The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 15, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Cloudy with showers to
day; Unsettled with proba
ble rains Wednesday; South
winds. Max. temperature
Monday 77; Mia. 46; No
During October, Statesman
daily for one year by mail
Wins Game
icon to
Premier Honored in U. S.
Sakn. Ormn TiiMufow Mnrainr rLlw. ic iam DDirp ETrc rirjma
m Fries put
Keeps Job
ar m
ftccount of Ninth Inning Ral
ly Beads Like Fiction
Of Sport World
Bing Miller, With Two Out
and Score Tied. Brings
In Jimmy Foxx
W. L. Pet.
Phila. (A.L.) ..4 1. .800
Chicago (N.L.) 1 4 .200
; Fifth game figures: , At
tendance 29,921; receipts,
$140,815.00; commissioner's
share $14,081.50: each con
tending club, $63,366.75;
each league $63,366.75.
Five game totals: Attend
ance 130,490; receipts,
$859,494.00; players, $388,-
086.66; each contending
club $128,047.85; each
league $128,047.86.
-Associated ress Sports Editor
SHIBE PARK. Philadelphia,
Oct. 14. (AP) The dreams of
the old master, Connie Mack, came
true this afternoon when his
youthful Athletics won the base
ball championship of the world
-with a flying finished that packed
all the thrills of a story book cli
max, all the nerve-tingling excite
ment of the final act of a melo
drama. The ninth inning of fantasy be
came the ninth-inning of reality
when the men of Mack, American
league champions, surged from
behind to score three runs and
beat the Chicago Cubs, champions
f the National league, 3 to 2, in
the fifth and deciding game of the
World's series.
,With the President of the Unit
ed States and the First Lady of
the Land to applaud them, joining
the applause of more than 30,-
"000 fans, the Athletics for the sec
ond straight game demonstrated
their unconquerable spirit by ral
lying to win after the game seem
ed hopelessly lost.
With two nut In the nlntti TMno-
hlackmen, drove the decisive blow
f to the scoreboard, a two bagger
I that brought Al Simmons across
with the winning run after George
(Mule) Haas, big, raw-boned cen-
terfielder, had tied the count with
a smashing home run over the
right field wall as Max Bishop
rested on first.
Miller's drive, with the count 2
and 2, spoiled the last desperate
strategy of the Cubs and their big
(Turn to Page 2, Column 1.)
Budgets and notice of special
tax levy for school districts must
be filed with the county superin
tendent before the last week In
November, County Superintendent
Fulkerson notified district clerks
In a letter mailed Monday with
the annual supplies.
The school census should be
taken soon, the letter also states.
AH children between the ages of
lour and 20, including four but
Hot -over 20 years, whose parents
or guardians actually reside in the
district on October 25 are to be
enumerated. Names of boys and
girls who are attending high
school outside of the district must
also be on the census roll In order
to arrange for tuition at high
school, the superintendent points
out Cripple children are to be
listed on a special blank.
-The President and Mrs. Hoover
returned to the White House to
night from their attendance at the
last world's series baseball in
Ul UUI Llllll
County Health! Unit Now
Near End of Period Set
By Commonwealth Fund
Editors Note: The Ststetnaa today
presents the fint of series of daily
article ietirned to acquaint the people
of Varies coaaty in rovpnhensiT
nM with tbo program an aecompUsfc
anenta of the Marion eouaty child health
Cemoutrstion ant vita tat proposed
manner ia which tho health prorram will
bs carried forward whea tka demonstra
tion witMrawa at the ead of thia year.
More than four and a half years
ago. in January 1925, an institu
tion which might " J ust as well
have selected another county or
even state-' for Its program quietly
came Into Marlon , county and
started , operations which - have
benefited individually thousands
of families and which have
brought health, standards through
out the county to a level of Which
boast may justly be made:' In this
period since 1126, more than
$240,000 has been spent already
by that Institution the Common
wealth fund -to better living con
ditions In this county. - Augment-
y r I
2 -jO
rn ii i Hiiiimmr'
MBing" Miller, veteran rightfield
er for the Athletics, clouted' the
ball into tlte scoreboard for a two
bagger yesterday to bring Jimmy
Foxx home with the run that
meant a 3-2 victory and the world
championship for Philadelphia.
Prosecution Nearly Finished
In Trial of Rich Theatre
(AP) The state slowly approach
ed the close of its case against
Alexander T. Pantages, 64, vaude
ville impressario being tried on a
statutory charge, during the after
noon session today. Police Chem
ist Rex Welch, who District At
torney Burton Fitts said would be
the last prosecution witness, was
subjected to a lengthy cross ex
amination by defense attorneys.
Welch identified clothing, pre
sented as a state exhibit earlier in
the trial and Identified as that Eu
nice Pringle, 17 year old dancer
and Pantages accuser, had worn
August 9, the day of the alleged
attack, as garments he received
for chemical examination. The
chemist testified he was convin
ced he attack on the dancer had
been made as charged.
Material Used Is
Asked by Counsel
Defense Attorney Joe Ford de
manded Welch produce tangible
proof of his experiment, and sub
poenaed certain slides the chemist
said he had used. Welch protested
he could produce no additional
(Turn to Pare 10. Column I.)
West Coast Is
Yet Expanding
In Show Field
Harold B. Franklin of Los An
geles, In the office of the Fox
West Coast theatres is rapidly ac
quiring an extensive Job for him
self. Within the last week three
new circuit comprising about 200
theatres has been acquired. This
places more than 500 theatres. un
der the supervision of Franklin
and these houses cover territory
extending from San Diego in the
south to Seattle in the north and
as far east as Kansas City, Mis
sour!. The new circuits Include the
Midland theatres. Inc., of Kansas,
the L. M. Miller circuit of Kansas
and the Ellis Arkush theatres of
ing this appalling sum have been
appreciable amounts budgeted by
the city, schools, a few rural ter
ritories and the county.
Few Here Realize
Exact Relationship
The agency through which the
Commonwealth Fund's health pro
gram in Salem and Marion coua
ty has been carried on is the Mar
lon county child health demon
stration, with which most of the
county's eltlxens are directly or
Indirectly familiar. But when the
words "Commonwealth Fund" are
used hand In hand with the Map
ion county . demonstration, com
paratively few persons realise the
relationship. v " ;
In the United States there are
a number of "foundations. each
established by an individual or
group of persons whose money ac
cumulates like the dream-finances
(Tun t Faff 19. Coluaia i.)
University and High School
Football Games to be
Played in City
Arrangements Also Finished
For Entertainment at
Local Theatres
Proof that their promise of
"more and bigger" attractions for
the 1929 Armistice day program
will be made good, was given by
the Armistice day committee of
Capital Post No. 9, American Le
gion, at its first meeting Monday
For the first time, both Wil
lamette university and Salem
high school will be represented
in the gridiron exhibition which
has annually been the big feat
ure of the holiday program. For
several years past, tlffey have al
ternated in providing this feature.
This year Willamette will play
Linfield and Salem high will meet
Eugene high eleven in a big dou
ble header attraction, it was indi
cated Monday night, although a
few details remain to be settled
with the Eugene high athletic au
thorities. Numerous Attractions
Included in List
-The Armistice day committee
has completed arrangements for
the usual tieup with both the Fox
Elsinore and Bligh's Capitol the
atres, and there will be dances
and other attractions to which
legion tickets will admit the pur
chasers. The committee is planning to
hare 20,000 tickets printed, and
as In the past, is emphasizing that
persons planning to patronize the
attractions offered, purchase tick
ets so that -the legion post will
reap Its share of the profit. The
advance sale of tickets will start
October 29.
Committees are are at work on
the more serious part of the pro
gram, which will include the par
ade, address and memorial ex
ercises in the forenoon. As in
the past, all patriotic, civic and
fraternal organizations will be In
vited to participate In the parade.
Commercial floats will also be in
vited. Lewis P. Campbell is general
chairman of the Armistice day
committee. Another meeting will
be held Thursday night.
E. A. Miller Tells Realtors
Need Exists in Salem
At Present Time
A public market in Salem
would nxaterially help farming
conditions about this city. E. A.
Miller, with Hawkins and Rob
erts, told fellow members of the
Salem Realty Board at the board's
first meeting of the season held
last night at the Marion hotel.
The realty board could do'' no
greater service to the farmer right
now than to back the establish
ment of such a market, Miller
said, because through it the
small producer could secure all
the way from twenty-five to a
hundred per cent more for his
fruits and vegetables than is now
Objection of the merchant to
the public market should be dis
counted, Miller pointed out. as the
merchant in reality would gain
more In the long run, for the
farmer quickly turns his funds
back to the storekeeper. The
public market, too, would be one
means to helping breal the larg-
(Turn to Tone 10, Column 2.)
SEATTLE, Oct. 14. (AP)
The four Russian aviators .flying
the Moscow to New York plane,
"Land of the Soviets," whieh
landed here late yesterday from
Waterfall, Alaska, have accepted
an invitation from Henry Ford to
visit him at Dearborn, Mich., they
announced tonight.
The flyers hope to hop off for
Oakland Thursday morning al
though Boeing airplane company
mechanics, working on their plane.
believed It would take until Sat
urday to set it In shape for the
In order to reach New York
and complete their 12,59 mile
royage by .October 11, the flyers
will be forced to hold to tneir or
iginal ached ale despite scores of
In itatlons from cities on their
ronte east to visit them, they-said.
Front Oakland they will hop to
Cheyenne, Wyo., thence to Chica
go and Dearborn and then to New
York. ; ; . , - '.-
The airmen spent a busy day
at their hotel suite, receiving vio
lators and reading congratulatory
i ra
leiegrajna, . - .dUl.
.'-.V.VwVA. '( 'Maui-. u 9
h x
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew
W. Mellon will remain In the
Hoover cabinet for the balance
of the administration, according
to an announcement authorized
by President Hoover. This def
initely sets at rest all rumors na
to a possible successor to Mr.
Fleet of Tugs Unable to Get
Empress of Canada
Off Rocks
VICTORIA. B. C, Oct. 14.
(AP) Attempts to refloat the gi
ant liner Empress of Canada, im
paled on Pinnacle Rocks at Mc
Illwaines Point, Just south of Al
bert Head in the Straight of Juan
De Fuca, near here, failed today
when a fleet of salvage vessels
and tugs were able to Jerk the
ship only a few inches at extreme
high tide.
The straining tugs were unable
to move the Empress again as she
settled more firmly than before
in the grasping rocks. The big
Canadian Pacific liner was found
to be resting on the reefs from
the bow almost amidships.
Sharp rocks jutted up through
hull plates. Salvage experts in
dicated it would be necessary to
blast these out, patch up the holes
In the vessel's bottom and pump
out the water in the forward holds
before the ship can be moved.
Damage to the vessel was esti
mated at $250,000 if she can be
brought off in her present condi
tion. Her grounding in the fog late
yesterday was, described by the
passengers as 'the "quietest ship
wreck that could have taken
place." The ship came to grief
only a few minutes before the end
of the voyage from Southampton,
England, where she had been
thoroughly reconditioned.
Luncheon was served aboard
for the passengers before they
were taken off. They were
brought to Vancouver today after
spending the night In Victoria.
The Sunday preceding Armis
tice day will be set aside in Salem
churches for the advancement of
world peace, according to action
taken Monday morning at the first
meeting of the fall of the Salem
Ministerial association, of which
Rev. Fred C. Taylor is president.
The plan of the federal council of
churches will be followed on that
Sunday, which means that each
Sunday school department will be
called upon -to make a pledge of
allegiance to- the Kellogg peace
Representatives of the women s
missionary organizations of the
city appeared before the associa
tion asking support for the all
day meeting to be held the latter
part of this month in connection
with the Labish Japanese mission
which the women are sponsoring.
Dr. N. K. Tully, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church, gave
the address of the morning, speak
ing on impressions of the Orient
gained from his summer tour to
those lands. Rev. S. E. Long, pas
tor of the Hopewell United Breth
ren church, led the devotions.
Man Hurt by Bull
Unlikely to Live
McMinnville. Ore., Oct. 14.
( AP) Clinging to the zwse ring
of a maddened animal until two
of .his fingers were torn off and
his chest crushed, - Iaaae Boyer
fought a bare-handed, half hour
battle with a bull here today.
Physicians said he probably would
not live. .
Boyer, in moments of conscious
ness, said the bull attacked him
while he was leading it to wa
ter. He was knocked - down and
the animal leaped on him. He
was able to grasp the nose ring,
he said, and clung to It until he
lost his fingers. Then he seised It
with his other hand and hsag on
until his elderly father and two
paaserby same to. his ajKlstaned.
British Prime Minister Ends
Successful Visit With
Yankee Leaders
Labor Leader and Party to
Pass Over International
Boundary Today
14. (AP) After an all day ride
on a special train from New York.
Ramsay MacDonald, the British
premier, arrived here today for a
stay of a day before crossing into
Canada, tomorrow for conferenc
es with Prime Minister MacKensie
At Ottawa Thursday the two
statesmen will have a long per
sonal conversation in Mr. King's
country place and in an address
in the evening Mr. MacDonald is
expected to make an announce
ment of Importance relating to
one phase of the situation growing
ont of his conferences with Presi
dent Hoover.
During his train ride, the Brit
ish prime minister prepared a fare-
wen message to the American
people, to be made public tomor
row before he crosses the interna
tional boundary, and found time
to take a nap of more than an
hour. He Is rather tired after his
visits in Washington and New
York and was refreshed by the
Miss Ishbel MacDonald rode for
more than 80 miles in the cab of
the massive locomotive. She held
the throttle for a time under the
direction of Engineer Daniel
Grace and blew the locomotive's
whistle and rang the bell as the
train dashed through small towns
between Syracuse and Rochester.
(Turn to Page 10, Column .)
Investigation to be Launched
By Special Committee
At Washington
(AP) The senate investigation
into lobbies at Washington starts
tomorrow with an examination of
a reported attempt to influence
the tariff commission in fixing
valuations upon pottery.
Frederick L. Koch, an expert of
the commission will be the first
witness. William Burgess, a form
er republican member of the com
cisslon, now identified with the
pottery business, has been called.
After concluding this phase, the
senate inquisitors wfll turn atten
tion to the voluminous propa
ganda and activities on the pro
posed sugar duty Increase in the
pending tariff measure.
Daily hearings were planned to
day by Chairman Caraway of the
committee. Considerable time is
expected to be required to hear
tariff witnesses alone.
For the sugar Investigation, H.
A. Austin, of the United States
Beet Sugar company; and H. C.
Lakin, president of the Cuba com
pany, of New York, have been
called. Others also have been noti
fied but their names have been
withheld pending receipt of word
from them.
LONDON, Oct. 14. (AP) A
Reuters dispatch from M u k e n
says it is officially reported that
Russian forces yesterday occupied
Lahasusu on the Amur river sink
ing three Chinese gunboats with
the drowning of 600 Chinese sail
ors. It was claimed that the Russian
casualties were equally as heavy
(clashes between Chinese and
Russians along the Amur river,
growing out of the tension be
tween Russia and China over the
Chinese eastern railway contro
versy, hare been reported fre
quently. The Chinese have accused
the Russians of Invading Chinese
territory but in each case Mos
cow has replied that any action
taken was in defense against the
encroachment of white Russians
or Chinese raiders along the bor
der). Route 8 to Be
Extended Soon
Authorities Say
' "
An extension on route eight,
served by the Salem postof flee,
has been ordered by the federal
department, following petition of
Eugene Llbby and other residents
along the territory. Postmaster 3.
H. Farrar announced Monday. The
mileage Includes retrace and
brings the total-distance, of the
route to S7.7 miles. George A.
McKay is carrier. The change Is
to be enecuve Noyimbec 1 -
V Vv V-v-
L -
a y-x
Premier MacDonld, on the left, who left New York for Canada
yesterday, received an honorary degree of doctor of laws from George
Washington University a few days ago. On right Is Dr. Marvin, pres
ident of the college.
Gas Employes Go
On StrikeAi N. Y.
Even Substitute Truck Drivers Join Walkout
When Refused Pay Increase; Shots Fired
During Riot; Bystander May Die
NEW YORK, Oct. 14. (AP) The strike of the gasoline
truck drivers threatened today to spread to the city's
4,500 filling station men
Announcement was made at local 553 of the Internation
al Brotherhood of Teamsters and chauffeurs that 2,000 of
the filling station employes had requested William Collins,
Edwin Snyder, 1 0-year-old Eu
gene youth was fatally injured ear
ly Sunday morning in an automo
bile accident east of Eugene, was
known in Salem, where he was
graduated from the Parrish junior
high school a number of years ago.
He also attended. Highland school,
and at one time made his home
with Mrs. Nona White. He left her
four years ago, since when he has
been employed at a Eugene
Edwin died about I o'clock Sun
day afternoon on the operating
table, and had not lost conscious
ness since the accident, despite the
fact he was paralyzed from the
shoulders down. Four vertebrae
were injured and his spinal cord
virtually severed. Edwin and
George Davies, also of Eugene,
were driving east from Eugene in
a heavy fog when the accident oc
curred, and striking a new road,
thought they were making a turn,
but instead plunged over the
grade and down a SO foot embank
Funeral services for Edwin will
be held in Eugene today. He Is
survived by two sisters, Rosalyn
Webb of Dallas and Mrs. Goldie
Hillman of Tacoma.
Allan Stevens
Commited to
Hospital Here
i Allan Stevens, who tam& to
Salem recently from Bremerton.
Wash., and has since been en
gaged In a real estate business.
was examined Monday by Dr. W.
Carlton Smith and- County Jadge-
C Slegmand and . committed
tha state hospital.
Stevens, a World war veteran,
suffered disability In the war. He
was previously an Inmate of the
Walter Reed hospital In Washlng-
Iton, Stevens actions here Indi
cated (aat He waa unbalanced and
brought abmt the hearing. After
the hearlnf fnd when he knew he
was to be committed to the state
Institution, Stevens became vio
lent and threatened the" officers
with a chair, but was calmed
down and removed to the hospital,
f organized for the American
Federation of labor, to organ-
ize them and call them out on
sympathetic strike.
The strike, which reached the
stage of violence today, did spread
In one unexpected direction, 60
Standard Oil substitute drivers
hired to take strikers' places going
on strike themselves when refused
a pay increase.
The violence today occurred in
Brooklyn where men identified by
police as strikers attacked a truck
manned by substitutes. About
100 men joined in the fray, armed
with sticks and bottles, and some
one fired three shots, wounding a
bystander, perhaps fatally.
There was afeo a report that a
child was run down by the auto
mobile of some of the fighters and
spirited away by them before po
lice reached the scene. The In
jured bystander was William Tul-
ry, 18 years old.
Attempts of government coun
sel In the bribery trial of Albert
B. Fall to Introduce . testimony
showing his dealings with Harry
B. Sinclair, oil operator now in
the District of Columbia Jail, to
night awaited a decision of Justice
William Hits on whether such evi
dence was admissible. - .
Defense counsel opposed Its
presentation and Justice Hits took
the question nnder advisement un
til court opens tomorrow. The
government told the court that
each testimony would require only
a short time and that except for
this. Its case ijalnst Fall was com
plete. Tne zormer interior sec
retary ia charged with, having ac
cepted 1100,009 for the Elk Hills,
CallL, lease. . .
The defense contended that to
open the Sinclair ease would re
quire all ' the ' evidence of that
transaction to go before the Jury.
If It was permitted Frank Hogan.
chief defense counsel said the de
fense would require lite er . six
days, bringing the end of the case
into next week. ,
Oct, li-i-(AP) The
prince has sold his string of ban
ters rsiilce the .Illness of King
George and does not intend to
hunt Ola. season.
Bits of Human Flesh Found
On Wall of Grants
Pass Store
One of Suspects Taken Near
Roseburg Has Fingers
and Ear Gone
ROSEBURG, Ore.. Oct. H
(AP) The mutterlngs of an in
jured man while recovering from
an anesthetic ' paved the way to
Jail tonlghtl for Harrr and Ray
mond Carr, jof Portland, on suspi
cion of being: the men who at
tempted to blow a safe at Grants
Pass early today.
Harry Carr had been taken tc
a hospital here br Raymond Carr,
who said they were brothers, phy
sicians revealed. The former was
suffering from the loss of two fin
gers and an ear and other in
juries. Physicians said they de
cided surgical attention was ne
cessary. Later Harry Carr was removtd
to a ward. Physicians said othfr
patients heard him mutter f
"safe robberies." Sheriff G. T.
Jackson was notified and placed
the brothers under arrest.
Physicians declared the injured
man might not live.
Trail of Blood l'ad
To Doctors Office
Police at Grants said one
of the robbers who attempted to
blow the safe had been Injured.
Bits of human flesh spattered the
walls of the Golden Rule Depart
ment store and a trail of blood
led to the offices of Dr. C. B.
Marks where a human fintcer was
found. Opiates and surgical in
struments wer reported to have
been stolen from the physicians
The blast did not open the safe
but wrecked It so badly that ex
perts were unable to open It de
spite several hour3 of work.
Questioned here by Sheriff
Jackson and Sheriff Lister of
Grants Pass, Raymond Carr de
nied any knowledge of the rob
bery. He said his brother had
been Injured in a hunting acci
dent near here. The officers de
clared, however, that they fouad
safe burglar's tools and a bottle
of nitro-glycerin in an automobile
said to have been driven by Carr.
Funeral services for Joseph
Graber, who died suddenly Mon
day morning, will be held at 1:30
o'clock Wednesday afternoon at
the Rigdon mortuary chapel, wiln
interment to follow at tne City ?i
1ew cemetery.
Mr. Graber was discovered
shortly after o'clock yesterday
morning lying dead across the
foot of the bed at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Wayne Price.
960 North Cottage street. Hrt
failure was the cause of death.
He was 81 (years old and a native
of Belle Forte, France, where he
was born December 10, 1847. He
and his family came to Kansas
from France 43 years ago, but re
mained in Kansas only three
years, coming then to Salem,
where they lived continuously
since. Mrs. Graber died here two
years ago. Graber was a retired
landscape gardener.
Besides Mrs. Price, he Is wir-
vlved by five other children: Fl-
erre E. Graber, John Graber, Jo
seph Graber, Albert A. Graber
and Mrs. Earl Anderson, all of Sa
lem. He was a member of the
Center street Methodist church.
Zone Body Honors ?
Former Member'
Resolutions of regret at the
the death of Achillea Headrirk,
one of its members, were pasetd
at the meeting of the City plan-,
ning and soning commission Mon
day night. Out of respect to the
departed member, the commission
transacted no other business al
this meeting.
' 1 Prevtoauly The Statesma
bM sroaped it "local read
er Ada .on the local page
under the title "Find ft
Here." Starting today th
da will be ditribtd
through th local news
Items. While not deairabJ
from the jooraaliatlc stand
point, tbe ere of read
ads here seen to demand
snch handling of their local
reader ads, and the The
Statesman fe taakina tb
change to meet this demand.
These readers " are pub
lished at the rate of 25c per
line' per Insertion
- fhone BOO for placing
reader advertisements.