The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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plSlews :trbm ;;Ma-Vanev' District Goirimunities for Statesman Readers
i f
HUBBARD, Oct. 12 The Hub
bard school was closed Monday
and Tuesday and all the teachei a
zcept Miss Adeline Zurcher at
tended the annual county insti
tute at Salem. Miss Zurcher,
teacher of English and French in
the high school, visited the Port
land schools and was given cred
it for institute attendance by
Bupt. Mary L. Fulkerson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bevens vis
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Merryman at Eugene Sun
day. - Mrs. Bevens and Mrs. Mer
ryman are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Scholl and
daughters Velma and Dorothy
were guests at the home of Mr.
ScholPs brother, Henry Scholl, at
Sheridan Sunday.
Miss Nadine Mace of St. Hel
ens is a guest of Mrs. Neva Mc
Kenzie and daughter Marion.
Mr. and Mrs. George Carl, of
Glendale, Cal., accompanied by
Marshall N. Dana's two children,
Mry Lois and Marshall N. Dana
Jr. were guests at the Herman
Carl home Tuesday night. George
and Herman Carl are brothers.
The-Dana children were on their
way to California to stay with
relatives while their parents- are
gone on a trip of from three to
four months' duration. , During
the trip the Danas will visit New
Zealand and Australia. Marshall
N Dana, associate editor of the
Oregon Journal, is a relative of
the Carl family.
Melfln and Clifford Mitts mo
tored from Hood River to be pres
ent at the band party Saturday
night. Melvin ia a member of
the Hubbard community band. The
3tttts brothers are working in the
apple orcnaras ai mwu unci.
Mr. and Mrs. R. CJ Renter and
Mrs. John Smolnisky 'wre Port
land visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Lorena Duncan, primary
teacher of the Hubbard school,
was a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Irwin Hochstetler at
Salem while attending the annual
county Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mack were
guests of Mrs. Mack's sister, Mrs.
P. O. Hewitt, at Independence,
Sunday. While there they ac
companied Mrs. Hewitt to Corval
lis to visit Mrs. Hewitt's son. who
is a student at the Oregon State
Mary Valerlco, primary teacher
at Whiskey Hill, is spending the
week-end at her home in Port
land. Vernon Lofgren of Needy who
has been seriously ill for the past
three weeks at an Oregon City
hospital. Is better.
Rhoda and Ruth Fisher, twins
of Whiskey Hill, entered the nor
mal at Monmouth for the fall
The last of the series of toxin-anti-toxin
clinics was held at the
Hubbard school Thursday, with
Dr. Vernon Douglas in charge.
Vaccination for smallpox was al
so given at the clinic. Dr. Doug
las was assisted by Miss Benita
Stroud, Mrs. Blanche Brown, Mrs.
George Knight and Mrs. George
Progrees Is being made on the
operetta. The Snow Queen which
the grades of the local school are
planning to give early In Novem
ber; New cement walks have been
placed along the properties of A.
R. Bevens, L. M. Scholl. George
Knight, Byron Grimm, Knights of
Pythias, Odd Fellows and M. B.
The new gravel walk across the
school rrounds on the west side
of the school house is nearly fin
ished. R. C. Painter has charge
of the work.
Charles Vedenburg and family
vacated by George Miller and
family when they left Hubbard
several months ago.
Dr. A. F. de Lespinasse. direc
tor of the high school orchestra,
called a meeting of the orchestra
Thursday night for the first fall
Dr. P. O. Riley, president of
the federated community clubs.
was present at the meeting of the
Rickey club Friday night. Dr,
Riley gave an address at the meet
ing. -O
Hazel Green
HAZEL GREEN, Oct. 12 The
missionary society of the church
held the annual literary meeting
on Thursday at the home of Miss
Ruby Woodward.
Mildred, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Zelinski Jr., is -at
tending school at St. Paul de Vin
cent, riding in the school bus.
The Sundav school enjoyed a
splendid program on Sunday, giv
en by the missionary committee.
Misses Pearl Darkin and Iota
Luckey. They told of the medical
work done by Dr. Regina Blgler,
who has had a dispensary at Can
ton. China, for over 30 years.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hill and
daughters Maxine, Doris and Bet
ty May called at G. G. Looney's
C. A. Van Cleave and son La
Roy are on a hunting trip In Til
lamook county.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and
sons were guests Sunday of Mr
Davis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W
G Davis. Homer Davis recently
moved from near Marauam to E
B. Fletcher's farm near North
All interested in the reorganiz
ing of the community club are
Invited to meet at the school
house October 18 at 8 o'clock.
Miss Cline of Sioux City Iowa,
Is visiting at Ben Clemens home.
Miss Marjorie Parmentier. of
Portland, has been on a visit to
, her father, George Parmentier.
He accompanied her when she re
turned home.
Mrs. Klrkpatrick has returned
from a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Peyton, of Salem.
W. F. DaTis, Louis Warn pier
Edward and Peter Hashlebaeher
and Mr. Fuer are hunting deer
in Klamath county. They will
! be guests of Mr. Wample's father
and brother.
Clifton Clemens and Dell Cleuk
have returned from a deer hunt
south of Hoseburg.
? Mr. and Mrs. McKluston and
sons, who bare been rial ting their
son-in-law, Joseph Bennett and
helping him with his onion crop,
are leaving soon for Hood River
to pick apples.
Mr. and Mrs. William William
son and children Donald and Jun
ior spent Monday and Tuesday
with Mrs. Williamson's brother,
Alvin Pepper ling of Mill City, and
with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clare
Thomas of Jordan Valley. Mr,
Thomas Is employed as forest
Mrs. B. C. Zelinski and Mrs.
Louis Wampler have wonderful
collections of dahlias.
School is going nicely with Miss
Flora Headrick as principal.
There are 32 in the advanced
room. The primary teacher Mis
Stauffer has 37 enrolled. Another
room and teacher are needed.
New pupils are: Kemo Mio. Ar
chie Rutherford. Lillie Yoshikl.
Sanford M!o. Shirley Johnson,
Donald Zelinski.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunigan
Sr. were guests at birthday din
ner of their son, Maurice Duni
gan. O O
o o
ROBERTS. October 12. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Rice, Mrs. Will Pet
tyjohn and Mr. and. Mrs. B. D.
Fidler left Thursday morning for
a few days' fishing on the Nestuc
ca, near Pacific City.
Mrs. Gerda Michell, of Wood
lade, Nebr., old time friend of
Mrs. C. D. Query, is spending a
few days visiting the Query fam
ily. Mrs. L. F. Clymer, Janice Hig
gins and Raymond Higgins went
to Roseburg Friday evening. On
Saturday they went on to Med
ford. Upon returning Sunday
they will bring with them Miss
Emma Higgins who went to Rose
burg earlier in the week to visit
Mrs. J. W. Gritton celebrated
her seventy-first birthday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P.
Blenkenship. Those present at
the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Gritton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Blankenship, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Blankenship, Frances and Earl
B. Papenfus left Saturday for
Astoria where he will work at
bridge building. Mr. Papenfus is
a first class iron worker and has
been employed on several bridges
in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Risteen I
and family left Sunday for Wash-
ington to visit relatives of Mrs.
Prune picking is practically
over in this community. Carpen-
ter Bros, are still running their
drier, finishing their prunes and
thos eof J. P. Blankenship. They
are also taking some from an
outside district.
KINGWOOD. Oct. 12 John
May and family who arrived here
V??17. frT. sterl!n. I"-."
riuu iu Duiem wnere Mr. May
hopes to find employment. He is
.P, ?d .paperban.ger n.d
.3 . Uiuiessionai coo. Dlie
here, the May family were guests
of Mr. nd Mrs. Ed Finley.
High school pupils here enjoy-
nunc lur iJ IUU COUDIV I
techr. n.tit.,- . I
and little daughter Betty Colleen
U'firn Hinnar wrnam 9 l
Mr v.d Pifiiv UnnrfW...,!..
They previously lived near Willal
mina Dut nave been with relatives
at 7en fr ..r.i ...v. tu.
have now rone to Cntior Citv.
where Mr. Worthington will be
employed in a lumber mill.
A. A. Livingstone received
word recently of the death of his
aunt, Miss Lily Owens, In Norm
al. Ills., at the age of 80 years.
Miss Owens had visited here at
different times in past years and
will be remembered for her verv
charmine and interesting nerann-
allty. She had considerable tal-
ent as an artist and different
friends and relatives here will
cherish pictures in her memory,
Mrs. D. W. Shelton who snent
several days of last week with
her mother. Mrs.. Mary Beaver.
and her brother. Rollin Beaver
and wife, has returned to her
hpme at North Bend.
J. B. Smith has a black minorca
hen which has just hatched herlO
third family of baby chicks since
last Mav. Mr. Smith nrefer the
White Iehorn strain of fowls,
but the hen evidently does not as
she makes all her preparatory ar
rangements herself and brings in
her family each time with no pre
vious warning,
WACONDA. Oct. 12 Mrs. Ray
Baker, who has been ill for the Oregon and would hesitate to re
past week with flu is reported as turn to Kansas now except for
being much improved and able to the fact that- she has a return
be about now. There have been ticket. She expects to come west
several cases ot flu in- this neigh- again next summer.
borhood recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jones have
as their guest Mr. Jones aunt,
Miss Mary Jones of Portland. Miss
Jones will also visit other Tela-
tives here before returning to her
home in Portland.
Miss Eunice WIneman of Sal -
em was a recent guest of her
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hub-
bard have had as their guests
recently, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKil-
Up of Scotts Mills, B. Stevens and
his sister, Wanda of Crescent.
Mrs. Aron Nusom who has been
very ill at her home here is re -
ported as being much better.
ROSEDALE, Oct. 12 Mr. and
Mrs. Kuth Coppock of California
are visiting at the Albert Bates
home. .
Evert Gunlng and Denver Head
rick preached at the church here
October 6.
- Chester Hadley and wife are
camping on their place .here dur-1
lng the week. Mr. Hadley was!
formerly pastor here.
The rain , seemed to do little
damage to the prunes. Picking
1 will continue into next week.
BROOKS, Oct. 12 Miss Gladys
Otto and Harry Loomls were din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Seers. Other guests
included their son, Irving Sear,
Miss Emmaline Sears and Duane
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Asninwall
and daughter. Miss Hattie Aspin-
wau went to Amity and were din
ner guests at the home of Mrs.
Aspinwall's brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Cozel. Miss Bessie Asnin
wall, who had spent the week
end at the Cozel home, returned
home with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Aspinwall. Miss Lyle
Nyhart. daughter of Mrs. Ray Co
zel, spent the past week as guest
of her sister, Mrs. John Keller,
in Dallas.
J. M. Ward has received the
sad news of the death of his
mother, Mrs. Lydia Ward. Mrs.
Ward lived in Missouri and was
87 years old. Mrs. Ward spent
several months with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Ward, of Lake Labbirji, last
Dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cris Otto were their
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilferd LaFountain and
children. Wilferd Jr. and Lewella
LaFountain, of Independence.
Other guests were Bill LaFoun
tain and Otto's son. Orviile Otto.
Spring Valley
W. R. Edwards of Lincoln has
been blasting rock for the road
crew, who are clearing and grad
ing the hill road through from
Spring Valley to the Bethel hills.
This will be a shorter road
through for a number of famil
ies who reside on the hills. The
road has been in disuse for sever
al years owing to water washes.
Mr. and Mrs. Eloe are residing
at Marion where Mr. Eloe is do
ing road work. Carl Alderman
Is going to Dallas each day this
week as a Juror of the circuit
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Stevenson
and daughters Shirley and Ruth
of Salem Heights and Mr. and
Mrs. Page Stevenson and daughter
Mabel of North Salem were Sun
day guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Alderman.
Claude Walling accompanied
by his cousin Jesse Walling, Jr.,
ot Zena made a very pleasant mo-
tor trip to the coast making the
loop and stopping at the main re-
sorts. They returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hobbs and
son Emery of Salem and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Odom spent Sunday
with Mr .and Mrs. F. G. McLencn
William Holman of Salem spent
the week end and the institute
vacation with his grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dauuu. Wil
liam is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Holman.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Jennings
two sisters Mrs. Charles Russell
and Mlsf) Minifred Lynn all of
Portiand spent Wednesday as the
guests of Mr. Jennlng's mother.
xta. V T.nnln. an hi .is-
ter Mrs.
Seymour Wilson and
Chenoweth .has rented
his HO acre farm to John Hoi
, . . . - - ,riJ
land of McCoy for a period or
five years. Mr. Holland plans to
VUCUUwClU win UUiiu s oww v
use. Mr. ana airs, cnenowem
aro Pining l make motor
Mrs. John Childers and daugn
ter Grace accompaniea airs. k. j.
Hackett when they were Dallas
visitors Wednesday.
William Oglethorpe of Salem
accompanied by Miss Veta Fltx
hngh and Mrs. Herman Eloe spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Eugene
Mrs. Carl Alderman and son
Junior spent Thursday with Mrs,
I John Childers and Miss Grace
I The farmers of this vicinity are
glad to see the showers this week,
but the prune men weren t so en-
tnused about tne rain, dui ine
prune harvest win soon oe over,
Rev. Long, newly installed mln
ister of the United Bremren
church at Hopewell, waa a Wed-
nesday caller in this neighbor
Mountain View
Mrs. Ida Dunn, who has spent the
summer with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Da
vis, will start Sunday on the re-
turn lourney to her home in High
land. Kansas. Mrs. Davis ana
Mrs. R. W. Clarke will go wltn
her as far as Portland. Mrs. Dunn
is very fvorably impressed with
I Louis Myllenbeck, who has
worked for the last year on the
J. R. Chapman fruit farm, has
gone to Astoria where he expects
to stay for some time with rela
I tlves.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson
1 hare vacated the Glenn bouse and
I have moved into their own beau-
fttful new home which has Just
been completed.
I Guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
I Schneller Sunday were Mr. and
I Mrs. John Bayer and children.
I George and Bonnie Jean of Ho-
I qulam. Wash. Ms. Bayer is a
1 daughter of Mrs. Schneller.
I O - O
CLOVERDALE. Oct. 12 CI or-
erdale school will open Monday,
Oct 14. The chairman. Mr. Cook
and the clerk, Mr. Kunke. are
I busy cleaning the school house
- 1 and premises so all will be in
1 readiness.
The pupils from Pleasant View
I school are to attend here this year
and good attendance and good
work Is to be expected by all.
I Alvin Garner is attending the
I Turner high school this year.
I Jay Cook expects to start saw-
ling wood for the community is
a few days now, baring Just fin
ished gathering his prases.
Ivan Hadley expects to finish
In bis prune orchards this week.
He bad an exceedingly good crop,
both in quantity and quality.
The'Schlfferer Bros, and Ben
nies dryers have closed, having
finished off their last fruits for
this year.
Ivan Hadley and family attend
ed the Sunday school convention
at Turner Sunday.
o o
WOODBURN. October 12.
Miss Vivienne Nelson who is em
ployed in Portland was home over
the week end.
Miss Dorothy Covey who is at
tending the Oregon Normal school
at Monmouth was at home over
the week end.
Walter Bomhoff, a student in
physical education at Pacific uni
versity, was at home over the
week end.
Harold McKenzie, a W. H. S.
graduate who is now attending
Oregon Normal school at Mon
mouth visited many of his old
friends In Woodburn Sunday.
W. J. Wilson and son Bill en
Joyed the week end at Woods and
Pacific City fishing. Others from
Woodburn who were there were
V. D. Bain. H. M. Aspinwall, H.
F. Butterfield, Earl Gibbons,
Perle Gibbens and Will Lichte.
Representing the Woodburn
Woman's club at the district or
ganization Wednesday were Mrs1.
C. C. Geer, president, and Mrs.
Ivan C. Beers, press correspon
dent. Mrs. Walter Stevens, nee Violet
Jacobs of Madras, Oregon, and
son Jack is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Jacobs of
West Woodburn. Mr. Stevens will
join his family later.
Mrs. C. C. Geer attended Cham
poeg chapter, D. A. R., at New
berg Thursday and has as her
guest, Mrs. W. J. Wilson, who
contemplates Joining there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Leesard
and son left Sunday for a vacation
of a week at Yakima, Washing
ton. During their absence the
Central Market is being managed
by Mr. Brown.
Mrs. F. W. Settlemier has been
at the Good Samaritan hospital
in Portland since last Sunday for
further treatments on her ankle
which was fractured over a year
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Tremalne
are the proud parents of a 6
pound son born at the Anna hos
pital in Hubbard October 4. Doc
tor E. S. Donnelly attended the
case. The mother is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M os li
ber ger and this is their first
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parkhili of
Valsetz were weekend guests at
the home of Mrs. Parkhill's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Shorey.
o- O
ZENA. October 12. Miss Geor
gia Mills of Lincoln, who went to
Albany Sunday to visit her broth
er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Mills, underwent an oper
ation for appendicitis Tuesday at
the Albany general hospital. At
last reports her condition was sat
Howard Wilson who has been a
visitor at the home of his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs
Roy Madsen, left by bus for Port
Townsend, Wash., Monday where
he win be the guest of his brother
Alfred Wilton.
Mrs. J. D. Walling and Mrs
Alice Simpson, of Lincoln, motor
ed to Salem Monday and attend
ed the funeral of their old friend.
Mrs. Mary Agnes Wait Putnam,
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Madsen of Lincoln
Sunday afternoon and evening
were Mrs. M. J. Madsen, Miss Lil
He Madsen, Miss Altfaea Myers
and Henry HJorth, all of Silver-
McCOY, Oct. 12 Miss Winona
Finn, who is teaching the inter
mediate grades at Airlie, spent
the week-end at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finn.
Miss Beatrice Hawley, who is
attending school at O. S. C, is
home tor the week-end.
Waldo Finn left Thursday for
Rupert. Idaho, where be will join
his wife, Mrs. Jessie Finn. Mrs.
Finn has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank Winnefred, for the
past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs.
Finn will return home In a few
A number of 4-H club boys and
girls are exhibiting at the Polk
county fair at Dallas.
Waldo Finn returned home Sat
urday from the Blue Mountains,
where he has been deer hunting.
He brought a large buck deer
with him. Deer hunting was ra
ther difficult due to the dry
Friends gathered on Thursday
night to chivari Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Schooler, who have jnst
returned from a two weeks honey
moon trip In California. Mr.
Schooler is a native of California
and Mrs. Schooler was formerly
Mrs. Gladys Dames of McCoy.
O r ; O
Orchard Heights
Harry Morgan, who spent the
summer In the Lake Labish onion
fields, Is home for the winter.
While at Lake Labish be made his
home with his sister, Mrs. Alice
Jefferson and family. Mrs. Jef
ferson . was Miss Alice Morgan,
and lived here some years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maurer of
Gresham are working In the K.
W. Cook prune drier. Mr. Maur
er Is a cousin of Mrs. J. W. Sim
mons and of Mrs. O. O. Withers,
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mooney and
little son Lewis Beryl drove out
from Salem Wednesday to call on
Mrs. Mooney'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Edgar.
The Oregon Statesman and The
Portland Telegram, two great
dailies for CO cents per month. To
order, phone 500.
Roland has accepted a position in
the tax department In the sher
iffs office, in the court house at
Jimmle Wied, who is in the na
vy, and stationed at San Diego,
has arrived for a visit with home
folks. The last of this month he
will again join his ship, the Sar
atoga, at Bremerton.
Marjorie Bilyeu. who has been
spending the summer with her
father, Glen Bilyeu, and grand
mother Mrs. William Bilyeu. left
for her home at Burbank, Calif.,
Tuesday evening.
Cecil Thomas, grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Vaughn, has en
listed in the coast guards, and
left with Captain and Mrs. Wa
ters, Thursday morning for Bo
linas, Calif., where he will begin
his work. Ho was a student of
the Jefferson high school last
year, and very active in Athletics,
also a fine basket-ball player. He
will be greatly missed by his
former classmate.
W. A. Kotthoff. former owner
of the Jefferson warehouse, has
leased the Clyde Meeker ranch in
Linn county, and Is moving his
family, and household goods this
A. B. HInz is improving his
property by having the buildings
re-painted. Mr. Green is doing the
Rev. C. P. Gates, presiding el
der of the Salem district will
preach Saturday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the Evangelical church.
After the service Rev. Gates will
conduct the second quarterly con
ference. Clsde, . Stewart underwent an
operation5 (lor appendicitis1 at the.
Salem hospital the first of the
week, and it is reported that he
is getting along nicely.
DALLAS, October 12 En-
gene Hooker and wife of Sacra
mento have been visiting his fath
er T. B. Hooker and sister Mrs.
Gwendolyn Newbill. Eugene left
Dallas some years ago and is em
ployed at the Southern Pacific
shops at Sacramento. He and
his wife are here on their wedding
Mrs. Pauline Aulen of the Wil
lamette Valley Lumber company
office foree and Miss Delia Viers,
assistant in the office of Dr. A.
B. Starbuck, are leaving Sunday
by motor stage for a visit of two
weeks to San Francisco and other
California points.
Mrs. Erie Fulgham accompan
ied by her sister. Miss June Eller
of Portland, and their mother
from Coburg have been visiting
this week with their brothers in
Medford and Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Lewis Hadley has ac
cepted a position with the City
Transfer company and will be
in charge of the office beginning
October 15.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allgood and
sons John Robert and Jimmie
spent Saturday night in Portland
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vassall ac
companied by friends from Port
land made the loop trip to New
port Sunday, via Neskowln, New
port, Corvallis and return.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fudge are
preparing to rent their home on
Main street and will leave Sunday
You mustn't be without it!
r' makes you feel so fresh, and it does so many won
derful things for your skin this new Dorothy Gray
Texture Lotion. Use it first thing in the morning to
cleanse your skin, to wake it up, and to close the
pores. And whenever you have used Cleansing Cream,
follow with Texture Lotion. It will remove the last
traces of the cream leaving your skin gloriously cool
nd fresh it will carry away every lingering particle
of dirt, and it will prevent enlarged pores. Texture
Lotion by itself is perfect for cleansing the skm in the
morning, or whenever you have on no make-up. It
checks anjoily akin condition, and its continued use
will reduce enlarged pores to their normal size.
Dorothy Cray Texture Lotion is a joy to use. It costs
one dollar (t much larger bottle is two dollan) and
it is on sale at our Toilet Goods Department.
J. H. Willett
405 Sate Tel. 119
Owl Agency "Only the Best"
for Sacramento to spend the win
ter for the be oefit of Mr. Fudge's
John Boyer, trustee of. the Sal
mon river super road district was
in Dallas Friday, on business and
attending the fair.
Representatives of the Dallas
women's club that attended the
organization meeting of the third
district in Salem, Wednesday
were, Mrs. V. C. Staats, Mrs. Os
car Hayter, Mrs. W. G. Vassall
and Mrs. C. N. Bilyeu. Mrs. Hay
ter was elected recording secre
tary of the district for a two year
Dr. E. C. McCallon Is spending
a few days on a trip to Spokane
and other points en route.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner vis
ited with her sister. Miss Betty
Jelinek In Corvallis Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Webb visited
their son Richard Monday. Both
of these students are freshmen
this year.
Plans are being made for the
meeting of the Polk county feder
ation of rural women to be held in
Independence on October 30.
Some 17 organizations are repre
sented by this group, from all ov-
: er tne county
MARION, Oct. 12 Rosco King,
son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Slyter, has purchased the George
Olsen place west of town.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Glover spent
a few days the fore part of the
week visiting with Mrs. Glover's
father, J. A. Doerfler.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scheiman
have rented the J. D. Smith resi
dence. George Stephens who is work
ing for the Ruby Stock Farm,
dropped Into town for a visit
The first of a series of moving
pictures which will be presented
every five weeks in conjunction
with the school was presented
Thursday evening in the W. O. WT.
hall and was received with quite
a large attendance who enjoyed
the program very much.
Glen Davidson came home Mon
day and expects to remain during
the winter, the road work on
which he has been employed hav
ing closed down until next spring.
Mrs. Grace Smith arrived from
Gilroy, Calif., Tuesday and is vis
iting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. McKlm.
Miss Doris Smith received the
popular vote at the show Monday
evening and was presented with
a necklace.
Scotts Mills
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Amundson and
daughter Beatrice visited another
daughter. Mrs. George Krause
and family in Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brougher of
Salem visited relatives here Sat
urday evening.
Miss Clara Larson of Silverton
visited her sister, Mrs. Almond
Rich and family Sunday.
Coming Monday
Fox EJsinote
Mlss Lulu Dale who teaches In
a school at Vancouver, Wn. vis
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Dale orer the weekend.
Miss Clara Muckens and Er
nest Dolzer of Mt. Angel visited
Miss Mueken's sister, Mrs. Louie
Schaichal Sunday.
Misses Loraine and Doris Hogg
and Ross Hill of Salem visit
ed the Misses Hogg's parents
Misses Beatrice Amundson and
Grace Dunagan visited the Molal
la school Monday.
Mrs. J. H. Kinser was in Sil
verton Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Lena Bellinger who has
been in Los Angeles, California,
the past year, returned home
Wednesday for a visit with her
son Allan and daughter, Mrs.
Floyd Shepherd. Also to visit her
daughter-in-law. Mrs. Lola Bel
linger from Honolulu, who is
vsiiting her father in Salem.
STAYTON. October 12. Hunt
and Tate were in Portland this
week after the new Ford school
bus. Last year and this the dis
trict has purchased four busses.
There are more than 150 pupils
in the high school alone this year.
A. E. Terhaar, of Cottonwood,
Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sprute of Oswego, Ore., have been
guests this week at the Jas. Hen
dricks home. The gentlemen are
old school friends of Mr. Hen
dricks. Mrs. Harry Humphrey pleasant
ly entertained the Howell Bee
Hive club on Thursday after
noon. The dog catcher has been here
Valley Grill
Open Again
Completely Remodeled
Redecorated Re-arranged
We invite all our old customers to
come in. New faces welcome. '
15654 S.
' .
wgVA A Last ad W roe '
S-tf-very pop
everyw n at
Brovm. Strate1
Buster Brovm Shoe Store
this week trying to locate the
dogs who are killing so many
sheep In this locality.
Mrs. H. J. Tate has been on the
Jury at Salem the past week.
Mrs. Jas. Hix is here from
Portland on her vacation.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer who
have spent the summer abroad are
expected home the last of the
Andy Cornish and wife were
here this week from Klamath
Falls. Andy is administrator ot
the Wm. Cornish estate and while
in town rented the Cornish farm
northeast ot town to Jake
E. Forrette is seriously ill at
his home on the West Stayton
Jake Waurms is improving the
appearance of his residence with
a new coat of paint. Wm. Cooper
Is doing the work.
Mrs. Ray E. King, Mrs. Harry
Humphrey and Mrs. Algle Mur
phy attended a bridge party at
Silverton the first ot the week.
AUBURN'. Oct. 12 At the
Lloyd A. Lee hatchery about 3000
eggs are being placed in the in
cubators. These are from the
heavy type breeds and are to be
hatched for fryers.
Aca Tyndall is improving in
health, according to word brought
by his daughter. Mrs. W. G. Wall
ing of Salem, who with her
daughter Neva were calling in the
community Friday. Mr. Tyndall
is making his home with bis son
Charles at Rockaway. Both Mrs.
Walling and Mr. Tyndall were
former residents here.
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