r i This Week's Slogan: The Prune Industry of the Salem Section Is Decidedly On Way to Brighter Times There Is Perhaps a 70 Million Pound Dried Crop All But Safe; Requiring Only Fair Weather Conditions In Douglas County o The prune industry of the Sa lem district Is decidedly on its way to recoyeryi after a prolonged sick spell. If heavy fall rains hold off over the Douglas connty prune districts for two to three weeks yet, the harvest this year will show a total dried tonnage of CO to 70 million pounds. The crop of Salem district, counting this as the whole Willamette val ley, will be 90 per cent safe in the bins by the time this article Is printed, Sunday, the 13th and a few additional days will seethe 'whole crop saved. The rains so far have done more good than harm; that is the showers that have visited the orchards the past week or so. . Bat something unusual has happened tbis year tbe Donglas connty crop is ranch later than that of the Willamette valley; two to three weeks later. In ordinary years It Is earlier in ripening. What caused this? Perhaps for one thing, the heavier pall of smoke from forest fires tn the early part of the ripening season. The rest of it is unexplained unless that is all of it. Then Douglas county is not as well sup plied with drying facilities as the valley counties, in proportion to the tonnage of green fruit to be taken care of. They have been claiming for Douglas county 18 to 20 million pounds of dried prunes from the present crop, if all of it could be saved. A well qualified Salem authority thinks that is an over estimate. He adds that the Wil lamette valley crop will over run rather than fall short of the esti mates. And he further adds that the best yields in quantity and quality have predominated in the Dallas, Sheridan and Kewberg sections, and that the medium high land on the east and west floors of the valley have made the best showings. Decidedly More Cheerful The average price realized by the growers for their dried prunes of this year's crop will run to 7 scents a pound or better. The average is raised by the greater proportion of large sizes than was expected the larger sizes of course commanding the higher prices. As the reader will observe, this means between four and a quarter to over five million dollars of new money coming to the growers this year for their prunes. For a large tonnage was canned, and these are not counted with the dried product in the above esti mate. The bulk of this live millions of new money, (if the tonnage UH3 to 70 millions), comes to the Ewers of the Willamette val ley; a liltle of it to the growers ol Clarktonnty, Wash., and the rest of it to ' those of Douglas cmnty. The Salem district will get the lion's share. It makes a b g and wide distribution of new i rutney to the pickers, dryers, handlers, dealers and J Imr v.i iiiiuiers. etc. ft ri ime Now to Begin Dotting Willamette Flax Plants, With Proper Organization, Federal Money Is Available to Build Prepare the Fiber Col. W. B. Bartram, superinten dent of the state flax plant and managing director of the Oregon Linen Mills, Inc., on Tuesday last addressed the Oregon City cham ber of commerce. He there made the most important talk he so far has made -on the development of Oregon industries. He declared that 4t weuld require 10,000 acres of fiber flax to take care of our country's imports in rough flax fiber from abroad. And he asserted that the Willamette val ley is ready now for action; that vre may get the necessary money from the federal government for dotting the Willamette valley with flax plants. The following is the full text of Colonel Bartram's ad dress: "It is very gratifying to the management of the state flax in Oregon and her people, that mark- fed-progress has been made in the development cf the flax industry. The progress made may be appre ciated when I tell you that the en tire operations of seeding, pulling and processing are now done by machinery. Only a few years ago these operations were "all carried ' on by hand labor. Today we have In Oregon the largest and most modern flax plant in the world. This has been made possible by certain factors that were necessary " to such a development. ; In western Oregon we have the required climate and soils to suc cessfully raise fiber flax. ; ; From 14 years experience we have established the fact that we do rase and process the best fi- J-bexJW-rJn the world. 3?t" has found favor In . -ill jut In home mar- ar present ability to . jr flax crop assists In replav. other crops are now overdone and adds Inducement to proper rotation of crops In gen eraL -7, .... These factors have been estab lished after years of patient hard work, believing that the greatest flax development on this contin 1 ent was to be worked out here in rthe .Willamette valleys and confi dence In the ultimate success of 41te (nttetw'- ' This all means that the indus try will persist. The acreage will be larger next year than this. New orchards will come into bearing, and fuller bearing with the growth of the young trees. Some old orchards and parts of others will go out. But most old or chards will bave better attention next year than they have had late ly, in the times of low prices and short crops that have prevailed for several seasons. And the great majority of the trees, at least for some time, will be of the tlallan or Oregon varie ty. There are not many petite or French prune trees In the Wil lamette valley. In Douglas coun ty the proportion of these is higher. There are some new sweet prune varieties, such as the date prunes, the Noble French, and others. But it will take a long time to bring on a great acreage of these. With several of the new varieties, experiments have not gone far enough to justify great promise. What Caused ItT What caused the price come back for our dried prunes? The late prices have been running to 10 cents a pound to the growers, for 20-30's, that is dried prunes 20 to 30 of which will weigh a pound. There was a world shortage of the prune crops this year. Cali fornia had 440 million pounds last ear, and less than 200 million pounds this year. And there was no carry over this year, as there was last year. Then central European coun tries had a short crop this year, and the French crop has been slip ping for several years. It will take these countries years to bring back their orchards, if they ever are brought back. The world will always need and buy dried prunes. The distribution this year is wider than ever. They are going from Oregon to Germany and cen tral Europe, to the British Isles, and to all the southern European countries, to the Mediteranean ports, and to most other countries, to say nothing of an increased dis tribution in the United States. For Better Methods II. S. Gile of H. S. Gile & Co., who buy all over this sectron and have packing plants at Newberg and Hoseburg, and who with W. T. Jenks manages tbe Willaniette Valley Prune association with its packing plant at the Fruit Union building In Salem, said Friday that of course the prune in our prune industry should and will persist. It should and the orch ards should and will have better attention than they have been hav ing. There should and will be new acreage, and the revamping of old orchards. There should and will be a- better average, higher aver age tonnage and a better average quality. Valley With Says Bartram and Equip These, to for Home Markets o The state flax industry has proven beyond all question that fiber flax is one of the most prof itable field crops, wnen grown ac cording to the policies adopted by that industry. We know that we are producing the finest fiber flax grown in any country, and we feel that we have proven our sys tem . by methods of cultivation, harvesting and processing, and that producer-owned, cooperative associations may now safely as sist in the further development of what promises to become a major industry In the Willamette valley. Federal Aid Available In view of a certain bill that has been adopted and passed by our congress through an act known as the "agricultural mar keting act," which has made available $500,000,000 to be us ed in the development and mar keting of agricultural products would appear we may safely ex pand the fiber flax Industry with out further delay. I believe that the true Intent, of this bllr Was to assist In the development of - this crop and the processing of , it, be cause In doing so relief and in creased prosperity will come about through such action. Vou, no doubt, are familiar with the "Industrial marketing act." but let ns review it in its application to the development of the fiber flax industry through cooperative associations. The act provides that upon ap plication by any cooperative asso ciation the Federal farm board is Keep Tour Money in Oregon Bay Monuments Made at Salem. Oregon Capital Monumental Works J. C Jones A Ce Proprietors All Kinds of Monumental Work 1 Factory and Office: 2210 S. Commercial St. Opposite I. O. O. P. ' Cemetery, Box SI -Phone CSf Salem. Oregon Our Prune Industry la Coming Back to Be and Stay Big authorized to make a loan from tbe revolving fund. It provides that this loan shall be used in ef fective merchandising; in educa tional work; In securing through construction, purchase, or lease, facilities for preparing, handling, storing, processing, or merchan dising agricultural products. Through this provision a coopera tive association may secure a loan up to SO per cent of its valuation. These loans are repaid on an amortization plan over a period not In excess of 25 years. Can Go Ahead Now We feel that with this financial assistance available, the fiber flax cooperative associations could he organized at once in a number of the fiber flax districts, and then proceed with a plan as outlined in the "agricultural marketing act" which provides: 1. That a cooperative associa tion be organized in accordance with the plan defined la an act approved by congress February 18, 1922, calling "an act to auth orise associations for agricultural products." These cooperative as sociations should, of course, be known as fiber flax cooperative associations. 2. Appoint an advisory com mittee consisting of seven mem bers of whom at least two should be experienced handlers or pro cessors of the commodity. The advisory committee acts as repre sentatives of the cooperative as sociations on all matters referred to the federal farm board and also in carrying out the educational programs. Members of the advi sory committee do not receive a salary, but are paid on a per' diem basis for services authorized by the federal farm board. 3. Organize a stabilization corporation in which all stock shall be owned by the cooperative association. The stabilization cor poration act is to minimise spec ulation, prevent Inefficiency and wasteful methods of distribution and aid in preventing and control ling surplus, to prevent excessive fluctuation or depression in price. The stabilization corporation acts as a marketing agency, and upon request of the advisory committee the federal farm board is author ized to make loans for working capital. The "agricultural marketing act" provides for a clearing house association, but in my judgment this would be unnecessary at this time, as the functioning of a sta bilization corporation would cov er the present need of the fiber flax cooperative associations. There are also other miscellaneous provisions which I will not go in to at this time. Time Is Opportune Gentlemen, it would appear there never was a more oppor tune time than now for expanding the fiber flax industry, and I have Prune Industry is Coming Back OUR prune industry is coming back. Our growers of what is called the Salem district, including Douglas and Clark county and upper valley sections, will receive for their dried prunes and those sold to the canneries perhaps as much as or more than five millions of dollars of new money the bulk of the sum coming to the Salem trade territory. Moreover, the world wide outlook appears favorable for our prune industry. The French orchards are slipping. So are those of central Europe. amette valley in full or near many as they have ever been ; Good attention to the orchards, which will likely be gen erally had hereafter, owing to erative prices, will soon stabilize that part of the industry. This is an encouraging sign for ter of a great prune section; have been for a long time, and There is a report in this Col. W. B. Bartram on Tuesday last, delivered before the Ore gon City chamber of commerce And it is the most important talk the chief figure of our flax industry has ever made in favor of state develop ment. He says the time has come when a movement may be safely launched for dotting the Willamette valley with flax plants. He says this may be done by securing federal loans to build the plants. The money is available. It has been set aside for just such a purpose, or such purposes. ' Every valley city should busy. There is a chance to and put it on its way to bringing hither many millions of dol lars annually of new money. neip enormously in our prosperity ana soua growin. Gideon Stols Company liaaaiactwrer of Vinegar, Soda Water, Fountain Supplies M Ore. Oi egon Pulp and Paper Company Manufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF TISSUE Support Oregon Products Specify "Salem Made" Paper for Your Office Stationery no hesitation In urging represen tatives of the flax growing dis tricts to give this matter their most serious consideration. I be lieve it is such an opportunity as never came before yon to do some thing really worth while in tbe relief of our farmers and the re generation of agriculture in the Willamette valley. You have listened with such a degree of interest, that I feel I may safely go a step further in this matter by stating that I feel that we, who are gathered here today, should endorse the expan sion of the fiber flax industry through producer-owned, coopera tive associations and that we should recommend to the Port land chamber of commerce that Mr. Kipp, their marketing special ist, be authorized to assist in or ganizing these cooperative asso ciations. No one appreciates more than I the service that Is being rendered the state of Oregon through the Portland chamber of commerce. Many of you know that It was through the confidence of their able manager. Mr. W. D. B. Dod son and, at that time, their presi dent, Mr. Andrews, that the pur chase of the first stateowned flax pulling machines was made pos sible. At that time the state was unable to fully finance the pur chase of the first fleet of flax pulling machines that came into Oregon. The Portland chamber of commerce advanced 115.000 to assist in this service. The ad vent of these machies in eliminat ing the unsatisfactory and expen sive old method of hand pulling started the flax lndusrty toward the position It has worked itself into today. Develop Under Control It is important for me to again emphasize the necessity of keep ngi this whole development under control, and under the guidance of those who have made some progress with the industry thus far. The question of organization and management will be the de termining factor as to its suc cess in the future, and as to bow far it will expand. In closing, let me say that the state flax industry stands ready to assist and guide this develop ment through the state along the same lines and under tbe same policies that have brought our present success. Claims totaling $1315.70 have been paid to Statesman readers by the North American Accident Insurance Co., in the past year. These claims were paid on the 31.00 policy Issued to Statesman subscribers. For sale signs, for rent signs, legal blanks, etc. for sale at The Statesman. The prune trees of the Wil- full bearing are perhaps as they may be larger in number. the better outlook for remun Salem. This city is the cen prunes are a major crop here will likely persist in being. department of an address by sit up and take notice, and get push the flax industry forward Good money. Money that will Everything In BUILDING MATERIALS Cobb & Mitchell A. B. Ketsay, Maaager S4 & 12th BC " Pstsa SIS Prunes May be Graded on Quality as Well as Their Size in Markets Hereafter The Oregon Agricultural College Experiment Station Staff Members Are Patenting the Process for the Protection of All Growers and the Public o (The following, furnished for this issue of The Statesman by John C. Burtner, associate direct or of the college news service, would seem to be information of prime Importance to the people of this section who are engaged in the various forms of the prune industry: ) As the popular song writer said: "The baby prune looks like his dad, but not wrinkled quite as bad." And so far tbe public has been able to choose only be tween "baby" or "daddy" prunes for breakfast. But like many another, this re semblance in the prune family has been found only skin deep, and a baby prune, fully mature, is often much sweeter, firmer, and of better flavor than large prune picked when not fully ripe. A new process, by which the prune crop of Oregon and the northwest may be graded uniform ly, not only as to size but also as to maturity, sugar content, and texure. before drying, has just been perfected and patented by the horticultural products depart ment of the Oregon experiment station. The public service patent, granted to E. H. Wiegand, head of the department, and D. E. Bui- US', assistant chemist, protects the public against payment of royal ties in case the new method comes into general use. A similar pat ent has also been applied for on PRICES AS LOW AS AT THE FACTORY You trill find in De Soto Six 'the eye-appeal of trim, colorful lines the comfort-appeal of roomi ness, of easy handling and riding the practical ap peal of smooth, flexible action and the universal appeal of a sensationally low price. 360 Marion PRICESr-Delivered fully equipped at 360 Marion Street a machine developed at the col lege to apply the prune grading process in a commercial way. How It Is Done Although it has long been known that maturity was a great er factor in quality of prunes tban size, up to the present they have been graded only as to size, for lack of any known mechanical means of separating the mature from the Immature fruit. The process patented by the ex periment station men is based on the fact that mature fruit, being of greater sugar content, is heav ier, and here fore sinks in a dens er solution than Immature fruit. By providing a series of two or three vats of varying density of salt solutions and moving the trait through these mechanically, the different grades are floated out and separated accurately. The heavier prunes are also the beet when dried, from tbe standpoint of appearance and by the most exacting physical and chemical tests. Investigation of the dried product showed that those prunes floated out of a 40 degree solution were porous, acid, and of low sugar content, while those floated out Of a CO degree solution were of finer texture, greater firmness, more pleasing flavor and were a desirable Jet black color. Because of the variation in moisture content of fruit in dif ferent stages of maturity, it is Hike Mara0 Tfeadke Dan Yfapiraii0 (DM (Dam0 Automatically, the age of your car goes up one whole year on January first. Inevitably, the new models that come out dur ing the January Motor Shows will antiquate it still further. Just as surely, Spring finds an overcrowded used car market which lessens your chances of getting what you think you should get for your car. The moral: SAVE MONEY, BUY NOW! Avoid the mount ing maintenance expense that e CHRYSLER Sfc 2-door Sedan $1055 Business Coupe v. $1055 Phaeton $1055 De Lux Coupe OPEN EVENINGS o lr. Phone 928 also better. In the Interests of speed and economy in drying, that the tunnels should contain only fruit of the aame degree of ma turity. This also makes for a more uniform dried product, as when fruits in varions stages of maturity are placed on the same tray or car,, the mature fruits, relatively low In moisture, are over-dried in the effort to obtain the proper degree of dryness for the under-mature fruit. Experiments Satisfactory During the 19 2 S season, find ings made at tbe college on a small scale were tested commer cially by the installation In an Oregon cooperative parking plant of a machine designed to handle prune grading by the flotation principle. More than 10 tons of fresh fruit were graded over this machine. Its operation was high ly satisfactory, and the findings made by the experiment station when men in the horticultural products laboratory were entirely borne out. These machmes could be in stalled in commercial plants, with out any great increase in the costs of production, believes Professor Wiegand, as the grader would take the place of the dipper now used. The machines work rapid ly, and could easily be accommo dated to any size output. The so. lutions for floating out the prunes are made with coarse salt, which is both cheap and harmless. Other factors brought out by Professor Wiegand and Mr. Bullis during tbe investigations are as follows: "The prunes handled through out these experiments contained much infected fruit. Unfortu-, nately for the industry, that situa tion prevails generally. The in fection was due principally to scab and brown rot. The separation of scabby fruit can not be accom plished by any method of gravity separation. It was thought that by the decomposition occurring in prunes affected by brown rot their Ycduq Ssqvcb Sot MOTORS PRODUCT De Lux Sedan .....7.... $1165 4-door Sedan ... $1095 Roadster $1055 $1095 composition would be sufficiently changed to Influence their speci fic gravity. It was found, how ever, that fresh fruit Infected with brown rot had to be In an advanced state of decomposition to make possible Its separation from non-Infected fruit by the flo tation process. Only when the brown rot had advanced so far that the fruit had become partly mummified could1 It readily be separated out in the lighter grav ity solutions. It would seem, therefore, that separation of this type of infected fral from perfect fruit must be accomplished mostly by hand sorting over belts before running any lot through a grav ity separator. These are some quotations from the report: Separation Into quality grades by the flotation process seems most feasible when applied to fruit in the fresh state. The results are sure, the cost is law, and many advantages are gained by this method from a. drying standpoint. But notwith standing the advantages gained by gravity separations, it must be remembered that good fruit can be ruined by careless operations in the drying process and thereby all the effort spent on separations go for naught. "In recognition of this fact, some attempt has been made to ascertain whether fruit affected with various forms of spoilage might not be successfully separaU ed out from the good by some change in the usual method of processing. A simple experiment shows that It can be. "The dried fruit affected with these various forms of spoilage was processed in boiling water in stead of live steam, which is one of the common commercial meth ods. Fruit with large gas pock ets and that which was badly burned or poorly dried, floated to the surface of the boiling water, where it was readily skimmed off. The firm-textured product re mained beneath tbe surface. comes with age. Use that money to apply on a new car. Get MORE for your old car now, in this season of peak appraisal values Enjoy the many-sided comforts of a brand NEW, mechanically perfect automobile like that smartest, smoothest, ablest of all the low-priced sixes De Soto Six Drive your old car in TODAY.' Let us give it an appraisal. Let us PROVE to you how much money you save by trading now, and getting a NEW De Soto. -Six Telephone 928 Salem Salem, Ore. r I '