PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 13, 1929 -1 PUU lb SHE1 U1E0 Fanchon and Uarco Bifl at Fox Elsinore Declared Artistic Triumph By OLIVE M. DOAK r .Marguerite Warner wfao does a Interaretatlre daece ot the "Pagan Lore Song" in the Fan caon and Marco bill at the Tox Elsinore today presents an exqui site bit of artistry which dene description. The dance Is brief, bat so brilliant, so flbrant that It leates one tingling fairly in toxlcated with tbe pagan Joy ct it. It will be Interesting to tol low future derelopments of this yonne dancer. The Idea for the Fanchon and Marco production this week la annsnally pretty and graceful. There are no large choru:es but that which Is presented appears to be selected. Its dancing is good and the color effects are delight ful. ' Roberto Guzman and , Sherry LouUe introduce in solo tfnd duct I me ieaiures, eacn ot wmca Interpretative song "Char maine." "Ton Were Meant for Me,- "Sweetheart." "Am I Blue," and the "Pagan Lore Song." Everets and Lowry in their In terpretation of "Sweetheart" are beautifully effective, Lucille Iver. son's kicks have not been mis quoted, and Billy Radall per forms a real feat by playing a vio lin very veil and doins a feature dance at tbe same time. STATE IS DISCUSSED (Continued from Pago t.) would Insist upon practical rather than theoretical investigations. Miller said he doubted the wisdom f soliciting the serriees ot Ore gon educators in connection with the reorganization of the state ed ucation al department. McPherson assured Miller that independent educators would assist in this in vestigation. The offer of the var ious educational institutions to as sist in the general investigations was accepted by the commission. No definite conclusion was reached relative to a suggestion that a . so-called commonwealth council be held at tbe University of Oregon late in March to study the reorganization program. In ease- such a conference is held Frank Lowden, ex-governor ot Il linois, will bo Invited to attend. There also would be invited to IhU conference representatives of the national institute of public admin istration and an expert from the Rockefeller Foundation. Members of the interim com mission said the nature of the commonwealth conference would require that it be open to every one desirous of participating. En emies of the reorganization would be welcome the same as its friends it was said. It was agreed at today's meet ing of the interim commission that the various investigations that will be necessary In compil ing an Intelligent and workable report, shall bo parceled out to Various experts whether they be connected with educational insti tutions or in private lite. From all of these findings the coramis-. sion will sift out the most feas ible plan which will be incorpor ated into its report to the legis lature. It is lfkely that officially rec ognized delegates from statewide organizations will be invited to attend future meetings of the in terim, commission. Members ot the Interim com mission are Senators Upton and Miller and Representatives Nor ton and McPherson. John Carkln nginaiiy was appointed a mem ber of the commission from the louse, but he is no longer a mem ber or. me. legislature j - An effort will be made to file the,, final report of the Interim committee with the secretary ot state pj uarch 1 of next year. (Continued from JPage 1.) . Music teachers were caught ua wares with the new high school schedule, they stated, adding that while it win be possible to make tome adjustments, an students eannot . be accommodated after school or in the first hour, either morning or afternoon, , of the school periods. Teachers - have heretofore had little difficulty In the matter of arranging schedules, and therefore feel that It such a change be made at aU, they should have had forewarning, or at least opportunity to adjust themselves before fall classes start. - Miss Melton, in appearing .be fore Mr. Tavenaer, said statement from the high school principal that Willamette would not accept high ' school musla credits oa en trance was Incorrect. Noee of the raesie teachera was prepared te say last night just what step they would take next, U ny. :- ;.. A:z'r : '- -sri TO fPllUPHl Sir Harry "Lauder, who comes to the Fox Elsinore Monday Oct. . t v following world tour that lias covered : period ct three years Is responsible r . many fcemely bite of philosophy. Here ere unfair f themi- ...$;". "God, work, home and a kindly aelghbor ever the , garden wall are the only things in life really HIGH SCHOOL H IS r.DT ftT riEFTJG Service Commission Sends Representatives South to Observe Railway W. -.? Iplts, counsel, and Her bert H. Hanser, secretary of the Oregon Public 8errlce eommls bioa, left last night for Saif Fran cisco where they will represent the commission at the hearings et the proposed Idaho-Pacific rail road, planned to connect Kyssa, Oregon with Winnemucca, Nera da They do not go- to take aides one way or the other but to ob serve and to intervene if neces sary for the preteeloo, of Ore gon's, transportation interests. The Oregon commission: is particularly concerned over the possible effect of the proposed road on the cross state railway project -which was aoproYed by Commissioner Mc Manany of the Interstate commerce commission. The San Francisco hearing on the Kyssa-Wlnnemucea cut-off will be before Director Mehaffy of the finance bureau of the inter state commerce commission. At this bearing the sponsors ot the road will be called on to disclose tke'tf backing. Mr. Ellis returned last week peafe, coanseI two lmDor rrora was&mgton where be ap- tant cases. On Seotember t5. he argned the case for the Western Oregon Traffie association against the Southern Pacific's proposed extension of violations of tbe fourth section of the commerce act. This is popularly known sb the long and short haul case. The railroad seeks to establish even lower rates' between San Francis co and Portland and Seattle at the expense of the intermediate points whose rates are much higher. The railroad contends for the lower port-to-port rate to meet boat I competition. Mr. Ellis for the cit- ;ics from Salem to Ashland can tended tot letter-' rates to lhe; in- termedlate points because ot the snorter distance. worth while." "I wonld rather bring happi ness to tne world by affection than hell by affliction." "Thrif tlness is not a habit with the Scotch, it is a gift." "Debt is a villain; never let hm associate with you." "Half the world is on the wrong track for happiness; too much self and not enough service Is the trouble." "A friendly word spoken in a quiet way never misses the mark." "Get enthused with big things instead of infused over little things." "This old world needs more neighborliness." "In all my travels, three times around the world, I never met a successful man who limited his working Iioure." "Ever since the Great War I have been preaching brotherly love in my songs. I will never stop preaching It. For if one can reach the hearts of the people with a song, and cheer them with Its uplifting music, it la a step to ward the remedy that can cure even sick nations." Sir Harry will present a pro gram of new and old songs. A big company of European and American entertainers are associ ated with him on the program. E By OLIVE M. DOAK "Hottentot" spells an "invite tion to the Salem Hunt club to come and see." It spells Just as much of a "come and see" invita tion to the man or woman who does not like horses. Both -groups will find complete and unadulter ated satisfaction in the interpre tation of "horses" as it is given by Patsy Hutu Miller and Edward Everett Horton. The picture which Is showing at Bligh's Capitol beginning to day, shows a small set,et folk who think, live and play "horses They are for the most bart dressed in riding togs and their conversa tion centers about horses and rid ing. Some Very lovely mounts as well as some amusing ' ones are shown, and there is some glimpses ot steeple chase riding that makes the observer's hair rise. There are also some fine Jump scenes all ot which goes to make the horse- lover contented. . . But tor htm who does not like horses or him who wants to be amused there Is Edward Everett Horton. He is so naturally amus ing and his lines are so very wit ty that he quite .dominates the Lplcture. It is one of those moralle&t pic tures that has quite sufficient rea son lor its existence la Its own good fund. - The comedies that go with this picture as features are also seek as encourage some good laughs. Too Late To Classify SALESMEN WANTED SAT.KSMtfM- With- the following qualification neat, deaa cut. reliable, and dealt to advance in sales work, write JM. Statesman. Mm Is Rsstorcrc He medicine, drugs or dieting. lust a light, small, comfortable, inexpensive 7UdhActlrt Ps4 worn oa the back by day and ov er the stomach at night.. Sold oa trial. . Tom can be sure it is help ing you before you buy ft Over XSO.froe sold ea this plan. Thous ands hare written us that ft heal ed them of NeurLOs, Rheumatism, High Blood pressure, Constipa tion, Nervous Prostration, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidney and Bladder trouble etc No -matter what you have tried, or what your trouble may be, try. Dogntn's Radio-active Solar Pad at ow risk- Write today -for Trial after aad descript ive literature. Radium Appliance Co 1855 Bradbury Bldgv Los Angeles, Cel. Adv. ITMOTILED IS me Hearing While the commission did not indicate what their findings would be Mr. Ellis expressed himself as 'extremely heeefel ef victory for .the cities. Already the roads nave .made cats in ,the sugar freight , rates between San Fran cisco and Ashland. Medford and Grants - Pass, also reductions on outbound fruit, Mr. Ellis In his closing argu ment urged the commission to give protection to the Interior cit ies whlck were wholly dependent on the roads. Also he urged that a favorable ruling to these cities would Insure to the benefit of the roads themselves because It would stop their going after low-profit port-to-port business and buildup the interior communities' where where they had the exclusive haul. Another discovery which Mr. El lis made aad presented to the com mission in the case was that' the disparities between Intermediate and port cities had never been au thorized by the commission. In other words he presented to the commission the disclosures that the existing commodity rates be tween San Francisco and Portland for instance had never been ap proved or ordered by the commis sion. The commission did permit modifications of commodity rates provided that disparity was no greater than the class rates. The road however announced com mod ity rates for the port-to-port freight but not to the interme diate points, thus evading the ruling. ur. muiB aiso appeared at a hearing under the Hoch-Smfth resolution under which the com mission is investigating livestock and grain freight rates., Mr. Ellis for Oregon shippers urged thai ne increase be made-in the rates from Oregon to Chicago markets on live stock, in order to maintain competitive marketing and to give the Oregon stockmen access to the big markets in Chicago. Omaha and other great packing centers. on his return from San Fran Cisco. 3Ir. Ellis will have to make a trip to Washington t o anneax October 30th in the final hearing oeiore the commission on the oro- posea cross-state read project. commissioner McMananv recom mended that the Union Pacific be directed to construct the line; and this question will be argued at the hearing. OF ill VISITS (Continued from Page 1.) there was no nse trying to say anything original on a subject so well known and about which so much has been said. "I'm tremendously impressed with the western type of men. T really am." Editor Graeve confid ed, "for there is about them so much less of pretense; they are more simple in the finer sense and so direct." In Los Angeles and San Francisco he found this less true. for in those -two cities the eastern life is fast permeating, he found. The visitor was for three years editor of the Cosmopolitan maga zine before going to the Delineator and prior to that he was with Har per's Bazaar and Collier's. Allen, McKinney Win at Bowling Allen and McKinney defeated Woodruff and DeMerrltt In a five game doubles match on the Win ter Garden bowling alleys Satur day night, by a score of 1737 to 1703, the latter score Including a 50 pin handicap. Allen scored high average, 177, the others ranking as follows: De Merrltt, 171, McKinne 170, Woodruff 155. The Reo Flying Clouds, local City league team, lost a three game match to an all-star Port land team on the Recreation alleys in that city Saturday night." - The local team's score was 2818, about 100 below that of Its op ponents. ' LAST TIMES TOPAY An-Talkto Comedy See aad leer this screamingly hilarious ' CJomedy "of. a youa cowple Tfto cowldn't yet mXbm ' ' buxtiat isiasrca Edward Everett Eortoa ta 1 JlAVVA ' 4 r 1H Committee Arranges Expen ditures Within Six Per Cent Limitation 4 CConthraad pmm Page I.) In the firedepartmeut hudget is alee explained by the two mill le vy cor tnat purpose, end rive pro tection is expected to cost a- total Committee XJste Individual Items Items la the budget are as fol lows: -. . Recorder's salary. S240Q; clerk and stenographer hire. $2400; treasurer. $2400; city at torney, 91825; street commission er, $1200; marshal, $1800; chair man board of censors, $600; po lice matron, $1,320,' salaries po lice department, $30,900; expense police department, $8,880; ex pens eclty Jail, $1,190. Marion county health unit. $8000; sanitary Inspector, $2100;i fire department salaries, 137,580; expense fire department, $4200; engineering department, $1700: public buildings, $2835; fnel city hall, $808; comfort station. $1811. Public library, $12,970; light ing, $29,000; public parks, $501$; playgrounds, $1200; printing. $300; incidental expense, $1,- 792.50: street cleaning, $14,498; bridge repairs, $1500; band. $1500; board of charities, $200; planning and xening commission, $500; auditing and accounting. $470; incinerator, $4600; build ing inspector, 83200. VOLLEYBALL M STARTS NEXT WEEK Practice games will be played this week by teams in the two volleyball leagues at the T. M. CV A. which will start their league season tbe following week. The Service club league teams will practice Tuesday night and the In dustrlal league teams will prac tice Friday night Teams entered in the Service club league are Rotary, captained by Walter Mlnler; Klwanls. Dr L. E. Barrick; Lions, Keith Brown and Y's Men. Ross Mfles. The teams in the industrial HOME OP 25c TALKIES Today - Monday - Tuesday Continuous Performance Today 2 to 11 P. M. A 100 Pn A spicy comedy drama taken has gained interest by being The talking in this Also Pathe Sound Trained showmen ... trained ere an assurance that there fts Owa Capitol Theatre UUUUUUUUUUI LasaJBXAsp .1711 1 id 1 jT "" "Sa, A Blue Ribbon Winner I w'Xa no here "'J Ir Jll see III C'aVT hear -laugh V tjf ANDJROARt 1 1 VtkA D. BUg V J I 1 Presents ) V f JF Warner Bros. . J yr 10 AlI:Talkittg , CJ fU U.IangMng flUphoae I - dewa ;tte" bona '. etretofav eT hEarity A . ta Xb UoCteatea,' , l sataaev f atreem 1 DAUGHTER,- 5 V fANCY CLYC2 ),tT v j A HACK f fV t4 ndSM&: -i 1 1 I VTViTTwwawawewawawwasyawawawawavavav . 1 H " " ."k.. w vw . w league are Kay Woolen Mills, cap tained by Page; Valley Motor, Ma son: fAeurelet. DeMerrltt: Retd- Murdock, Yoakum: Western Paper converting, jtcnen. - - ; Tht league teasoa will last six weeks, following which the win ders in the two 'leagues' will play a cuamjlonsMp series. HT07 WEST POINT. N. T- Oct U. (AP Army football elevea met with unexpected opposition from Davidaoa college of North Carolina today but a second half offensive enabled the cadet to win 23-7.' After O'Keefe had place kicked a field goal near the ehd of the first period, to give Army a S to 0 lead, Davidson opened up a bru- tiaat aerial offensive, a 40-yard pass. Brock to King, sending the latter over for a touch down, early la the second period. The try for point was successful giv ing the southerners a 7 to t lead at the end ot the hall. Army's first string team went Into action in the third period and Army rolled up It points oa touchdowns by Murrell and Cagla and a successful try tor points by O'Keefe. Stuart scored the third Army touchdown in the' fourth period. MOSCOW, Ida., Oct 12- (AP The unknown conference Quan tity of the Idaho Vandals waa etched into the understanding ot the university ef Montana toot ball team as a bruising, line plunging,' pass Intercepting and deceptive machine that won, 10 to O here today. Blackboarded as a team which knew the ins and outs of over head onslaught, the Montana Grizzlies hedged for three periods before they sent out an aerial bar rage, and then saw it smearea an over the field, with two passes in Vandal hands for touchdowns, be fore that an effective back field line shift that was reminiscent of the old school flying wedge pound ed wide gaps through the Grizz lies' ponderous line, paving the way for the Vandals' first score, a touchdown by Wilkie, fullback. HMBHTS DflVIDSfl HO 1S Will OVER MOIirARA 19-0 N Patsy Ruth Miller JACK Mitral AD Talkinsr - Singing Production from the great Stage Farce that produced la tbe Talking Picture picture is wonaeiui News and Comedy mbxds and traiaed service . . always a better show at Salem's IN H 1 i mi i i i y By Stidnj? Air Attack MEMORIAL STADIUM. Berke ley, Cat. Oct 12. (AP) Out ot air today. ". California's Sears plucked a lf-0 voctory over Wash ington State college when repeat ed onslaughts oa the ground fail ed U crumble a powerful cougar line. f What 40.000 .spectators cheer ed, the Bears rushed their north ern rivals down the Held la the first half to twice leave Imprints in scoring turf. A touchdown in the first period was followed by another in the second. The crushing first half drive of the Bears came la good time for In most of the last two periods the team from the north was charg ing goalward la thrilling but fu tile efforts te retaliate: It was the opening coast con See Dick in his new sR - talkin? prescription which cored a loved one TODAY I On the Stage : : fox west coast theatres present ' : ROBERTO GUZMAN SHERRY LOUISE BILLY RANDALL FRANKLIN & WARNER Lmdfle Iverson Evarts & Lowry Jack & Betty Willing 16 SUNKIST BEAUTIES - 16 r mm Fanchon and Marco's Idea smmmmmmmm ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Coming! Monday DAYS Oct 14 to 18 OPPORTUNITY- f'Fm Going to Buy a Home Iii Salem Highway Tact3,, I "Just what Tve been looking1 lor. Gladys wants to raise flowers ! and a garden, and I've got to be close in. This place will make as I both hppy . "Why don't you boy a hatf-acre while you have a chance? $350 up to $900, aniJ'prily $25 down and 10 a month. A house will -cost frorn $2800 op to 4350. and you only have to pay $100 down and ; $30 month. ! 1 call it a good buy. Close in, on th Pacific highway, near th Fair Grounds, lias water, dty telephones, gas, electricity. "Gladys will Uka;th house. If s plastered, has modern bnflt-lns, j four and five rooms, front and Back porches, and painted inside Rich L. Relman, decided to' buy." . 219 N. Hish Sti mm OPPORTUNITY- ference for the two teams and ta turning back their opponents, the Bears; moved one of the most form idable elevens of the northland. Blocked on the line by the pond erous Washington State forward wall. California turned to the air with good results, midway in the first period, the Bears recovered a Washington State fumble on the latter 15-yard line. Lorn shot a long pass across the field to Nor ton, who galloped two yards In the clear, te cross the tiae. Beckett place kicked the try for point. The Cougars came back with a'drtve that brought them to Calif ornia's 28-yard line, but their line plunges tailed when within strik ing distance. California held for downs. NOTRE DAME WIN'S BALTIMORE, Oct. 12. (AP) A pass flipped from the fingers of Frank Carldeo, again forced the Navy to bow before Notre Dame on a football field todayas the men ot Knute Rockne passed and plunged their way to a 14 to T victory over the midshipmen at the Baltimore stadium. DIRECTION FOX WEST COAST THEATRES m ! (HE TWn iACli CfiOlyc Ac -3 FOX WEST COAST SCRIP SAVES MONEY i ther realtor, took us out last i i , i" '-. ' L HI ni III self mm . By RALPH CURTIS There Isn't a movie tan in Sa. lem who won tbe charmed pink with "The Love Doctor," starring Richard Dix and opening today at the Fox Elsinore. This is as thundering spectacle or melo drama; Just a modern comedy of personalities, with a considerable smattering of the romance of ado lescence. But Dix is at his best he has scored a greater hit as a talking star than he ever did in the silent films. And all et his supporting Cast know how to talk too, both aa to enunciation and nnrmb). It's the most natural and lovabh anunri ntrtnr vet seen ham an. has in it the most kllllnelr fnnnv -r The Smash Hit All-Talking All-Laffing All-Singing All-Dancing Musical Comedy Riot OPPORTUNITY- night and today I OPPORTUNITY- UUUIL m w w -- - w . - s a