The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 09, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    4 PAGE TWO
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, October 9, 1929
Mother of Inmate Who Died
Demands Investigation
Of Conditions
Investigation by the "Marlon
eountr grand Jury of the admln-
latration ot the state home for the
feeble minded. In connection with
the recent death of Georgia Mar
shall of Eugene, formerly an Ia
in ate of the institution, waa de
manded here Tuesday for Mrs. Isa
bel Relf. mother of the girl.
Mrs. Relf. in atttdavita filed
vrUh the grand Jury, alleged crim
inal nerlipence on thej part of Dr
J. N. Smith, superintendent of the
instltuUon; Mrs. J. N. Smith, ma
tron, and Dr. J. O. Matthis. acting
physician. It was charged by
Mrs. Relf that her daughter died
in a Eugene hospital September 5
as the result of unexplained In
juries suffered while an inmate
of the feeble minded home. Mrs.
Reif alleged that the girl did not
receive proper care.
Ciirl Has Long Record
At Stat Institution
The records show that the Mar
shall girl has suffered from epi
leptic attacks since she was six
years old and for more than 10
-years had been a patient in the
Oregon institution tor varying
periods of time. The girl was last
committed to the home in June of
this year Mrs. Reif charged that
she was summoned to the insti
tution July 24, where she found
her daughter suffering from a
fracture of the skull, lacerations
of the face and chin and other in
juries. "I remained in Salem for
.several days." said Mrs. Reif in
one of her affidavits, "but the of
ficials were reticent to give me
any information as to what had
"On August 30 I telephoned to
the institution and was told that
my daughter was feeling fine. On
the following day I was told that
my daughter was not at all well.
I hastened to the institution where
I found Georgia in a straight Jack
et and bleeding from the mouth.
She could not eat and kept repeat
ing, 'Please don't whip me.'
Matron Refused Aid,
Woman Charges
"I then appealed to Mrs. Smith,
the matron, but she refused any
aid and told me it I did not like
the way my daughter was being
treated, to take her out of the in
stitution. I also called Dr. Mat
this by telephone and asked him
if he would not come to the home
and treat my daughter. He hung
up the receiver, and did not ar
rive at the institution until the
following day. His attitude was
brutal. I asked him what hap
pened to my daughter, and he re
plied: 'Find out if you think you
"I then took my daughter from
the institution and placed her in
a hospital at Eugene where she
died five days later."
Matthis Deities All
Charges Advanced
Dr. Matthis, in a statement
Tuesday, declared that Mrs. Reif
took the giri out of the institu
tion against his advice, and that
she is now attempting to-hold the
stale responsible for her death. It
was explained by Dr. Matthis that
the Marshall girl had suffered
freqjuent epileptic attacks, and
that during one of these seizures
she sustained injuries of the chin
and mouth. This, he said, caused
the bleeding of which Mrs. Reif
Dr. Matthis said the physicians
had treated the girl with all con
sideration, and that she had
showed marked improvement un
til a few months ago when she
left the institution temporarily
with her mother. He denied that
the officials of the Institution had
been negligent, either criminally
or otherwise, in the treatment 'of
Miss Marshall or any other in
Dr. and Mrs. Smith were out of
Salem today and could not be in
terviewed. Dr. Matthis said he
was sure the institution officials
would welcome an investigation.
Say Rogue
Fished Out
Complaint that there had been
considerable illegal fishing on the '
Rogue river in Southern Oregon,
with the result that the summer!
run of fish was lighter than for !
several years, was lodged with
Governor Patterson here Tuesday '
by a number of Medford sports
men. Harold Clifford. Btate game
warden, attended the conference
at the request of the governor.
Clifford said ha was aware of the
Illegal fishing last winter, and
that he recently assigned a fast
boat and five depnty wardens to
patrol the stream. This explana
tion was said to have satisfied the
. complainants.
The charge that the Illegal fish
ing - operations were responsible
for the light ran of fish this sum
mer, was denied by Governor Pat
terson and Clifford.
, ' ; Organization of a Marlon coun
ty .commercial teachers' asfo&a
tion was an outgrowth ot round!
table discussion at the . depart-,
moats! session of the annual
county teachers institute la the
local hit a school Tuesday. Tilt
organization set up as objectives
th nrodnettan of rreater reneral
efficiency In the commercial de
partments of the county niga
ayhaALa ninhaaizlnc to studeats
n , if fln.t training for actual
business positions, mutual ben
efits to atadeat ftn teacher alike
thrnnrh an exchange of ideas ana
er recognition as a department In
the annual county Institutes.
The association adopted plans
whereby the work in commercial
departments ot the Ugh. schools
might be compared through a sys
tem of reports on class work. The
committee in charge f this activ
ity consists of Ines Darling, Sil
verton, bookkeeping division, Mu
riel Wilson, Salem, typing division
and Rath & Richer, AnnuviUe,
f-ehorthand division.
Officers of the association are
Merritt Davis, Salem, president;
Ines Darling. Sllverton, vice-president,
and Florence Jeaks, Mill
City, secretary-treasurer. The as
sociation accepted the Invitation of
Miss Junks to held the next meet
ing at Mill City. This wrll be at
19:30 o'clock Saturday morning,
No. 23, and at that time the com
mittee ea constitution and . by
laws, consisting of E. D. Rose
man, Salem, D. B. Parks, Turner,
and A. E. Windell, Jefferson, will
make their report. All commercial
teachers present expressed a be
lief that much good might be ac
complished by this county organi
The circuit court in Judge Kel
ly's department was occupied all
day Tuesday with the trial of
West vs. R. J. Hendricks and
Statesman Publishing company
Judge Kelly overruled motion of
defendants' attorneys to non-suit
the case. His remarks in overrul
ing the motion brought protest
from the attorneys for the de
fense, causing the judge to ad
monish the jury that he was ex
pressing no opinion as to the mer
its of the case, but simply over
riding the motion and directing
ttfe case to proceed.
Witnesses examined included R
J. Hendricks, Carle Abrams, Ralph
Kletilng, Irl McSherry, Secretary
Keenan of the typographical
union, S. F. Saekett and C. A.
Sprague. Mr. Hendricks denied
having entered into a contract of
any kind or character with Ben
West as an employe of the States
man. Other witnesses testified
that none of them was advised
that any contract existed. Mr,
Saekett testified that Mr. West
was not retained by the new man
agement on grounds of .Incom
petency to handle the situation
Attorneys oa both sides present
ed their opening arguments. Court
adjourned till 9 a. m., Wednes
day when final arguments of at
torueys will be presented.
The case of Alfred Jameson vs.
C. F. Valentine which was set for
trial Tuesday was postponed one
day. It may not be reached until
noon today.
All Talking - Vitaphone - Picture
Also Lavrel A Hardy Comedy "Liberty"
Pathe News and Songs
I'.Very woman of discern
ment will instantly thrill to
these vividly new and modern
deelgns In silverware. They
bespeak smartness In every
sense of the word.
Whether it" s a complete Sil
ver Service or just a set of
graceful high standing pepper
and salts, ft is here awaiting
your selection.
You'll be astounded that
seen beautiful modem silver
ware can b so Inexpensive.
Tower's Jewelry and
Gift Shop
Watch and Jewelry Repairing
I I V 444 State Nest to Gray BeDo
Campaign Postponed From
February to April of
Coming Year
The annual T. W. C. A. finan
cial campaign wfU'bo conducted
during April next year Instead of
in February ab has been custom
ary la past years, the beard ot dl
dectors decided Tuesday at the
regular meeting held Tuesday
neon at Camp Santalv, Girl Re
serve camp on the Santiam above
Mehama. This extension has been
made primarily because of unfa
vorable weather conditions.
The business meeting, Tuesday.
which followed a luncheon hour at
the camp, was attended by 17
members. Reports from all com
mittee chairmen were given, show-
ins a health state of affairs for
the association. Mrs. George
Moorehead. chairman of the Girl
Reserve group, reported plans
materializing in splendid shape
for the reception which the high
school girls are planning for fresh
man girls, to be held this evening
at the Y. W. C. A., and which
will open the social season for the
girls. An advisors' luncheon is be
ing planned for Saturday noon,
and the annual Y. W. C. A. mem
bership tea will be held Thursday,
October 17, with Mrs. J. H. Lau
terman, chairman of the member
ship committee, and Mrs. H. M.
Hawkins, chairman ot the social
committee, in charge of general
The directors approved a plan
to have two members from each
department in the association sit
on the membership committee and
these persons will be selected
shortly. Allied groups of theiY.
W. C. A. include the IS Girl Re
serve 'organizations in the schools
and the junior business girls.
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gallaher, gen
eral secretary, gave a talk. Mrs.
Gallaher said that she hoped to
see the membership increased and
organization developed to a point
where more and more members
will be participating in the organ
Grade Crossing
Ordered Closed
By State Body
The Oregon public service com
mission Tuesday granted the ap
plication of the Oregon-Washing
ton Railroad and Navigation com
pany for permission to close a
grade crossing near Cascade
V ?
Requirements for Member
ship Cut Down by Vote
Tuesday Night
An Important constitutional
change made by the Chemefcetans
at their annual meeting held last
night at the Y. U. C. A. opens to
active membership any person in
good standing la the community,
who baa participated ta two local
walks of the organization. The
previous standard for active mem
bership waa the elimbing of a
snow-capped peak. The previous
classification of "associate mem
bers" was done away wit when
the more liberal policy for active
membership waa adopted. A num
ber ot pther changes were made
in the constitution, ehiefly of a
minor character.
Those who climb the scow
peaks under the new membership
classification will be. entitled to
wear the ''summit badge" of the
The following were elected
members of the executive councU
for the ensuing year: Ben Rickll,
W. M. Hamilton, Geo. Pake, Dr.
D. B. Hill, Catherine Gaylord.
Augusta Notdurft, Ruby Hoffnefl,
Judge O. P. Coshow. Hike Panek
and Dr. C. A. Downs tied for a po-
The commission also granted
application ot the county court of
Marrow county tor permission to
change a private gated crossing at
grade across the tracks of the
Oregon-Washington Railroad and
Navigation company, approximate
ly one mile west of the town of
Irrigon, to an open puMlc cross
An inner construction model by a leading manufacturer that brings
a nev joy to sleep. A one-piece unit consisting of small resilient coil
springs joined together in such a way as to distribute the weight
evenly. 30 lbs. in thick layers of new cotton felt are built over these
springs. Everything that we could ask for is embodied in this mat
tress, comfort and service, quality and style. Many colors to choose
from in beautiful
The "Spring Maid" - The Modern
Your Own
in Reason
siUoa of the council. Mr. Punek
was elected by a ballot cast by
the members at the meeting. This
body will fleet and elect the of
ficers for the ensuing year.
Dr. v. A. Douglas presided at
the meeting and briefly reviewed
the work of the organization the
past year. In this first year the
membership has grown to 84.
Twenty-one local walks or over
nightjj'ips.were made. The annual
outing on Marion lake and ascent
of Mount Jefferson was the great
est single achievement during the
year. The aeeend ascent ot Mount
Heod was made.
The club Is acquiring camping
eruipment such as stoves, etc. Ad
ditional equipment will be provid
ed as funds permit Dr. Douglas
mentioned as eae soal for future
attainment the acquisiton of a
lodge la the mountains. During
the year a monthly bulletin has
been put out to members.
Committee chairmen presented
Continuous Shows
2 'tm ll
ft a
Coming Ttars, "HOLD TOUR MAN.
gftf mZgm!f NIGHTSTICK!
is b w v w n mm-
A sensational new product made by
a leading mattress manufacturer.
Greater Value Than Ever Before
santeen art covers.
their reports at the meeting.
A first aid pouch was presentea
to the clufaL by Dr. Douglas. The
pouch Is made ot horsehlde and
contains smaller bags of cotton,
bandages. - instruments and anti
septics. The club name and a red
cross are marked on the outside.
Principal Wolf
And De Welt to
Handle Finances
Finances of the senior high
school student - body association
will be handled this year jointly
by Albert DeWelt ot the com
mercial department and Principal
Fred Wolf. This change has been
made following request of Mer
ritt Davis, head of the commer
cial department, to be relieved of
the banding of stndent finances.
Davis has supervised the student
Continuous Shews
oni a Kin
A . west
anee ef a pe- PRODUCTION
Beeman's daaghter whose heart waa
stolen by a gangster and rrdernud by
a detective's sapreme lave . . .
An AH Tattfe with LaaraLaPlanl
9 zO
"Spring Filled
expenses and keeping of the books
tor a long period in his capacity
as head xt the commercial de
Under the change, uevveii wui
handle the books and all requisi
the same spark
ling pair that made
Close Harmony'
in another and
bigger jazz review
love storv I
, m
on sale
If rff0K fSfilgS ISIftlillMSi
: ;
450 Court and at
The Market Furniture Store
tions and checks will be signed 1 7
the principal.
Follow the sports in The States
man; full sport news reports
I fresh each morning.
Thurs., Fri.
Harry Langdon
In His First
All Talking
"Hotter Than Hot"
Saturday Sunday
Offered for the
First TimS at
methods and the securing of (Teat-