were divid
ed Into three class groups, for reg
ular gym. restrictive or complete
rest, according to need as shown
through the examination. Swim
ming class will he extra large this
year also, with much Interest
shown In them, the department
head stated. Echo Balderree will
hare charge of swimming, these
classes to be held only on Tues
day. High school girts nave tne
privilege of substituting swimming-for
one of the two weekly
gymnasium periods.
Old time dance, M. Wt -A., hall
near Chemawa Thursday night.
Yklto from Xebraska-fjJlM. O.
H. Mlekeel, of WoodlakeKebra
aka, was a special guest at the
Tuesday night meeting" of Chad
wick chapter of the Eastern Star.
Mrs. Mickeel was . Initiated into
the Eastern Star at Woodlake an
Ier Mrs. Mary Johnson, newly
elected jnatron of Chadwlck
chapter, and It was to meet with
Mrs. Johnson that the Nebraskan
made a special effort to attend
the chapter here. Mrs. Mickeel
left for her home yesterdfy morn
ing. She has been -visiting with
Mrs. C. D. Roberts. -
P. E. O. Bazaar, Rummage Sale,
130 8. High St, Fri. and Sat.
Answers Plaintiff Alleging
that be has been "injured, wor
ried, distressed and scandalised"
by the conduct of his wife, and
eVint that the court Crani ' a
W . suitable decree, for the care of a
minor child, Betty Jean, and that
both parties contribute to her sup
port. Luverne O. White yesterday
filed a cross-complaint and an
swer to the complaint entered re
cently by the plaintiff, Helen L.
Accidents Reported Accident
reports in the sheriffs office show
that the autoa driven by Ed. New
man, Salem, and W. C. Depew,
Lebanon, collided on Sunnyside
hill Tuesday evening; and that the
car driven by Eddie J. Ryan, Sa
lem, was slightly danfted on the
North river road yestefday after
noon, when an unknown driver
lost control of his car and skid
ded into the Ryan machine.
Renew your subscription before
Nov. 1. All mall subscription In
Oregon to The Statesman $3 year
ly. H. 8. Hudson to Speak "Open
house" night for the Artisans to
night promises to be an interest
ing meeting. In addition to the
regular program of music and
other features there will be an
address on "Fraternsrllsm," deliv
ered by H. S. Hudson, the supreme
master Artisan of Oregbn. All
fraternal 'orders who meet In Fra
ternal temple and their friends
are invited to attend this "open
Dollar dinner every night 6:30
to 8 at the Marlon hotel.
Colorado Women Visiting Col
orado will have to play second fid
dle to Oregon, say two Denver
women who are spending a short
time In Salem. The visitors from
Colorado are Mrs. Mary Hill and
her daughter, Mrs. Edna Cole,
who are here with Mrs. Hill's
daughter, Mrs. W, C. Johnson.
Mrs. Johnson has not seen her
mother for 20 years.
Write Filed Writs of attach
ment have been filed in the office-
of the county clerk as fol
lows: Standard on company
against F. M. M-orley; Business
Men's Adjustment Co., against E.
W. Cannoy; and the Business
' Men's Adjustment Co., against O.
-' S. Pearson. A certificate of at-
InrhmAnt wajt fild In th rau if
the Standard Oil company against
W. A. LIston.
The Statesman by mall in Ore
gon for a year Three dollars
during Bargain Period!
Applications Filed A applica
tion to place the case of M. B
Hayden against Nadine T. Hall on
the trial docket-was filed yester
day m the county clerk s office.
Application to place on the motion
docket was filed In the case of
E. N. Peetz, et al, against Mahle
Simpson to hear the demurrer to
plaintiffs amended answer.
Pianos for Rent, H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co.
Library for Hog's Clas--At
suggestion of George W. Hug, who
' Is teaching a class in health edu
cation as a part of the state uni
versity extension course? offered
In Salem, a reference library has
been established for tbe teachers
enrolled in iae ciass. -y
Disease Still Law , 4 But five
eases of communicable diseases,
excluding the five cases of tuber
culosis reported from the state
hospital, we're reported in Mari
on county for the. week ending
October 12, according to the
weekly bulletin of the state board
of health.
Lost Near Salem, white Collie,
brown ears. Reward. Tel 19F21.
Attends Albany Meet Rev.
Norman Kendall Tully of the First
Presbyterian church was in Al
bany Tuesday to attend a meeting
of the home missionary depart
ment of be wniamette presby
Tea for Chnrch Women A tea
will be held -Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. J. C. Perry, 836
North Summer street, for -the
members of the Mary and Martha
circle of the First Christian
Those Big Blaek Grapes e lb.
Flala- Vlayards.. Bring boxes. j
f 1 Indeed a Barraln Period:
One year's subscription .- to The
Statesman by mail la Oregon- for
$3.00. Offer f oomOJ Kot. 1.
School Boa fen Crash A high
schoolbus owned by T. B. VeCleaa
and driven by Lester Shields, col
lided with a truck Tuesday after
noon about 4 o'clock, on South
Church street between Mill and
Mission. The driver reported that
the track, proceeding ahead of
him, suddenly turned sidewlse to
the street and began backing. No
one was Injured. Other collisions
reported Wednesday Included one
in which machines driven by C. F.
Shortrldge, S20 North Front, and
C. A. VanCleve, 1510 North Lib
erty, met on State street that
morning. An automobile driven by
W. C. Depew of Lebanon collided
Tuesday night with a truck be
longing to D. A. Larmer, on the
Pacific highway south of Salem.
Depew reported that he was blind
ed by the lights of the truck, and
that both left fenders were torn
off his machine.
Myron BaUer Hart Myron
Batler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Butler. Is carrying his right arm
about in a sling as the result of a
fracture . sustained Wednesday
morning when he .was eranking a
tractor, at the municipal airport.
Myron Isn't kicking so much about
the injury, -but is wondering why
it couldn't have been postponed a
month'. He was to have finished
his first flying course at the Eyer
ly school of aeronautics this
month, hat will now have to take
a vacation from flying lessons In
deference to the Injured arm.
Why pay Bell Ringers a fancy
price for ordinary electric clean
ers when yon can buy the famous
Hamilton-Beach for 141.00. (Was
m.OO). C. S. Hamilton Furni
ture Co.
Dwelling Planned II. C. Hum
mel received a permit from the
city building inspector Wednesday
for construction of a dwelling
costing $3000. at 215 East Wil
son street. W. H. Burger received
a permit to alter a store building
at 1667 Center street, at a cost of
$200. H. Odom took out a permit
to make alterations in the new
Bligh building at a cost of 1 9.
Eskew Released R. P. N. Es
kew, arrested Monday on a
charge of drunkenness, was re
leased Wednesday from the city
jail on payment of a $6 fine, the
penalty having been reduced by
the fact that he had spent two
days in jail. Frank McLaughlin,
who had been sentenced to serve
five days, was released after mak
ing a similar payment.
Dressmaking Have moved
from 1M N. Com'l to Room 1,
Steusloff bldg. Edna L. Reid.
Unit Study Plan Good Most of
the history teachers at the senior
high school are this year using the
unit plan of study, which permits
a student to progress with a given
phase of history study as fast as
his or Jier ability allows, reports
J. C. Nelson, head of the depart
ment. Nelson says that so far this
method is working out most satis
Forgery Charged June Barr
of Monmouth was arrested Wed
nesday by Officer Kuykendall of
the local police force on a charge
of forgery. He was reported to
have presented a check for $43 in
payment for a $3.98 pair of boots,
receiving cash for the balance of
the amount.
Study Citizenship The citizen
ship class at the T. M. C. A. Is be
ing reorganized for the ninth suc
cessive year. No charge Is made,
and the course is primarily for
persons expecting to take their
final naturalization examination.
No such examination Is scheduled
here for several months.
The new low price on Hamilton-
Beach Electric Cleaners saves
$24 over the old price. C. S. Ham
ilton Furniture Co.
Reception Planned The Salem
Rotary club' is planning a recep
tion in honor of the teachers in
Salem's public schools. A com
mittee to make arrangements for
this event was appointed by Pres
ident Staley Wednesday. . On the
committee are W. L. Phillips, Dr.
Edward Lee Russell and Fred
French Club Electa About 50
members of the senior high school
French club held their first meet
ing of the year Wednesday, when
officers were elcted as follows:
Savilla Phelps, president; Allen
Earle. vice president; Verle Smith,
secretary. Miss Mildred Christen
son is faculty advisor.
Novelties, pillows', lamps, aprons
130 S. High St., Fri. and Sat,
Guests at Rotary Clem Macey
and Gordon Baker, members of
the McMinnville Rotary club, and
Ben Benson of Portland, were
guests at the Salem Rotary club
luncheon Wednesday.
Speeders Fined L. M. Grler,
147$ Skinner street. West Salem,
was fined $10 In municipal court
Wednesday on a charge of speed
ing. Martin Schlechter of Gervals
paid a $5 fine on a similar charge.
Suit on Note The Eena com
pany yesterday filed suit for $1,-
580.1 1, interest and attorney's
fees against W. E. Milburn et al.
The sum Is alleged to be due on
a promissory note.
We wish, te extend an Invitation
especially to all Oakland and
NEW LOCATION AT 644 FERRY BTn where wo aro prepared
to give yon prompt and expert attention to any of yonr Ante
. repair work. ' (
We also have
- Hag Gets Material--Saperin-tendent
George W. Hoc ipent bis
spare momeats Wednesday exam
ining a Urge amount of material
relative to standard equipment of
Junior, elementary and senior
schools which he has received
from Lee- H. Lamb, assistant su
perintendent at Hint, Mich. Hag
met Lamb at Ann Arbor last sum
mer when both were attending the
University of Michigan summer
sessions. Data which Lamb sent
shows a' standard cost sheet for
equipment of every school room
and contains some valuable Infor
mation. On the whole, costs check
fairly well with those In the Salem
schools, . with some items running
higher and some lower.
Forming G. "R. Group - Mrs.
Elizabeth K. Gallaher. general T.
W. C. A. secretary, Mrs. George
Moorehead, chairman of the Girl
Reserve committee, and Mrs. B. E.
Carrier were in Silverton Wednes
day afternoon to assist In organ
izing a Girt Reserve group there.
Plant tulip bulbs now. Phone
52F14. The Tulip Farm. Wallace
Road. W. C. Franklin.
Warrens Resigns C. E. War-:
rens, examiner for the state cor.
poratloa department for the past
five years, has resigned and will
locate In Portland. Mr. Warrens'
successor probably: will not be an
nounced until early In November.
: Extradition Asked Governor
Patterson Wednesday requested
the extradition ef Arthur J. Stew
art, who ia wanted in Yamhill
county on a charge of non-support.
Stewart Is under arrest la
Install Burner Footsteps and
time of the stenographers In the
office high school principal's of
fice will be saved materially
henceforth. A buzzer for the ex
tension phone In Principal Fred
Wolf's office was Installed yes
terday. Bleven Recovers William Ble-
ven, who has been 111 at the Vet
erans' bureau hospital in Porland
for the last two weeks, will re
turn to bis home here Saturday.
He Is associated with the Willam
ette insurance agency.
Judgment Awarded W. J.
Braun et al, have been awarded
judment for $77.75 in circuit
court against 6kaggs Safeway
Stores, Inc., when the defendant
failed to appear.
Case Settled The case of the
Statesman Publishing company
against W. H. Henderson has been
settled out of court, and an order
dismissing the case was filed yes
terday with the county clerk.
Has Fifth Operation H. F.
Field is recuperating at his home
following a major operation, the
fifth he has undergone since the
first of the year.
Mrs. Josephine Remington, 69,
died Monday night at the home at
735 Breys avenue. Survived by
her husband, W. O. Remington,
and two sons; W. A. of Salem and
C. A. of Ellensburg, Wash.; also
by four grandchildren; one niece,
Mrs. Jennie Osterlund of Chicago;
and one brother In Stockholm,
Sweden. Funeral services Thurs
day afternoon at three in the
Clough-Taylor company chapel
with Rev. C. S. Johnson officiat
ing. Interment In the I. O. O. F.
k At his home, 715 South 12th
street, Tuesday morning, Oscar
A. Berkey, 21, son of Samuel A.
Berkey, and brother of Floyd A.
porker. Mrs. Howard Olson and
Edna J. Berkey. Funeral services
Thursday at 1:30 p. m. at Rigdon
mortuary chapel with interment in
Belcrest Memorial park.
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 Tel. 1200
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
Pckrest Jflemona!
riMas JTrk Moderately
8205 JttlK Priced
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Jnst ten 'minutes from the
heart of town
Indoor? Bftttol
to all AntonsebOe
Pontine owners te call at
Vy day, week aw
Bids to be Opened at Next
Session of State Com
mission Bids for the construction of ap
proximately 41 miles of road, one
bridge and two maintenance
structures, will be opened by the
state highway commission at a
meeting to be held In Portland,
October $1.
Important among the proposed
Improvements is 0.5 miles of .sur
facing on the Grande-Ronde-Til-lamook
county line section of the
Salmon River highway. Though
the state does not participate in
the cost of this Improvement It
Is required by law to advertise
for and receive the bids. 'The
construction cost is shared 00 per
eent by the federal government
and 40 per eent by the Salmon
River highway improvement dis
trict. .The completion of the Salmon
Rffer cutoff road will reduce
materially the distance between
Willamette valley cities and
points on the Roosevelt highway,
south of Neskowin. Polk county
probably wilt appropriate 1000,
for acquiring rights of way ne
cessary la completing this road.
Directors of the Improvement
district said the highway would be
passable at all times of the year.
Projects for which bids will be
considered at the October meeting
of the state highway commission
Clackamas .county Rhododendron-Government
Camp section of
the Mount Hood highway, 10.2
miles of resurfacing and furnish
ing of materials for maintenance
and betterment.
- -Deschutes county Horse
Ridge-Dry River section of Central
Oregon highway, 8.4 miles grad
ing. Malhenr county Harper-Vale
section of Central Oregon high
way, 22 miles of surfacing and
.5 miles of roadbed widening.
Polk county Grande Ronde
Tillamook county line section of
Salmon River highway, 6.5 miles
Divorce Sought Complaint for
divorce was filed yesterday by Ira
B. Goodman against Lela B.
Goodman, it is reported in the
county clerk's office.
Order Filed An order dismiss
ing action has been filed in the
case of the Oregon-Idaho Dairy
Loan company against Herbert E.
Sharp by the circuit judge.
One dollar places a Hamilton
Beach Vacuum cleaner in your
home Now. C. S. Hamilton Furn
iture Co.
Marriage License Issued The
county clerk yesterday Issued a
marriage license to Aubrey Craw
ford, 22, and Evelyn Griepentrog,
20, both of Salem.
Paulsens In Portland Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Paulsen spent Tuesday
evening and Wednesday in Port
We Give
Phone 233 We Deliver
Hotel Senator Bldg.
Prices Reduced
On Red Cedar Shingles
We are overstocked on these
shingles and are offering
Red Cedar Shingles at re
duced prices.
The Root Eternal
Installation If Desired
Hollywood Lumber Co.
First Church of Christy
Free Lecture on
Christian Science
Of Brookline, Mais.
i '-
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother
Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of
Boston, Massachusetts
Church Edifice, Chemeketa
- and Liberty Sts.
Oct. 17, 1929
The public is cordially invited to attend
surfadng. : ' :
Klamath eoaaty Bridge over
Altamount canal on The Dalles
California highway 1& miles
south of Junction with Klamath
Falls-Lakeview highway.
Harney county Frame build
ing . for storing maintenance
equipment at Burns. ,
Umatilla county Frame build
ing for storing maintenance
equipment at Pendleton.
West Salem 1
o o
Mrs. F. M. Roseman spent Sun
day with her daughter, Mrs. C
A. Ferguson of Grand Island.
A. Engelhart ot Gervals was a
business visitor here Monday.
While here he visited Mr. and
Mrs. S. Pfelfauf of Rosemont
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Thomas and
family of Edgewater street mo
tored to the ranch belonging to
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Lowther, of
near Biodgett. While visiting with
them Mr. Thomas, accompanied by
several other men from there went
deer hunting. They went Sunday
and came home late In the eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fishback
of Edgewater street, accompanied
by Mr. Fish back's sister. Miss Ina
Fishback of Salem, motored to
iNewberg Sunday and spent the
oay with Mr. rishback's cousin,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Addison.
C. E. Greene and Ray Stumbo
made a business trip to Portland
Mrs, Harry McDowell oi The
Tourist-. Auto Camp, accompanied
by her sister. Miss Mabel Porter,
motored Sunday to Junction City,
where they visited with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Porter.
The Porters, formerly of Summit,
are quite well-known in Summit
and West Salem. Miss Porter re
turned to West Salem for another
Miss Genevieve Deranleau, of
Portland, visited Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deranleau
of "Edgewater street.
Mrs. S. H. Creasy bad as an all
day visitor recently Mrs. Ed.
Brock". Mrs. Creasy - resides on
Third street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Berry and two
grandchildren, Ivan and Jean,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Euell Needham
have Just returned from a trip
east, where they went to visit
Mrs. Needham's parents.
Mrs. F. P. Wells and son, Billy,
left Tuesday for Tacoma, Wash-
30c -35c
Menu Changed Every Day
Argola Dining Room
222 K. Coa'L Mr. and Mrs. Heathfteld
Eyeglas Insurance and thor.
ough examination included.
110 N. Commercial St.
For Battery Service
Mike Panek, Inc.
325 North High fit.
We buy rags, sacks, paper,
Iron, brass, copper, hides,
Capital Junk Co.
H. Stelnbock, Prop.
Phone 398 By the Bridge
fsgtoa, where .tiey wSH visit lara,
Well's lister, Mrs. Frank Waldie.
They via stay a veek or tea
days. . i
Arthur Sprout of West Salem,
van recently taken to the vet
erans bospltal in Portland. It Is
expected that he vill be there for
atome time.
A large number of relatives ot
West Salem motored to -Portland
Sunday to see him. Among those
going were his wife, Mrs. Arthur
Sprout, Mr. and Mrs. EL L. Need
ham, Mrs. Helen Tongeland, and
Mrs. P. O. Needham.
After leaving Portland they
went to Hlllsboro, where they vis
ited P. O. Needham's daughter.
Miss Gertrude Needham, who Is
teaching school at that place.
E. L. Needham has a place re
served In the same hospital as it
is necessary for him to go this
WEST SALEM, Oct 16. (Spe
cial) The sliver tea which was
held by the .Ladles' Aid of West
8alem at the home of Mrs. Guy
Newgent, was considered a big
success' by all who attended.
About 35 ladles ot West Salem
were present. Several new women
were among the. number. The
Ladies Aid is very anxious to
bring in many new members. AH
ladles of West Salem are cordl?
aHy Invited, as good times are
had throughout the year. The dues
are only five cents a month.
No business was transacted dur
ing the afternoon, the only an
nouncement being ot the date of
the. next meeting and tea. The
meeting will be held the first
Wednesday in November and the
sliver, tea will be held sometime
in that month at the home of
Mrs. Fred Gibson wn King wood
The Newgent home, which Is
one of the beautiful homes of
West Salem, was richly decorat
ed with a mixture of beautiful
Without epermtion or tots ! Urn.
329 Ortgoa Bldg.
Phone us for the
Highest Cash Price
We buy and sell everything
Salem Junk Co.
320 N. Commercial
Saffron & Kline
T '"T iJt nnjns tWy W -r'-r "yw' w W w,"w'"w'llw
I" ) :t - I w
- it
- : It
no s ci e
n in
Several days of training are
given an Inexperienced telephone
girl at the Salem exchange before
she is allowed to say "number
please. and she Isn't permitted to
say "thank you" until several
more days hare been devoted to
study, it was disclosed by . Miss
Hasel Cook, ; chief operator, in a
talk at the Rotary club luncheon
Wednesday noon.
Miss Cook outlined the careful
and gradual course of training
new operators undergo, and also
the thorough organisation which
enables the staff to serve the pub
lic efficiently. Tests are made
frequently to determine how many
calls are being handled at various
hours of the day. The local ex
change handles from 34,000 to
37,000 local calls, 1100 to 1200
long distance calls filed here, and
about 2000 from other points. .
C. C. Aller, local manager of
the Pacific Telephone and Tele,
graph company, outlined the his
tory of telephone development
here, beginning in 184 when the
Western Union Introduced the
first service with only about five
subscribers. There were only lit
subscribers In 1900. The present
number Is approximately (700 In
the' city and 1100 on suburban
lines. Salem has a greater de
velopment of rural telephone serv
ice 'than any other city of Its slxe
in the United States.
Before the new equipment,
which will Include the "step by
step" dialing system of making
calls, is put Into use next year, a
course of Instruction will be pro
vided for all users so that they
may learn and understand this
system, Mr. Aller said. An in
struction set, in which the user
may see just what happens when
"Sax" Drives Away
Thoughts of Cold!
He thought he couldn't play
that night, but the cold he'd
caught that morning bad depart
ed. Most professional people
know what really knocks a cold
k -.a &4f4p5F&
YOU can't
match these
OTHERS at $30 and $35
Each year this store is expected to present
clothes that are superior in Quality at a price
that ia much lower than you will find else
where. These new fall suits we are offering:
amply justify the faith that lias been placed
in us. . To try them on is to want them.
The fine wearing- qualities of these new fall
topcoats : and overcoats ' will carry them
through a PAIR of winters without showing
the marks. Many colors and patterns to
choose from and they are outstanding val
ues at these prices.
;; . 1VITU MlLLElt'S .
he dials a number, will be brovg&l .
Epworth League - V
To Have Part$0K'
In WestSalemi
WEST SALEM. Oct. If. (Spe
cial) The Ep worth league of the -Ford
Memorial chnrch Is giving
a masquerade Hallowe'en party a
week from Thursday, October 25.
A good time Is expected by all
lnd all young folk of the com
munity are cordially Invited to .
come and bring their friends.
For sale signs, for rent signs,
legal blanks, etc. for sale at The
Schaefer's Cold
Guaranteed to cure your
cold in 12 hours or your
money refunded.
We make our own capsules
right in Salem.
Price 50c
For Sale at
111 Commercial St. Phone 117
The Original TeHow Front
Drag Store
in a few hours many go through
the winter without any trouble '
from colds. It's a compound that
comes in little white tablets. Take
one, and that first enuffle Is just
about the last; or several tablets
if you've let the cold go until it's
serious. -
Pape's Cold Compound Is Ml
you ask for; and the druggist
charges 35c tor a package,
never seems to fail for anybodyf