The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Unsettled today and Fri
day; Probable rains. Max.
temperature Wednesday 78:
Mln. 89; Wind sooth; Rain
.76; Cloudy.
During October, SUtesmam
dally for one year by mail
Salem, Oregon, Thursday Blorning, October 17, 1929
Disbarment Suit
Is Filed Against 1
World's Largest Airship
35 Dry Raids Are
Conducted At One
Time By Officers
Federal Agents and New Jersey State Troop
ers Capture Fortified Storehouse and
Special Broadcasting Station
TTEW YORK, Oct. 16. (AP)Striking suddenly along a
"Contributions" to Publica
tions Large Items of
Dr. C. H. Herd Contradicts
His Previous Statements
In Pantages Case
Acquaintance of Nine -Years
Standing Defends Mi!
1 lionaire at Trial
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct. 1.
(AP) Charges of perjury and
denials by a defense -witness of
statements credited to him by dis
trict attorney's investigators over
shadowed today the issue at stake
in the trial of Alexander Pan
tages, theatre multimillionaire,
on a statutory charge.
While Garland Biffle. a defense
'witness, was Indicted by the grand
Jury on perjury charges, Dr.jC. H.
Herd was summoned to the stand
by Packages' attorneys and creat
ed a sensation in his repudiation
of statements which he was al
leged to have made the day fol
lowing the asserted attack on Eu
nice Pringle, youthful dancer.
Herd's testimony came in a
etate cross examination, reading
from a typewritten statement.
Prosecutor Robert P. Stewart
asked the witness:
Only Part of Previous
Testimony Is Recalled
"Did you not say to two in
vestigators that you thought the
first scream Eunice Pringle made
was part of an act In the theatre
near your offices!"
"Yes sir."
"And that you thought the sec
ond scream was a riot in the the
atre?" "Yes sir."
"And did you not tell these in
Testigators that you knew noth
ing about the case and that your
son knew more about it?"
"No sir."
"Then did you not tell them
that you didn't want to get mixed
- up in the affair and that your son
would go to the district attorney."
"No sir."
Herd also testified that he had
known Pantages for nine years,
lie is an optician and rents eight
rooms on the second floor of the
theatre building - which Pantages
formerly owned. It was in the
private office of the theatre mag
nate on the mezzanine floor that
Miss Pringle claimed Pantages at
tached her last August 9.
Questioning Brings Out
Pantages' Actions
Q Where were you standing
when you first saw Pantages the
day of the alleged attack.
A In the -doorway of my re
ception room.
w iou saw vantages come
put of his main office.
A Yes sir.
Q You are positive of that?
A Yes sir.
Q Where did he go?
Concluded on Page 12, Column 4.)
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 16.
AP) The Oregon grand lodge
Knights of Pythias, brought Its
47th annual convention to a close
here today with the installation
of officers. It was announced that
next year's convention will also
be held here.
Officers installed were:
Grand chancellor, H. E. Dixon,
La Grande; grand vice chancellor,
Ira W. Carl, Portland; grand
keeper of the seals, Walter Glee
son, Baker; grand master of the
exchequer, J. W. Maloney, Pen
dleton; grand master at arms,
Frank Taylor, Eugene; grand out
er guard, Thorleif Hansen, Port
land; grand inner guard, N. S. So
den, Vernonia; supreme represen
tative elect, Darwin E. Yoran, Eu
gene; grand prelate, I. W. Turner,
Forest Grove.
in mis
Vast Improvements Made
By Health Demonstration
Here in Five Year Period
Editor's Note: The 8Utem today
preaeata the third of aeriea of daily
articles Seaifaed to acquaint the people
f Marion county in ompreheniio
hum with the program and eeComplliB
saenta of tho Karion county child health
demenetration and with tho proposed
Bianaer is Which tho health program will
be carried forward whoa tho demonstra
tion withdraw at tho end of this I ear.
When Henry Ford told the
world be was going to bring out a
gear shift automobile, the whole
country was agog. Bat when
Marion eonnty decided to do away
with Its eld f liwer-Uke health re
gime and pnt in a get-there health
program, not even Marion eonnty
people became alarmed. It was
In the cards to get genuinely ex
cited and curious about the new
Ford machine; why get excited
about the intricacies of that en
gine which runs the human body?
Let's look back right now to
that old model health program in
Marion county which preceded
the child health demonstration
advent in II z 5. Now, you must
n't think that Marion county's
JL1 wide front extending from
ern tip of Long Island, a small army of federal agents and
New Jersey state troopers today conducted one of the most
elaborately planned offensives against bootleggers in recent
Promptly at the stroke of 4:30 p. m., which had been as
signed as the "zero hour", the officers conducted 35 simul
taneous raids. They arrested'
at least 32 men and reported
tnat they had uncovered a
fortified liquor storehouse in
Highlands, N. J., and an unli
censed radio broadcasting station
near that town which they said
was used in communicating with
rum . ships along the Atlantic
Federal prohibition authorities
in the southern and eastern dis
tricts of New York and New Jer
sey united In planning the raids,
which were under general super
vision of William J. Calhoun, pro
hibition administrator for New
Jersey. The raids were carried
out by 35 deputy United States
marshals, 75 special treasury
agents and 20 New Jersey state
Old Mansion Made Over
To Resemble Fort
Assistant United States Attor
ney Robert B. Watts received re
ports as they trickled into the
federal building bere. He said
the raid at Highlands, N. J., dis
closed that an old mansion had
been converted into a storehouse
that resembled a fort.
The raiders, he said, found am
munition, firearms, machine gun
emplacements and magazines and
beneath the mansion discovered a
lagyrinth of vaults and passages
containing large quantities of
wines and liquors, which were
Watts said the raiding party
that descended on Highlands
caught Mannie Kessler, alleged
"king of the bootleggers," ; and
Morris Sweetwood, both of whom
he said served terms in the fed
eral penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga.,
for liquor violations.
Broadcasting Station
And Operator Found
About six miles from High
lands, Watts said, the raiders, act
ing on a "tip" came upon a fuliy-
(Concluded on Page 12, Column 3.)
CHICAGO, Oct. 1. (AP)-
The opinion that the average
woman in America takes twice as
great a risk of her life in becom-1
ing a mother as a peasant woman
in some remote Swedish village,
was expressed today by Dr. James The president's words Wednes
Heyman, Swedish radiologist who day will be broadcast from a boat
was here to address the eleventh near Louisville between 9:30 and
annual congress of the American
college of surgeons.
Dr. Heyman said the lower mor-
tality rate in Sweden was due to
the fact that the Swedish govern-
ment takes an active hand in the
regulation of the medical profes
sion, while in this country regu
lation Is largely left to the profes
sion Itself.
"In every province," he said.
"Sweden maintains physicians
who draw most of their pay from
the government, supplemented 7
what small fees the poor people
can pay them. Because so many
people of Sweden live in remote
ists eVerrone of thTsVmen musl
be specially trained in obstet
"The obstetrical
American medical Btudent is sadly
comparison to the rest of the
world or stale. They weren't. In
at a. at S 1 .1.
taci, a group oi maiTiuiiais ua
already fostered the idea of care-
fui maintenance oi tne numan
macnine, ana as a result me Ba
lem schools were paying a scnooi
nurse $125 a month for 10
momns oi me year iu biwww
health of school children. The
school nurse was Miss Grace Tay
lor, who Joined the child health
demonstration in that same capa
city. Prior to 1925, however.
Miss Taylor alone acted as school
narse, which meant that the eouio
only give general health snpervi -
slon to the more than t.000 pupils
in Salem. :
School Physician
Kept on PaH Tim . .
A part-time school Physician
served, to readmit school children
....vw.uj v..
examinations and seldom visited
the schools; pupils who sought re-
admitUnce slips called At his of-
tf and for writins them the
- , - 1 -
Atlantic. N. J., to the east
- ' :
rp J Tl j.
leurux to
Leave Today
For Manila
Ted Fox, Salem's most noted
exponent of the manly art of self
defense, will sail tonight from
Vancouver, B. C, for Manila, P.
I., where he will engage in sever
al fights. He has been guaranted
a large purse for one bout, which
will be against Nationalists, and
others are in prospect.
Along with Fox goes Willie
Gordon as his manager. Fox in
terrupted Gordon's fistic career
temnorarilv & fei7 weefru am when
he broke the sailor's Jaw, but
that's all in th hnana rrrlnn
holds the lightweight champion-
Fox has piled up an imposing
array of victories in the past
year, fighting in Salem and other
nnHhvMl fitlo w(n!nr o n.lnr
it nf hi. hnnt'. nn irntta
nni .. v.'
he will give a good account of
himself in the islands.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. (AP)
The National Broadcasting com
pany announced tonight that
President Hoover will deliver
three radio addresses in as many
days next week, one of them from
a boat on the Ohio river. The
speeches will be transmitted over
a coast-to-coast network
The president's first address
will be delivered at Dearborn,
Mich., Monday, October 21, be-
tween 7:30 and 8:30 n. m.. east-
era standard time, during a cele
bration in honor of Thomas A.
Edison and the fiftieth anniver
sary of his Invention of the elec
tric light.
Tuesday Mr. Hoover will talk
at approximately 10:30 a. m.
eastern standard time, at Eden
Park, Cincinnati, during the ded-
lcation of a monument marking
completion of the Ohio river lock
I 1:00 p. m., eastern standard time,
and will open officially a new
bridge spanning tne unio river
and linking Kentucky and south-
era Indiana at the point of the
Mason and Dixon line.
-The supreme court may noon be
asked to decide whether the buy-
er of llauor is equally liablawith
I th aller to prosecution.
A lesi case nas ucen ucu UJ
the district attorney at Phlladel-
phia as a result of a ruling by the
circuit court of appeals there that
ffllf! TO DELIV
the buyer is immune from arrest. I Rehb reported that he was driv
Charles Evans Hughes, Jr., soli- ing at a speed of about 15 miles
cltor-general after conferences
ith Attorney General Mitcneii,
is expected to decide shortly
whether the case will be carried
-a thai hlrhARt trihiinnl
The decision of the department
of tuslee was belnr awaited to-
night with Interest, in view of the
wii..nroa.ii discission recently
concerning the liability of liquor
I 0
purchasers. Two dry leaders
took m nana today In the devel-
mm .
MyStery A UIO
Has No Axles
ya - r. .
rZUinOTS Otate
nrr ntT txri. rw 11 r api
a m .- ... v.. n
i . u beine tested here it was
1 !?Ji 25f, 8tea
m4cnln' Mld to maa.
I v . mtiitn Anur Mr.
I Mr.tinn nA. h,!,, financed on
wt u t0 Ml, tor
nA 2 ooe It na 4lebt traiIE.
springs, four in front and
four In the rear, which are cen-
twed to th center frame. The
Mr9 Snaft tne front wneig
two maiTersal Joints,
... .. . ..
wane au in wneess uvt uufiuiMikiigvvrvK
I , .1
Secretary Admits Spending
$70,000 Per Year in
His Work
(AP) Examination of the $70,
000 annual expenditure In Wash
ington of the United States beet
sugar association was made today
by the senate lobby investigating
committee as it turned to the
campaign over the proposed in
crease In the sugar duty in the
pending tariff measure.
H. A. Austin, secretary and
treasurer of the association, was
the lone witness of the day, re
lating that $56,230 had been spent
in the first nine months of this
year, principally in contributions
to various publications and office
Asked by Chairman Caraway of
the committee if he thought his
services in Washington had been
influential In procuring the in
crease provided in the sugar duty
by the tariff bill, Austin replied
he thought "it isn't absolutely
necessary to our business to have
Washington representatives but it
is helpful."
Numerous Releases
Given to Reporters
Austin said his organization
represenuug w y
8USar praucuon, cooperiCu witu
hh domestic sugar producers as-
SOCiailon wmco mamiaius u.
bureau here to distribute press re-
leases to the newspapers and
newspaper reuuiien. no um uui
know how many or which papers
uses the releases but said he
thought most of the released
"went into the waste basket
Naming some "lobbyists" inter
ested in the other side of the su
gar controversy, AuBtln was asked
for his definition of lobbyists, tie
divided them into four classifica
The first class the witness nam
ed -as those who have money in
vested in a business or are offl
clals who come to Washington
periodically to present their views
on matters pertaining to their bus
iness. Own Group Called
Trade Association
The second class, he said, was
those "organised trade associa
tions, such as ours, who maintain
offices in Washington to dissemm
ate information ana present meir
Tiews to congressmen.
"The third class," he continued.
"is composed of those so-called
professional lobbyists who are
ready to take any side oi any case
for remuneration.
'The fourth is the parasitic class
(Concluded 9a Page 12, Column L)
Frank Vines
Injured by
Frank Vines. 60. a transient
harvest worker now ' making his
headquarters in Balem, was
knocked down and seriously in
jured Wednesday night about
7:45 o clock at the corner of Cbe
meketa and Liberty streets, by an
automobile driven by Arthur Rehb
of Auburn,
Vines, bleeding from the
mouth and nose, was rushed by
ambulance to the Deaconess hos
pital, where a physician who ex
amined bim as thoroughly as was
possible at the time stated that be
did not believe internal injuries
were suffered. Vines was baaiy
I shake no. and appeared dazed
i au uiiim uu iuimhjiv.
the accident said Vines was in the
pedestrian lane near the center
of the street when ne was strucx.
per hour and that be sounded his
born before the accident happen
7 fotof f l ft no
Jtnwt. vivv
n p . If
A Mil .fe M
Olinger Field
Plans for a neat red and black
brick ticket office to be construct
ed at the main gate of Olinger
field have been submitted to and
passed the high school council,
Joe King, president, said Wednes-
I day. Tne tic set nuuawg was uo-
signed by Lyle Bartholomew,
school architect, and will be live
I feet four Inches by six .feet four
I inches. Red and black, tne ca-
lem high colors, will also be nsed
on the shingled roof. A flag pole
will come ap from tho center of
I the four-sided roof, and on top
I of the pole and hoisted above
the f lag wiUbo a imall letter "S".
of metaL iv
This structure will take the
piace oi me dioci o or wme-
the student body raised fnnds
through a tag sale last spring, and
wiU cost but a tew dollars more
!v.. e !
-One of the powerful engines
dirigible, the R-101, which will soon embark on a test flight prepar
atory to a trans-Atlantic hop to the United States. Inset shows Lieutenant-Colonel
V. C. Richmond, chief engineer of the new craft.
Work to Start in 30 Days on
New Filtration Plant
For This City
Plans for the filtration plant
which the Oregon - Washington
Water Service company will erect
In Salem, are now being complet
ed by engineers of the company
San Francisco, and win oe
ready for final approval within
30 davs. at which time worK on
the first unit of construction will
be started, it was announced here
Wednesday by E. K. Barnum,
chief engineer.
The clans not yet finished al
so Include those for the pumping
plant, which will be located on
Mlnto island. Already plans for
the Intake pipe line have been
approved, and a contract was let
Wednesday forenoon to Harmon
and Tuttle of Eugene lor excava
tion. Work will start as soon as
materials and eauinment arrive.
This intake will be 1700 ieet
long, extending out into the riv
er to a Dolnt above any possmie
source of contamination from lo
cal sewers. It will be of 27 incn
concrete pipe. The company
plans to have it lnstalledbefore
the river rises due to winter rains.
The duibd house will be locatea
nhnnt 3E0 feet above the present
temnorarr filter beds, and wui
he 2 8 by 18 feet in dimensions.
with a tower rising 40 reet above
the foundation, to a level higher
than the highest flood mark on
record. Entrance through this
tower will be possible whenever
the doors at ground level are un
At water.
Th filtration Plant itself wui
be located on the east half of the
nrnnertT now OCCUOied bV the
mnanv'n office, at South CODl
mercial and Trade streets, ine
nlant will front on Liberty and
Trade, and will rise a little more
than two stories above street xeT
el. After the nlant is partly com-
nleted. the company win sena
here s snecial architect to design
the finishing- touches so as io
make the building attractive. The
arrounds around it will also oe
The Dumns on the lsiana win
. . . ...
have a capacity of seven million
rail on daily, and the nitration
plant will have an equal capacity.
it will be so arrangea ia '
tional units added when
ever the demand for water is sui
fiiHant tn necessitate such con
2 Forest Fires
Reported Raging
In Tacoma Area
TACOMA. Oct. 16. Two ser
ious forest fires were sweeping
thronirh virgin timber in two pla
ces in Pierce county today, forcing
families to fjee from their homes
and inflicting, damage which It Is
estimated; will, run Into hundreds
of thousands of dollars.
Trmore serious "of the two
nlnses. Is located 25 miles south
east of Tacoma In the holdings of
Uie Eatonvllle Lumber company,
five miles east of Eatonvllle. Here
s.oeo.000 feet of uncut timber
had fallen before a steady march
of the flames over three sections
late today. Rain, which started
early this evening gale promises of
aiding the fire fighters.
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 1.
(AP) Bob Kruse, Portland hea
vyweight grappler defeated Harry
DementraL Chicago, in two out of
three falls In the main event of
the wrestling card here tonight.
In a special one i hour .match Al
Karasick,' light ' heavyweight of
this city, and Kara Arslan Pasha,
Turkish matman, went to a draw
neither taking a fall. -
fit 5 ' """" k
of the recently completed British
Only Adverse Weather Will
Cause Postponement
Of Takeoff
SEATTLE, Oct. 16. (AP)-
The four Russian aviators, en
route from Moscow to New York
on a "good will" flight, will hop
off from Sand Point naval air
base here tomorrow morning for
Oakland. Calif., provided weather
conditions are favorable and a test
of their plane, "Land of the So
viete," proves it to be in satis
factory condition. The fliers ar
rived here Sunday from Water
fall, Alaska.
The. Russians planned tonight
to be at the airport at 6 o'clock
tomorrow morning. Tractors will
wheel the plane, now equipped
with landing gear, to the field,
where the motor will be warmed
up and a short test flight made
before the final takeoff. The
weather was problematical to
night. It was raining and the
government weather observer at
Sand Point predicted rain for to
morrow. The visiting aviators spent part
of their time today investigating
aviation development in the
northwest. Chief Test Pilot Les
lie Towers of the Boeing Airplane
factory here, demonstrated two
planes for them, one a commer
cial model of the navy pursuit
type and the other an 18 passen
ger plane now being turned out
for transcontinental serviee.
President Chalng Kai-Shek faced
with serious threats to his au
thority as head of the National
ist government Is redoubling ms
efforts to stamp out the opposi
tion movement.
Ha has disnatched his chief
from Nanking to Kalfeng in the
province of Honan by airplane in
order to assume command of the
rorernment forces seeking to halt
the advance of the Kuominchun or
peasant's army into North no-
In addition he has sent his
crack first division of the Hankow
rarrison to vulnerable points in
order to stop the Kuominchun
advance southward near the Hu
neh border.
Despite reports that Peng Tn-
Hslang, once known as the Chris
tian general, who is leader of the
Kuominchun. had been "captur
ed" by Yen Hsi-Shan, the model
governor of Shansl. the exact
lineup of Shansi was not clear.
Oregon Legion
Very, Powerful
Mosher States
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 1.
fAP) Oregon department. Am.
eriean Legion, has become one o
the most powerful units In the na
tional organization despite the
fact that it is small compared to
the departments of the populace
eastern states, and its reputation
was enhanced this fall at the Lou
IsTille convention by the display
of Oregon frodneta and the open
house which It maintained In the
Brown hotel, said Carl R. Mosher,
state adjutant, who has just re
turned from the convention city.
The Oregon delegation numbers
only 18 as compared to 72 for New
York and 71 tor Illinois, bnt the
Oregonians have attained unique
political powen
George W. Joseph
Thomas Mannix Charges Planting Liquor in
Home of Supreme Court Justice; Tel
egram Staff Member Involved
Charges that George W. Joseph, Portland attorney, con
spired with one Henry Hanzen and others unknown, to plant
liquor at the home of John L. Rand, associate justice of til
i. - 4. ..ivt ntiin -! fa nasi in HicliBrmont nrnrril
ings filed against Joseph in the supreme court here las!
The proceedings were filed by Thomas Mannix, Portland
lawyer, who alleged in his complaint that it was the purpose
Suspects in
Court Upon
Rum Charge
Six charges of prohibition law
violations have been filed in Jus
tice Brazier p. Small's court In
the last two days. The three
men brought in for arraignment
Wednesday were A. J. Hughes,
charged with possession of a still;
Henry Becker and William Krebs,
facing charges of sale of liquor.
In each case bail, set at S1000,
was not furnished, and the three
men are in the county Jail along
with the three placed there Tues
day. Each of the trio asked time
to enter a plea, and was given un
til Thursday afternoon.
Becker has been serYlng as a
juror In circuit court here for the
last week, and remarked when ar
rested that he had been dispens
time, and now hoped to receive
ing Justice for that length of
time, and now hoped to receive a
little for himself. His home is at
Hughes, who lives on a farm
near Marion, claimed, when In
formed that a still had been
found on his place, that someone
had "planted it" there. The of
ficers then went on to tell him
that three gallons of moonshine
had been found near the house,
and a quantity of mash in another
location on the premises. -
ROME, Oct. 16. ( AP) Five
laree Italian nlanes were report
ed tonight as being prepared for
simultaneous trans-Atlantic
flight. It was said that the min
ister of aeronautics would be a
passenger in one to keep his pro
mise made to Lewis Yancey and
Roger Q. Williams to return the
air visit of the Americans.
It was announced today that
Major Maddalena would begin a
flight to America on November 16
or 17 when he would have the
advantage of a full moon. He
expects to follow a course to the
West Indies and thence without
to New York, if fuel per-
His eventual goal is Dallas,
Texas, for the $25,000 prize of
fered by Colonel Easterwood.
As a preliminary to this at
tempt he will make an assault on
the world duration record, prob
ably tomorrow. Major Maddalena
was the first to sight the party
of General Nobile on the Arctic
ice after the wreck of the dirig
lble Italia.
(AP) Major Charles Klngsford
Smith has almost completed ar
rangements for a non-stop flight
across the Atlantic from London
to New York next May or June.
The Australian arrived today en
route to Sydney.
"I have one more ocean to
cross," he said and referred to
the 70,000 miles his plane, the
Southern Cross, has flown since
his trans-Pacific flight early last
"We left the Southern Cross In
Holland for an overhaul," he said.
"She will be practically rebuilt,
but the old engines which have
crossed the Pacific and Indian
oceans and have been around Aus
tralia on many trips, will be in
the Southern Cross when wo start
west across the Atlantic."
Father Given
Right to Kill
Girl9 s Seducer
MEXICO CITY. Oct, 16. (AP)
A father "has the right to kill
hit daughter and her seducer in
cases where the girl sacrifices her
honor, according to the terms of
the new penal code drawn up un
der extraordinary powers granted
to President Portes Gil by con
gress. The code is appearing in
installments la the official Ga-
tette. -
J A, VOvJil Aaouaiu niiu iitv
other persons involved in the
conspiracy, to make it appear
that he was the carrier of the
liquor. Chief Justice Coshow
signed an order citing Joseph, to
appear in the supreme court No-
vember 4 and show cause w hy be
should not be disbarred.
"As a part of the liquor con
spiracy," read Mannix' complaint,
"Hanzen notified the federal pro
hibition officers that your com
plainant was about to deliver the
liquor to Justice Rand. The af
fidavit disclosing this conspirary
is in the hands of W. K. Newell,
federal prohibition director, it
was only by discovery of the plot
that the said liquor was not
Plot Said Intended to
Put Court in Bad Light
Mannix alleged that the con
spiracy was intended to reflect on
the supreme court and its ic -
I bers.
"While the case of Wemme ts.
Selling was pending on appeal in
the supreme court, and before a
(Concluded on Page 8, Column l.J
LOS ANGELES. Oct. 16. ( AP)
Investigation of the Great Elev
en cult, recently brought under
surveillance In connection with
alleged bunco activities, was giv
en new impetus today by Deputy
District Attorney Charles Kar.
ney's statement. He was con
vinced Samuel Rizzlo, missing
husband of the second high priest
ess of the order, had met with
foul play.
Kearnev saldTtizzio, nusbaaxi ei
Mrs. Ruth Weiland Rizzio. daugh
ter of Mrs. May Otis Blackburn,
organizer and high priestess ef
the divine order of the royal arm
of the great eleven, probably "was
killed". He declined to elaberate
on the statement pending the oat
come of a new series of inquiries.
At the same time Captain A.
Thomason, head of the police bun-
codetail. said seven additional wit
nesses had been discovered and
would be taken before the grand
11 TV
"We are satisfied a conspiracy
between Mrs. Blackburn Land her
daughter existed and we will h
indictments against them on bun
co charges," Thomason said.
Mrs. Blackburn is held in de
fault of 110,000 bond pending
trial in superior court on twelve
counts of grand theft brought by
Clifford Dabney, wealthy oil oper
ator, who charged she obtained
$50,000 from members tbreagn
misrepresenting a book she was
writing. Mrs. Rizzio was released
yesterday after a municipal court
judge . declared the evidence
against her was Insufficient to
connect her with the alleged
A letter Mrs. Rizzio said she re
ceived from her husband after be
had been sent away "on business
for the great eleven" in Septem
ber, 1924, came under fire. Hand-,
writing experts said the letter,
which tended to bear out cult
leaders' assertion the man was on
a mysterious mission, was writ
ten by a righthanded person. Bis-
sio, his brother ranK maw
pointed out, was left handed.
Another Suspect
In Bond Plot Is
Put Under Arrest
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 1
(AP) John K. Nesbltt. 70 was
arrested here tonight by dennty
sheriffs in connection with tho
resurrection of more than 117,
500 worth of supposedly destroy
ed bonds of a $1,000,000 iss of
the Interstate Utilities eompany,
a Washington and Tdaho concern.
Nesbitt was apprehended at bit
home after officers had waited
there since early morning.
The district attorney's office
said Nesbitt a real estate deal
er, had been watched by. officer
for sveral days, he was charged
speclficaly with "having a fale
Instrument ef debt In his posses
sion with Intent to utter it aa
true." ,
Nesbitt was unable to rah
$5000 bond.
PORTLAND, Ore Oct- la"-
(AP) Nils J. Blagen, promltwM
lumberman and contractor ot tbw
citr died today after an Illness ot
i several months. , - -
methods were so antiquated in
(Concluded on Pags 3, Column L) " Jwmmmj