The OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Wednesday llonrinj, October 9, 1929 PAGE NINE CUlSSTTTED ADVZBTISUrO teadiar notices, per tins - (1 line minimum charge) Classified Advartialng. ear M. Classified Advirtiaiag, per Um tie lOe SOe SO tunes Classified Advertising, TT Mae 6 time , . fW. . nnnlh d!IV kad SSBdaT per lina $1.00 Copy for this page accepted un til :30 the evening before publi--atlon for classification. C3py re seived after this time will be run under the heading Too I-ato to classify. HELP WANTED - - - nnnnniViVi'i"' ONE of the larger corporations, in- . .;..! In avone. will SOOn ,OPCB at Salem. Salesmen are needed for Salem. Sllverton. Albany and Corval lts. Executive ability also deslrea. Borne women for pre-sales advertis ing. Product is one you will be proud .-v Korvifn well paid. Good future for steady and absolutely re liable men and women, n .1 i x r., n u B-ivA brief record, con- fidential. addressing Lock Box 171, Balem, Oreson. i!A7S .if vou are interested in a Liberty map tine aeuing route, w William Delsell Jr., at the Ace Sat ntorninar. X HELP WANTED MALE - WANTED Experienced automobile meCha" VALLEY MOTOR CO, HELP WANTED FEMALE VANTEI HouerfOTsteady lob Must be middle aged will pay $30 per mo. Call 1904W. 1880 W. Com! SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Experienced automobile salesman, excellent opportunity. Ad dress Box 174. Tr Matesman. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Day work or work by he hour. Box 204. Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous KOU SALEM sea vender service call 111. tru-inn rif i-M-w--.-.-WWM,-h-i-ii- TOR SALE Small steam boiler with electric heater": suitable for dry clean ing work. Inquire Statesman. aaeeeeeeBaya,Ae,seaA GOOD Used Radio electric equipped or can be used with battery. See this and hear it. Priced to go quicX. Inquire at Western Auto Supply Co. JtOJ N. -Commercial. TOMATOES other Harden truck- open evenings. Third houe, north of Kelser school. River road. ..Phone SF3. fXJ-lXjyJJJJittmVmttit "aaaaaa POWDER notato digger for sale or trade for horse or heifers. J. P. Har ris, Rt. X, Oregon City. re?c?n- SWEET water nnd concord grapes. W. Stoddard Wallace Road. B6K13. SWEET water grapes. 1179 Ne braska. APPLES, grapes. Box 5, R. , Ru- lifaon's. eXj-lJ"Lrijn.ri 1 "ii rsir r a aaaA a a a a ASTORS 25c per dos. Phone 93F5. APPLES 75c per bu. Pears 90c. Bring boxes. J. V. Lehrman, near Ha zel Green school. Phone 117F31. ORAfLE X Camera Like new, postcard size, fine F4-5 lens, roll-film, pack and plate equipment plush lined, leiithor case, cost $120.00; now $80. DANIEL J. FRY DRUG CO. W ANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos. In ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur- , nlture. H. 1. stitr f urniture vwmpany WILL buy 1000 bu. prunes, $20.00 per ton. Delivery at once. Boxes fur nished. F. A. KURTZ DRYER space wanted for about three hundred bushels of prunes per day for Skvline Orchards. Phone C. w, Noble. TSOfi, or M. P. Adams. 121FB. MISCELLANEOUS C A. WITCRAFT. well driller. Dal las. Oregon. 1118 Birch St. Phone 97S. DOGS BOARDED, reasonable rates. Petland Kennels, Pac. hwy. Tel. 2349M. WALNUT drying, lc per pound Larg or small lots. Phone 133F2. Lee Hatchery. MASSEUR and magnetic treatments for oil ailments. No more gas pains. Phone 2079W. )330 N. High. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Nice Bleeping rooms. Not far out garage If desired. Phone 2 furnished rooms Close in. 588 N, Church. Phone 1950J. DESIRABLE room for gentleman modern home, close-in. Plinne 747-W. ROOM and HOARD ROOM and breakfast in private home, $18 a month, walking distance. Tel. 2158-M. FOR RENT APARTMENTS ""AJBASADrTTpRTWNTs" MODERN furnished or unfurnished S and 3 room apt. Radio, electric re frigeration, equipped laundry room nlenty of heat ami hot water. Garage or free parking space. 21 hour janitor wrvice. Phone 1972 550 North Summer St FOR RB'NT Furnished one room apartment at 2261 Hazel ave. Phone 193UW. ATTRACTTvETTrXnT $45.00 per month. Phone 1362M. FIRST floor nrT. 1335 State. FURNISHED apt. elope in. Steam heat 245 S. Cottage. Phone 1063J. 4 ROOM modern furnished apt., fine location. Close in. Adults. Phone 1935 or 2949. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses furnished and unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 841 State Street FOR RENT Large 11 room house. Close In at Center and Cottage. $40. Others from $15 to $90. BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High $ R. house garage 444 N. Winter. FOR RENT $ ROOM modern, basement and fur nace, completely furnished. Hot and cold water furnished. Double garage. In 600 block on North Commercial street $40.00 if taken for year. Nice for two families. NEAT five rooms on North Winter afreet for $25.00. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 129 N. Commercial St. Phone 1354 FOR RENT HOUSES By LOUIS BECHTEL, $41 State 1518 Court St., 8 rooms $25. 1S24 Lee St.. rooms 16, $26 8. Winter St., 5 rooms . 20. 18. 25. $5. 25. 18. 190 8. 14th. s rooms 1210 N. 16th, 8 rooms $4$ Union st, 10 rooms 49S N. 18th, Iv. $87 Mission, 6 rooms FURNISHED 1147 Oak St.. 5 roomS let N. Cacitol St. 8 B, . Rent your home or Louis BechteL $41 State Room 4. FOR RENT FOR RENT 10 acres of land, good buHdlngs. plenty of good water, rent reasonable. -W. HURD, X. 1, Sflverton, Oregon Phone Black 163. ATTRACTIVE storeroom In Elsi- ftore theatre Md&v wlta basement HOUSES i 15. 75. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MMMMMMyMMU GREATEST TrlT!n omntratlnn u the Pacific Coast. We have ever 3000 Eopertlee listed for exchange. Krery d of property, every price, every lo cation. We can match your exchange execuy. ir yo would like to trade ew property today, cetue ! today. ... B H. BARLE. Realtor 224 N. High St TeL 2242. ..... 1 tin njum BAL8 Attractive Falrmeoet HiU Boom Built fry onm ARTHUR RAHH Phone tSST .er 39 J?TK SALE or exchange 14 acrai near Salem with buildings. 14H ACRES in twa un treat nn - - " - - uuiiuuisa. 5 ROOM houm In fin. Inrati.. clpstBv See owner Itl S. 14th or cali itiaat. 5 ROOMS, furnace, fireDlaca. nr. age, new, on State street (4600. Noth ing oown and good monthly payments. iaiB rrrnrjohn, Realtor 175 South High Street 1------" --i 1- -ry-g-i i.irin.ri.n.i-u LARUE new home t Thathronms etc. Immediate possession. For sale terms ut Of would take good se- uan as part. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 Xorth tligh saasaaaaeaesesataSMeaaesMMeafesas OCTOBER BARGAINS BO A. farm near town all in cult, good bklgs. 5000. easy terms. 110 A. farnv i in cult., good bldgs., lots wood, timber, stock, tools, feed. sacrifice au ; easy terms. 484 A. farm near town, bldgs., stock, feed, machinery, (3600. Take resi dence. RENT now before rainy weather: Good 7 roam bungalow $25. Good 6 room bungalow 25. Modern dose In 10 R. house 23. PCR&INE 4 MARSTERS 30 ACRES stocked and equipped, 500 chickens, to trade for acreage near valley town. lht ACRES, new 4 room house. 70 bearing' fruit trees, 'wonderful view. For quick sale. 12000. terms. Best buy In town. ,J 4 ROOM house, fully furnished. Price $3250. 1500.00 cash : bal. to suit 4 ROOM modern house, furnace, fine lot. $-750. Your own terms. Rich L. Reimann 219 N. High S. Phone 8fi5 HOME at $100. per mo. income. Valoe $10,000. Phone 239SJ, owner. FOR SALE To settle an estate, a 6 room home, furnished, good location, priced to sell quick. See L. E. Stirr er, at Statesman office or mu N Tth St SPECIAL In FURNISHED HOUSE of 5 rooms, two choice lots on paved street nice lawn and flowers, some fruit and nut trees. Price only $2150 with terms. NEAT cottage built among severa oak trees, 4 rooms with plenty of built ins. good phmmtng. nrepiace, garage and large lot Price $2650 with easy terms. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. $800. 2 Room furnished house, toilet, lights and water, garage, acre or land. Terms. $1200. i room bungalow In N. Salem, batn, Hghts ana water. Terms. $33 DOWN and $30 per mo. for an al most new e room nome, oarn. lire place, garage and paving. Price $1 80Q. $3400. NEW English type home, base ment, turnace. fireplace. oaK noor. garage, paving. living room, dining room, kitchen and 3 bedrooms, $2U0 down. $5250. NEW English type home, up to date In every way. gooa location, jus ready to move Into. Terms. $600. FINE new home in N. Salem, good location. "Easy terms. $50. DOWN, $35 per mo., new modern EngnM type Borne, rooms, attic, stairway, large lot, east front. Imme diate possession $325. S room English type home on N. Church, lota or rruit, east rront, large lot. Terms. $1000 and $15.00. private money to loan. MELV1N JOHNSON or A. L. DARK 320 U. S. Ban -Bldg. Phone $37. 6 ROOM modern home, basement, fireplace, built in's, all improvements in and paid, no debt. Price $5000 with terms. LOVELY six room stucco bungalow with all modern conveniences, $4000. Terms on part. W. A. LJSTON-E. E. ROBERTS Masonic Building. EXTtWl SPECIAL FAIRMOUNT HILL home of 7 large airy rooms on beautiful east front lot with large fir trees. Reduced from $7, 500 to $6000 for quick sale, or wiil ex change for smaller house or close in tract with good house. This is a BARGAIN. See it today. SEE Mrs. Kills with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. GOOD HOUSE BUYS $325. GARAGE house with lights, water and telephone, lot 50x100. $75.00 down payment $15.00 and Interest monthly. $1500. NEW S room bungalow, gar age. $75.00 down payment. $2200. NEW 4 rooms, bath and nook, hardwood, fireplace. Could finish 2 rooms upstairs, pavement garage. SOCOLOFSKY aV SON First National Bank Bide;. ACRE Two houses edge Salem South For sale: terms, or would take lot as pnrt payment. Price $3800. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 North High SMALL 4 room house, garage, good gravel street, $83."., clear. Want clear lot south city limits. 3 room bouse and two fine lots North 21st St. $2500. and assume pav ing ; $1000. loan, want small clear acreage to $150. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 court street TODAYS BEST BUY FOR a few days only Owner asks us to sell his brand new 5 room bun galow at once. Has made the price to suit Only $4200. House has large liv ing room with concert celling, Deauii ful oak floors and fireplace, I nice alrv bedrooms, corner cupboards in dining room built in ice box tile drain boards in kitchen full cement basement furnace, garage attached to hou.e. This is a real bargain terms can be arranged. SEE Mrs, Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 LISTON-ROBERTS, REAL BARGAINS 7 ROOM plastered home, lights, wat er and bath, garage and bath-house, large creek let $S50 with easy terms. Liston-Roberts. Masonic BIdg. 3-ACRES CHERRIES GOOD 4 -room house. 2 acres in cher ries, 3 miles from Ladd A Bush bank. For quick sale. $1550.00 a snap. (4 ACRES $4500.00 l-ROOM house, large barn, poultry house. 48 A. plow land, some timber, all feared. 9 miles from Salem on good roads. This Is a good place and good buy. Will take any reasonable sum as first payment. 100 ACRES $9000.0$ 5 R. house, good barn, garage, poul try house, family orchard. 60 A. cul tivation, m A. berries, springs and running water. A good place for the taoney. For farm barealns see 8 EARS A TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street THIS SHOULD BE YOUR HOME GOOD 5 room bungalow, basement. bath, toilet electricity. In good locm tlon, on paved street street Improve ment paid, a bargain for only $1700.. 00. Payment down and move in. See my agent. t SEARS ft TUCKER 184 S. ComT. Street 4H ACRES close to Oregon City, good Improvements, city water, elec tric light, price $4500.00. Exchange for small acreage, prefer west of Salem. . ACRE at city limits, small bouse, elty water, aaa lights with, all furni ture ; price $100.00. 1$ ACRES so Pacific highway, I miles from Salem : a bargain for all casn; sioo.ou an acre. $ ACRES IK miles from Salem; 5 room plastered bouse, barn and chick en house, ground all in cultivation price $4500.00; exchange for small acreage close to Portland. $ ROOM modern house lot SOxlSO reduced to $2250.00: $250.04) down balance $ 35.s a month. - - ft H- EARLB. Raaftor FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BUILDETR ItTJBT SELL NEW SEV EN ROOM MODERN i fOME, FT ILL BASEMENT. FURNACE. rt RE PLACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, OAR- AGH3. SIDEWALKS, LAKUJS lAXl, 4 BEDROOMS. ALL FOR $4,000. AHD A REASONABLE PAYMENT CASH WILL BUT. TERMS ON BALANCE. MUST BE BOLD AT ONCE. JOHN W. OHK, KEALTUK. NO. 123 NEW BLIQH BLDO. NEARLY NEW FOUR ROOM HOME 12 BEDROOMS . WELL FUR NISHED AND IN THE BE8T OF CONDITION FOR SALE CHKA1". YOU BUY THE FURNITURE AND MOVE. PAT FOB HOUSE ON GOOD JOHN W. ORB, REALTOR NO. 12$ NEW BL1GH BLDO. DUB to change of work and plans. the owner of a newly completed West Salem 4 -room modern home, has autu- ortsed me to sell for $$(04 on easy terms bis property appraise! at ssoee. A. C BOHRK3TEDT Realtor Leoaa Insurance 147 N. Com'L St, Salem, Ore. LARGE east front lot 24th street hair block rrom state, partus ana atae- walks all paid. Only $500 ; easy terms. W. C. CONNER, Statesman office. BUNGALOW SNAP $3500. BUYS a 5 room Eng. style home, nice lot, walks and paving paid. South among nice bomes. ANOTHER ONE J2850. BUYS a nearly new 5 room bungalow, hdw. floors hi front fire place, elec. range, furnace, tats is a good buy. Close in on south aide, walks and paving paid. For buys in homes SEE MRS. CLARKE or MR KOEHLER With LOUIS BECHTEL 341 State Street Room 4. EXCHANGE Real Estate PORTLAND house to trade for Sa lem property. Nearly new. $ room. modern house. Hardwood floors, lots of built Ins, breakfast nook, full base ment and garage. On paved street Phone Z245W. CALIFORNIA FOR EXCHANGE HAVE 4 room modern cottage near Riverside, Cat Want- Salem property or unimproved acreage. Price $4500, Free and clear. What have you? SEE owner J. A. WHITE 2345 State Street ' VALLEY city property and acreage to trade for southwestern Idaho, irri gated larm. A VERT fine 40 acre farm with modern improvements 6 miles of Salem for only $12,000 which is only $100 per acre plus improvements. We have I a acres wltn rair improvements prac ttcally all tillable, on good road for $8000 and wiU take Salem home as part payment A good 7 room house and 3 lots on pared street worth $5500 and want small farm. A splendid room house, new and modern, close in. for only $4000 and on easy payments. We have $3000 worth of solendld city property to trade for farm of equal value. McGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 209-110 U. S. Bank BIdg. Phone 140. GOOD TRADE- OWNER leaving city, wishes to trade equity In his home Saginaw St. for a good vacant lot' What hare you? MRS. CLARKE with LOUIS BECHTEL Sit Stnte Street Room . FOR SALE-FARMS 294 ACRE farm can be bought a' greatly reaucea price. UEKTRUUK J. M. PAGE 492 North Co'tage 40 ACRE ranch, fair house and barn land all under cultivation. Close to small town near Salem. Price $4000 1000. cash. Balance easy terms. W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial Street ACREAGE 'i - - - -i , i- -ir" yinnnnnnfi - TWO acre tract joining Kingwood Heights, on good gravel road, worth $2000. Will sell for $1200. $200 cash. balance to suit. W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial Street 10 ACRES 7 miles from Salem all In cultivation, small house and chicken house. Price $1200. Easy terms. 2 M ACRES mi. from city limits on Oarden road. Good building place. Price $1323. ACRES 3-4 miles from city limits, fine soil. Price $270. per acre. 10 ACRES miles from city lim its, all in cultivation, 7 room plas tered house, well of water, some fruit trees. A good buy at $4000. Wrill trade for home in Salem or West Salem. 10 ACRES 2 miles north of Salem, close to Portland highway, eight acres in cultivation, fair house, large barn, well, electric pump, 25 large cherry trees and other fruit. Price $6500 ; will trade for modern home in Salem ud to $4500. 60 ACRES 4 miles from Dallas, 40 acres in cultivation, S room house, large barn. 15 acres fruit. Price $2750. 320 ACRES In Montizuma Co.. Colo., all clear to trade for a farm near Salem up to $12,000. Wiil assume six or se-en thousand. MELVIN JOHNSON or A. L. DARK 320 U. S, Bank Bldg. Phone 637. IMPROVED 55 acres river bottom land, 5 miles from Salem. $145.00 per acre. H. KLENDER 689 North Capital Street WAN TED REAL ESTATE '"oWNEMWhaY" proved acreage for $2000.00? Address Mrs. J. Carpenter, Rt 1, Morgan Hill, California. ' Business Opportunities SUBURBAN grocery for sale, or will lease building and fixtures.- P. O. Box 163. MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOAN EViCZ.. V. L. Wood, 241 State Streets MONRY LOANED UN AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. You keep the car. P. A. EIKJSTt Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Pbons 121 SsJem. On CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 701-$ First National Bank Bide Fnono eel Private Money to Loan FARM LOANS Plenty or taoner to loan on good farm security. City Loanfi wt are loaning prudential in surance company money en city resi dences and business Drooerty at $44 St Roberta. 11 Orecon BuUddac - per cent, plus a commission, ttawruns PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries er other good security. Repayable monthly, when in financial need i us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank BIdg. Phone 1200 ON FARMS AMD CTTT REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. rOKU FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO BORROW MONEY On automobiles. furniture. livestock, raersonal errects. ana other good security, saleh loan bureau, 40 uanK or commerce. RESIDENT LOAN: $12.85 per month retiree a loan of 81.000 In 120 months. Pay faster If you wish. No memoersnip zee. te jjeiano. zsv h. Churcn. fbeae ziis. LOAMS TO men and women stesAfly smpterj- ea. cm your plain note, lowest rates, easiest payments, quickest service, fairest dealings and newest methods. Loans also made on Indorsed notes. furniture, pianos and other personal property. All transactions strictly con fidential. STATE LOAN CO. lit Orerran Bulldinc Second floor, corner Stats and High. Office hows 19 $w m U fat -tvia. MONEY TO LOAN ajMMMnaxMWMaMiMWawwMK CITr AND FARM loan at rates. Beat term eMmiWa Oar tasuranee deparraent ezfere you- a pert advice and service to ell Iteeev UAWKXK3 ROBERTS (las, I Tet 1421 20$ Oragoa Bids. P. EL BELL, real estate loams. In surance surety bonds, $19 U. S. Nat'L Bank btdg. TeL $07. Res. $099 J. S1000. to 1204 t lean. Gertrvoe J. M. Pag. LOANS WANTED WANTED Privuu mociej to loan TTtm t?BT1Tti. W. EL GRABENBOBST eV-CO. 114 South Liberty Street ---"- - iTiwrMVTmivirvMvw WANTED Private bmbjt for farm loans. V7e bare several applications on nana. Hawkins 4b Uoterta, Inc. 965 Oregon Btdg. ; - LIVE STOCK and POULTRY J"yi"'TrsJ-iMirsi-t ri n n n jl t W. J. Patterson. M D. V. Veterinary surgeon. Ree. 4$$ Slst N. Phone 1461J. wsaeaeeeaeaeaaaaeaaeeeajeesseeeeeeeeeeaesa COCKRELS for sale Barred Rocks. Reds, Buff Orphingtons, Black Mln orcas. White Minorca., Brown Leg horns. White Leghorns. Our cockrels nave type, color and style. Pbone iNri. luse s tiatcnery. WILL nay ton price for 60$ bens and 10 cases m Hollywood Pro- tface. 1945 F&ircroand Bd. Tel. 71 J. FOR SALE Pure bred Jersey bull 16 months or trade for old bull. WHITE'S RANCH ' TURNER FOR SALEWOOD -'"--'--- - Ti-f n'rva-i run nJLAAA. FOR SALS Weed of all kinds. M. X. iLayfieaa. bene TSFS. lSaMeAsmAAMseaMsajaejaeeaW GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel oil. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Telephone $30. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coat TeL 13. Salem Fuel Co. 752 Trade. DRY 16-in old fir. 4 ft. oak. ash and fir knotts. Cord measure. Reductions on large orders. C U. Harbaugh. 81$ Highland ave., phone 1990. GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. Well seasoned second arowth fir and old fir stab and Inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred is. weus, Fbone i43. 280 South CTmirch street . LOST and FOUND FOUND on West Salem bus, purse containing money. Owner call 1754W2 and identify. STRAYED Lincoln ram n o t i f y W. H. SCHARF. Phone 91F15. FOUND Small sum of money owner call at 2325 Rex st. and Iden tify same. FOR SALE USED CARS 1929 Essex 4 -dr. sedan, original fin ish like new Inside and out. Trunk and many other extras. $695. STATE MO TORS, INC., High and Chemeketa streets. 1926 BUICK standard 4-dr. sedan. new paint and tires, thoroughly- over hauled. $575. STATE MOTORS, Inc., High and Chemeketa streets. The Largest Assort ment of Used Cars in Salem to Choose From. 928 Bulck Standard Coach .. $915 1927 Bulck Standard Sedan 835 1927 Buiek Standard Brougham 850 1927 Buick Standard Coupe 750 1926 Buick Standard Coupe 650 195 Buick Standard Coupe 435 1925 Bulck Standard enclosed touring 345 1923 Bulck Standard encl. tour 225 1923 Chevrolet touring 75 1926 Chrysler 584 sedan 425 1928 Dodge 6 Coupe 800 1925 Dodge 4 touring 225 1527 Essex Sedan 45 1926 Essex Coach overhauled 265 1922 Franklin Sedan . 450 1926 Ford steel body delivery .... 165 1926 Ford touring 165 1924 Ford fordor 9S 1924 Ford roadster delivery 50. 1922 Ford touring Munsey tan's 25 1923 Hup enclosed touring 175 1928 Oakland all American . 863 126 Oakland Sedan 500 1926 Oakland touring 325 1925 Overland Sedan 175 1928 Pontlac Coupe 600 1925 Pontiao coach 650 1927 Pontiac Sedan 485 1927 Star 4 Sedan 376 1927 Studebaker light 6 sedan ... 775 1924 Studebaker light touring 176 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALLEY MO TOR CO., W. L. ANDERSON INC., OTTO J. WTILSON. Marion and Liberty. Phone 1027. For Best Values and Prices ON USED CARS IT WILL PAY TO SETS State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS Open nights and Sundays High ft Chemeketa Phone 1000. Valley Motor Company Reconditioned Used Cars 1926 Nash Coach, trunk, new paint $115.00 iiz utuae special brougham. northwest closed car manual price $475.00. Our price 450.00 1927 Dodge Special Coupe two new tires 450.00 Chrysler 60 Sedan reflnished.. 450.00 1926 Dodge Sedan new pis tons, rings, etc , 450.00 FORDS We hare offered us for exchange some slightly need Model A's See us about them. 1925 Tudor . $175.00 192$ Touring new tires 185 00 Hal De Wade Model Coupe 225.00 1924 Tourings 40 60.00 1SZ1 Tudor $5.00 SEE Valley Motor Company Center ft Liberty Salem Phone 1995 12 GOOD U8ED CARS SOLD By LODER BROS. IN THE LAST 2 DAYS. (Sunday and Monday) THERE must be a reason our cars are reconditioned guaranteed and the prices are right. Look these over For ptok up $ 50.00 Ford Touring 65.00 Ford Touring 75.00 Studebaker Touring Overland Roadster 85.00 90.00 120.00 Hudson Coach Overland Coupe Ford 4 -door Sedan Maxwell 4 -door sedan Studebaker 6-touring Jewett Spt. Touring 175.00 195.00 245.00 255.00 $75.00 275.00 nine Touring Jewett Toajrlng Paige 6-70 Spt Phaeton Cadillac Spt Phaetosi $96.00 475.00 475.O0 buick . 4-paes. coupe 528.00 ALL cars sold on very eosar, tenna Oars sellit44r for $150 and upward are guaranteed for days. THERE Is real value in a LODER BROS. GOOD USED CAR Loder Bros. 445 Center. St. Salem Phone 450. Oraham-Palge Sale and Service for FOR SALE USED' CARS I Pettyjohn's Better Used Car Values 1929 192$ 1987 1928 1925 1928 192$ 1925 1924 1925 1925 Essex 2 Dr. Sedan Chrysler "5 8" Coupe Star Roadster ""- Martnoa "8" Roadster Overland- Coach Ford Sedan 4 Door .$650 . 475 409 . 975 . $25 . 250 . 259 Coach Hudson Coach, overhauled $7S Ford Coupe . 150 Gardner-Touring 295 Nash Spec 2 Dr. Sedan 495 F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 65 North Coml St Tel. 12$$. "After we sell we serve. "Opportunity" Used Car Sale This Week Only IN order to make room for the many trades that are coining in on the new Chevrolet Six, we are cutting the price on the following popular cars.-Choose the model you want and ask for it by stock lumber. Stock No. Old Price New Price 775 Essex Coach 2T $475.00 $435.00 $3$ CheT. Coach 28 495.00 455.00 900 Bulck Sedan 27 825.00 765.00 925 Essex Sedan 28 525.90 485.00 MS Ford Tudor 26 265.00 130.00 959 Dodge 6 Sed. 2$ 675.00 635.00 968 Chev. Road. 27 245.00 $20.00 969 Chev. Sedan 28 575.00 535.00 956 Dodge Graham (25.00 585.00 Remember the above ears still carry our red tag with an O. K. that counts. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 No. ConYl. St. Phone 1802. Used Cars and Trucks 1928 Reo 3 ton speed wagon 34x7 dual tires. Ready to go. 1926 Ford, 32x6 dual tires, closed cab, heavy frame with double springs in rear. 1925 Federal Knight 1H 2-ton, 32x6 dual tires. 1921 Ford 1 tori truck with pneumatic tires. 1928 Oakland 2 dr. Sedan 1925 Willys Knight 4 door sedan 1925 Rickenbacker 4 dr. brougram. 1925 Studebaker 4 Dasa. couDe 1921 Cadillac tow car In A-l condition. These cars are priced right for quick disposal. Reo Sales & Service Co. 8$7 North High Street WANTED USED CARS m ' - i -i -i rrwar-e-y unjTjaruu CASH paid for Ford -Elker Auto. MOTORCYCLES 1929 Harley Davidson motorcvcla. This machine has every extra that is convenient for a motorcycle. Has four wneel brakes also. REO SALES A SERVICE CO. 837 N. High Street BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer ana furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer St Phona 611 UUh. A . 1 STEVENSON mnn. tlonoer. 28 years' experience in the Willamette valley, for dates or ar rangements see F. A. Doerfler. farm advisor, first National Bank, Salem. rnone or write, a. u. Stevenson. Cor vaiua. Oregon. Ii. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell " Rl te- Down-Town" Phone 75 20 Years Experience Ii. O. Hagedorn Auctioneer. Farm equipment and now Re furniture sales. Tel. 1759W. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Burton National Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 South Hich BICYCLE REPAIRING LI 45 YD E. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles nn qrenalring. J(87 Court. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeterla, tel. 2227. SUITS cleaned and brassed II VATt- LEY CLEANERS, 193 N. Com'L over HUSICKS. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O. L 8COTr. PSC. ClilroDraetor. zao in. .riign. rei. a. kcs. zi04-J. DRS. SCOFIELD. Palmer Chiro praetors. X-ftay end N. C. M. New tiantt mag. ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 461 North Front st. Tel. No. . FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Olsen s. Court ft. High St. Tet 801. CUT Floweie. wedding bouauets ruuerai w res ins, decorations, c. K. Breithauot florfet 512 State Street INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insurance Tei. 07. 219 U. 8. Bank BIdg. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. Hign TeL 161 RICH L. REIMANN General Insurance. Loans Sit N. High St TeL 86$ WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 21S Masonic Bldg. Phone No. $81 West Coast Life Insurance Co "Insured Savings." 80S First National Bank Building TeL 970. H. J. Harder. Dlst. Mgr. KODAK FINISHING EXPERT KODAK FINISHING. Camora Film Shop, 189 8. Liberty. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WE1DER LAUNDRY Tesephuoe $5 f 1$ a High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Materials' Telephone 16a 1964 Broadway MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Beddins Co.. 3030 North capitOL caiieo or ana aeuverea. t work swarantefd. Tel It MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianoa Stiff Furniture Company. H. L GEO. C WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, Mwlas; machines, sheet tnuafs and plan at ad lea. Repairing phono, graphs and sewing machines. 482 State PAPER HANGING PHONIC GLENN Adams tor house dceoreltng. peperliaaaieg. tinting, eta TteltoM wma.mart. PLUMBING PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards. phlets. programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Biaieisn Printing- Department. iH & Commer cial Tel B0 RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse All ataadard sixes of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. $3$ Court St.. Tel 48$ ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yoeemite rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front. Tel. 4 $7. STOVES STOVES and stove epairtcg. Stores for sale, rebuUt and repaireA Ail kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and ptam. nop Daanete ana nooasv togan hooka Salem Fence and Store Works 62 Chemeketa street TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women 474 Court 8t TRANSFERS CjiPITAL City Transfer Co. tit State SL TeL 939. Distributing, for wardhu and storage our specialty. Get Mir rates WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THE JEWEL BOX. 173 N Liberty Salem New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMKIfr De Luxe Shining Parlr Experts for Ladies and Gentlemen Fourth Floor Dr. C. B. O'NeilL Optometrist Phone 625 401-402. DR. L. R. Burdette. ontometrlst. 40$ First Nat l. Bank Bldg. Tel. 118. TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson. Dentist Telephone 1285 1001 O O REAL, ESTATE DIRECTORY i BECKS ft UENDRICk'S 181 N. High Tel. 1$1 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. $00 Grey Bldg. Phone 7$0 LEO N. CHILDS Ca Realtors TeL 1781 sio State St F. G. DELANO 29$ N. Church TeL 2830 8. M. EARLE 224 N. High St TeL 2242. HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO 870 State St TeL 842 W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 S. Liberty St. TeL $1$ MELVIN JOHNSON $20 U. a Bank Bid. TeL $31 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 491 N. Cottage TeL 1186. RICH L. RULMaNN. Realtor 21$ N. High tt TeL 881 SOCOLOFSKY ft SON $04-5 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 971 J. F. UUUCU Commercial TeL 1354 12$ N. TRIANGLK RE ALT T CO. 421 Court St. Tel. 6l F. L WOOD 441 State SL TeL 794 Salem Markets Fresh Trims (Wholesale Quotations) Huckleberries, lb. 15 Cranberries, bo 6.00 Ground Cherries, lb. 18 Apples, locals 1.50 Peaches, Alberta 1.00 , J. H. Ha!e 1.25 Plume, local, lb. 03 Bananas, lb. 07 Peart, Bartletta 2.00 Limes, cartoa 5 dos. 3.00 Dates Dromedary, 36, 10-os. pkgs. 6.50 Cone's PHted, case 3.75 Grapefruit, Isle of Pines, Cuba.,..11.25 Comb llont-y. new crop 4.004.50 Lemons, Calil. 15.00 Cantaloupes Local, lb. uv: Dillards 2.25 Honey Dews, lb. 04 Ice Cream Melons 03 Casabas 04 Watermelons, per lb. 014 Oranges, Valencia! 100's -6.50 128's 150's 176's 200's 216's 252'g 288's 6.50 -7.25 -7.75 -$.50 5.75 4.75 4.25 3.50 1.50 1.75 .....8.00 1.75 a.5o 1.00 344'a Grapea, Seedless Kabiers Cornishon Tokays Lady Fiapers Concords, 20 lb. Vegetables (Wholesale Quotations) Cauliflower, local Peas, coast, lb Green Beans, local 1.35 ...12 ...Oo Celery, Labish, doz. 601.00 Celery . Hearts 90 Spinach, local, orange box 1.25 Bunched vegetables, per dos. bunches Carrots 40 Beets 40 Turnips , .80 Radishes 40 Parsley . 60 Onions - - .... .40 Garlic, lb. 15 Tomatoes, local, lug 60 Onions, Walla Walla Globe 2.50 Tickling onions, ib. 09 Lettuce, local 1.002.75 Cucumber . 75 Pickling encumber 45.85 Cabbage .02 Green Peppers, The Dalles, is. o Cslavos, case 5.50 Egg Plant, crate 1.50 Summer bauash. boa esu Hubbard gquaah. ib. 01 H Marhlehead squash OJ Danish Sonata - , ... ... .0 Corn, yellow, $ dos. Sweet potatoes, Ik. .1.25 .05 Potatoes', local .02 H Yakima, per ewt. .8.00 Feeds (Retail Quotations) Calf steaL ti lbs. . . Lit -53.00 -49.00 -50.00 -33.00 -SSiOO 50.00 58.00 Scratch, toa .. . . Corn, whole, tea Cracked and ground Mill ran, tea Bran, tea Erg mass A'ith milk Eggs (Baying Price) Extras ... Mediums Pullets .42 -$9 .24 Fomttry (Buying Price) Stags ..19 -OT ..1$ Roosters, old Heavies Medina -l Lights -17Q.1S Colored broilers .29 Leghorn, broilers Butterfat (Whole tale Quetatioaa) Prints -5$ -4V Cartons Bntterfat Batter (Retail Quotations) Prints Cartons -.54 SS Grain and Hay (Baying tfriee) Wheat, western tad, Va. LOT Bolt, white, be. 1 10 Oats. gray. ha. , M White, be. ; Barley, ton 33.00 Hay Oats sad vetch 16.00 (Boyisg Price) .14 Wsoi and MoaahT -SO -39 Lamb's weal Old Meaair . Kid 15 .45 General Markets poktlajtd GKAnr PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 7. (AP) Wheat fatares: Ones High Close December 124 5 8 125 U 123 U March 181 131 i 131 U May 134 194 V 134 H Cash Grain: Wheat Big Bead blue- item, hsrd white $1.36; sofa white, west ern white, $1.22; hard winter, northern spring, western red. $1.1$. Oats No. 2, 38 lb., white $34. Barley, Xo. 2. 45 lb., B. W. $32. Corn. No. 2. eastern yellow. shipment, $43. Millron, standard, $29. HAY PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 7. (AP) Hay, bayinr prices: Eastern Oreron tim othy. $20.50(521; do. valley. $19gl9.50; alfalfa. $18gl9; Clover. $16; oat hay. $16: straw, $7a3 tea; telling price, $2 more. DAISY PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 8. (AP) Butter: Extras 49c; standards 4nc; prime firsts 47c; firsts 41 4 r. Ezri: Ex tras 49c; firsts 45e ; medium extras 40c; medium firsts 36; onderaiied 28c. a FEODTJCE PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 7. (AP) Milk: Raw milke, 4 per cent,, $2.50 cwt., delivered Portland, leu 1 per cent. But terfat, station, 47c; track, 48c; deliver ed at Portland. 51c. Poultry (buying prices! Alive, heavy hns over 4Vi lbs.. 27c; medium hena, to 4ft lbs.. 20(4 21c; light, under 3fe lbs.. 13 19c; broilers under 1 lbs., 30c: springs, over 2 lbs. 25g26c; spring Peki'n ducks, 4 lbs., and over, 20 (a 21c; old Pekin ducks, 18c19c: colored decks, ISc; turkeys, No. 1, 38c; live 28(i20e. Potatoes Gems, No. 1 grade, $2.73(2 3.00 per cwt. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Or.. Oct. 7. (AP) Cattle and calves: steady; receitps, cat tle 50; calves 15. Steers, 1100 to 1300 lbs., $10 10. SO: do. good $10(4 10.50; do. medium $8.50 f10; do. common $7 8.50; heifers, good $3.50(3 9; common to medium $6 (t 8.50. Cows, good $7.75(n825: do. com mon to medium $5 7.75; do. low cutter 2.50 5. Balli, good to choice $7 50; cutter to medium $67. Calves medium to choice $9.50(S12: cull to com mon $79.50. Vealers, milk fed, good ta choice S12. 50?14; medium $10.50(2 12.50; cnll to common $7.50(i 10.50. Hogt Steady; receipts. 200. Heavy weight, $9.50 (Si 11.50; medium weight, $10.50011.75; light weight 11.50 11.75; light .lights $10..'0((j 1.50. Packing sows, rough and smooth. $39. Slaughter pigs, 80 to 130 lbs.. 10.2511.95. Feeder and Mocker pigs. 10.50W11.50. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs, excluded in above quota tions). Sheep and lambs Quoably steady; re ceipts, 100. Lambs, 84 lbs. down, good to choice $10.50 11: medium $9.50 10.50. AH weights, cull to common $7a9.50. Year ling wethers, 110 lbs., down, medium to choice $6.50(1 9. Ewes. 120 lbs., down. medium to choice $3.75 C? 5: 120 to 125 lbs., medium to choice $3 4.50; all weights, common, $13. CHICAGO GBAIN CHICAGO. Oct. 8. (AP) Sucsestions that Argentina's yield of wheat has been cut in half compared with 1928 did much trday to hoist the wheat market here. Moreover, indications pointed to iroadeninr of export demand for wheat from North America. According to trade gossip that received considerable attention, it is expected that r.urope will have to come to the t nited States in earnest for wheat very shortly, despite assertions that stock of wheat abroad ars piling up. Chicago, closing quotations on wheat today were firm at the day's top level, lc to lc a bushel higher than yes terday's finish. Corn closed at 3-8c off to e to 7-8c up, and oats He to 8 8c SiLVERTON, Oct. 8. (Spe cial) Young People's society held Its semi-annual election of offi cers Sunday afternoon at Trinity social rooms. Miss AUhea Meyers was elected president; Victor Sa- ther, vice president; Miss Stella Dybevik, secretary; Clifford Ek- lund, treasurer with Ludvig Meyer as assistant. Alf O. Nelson gave the addrees of the afternoon program. Musi cal numbers Included a piano solo by Stella Dybevik, guitar solo by Harbo Thompson accompanied ny Miss Esther Borvik, and two Tocal soTos by Mrs. Alvin Legard of Sa lem. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. L. H. Meyer. Mrs. J. C. Larson. Mrs. Earl Adams and Mrs. Carl Haugen. CIVIC CLUB HOLDS NTFISTING MEET MONMOUTH, Oct. 8. (Spe cial) The Monmouth Civic club held an interesting special meet ing Saturday, with a luncheon at 12:30 in the main dining room of the Monmouth hotel. Miss Eu- laine Cox, normal school student, pleased with a vocal number. Five new members were accepted into the club. It was voted to purchase a lot adjacent to the city park, now be longing to the Southern Pacific company, and present it to the city. We action was taken tqs- tering- a merchant's carnival to be staged here October 18, ana com mittees were appointed to assist with arrangements. The presi dent, Mrs. J. S. Landers, presided. Small Girl til Of Diphtheria SILVERTON, Oct, 8 (Special) Viola Viegland, the eleven year old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Hans Viegland, is confined to her home with an attack of nasal diphtheria. The little girl at tended a social affair with her parents Friday evening and while she was not feeling .well nothing much was thought of it until Sunday. BRAVES SIGH MANAGER CHICAGO. Oct. 1 (AP) WU Ham J. McKechnie, HZ? pilot of the SL Loui Cardinals, has sign ed a four rear contract to man trm thm RrawAa J lid 7 A Emu Fuchs, owaer of tho Boston club, annoancad tonight. Hags, to Pine wool Medium Coarse OFFICERS CKOSFJ Of TRINITY CROUP TODAY'S WORD HUNT SOLUTION I. SHEAF. ... SHEAR. 1. SHEEN. 4. MIEEP. kV SHEER. . SHEET. .T. SHEIK. 8. SHELF, t. SHELL. 10. SHEOI t II. gHSTU. BBS COURT I0I LOS ANGELES, Oct 8. (AP) The testimony of Eunica Prln gle, 17 year old accuser of Alex ander Pantages, and also a risor ous defense assault upon it, was completed today after the yoo.Bg co-ed dancer bad endured taa strain of tbe witness stand rir tually two days in the multi-mil. lionaire's trial on ft statutory charge. The atate's first e7e-wle$ of the asserted attack, W. L. Gor don, testified in corroboration ot the girl's accusations, and was un der grilling by Pantages' attor neys when court adjourned. Upon the request of Defense Attorney Jerry Ge-isler, Miss Prin gle, who had worn a modest blue dress with full length sleeves through her trial appearance, this afternoon took the witness stand for the resumption of cross exam, ination clad in the scarlet ensem ble she wore at the time of tho alleged attack. It included a red velvet jacket, sleeveless scarlet silk dress which was torn in two places, torn tan hosiery, and red pumps. The dress, which, cut with a round neck in front and low-sun-tan style in the back, was paraded before the jury by the girl. LINDBERGH VIEWS , S0UUJ1HE COLONEL LINDBERGH'S PLANE, Oct. 8. ( AP) (by ra-. dio direct to the pan-American in ternational airport. Miami) Col onel Charles Lindbergh arrived over Belize, British Honduras, at 5:10 p.m.. completing 800 miles ot recooaissance ot explored re gions of Guatemala; British Hon duras and Mexico on the first aerial expedition in the interests ot the archaeloglcal department of Carnegie Institution of Wash ington and the Pan American airways. Today's flight, most of. which lay over land which had never been seen by a white man, cover ed nearly 400 miles. Mrs. Lind bergh. Dr. Oliver H. RIcketsoa and V. W. Ehmer were in the party. All were delighted by the trip and in fine spirits, a little tired and all sunburned. On landing, the Lindberghs were to go at once to Lhe govern ment house where they are the guests of Sir J. A. Burdon, gover nor ot the colony. SILVERTON LEGION SILVERTON, Oct. 8. (Spe cial) Both the Delbert Reeves Post of the American Legion and the Legion auxiliary held their in stallation of new officers at the armory Monday night. Dr. W. Carlton Smith of Salem acted as installation officer for the legion. Claire Jarvis was in stalled as new commander to re place Dr. A. W. Simmons, out-going commander. Other officers installed were vice commander. Merlin Conrad; adjutant, L. W. Austin; finance officer. Earl Hartman; executive committee, Clifford Rue, L. Ticker and C. Butch. The executive committee of the legion will hold a meeting Wed nesday night to formulate plans for the coming year. E RESUMES MEEK MONMOUTH, Oct. 8. (Spe cial) The first antumn meeting of Monmouth grange occurred Saturday, with luncheon served at noon. A large crowa was present. and plans were made to hold the annual Brother's day in Novem ber, as usual. , The county fair at Dallas took up much of the discussion time, as Monmouth grange will have a booth and numerous entries. Worthy Master Stockholm pre sided. Eleanor Funrue Wins in Legion Essay Contest SILVERTON, Oct. 8 (Special) Eleanor Fnnrne, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Funrue won thf dai offered by the Jgioii Auxiliary for the best essay on HEADS TAKE OFFICE IIIIM 1 Americanism. The essay contest was open to , pupils in any of the neighboring schools. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is hereby given that tht) undersigned has filed in the coun ty court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Marion, her duly verified final account, as adminis tratrix ot the estate of Samuel. Wood, deceased, and that said court has fixed Tuesday, the 15th day of October, 192, at the hoar of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as,, the time, and the county court . house at Salem, Marion county, Oregon, as the place for hearing'' said final account and all objec tions thereto. 1 Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 11th day of September. 1929. CORA WOOD, Administratrix of the Estate ot Samuel Wood, deceased. Ronald C. Glover, Attorney tor Administratrix. I on. - f i I wwt Grabs fee. (U Stv Ubtwt TSS ee4V - ItSfW. . . 1831 M. His . : ';'Wtm till as. MArtem and ur. Teat, te