The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Saturday Morning, October 12, 1929
Defendant insists on Pos
V ing as Invalid During --
Criminal Trial : : .
(Continued from Pax 1.)
' than have a mistrial declared and
the charge continue to bans over
him. I - A'V X- ; ' : .
Expected Effort to
Blame Government Blade
, . "The responsibility for what
: happens now is the government's.
slogan declared. - ,
1 Oven : Roberts, special govern
' meat counsel, said the government
- did not wish to go on, pointing ont
it had lost Its motion to halt tho
. . ease. .
, "The government has done all
it could to prevent a sick man be
ing brought into court," Robert
said, "we do not intend to dls-
miss the indictment against Fall."
Roberts added a dismissal vir
tually would mean the end of the
government's case against - Do
heny who is charged with giving
' Fall $100,000 for the Elk Hills,
Calif., naval oil lease. It Is this
sua the government contends was
a bribe, while the defense asserts
it merely was a loan to aa "old
mi friend."
FaU Goes to Court
From Sick Bed
After Fall, in bed at the May
flower hotel, learned the court was
undecided whether to recess until
Monday or declare a mistrial, he
arose, was placed in a wheel chair
. and later in Doheny's automobile
to proceed to court. On arrival
there his counsel announced, "we
are ready to proceed.
The government at once called
C C. Chase, Fall's son-in-law and
' former collector of customs at 1
Paso, who described the purchase
of the Harris ranch la New Mex
ico by Fall with money obtained
from Doheny. Chase said Fall told
him the money was a loan, for
which Fall had given his note.
E. C. Finney, solicitor of the in
terior department who was first
''assistant secretary under Fall,
Identified a number of documents,
leases, letters and telegrams per
taining to the Elk Hills naval re-,
serve lease and the Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii naval oil storage eon
tract. Court then recessed until tomorrow.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Institution, eame to her death at
Eugene, Oregon on the 6th day of
September, 1929, from cerebral
thrombrbsls, brought about
. through injuries to her head re
ceived while an inmate in said in
stitution. This young woman was
over 21 years of age and was at
the time and since Infancy had
been suffering from epilepsy. The
injuries which were sustained to
her head we find were occasioned
by her falling in an attack of ep
ilepsy. Thereafter such treatment
was given her as is prescribed by
those learned in the medical pro
fession in like cases. After sus
taining the first injury the said
Georgia Marshall sustained addi
tional Injuries as a result of the
'recurrence of epileptic attacks.
We do not find la the Incident any
indication of negligence in the dis
position of her case at the institu
tion; but we do find, however,
that the mother of said Georgia
Marshall was subjected to discour
teous treatment by one part-time
employ of the institution which
la our -opinion was reprehensible
and ought not to be tolerated, but
against which there is no provl
. slon of .law. It is our conclusion
from our Investigation that the
death of Georgia Marshall, al
though lamentable, was in the na
ture of things not avoidable."
Twelve advisors to high school
Girl Reserve groups in the Salem
schools and three from rural cen
ters will be Introduced and receive
'preliminary Instructions for the
year's work at a luncheon to he
held this noon at the Y. W. C. A-.
with Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gallaher,
general secretary of the T. W., In
The advisors, names of whom
were first announced Friday are:
high school, Pauline Rlckll and
. Carmellta Barquist; Leslie Jun
ior: high, carta Degermark and
Minnie Shrode; Parrish Junior
high, Josephine Olsen; Garfield,
Helen Breithaupt: Washington.
Loretta Fisher; Richmond. Lou
ise Brown and Margaret Ghrom
ley';. Highland," Margaret More
house; Grant, not filled; Engle-
W0O6. Evelyn Hartlnr and Mar
garet Townsend; PrlngieFlorence
Berndt; Sllverton Junior Wgh,
miss yveus ana itooerta vannice,
Louise Clce,worM fncagrayJlor
ri re'irt'y read year taunts, virtue!
lfz&4 U the CiaH worot ana
.r.t tcti tlatroa acaua rctcarLst
J. jaaaeefl m4MdM
v uo -
MacDonald Meets Hoover
T t
i- -.w.-.-Xa-.-.' . .'Cw:SKr!vVK'vweaMse
J. Ramsay MacDonald, Britain's Prime Minister, chatting with Presi
dent Hoover on the steps of the Executive Mansion shortly after Mac
Donald met the Chief Execnttve for the first time.
Members of the Girl Reserve
committee of the T. W. C. A. will
also be present at the luncheon.
Including: Mrs. George Moorehead
chairman, Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mrs.
L. W. Gleasoa, Dean Mabel P.
Robertson of the senior high, and
Mrs. C. A. Sopwe. Doris Clarke, of
the Willamette Y. W. C. A. cab
inet will also attend. Mrs. Galla
her will outline this year's work
aad will tell of the background of
the movement and present trend
In this phase of girl's work, giving
the objects and alms for the Sa
lem group.
(Conttaraed from Pas 1.)
rest, had been there previously,
and that the "room was used as
an office." Keene also testified
Pantagea told him to tell Miss
Russo, Just before she was called
to Fltts office to "remember that
only three minutes elapsed from
the time Miss Fringle left the
theatre balcony until she heard
the screams.
Miss Russo testified that Pan-
tag es told her "this is your state
ment 'that the Prlngle girl went
in and came out of the theatre
Contradicting this Miss Russo
testified under direct examination
that she saw Mf. Paatages take
the girl Into the theatre, leave
her there "about halt an hour"
and then return and take Miss
Prlngle out the balcony exit door
to the second floor of the build
ing. She also testified that she
heard the screams from the direc
tion-of the little meuanine stair
way room "about half an hour
The Oregon. Statesman and The
Portland . Telegram., two great
dailies for v cents per month. To
order, phone 100.
Make Your Chits,
or Half Tones
We Can Save You Monex
' ; V ; Artist PhotopKera Yci
'429 OxeiUBiiafJina Je!epK6ne951
low cii
MONMOUTH, Oct. 11 (Spe
cial) A special train carrying
more than 200 students and a
caravan of 25 automobiles will
leave Monmouth Saturday morn
ing for Portland to attend the O.
N. S. vs. Caico Normal school
football game at Multnomah sta
dium. This is the first time In the his
tory of the Normal that a team
from Monmouth has met a rival
team in Portland and excitement
is rampant on the Normal cam
Coach Larry Wolfe has been In
California where he scouted a
game between Chico and the Col
lege of the Pacific at Stockton. He
says the Chlco aggregation is a
fast and hard hitting team ana
Saturday's conflict promises to be
a real battle.
The Monmouth men are said to
be in excellent condition. They
have been kept under a strict
training regime since school op
ened and have been allowed to eat
only at their own training table
the food" for whkh was prepared
by their own Chinese cook.
The Saturday meeting in Port
land will be the occasion of a re
union of Normal school alumni
and will terminate with a dance
at the Multnomah club on Satur
day eftntng.
5 Feeble Minded
Inmates Escape
Five Inmates of the state in
stltutlon for the feeble minded
escaped sometime Friday, officials
reported. They were not missed
until the checkup of inmates was
made that night, so the time of
their departure la unknown. .
' These missing are Lillian Trin
die, 21; Jessie Haines, -18: Jim.
my Cook, 17; Roy "Vaughn, It;
Lewis Mitchell, 18.
Temporary Editorial Staff
-.Is'lteda - Public by
: David Eyre
First issue of tXe high school
newspaper, the Clarion, was Issued
Friday afternoon te holders . of
student body tickets. Despite in
terruption of work two days the
first of this week because ef a
school recess, the' newspaper has
made a die start; David Kyre is
editor and Bob Anthony is mana
ger. , : - i ; " :-. ?
1A. permanent" staff will not be
chosen until after the next Issue,
but the editorial staff selected to
work, on the initial . publication
consisted of: Jim Enunett and
Marnie Crites. associate editors:
Fae Drlscoll and Rath .Tick, so
ciety editors: Richard Baker,
sports: Margaret Wagner, news:
Velma May and Harriet Brlgham
exchange , editors; Reynolds ... Al
len and Charles Bier, features.
The news staff trying out this
Issue were: Barth, Bier, Bishop,
Boeschen, Burdette, Carlson,
Chapman, H. Chllds, Clement,
Corey, Coulson, E. Cross, Day,
Eastridge, Fleener Godsey. H.
Goulet, Hardy, Hemenway, Hoeye,
Kayser, Keefer, Krebs Kruger,
Liytle, Magee, McCullough, Mln
turn, Moore and Moses.
Students working on the man
aging staff were: Don odeman,
assistant manager; George Lem
ery. advertising; Bernie Dirks,
collector; Arthur Boeschen, circu
lation; advertising solicitors:
Kimball Page, Alex Volehok, Carl
Collins, and Kenneth Morgan.
Ada Ross is adviser to the edi
torial department and Albert De
Welt advisor to the managerial
Enrollment at both the Hayes-
vnie and Labish center school this
year la larger than usual, with re
sult that both buildings are tilled
to capacity. County School Super
intendent Fulkerson reported Fri
day following a visit the previous
day to the schools. She says that
at Hayesvllle one elass has been
moved from the primary to the
upper room to make a more equal
distribution of the pupils, which
now gives 35 in one room and Si
pupils in another, and that even
with this arrangement, chairs and
tables will have to be purchased
for the small tots to relieve the
congestion. Several pupils who will
attend this school have not yet en
rolled. Mrs. Hazel K. Marshall
and La vina Robins- are the teach
ers. At Labish center, where Flor
ence Burr is teacher, the room Is
also filled to capacity and if any
more enroll some change must be
(AP) Investigators, sifting mat
ter pertinent to their Inquiries in
to the disappearances of three
and the deaths ef three members
Of the Great Eleven cult from
stories of weird religious rites
told by fifteen members, tonight
said they had Information that
Mrs. Otis Blackburn, high rieat
wmz mm
mmmim Fczchon end Zlarccfa ?Itleo?s muim Vt mi
, Oct. 14 to 18
ess. had "sought g poison "which
would leave ao trace la a human
. The request they said, by the el
derly leader et the order, which
If Incorporated under the resound
ing name of "the Divine Order of
the Royal Arm of the Qceat Elev
en for such a potion was made
in 1121 to Mrs. Eleanor Sandros
ky, a pharmacist, whe aa a mem
her of the colt was designated as
.the; rainbow. ..;,:,:;;,: ..
" lira. Saadrosky described her
dialings with Mrs. Blackburn t
district attorney's investigators.
Ska said Mrs. Blackburn declared
that since Mm. Saadreeky eon
cord" was the "rainbow which is
the sign that there shall be no
more rain, aad the aaad says to
the ocean you shall come not fur
ther," ahe should sell the poison.
Mrs. Sandrosky said Mrs. Black
burn said the poison, "which
must be of a type which cannot
be deteoted in the body of a
drowned man was to be used in
a rite at the beach.
The pharmacist said she deliv
ered colored water to a messen
ger calling for the potion, and
dropped out of the cult.
Achilles L. Headrlek, veteran
Salem building contractor, died
Friday night at the family home
at 455 North Cottage at the age
of 18 years. He had lived In and
around Salem all his life. Al
though Mr. Headrlek had not been
In robust health for several years
and was subject to heart attacks.
his death came most unexpectedly.
He suffered a' severe attack sever
al months ago and another one lit
tle more than a week ago. He had
been up and down since the last
one, but was not considered ser
iously 11L
No funeral arrangements had
been made last night Remains are
at the Rlgdon mortuary.
Besides hie widow, Margaret
Headrlek, Mr. Headrlek Is surviv
ed by three children: Clifford P.
of Seattle, William F. of San
Francisco and Mrs. Ralph Cooley
of Salem: by tour grandchildren:
four brothers and sisters: S. G. of
Corvallis, Otto Headrlek of Sa
lem, Mrs. O. A. Rycraft of Corval
lis and Mrs. M. M. Preston of Mos
cow. Idaho.
125 Delegates
To C.E. Session
Registered Here
One hundred twenty-fire dele
gates were registered last night
for the annual Marlon county
Christian Endeavor Union conven
tion which opened at the First
Christian church for a three-day
session. All delegates registered
had not reported last night, but
are expected to be in attendance
tor tonight's session, when offi-J
eers will be elected and next con
vention place chosen. Dr. N. K.
Tully will give the main address
tonight, following a short talk by
James Henderson, state president.
Conferences will fill most of the
morning and afternoon session to
Ross Galley of Eugene, state
Endeavor secretary, gave the prin
cipal address last night, asking
the Marlon county nnion to pledge
support to another two-year cru
sade for evangelism, citizenship
and peaee.
MOSCOW, Oct. 11. (ATO
Reports that Dleudonne Coste had
sold to the Chinese authorities the
airplane in which he made his re
cent record. breaking flight from
France across Russia and Siberia
to Manchuria have caused a storm
of indignation in aviation circles
here. . v
a mi
On the Stage i
tVodSt Iversoa Evarts ft Lowtr-Jatk ft
I i i , I "
Final Good Will Message is
Conveyed to People of
United States
(ContJnned fiem Pace L)
be a great nation made up from
One strain.:
''We glory la the diversity of
our origin," he said. "We bring
that diversity to the feetof Ame
rica and we make it part of our
tribute to its greatness, part of
Our pledge to help to make that
greatness still greater and finer
ia euality than it has hitherto
been. We make it part of the con
tribution that we- make to the
great American people, working
out an historical American civili
(Continued from Pag 1.)
2nd, Mrs. Silas Torvend. Jams
and Jellies (collection), 1st, Mrs.
Letha Brokke; 2nd, Mrs. E. L.
Riesem. Collection of pickles,
1st, Mrs. W. L. McGinnis; 2nd,
Mrs. Letha Brokke. Collection of
canned fruit and vegetables, 1st,
Mrs. Letha Brokke; 2nd, Mrs.
Axel Olsen.
Flower show: Asters, light, 1st,
F. A. Doerfler; 2nd, Mrs. J. H.
McCullough; 3rd, Mrs. Ed Heald.
Asters, dark. Mrs. Ed Heald; 2nd,
F. A. Doerfler; Srd, Mrs. E. Kot
tek. Sr. Cosmos, 1st, Mrs. Lum
Whitlock; 2nd. Mrs. J. H. Mc
Cullough. Dahlias, decorative,
1st, Mrs. P. W. Nofsker; 2nd, Mrs.
S. A. Gay; 3rd, Mrs. E. M. Con
rad. Dahlias, cactus, 1st, S. A.
Gay; 2nd. Mrs. Coon. Dahlias,
Peony. 1st, Mrs. J. H. McCul
lough; 2nd, Mrs. Coon; 3rd, Mrs.
C. D. Matheny. Dahlias, hybrid,
1st, Mrs. J. H. McCullough. Dah
lia, ball, 1st, Mrs. S. A. Gay; 2nd,
Mrs. Hans Jensen; Srd, Mrs. Hans
Jensen. Dahlias, pompom, Mrs.
S. A. Gay; 2nd, Mrs. 9. A. Gay;
3rd, Mrs. Adams. Gladiolus, 1st,
Mrs. S. A. Gay; 2nd, Mrs. Elmer
Johnson: Srd, Mrs. 8. A. Gay.
Marigolds, African, 1st, Mrs. J. P.
Rankin; 2nd, Mrs. Sylvia Allen;
3rd. Mrs. E. Kottek, Sr. , Mart
golds, French, Letha Cavender;
2nd, Mrs. R. G. Allen; Srd, Lo
vlna Mount. Pansles, 1st, Louis
Gay. Roses, 1st, Mrs. H. Hallet;
Comfort Hospitality
You mD appradare d excellent
service and moderate rates. The
city's moat centrally located hotel.
One block from Pershing Square
cuiinoiint to all leading abopa,
theatres, fintnrial fosuutiont and
electric depots (of all marts, i
Gang adjoining.
AB Ouofafc Vnwm Firi Wid Badi
OaaPtrna M.9a,$3.M
TMFtrnaa UH.KU
Vtuwcttttd Too4tniUlj trie
Fmxi Samoa, hu, Dirtttm
Motel Onvoy
m m m m m
N T in
CI . T - . VI KV VVa9bjcr afc '
1 I
V I '
lad. Mrs. Lais; Srd. Mrs. C. D.
Matheny. 6la via, 1st. Mrs. P. u
Browa; Ind. Gus Paulson.
Zinnias. 1st, P. H. Tacker; 2nd.
Mrs. Langley; rd, Mrs. J. Con
rad. Miscellaneous, 1st. Mrs. S.
A. Gay; tad. Mrs. P. L. Brown;
Srd. Mrs. Bv Good. Mixed bas
kets, low. 1st. Mrs. F. A. Drake;
2nd, Mrs. R. G. Allen. ' Mixed
baskets, high. 1st. Mrs. R. G. Al
len; 2nd, Mrs. S. A. Gay; Srd,
Mrs. Adams. Bowl, 1st, Letha
Cavender; Sad, Silver Falls Tim
ber company; 3rd, Mrs. S. A. Gay.
Perenlals, 1st. Mrs. P. L. Brown.
(Continue from Page X.)
called immediately, but before he
reached the boy his pulse was
practically gone; however Smith
ni tM tn ak several onestions
which the boy answered. Although
Foster could answer other ques
tions intelligently, he said he did
not know how the accident hap
pened. He was not conscious for
innr aftor thm catflstronhe. The
injured man was rushed, to the
East TnasaT''
Aa AU-Talkie Comedy .
See aad hear this screamingly
hilarious Comedy of a roans;
coeple who couldn't get along
Edward Everett Hortoa ia
f A Bcrcwlag f&r
' i Comedy starring S
annua, aorsaaum
and now
that the
TLbank Yon !M To the Women
II who have shown ao much
IntMMl tn!n if
lrl Ghirardelli'a
We hope yon will continue te
ld enjoy the
tQQKing Bcnooj nee broof ht to
your kitchen t and particularly
we hope that theSwet Sixteen' packet
of kitchen-wisdom we distribnted at the
School will prove to be a real help ia
the planning of better meals.
P. S. If you failed to get a "Sweet
Sixteen' packet, send the cou
pon below. It Is free.
Try a tin of GMradtlira Ground
Qkocolate today.le itlbrevv
ry Chocoltlx mrpoec ...foe
cake-makirijf ... for her
f AMI.
Deaconess hospital, but aU the
physician could do was to trim up
the cuts and prolong life a abort
time. ;. "
Foster had been employed with
the company here about Ave
months, and recently submitted
his resignation to take effect as
soon aa another could be secured
In his place, or by Sunday. -
Ensilage Cutter
Blown to Pieces
Without warning and with six
men aad two teams working near
at hand, the ensilage cutter on
the Jack Miller farm ea Turner
route two exploded in hundreds
of pieces Tuesday. Some parts
were thrown hundreds .of feet
away, and others dropped close
at hand, but none hitting the men
at work there. , Miller was able
to sire no explanation of the ac-
l.1ni Vlili tnfall vrsrV.H thm
Recent claims totaling 11315.70
have been paid te holders of Ore
gon Statesman, Worth American
Accident Insurance Co., policies.
Home of 25c Talkies
Last Times Today
Metro's great epie of the air
In sound, filled with action
and thrills
Also 2 reels talking comedy.
Pathe News and fables
, Coming Sunday
Patsy Ruth Miller and
Jack Mnlhall in
Ground Oiocolat
hints and helps the
- aw U
tvcaraatrmi coaa
oo Mroiar trrztT
u'.na nscs co tsar tsss csn