The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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Week's Observance to Open
Sunday; Includes Full
Program for All
Leslie Memorial church, South
Commercial and Myers streets,
will observe Rally week from Sep
tember 29 to October 6. On Sun
day, September 29. the pastor, S.
Darlow Johnson, has chosen for
his subject "Looking Ahead." Or
mal B. Trick, the assistant pastor,
will speak at the evening service
on "Pres3 Forward."
Miss Edna Holder, who Is leav
ing soon for mission work In In
dia, will be honored at a farewell
reception Monday evening at the
Men Plan Event
The Brotherhood dinner and
program for the men of the
church and community will be the
event of Tuesday evening.
Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock the women are invited to
attend a program sponsored by
the women's organizations.
Thursday evening will be
Church night. At 6 o'clock there
will be a "potlurk supper" fol
lowed by an interesting program
nd Inspirational service. There
will be something of interest for
very member of the family.
Open House Friday
"Open house" will be Friday
evening at 7:30 o'clock. As a
part of the program the Interme
diate department will 'present the
play, "The Road to Bethny." The
primary department will give an
exhibit, of Its work. The junior
department has been making a
study of Japan, tnd there is to be
a display of this work. Also, this
same department will have a
group of dolls representing the
children of the various nations of
the world. An Institute exhibit
la to be arranged by the young
people. Refreshments will be
erred by the Can-Do class.
The Sunday school will have
department rallies Sunday morn
ing, October 6. These are to be
gin at 1:45 o'clock. "Through
the Gates Beautiful," a pageant
will be presented at the 11 o'clock
horu. The leagues will hold ral
lies at 6:30, followed by the eve
ning service at 7:30 o'clock.
Brotherhood Renames
AU Officer; Plans
For Big Annual Rally
The annual election of officers
or the Men's Brotherhood of Les
lie Memorial chureh furnished the
main item of business tor the reg
ular monthly meeting held the
middle of the week in the base
ment of the church. The nomin
ating committee recommended the
reelection of the entire present
corps of officials, with the result
that the official positions in the
brotherhood will be manned for
another year as follows: Jay W.
Hewitt, president; F. C. Rock,
vice-president; Guy R. Boyce, secretary-treasurer;
E. D. Roseman,
Discussion and perfection of
plans for a big men's rally occu
pied the remainder of the business
session. Thii big get-together is to
be held next Tuesday night as a
part of the church's annual Rally
.Week program.
Church School to add
Three Classes Sunday
As Promotion Feature
Plans for Promotion Day, to be
held Sunday, September 29. were
completed Thursday night by the
Sunday school council of the Cas
tle United Brethren church. Three
new classes will be started Sun
day, which will bring the total
for the church school to 12.
Plana tor the Rally day, to be
field October 6, were also formu
lated. A hundred in attendance
will be the goal for the rally
vent, when a mixed program and
combined service will be held.
Epworthians to Attend
Portland Conference
The First Church chapter of the
Epworth League will attend in a
body the Conference rally to be
held in Centenary Wilbur church,
Portland. The . members will
leave the church here at 3 o'clock
and drive to Portland for the Ep
worth League service and rally
which will follow.
A Sermon for the Week
The Church: Its Value
(Pastor Court Street Church of Christ)
When Jesus established His Kingdom and was declared to be
"Lord and Christ" by the apostle Peter on Pentecost, he alsj
built his church, (and became head of His body as Paul states
In Ehpeslans) according to His promise. Matthew 16:18, on the
great rock of His deity.
Why did He build a church? Paul said, "Christ loved the
ehurch and gave Himself for it," Eph. 5:25. Therefore It must
have a value beyond estimation. It has this value because it is
the Institution through which Christ is saving the world from
sin, the only one Instituted for that purpose. Yet many seem to
hare little realization of Its divine origin and purpose, classify
ing it with lodges, clubs and other human Institutions.
Men who are interested in any cause realize the necessity
of associating themselves together to advance that cause. Christ
realised that same fact and built His church. There must be co
operation to accomplish the purpose of the church in its local
work and its larger benevolent and missionary Interests In all the
In view of these facts, is the ehurch of value and a necessity
to the citizen and community? Then it should have the support
of all who desire the community's welfare. If men are willing to
give other Institutions a chance and their support financially and
otherwise, why should they consider the church a begging Insti
tution when it makes some demands upon laea and asks for cooperation.
em Churches Planning Full Programs for
Rev. Martin Ferrey, Minister
Here Eight Years, Will
End Service Jan. 1
After serving as Unitarian min
ister in Salem for eight years,
Rev. Martin F. Ferrey has found
the lure of the legal profession
greater than the pull of the pul
pit and has submitted his resigna
tion to officials of the church, to
become effective January 1, 1930.
Mr. Ferrey came to Salem
eight years ago as minister at
large of the American Unitarian
association, later being minister
of the First Unitarian church. Un
der his leadership here the fine
Unitarian church structure at Che
meketa and North Cottage street
was erected.
The minister declares he has no
intention of leaving Salem, to
which he and his family have be
come attached, but will give his
full time to his legal profession
here. Mr. Ferrey has given part
time to the practice of law the
last few years, and was admitted
to the Oregon bar while holding
the pastorate.
Successor to Ferrey will prob
ably be selected at the general
conference which meets in Chica
go In October. Rev. Berkeley B.
Blage, Unitarian field secretary
for Pacific coast churches, will be
in Salem Sunday.
Clyde Hoffer Directs 35 Jun
ior Singers at Nazarene
Sunday School
One of the outstanding attrac
tions of the Sunday school of the
Church of the Nazarene is the
talented junior choir of 35 chil
dren, singing of which brings
much delight to the audience,
says the pastor, Kev. L. D. Smith.
The Sunday school prides itself
upon living up to the adopted
slogan: "The Sunday school with
a heart." Frank Litwlller, a local
business man, U superintendent
and Clyde Hoffer directs the
junior choir.
Extensive plans are being made
for fall and winter enlargement
of the school. During the sum
mer months, decrease in attend
ance was lees than five per cent,
due largely to the aggressiveness
and enthusiasm which the super
intendent has instilled.
Mrs. Clyde Hoffer Is superin
tendent of the cradle roll depart
ment of the church school. "A
good boy is worth much more
than It would cost to take care of
a bad boy," might easily be the
motto characterizing the work of
the Sunday school, the minister
Calvary Young People
To Give Lesson-Drama
At Sunday Night Meet
Members of the senior B. T. P.
U. of Calvary Baptist church will
present an original dramatization
of the regular meeting Sunday ev.
ening beglnlng at 6:45 o'clock.
The lesson-drama was written by
Lavlna Buirgy, and will be given
In the nature of a cam pf Ire gath
ering "with speakers and singers
dressed In costume.
The church is preparing to cele
brate the end of its first year's
work as an incorporated body
Sunday, October 6, when promo
tion day will be held In the Sun
day school.
Meetings for next week include
the Sunday school rehearsal Tues
day evening at 7:30 o'clock, the
regular Wednesday evening mid
week service of fellowship, the
choir rehearsal Thursday at 7:30
o'clock. Friday night the entire
church group will meet for Inspir
ation service, when reports of the
year's work will be read and
goals set for the new year.
Missionary Society
Will Meet Thursday
With Mrs. Mdrchand
The Woman's Missionary soci
ety of the Market street Free
Methodist church will hold its
regular monthly meeting next
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Minnie Mar
chand, 1405 jNorth Summer
Mrs. J. M. Clark will have
charge of the devotionals and
Mrs. Allle Lewis will bring mis
sionary hews. First study of the
new book, "From Jerusalem to
Jerusalem," will be taken up with
Mrs. Lela Bar ham as instructor.
Members will answer roll call
with the name of some mission
ary in China.
Law Wins
'"MO L v
i.-.v . ? ... -7-.
Rev. Martin Ferrey, pa tor of
th Unitarian church here, who
Oil week announced his resigna
tion, effective next January 1. He
has decided to give his full time
to the legal profession.
Jason Lee W. F. M. 5.
Will Meet Wednesday
The Women's Foreign Mis
sionary society of the Jason Lee
Memorial church will meet Wed
nesday atfernoon at the home of
Mrs. Phil Aspinwall, 645 Market
street, for a social hour.
jsmnbap jkrbtteg in Halem Cijurxfjes
Thirteenth and Ferry ttreet. t block
southsait of supreme court old. Earl
V. Jennison pastor. Sunday school at 9:45
a. m. SVrrieei at It a. m. and 7:45 p. aa.
Daniel Wilkins, returned missionary from
South America, will tpeak. Midweek srv
Ices Tuesday; Thursday and 8alnrday
mgbt. Roy O. Ferruwn In charge during
the temporary absence of the paitor.
North Winter and Jf.'erton. Church
Uheol at 8:45 a. H. B. Carpenter,
supt. Worship at 11 a. m.. Prof. J. If.
Ifathaws preaching. Special music. Three
learnes meet at :30 p. m. T.vning t.rr
tee at T:30 o'clock. Prof. R. if. Oatke
Center and Liberty strets. Charlea K.
Ward, pastor. Phone 591-B. Morninff serr
lee, 11 o'clock:, subject: "The Conquest
of Loto." Special music: "God So Loved
the World," by Stainer, by a mixed quar
tet, Herbert GlaUrer, tenor; Mr. Harry
Hams, soprano; Mrs? M. D. McCallUter.
slto; Lawrence Haves. Ian. Solo by Mr.
Mar What Shall I Render!" Eve
nine eerriee 7:80 o'clock. Subject: "The
Power of a Great Affection," illustrated
by the Pathe bbotItis: picture. "Square
Shoulders," etarrinij Junior Coughlan and
Louie Wohlheim. The first half of the
picture will be naed thla Sunday. Spe
cial aiuale Including hymns from the
icreen and anthem by the quartet! "Ae
Panta the Heart." Sunday tchool i:5
. m. : P. E. Neer. mnt. Midweek rrti
7:30 p. at. Wedneaday. "Joseph and Hia
Brethren. a tlx reel picture with another
reel of Palestine, taken In the Holy Land.
Tounf people ' meetinri: Fortniphtly club
Tueaday at 7:80 o'clock. Missionary
meeting at the hone of Hn. Harry Belt.
820 LeiHe atreet.
Corner State and Ohureh streets. T. O.
Taylor, pastor: phone 874. Morning sere.
Ice, 11 o'clock; subject: "if ore Stately
Mansion." Th'e Rev. C. M. Keefer. o
Kimball school of theology preaehlag
8peelal motle: "Anthem. "Oh How Ami
able," Rodger. Bolo "O Divine Redeem
er," Gounod, Miss Kleanor Moore, eve
ning service 7:80 o'clock. In charge of
the Men's council. Special mnsic: Anthem,
"O Lord, My fcrast la in Thee," Hale.
Incidental solo. Miss Ruth How. Sun
day achool 9:45 a. m. Midweek services:
8:80 p. m., Thursday: incorporated la the
rally week ehurch night program. Ep
worth league: University chapter Fellow
ship hour at S o'clock, followed by a
rally service In charge of the Cabinet.
Pint Church Chapter will attend the rally
at Centenary Wilbur church, Portland,
leaving here at S o'clock.
Highland and Church strets. Edgar P.
Aims, pastor. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Students from Portland Bible school in
charge, and also for the evening service
at T:30 o'clock. Sunday school. 10 a. .;
E. M. Beckett, supt. Midweek services
7:80 p. m., Thursday; the pastor, leader;
place: The church. Young people's meet
ings: Jr. O. E.. at S:30 p. m. Hasel
Newton, leader. Sr. C. E. 8:30 p. m.
Chemeketa and N. Winter streets. Nor
man K. Tully, D. D., pastor: phone
1B10-W. Morning aervire 11 o'clock; sub
ject: "The Problem of Japan." Special
music: Anthem, "Behold, Pod it my Sal
vation." (Jewell); Offertory solo, "Open
the Gates of the Temple" (Knapp), Mr.
Leon Jennison. Evening service, 7:30
o'clock; aubjeet: R. K. Close of the Antl
8a loon league of Oregon, will have the
service and will show the picture. "The
Transtretaor." Special music; Anthem
by the Choir, "Love Not the World"
(Harker). Suoday achool 9:30 a. m.; L.
M. Ramage, supt. Midweek services 7:30
p. m Thursday; Dr. Tolly, leader. Young1
people'l meetings: Christian Kndesvor So
cieties meet at 6:30 p. m.
Sooth Commercial and Washington tts.
Chas. O. Haworth, pastor. Phone 1A97.M.
Morning service 11 o'clork; subject:
"Making God Known." Evening service
7:30 o'clock. Sunday school 10:00 a. m.;
Mrs. Marguerite P. Elliott, supt. Midweek
services 7:30 p. m., Thursday ; tho pastor,
leader; place: Church. Young people's
meetings: 6:30 o'clock Sunday evening.
Court and 17th streets. B. F. Shoe
maker, pastor; phone 1576-J. Morning
service 11 o'clock; subject : "The Chorch
and the Bible School." F.vening service
7:30 o'clock: subject: "The Transgres
sor." picture and lecture by an Anti
Saloon League speaker. Sunday achool
9:45 . m.; Mrs. Frank Marshall, supt.
Midweek aervicea 7:90 p. m., Wednesday;
place: Chorea parlor. Young people's
meeting: Christian Endeavor and Junior
meetings 6:30 p. m.
Corner of Marion and Liberty streets.
Robert L. Payne, pastor; phone 1920.
Morning service 11 o'clock: aubjeet: "A
King and a Kingdom." Special gospel
music by the choir. Evening services 7:30
o'clock; subject: "Thinga That Were
Certain with Paul." Special music: Chor
us choir and orchestra. Sunday school
9:45 a, a.: Ttti Broer. anpt. Midweek
services 7:80 p. m.. Thursday. Young peo
ple's meetings: Three meeting; at 6:30.
North 17th and Nebraska streeta. L.
W. Biddle, pasior; phone 2622-J. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock; subject: "Evan
gelism and Pentecost." Evening service
7:80 'clock; subject: "The Church; A
Service Station." Sunday school 10 a. an.;
Promotion Day. Midweek services 7:30
p. nt. Thursday. Yonng people's meetings:
Senior C. E. 6:30 p. m., Sanaa y. Mise
Marie Waldorf la the leader.
Court nod Hifh streets. W. Earl Coch
ran, pastor; phoue 352. Morning aerviee,
First Fall Illustrated Service
Will be Held at Congregational
Church Sunday Night, Ward Says
First of the fall and winter
series of illustrated evening ser
vices at the First Congregational
church, Center and Liberty street,
will be held Sunday evening at
7:30 o'clock, announces the pas
tor. Rev. Charles E. Ward. Mov
ing pictures were shown with
great success at the church last
winter. Theme for the first of
the series will be "The Power of a
Great Aifection." with the Pathe
picture, "Square Shoulders," to be
shown in conjunction.
Leading parts in the picture are
taken by Junior Coghlan and
Louis Wolheim. This film Is the
story of devotion of a wayward
father for his son. Although the
father Is a derelict, the eon be
lieves him to have been a great
man who died gloriously in the
Rev. Amos Minneman
To Preach in Portland
Sunday morning Rev. Amos E.
Minneman, pastor of Christ Evan
gelical Lutheran church, 18th and
State streets, will preach in St.
Paul's Lutheran church, Portland,
for the annual mission festival of
that congregation. Rev. Fred
Theuer of Portland will occupy
the local pulpit on that occasion.
On the following Sunday Christ
church will celebrate its annual
mission festival with Rev. O. T.
Just of St. Paul's church, Port
land, occupying the pulpit.
10:50 'clock; object: "A Crow in p
faith. " Special mutic: Anthem, "The
Earth la the Lerd't," by Heyaer. Evening
aerviee 7:45 o'clock; aubjeet: "A Grain,
of Wheat." Special music: Oiorua choir
and aolo. Sunday school t:48 a. m.; W.
T. Jenks, inpt. Midweek services: 7:80
p. at., Wedneaday; pastor, leader; place:
Church. Young peoples meetings 0:45 p.
m. Mist Buirgy leader.
Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Martin f. Ferrey, minister. Church school
t 10:00 a. m. Devotional services at
11 a. m. Rev. Berkeley B. Blake, field
secretary and executive P. of the Amer
ican Unitarian association for the Pacific
Coast churches, will preach. Mrs. W. A.
Denton, musical director, at the piano.
North Cottage and D strets. G. W.
Rutsch, pastor; G. Schunke, aas't min.
later; phone 2927-J. Morning service 11
o'clock; aubjeet: "A Good Man Going
Into Danger." Special musle: Anthem:
"Gito Glory Unto the Lord." (By Roy
E. Kolte), will be sang by the choir.
Evening aerviee 6 o'clock; aubjeet: "The
Great Judgment Day." 8peeial aauaie:
Duet, "Are Yon Prepared t" by L. H.
Donner. Sunday school' 9:45 a. m.; Sam
Sehlrman, supf. Midweek services S p. m.
Wednesday. Pastor, leader; place: Church.
Corner 18th and State streets. Rer.
Amos E. Minneman, pastor. Phone 8726.
German morning service 9:40 o'clock;
subject: "The Greatest Commandment In
the Law." English morning aerviee 11
o'clock; with Rev. Fred Theuer, of Port
land, preaching. Sunday achool 9:40 a.
m.; Miss Martha Batterman, supt. Young
people's meetings: Luther league meet
ing at 7:00 p. m. Mine Martha Batter
man, leader. Important business is to be
transacted at this meeting.
(Methodist Episcopal)
Couth Commercial and Myers streeta.
S. Darlow Johnson, pastor; phona 2764.
Morning aerviee 11 o'clock; aubjeet:
"Looking Ahead." The pastor preaching.
Special music: Anthem by the choir. Eve
ning service 7:30 o'clock ; subject:
"Press Forward." Ormal B. trick, as
sistant pastor, preachlnr. Sunday school
9:45 a. m.; E. D. Roeeman, supt. Young
people's meetings: Leslie (young people),
Franeia Aebury (high school) and inter
mediate (junior high) Leaguea will meet
at 6:30 p. m.
South 19th and Ferry streets. H. C.
Stover, partor; phone 1924-J. Morning
aerviee 11 o'clock; subject: "Religion
and Progress." Special music: "Breathe
on TJs From on High," (Gelbreith) by
Beneitta Edwards and Harriet Adams.
Evening service 7:80 o'clock; subject.
"God's Greatest Poem." Special music:
Anthem, "Thy Mercy Calls Me" (Coerne)
and solo, "Threes," Leonard Chadwick.
Sunday school 10 a. m.; 0. C. Harris,
apt. Young people's meetings: 6:45 p. as.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. Phone
2921. "Summer ia Ended," topic for
morning worship at 11 a. m and "Types
of Men Who Shirk the Cross," sermon at
7:80 p. m. Both sermons by the pastor.
Special music by the choir at both serv
ice. William McGilchrist, 8t director of
music. Choir rehearsal every Friday eve
ning at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:45
a. m. Max Gehihar. supt. Mrs. C. M. Byrd
In charge of primary department. Arnold
Krueger. in charge of Y. P. department
and R. C. Arpke of the adult Bible classes.
Luther League devotional meeting at 6:30
Corner of Gerth ave., and Third tt.
Rer. M. A. Grove, pastor. Phone 1341R.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Rev. T7. S.
Crowder. of Salem, prechagin. Special
music: Mr. Weeks will sing morning and
evening. Evening service 7:45 p. m.. Rev.
U. 8. Crowder. preaching. Sunday achool
9:45 s. m., Lester DeLapp, supt. Mid
week services S p. m. Thursday; M. A.
Groves, leader: place: Epworth League
room. Toong People's meeting? Senior
and Young Married People's 6:45 o'elock.
Fraternal Temple, 447 Center street.
Services Sunday evening at 7:45. The
regular paitor. Rev. Lnella M. LaYalley
will be the speaker. "Medlumshlp of
Joan of Are." Messages;
Corner of 17th and Chemeketa stretea.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sunday preach
ing st 11 a. m. Younr People's meet
ing 0:30 o'clock Snnday. Evangelistic
service Sunday evening at 7:80 o'elock.
Kvangelifttie aerviee Saturday evening at
7:SO. Bible etndy Thursday evening at
7:S0. Evangelist Kenneth A. Wine in
(Missouri Synod)
North ICth and A streets, block north
of Old People's Home. H. W. Gross, par
tor. English service 9:45 a. m. German
services 11 a. m. Sunday school t a. nv.
Corner Hasel and Academy streets.
Bible school 10 a. m. Morning service
Ha. m., and evening service 7:45 -p. m.
Wo are to have two weeka aeries of
meeting beginning Sunday, September
29 at 11 s. m., to and in Including Sun
day, October 18.
258 Court street. C. S. Johnson, pastor.
Service 8 p. m. Evening service 8 o'clock.
Sunday school 2 p. m. Midweek services
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
High and Center streets. D. 3. Howe,
pastor. Reaidenee 1026 North Winter.
9:45 aw m. Bible school, " Promotion
World war. The father accident
ally meets his son and, stirred by
the kid's pride In his memory, de.
cided to try to live up to It. It
Is the story of overwhelming love
and paternal sacrifice that will
touch the hearts of everyone. Be
cause of the length of the picture,
only half of It will be shown this
Sunday evening.
A second film will be shown at
the ehurch during the week, when
the story of "Joseph and His
Brethren" will be shown In the
church auditorium Wednesday
night, beginning at 7:30 o'clock.
This is a six-reel drama of the
Old Testament story of the slave
lad who became ruler of all
Egypt. No admission will be
charged for either picture, but a
silver offering will be taken.
Castle United Brethren
Women to Meet Monday
The Woman's Missionary so
ciety of the Castle United Breth
ern church will meet Monday
night at 7:30 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. J. C. Hill, 638 North 20th
street. Miss Cora Wiegle will as
sist the hostess. Mrs. L. W. Biddle
will lead the discussion from the
new study book, "From Jerusa
lem to Jerusalem." Mrs. K. W.
Harritt will lead the devotions.
This is the closing meeting of the
"White and lavender" contest,
and every member is urged to
come and help her side win.
Day" with special program 10:80 a. m.
11 a. m. Communion, followed by preach
ing. Both sermons by the pastor. Special
mualo at each service. Choir rehearsal
Thursday 7:80 p. m. All the singers are
urged to be present. Midweek service,
prayer and Bible stndy Thursday 7:80
Market and North Winter streets. W.
N. Coffee, pastor; phone 2296-W. Morn
ing service 11 e'elotk. Special music by
the quartet. Evening service 7:80 o'clock.
Special mnsie: Song service led by Mrs.
Edna Hansen. Sunday school 9:45 a. m
Herbert Hansen, supt. Midweek services:
Prsyer meeting 7:80 p. m. Thursday.
Toonf People's meetings: 6:30 p. an
by Mrs. Minnie Goods.
Corner of Liberty and Chemeketa at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. and the same bervlce
repeated in the evening. Wednesday eve
ning meetings at 8 o'clock include testi
monies of healing through Christian Bci
nes. Sunday school at 9:45 and 11:00
clock. A reading room for the public
maintained at 406 Maeonie temple.
Open from H ta 6:80 except Sundays
and holidays.
Liberty and Center Streeta. A. P. Lay.
ton, pastor. Phone 991-J. Morning service
11 o'clock; subject: "A New Command
ment." Evening service 7:80 o'clock
subject: "Christ the Conqueror." Sunday
school 9:45 a. m.; L. L. Thorten. aupt.
Midweek aerviee 7:80 p. m. Thursday;
J. E. Erskine, leader; pae: At church.
Yonng people's meetings: Sunday evening
7:80 o'clock; topic: "Working Togeth
er." Leader, Anna Miles.
Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W.
Q. Lienkaemper, pastor. Sunday school at
9:45 a. m. F. E. Kruse, supt. English
"?"lc" " J0:S0- Subject: "The Grace
of Forgiveness." Sixth sermon la the
series on the Lord' Praver. German serv
ices at 11:15. Subject: "The Three Great
Hindrances to Religion."
Ono block south of center on lth
itrset. L. D. 6mith, pastor. Phona 1940.
flS!?'", .,JT'ie 11 lk: subject:
Principal Demons In the Chureh." Spe
cial music: Mrs. C. M. Lltwiller. and
Mrs. Carl Miaehke, will S0g a duet. Eve
ning service 7:80 o'elock; subject: "The
Swerd the Lord." Special music: John
?; w MW4 f.m,l3r' know
Singing Prlesena," will sing. Euadsy
ehool 9:43 a. m.; Frank Lltwiller, supt
Midweek services 7:80 p. m., Wednesday;
pastor, leader: nlaea: (3nreV Tn... ...
pie's meetings: Sunday 6:80 p. sa.. Miss I
SYBDon, president. Mr. Clyde Bof-J
imr, icauer. xoung people s prayer meet
ing Friday evening 7:30 at tho church:
the president in charge. The Juniors will
meet with Mrs. Smith, the supervisor.
Sunday evening at k80 o'clock.
66B Ferry street. Louise Priauel!. act
ing pastor. Snnday school 9:45 a. m Mrs
Gilbert White, supt. Morning service if
o clock. Communion Sunday. Duet by
Mrs. White and Miaa Prinnell. Chriatian
Endeavor at 6:30. Evening Evangelistic
service t 7:30. Special music by Agnee
and Viola Oriebenow. Prayer and fellow
ship meeting Tueaday night. Y. P. 8
prayer meeting Thursday night. Junior
Endeavor Saturday at 3:80 p. m.
Fifteenth and Mill streets. Alts V.
Gentry, aeting pastor. 395 South 15th.
Morning worship 11 o'clock. Topio: "The
Four Imperativea." Church achool 9:45
a. m. Miss Esther Ericksoo. supt. Ep
worth League: 6:30 p. m. Miss Esther
Erlckson, leader. This is the first meet
ing after the summer vacation. All yonng
people in the community who are inter
ested in young people's organizations are
InvUed to attend. At 7:30 the evening
service will be conducted by Mrs. Gentry
The topic will be: "In the Fullness of
Time." The children's play and story
hour will be held as usual on Saturday
afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock.
Calendar for Rally and Visitation Week Sunday, September
JSthi to Sunday, October 6th. Snnday, September 29, 8:45 A.
M. Church School Promotion Day Service. 11:00 A. M Church
Worship. 6:30 P. M. Young People'a Service. 7:30 P M
Church Worship. Monday, September 80, :30 P. M. Officers
and Teachers Pot-Luck Supper. Tuesday, October 1, 7:30 P.
M. Missionary Education Executive Session. Wednesday, Oo
PM1 N,ht- Thursday, October 8,1:30 P. M. Church
Mght Program. Adult Bible Class Pot-luck Supper.. Friday
October 4, 7:30 P. M. Young People's Night. Saturday, Octo
ber S, Open Night. Sunday, October 0, 9:45 A. M. Rally Day
Service, 11:00 A. M. Church Worship. :30 P. M. Young Peo
ple'a Rally. 7:30 P. M. Church Worship.
Theme for Sunday evening 7:30 Salem's great singing
Family known as the. Singing Freisen's
will sing
Church of the Nazarene
One block south of (Outer on 10th
Hayesville District Group to
Hold Quarterly Conven
tion at Keizer
ine 14 am quarterly conven
tion of the Hayesville Sunday
school district will be held at the
Keizer school Sunday. Septem
ber 29, with programs for both
the senior and junior depart
ments beginning at 10 o'clock that
morning. More than a thousand
persons are members of the con
vention group.
LabiBh Center, Clear Lake
Hayesville, Brooks, Union, Eld-
riedge, Hazel Green. Keizer, Mid
' die Grove, P r a t u m Mennonite,
Pratum Methodist, Salem Japan
ese, Chemawa and Frultland Sun
day schools comprise the district
grojp, of which Charles W. Cady
or Auburn Is president.
Salem Men to Speak
Two Salem men, Ronald Glover
and William Wright, will speak
at the morning and afternoon ses
slons, respectively, of the senior
group. Miss Mildred Gardner of
Keizer will lead singing. Mrs. Will
Scharf will preside over the Junior
group meeting.
Program for the senior depart
ment includes:
10:00 devotional service, Jun
ior class of Keizer, W. E. Savage,
teacher: 10:20 "Social Life In
the Home," Ronald Glover, "So
cial Life of Christian Leaders,"
Rev. A. C. Rylander. and "Social
Life of Christian Organizations"
Miss Gertrude Eakin; special mu
sic, Keizer choir; 11:45 basket
dinner and meeting of nominating
committee, consisting of pastors
and superintendents of Sunday
schools, with Rev. E. A. Fogg,
Afternoon Progrmm
Afternoon 1:15 Roll call
and business session; 1:45 Sand
table demonstration, Mrs. H. F.
Shanks, and modeling clay dem
onstration, Mrs. Charles W. Cady;
2:15 "Bible Lesson Pageants"
(original): "The Life of a Prom
inent Bible Character" by Lablsh
Center Sunday school; "One of
the Books of the Bible" by Chema
wa. "A Commandment and a Pro
mise," Salem Japanese Sunday
school: "Relationships and Du
ties," Hayesville. "The Value of
Harmony In the Sunday School,"
William H. Wright.
Juniors Included
The Junior department program
Includes devotional service at 10
o'clock with La Vera Cain in
charge; Bible study hour at 10:
20 o'clock with Mrs. Will 8charf
in charge of the beginners and pri
mary department and Mrs. A. C.
Rylander conducting the Junior
devotions; at 11 o'clock Mrs. A. A.
Lee will conduct part two of
Camp Fires in the Congo," fol
lowing which a basket dinner will
be served at 11:45 o'clock. Roll
call and offering will be taken at
1:15, the remainder of the after
noon program to include music,
preparing for Bible lesson pageant
and departmental march to Join
with senior department for pres
entation of pageant.
The new confirmation class of
the American Lutheran church
will meet for instruction at the
Saturday, October 6, at 10
o'clock, announces the pastor.
Rev. P. W. Eriksen.
Leslie Leagues
Observe Yuletide
In Early Program
Christmas may be nearly
three months away, but
members of the Leslie and
Francis Asbnrw leagues of
the Leslie Memorial church
have already started their
Christmas fan. In fact, they
held their first Christmaa
tree event several days ago.
Now that's over. It's true
they'll probably forget the
Ynletide for a number of
weeks. Ton ee, this tree
was for Miss Marie Corner, m
missionary in India, and the
gifts placed upon it are to be
used in her girl's work in
the Orient. Miss Edna Hoi.
der, who Is leaving next
week for India, will take the
presents to tho far country.
Program in connection
with the tree included a talk
by Mrs. J. B. TJlrich on Miss
Corner's work. Mrs. TJlrich
also read several interesting
letters from Miss Corner.
Ormal Trick lend devotions.
Fall Rallies
Church Head
Rev. B. F. Shoemaker, pastor of
the Court Street church of Christ,
who offers a sermon for the week
today. Mr. Shoemaker came to 8a-
lem last January from Coeur d'
Alene, Idaho. The charge here Is
his first in Oregon, but he has held
pastorates for years in Idaho and
V ashington.
Picture Coining Sunday lo
Fresbytenan and Court
Christian Churches
As a part of its temperance edu
cational program thef Anti-Saloon
league of Oregon is showing the
prohibition picture, "The Trans
gressor" In two Salem churches
Sunday night. The picture will
be shown in the First Presbyter-
Ian church, Chemeketa and Win
ter streets, at 7:30 o'clock, with
Rev. R. E. Close, superintendent,
delivering an Interesting address
in connection. The picture will
also be shown Sunday evening at
7:30 o'clock at the Court street
Christian church. Court and 17th,
at which time Rev. R. T. Cook
ingham, former sheriff of Uma
tilla county, will speak.
"The Transgressor" is one of
the latest and most interesting
films of Us kind ever produced,
Rev. R. E. Close says. It Is the
story of two men whose experi
ences are strangely interwoven
from their chummy boyhood days.
The deadly effects of the legal
ized liquor traffic are clearly de
picted in this story. The saloon,
poverty, riches, comedy, tragedy,
prohibition, bootleggers, crooked
officials, good officials, traitors
and true American citizens all
combine to hold the attention as
one follows the life story of these
two men.
Christ Lutheran Rally
Will be Held Sunday
With Social Meeting
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
church will hold its regular
monthly social meeting together
with Rally day for the Luther
league Sunday evening at 7:30
o'clock. An address on "Canadian
Mission Work of the Lutheran
Church" will be given by Miss
Martha Batterman, who was pri
vileged to accompany her broth
er, Rer. Walter Batterman, re
cently ordained in the local
church, to his field of labor in
Canada. A brief account of his
work in Portland will be given by
Rer. Fred Theuer. Musical num
bers, both vocal and Instrument
al, will be interspersed with the
addresses. Luncheon will be served
after the program, with each fam
ily bringing a basket.
Glad Tidings Mission
Announces New Location
The Glad Tidings Mission, an
independent Full Gospel assem
bly, has moved Its quarters from
843 Court street to 253 Court
street, over the Western Auto
Supply store. C. S. Johnson is
pastor of the mission, and says
that all who love the freedom of
the spirit are invited to attend
the regular meeings.
Free Methodist Women
Plan Special Services
The next Thursday evening:
prayer service at the Free Meth
odist church will be in the nature
of a missionary meeting, with the
Woman's Missionary society in
charge. Mrs. Lela Barham will be
Court and
v -vy i
! vf i
Church St. Bt. Chemeketa. & Center, A Downtown Church.
7:30 P. M. Types of Men Who Shirk The Cross.
Special music by the choir. Wm. McGilchrist, director
of Music. Sunday school at 9:30, Max Gehihar, Supt
Luther League devotional meeting at 6:30.
First M. E. Church to Begin
Program Sunday With
Promotion Day
Rally and Visit
be observed in First Methodist
church throughout the entire
week, opening tomorrow, with
Promotion Day services in the
church school, with recognition
of the out-goins and in-coming
classes of the various depart
ments, and the presentation of
certificates and bibles, and cul
minates In Rally day October S .
The officers and teachers of
the church school will meet Mon
day evening for a potluck supper
at 6:15, followed by the organ
ization and standard set-up In
charge of the fuperlntendent. Ben
E. Rickli, and Rev. C. I. Andrews,
the conference director of relig
ious education. The latter part
of the evening will be utilized by
the superintendents of the de
partments for conferences with
their workers.
Executives Meet Tuesday
Tuesday evening tho Missionary
education executive committee
composed of th nnH.
Tir . -...tin, ui ma
W. F. AI. S., Mrs. M. C. Findley.
the president of the W. H M S
Mrs. C. F. Wilson, the' Young
People s superintendent of for
eign missionary work. Mrs. A A
Lee, and councillors for the sen
ior and Junior Queen Esther cir-
Sh. E- ?' Berman Mrs.
Sfn m'ss,onary Buperlnten-
dent of the church school. Mrs. R.
V. Hollenberg, and a member of
the world service committee, will
meet to coordinate the missionary
arC?i0f th9 ChUrch "hool
and the church.
The members of the boys' work
committee. W. C. Winslow, D. H.
wnrt"' J; B- Crarj' wJ11 met with
workers from the Y. M. C. A. on
T?dajr ning to line up the
club work for the boys. Barney
Cameron and Ronald Hewitt will
assist in the work, and J. O. Rus
sell, the superintendent of the
junior high department, will be
one of the new workers.
Church Night Thursday
hIJr,Unday eveniaS will be the
big Rally week church night pro-
gam .when tne members of the
adults' bible classes will meet for
a. Pounck supper and a fellow
ship hour. The regular mid-week
prayer and praise service will be
Incorporated in the devotional
hour and a fine program of in
spirational talks and mnsic will
te given. New members who have
,nvInV.Ited t0 Joia the d"
will be introduced and given an
opportunity to become acquaint
ed with the aims and purposes of
the organization.
Young People's night will be
observed Friday evening. The
University Epworth League will
hold its big reception and wel
come to the new "students. This
is to be In tha nature of a "School
Begins Party" and will be in
charge of Miss Margaret Schrei
ber and her committee.
Party for Young' Folk
The First Church chapter of the
Epworth League will have a "Lit
tle Red Schoolhonse" party in the
chuch annex on that srsninr.
The boys and girls of the Junior
nign department are Invited to a
party given by tha Junior Hirh
chapter of the Epworth League to
a party at the home of their ad
visor, Mrs. C. M. Keefer. 1790 M
Sumner.- All these gatherings will .
oegm at ?:3U.
Sunday. October . will bo Ral
ly Day. A 100 ner cent ehnrrfc
school is the aim. in attendance
and plan of work. The newly
elected officers and teachera ht
the church school will be installed
at the morning service, and new
members in full and affiliated re
lationship will be received.
Evangelistic Series
Will Commence Sunday
At lmmanuel Baptist
A two weeks service, of
gellstic meetings, beginning Sun
day, October 13, are announced
from the Immanuel Rantitti
church. The young people's evan
gelists. Miss Nora Jordan and
Miss Beatrice Spies of West Hol
lywood, Calif., will conduct the
services, which are to be h.M
each night except . Saturday.
"Safe and sane orthodox preach
ing is promised for the aeri
Children's meetfnra will k
held Tuesday and Friday afte
School Under the foarlAraritn nf
Miss Spies.
Calvary Baptist Church
High streets
Grand Theatre
S. S. S:45 a. m. Preaching 10:50 a. m. and
7:45 p. m. B. T. P. U.'s C:t p. m.
LORD'S" by Heyser
Chorus choir and solo