The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tfce 03EG0N STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Horning, October 12, 1323
Pi -
: Church News .'. Sunday Events and Happenings of the Week
Pronram Rivpn fnr Ypar,sihaTe registered for the
rrouran. uiven lor i etr a ...... i coiumbu district Luther
Sessions of Salem Min
isterial Association
The Salem Ministerial associa
tion will hold its first meeting of
the new year at the Y. M. C. A.
bnilding Monday morning at 10:30
o'clock, when Rev. N. K. Ifully,
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, will speak on "My Impres
sions of the Orient" Rev. 8. E.
Long will have charge of devo
Rev. F. C. Taylor is president of
the association, meetings of
which all ministers of the city are
urged to attend. Rev, L. W. Bld
dle is secretary-treasurer; Rev.
Harry E. Gardner, chairman of
the program committee and Rev.
P. W. Eriksen is chairman of the
state Institutions' committee.
Program Outlined
Th ministerial ' association
meets every second and fourth
Mondays. Program arranged for
the 1929-30 year includes: Octo
ber 28 devotions, T. E. Erskine,
and "Modern Criminology"; No
vember 12 devotions, E. S. Ham
mond, "Jerusalem an Internation
al Experiment,' Robert M. Gatke;
November 25 devotions, L. D.
Smith and "Our Boys' Training
School," W. H. Baillie; Decem
ber 9 devotions, L. D. Smith,
and The Progress of Wold
Peace," Mary Findley; January 13
devotions, S. Darlow Johnson,
and "William Booth, A Biograph
ical Sketch," .Captain E. M. Will
iams; January 27 devotions,' P.
J. Sehnert, and "Problems that
Face the Church," T. H. Temple.
'February 10 devotions, C. E.
Ward, and "Indian School Policies
and Work," O. H. Lipps; Febru
ary 24 devotions, W. C. Kant
ner, and "The Value of Lent Ob
servance," George H. Swift; March
10 devotions. B. F. Shoemaker,
and "Recent Lives of Christ," J.
D. McCormlck; March 24 devo
tions, J. M. Comer, and "Religion
and Health," P. W. Eriksen; April
14 devotions, C. A. Kells, and
"Christian Faith In Immortality,"
L. W. Blddle; April 28 devo
tions, W. Earl Cochran, and "The
Care of Our Feeble Minded," Dr.
J. N. Smith; May 12 devotions,
A. S. Henderson and "The
Church's Opportunity Through Re
creation," Harry E. Gardner; May
26 devotions, Jehu Oliver, and
"Reaching and Winning the Mass
es," A. P. Layton.
Membership Given .
Following is the present mem
bership of the association for the
year 1929-20: C. I. Andrews,
Kimball School of Theology; Les
lie Bailey, Mill Street M. E.; L.
W. Blddle; Castle United Breth
ren; W. N. Blodgett; John M.
Canse, Kimball school; W. Earl
Cochran, Calvary Baptist; W. N.
Coffee, Free Methodist; J. M. Co
mer, Adventist; P. W. Eriksen,
American Lutheran; Harry E.
Gardner, Jason Lee; Robert M.
Gatke, Willamette university; M.
A. Groves, West Salem; E. S.
Hammond, Kimball school; C. C.
Haworth, South Salem Friends;
A. S. Henderson, First United
Brethren; D. J. Howe, First Chris
tipn; W. H. Hertiog, Kimball
school; E. V. Jennison, Evangel
istic tabernacle; S. Darlow John
son, Leslie M. E.; W. C. Kant
ner, retired Congregational; C. A.
Kells, Y. M. C. A.; C. M. Keefer.
Kimball school; A. P. Layton,
Evangelical; W. G. Lienkaemper,
Reformed; S. E. Long, Hopewell;
J. D. McCormick, Kimball school;
A. S. Mulligan, retired M. E.; G.
Norisue, Labish Japanese; Jehu
Oliver, retired United Brethren;
R. L. Payne. First Baptist; G. W.
Rutsch, German Baptist; P. J.
Sehnert, Center street M. E.; B.
F. Shoemaker, Court Street Chris
tian; E. C. Sims, Highland
Friends; L. D. Smith, Nazarene;
H. C. Stover, Knight Memorial;
George Swift. Episcopal; Fred C.
Taylor, First M. E.; T. H. Temple,
M. E. district superintendent; N.
K. Tally, Presbyterian; Charles
E. Ward, First Congregational; F.
B. Wedle, Mennonite; Captain E.
M. Williams, 8alvation Army.
Radio Singer Has Part
In Rclly Day Meeting
At Christian Chnrch
DALLAS, Oct. 11. Sunday, Oc
tober IS will be "Home coming
day" at the Christian church for
which ft special program has been
planned. Beulah Belle Smith, ra
dio singer of kuin win ne neara
at both the Bible school and morn
ing services. Mrs. Carol Mahaf
fey, blind reader from the Eugene
Bible school, will demonstrate the
Braille system of reading with
copies Of the magasine at the Bi
ble school service.
The annual rally day will be Oc
tober 17, when the mark for at
tendance at Sunday school has
been set for S7S. The Mt. Olivet
quartet from Portland will sing at
the services that day.
Calvary Baptist Church
Choir Group Holds First
" Social Mating of Fell
The choir membership of the
Calvary Baptist church gathered
at the church parlors Thursday
night for the first social and busi
ness meeting of the year. About
45 persons were present. Includ
ing the 37 members of the choir
and the director. Rev. W. Earl
Cochran, pastor of the chnrch.
Games and refreshments were
the particular orders of the eve
ning. J. Dale Taylor Is president
of the group. Walter T. Jenks
was chairman of the entertain
ment committee tor the initial fall
meeting and Mrs. J. Dal Taylor
had charge of the refreshments.
Annual Convention of Colum
bia District to be Held
Here Next Week End
Approximately 109 delegates
I league convention which will be
held in Salem Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, October 18, 19 and
20. Conrention session will be
held at the American Lutheran
church, on Church street between
Chemeketa and Center. Rev. P.
W. Erlksen is pastor of the local
Conrention theme for the gath
ering of the Columbia district.
which comprises Oregon and
southern Washington, .will be
"Clearing the Way for Christ?"
Rev. F. 8. Beistel of Eugene will
deliver the key -note address at 8
o'clock Friday evening. A full
program is planned for Saturday
and Sunday. Sunday will be ban
ner day, with folks from practi
cally every Luther league in the
district expected to be in attend
ance. Miss Olive J. Abrahamsen of
Portland is president of the dis
trict leagues; Grace Beistel of Eu
gene is secretary; and Ralph Lud
ke of Vancouver, Wash., is treas
urer. Presbyterian Women
Of Woodburn Planning
For First Fall Sale
WOODBURN, Oct. 11 Mrs. E.
J. Allen. Mrsi S? W. Maupin, Mrs.
A. H. Dean tand Mrs. Jane Mack
were Joint hostesses to the Pres
byterian Ladles' Aid meeting held
in the church basement Wednes
day afternoon.
Devotions were lead by Mrs.
Henry G. Hanson. The president,
Mrs. Henry Layman, appointed the
following committees to make the
final arrangements for the Friend
ly Service sale to be held In the
Ogle bnilding Saturday and Mon
day; clerks, Mrs. O. W. Noyes and
Mrs. R. L. Bonn; cooked food,
Mrs. A. H. Dean, Mrs. H. F. But
terfleld, Mrs. E. J. Allen and Mrs.
Rae Gibbons; . notion counter,
Mrs. Harold Asplnwall, Mrs. Jack
Hansen, Mrs. Lester Smith and
Center and Liberty streets. Charles E.
Ward, patter; Phone 591-B. Morning
service 11 e clock; subject: "The TJa
escapable Christ." Special music: An
them: "O Saviour of the WorM," by
Goss. Solo, "My Faith in Thee," sane
by Mrs. Harms. Evening service 7:30
o'clock; subject: "Respect for Law," il
lustrated by the five-reel moving picture,
"The Transgressor." dealing with the
liquor question. Special music: Anthem:
"Let Ail on Earth Their Voices Raise."
Duet: "Sweet Hour of Prayer," Mrs.
Harms and Mrs. McCallister. 8unday
school 9:45 a. m.; F. E. Keer, snpt. Mid
week services 7:30 p. m., 'Wednesday. A
Study of the Psahns.
N. Cottage and D. streets. G. W.
Rutteh, pastor. 6. Sehunke, ass's, pastor.
Fhone 2927-J. Morning service 11:00
o'clock; subject: "God's Mercy Towards
Soul-thirsting World." Chnrch choir
singing: "Coma Unto Me" by Geo. Stock
ton. Evening service 7:30 o'clock: sub
ject: "Rebelling Against the King." Pis-
tor preaching. Special music: Mixed quar
tet singing "Take Thou My Hand." Sun
day school f:45 a. m.: Sam Schirman,
supt. Midweek services 8 p. m. ; Wednes
day. Pastor, leader; place, church.
Marion and Liberty streets. Robert L.
Payne, pastor: Phone 1920. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock; ssbjeet: "Why Did God
Create t" Alto aeraonette for children.
Evening service f :30 o'clock; subject:
lit numnnggery oi vumm, xioiyroiier
issa and the other Isms." Special musie:
Chorus Choir and Orchestra. Sunday
school t :5 a. m.; Fred Broer, Ralley
day services. Midweek services 7:30 p. m.
Thursday. Toung people's meetings:
Three gToups meeting at :30.
High and Court streets. W. Earl Coch
n. pastor. Phone 852. Morning service
10:50 o'clock; subject: "Others." Speci
al musie: Anthem, "Behold, the Maater
Fasseth by. by Hammond. (Sunday
school 9:45 a. .; W. T. Jenks, snpt. Mid
week services 7:30 p. m. Wednesday.
Plaee, chnrch. Young people's aaeetings:
Topic. "Jesas Teaching us to nay.
Loader, Miss La Yinia Buirgy.
Chnrch street between Chemeketa and
Center. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. 11
ss RaliT Day vregram and sermon.
Anthem by the ehoir.-Evening service at
SO o'clock. Topic: "Two rrooigais ana
Their Father." 30 minute song service
led hy William MeGilehxiet. director of
musie. Sunday school at 9:45. Mas Gehl
har, snpt. Sunday is "Rally Day." Every
member shea Id be present in 8unday
school and church and should invite eth
era. Good program. Luther league 6:30.
Senior and intermediate devotionals at
6:30. All leaguers, for the chnrch chorus.
Berth Winter and Chemeketa streets.
Neman K. Tally. . D. D., pastor. Phone
1610-W. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sub
ject: "The Problem of . India." The third
of a series of sermons deelmjr with the
World Work of the church. Special music
Anthem. "Bo Glad O To Righteous'
(8peneo). Organ numbers: "Allegretto
Graswso" (Tours). "Poetlude in Kb"
(Batiste). Evening service 7:30 o'clock;
object: "A High Opinion of One's
Self." Anthem. "Love Not the World"
(Barker), fifteen-minute prelude of or
gan music Prof. Churchill will play:
"8t illness of Sight" (Chubb). "Sons of
Gratitude" (Cole), and "Hnmoresqn"
(Dvorak). Bandar school. 9:30 a.
U M. Rsmaga, acting sept. Midweek
services T:SO p. m., Thursday: Dr. Tally,
leader. Tonne neople's meetings:- Chris
tian Endeavor societie meet at :30.
Corner of State and Church streets.
T. C. Taylor, pastor. Phono 872. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock; subject: "The
Changing World and the Changeless
Christ." Organ prelude, "Morning Song
(Merkel): Anthem. "Tho Radiant Morn
(Woodward); Solo, "Tho Good Shep
herd" (Van do Water), Mrs. F. W. Gaw.
Evening service 7:80 clock; subject :
Tho Divine Friend. Organ prelude.
"Audaate Caatabila" ' (Teehaikewaky) ;
Anthem, "Too Bilent Sea " (Neidlinger) ;
Solo, "Grams and Roses'" (Bartlett);
R. D. Barton. Snaday school 8:45 a. m.:
Ben E. RickH, oust.- Midweek services
T :so n, m. Thnraaar: tko aateevJeeaer.
Subject: "A Psalm of God's Providence."
Epwertk league meetings: University
enapter, "What In a tjoe Timet" Lea
or, Margaret Scnreiber. First church
chapter, "What It Meaaa to be a Chris
tian at Work". Leader. Norman Wins
low. Junior high chapter. Mrs. C M.
Keefsr, counsellor. Junior church 11:00
a. an. la Annas. Metssge, "The Village
Carpenter,' ' loader MUa Sutherland.
TOST craaxsTiAB
. High and Center streets. D. 3. Howe,
pastor. Phono 294. Moraine service 11
'dock: subject. "The Parable of, tko
Sower." SpocaU maaic: Anthem, "Jesas
Mlas Ruth Bolt; hot doc stand,
Mrs. W. F. Norman and Mrs. J.
J. Hall; salesladies, Mr. H. G.
Hanson, Mrs. O. W. Noyes, Mrs. 8.
W. Maapln. Mrs. H. Overton and
Mrs. Henry Layman.
Hiss Gladys Renn and Mrs.
Jack Hansen entertained the
group with voeal solos and Mrs.
Katherine Powell gave an Inter
esting review of one of the cur
rent English novels.
Ratty Day Observance
For Knight Memorial
Group Witt, be Sunday
Rally day will be observed Sun
day in the Knight Memorial Con
gregational church, beginning
with a program at the morning
worship hour at 11 o'clock. Three
minute addresses will be given as
" "The Joy of Service" by Don,
aid J. Allison; "Christian Loyalty"
by Caroyl Braden; "Mothers and
the Sunday School' by Mrs. E. B.
Daugherty; "Reaching Forward"
by Dr. F. E. Brown; "The Vil
lagers Cooperate," a story told by
Velma May; "The Touchdown,"
by H. C. Stover. The musical
features will be two songs by the
junior department and "I Will
Lift Up My Eyes" (Wilson), by
the ladies' chorus, and "I Want
My Life to Tell" by the male
Three Congregational
Groups Will Gather
During Coming Week
'Events of the week for. the
first congregational church are
announced as follows by the pas
tor. Rev. Charles E. Ward:
Tuesday evening at 7: SO
o'clock the Young People's Fort
nightly club will meet at the
church for a devotional meeting
followed by a social' hour. Wed
nesday afternoon the Woman's
Union will meet at the home of
Mrs. Harry Elgin, 1475 North
Liberty street, for work and busi
ness. Ail the women of the church
should come and their friends
are welcome. Wednesday eve
ning at 7:30 the minister will be
gin a series of studies on the
Psalms. This will be a meeting
for stndy, meditation and prayer.
Wept," (Witty).
Wolfe. Hymn by
Lueile Cnmmings.
Me." In memory
Bsritono solo, Victor
quartet, "Abide with
Evening service 7:80
of Ines Wood. Solo,
o clock; subject:
Our Triumphant
Leadership. Closing session of the O.
E. Convention, the pastor preaching.
Special music: Musie and program of
C. E. Union. Solo: "The Holy City."
(Adams). Vcitor Wolfe. Sunday school
9:45 a. m. Midweek services 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday. Young people's meetings:
30 p. m. Inspirational C. E. meeting
with convention, delegates present.
Orchard Heights road. Meredith A.
Groves, pastor. Phono 1341-R. Morning
service 9:45 o'clock: subject: "Galilee
of the Nations." Sunday school, 11 a. m. :
Larkin Grice, supt.
Corner Gerth Ave- and Third street.
West Salem. Meredith A. Groves, pastor.
Phono 1341-R. Morning service 11:00
o'clock; subject: "Galilee of tho Na
tions. ' Children s sermoneue. Ambi
tious Kesima." Special musie by the
Junior Chorus Choir. Evening service 7:30
o'clock; subject: "Tho Gates of tho
City." Special music: "Vocal Duet by the
Warren sister. Vocal solo by Misa Ruth
Bedford. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.; Les
ter DeLapp, supt. Midweek services 8
m.. Thursday. The pastor. leader:
plaee, Epworth league room. Xouug peo
ple's meetings: 8:30 p. m. Intermediate
and Senior leagues.
One block south of Center on 19th
treat. L. D. Smith, pastor. Phono 8940.
Morning service 11 o'clock; subject:
Return. Return. O. Shnlamite. Return.
Return." Mr. and Mrs! Paul Meyers will
sing a duet. Evening service 7:30
o'clock; subject: "Confession of Sin,
but Failing to Forsake." Rer. Loura
Meyer, preaching. Clyde Hotter will stag
a solo: "I Know Ho can Save Mo Too."
by VaadaU. Sunday school 9:45 a. as.;
Frank Litwiller, supt. Midweek services
30 s. m.. Wednesday. Pastor. leader:
place, church. Young people's meetings:
sanaay o:su p. m. Miss The Sampson
in charge. Tko juniors will meet with
Mra. Smith, the aupervisor, at 8:30 p. as.
Tho Toung people's prayer meeting will
bo at the home wf Mr. and Mrs. A, O.
Schroeder, Friday evening at 7:30.
rMetbodist Episcopal)
South Commercial and Myers atreeta.
S. Darlow Johnson, pastor. Phono 8794.
Morning service 11 o'clock: subject:
Around tho World with $100." Special
musie: Anthem, "Rock of Ages." (Hcy
ser). Evening service 7:30 o'clock: sub
ject: "Press Forward," by Ormsl B.
Trick, assistant paster. Snaday school
8:45 a. m.; E. D. Rosemaa, supt. Mid
week services 8:8 p. m Thursday. The
second of a church night series, with
pot rack tapper, followed by devotions
ana -program. Young peonies 'meetings
Leslie (veung people). Francis Asbury
(high school) and. Intermedia to leagues
(Junior niga) meet at S:30 p. in.
Corner Mill nnd 15th streets. Leslie B.
Bailey, pastor. Morning . service 11:08
o'clock; subject: "God's Fellow-worker
Hie Assurance of Success." Evening
servlee 7:10 o'clock: subject! "Jems,
tho right of the World." Sunday school
: a. m.; miss Esther Erieksoa, supt.
Midweek service 8 p. m.. Wednesday:
pastor, leader; place, church. Young
people s- meetings: Epworth league, 8:80
p. m., at the chnrch.
888 Court street. C 8. Johnson, nee-
tor. Services 8 p. nt. evening service.
S o'clock. Sundsy school 8 . m. Mid'
week service. Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday evenings.
Corner Liberty sad Chemeketa streets.
"Am Sin. Disease nnd Death Real I
lesson topic of services it 11 a n. and
8 . sa. Meeting Wednesday evening1 at
8 o'clock. Sunday achool 8:45 and 11
o'clock. Beading roam for public mala
taiaea at dOff Masonic temple. Open
from 11 a. m., to 5:10 p. nv, except
Bnndaya an holidays.
Corner Capital and Marion streets. W,
O. , LienkaexepOr. ' pastor. Phone 888- Wt
Morning service 18 o'clock. Tho nana)
harvest homo and missionary Bunday will
bo observed. Anthem by. tho choir: "Odd
of tho Earth," by Carrie B. Adams, and
"Tho Voice of Praise," by E. S. Lorona.
Afternoon service 8 e clock. Mission so
ive. Rev. -A. F. Lienkaemper preaching.
Special musie ; Solos by F. X. Kruso and
J. - Adcle Lienkaemper: by Mho choir
"How EseeUent is Thy Name" and
"Lead Kindly Light." by E. W. Creil.
Sunday school 10 a. m.; F. E. Kruso, sups.
Corner Market and North Winter
ta.. Coffee,, pastor; ,-. .Phono
Woodburn Bible
School Attracts
Much Attention
WOODBURN, Oet 11. Several
classes were 100 per cent In at
tendance for the first day of the
week day Bible school which open
ed In the Presbyterian church
Thursday .afternoon.
A great deal of interest Is taken
In this course by the students and
classes are held for those children
from the third to seventh grades
of elementary schooling. The
classes begin In the morning land
are conducted during the day giv
ing one hour to each grade. The
students are excused from school
andn conducted to the chnrch,
where the classes are taught, fol
lowing the state course of study.
Mrs. G. 8. Nash, of Portland has
been engaged to teach the school
and Mr. L. C. Bartlett of Wood
burn is her assistant. Mrs. Nash
has -had three years experience in
this line of teaching, having
taught in St. Helens, Rainier and
Hillsboro in previous years. W.
F. Norman, who was directly re
sponsible for the beginning of the
Bible school was np from Port
land to attend the first day of
Services at Institutions '
For Sunday Announced
Services at the state Institutions
for Sunday, October IS, have been
assigned as follows: Rev. W. Earl
Cochran, Calvary Baptist; state
hospital; Captain- E. M. Williams.
Salvation Army, feeble minded
home; Rev. S. Darlow Johnson,
Leslie memorial, cottage farm;
Rev. L. D. Smith, Church of the
Nazarene, girls' school; Rev. Rob
ert L. Payne, First Baptist, tu
berculosis hospital.
Rickreatt Ladies9 Aid
Elect Year's Officers
RICKREALL The Ladies' Aid
met with Mrs. Campbell October
11. New officers were elected as
follows: Mrs. Tom Burch. presi
dent; secretary, Mrs. Oran Kell
ogg; vice-president, Mrs.(Beauer;
treasurer, Mrs. Vaughn. 'The La
dies' Aid hostess for November
will be Mrs. George Wait.
J29S-W. Morning service. 11 o'clock;
Preaching by the pastor. There will be
special singing at tho morning service.
Evening service 7:80 o'clock; Preach-
nr by the pastor. Mrs. Edna Hansen
will lead a song service In the evening
preceding the sermon. Sunday school
9:45 a. m. ; Herbert Hansen, rapt. Mid
week services 7:30 p. m. Thursday.
Young people 'e meetings: 8:80 Sunday
evening led by Robert Barnett.
Nebraska and North 17th street. L. W.
Biddle, pastor: Phone 2622-J. Morning
service' 11 o'clock; subject: "FdTlowing
vision. Communion service. Wo will
join tho County Christian Endeavor Con
vention services on Sunday evening at
the First Christian church. Sunday
school 10 a. m. ; Temperance lesson..
Midweek services 7:30 p. m., Thursday;
the pastor, leader. Ladies' Aid meeting
Wednesday at the church.
Fraternal temple on Center street be
tween Liberty and High, services 7 :45
m.. Bunday. Kev. Luella Js. La Valley,
pastor, will bo tho speaker. Messsges. A
circle will bo held Sunday evening from
to 7:30 e clock.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rot.
George Herbert Swift, pastor. Phono
1045-J. Holy Communion 7:30 a. m.;
morning service 11 o'clock. Sundsy school
45 a. m, Robert Aomcycr, supt.
Courts and 17th atreeta. B. F. Shoe
maker, pastor. 344 18th street. Phono
1576-J. Evening service adjourned for
C. E. convention in First church. ' Sun
day school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Frank Mar
shall, supt. Midweek services 7: bo p.
Thursday; place, church narlor. Toung
people s meeting in First Xhrittisn church
in convention.
Liberty and Center streets. A. F. Lay-
ton, pastor. Phone 991-J. Morning serv
ice. 11 o'clock; suDect: van reateeost
Bo Repeated I" Evening service 7:80
o'clock; subjet: "God's Call to tho Un
converted." Sunday school 8:45 a. m. ;
L. Ia Thorton. snpt. Midweek eervieea
7:80 p. m., Thursday; 6. N. Thompson,
loader; place, at church. Yoang people's
meeting Boa day evening st 7 :80. Leader,
Lillian Garnjobst; topic: "Jesus' Teach
ing on Prayer." -
6S5 Ferry street. (Fourfold Gospel
Church). 8. 8. Rally day program at
8:45.- Homo coming service with tber
naelo offering at 11 o'clock. Young Peo
ple's Bally ot SrOO and closing service at
7!30 e clock. Tho pastor win preaca at
11. o'clock and at 7:80. Special musie
at each service. Prayer and fellowship
meeting Tuesday evening-, at tho Taber
nacle. Young people's cottage prayer
mooting Thursday night. Junior Y: r. 8.
Saturday afternoon at s:lO.
Cottars snd Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Martin F. Ferrer, minister. Chnrch school
at 10 a. m. Graded instruction. W. E.
Fokbnaa. supt. Devotional services nt 11
m. Mr. Furrey will have for his sub
ject: "Tho Power of Prayer." Mrs. W. A.
Denton, musical director at tbo piano.
Leonard Moser will play too noun dar
ing tho offertory. '
(Mo. Syn.)
North 16th and A ate block north of
Old People's bono. H. W. Greet, psttor,
Engiiak services :4 wins iiory- uom
m union, preparatory service 8:15. Gar-
mam service 11 o'clock.
. Thirteenth and Center streets. P. J,
Sehnert, pastor. 774 North Winter street.
Phono 680-M. Sunday school meets at
10:00 e m. Public worship and pulpit
message at 11 a. ml. ana 7:SO p. m.
Nineteenth and Ferry streets. B. C.
Etover, pastor. Phone 1834-J. Horning
service 11 -o'clock; Raay Day, program.
Evening servlee V:SO o'clock; subject:
"Building the Church." Special wiuoie:
"Make His Praise Glorious," (Ash ford).
Sunday school 18 a. 8L 0. & Harri,
supt. Young people s meeting 8:45
Eigthtoenta and State streets. Rot.
Amoa E. Miameman, pastor. Phone 8738.
German morning service 10:80 "Veleek:
subject - for tho communion preparatory
services: "Tue Kepeataneo a Prime Bo
ouisito for .. Communion Attendaaoe."
"Tho Body and Bipod in tho Sacrament,'
for tho communion service. Special an
sic: "Just as I am," by tho choir. Sun
day aehoot 9:4 a. m.; Misa Martha Bat
termna, supt. Young? people' a meetings:
Lather Loagna meeting; 7:80 p. nv, Misa
Martha Eattermaa, loader. A devotional
mntav a istteara oj tho paster.
Special Features to be Heard
At AH Meetings Sunday,
Pastor Reports
Rally day and homecoming will
be observed at the Christian and
Missionary Alliance tabernacle
Sunday, when an Interesting ser
ies of programs for the day has
been planned. Rev. Louise Pan
nell is acting pastor. The rally
will begin with th Sunday school
program at 9:45 o'clock, for
which special music by the chil
dren's choir and recitations by
members of the school have been
Homecoming service will be st
11 o'clock, which members who
reside at a distance have been
especially nrged to attend. The
young people will meet in special
rally services at 8 o'clock, for
which an outside speaker has been
secured. The closing service will
open at 7:30 o'clock, with the
pastor preaching.
Special music has been ar
ranged, including a duet, "Gamb
ling" to be sung by Elrina Oraw
and Luverne Olson at the morn
ing service. Mrs. Bertha Sheets
will play an accordion solo at
the Sunday school rally and also
at the young people's meeting. A
special offering to meet the in
debtedness on the tabernacle will
be taken at the 11 o'clock service.
Community Program to
Be Held at Englewood
Church Friday Evening
"The Church in Englewood"
will hold a Community night pro
gram at the church at Nebraska
and N. 17 th streets on Friday,
October 18, at 7:30 p. m. The
senior C. E. society. Miss Marie
Waldorf, president, and the Worn,
an's Missionary society, Mrs. L.
W. Biddle, president, are the
There will be a community sing,
several special numbers and Pro
fessor Roy Lockenour of Willam
ette university, will speak on his
trip to the Orient. Everyone is
Invited, says Rev. L. W. Biddle,
pastor of the church.
Supper will be served In the
church basement at 6:30 o clock
by the two societies, with Mrs. K.
W. Harritt as chairman.
Reception for Pastor
And Members Thursday
A reception will be held at the
First Methodist church Thursday
evening for Dr. and Mrs. F. C.
Taylor and family and members
of the congregation who have been
received within the conference
year. Dr. Taylor was returned to
First Methodist church as pastor
by the annual conference which
met in Portland late In September
and members of the congregation
will gather to welcome him and
to mingle with the new members
and friends of the congregation
In an evening of good fellowship.
Missionary Association
Holds Interesting Meet
HAZEL GREEN, October 11.
The Women'a Missionary associa
tion gave the following program
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Miss Ruby Woodward: Subject,
How a Good Thing Spread; wor-
shlo service. "The Light of the
World: Carrying Coals to New
castle: the West Carrying the
Gospel to the East;" "The Brave
Armenians," the struggle of the
Christian church in Armenia;
prayer of Augustine; "Books!
Books! Books!" exercise; wonder
Anti-Saloon League s
Superintendent Talks
Rev. R. E. Close, superinten
dent of the Anti-Saloon league of
Oregon will deliver an Interest
ing addresa on "Prohibition and
the Rising Generation" as the
First German Baptist church, Cot
tage and D streets, Sunday morn
ing. October IS. Mr. Close's ad
dress is un-to-the-minute and
brimful of interesting and vital
North Dakota Minister
To Preach Sunday Night
The Rev. Lours Meyers, of Val
ley City, N. Dakl, will preach at
the unurcn oz me .nazarene sun-
day evening at 7: JO. Rev. Mey
ers is an outstanding lady preach
er and will oring a strong gospel
message. Rev. L. D. Smith, pastor.
says. Clyde Hoffer will sing at the
same servlee, "I know he can
save me too."
Grand Theatre
Rally Day Program in Sunday School 9:45 A. M.
Preaching 10:60 aja. and 7:80 p.m. B. T.'s 8:30
A. M. "A GREAT CrrY"
Anthem: 'My God, My Father" by Wrlgley
Anthem: "Behold The Master Passe th by." Hammond.
Chorus Choir A hearty welcome for yon.
W. Earl Cocliraskj pastor.
Oivroh St. Be. Cbemeket and Ceaier, A Downtown Chorda.
11 A. M. Church and Rally Day PK7am
Anthem: The Choir.
7:30 P. M. Two Prodigals and Their Father
. Musie Choir and Chnrch Chorus
William McGilchrist, director of music; Max Gehlar, Supt
Bunday School; and Fred Relnwald, Pres. Lnther League.
The Helpful Church. .
A Sermon for the Week ' '
Service Station Parable
(Pastor of the Castle United Bretkern Church)
Text God alsan.evpplj all your meeds. PbiL 4:19. -Introduction
This Is a day of automobiles and service sta
tions. They are to be found In most every part of the world. They
effect every phase of life. Signs along the highway direct you to
the service stations where assistance, supplies, snd shelter may be
secured. Human, lives, life cars, are In constant need of ad
justment, repairs ot supplies. Christ's chnrch. wherever It la
found. Is God's great service station. Both young and old are
urged to halt a few minutes amid the busy rush of life and made
the needed soal repairs.
L The church is like a service station in that it gives Infor
mation to the weary traveler who cries ''Which way shall I take
for the bright golden span that bridges the waters so safely for
man?" The great guide book, the Bible, makes plain the highway
of holiness; the trail to the mountain of consecration; the road
to the valley ot service. Jesus said "I am the way, follow me."
II. Again, the church provides repairs for those who have
broken hearts and feelings and to those who come pleading "God
be merciful to me a sinner." Riding in a car with a flat tire is
very uncomfortable; bnt many people are going through life hit
ting the chuck holes and ruts with the result that they are giving
forth sighs, groans and discords because they have spiritually a
flat tire. They need to get in one of God's service stations and be
filled with the love of Jesus the life's journey will be a pleas
ure. No matter how beautiful the body, if the engine needa re
pairs, the car 1b useless. The soul of man is of most vital impor
tance; do not be hitting on only two cylinders. If there is carbon
wrong thoughts, deeires, plans and sins remember David's
way; "Wash me and cleanse me, purge me with bysop."
III. The church, like the service station, is the dispenser of
supplies. "God shall supply ail your needs according to his riches
in glory by Jesus Christ." No matter how nice your car, it will
not run without water,, oil and gasoline. A like truth applies to
the spiritual man; we are like small storage batteries which need
to be connected to the great dynamo very often. Keep the first
class condition by being faithful to the worship and work of the
church. Carry insurance against loss here and hereafter
Dorcas Society Holds
Meeting at Lutheran
Church on Wednesday
The Dorcas society of Christ
Lutheran church met at the
church parlors Wednesday after
noon with Mrs. A. Fleming, Mrs.
Christ Frahm and Mrs. W. Bush
entertaining. After the routine
business plans were made for a
chicken-noodle dinner to be held
Tuesday, October 29, in the
church parlors at Eighteenth and
State streets.
Committees were appointed as
follows: Mrs. L. E. Barrick, Mrs.
Clarke Lee, Mrs. Louise Abrey,
Mrs. W. C. Miller, and Mrs. Al
fred Propp, committee for chick
en dinner; Mrs. L. E. Barrick and
Mrs. H. D. Watson, flower com
mittee; Mrs. A. Zamzow and Mrs.
H. D. Watson, program commit
tee and Mrs. A. Albers, Mrs. Lou
ise Abrey and Mrs. L. E. Barrick,
visiting committee.
Places for Ladies9 Aid
Gatherings Are Listed
The circles of the Aid society of
the First Methodist church will
meet Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 In the following homes:
South Central, Mrs. F. C. Taylor,
636 State; West Central, Mrs. R.
C. Glover 635 North Commercial;
East Central, Mrs. W. T. Rigdon,
299 North Winter; Southeast, Mrs.
N. S. Savage. 293 South 14th;
Tew Park, Mrs. Josephine Davis
and Mrs. Ida Shade, 748 Ferry;
Naomi. Mrs. Walter Pennington,
1360 Center; Lucy Ann Lee, Mrs.
H. L Standley, 172S State.
Leslie League Meets in
Church Thursday Night
Members of the Leslie League
of Leslie Memorial church met
at the church Thursday evening
for a business meeting. Sterns
Cushlng was elected president,
Maxine Ulrich was chosen secre
tary and Ersel Donaldson fourth
vice president, These young people
were chosen to fill vacancies in
the cabinet.
Interest in Religioxis
Meetings Said Growing
Meetings at the' Glad Tidings
assembly, which Is now meeting
over the Western Anto Supply
store, are growing- in interest, re
ports the pastor, Kev. C. 8. John
son, who says that the poor and
the sick and the needy are espe
cially Invited to meet with the
Burjgoyne, Turner Pastor,
Ready for Year's Work
TURNER. Rev. W. S. Bur
geyne. the new pastor ot the
Methodist Episcopal church, will
give bis first sermon Sunday
morning. He Is anxious to meet
all the church membership and
friends. There will be special
Calvary Church Society
I o Meet With Mrs. King;
Weekday Meetings Given
The Woman's Missionary socle
y of the Calvarv Bantiat h nrH
will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30
a ciocn ai me nome of Mrs. George
King, 1820 Fair mount street. Mrs.
Foster will have charge of the
meeting and Mrs. D. R. Peterson
will lead the devotions.
Other meetings of
groups of the church include the
board of trustees' meotinv Unni..
night, the orchestra practice Tnes-
aay, tne midweek prayer sefvlce
gathering; Wednesdar nirht a
choir practice Thursday night. The
worm wiae uuiid will also hold
its regular meeting Monday eve-
Ford Memorial Church
School Plans to Elect
Officers Tuesday Night
Official board tnAtfnr
1iAH.J -a r . . .
wsi vr aaa w
held Monday night at 8 o'clock,
announces Rev. Meredith Oraven.
l uiu iutiiiiurixi fnnrn n
pastor. A called meetinr of the
ouuuuy BCnOOl Dfiarrt tnr tha nnr.
O J - . .
pose of electing officers will be
l. - . mm j ...
eiu auesaay nignt at 8 o clock
and Wednesday night at the aame
uuur cuoir practice win he held.
The Ladies' aid nt th. imTC.K i.
planning to hold a pot luck sup-
iuumusy evening ior tne men
of the congregation who will be
putting In the church's wood sup
ply that afternoon.
County Rally Planned
For Christian Churches
A county rally of all the Chris
tian church arrouns in Marlon
county will be held Monday night
In the Court street Church of
Christ, reports Rev. B. F. Shoe
maker, host pastor. The women
of the ehurch will serve a banquet
at 8:30 o'clock, following which
a program of music and ahort ad
dress will be held. The rally Is
scheduled in the interest of the
local churches and state missions.
Sunday Evening: 7:30
Rev. Mrs. Laura Meyers
Will Preach, Hear Her at
Church of the Nazarene
On block south of Center on ilKh
First Baptist Church
Corner of Marlon and liberty St.
Sunday Morning
Sunday Evening. The Htnnbiiggeiy of Cultixsn, Holy
rollerism, and the other lams J
First Methodist Church
FRED C. TAYLOR, Minister. - .
. Snnday Services, October ISth
:45 A. MT. Cbareh School stoarfon .
Benjamin J. RIcklL, Superintendent
11:00 A. M. Honing Worship
Bemwo, "The Cbmrngtrng World suad the Chaelae Chriat"
Anthem, -That Radiant Morn,! (Woodward)
Solo. The Good Shepherd," (Van de Water) v . "
. Mrs. F. W. Gaw '.7.''",""; ' V .
T:80 P. M. Evtsfaag Worship . - : , . . , "
Benson, ma Friend DWne.
Anthem. The Silent Sea," (Noidllngar) -
Solo, "Grasses and Rosas," (Bartlett)
Mr. R. D. Barton - r . -. . .
Evangelist Meade of Kansas
Draws Following; Pro- '
gram Given
munity-wide revival la still going
on In the Methodist church and la
gaining In interest, attendance.
and spiritual impetus each night.
Delegations are coming from var
ious communities and institutions
to enjoy the inspiring song servi
ces and the most stirring and help
ful sermons of Evangelist L. A.
Meade of Wichita. Kansas.
A full program is announced
for Saturday evening ot this week
and all of next as follows:
Outline of Events
Saturday Family night, a spe
cial program will ho given by the
Booster choir of more than 60
boys and girls. The subject of the
eermon will be, "The Old Fashion
ed Home."
Sunday 10:90 a. m., Sunday
school rally of the Methodist Sun
day school. Promotion, certificates
will be presented to the boys and
girls graduating from different
grades and departments. 11:00
a. m., regular morning worship
with Evangelist Meade speaking
on the subject, "The Forgotten
Vow." 6:30 p. m. Epworth Lea
gue devotional meeting under the
leadership of Miss Blanche Baker.
7:30 p. m.T Evangelistic aervice
with all churches of the commun
ity participating. The subject of
the sermon "The Biggest Fool In
Club Night Included
Monday Sunday school night
with members of the varloua Sun
day schools attending. Subject,
"Life's Most Important Question."
Tuesday High school night. Sub
ject, "The Sheik of Independence.
Wednesday church night; sub
ject, "The Library of Heaven."
Thursday Business people'a night
subject: "The Secret of Pros
perity." Friday club and frater
nal order night. The member f
the various clubs and fraternal
orders of Independence are invited
to be special guests. The subject.
"A Question No Man Can Ans
wer." Saturday E v e r y b o d y'a
night Subject, "The Meanest Man
in Town." Sunday October 20.
11:00 a. m. "The God of Those
who Fall," and 7:80 p. m. "The
Unpardonable Sin."
There are meetings every morn
ing at 9:30. This week the general
theme has been, "Some Women of
the Bible You Ought to Know."
Next week the general theme will
be "Some Men of the Bible Every
one Should Know." The morning'
meetings are very helpful to all
who can find time to attend, be
cause they are quiet and deeply
The program Thursday evening
was especially interesting. The
evening was designated "birth
day night;" each one present
where he was born the first anl
the spiritual time. Twenty-six
states were represented. A birth
day offering was taken to help de
fray the expense of the meeting.
Knight Memorial Plans
Special Meet Wednesday
The pastor and members of the
congregation of the Knight Memo
rial Congregational church wfH re
count their experiences of summer
vacation trlps at the monthly
ehurch night supper to be held
Wednesday evening, beginning at
8:40 o'clock, at the church par
lors. A number of the members
had must interesting vacation ltin-.
eraries, which they will share with
those present Wednesday evening.