The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 16, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Generally 'cloudy and an
settled today and Thurs
day. Moderate temperature.
Southerly winds. Max. tem
perature Tuesday 79; lain.
41. No rain.
. During October, Statesman
dally or om year by mall
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, October 16, 1929
I II IU 1 1 1 II. I UUII I
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Announced by Officials
Of Paper Mill
New Equipment Nearly All in
Place at Spaulding's
Plant is Report
Cinders, the bane of existence
for eiery downtown merchant
whose good have been ruined by
the "black snow" and for every
citizen with susceptible eyelids,
will soon cease troubling these
Individuals, according to predic
tions made by official of the Ore
gon Pulp and Paper, company.
The paper company has made
changes in the arrangement of its
toiler and flues, with the result
that in the opinion of these offi
cials, at least 50 per cent of the
cinders are being consumed. The
aoot fall, they claim has already
been reduced to that extent, but It
Is pointed out that the full effect
, of this improvement will not be
generally noticed until after heavy
rains wash down the cinders
which have collected on down
town roofs. A wind in the wrong
direction may, until that occurs,
fchower the city with cinders prev
iously emitted from the smoke
stacks. Improvement Made on
Strong Recommendation
The changes were made, It was
Stated, in accordance with the rec
ommendations of an engineer em
ployed by the city to make a sur
vey of the soot fall last winter,'
and the reduction in output of cin
ders has been as great as he pre
dicted could be accomplished. Any
further reduction, company offi
cials said, cannot be made wlth
put the installation of equipment
on which the cost would be pro
hibitive. At the same time, officials of
the spauiding Logging company
Announced that the installation of
(Electrical equipment at the saw
inlll would possibly be completed
next Sunday, and immediately fol
lowing the completion of that
fcsk, the output of cinders from
.at source wilt be entirely stop
ped. All of the motors are in place
find now being used, excepting the
tone which will operate the head
Jig. This motor was expected to
jfcrrive about the middle of this
week, and if it does, it will be in
stalled Sunday. Only two boilers
ire now being used, and there will
fe only one after the plant Is
Completely electrified.
The one remaining boiler, of
POO horsepower, "will furnish
team for the dry kiln, and will
te used to only one-third of its
capacity, thus eliminating any nec
essity for forced draft. Under
these conditions, company officials
Bay, the lone boiler will not give
forth any cinders.
The city's campaign against the
(kinder nuisance began late in
i28, after The Statesman had
tailed the matter forcibly to pub
lic, attention. The survey made
during the winter was brought
about through the work of a spe
Hal "cinder committee" of the
City council, headed by Alderman
pal o. Fatton.
lBayard Findley
Sows Grass Seed
J Using Airplane
An interesting bit of informa
tion is the feat performed by Bay
ard Findley; son, of Dr. and Mrs.
fA. C. Findley, on his sheep ranch
In the Salzar valley near Cen
tralia, Washington.
Needing to sow one? thousand
acres of stump and sparsely tim
bered land with grass seed to fur
nish pasture for many hundred
giead of sheep, Mr. Findley con
tracted the nse of an airplane and
towed the entire 1000 acres In
pne half day. Sowing the same
amount of land by the old fash
ioned method would have required
a month s time It is estimated.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 15 (AP) A
earn of 4-H clubs boys from Ok
lahoma today won the 4-H club
Rational dairy judging contest.
City Officials of
This State to be
Entertained Here
Entertainment for possi
bly 100 city officials from
all parts of Oregon, when
they gather here October 24
for the conference on uni
form accounting called by
Hal K. floss, secretary of
state," Is befog planned by
local city officials. 7
; OaV'tbe day following the
conference., at .JO state
house, the League ot Oregon
Cities . will hold Meeting
here, at which a' number of ;
lnrportant matters," includ
ing that of sewage disposal
which hint Keen emphasized
recently, will ; be discussed
. Local city , officials have
announced that they will
participate in the conference
planned by the secretary of
state. .. .
Highway Repairs
Will be Finished
This Wk, Word
. - ' .... . w. -.
-.- - Salens motorists who have
Jreited jthe-long detour
from NewkJErafto' Oregon
CSty which, baa beeA a'
dreaded part of tb. trip to
Portland, for the. last 10
months, wUl be able to tarn
. op - their noee - at weather
beaten "detour" signs and
roll merrily along the new
highway Thursday, when
the last work on reconstruc
tion of the atrip from New
Era to Canemah la complet
ed. All of It except a abort
stretch near New Era baa
been la ase since Sunday.
The detour, over the hills
east of Oregon City, was an.
til --recently one of the
-roughest pieces of road la
the state. Within the test
few months, in response to
widespread complaints, it
has been considerably inv
Three Other Members of Or
der Freed From Jail
At Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 15. (AP)
-Mrs. May Otis Blackburn, high
priestess of the Great Eleven cult,
was bound over to superior court
for trial on 12 counts of grand
theft after arraignment today be
fore municipal Judge William S.
Balrd. Her bond was set at S10,
000. Three other members of the re
ligious order. Incorporated as the
divine order of the Royal Arm of
the Great Eleven, were released
from Jail.
Mrs. Ruth Weiland Rizzio, sec
ond priestess and daughter of
Mrs. Blackburn, who also was
charged with grand theft was re
leased by Judge Baird, and the
charges dismissed for lack of evi
dence. Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Rhoads, held in connection with
the Investigation of the order fol
lowing the discovery of the body
of their foster daughter, Wills
Rhoads, 19, beneath the flooring
of their beach home, were releas
ed when no evidence that unnat
ural causes had contributed to
the girl's death was uncovered.
Although chemical analysis of
the girl's body, which had been
concealed for three years because
Mrs. Blackburn predicted she
would arise, was incomplete. Cap
tain Ray Cato, head of the inves
tigation, declared there was insuf
ficient cause to hold the couple
World Famous Woman Sci
entist Makes Landing at
N. Y. Yesterday
NEW YORK, Oct. 15. (AP)
Timidry gazing about her in
wonder, a little old lady In black
came slowly down the the gang
plank for the liner. He de France
here today.
The bustling, chattering crowds
on the pier fell silent as her frail
figure appeared on the deck above
"It's Madame Curie," the whis
per went around.
Her steps carefully guided by
Ambassador Charles Gates Dawes,
who had arrived on the same
steamship, and by Owen D. Young,
who had come down to meet her,
Mme. Marie Sklodowska Curie, co-
discoverer of radium, set foot for
the second time on American soil.
She has come to honor her fel
low scientist, Thomas A. Edison,
and will attend a dinner to be
given in celebration of the 60th
anniversary of his invention of
the. incandescent light in Detroit
October 21.
Only her courageous spirit
made the voyage possible, her
friends said today. Mme. Curie is
no longer young, and in recent
years has been enieeoiea oy an
aemia, brought on, it is said, by
her constant handling of radium.
Her physicians did not want her
to attempt this voyage.
Agent Attacked
By Escaped Deer
E. H. Batson, traveling agent
for the Oregon State hospital, suf
fered bruise's and cuts Tuesday
when he was attacked by a deer
which had escaped from a corral
near the state penitentiary. Pris
on employes hearing Batson s
cries, went to his assistance and
the deer trotted off Into the
FlyerSets New
Airplane Record
PORTLAND, Ore.6ct. 15.-
(AP) C. B, Stead, pilot of, the
West Coast Air - Transport com
pany, set what Is believed to be a
I record - for - commercial . planes
when he . flew his 12-passenger
! plane over the 15S miles between
Seattle and this city la 19 min
utes, Portland ' airport . officials
lira coil
announced tonight. - -
Charges of Lawlessrsss by
Government Officials
Ordered Sifted
Two Experts Are Appointed
To Compile All Avail
able Facts
The law enforcement commis
sion has decided to face squarely
the problem presented .by lawless
ness of government officials in en
forcing prohibition and other
laws, and announced today the
appointment of two additional
experts to make an inquiry to
that end.
They are Professor Zachariah
Chaffee of the Harvard law school,
and WalteftN. Pollak of New York
City. A lawyer, Pollak served as
special assistant to the attorney
general in the prosecution of
Nicky Amstein for bond thefts.
Details of Undertaking
Are Kept Secret
Aside from the brief announce
ment at the end of its session to-
fday that they would probe into
"lawlessness by government law
enforcing officers," the commis
sion revealed no details of the
work to be undertaken. It Is
know, however, that this most re
cent phase of its work begun at
the direction of President Hoover
is considered vital by members of
the commission.
Pollak left New York tonight
for a conference with Chafes at
Cambridge, Mass., and the com
mission said they would be busy
tomorrow "blocking out the In
quiry which has been assigned to
(Concluded on Page 2, Column S.)
City Takes
First Place
In Building
Salem leads among Oregon ci
ties outside of Portland, in build
ing construction for the first nine
months of 19 29, according to fig
ures compiled by S. W. Straus and
company, this city's total being
11,972,955. Klamath Falls was
next with $1,393,716.
The Straus report credits Sa
lem with only 139,784 for Sep
tember, this being the total of ac
tual building permits. In fig
ures compiled locally, the cost of
the new postoffice annex, for
which no permit was issued, was
included in this month. Leaving
out this- item, Salem fell behind
Klamath Falls and LaGrande In
Although the Pacific coast as a
whole fell live per cent below the
corresponding month of 1928 in.
its September building activity,
Oregon showed a 22 per cent
gain. A large Increase in Port
land Is principally responsible for
this. Oregon in the nine months
period fell behind its mark for the
same period in 1928.
Cult Scandal Points to Murder Trail
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-' - In the toppr left hand corner
and Mrs." William Rhodes, mother of sixteen-year-oia wina itnooee, whose ooay was aiscovcrea tmnea
U ft coffin, .under the Rhodes Venice CaU borne, who have promised to make a complete eonfesslow re
garding the activities of the. mysterious "Great Eleven CaUn mow sought by .the- Dallfornia police. Xead-
lng up into the mountains, the trail brought police to Busaaa Pass, where they discovered a fsaMSsm
temple of the Great Eleven Cult with a lavishly furnished room, get aside for the antral of the Messiah.
AH the furniture and a massive
Gale Oonde Banks, supposed to be
uce, agreeing to teu of his acuvaues. . .j- ,
Chapel Car to be
Used on Travels
By Notre Dane 11
15-( AP) A ; chapel . has '
been added to the traveling .
equipment of the football'
team of the University of .
Notre Dame, so the players
will' not miss Sunday ser
vices during their long trips .
about the country.
The traveling church"
was built some time ago for
the Baltimore Ohio rail
road for use of the road's ec
clesiastical guests. Notre
Dame made use of it last
week while returning from
Baltimore, where Navy was
It was said a priest will
accompany the team and by
special permission win hold
eerricea in the chapel car.
Small Soviet Force Advanc
es Capturing Manchur
ian Settlement
TOKYO, Oct. 15. (AP) Con
troversy between Russia and Chi
na over the Chinese eastern rail
way situation in Manchuria Is re
ported to have entered a new
phase with the striking of one of
the heaviest blows that the Soviet
forces hawe yet delivered in the
Quasi-war on the Manchurian
Chinese official dispatches re
ceived here report that Soviet
land and water forces struck Sun
day night and Monday morning
at the continence of the Amur and
Sangari rivers along the Manchur
ian frontier.
Reports agree that a Russian
force estimated at 800 men cross
ed the Amur river Sunday night
under the cover of artillery and
occupied the town of Linkiangh-
slen on Chinese territory. There
has been no reports of a Russian
withdrawal and it was therefore
thought possible that the attack
differed from previous border
raids when no attempt was made
to hold hostile territory.
While one Chinese report as
serted that? the Russians sank
three Chinese gunboats, drowning
In all 00 men of .their crews, the
official Chinese commnnlqu did
not mention any sinkings, merely
saying the "Chinese squadron was
obliged to withdraw up the Sun-
gan river to r ugdm. The com
mander of the Manchurian "navy'
(Concluded on Page 2, Column I.)
Pheasant Hunter
Shoots in Window
Members of the Frank Rickett
family on Garden Road didn't have
to look at the calendar to know
that it was October IS, opening
day of the hunting season on phea
sants and other game birds, when
they awoke Tuesday morning,
They were aroused from their
slumber by a reverberating crash,
and on Investigating found that
bird shot from some nimrod's
scatter gun had shattered a win
dow in the dining room of their
(left to right) are Mrs. Uay Otis
throne flower left) . were carved with
the financial head ef the cult and
Political Reasons Given for
Refusal to Approve
Council's Act
Livesley Sides With Special
Commission in Matter
Of New Store
Efforts of T. W. Campbell to
establish a grocery store in a
dwelling on North 24th street.
were apparently little nearer re
alization Tuesday than they had
been several months earlier when
he first applied for a change of
zone, although the city council
last week passed an ordinance ap
proving the change. Mayor T. A.
Livesley Tuesday returned the
ordinance bill to the city recorder
with his veto.
Inferences that politics played
a part in the council's action fa
voring the change are contained in
the mayor's veto message. It
reads, in part, as follows:
"Zoning Is no longer an experi
ment. ... It Is not effective if the
ordinance is not intelligently en
forced or if it is made the foot
hall of politics.
Action of Commission
Cited by Livesley
"This matter has been before
the commission several times, and
each time they have unanimously
adopted a report adversely to this
change of zone. ... To grant this
request would be absolutely class
The property in question, al
most opposite the state hospital
grounds, has been in zone one, re
sidential. Mr. Campbell's first
petition asked that it be changed
to zone three, business district.
It earried the names of almost all
owners of property affected, in
cluding the state of Oregon
through the members of the board
of control.
The zoning commission's prin
cipal objection was to changing
the zone for one lot only, as Its
policy has been to include half
blocks as a minimum zone area,
and grant the same regulations
on both sides of the street
BlU JleftuHt of ,
Much: Agitation
After the matter had been
shunted from the commission to
the council and back again sev
eral times, an ordinance bill was
prepared changing the zone to
three special instead of three.
This bill was passed at the coun
cil meeting last week, with Alder
men Rosebraugh and Dancy dis
senting. The purpose In allowing zone
three special instead of three, was
to Include a restriction that use of
the property be confined to that
of a grocery store in a dwelling,
preventing any other construction
or type of business. Possibility
of unrestricted use had been an
other suorce of objection to the
original petition.
Oct. 15. (AP) The Graf
Zeppelin started tonight on a CO
hour flight over the Balkans.
Blackbora, UrsV Rnih A. Tfldand
gigantic lion's head. Right is
who sunehdered to ! Angeles po
lr J V J- K-; U
1 Pantages Ages Rapidly
. Three recent poses of Alexander Pantages, millionaire California
theatrical manager whose defense to a statutory charge involving Eu
nice Pringle was begun in circuit court yesterday. As the trial has
progressed, with evidence piling up againt him, Pantages has been
seen to lose much of the Jaunty manner he originally displayed.
In Trial Of Fall
Criminal Prosecution on Bribery Count Ends
With Introduction of Sinclair Testi
mony Over Strong Objection
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. (AP) The defense of Albert
B. Fall to charges that he accepted a bribe of $100,000
while secretary of the interior was commenced in the Dis
trict of Columbia supreme court today after the government
had introduced testimony showing that Harry F. Sinclair,
had turned over to Fall's cattle company a total of $268,500,
Banquet Held -at Seattle in
Honor of Quartet of
Soviet Flyers
Completely retted from their
strenuous flight from Waterfall,
Alaska, to Seattle, by two nights
of rest, the Russian aviators, en
route from Moscow to New York
on a "good will" tour, were guests
of the Seattle chamber of com
merce here tonight.
The banquet was arranged by
the aviation committee of the
chamber and was attended by aer
onautical experts from all parts
of the Pacific northwest. It was
the first official function which
the tour fliers have attended since
their arrival here Sunday evening.
The pontoons with which the
plane, "Land of the Soviets," was
equipped while flying over the
north Pacific ocean were removed
and the work of equipping the
craft as a land plane completed
today. First Pilot 8. A. Shesta
kov was confidant that he and his
companions, Philip E. Bolotov,
Dmitry V. Pufaev and Boris V.
SterigoT, would be able to resume
their flight Thursday. They will
fly to Oakland from here.
The Soviet visitors completed
the formality of officially enter
ing the United States today by
calling at the Immigration station.
Their entry by plane was arranged
previously through the state department-
Prime Wins
Suit Against v
X-Ray Man
The circuit court In Judge Kel
ly's department was occupied all
day Tuesday with the trial of the
ease of Dr. G. E. Prime vs. F. D.
Hoag, in which the plaintiff seeks
recovery of approximately $700
which he paid on an X-ray ma
chine sold him by defendants and
which Prime claims was defective
and not np to representation of
the seller. Testimony was taken
during the day . and arguments
made in the late afternoon, after
which the case was placed with
the Jury for their lr4. -
. After aenDeratissrfJWMr9tours
and 15 minutes, he JuryobBSTight
in a verdict. awarding a judgment
in the amount of $674 to the
plaintiff. . ...
' The case of Braun vs. Skaggs
Safeway Stores, which was set for
trial Tuesday was held -over till
this morning. It is stated the de-.
fendant will not appear, leaving
the plaintiff to present his case.
. Another trial set for today Is
Lunt ts. Formick, in which plain
tiff Is suing for alleged seizure of
gotfds. by the Woodland Develop
ment company of which Mr. Form
ick was an officer. Defendant filed
a motion asking that -i plaintiff
bring Into court a certain notice
which had been posted In connec
tion with the property.
PORTLAND,: Ore., Oct 15.
(AF) 8. Herlinger, discharg
ed clerk of. the City Water bureau
was rearrested here tonight and
charged with, a shortage in funds
formerly under his supervision "in
excess ef 10,000t .
y subsequent to receiving the
Teapot Dome oil leases.
Fall is charged with accept
ing the bribe from Edward It. Do-
heny six months prior to awarding
to the oil man's company the con
tract to construct oil storage tanks
at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and a
lease on the Elk Hills naval oil
reserve in Chicgo. He will seek
to prove through Doh'eny that the
money was a loan.
Instruction of the Sinclair tes
timony was regarded as a blow to
the defense. It was the first time
connected story ot both leases
has been placed before a Jury and
showed Pall's Interests received a
total of $319,000 in 1921 and
1922 from Sinclair and Doheny. A
Jury which heard only about the
Doheny sum acquitted Fall and
Doheny of conspiracy, while an
other jury which heard only about
the Sinclair sum found Sinclair
not guilty with conspiracy with
The defense today built the
ground work of its effort to show
Fall had little to do with the
awarding of the Elk Hills lease
and nothing to do with inserting
the preferential clause in the
Pearl Harbor contract giving the
Pan American company preference
to Elk Hills leases.
W. M. Hamilton was elected
president of the Chemeketans for
the coming year, at a meeting of
the newly elected executive coun
cil Tuesday night at the T. M. C.
A. Other officers were elected as
Justice.O. P. Coshow, vice pres
ident; Miss Catherine Gay lord, re
cording secretary; George Fake,
corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Ruby Hoffnell, chairman of local
walks; Ben Rick 11, chairman of
annual outing; Miss Augusta Not-
durft, membership secretary; Mike
Panek, treasurer; Edwin Hoffnell,
chairman of publications commit
tee. The next meeting of the execu
tive council will be held soon at
the call of the president, who is
now out of the. city. At that time
a number of committees will be
appointed. Regular meetings are
held on the second Tuesday of
each month.
Marion County Selected
Out of 26 Communities
For Public Health Work
When the Commonwealth Fund
announced its intention of locat
ing a child health demonstration
on the coast, exactly 26 communi
ties bid for that demonstration.
Boulder, Colo., wanted the child
health program; San Jose, Calif.,
pat In a strong bid; BeUinghamJ
and v Walla Walla, Tvash,; each
produced flattering 'reasons why
it should be placed there; River
side, Calif., wasn't slow la seek
ing the demonstration.' Great
Falls, Mont, Chelan . county,
Wash.; and Pendleton, Oregon, all
felt they were entitled to it. These
cities were but a lew of the bid
ders. - ;
; But Salem and Marion county
wonl. 'And whytvV. ' '..".
r Marion county was finally eho-
Sn, after all bidding cities had
en given a bearing, for not ne
but sexen or eight good reasons.
Probably first and most telling of
Garland Biffle is Held fcr
Perjury Upon Leaving ,
Stand in Court
State Ends Its Case Against
Millionaire;' Defense
Gets Under Way
(AP) Garland Biffle, defense
witness In the trial of Alexander
Pantages, wai arreted for per
jury as he left the witness stand
late today.
Biffle, who was the first wit
ness for the defease, was taken
into custody by Blaney Matthews,
district attorney's investigator, as
he stepped into the corridor out
side the court room. He had been
on the stand but little more than
an hour, for direct and cross ex
amination, when Fitts sent an or
der outside for the arrest.
The district attorney said that
Biffle would be taken before the
grand Jury for indictment as soon
as possible. He declined to di
vulge the basis of his perjury
charge, commenting that the ac
cusation spoke for itself.
(AP) The state rested its case
in the trial ot a statutory charge
against Alexander Pantages, thea
tre multi-millionaire today and
the defense began a quick attack
on the testimony of the defen
dant's accuser, 17 year old Eunice
Pringle, co-ed dancer.
After a half hour examination
of its first witness, Garland Bif
fle, law book salesman and attor
ney, the defense succeeded ta
contradicting parts of the girl's
With this advantage in hand.
Defense Attorney Joseph Ford
turned the witness over to the
state. District Attorney Buron
Fitts commenced a cross examina
tion and soon had before him a
long list of neutral answers by
the witness to questions relating
to Miss Pringle's appearance and
that ot her companion, Nicholas
Duneav, on the day ef the alleged
attack last August 9, in Pantages'
private offices.
Putting aside perfunctory ques
tioning. Ford plunged into an In
terrogation of Biffle on circum
stances preceding the alleged at
tack. "Question: About 3:30 p. m.,
August 9, you went to the Pan.
tages theatre building on business
find saw Eunice Pringle in the
obby, did you not?
"Answer: Yes, sir.
"Question: You saw a man with
her, did you not?
"Answer: Yes sir."
Biffle identified the girl and
man as Eunice Pringle and Dan
ear. He made a general descrip
tion ot their appearances.
The defense read into the rec
ord prvious testimony by Miss
Pringle on cross examination that
she entered the building alone and
made no statement to Duneav nor
heard any from him after leaving
the car In which he drove her to
the theatre where she had an ap
pointment with Pantages to dis
cuss a dance act.
"Question: Did you not see Es
nice Pringle and Nicholas Duneav
go near or about the foot of the
stairway in the lobby and hear
her say 'If he doesn't place my act
he will always be sorry," and
Duneav replied: 'Don't get cold
feet,' and she said 'I won't?'
"Answer: Yes sir.
"Q That was said and done
"A Yes sir."
The defense surrendered the
witness to the state.
"Q How was Duneav dressed?
"A In a dark suit.
Q What color shoesT
"A I don't know.
"Q Have a shirt on?
"A I doa'i knbw. .
"Q A tie?
"A I don't know.
"Q Have a hat on?
"A Don't think so. but if
had one it was in his hand.
(Concluded on Paga 2, Column 4.
these was the Interested coopera
tion shown by organizations with
in the county-and the manner in
which thse groups got together
to : bring, the : demonstration here.
The connrv court. Citv of Salem.
Sale'm.Ischools, the Salem chant..,-
kau .a . ahi in araa - 4 i a - . V I m? a bat
Hah. thmi H-roontv in.dical av-
uciALiuu. kii a LiiiuuuLy urntai eunw
I.Ia. 1 .a. Jm S.I an.
aAalaflAMatiif W A Vawl Aevrt HA.
mans' clubs gave - their whole
hearted -support vto . the - project
from the start.
nirh DAth Rate Here -
Also Strong Factor
Z " Another paramount I reaen
J..I J.J Ka HAmMAMViitllil
I,H A W - - "
the fcirh death'. rale. both
Infant mortality,1 which prevailed .
p to that- time- in- this county.
With this county showing a high
(Concluded en IVfcJ 2, Column 1.)
- '" .va