The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 16, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    r. - PAGE TWO
This Section is Chosen for
Health Work Out of 26
(Continued from Par 1.)
rating im these matters in com
parison to the rest of the state,
- here indeed was fertile ground for
the -Fund to show how much
could be accomplished in a few
hort years through a - well-organised
health program. The ex
tent to which these conditions
have been improved will be treat
ed later in separate articles; suf-
' lice it to say, the demonstration
has taken ample hold of the sit
uation. Brhool Systems Found
"Well Organized
The excellent organization o!
both county and city school sys
tems here was another very
strong drawing card in process of
eliminating the 25 other demonstration-seekers,
as was also the
fact that official state and volun
teer organizations were working
in the county and wonld cooper
ate gladly with the health pro
gram. Particularly among the
latter were the state hoard of
health and the state tuberculosis
r association.
Still other reasons why this
county was selected included the
fact that almost the entire popu
lation is American born; nearest
to educational institutions of the
state, and the state university
medical school In Portland; then
too, Salem boasted an exceptional
medical and dental service, good
hospitalization was here and there
was opportunity for obtaining
good private medical and .dental
health work. The foundation sur
vey party was also pleased with
the diversified economic condition
in the county, with neither purely
agricultural or purely industrial
pursuits claiming the populace.
.The latter meant, of course, a
more elastic health study.
Here Than $300,000
Spent by Demonstration
When Dr. W. H. Brown, first
director of the child health work
here, arrived early in January,
1925, to set up the demonstration,
his arrival tokened beginning of
an expenditure by the Common
wealth Fund over af Ive-year per
iod of more than $300,000 for
eign money most of which has ac
tually been spent in this county.
Here was a fact-seeking founda
tion willing to sink in Marlon
- county 300,000 cool dollars to
widen and brighten health habits
and standards of the county. .
The Commonwealth Fund
alone. In otbar words, was willing
to expend in a short period al
most 60 times as much as the
county and city was spending in a
year, and to bring a health pro
gram to every part of the county
rather than to only certain parts.
This meant an average of $60,000
a year county income from New
" York City. In 1928 the Fund's
budget for carrying out its pro
ject reached the high mark of
$69,785; the previous year it was
563,585; In 1926, $67,340. The
fh'at year $46,037 was spent by
the Fund, which really included
seven months' operation, as the
full staff was not completed un.
til May, 1925. Aside from these
budgets of the demonstration
sponsors, city and county agencies
continued their financial support.
Frnitl Expend i tare Is
50,285 Tliis Year
In 1929 the Fund is spending
$5,2S5. And how is this divid
ed Just $17,099 goes into local
services; the ten members of the
- clerical staff are paid $8,000; di
rector of health education and as-
sistant director of the nnrsing
staff for field training work claim
$6,000; equipment and records
fo the year cost $8,000.
When the New York office
withdraws its support at the close
of - this Tear, it will leave Marion
county about $20,000 worth of
equipment for -which the county
will have paid nothing; for it is
the policy of the Fund to leave be
hind complete equipment and re
cords to carry on. Included in
this outlay is a fleet of eight new
light automobiles; a $250 fire
proof safe; complete files and
fireproof filing equipment; three
new typewriters: three sets ot
scales-and one portable outfit; a
health library which Is being
made as complete as possible; and
all office equipment.
Notice of appeal to the United
States supreme court of the suit
brought by the Yamhill Electric
company to restrain the city of
McMinnville from extending Its
municipal electric service beyond
th? city limits, was tiled la the
state supreme court Tuesday.
The suit originally was tried In
tho circuit court - tor Yamhill
county, where the electrle com
pany prevailed. Appeal then was
taken to the state supreme court,
where the -decree of the lower
court was reversed:.
" The supreme court held that the
city of McMlsnvUlo woe eOxesspt
from operating Us municipal $lant
under the nubile utilities eet.-and
had authority to extend ttrtejerrtc
lines beyond the city limit under
a charter erovislon. The supreme
court limited the operations et the
municipal plant to the city t Me-
Mlanvllle and Yichrrty. The appeal
svttaeke thtf eoastltuttoaality ot ta
principle written lnt the puUle
; utilities law by h supreme court
opinion. - - : ". --
v Th decision reads th fcrlef
of ths eleetrlA company. . "gfres
' judicial maaettaat M the thesary
socialism axd violates , the Terr
gundaaenUl p&rsos st tsf
LWe print latter lieada. business
caxiX potter, :Cssr booklet,
most anythinr u our job shop.
Call BOO for prices.
ere in Plane Foil Parents
-:.-.- -w
fir i 7:'
Sara Margaret McKelkr (left), eighteen, daughter of Stuart Ellis Me
Kefler, prominent New York broker, eloped with Robert C Good, Jr.
(right), twen ty-two-year-old aviation student, by means of an aeroplane.
The youngsters flew away in Good's aeroplane from the home of the bride
in Short Hills, N. J, and arrived In Belair, MdL, where they were married
They axe spending an aeroplane honeymoon in to South
latorUoaal MummI
Youthful Musician is Not
Barred by Labor Statute
From Playing, is Ruling
Attorney General Van Winkle
Tuesday advised Stephen G.
Smith, ot the board of inspectors
of child labor in Portland, that it
would not be unlawful for a 12
year-old California boy now con
templating a trip to Portland to
appear in concert, provided that
he obtains a permit from the
Judge ot the juvenile court.
"It is my understanding." read
the attorney general's opinion,
"that the performance will take
place in the evening, that admis
sion will be charged for the per.
formance, and that either the boy
or his parents will be compensated
for his appearance.
"We have the child labor and
compulsory school attendance law
of 1903 prohibiting, in general
terms, any employment after six
o'clock in the evening of a child
gouts win
Five boy scouts of Salem re
ceived advancements at the sec
ond fall court of honor held last
night at the Fraternal temple,
with Judge H. H. Belt presiding.
Roger Kellogg was promoted to
first class ecout. He Is a member
of troop two,Tof which Rex San
ford is scoutmaster. Three other
boys, who were up for awards last
night were members of troop two:
Milnor Saaford, merit badge for
pioneering; Irvin Ulver, badges
for aviation and pioneering; and
Menalkas Selander, awards tor
athletics, cycling and life rating.
Luman New ot troop number 12
passed tne bird study test and was
also given star rating.
Applications for awards through
the court of honor are small so
far this fall, due largely to the
fact that courts of honor are to
be held also In Polk county. O. P.
West, scout executive, will be In
Dallas Thursday night to assist In
holding a court there, at which
more than 20 boys will appear for
awards. Scouts from Independence
and Monmouth wilt also make
their claims throuh the Dallas
court of honor. Heretofore all hon
or courts have been held in Sa
Oregon's fire losses for Septem
ber, outside of Portland, were
$434,825, according to a report
prepared here today by Clair A.
Lee. state fire marshal. There
were 14? fir Is reported.
Of the total $169,530 or 39 per
cent represented losses by indu
strles. Approximately $166,785 or
39 per cent was suffered by farm
properties. The September losses
were $249,119 less than those ot
the preceding month, but $43,000
larger than la September, 1928.
The- total estimated losses for
the first nine months of 1929 were
$2,965,312 or $672,676 less than
for the corresponding period In
Four Accidents
And One Death
Odcur in Pay
ALBANY. Ore.. Oct. 15. (AP)
Four hunting accidents, one of
them fatal to a boy. market the
openinr of the pheasant hnnting
season la Una county today.
Charles Beefafta. 11, died from a
gunshot wound received while
hunting with his twin brother.
John, on thetr father's farm near
hero. Hush It. Klrkpatrick. mayor.
of the townrro xbane. was
wounded to the hand. Hurley 1UW
coeU, -: Lebanon, slightly
wounded to too face and It, Elder
of Shed,- Oie received a eharge
at hirdaaot to thofsce hoods and
shouldoro.. -. ; - - ,
Teacber&Group k
JTrst leetnro meeting f- of tho
year ot the Salem Teachers asso
ciation will bo held ot the-senior
high, school auditorium at 8:30
ofelock Monday afternoon, when
under 16 years of age, while a
later statute of 1909 provides for
the appearance of minor children
under 16 years ot age at public
entertainments if a written per
mit Is secured from the Judge of
the Juvenile court.
"It is a rule of statutory con
struction that where there is
general statute and also a specific
and particular statute upon a sub
ject, the specific and particular
statute prevails.
"It Is my opinion that if the
written permit is secured from the
judge of the Juvenile court, in
manner provided by the Oregon
laws, It will not be unlawful for
the boy to appear in the musical
entertainment in this state under
circumstances set forth in your
letter. It is my understanding
that the boy will be in Oregon
only a few days." "
Dr. J. M. Glass of Winter Park,
Florida, will address the teachers
on ''Criteria for Appraisal ot the
Junior High School." Dr. Glass,
one of the country's best known
experts on the junior high school.
is spending some time in the west.
wnere he his speaking at a large
number of schools and colleges.
He is professor of secondary edu
cation at Rollins College in Win
ter Park.
His visit here will be occasion
for a luncheon Monday noon, ar
ranged by Superintendent Hug in
honor of Dr. Glass for the junior
and senior high school principals
or an departments. The luncheon
will be served at the high school
cafeteria under the direction of
Mrs. Eula S. Creech, head of the
school domestic science depart
causes ni
MONMOUTH, Oct. 15 (Spe
cial) Following the victory over
Chico achieved in Multnomah Ci
vic Stadium last Saturday, the
student-body ot the Normal en-
Joyed a partial holiday Monday,
and celebrated the victory in no
uncertain terms and manner with
a pep rally preface that lasted for
2 hours.
After a patrol down town the
afternoon .holiday was largely
spent in a, social hour ofdancing
at the gym. Oregon Normal team
will play Albany college Satur
day, Nov. 2, on the Normal field;
and next Friday, Oct. 18. will
play a return game with Centra-
lia, Washington at the latter
place. The encounter here last
month resulted in a scoreless tie.
The McGill Auto Furnlshuro
Reflnishing company with head
quarters In Portland and capital
stock of $21,000, have filed artic
les In the state corporation depart
ment. The incorporators are Irv
ing !. Tlcknor, L. TanBebber and
U J. Darts. Other articles follow
. T Cymro Mining company, Port
land, $5089; J. O. Edwards, Louis
Enderad and Blaine B. Coles.
Reserve Copper and Boaas corp
oration, Maryland corporation, 10
snares, no-poo wino.-. Beach.
Portland? lamAdt-ln-f act Permit
.n fir i .i , -, , ,.' ' -
Suspects Held
In Murder of
Hood River Lad
BfiND. Ore, Oct. If J (AP)
Two men, arrested at Bandon and
Coauille on the Oreron -const en
warrgntf caarginr wtti ttetllhr
wm he trnesnoned tomorrow in
eonnection-r with the alleged
des.of Keith I. BamHtos, 16-year-old
Hood River - hunter, - whose
body was found0 near hero last
ItWaywontr - thorltiot said
todays : ,-'.: v.-
The aoenr-llfnoso taateswero
given os John Wfiboro. sad Coergo
Germtek ,were ootng brought hero
from tas eocn tonight fz
ITco Lata To Clssilfcr "
..f - -' - " as 8 - -
1 ' NEW six room heuae - fsesaot
XtS South MUu- Hardwood Boers, fire
place, furnace and electrle range. Call
house after 6 p. m.
;, - -
Garland Biffle is Held for
Perjury Upon Leaving
Stand in Court
(Continued from Pat 1.)
"Q Now you are poeltlTo he
had oo a dark coat and trousers?
"A Yes air.
"Q Just where did you 6ee
"A Near the elevator.
Q -But you did hot see Dun-
ear face to face?
"A No.
"Q Then how did you see his
'A When he was walking to
ward the stairway.
'Q Then his face was away
from you?
"A No. I saw him walking so
that he was sideways to me.
Q Now in. your recollection
isn't there a girl or woman
standing in the vicinity ot the
'A I don't recall her.
'Q Wasn't there a woman
behind Miss Prtngle and Duneav?
"A I don't remember any."
Fitts ordered Biffle to mark on
chart where the couple was
The witness then testified they
walked up the stairway to mes
xanine landing talking to each
"Q What color stockings did
Eunice have on?
"A 1 don't know.
"Q What color shoes?
"A I don't know.
MQ Now whom did you talk to
first about this?
A To Mr. Ford." The answer
was made reluctantly.
"Q Did he call you up or did
you go to sea him?
A I went to see him.
Biffle admitted he knew the
case was under investigation at
the time of his visit to Ford last
August 17 during Pantages pre-
iminary examination.
'Q But you never came to the
district attorney, nor the solice.
nor any law enforcing! agency
with this evidence?
"A No."
Biffle testified that the alleged
conversation between the couple
was in an ordinary tone of con
versation and that he was stand
ing about eight teet away when it
occurred. He said he first recog
nized the pair from photographs
but did not see them in person
until a week ago.
Q You art absolutely posi
tive that Eunice Pringle walked
up those stairs?
"A Yes sir."
A recess was taken as the an
swer was made.
Continued questioning by Fitts,
who brought into the trial several
new names, indicated that he
might call rebuttal witnesses to
contradict Ziffle's testimony. He
asked the witness if he knew and
had discussed the Pantages case
with a Mr. Davidson in San Fran
cisco, with a woman named Nor
ma Lane, and if he knew a Miss
Nancy Lee, Hollywood sculptress
wno was arrested several weeks
ago for attempting to influence a
state's witness. Nick Dunear.
Biffle's replies to these Ques
tions were in the negative,
The witness testified that he
worked for a San Francisco pub
lishing house, and admitted know
ing a Mr. Davidson whom he said
was a member of that firm.
"Now when was the first time
you claim you were la the Pan
tages theatr building?" asked
"On August 9, last."
"Have you been in it since?"
"Then von never hav been tn
the building but once?"
"No sir." r
"Did you see any women In
your vicinity near thelevator?"
"Not that I recall."
"Well you did not sea anyone
men 7 . .
"No. there was
no woman
"Did you see a woman, or any
one, precede Miss Pringle up the
"Now were you ever promised
any money or anythinx bv anrona
lor your testimony In this case?"
Mr. Ford told me that my ox
penses would bo taken ear of,
ana tnat lie would inform mr of.
nee mat my salary would be nald
and my house expenses while I
Hom of 25c Talkies
Today and Thursday
zras SMwug so
TIF forty.
. rrm.
A Love
;or Br yyoj&wt-
Horj Husband Stood rat
-foI Another WomaalfcS
HiV.Eyoot' '.
directed by James Flood?
t,JL. Talkingingiag -j
Production -r
Also S Heel Safidas
ComodLy Blot with
vJLaaxel as4 Hardy ,
Hesters Bag Graf
Dear Near IViczcxa
ieo Bevter, Harold HoghOO
and- another man from Sa
lem Went bear hunting Sim
day and came borne with a
big black bar They went
wp wear Kbigarsw.
Walter Borler shot a gray
wolf when mit of tho liissbjeo
taan a bear. Befoo they
finally kilted him they had
pot oorea shots in him,
was away from my work.
Fitts turned the witness back
to Ford, who attempted to ask
him questions concerning the
promises of payment, but these
all met with state objections
witch were sustained by the court.
Mrs. Hannah Beatty, woman
physician in the police juvenile
bureau, was the next defense wit
ness. She desennea in aexau a
physical examination she made of
Miss Pringle on August 10, the
day following the alleged attack.
She testified briefly to the con
dition she found, supporting the
state's contention of assault.
Ford tried to draw from her fur
ther details of the girl's condition
in an effort to bring out evidence
damaging to the state's case. He
met a stonewall opposition of ob
jections, which Were sustained by
the court, leaving the defense
with testimony from its own wit
ness that she found an assault had
been committed.
Ford demanded that the jury
be excused to allow for arguments
by counsel seeking permission to
question the witness further. This
wrangle ensued for halt an hour,
during which the court ruled that
the testimony sought by the' de
fense did not constitute an issue
in the case. The court therefore
barred the questioning.
Adjournment until tomorrow
morning was ordered shortly aft
(Continued from Pace 1.)
Is hastening to that point in order
to reorganize the Chinese forces.
Late to the Japan
ese news agency Rengo indicated
that Soviet artillery began bom
bardment of the Chinese bank of
the Amur river on October 11, in
creasing its violence on October
13 which was the night that the
main attack was launched.
Prior to the reported attack the
Russians issued a statement de
claring Chinese aggression both
afloat and ashore in the affected
region made it necessary to take
decisive steps in reprisal. The So
viet statement reached Harbin by
way of Krarbarovsk and added
that the same punshment would
follow any future repetitions of
aggression by the Chinese.
The controversy between Rus
sia and China in Manchuria grew
out of the ousting of Russian offi
cials of the Chinese eastern rail
way by the Manchurian govern
ment. The Chinese asserted they
had taken this action because the
Russian officials were using their
posts in the dissemination of com
munist propaganda.)
The wedding of Miss Katheryn
Kirk and Herbert L. Deal Satur
day in Oregon City will be of in
terest to many Salem folk, espe
cially those in university circles.
for both Mr. and Mrs. Deal were
former popular Willamette uni
versity students. The ceremony
was performed In the First Con
gregational church of Oregon City
before about 250 guests. Miss
Josephine Albert was soloist.
Mrs. Deal is the daughter et
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin W. Kirk of
Oregon City and Mr.' Deal Is the
son of Rev. C. E. Deal of Black
foot, Idaho. In Willamette Mrs.
Deal was a' member of the Delta
Phi sorority and Mr. Deal was a
member of the . Kappa Gamma
Rho fraternity.
After a short wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Deal will be at home in
downtown convon
rooms wbfc
tidCti from l3t'
Charges of Lawlessness by
Government Officials
t Ordered Sifted
(Continued trem Page 1.)
Various committees of the com
mission will bo at work on -other
phases ot the work here at the
same time. The entire group will
riot meet again until Thursday.
Prohibition Situation
Ts Outstanding Issue
While their work is not restrict
ed to prohibition enforcement,
Pollak and Chafee doubtless will
go thoroughly Into all phases of
that situation. The doings of dry
agents, tlreVoast guard and border
patrols doubtless will be scanned
with a view to ascertain how
much and often, if at all, lawless
ness has been indulged in to en-
force the Volstead act.
A. native of Rhode Island, Pro
fessor Chafee graduated from
Brown university and practiced
law for a number ot years in
Providence. In recent years he has
devoted his time to lecturing on
law and the wilting of legal and
other works, including a book on
free speech. In 192 S ho was chair
man of a committee reporting to
the federal coal commission on the
subject of coal and civil liberties.
Pollak Experienced
In Court Contact
Pollak has had much contact in
the courts with matters falling
within the scope of the inquiry he
Is to make with Chafee. He acted
as counsel to the Moroland act
commissioner in New York in the
investigation of the failure ot the
City Trust company and its rela
tion to unlawful practices In the
state banking department.
The commission has yet to se
lect an expert to assist In Investi
gation on the general subject of
prohibition, which it made one
division of its field ot inauiry.
The two experts named today were
tne only ones selected to work
together on any one of the eleven,
division mapped for study.
Saving between $40,000 and
(50,000 on the operation of the
state training sehool for boys, has
been the least important result of
the new parole system whereby
the population at the school has
been reduced from the peak num
ber, 233 in 1926 to 77, the num
ber enrolled there in September of
this year. Governor Patterson de
clared in a talk at the Kiwanis
club lnncheojo Tuesday.
The greater saving has been
in granting opportunity to the
boys paroled, to become useful cit
izens Instead of confirmed insti
tution Inmates, the governor said.
The new system has necessitated
the employment of two parole of
ficers, but the percentage failing
to make good when paroled has
been reduced from 27 to 17.5.
The financial saving, said the
governor, has been great because
Salem's Independent Theatre
Last Times Today
Don't Delay! Laugh Todayl
You'll Miss . . . The Great
est Laugh treat of a lifetime
Mack Bennett All Talking
Vitaphono Vaudeville Acts
Latest Fox Morietowews
A Collegiate Special
OT momma wTtat o
picture! - CoHclatO
sonrs ond. chatter
that wta amaso yo ; . V
-football games that wCf
.thrCl yow ronxa&co
ttax -wCl rharia yoo y
a picture that wfa eater
taia jam .utterly.
vrrAPTTOTB Acts ?
eno TELLS 0
I l I L-U Horses . . .
I LLAj5 a ""mid Man
... A Pretty Girl,
rj SWCINQ f. Cf 1 ,
US'.) i7'VTk7kvrV
I 1 A?'V
It has been possible to eliminate
the use of the old training school
building south of Salem, at the
same time doing away with a sec
ond set of officers. '
Charles J. Lisle, one of the pa
role officeri, spoke briefly, de
scribing the work which he is on
gaged to do. He will have driven
over 100,000 miles this year, vis
iting paroled boys and studying
their' problems.
Salem young people received a
majority of offices, including the
presidency, in the Marion county
Christian Endeavor union, elec-j
tions, held Sunday evening at the
close of the annual convention
which was in -session here over
tho weekend. Following are the
officers for the new year:
Jack Trachsel, Salem, presi
dent; Basil Zell, Salem, vice-presi
dent; Rosalind Hull, Salem, sec
retary; Lydia Childs, Salem, treas
urer; John Stelner, of Pratum, re
tiring president, executive ad
visor; Rer. C. C. Haworth. Salem,
pastor advisor; Ella Smltn, ba
lem. nriver meeting superintend
ent; Margaret Shoemaker, Salem.
missionary supenntenaent; rs.
Marr KliAman Silverton. social
superintendent: Marie Kihs, Jefr
fcrcrtn education and efficiency
superintendent: Lois Plummer,
Salem, quiet hour and tentn le
gion; Gladys Wright, Salem, Juni-
nr aiinrlntndnt: John Caee. Sil-
verton, intermediate; Melrin
Crow, Salem, publicity; Josephine
Qilstrap, Turner, C. B. world and
convention booster; Hermon Gar
rett, Salem, music; Hiss Ellia-
E3smlay9 0ctt. 20th
Persian Pianist
Prima Donna
Prices Orchestra
Mes. $2.50 and $1.50.
Mail Orders
Direction Fox West Coast Theaters
Tues. Wed. Thurs. Frf.
JNow on
F1 vf "'J.
You have heard them on tho Phonograph
and Radio. Now HEAR and 8KB and enjoy
them oven more on tho ALL-Talking acreenf
(Hrtt yety. romance, musia, bsart-throbs,
and tho tib-racklng Ion-patter of
"Why DringThatUp?8
IVtLTM aAMt MAftAV; 5ftEr
TMj Lj tlzxr ti
t f
both Hogg, alumni superintendent.
Tho Scotts Mills Friends were
awarded tho banner tor best work
done on Crusade chart; award for
society with highest percentage of
registration at 8 o'clock Friday
was awarded to the South Salem
Friends; the silver cup for high
est percentage of registration, at
tendance and mileage tor out-of-town
societies, also went to the
South Salem Friends. This cup
will be held for one year.
McGinty Picks
Salem for His
New Residence
After corresponding with the
Salem chamber of commerce and
chambers of several other cities in
Oregon, Donald K. McGinty of
Bucyrus, Ohio, decided his chances
were better at Salem.
He arrived in the city a few
days ago and is now making his
home at 1795 North Fifth street,
until such time as he can locate
his family on a tract near the city.
Mr. McGinty, being an experi
enced powerhouse man, is now
employed by the P. E. P. company.
GERVAIS, Oct. 15 J. EL. Cuts
forth, mail carrier on route three;
who was seriously injured when
he fell from his porch last March
and broke the femur bone in his
left leg, was able-to be in town
Saturday. This was his first ap
pearance since he began' "wear,
ing" crutches, although a couple
of weeks ago he and his wife went
to Elam, Wash., In their auto
and spent a couple of days with a
brother-in-law and family. Ted
Nibler has been carrying the
route for Mr. Cntsforth since the
accident. -
In Person, On His Tour
Around the World
In New Songs and Old Favorites
Company of International Artists
in "Two Loving Birds"
European Entertainers
$2.50 and $2.00
Bal. $1.50, $1.00 and T6e
Now pSs
a Thnrs., Oct. 24
the Screen!
Oct Esy Prta
f -W T.T i 1
i. v