The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakra, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September 18, 1929 PAGE NINE - CXJkMMXTZMD AJTETUmf SUaanf sotUes, set Bii e ( Um miainseoi eaarge) Classified Advertising, per Hae 10s Classified Advertising. fM lis tlaaes . 0e Classified Advertising. r hae lint Ou sseath, dally aad atandav t per Una tt-0 Copy lor this Pr accepted un tll 4:30 Um evening before pubii Sallon for clarification. Copy re eved alter this time will b run under the headlns Too Lata to claa-lty. ! HOP PICKERS WANTED HOP PICKERS WANTED ROBERTS yard. Geaser truck leaves corner of Frost and Center streets 6 :50 a. m. starting Monday morning. .Tins picking. HELP WANTED wiwncn rcxsier ienced Solicitor tor rural field, Wilhunett Valley territory, salary and wnnila elon. Apply Circulation Manager. To Oregon statesman. .ajuajinjxji -inrw- - r - wet KTDS Golna to the foirt vr.i,. nm. extra, money Thursday, Friday and Sat, of this week. I need 40 berry pickers (trained berries.) Pay iZJr, hMt-Sest nicking. Call 1784 or 97F4 at Kelser school, 3 miles N. Salenv river roaa. H. C. SHIELDS PKA PICKERS Good fay. CU1 1615 between and 6. HELP WANTED MALE a w -w wwww-i 'ri'i" " WANTED Two clean cut TOnf ' men to act as junior salesman. Oood opportunity to learn trad. Appty zji Ho. High St., before nine o'clock Thurs day. Ask lor Mr. Y inoourn. ,WB want a few middle ageo men wtth email car to sell and collect among farmers. Also crew managers to organize and direct a crew of men. Must be able to be away from home and put In full time. Reference re- Tki. fa ul nM reliable firm 62 years old. Good pay every week and steady JOB. awzp. j. T. Vorrison. evenings. R. a. Box ISA. Salem. One mile north on Paring highway. HELP WANTED FEMALE - -i -a a. as a aa aa w 4 ktkd Coiiec-e srirl to work for room and board. Tel zsiim, .. iinjaon furs'- - - - mmm FIRST class beauty operator to manac shop. Write or- phone Gus Herr Bllrerton, VWMaaaaaataaaaaAa WANTED Housekeeper. 12S5 S. 1 th SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Experienced newspaper solicitor for rural field. Willamette Valley territory, salary and commis sion. Apply Circulation Manager, The Oregon Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED irLLn.-io.ftmMM-iri-ni-ir - - EXPERIENCED pastry cook wants position. 5& Edge water street. WOULD TOU LIKE A THOR OUGHLY COMPETENT AND RELI ABLE TOUNG WOMAN TO HELP IN YOUR HOME IN RETURN FOR BOARD AND ROOM? A young woman of 81 years of age Is registered at Willamette university. She has com here through the help of two Willamette alumni who rec ognise her value as a student and wish tier to have a college education. Sha la trained, competent. Willing. Her character is above reproach. She-j would like a connection wun a gwu family In- Balent where, she could do sufficient work In kitchen, about the house or with children to provide her with room and board. , If Interested please communicate with Box 618, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALEM. Scavenger service call I mmm 1 . FOR SALE Small steam boiler with I electric heater: suitable for dry clean ing work. Inquire Statesman. BARGAINS Burroughs Adder $50, American 810. Mimeograph 82a. Un derwood No. S $12. Thoa. Roen. 42 Court ! GRAVENSTEINS Rulifson'a R. S, Box 60. Phone 4F4. aSManaanaaSssjsnasaaasaaeaaaajasgSasaan nnrtrt Tfsad Radio electric equipped Used, Radio electric equippea or can oe usea witn "cnL,"a I ana near k. rriceu . h"" - i at Western Auto Supply Co. 201 N. I Commercial. ..1224 N. High St Tel. 2242. ii-imw owwMM m --" Trtiur-Tfttj: win SALE 50c. 6c and 75c per bu. Bring boxes. Other ", .iA- V" 7 T, m t a i ft tv m. "S"..".' r.w r, wilier achooL i A Phmui 95V2 ur iTunBXf scales and 4 H. P. eteam boilers, a bargain. 320 N. Com mercial. Phone 492. - TUMiMrt nearhes. Charlottes, lm- I proved Elbertas, picKimg peacnes. lair Fosters. Will last ail wees, i "- iseiid. Mission Bottom. BIO JTUICT CANNING PEACHES Elbertas. Mulrs. now ready. Come to orchard and get them. J. C. Collin peach orchard, ltt miles south of Inde r.ondence on east side of river. -in.n.ii.i"iri ...---..--- CANNING tomatoes, 75c bu. deliv ered. Phone at noon. r.iTiRANTEED local watermelon iii. iiuni cantaloune 2c tomatoes 80c . box. Richardson's stand four miles N. "on river road. TRADIMISCELLANEOIJS iijuMmjjLnnrJi tvtt.T. rAm new 2190 electric SCW- Ing aaachln for late model radio ot eoual value, f none WANTED Miscellaneous triNTKD usea pianos, in ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur niture, tt 1 OUII rwnuiure unuinuii Wr.t flfe-a, A tlOV- aammhlt1B?a vmmi Into hair goods. .! gSoda Tet 1560R after 7 :M Wanted Four Car Loads of Cows FOR CALIFORNIA. ACT QUICK. THET MUST BE GOOD. DONT WASTE MY TIME IF NOT. AD- TJRESS D5 AT HOTEL SENATOR AND STATE PRICE AND WHAT YOU HAVE. LESLIE R. SMITH. MISCELLANEOUS a A. WTTCRAFT, well driller. Dal- la sT Oregon. 1118 Birch st. Phone 973. vT. WS .-".wwo none nnARDED. reasonable rates. Petland Kennels, Pac. hwy. TeL 2349M. WHY have a backache t Try Mas seur and Magnetic treatment for all kinds Of ailments. I specialize on nirves, also dletiaUta 330 N. High, Phono jsis-v. ,-., w m i at Jinn dnrina. le per pound. tAVg" or small lots. Phone 133F2. Lee Hatcherr. PAINTTNQ and tlntlnr. call 1763R. Tor RENT- ROOMS wit wsrVT Nice aleeclns rooms. Not far out garage If desired. ..Phone 13 90 J. , . .-M-i-wyn-r-i-M-i-i- - -- vtibwtkhed bousekeeDing rooms. Call at 1111 Maple avenue, or phoa 1960W. NICH COmrormoi .nwm iigntg. " . ROOM and BOARD i n -i -i ET.TrvrprNfJ rooms board if do - einMi. 144 Trade, Acrom from unlver - sity. FOR RENT APARTMENTS AMBASSADOR APktmtENTt UNDER NEW MANAGEBMENT CLEAN, nlcelr furnished 2 m. aDaxt- fncnts. on 3 ra, torn, or unfurn ra dio, eleo. refrlgeraOea. Garag or fra parking aoaca. new cooling nrma usUlIed, Preference to Permanent Phone 111! 550 North Summer St HAZEIa apartments. Rooms, aoart- tnenta. nicely furnlslied. 43a race, close '0 Ims line. HaseL, Pbone 1SS9W. BEAUTIFUL 3-room and bath, bun aratew in BMewa,tae Court. Kin Mr wood Fart. rTrepiac-, garage, ia unary sjsa UayUg fZa. mane zsio or 1MJ. Nice furnished epts. 899 TTnknx FURNISHED apartments. Adults only. Ull Marlon." FOR KENT HOUSES STJRITISIIED hoosea for rent. Mel- vta Johnson or A. I Dark. 320 y. at FOR RENT Houses furnished and anfurnwued. K. I WOCD 841 Stale Street 7 ROOM either partly or fully fur nished. 82 K. Front. Phone 12 02 J. FIVE room house, all conveniences, just out of city south. Acreage If de sired. Phone 34 b 11. S BOOM house, 3i; furnished ln- cludlftg piano and radio. fi ROOM unfurnisbed, strictly mod ern; 30. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 176 South High Street FOR RENT RaaA turns, new mint 2040 Ma' pie aveone $ 8 Room ouse. ltlt Ferry st IS. fi Room furnished flat. 1105 Oak street - 20. 4 Room house, eood. lit Luther street .- . .... 1. K Rnnm fnrnlalMul hnS0- East Sa lem : F. Ik WOOD Room I. Bayne Building aaaiata1asnaJaaa)sa HOUSES FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED . 5 ROOMS, full basement. South Sa lem hiKh ground at sis.KV per mo. SEE J. LINCOLN ELLIS BEAUTIFUL home an State street. partially furnished, or unfurnished. Close in. Box 41, Statesman. FOR RENT HOUSES Drive Out Look Them Over I R. 32 8. Winter at. $10.00 R. 1318 Court st. 25.00 32.00 22.50 15.00 10 a 4 apt. Sl Mill st. 6 R. 110 So. Com'l. St. , S R. 2127 8. 12th St C a llti Leo st 11.00 85.00 16.00 11.00 25.00 8 R. It 8. 14th st. 5 R., 24Ht Breyman J R. apt. 265 N. Com'L Furnished House, T rooms Furnished house, S rooms 85.00 65.00 Furnished 10 R. 860 N. 12th Furnished 6 R.. 385 Mission st 21.50 RENT YOUR HOUSE FROM LOUIS BECHTEL 341 State Street Room 4, FOR RENT HEATED sleeping room and apart ment. 7J ri. com'i. WANTED TO RENT WANT modern small houses for GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RH house, close m. modern, for quick sale. 5. 200 down r bai. to suit. 1U ROOM house, plastered. Bath. tonet. eiectrio lights. pncea Verv easv terms. St ACRES stocked and equipped. 500 chickens, to trade for acreage near valley town. IK ACRES, new 4 room house. 70 bearing fruit Areas, wonderful view. For quick sale. $2000. termsyBest buy in town. NEW room House, smcuy mooern Ulnthl upstairs. 03800.0 o. xou I"""" 269 ACRES well-Incated. plenty of jf.X. c? ior Q LOT on Falrmount Hill, pavement paid. $650. Rich L Ketmann 210 N. High St. Phone 865. nRKATKCT Tradma oraanKatlon on the Pacific Coast We have over 3000 prooertiea listed lor axenaage. nnrery kind of property, every price, every lo cation. We can match your exchange exacuy. If you would like to trade your property today, come la today. a u RARLS. Realtor FOR SALE To settle an estate, a 6 room home, furnished, good location, nrieed ta sell m ck. See L. E. SUff- fer. at Statesman office or 1710 N. 117th St ITM SALS Attractive Falrmount Hill Homo Built w owner ARTHUR RAHN Phono 191T or e3l SACRIFICE PRICE IN 3 tine lots In North Salem. $650 for all and purchaser to assume pav- ing. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 220 State Street Phone 1727 HOME at $100. per mo. Income. Value $10,000. Phone 2S96J, owner. .M,-i0'., n coon time te Invest en Rural ave nue, only through street east and west In south Salem. Good 7 room plaster ed house, fireplace, basement one to -w mA nP. namnta trees, cheap, terms, near schools. Also some good orchard lots cheap. SEN Statesman office, owner. Phone 2235W. ESTATE PROPERTY 1 ROOM house at 465 N. 21st St Large east front lot $3700.00. or will rent at per montn. KMallor 147 N. Com'L Phone Z1T. 2 BEDROOMS New a trie tly mndrn Th seat home buy in Salem I for 64209 Hardwood. t-ft-tVasement I l"JL T7.. !. . r.rrird f.Lt:?..lart0.r.ntiiO' JS. tT VIBUIVlt VrVOP vu"a T . . 945 Tamarack. $500 to izu nown. Balance EXACTLY like rent IMME DIATE post-sslon, BECKS m HENUKlUa 9 189 North High Street rm. 'ixiiiri iv il nr - iTrVAV" SPECIAL In a FURNISHED HOUSE 'of S rooms, two choice lots on paved street, ale lawn and flowers, some irutt ami nut trees. Price only $2150 witn terms. 1.BO N. CHILtm CO, Realtors 820 Stat Street Phone 1727 ninninin wnirm WHILE FULLY eautaoed 95 A. dairy ranch. fine location; good soil, snap $14,500; e.r 20 A. sub, home, close in, Diags.. creek, 7 A. berries and fruits, nice In come : sacrifice ; f ouo. easy terms. onnn room buucalow. S fin lots. fruit, garage. 83500; clear, want small 1 equipped farm, will assume. I j GOOD bungalows to exchange for 1 f.m I gee our list for exchangee. PSRRINE MARSTERS 212 Gray Building P6jl0AB6BgasrlBaaah BARGAIN 814000 PROPERTY for $1400. Fine an of 7 lance rooms and sleeping porch, walla beautifully done, lot 65x- j If i witn many xrutt ana anaaa xrees. doable garage, street and -alley paved Located only one block from trade I achooL 4 blocks from Junior and I from senior high school. Can be bought with small payment down, bat $50 per month including interest This is a fine opportunity for you. Owner moved to Calif, see it today. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 Stats Street Phone 1717 4 ROOM new modern home, north. living m 80 feet long. Very attrac tive, $5500. owner will take cneap I T a baaus T.4H r hleti. T1U i hsik -nd dh-ainbo-rd. tree. 14300. term a 6 ROOMS and attic, aoofh. Tletr Pro - , perix, aww, weu wanruwau s' 1 to sell at 43954. Easy terms, 1 WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor . - n . . i i c. . 119 souiu xuga oueet FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TOURS TODAY Severn Years to Part AT 825.00 per month yon can bay a good five room plastered hoaaa, weU located. No Interest, walks and paying paid, garage. SEE UK, BEUnTEli tOt KOEHLER ar MRS. CLARKJi 341 Sute Street Room 4. . THE FACT THAT this is the best buy in Seism today for ton money New Eng. type bunjtalow. double constructed. 6 rooms. now. noors, noon, best or plumbing ana iism xixrana, nreaaace. xaraaoe. u tram fall ct stent basmnsnr am at tic. room for two rooms, garage. This Una borne was appraised by a loan company ror f ioe. troves to you that tno praee la well worth gieoo snore than wa are offering it ror. Price 4. 250. on splendid terms. SEE LOUIS BECHTEL or MRS. CLARKE or UK KOEHLER 841 State Street - Room 4, TOR BALE 81500. NEW. modern roam noma. bath and nook, shrubbery, lawn, nice location, -walks) ra and paid, street pavea anq nam, ewaaoa, xioer covem new ranfe. aad braotkfaat saskau ma witn the mace. 8300. aown. 135 per monw sscMcnng- inierasr, ' 86000. HERB is one Of the nicest homes in Salem on a corner lot toth streets paveaV. and paid, beautiful shrubbery, and poot comcletelv fur nished. You can move in this wonder ful home for fSOO down; balance like rent to see this can HOLLYWOOD REALTY 8008 North Canltal Phone J807 - Res. JM8 EXCHANGE Real Estate I ROOM modern bungalow on cor ner lot In Portland wtu trade for Salem S room bungalow well located. . UUKTKUIIj!! J. SC. rAUei -492 North Cottage Street EXCHANGE 40 ACRE farm, fair set bldea. best of rich.-sandy soli. 25 acres cultivated. z acres blackcaps, bat pasture and timber. Running water. Price 84000. Will take Salem home or small acre age nearby. LEO ri. CHILDS CO Realtors 220 State Street Phone 1727 CALIFORNIA for Salem Will ex change my California home for Salem bouse or unimproved land. What have youT see owner, J. A. White, 2345 State street -'- -. i- - -u-h-j-.Ti.-i ti FOR TRADE New modern 5 room house for small farm. Phone 2637J. FOR SALE FARMS 294 ACRE farm can be bought at greatly reduced price. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 498 North Cottage AN EXCELLENT RANCH BUT 110 ACRES, 95 cleared, IS timber pasture, one-half valley, balance hill land, Finest gravity spring water sys tem, water piped to every field. Run ning water with Irrigation right mile to school. 10 miles from Salem. On mall and milk route. Fair build ings and fences. Splendid building site. Price 69000.00 Easy terms. SOCOLOFSKY It SON First National Bank Building FARM BARGAINS 147 ACRES river bottom land, good location, sso. per acre, 190 ACRE farm. 7 miles out sav ed road, must sell. Want an offer, or win trade. 40 ACRES river bottom land. IS acres clear, some timber, good road, close to town, f 4500. 100 ACRES, 25 clear, balance timber pasture $2500. 120 ACRES cut over land. $750. 17 ACRES just outside city, 0350 per acre. S ACRES close to Portland, well im proved, $4750. F. t WOOD 241 State Street 160 ACRE 25 a. tn cult, good bldgs., good soil, timber that would pay tor uie pjace oniy t! per acre, SEE J. LINCOLN ELLIS 487 Center Street ACREAGE ' '. V-- modern 6-room house, one mile north on Silverton highway. Full plumbing, lights, water in house and barn. Gar age, chicken house, family orchard. Call evenings, route 7, box 62. For sale by owner. $800. For Eft acres 1 mi. east of Sa lem, good soil. 8100 down. $1350. For 5 A. close In. just off the garden road. $1250. 5 A. 2 ml. east of Salem Has a barn. Easy terms. $800. 4 Acres about 3 ml. east of Sa lem, fine soil. $5000. 130 A. 1 ml. from Marlon, fen ced witn woven wire, a wells, creek. 2 sets buildings, $500 down ; or will trade. $3400. 5 Acres. 3 mi. from Salem, house, electric lights, barn, chicken house, 20x33. Terms or will trade for larger farm. $7500. 30 A. 0 mi. from Salem, large house. Darn iwxsu, cnicken house, 24x160 farm, fully equipped. Will take Salem residence. $21,000. 308 A. 260 cultivated, woven wire rence, 88000 worth of buildings. 84000. down. MEL VI N JOHNSON or A L DARK 320 U. 3. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 TEN ACRE TRACT FINE HOME SITES Just a- few miles out and near Pacific highway. Some tracts have creek, spring and shade trees. Fine soil for fruit ber ries, nuts, garden truck, etc. Price only $1500. $200. cash: balance easy monthly payments. At this price, these tracts are THE BEST BUYS ON THE MARKET. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY" 421 Court Street Ground Floor WANTED REAL ESTATE Tr"r-y--i"-irrririririn r i- -rvuvtfuumj ' WlNTrn THE best 4 or 6 room house that 31200 cash writ buy. Must have two bedrooms and located near good sciiooi. rreier jsngiewooa ai strict. Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 Stat Street Phone 1727 - " - 'Y'-V-Hi,a'lsTyaOr LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA FOR SALEM IDEAL lot clear, for aood Salem I "r m '"l' moaern nouse. o and no Junk. Please state full do- lot or on six-room modern house. No tails to owner. Lock Box 63. Seotts Mills, Oregon or telephone through warquam I6r t: Business Opportunities FOR SALE GAS service station In good location. MELVIN JOHNSON or A L DARK i jzo u. . Bank Bldg. Phone 67 w.,...iw,.vwm l fun baue urocery stock, land land building. P. O. Box 163. Salem. I DOWNTOWN office for rent or 1 lease. "ERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage Street TTTWTZZ FOR LEASE A paying gas station, repair shop. 1 grocery store and oenfecUeaery 4a fme nf,.,Ul It-f. ,f r' ? 1 , eI" T1 J 'JrA yr" with privilege of buying. A fine oppor unity, bub SEARS TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOAM tttL. V. u coo, si bau EKreex. liOKRX LOANED OK AUTOS ' contracts nennaacM Arrange ta reduce your xou Keep tae car. P. A. RTKJSlt Cor. liberty fit and Ferrr ill iumua WMWWWV1VWN CITY AND TRACT LOANS Raw socabl Rates No Delay STATE BAVLNtS AND LOA ASSOCIATION T08-4 rfratTKational Bank BUS. Qrivat p Blcney to Loan FARM l-OAjtb i neicr - to loan on good farm seritr. Otr 1 Lnana Wa ar loantnar Prndential la auraac witiriy muwv air ' I dencea an.0aslness property at 64 I per rent plus a commission. Hawkins a , . , ani n. H d..iijii m wmn w wistw in MONEY TO LOAN crrr and farm ioaa t rata. Best terms Uaiaabia, Oar deian t uent offers von saw naiB'is aad aei!.e t all ' RAWKIHa A BOaaRTa tlmm TeLlUT 80S Oregon Bldg. rSRSONAI LOANS MADE thlr. aa fcafore cloainK- a loan. -. CORPORATION Ftrst Hatloaal Bank 81dg FbonslCOO OW rllat NT i'PrS- ftKAC IW. iaiaVMWlT unSBEST WSTaiH TOtST NATIONAL BANK VLX3Q ON tsna sM eity pmpeUr leersat cost ror roans tnrougn imi orrice. HUDK1N8 BANFORD. INC. Phono 1211 Boom I. Miller's Store Boitdlnc BORROW HONEY On aatoaoobCea. TarnKurCk uvamtatsts. poteowai extecta. ana outer xooa security. SAutn iaaj BUREAU. Oft Beak. -of Coeuaorce. RESIDENT LOAN: $12.35 per sasoUi retiree a loan at fl-OAS tn 180 moneha. Pay faster If you wish. No saemnersnm tee. tteo Jjetaae, zs n. Ornrea. Pbone Ilia, "- SAANS TO men and swum steadily employ ed, on your plant note, lowest ratea easiest payments, quickest service. fairest; dealings and newest methods. Loans also made on Indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and other personal property. All transactions strictly com- nuetiuax. STATE LOAN GO. 212 Oraron Balldhur Second floor, earner State and High, Office hours IS a. m. to MO p. Telephone 132. HAVE $3000 prtvate money n good security in city. GERTRUDE 3. at PAGE 402 North Cottage Street P. H. BELLl -real estate loans, in surance surety bonds. 219 U. 8. Nat'L Bank bldg. Tel. 6077Rea. 8000J. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to on real estate. - .. W. H. GRABEKHOSST COL 324 South Liberty Street INWV-VWWMWVVWW WANTED Prlrare mt for farm loans. We have several appUeatioos on nana, rtaw-ms m Hooerts, wo. 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY to loan on city property. Can place $1500, $1800 and larger amounts. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Phone 651. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY PULLETS for sale about 50 Whits Leghorn pullets. 31.2S each. Phone 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. WILL pay ton price for 600 hens and 100 cases eggs. Hollywood Pro. mice. 194S Fairground ltd. Tel. T15J. W. jr. Patterson, M. D. V. Veterinary surgeon. Res. 458 21st N. Phone 1461J. COCKRELS for sale Barred Rocks, Reds. Buff Orphingtons. Black Min orcaa. White Minorca. Brown Leg horns, White Leghorns. Our cockrels kayo type, color and style. Phone 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. FOR SALE Good grade Holstetn gives 15 lbs, milk whoa fresh, Octo ber 10. W. M. ERIXON. Park at, be tween center aaa streets. DAIRY COWS AT PUBUC AUCTION, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 80. Sale Starts at 1 d. m. Sham FOR the convenience of those who are wanting good cow I have moved these cows to the 8. P. stockyards, Sa lem. Ore., where they will be sold on the above date without reserve. This dairy herd consists of heavy springers and fresh. These cows will carry a full bill of health, T. B. tested and blood tested. 28 head to choose from, consisting ot Guernsey! and Jerseys and Holsteins. G. W. CLARK, Owner J. K. GREER, Auctioneer and F. N, WOODRY. Terms: Cash. iewwis, i rVVerMM WANTED COWS LESLIE R. SMITH Mwwwwvvwww Auction Sale SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2L Oregon State Fair Grounds. Salem, Oregon, STARTING at one- o'clock sharp. ear load of young work horse weigh ing from about 1200 to 1500 lbs., 4 yr. to 7 yrs. old. These horses are of the blocky type suitable for farming or any general work. Consisting most ly of percheon and shire breeds. Most of these horses are well broke and been working every day. A few of them Just been worked a few rimes. Also two good saddle horses that are gentle. Thee horses must be sold re gardless of price. If you are interested in a horse or team don't miss this sale. Remember, the date. Saturday at one o'clock at Oregon State Fair Grounds. Terms af sale. cash. Every horse will be guaranteed as represented at this sale. Everybody invited. OWNER FRANK BOUNDS Auctioneer J. K. Greer. FOR SALE WOOD -- -"-"--------- U'LTLt uUUU COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAtf FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1866 - - - - - - - - -1, iiv.winn. DRY tkr MlJ salt nv n,1 mmA fuel ofl. Call on Uf for prices. Wa gtv good measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Telephoo 934. FOR SALE Wood 4 all M. D. Mayfield. ohone 72F2. GOOD WOOD at a ttuonshl nrana. Well seasoned second growth fir and otd fir slab- aad Inside wood. Prsmnt delivery. Fred E. Wells, Fhono 1642. zso south Church street - - - - c - - ior,Mi'fvrin w GUARANTEED DRY Wood eoat to is. naiem imei cw 752 Trad. DRY 16-in old fir. 4 ft oak. ash and fir knotts. Cord measure. Reductions on large orders. C U. Harbaugh. 838 Mijrniana ave., pnone llo. FOR SALEUSED CARS Valtey Motor Company Reconditioned Used Cars HYVRTJS Model A Fordor 8650.00 Model A Tudor $650.00 Model A "Sport Coupe, new ttres 650.09 stoaei a fnaetoa 1936 Tudor 276.40 1936 Coupe Ruckstell 350.00 1926 Roadster, ruckstell, new tires, wire wheels 200.00 IMS Touring 150.00 1924 Coupe '26 motor 150.04 1924 Touring 40.00 OTHER MAKES Overland S Coach , Essex 4 Coach ; Star 6 Touring Star Coupe i ... Dodge Roadster , Podge Roadster . I4l.t 166.00 285.00 235.00 S50.00 60.00 Open Evenings Valley Motor Company SALEM Phoa 1191 Center at leltertT 1927 MODEL Ford.deliverr. with all ateet body. eKoed thjM. Car m A-l condition. Body avkme a 4344 srahte. This car would ec great value to store, owner for delivery car ar so truck farmer. . CAPITAL MOTORS CO. SSO N. High Street PERSONAL! LOANS - i 1I2T Bulck SUndard Sedaa $850 ' w'CTSh.i?S3? 8 Bf .Standard Touring 885 v waett m ftnancfeU aoed aaei,lt surtte (uj.- . ktft FOR SALE USED OARS It Will Pay You to Look Over Our Stock of 50 Cars 1038 Butek Sedan 826 65 460 385 75 ISO 80S $10 405 S2S 60 266 295 250 1S5 85 160 T6 20 125 103 Bulck Roadster 127 Chrysler 6t Sedaa 121 Chrysler SI Coups 103S Chevrolet Teurin 108 Cttevrelet To ring iszb uoage s vaupe 1121 Dodge Panel oUvery 102T Dodge -4 Coupe . 1925 Dodae Touring : 1022 Dedg Roadster . 1026 Essex Coach overhauled 1087 Ford Tudor Sedaa 1926 lard Coup Ruxtell r 1926 Ford Roadster 1935 Ford Pickup 1924 Ford Coupe 26 motor 1928 Ford Towing 192t Ford Touring 1922 Hup Touriag ,- 1938 Poatiae Coach 1917 Footiae Coupe , , 1927 Star 4 Sedan . 1926 Oakland Sedan 1828 Oakland Touring .... 1024 W. K. Touring 675 885 375 560 325 150 izs w. k. sedaa 28 1927 Studebaker Dictator 1927 Studebaker Coupe 1921 Overland Touring 1923 Chevrolet ton truck 775 675 60 175 Consolidated Used Car Center Marlon and Liberty -Open Evening and Sundays Pltone 1027 McKay For Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1921 Chevrolet Coach .$495.00 1916 Cher. Coupe 495.00 1925 Cher. Sedan 1928 Dodge 6 Sedaa . 1928 Essex Sedsa 196.00 626.00 626.00 475.00 825.00 1927 Kasex Coach 1926 Graham Bros, truck . 1926 Chevrolet truck 376.00 Ford truck, ruxtell. Hercules stake body 160.90 LOW G. M, A. C TERMS POSITIVE GUARANTEE 430 North Commercial Fine cars at any Prices Bargains at These! 1928 Oldsmobile Spt Roadster 1928 Oakland 2 -dr. Sedan 1925 Rtckenbacker 4 -dr. brougham 192S Willys Knight Sedan 1928 Maxwell Touring 1925 Studebaker Victoria THESE cars carry our regular Used oar guaranteed. Reo Sales & Service Company S7T North High Street Genuine Values For The Used Car Hunter 1926 Olds Coach, new tires 4450.00 1929 Whippet Sedan, run 3000 miles 700.00 1927 Dodge Coupe, leather A 1 shape 465.00 1933 Ford Touring with starter 65.00 1924 Ford Coupe, lots of extras 150.00 1921 Ford Touring with box on 65.00 1KJ7 Willys Knight Sedan, Model A - T50.00 1925 Olds 2 Door Sedan 300.00 1924 Snort Model TourlnBT Chevrolet 75.00 1922 Liberty Sedan A-l shape 195.00 1927 Oldsmobile Sport Coupe .... 625.00 1927 Dodaa Sedan, new naint new tires 550.00 1927 Essex 4 -door Sedan. A-l condition 550.00 Capital Motors 850 North High Street SALEM. OREGON Used Cars on Hand Aug. 27. 1929. THE BIQ 3 Have the best selection of Used Cars and the best terms. 1327 Bulck. reconditioned Be dan $850.00 1927 Bulck reconditioned coupe 850.00 1925 Buick Coupe .- 435.00 1925 Bulck, glass enclosure .... 385.00 1926 Master Bulck Std. road ster 635.00 1927 Chrysler 61 Sedan 450.00 1925 Chevrolet touring 150.00 1928 Dodge 6 Coupe, overhauled 800.00 1928 Dodfte 4 Panel delivery 610.00 1925 Dodge touring -. 225.00 19ZS Kasex coach overhauled .. 265.00 1922 Essex 4 touring;, new tires 85.00 1918 Model A Ford Coach 650.00 1925 Ford pickup delivery 85.00 1924 Ford Coupe '26 motor 150.00 1922 Franklin sedan 450.00 1928 Pontiac Coach 675.00 1927 Pontiac Sedan : 4.6.00 1926 Pontiac Coupe 385.00 1927 Studebaker dictator aedaa 775.00 1927 Star 4 Sedan 375.00 1928 Oakland Sedaa 865.00 1926 Oakland touring 325.00 1921 Overland Sedan 4 8.00 And lots more to choose from. Consolidated Used Car Center Marion and Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays. Phone 1027. NAswasSsaiawavaarWas Nash 400 Courtesy Cars WE have the following courtesy cars that we ar offering at a very sub stantial saving. These cars cannot be told from new cars on th sales floor; Nash Std. Six 4 door sedan Nash Speo. Six 4 door sedaa Nash Adv. Six 4 door sedan Also the fallowing good used oars: 1927 Chrysler 60 Coach , $650 1928 Marmon Roadster ,. 975 I92S Ford 4 Dr. Sedan 295 192S Nash Spec, Dr. Sedan 496 19 25 Bulck 2 Door Sedan 475 1924 Overland Coach , 360 1925 Gardner Touring 295 1926 Essex Coach 250 1927 Star Roadster ; 4o 1934 Chrysler 66 Coup . 476 Ford Touring . 40 F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 366 N. Comt St Tel. 1260. 'After we sell we serve. WANTED USED CARS CASH tMtld Tar Foi2Clkr Auto BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry IS Tra Salem's leading Auctioneer and FUrnltnr Dealer . Residence and 8tor 1610 N. Summer gL Phoa 111 COL A, U aTEVBNSOM aac ttoneer, 28 years' experience ta th Willamette valley, tor dates or ar ranKosacflti e P. A. poerQeT, farm advisor. First Kationai Bank, SaJem. Phono or write. A, L. Stevenson. Cr vailla. Oregon. H. F. Woodry and Son Ta AUCTIONEERS Wh Sell Rlto-Dow.Towa Phone TS J Years Bixperlenes 1 1 He 0,e Hagedorn Auctioneer. Farm - eaatemimt and onat lumitnre aaie. lei, uhw. DATTERY 1ICTRICIAN S, IX - irsrton National Ballarie btarter an generator work. 803 souta tiisn. v . BICtCKJBt REPAIRING LLTI YD SL RAMSDEColumbU BWc&s an 4rpalr1iMr. SIT Cacrt Cl-SANLNG SERVICE Canter St Tateteris. taL 3227. SUITS cleaned and aeaaaad SL. VAR- LEY CMC 4 NEBS. .84 N. ComX over pustesa. ClJlROfllACTORS Dr. (XU SCOTT, PSC. C3Uroprctor. 26S U. t.-igs Tet b7. Res. 2104-J. XRS. SCOFIELD, Palmer Chlra- practora. X-Ray gad Si. C M. New Bank Bfate. . tUECTltfCiANS HAIAK ELECTRIC CO. 61 North Front sc. Tot ra, 8, - - . FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL a. court 4k High 8t Tet 80L, CUT Flosrara. Ftownrs, wedding bouquets wreaths, decoration a. C F. pt florist 612 Stat Street runerai err Bretthanot Tei is INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insurance Tel. 07. . : 211 u. B. Bang mas. BEEKE A HENDRICKS SSf N. High Tbl 16! RICH L. REIMANN Oeseral Insuraaas. Loans 219 N. High St Tet 846 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE 2iS Masonic Bldg. Phone No. 981 West Coast Life Insurance Co. "Insured Savings. 805 First National Bank Building Tel. 970. H. J. Harder, Pist. Mgr. KODAK FINISHING EXPERT KODAK FINISHING. Canwa Film Shop, ISO 8. Liberty. IAUN1)RIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY TetepaonatS :i3 a High CAFITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 165 1164 Broariwa MATIaiESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED bv the Capital City Bedding Co, 3030 North Capitot Called for and delivered. AU work sniaranteea m is MUSIC STORES FOX RENT New ptanos. a l Stiff Furniture Company. GEOl C WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machmea, sheet tnusc ana ninno studies. Repairing phono graphs and sawing machines 433 State street. aurn PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for house oacorftMng. paper hanging Usling, etc, PLUMBING PLUMBTNTJ and general re pair work. Grkbar Proc 164 So. Liberty. T-t B50. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, card a. Dam- phlets. programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department 216 & Commer cialTel 600. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every ours All standard sizes of Radio Tube. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 236 Court 8t. Tel. 488 ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yosemite rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front. Tel. 48T. STOVES 8TOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale. rebuUt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fenoe, fancy and plain, hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Worka SSO Court Sr. Baetr ot Bimt--'ai TAILORS D. H. MOSHER TaUor for men and women. 474 Court St. TRANSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 224 State St Tet 938. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Get (hit rates WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THE JEWEL BOX. 172 N Lfbe-tv ttnXm vfiTirr riw Trwr cin1 . j. a-J iinnuui ul,n" that sealed hjds will be received hr thm nnitarafa-iMxt nntll the hnnrltrr mean . O.AA . A - A J . - . ui o;uu p. in. oo tue oru uay vi September 1929, and immediately thereafter ncbllclv onened bv the r- n r-..,n A ritw n West Salem, Oregon, at the City Hall of the said City of West Sa- lem, Oregon, for an issue ot bonds of said City of West Salem. Ore- gon, in tne amount 01 $a,,i Heaie said bonds to be dated September Jft" 1, 1929. and to mature serially In I colored broilers"! numerical order at the rate of S2K00A ah Rntomhor 1st In efth of th year 1930 to 1949 A. D.,1 Laclusive; said bonds to bear la - terest at the rate ot six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, pricipal ana interest payable at th office of th City Treasurer ot West Salem, Oregon; also tor an issue Ot bond Of th said Cltf Ot West Salem, Oregon, in the amount of 15,0t.0, said bonds to oe aatea &epiemner 1, uzs and to mature serially In numer - loal nrilAr at tha rata of S7EO AO - on September 1st in each of the years 1980 to 1949 a, D Inclas- ive; said bonds to bear interest at the rat of six per cent per an- num. payable semiannually, pria- cioal and interest nayable at tbe office of the City Treasurer ut., o.i . Bids must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check ia th amount ot $50 0.00. The Commoa Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. MAUDE MILLER. City Recorder. Address; 1141 2nd St,5alera. Or. S 13. 14. IS. 17. IS. 1. St. ------ - - ' M, 24, SI. NOTICE OF FIXAL SETTTLE- vAiM . ir. -i. k Notice Is hereby giren that th tderslgned has filed in the coun- MEXT UQUriHIKUKU I1BS. S iitu ITS l 113 6TUIJ. ..... . n . ay w. w i vuc ui " ' ' vi- uuy verified final account, as adminis - a-.a-i a .v. .-,-4. n. I uhiu VI iuo caw ul duuuui hasw ivn i iia Wood, deceased, and that said court ha fixed Tuesday, the IStn laa.tay, fso.ozi: a, valley, ot ten o clock a. tn. of said day, as prio, $i mon, th time, and the county court . -horns at Salem. Markoa eonaty, iosTLAirD T. it API Oregon, aa the pUce lot hearing uIpnil nTitu said final account and all Objee- eUverei Portias. leas 1 pet cent But Uos thereto. If! ifSJ,1. 5 WiTW . . a-s a-a. - - at. a, . eaMaal-SBaBW 4isls tiaiea as baiem. uregon, New Ftrst national Bank Building Directory WAJtKMTWrr Eta Lnxa ShinmaT Partr Experts or Ladles sad Go Geatiame Fourth Floor Dr. C B. O'NellL Oatemetrist Phono 426 401-4O2-403-404-406 DR. L. B, Burdette, ontometrtst, 60S First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Tet lit. TENTH FLOOSt Dr. W. A. Johnson, Dsntiat Telephone 1265 1001 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKS A HENDRICKS 18 M. Higts Tet 161 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. m Grey Bldg. . Phone T 10 LEO K. CHILDS CO, Realtors 820 Stat St Tet 1727 F. U DELANO 210 N. Church Tet III S. M, EARLS 224 N. High St. Tet 2242. HOMER D. FOSTER 870V State St REALTY CO. Tet $42 W. H. ORABENHORST CO, 184 S. Liberty St TaL 616 ICKLVIN JOHNSON 829 U. a Bank Bldg. Tet 627 GERTRUDE J. ML PAGE 492 N. Cottage Tet 1186. RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor 219 N. High bf . Tat 866 SOCOLOFSKY SON 104-6 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tet 976 J. F. ULRICH Commercial TaL 1354 129 N. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St Tet C51 P. L. WOOD 441 State Rt Tat 70 llth day of September, 1929. CORA WOOD, Administratrix of the Estate of Samuel Wood, deceased. Ronald C. Glover, Attorney for Administratrix, S-ll-18-25 Oct. 2-9. Salem Markets Fresh Fruits Wholesale Quotation.) Apples, loeala 1.60 iPeachei, Calif., crate 8075 Plume, local, lb. 03 Bananas, lb 07 H j Limea, carton 5 dot. 3.00 Date Dromedary, 86, lO-oi. pkga. -6.50 -3.7S -7.25 Cone a Fitted, caio Grapefrnit. Calif., case Iila of Porn, tkiba 11.50 ,4.00 4.50 Comb Honey, now crop Lemons, Cam. ,15.00 Cantaloupes Local, crate Honey Dews. lb. .1.50 04 Ice Cream Melons -02 -04 -01 4 Caiabas Watermelons, per lb. Oranges, Yalencias 100 . 126'a 150'a ITS'B 200's 216'S 252'a .4.00 -0.00 -7.25 7.75 ..6.76 5.75 -4.0 ..4.25 2881 844'S .8.50 Grapes, whits Malagas .. 1.76 9,50 1.25 1.75 2.50 8.00 Red Malagas Seediest Grapes Rosa of Peru Grapes Tokays Lady i Mirers Vegetables (Wholesale Quotations) Cauliflower, local .1.75 09 .07 Peas, local, lb. Green Beam, local Celery, Labith, 4oi. 60 1.00 00 Celery 11 can a Spinach, local, erancs box .. 1.50 Bunched vegetables, per eoi. bunches Carrot : 40 Beeta 40 Turnips .. .. 40 Radishes . 40 Partley 50 Onions .40 Garlic. Ib. 15 Tomatoes. local, lug . .... -65 Onions, Walls Walls Globe 2.50 rickliDr onion. H. 09 Lettuce, local 2.102.75 Cucumbers 75 Pickling cucumbers, Ib. 09 Cabbage 02 Green Peppers, The Dalles, lb. 05 Calavos, case 5.50 Esx Plant, crate . 1.50 Summer Squash, box .. 80 Corn, Yellow, 4 doa. 00 White. dot so Sweet Potatoes, lb. , 07 Potatoes, local 02 H Yakin -8.00 feeds (Retail Quotations) Calf meal. 25 lbs. . 1.86 .58.00 -49.00 .50.00 -S4.00 .84.00 -50.00 Serateh, ton ,,. Corn, whole, toa Mill run, ton Bran, toa i W. ita milk .58.00 Eggs (Baying Pries) I Extras -80 87 -82 .34 1 Standards pallet , Poultry . (Baying Price) niS , tu , .13 .47 Jin .10 .17 .17 Leghora, broilers .31 I Sotterfst .Wholesale Quotation!) .83 fcartoas 8 I .40 Batter (Retail QuoUtions) Prists .58 .64 i Cartons rl Whaet weatera red, bu. Soft white, bu. wkl,yboJZZIZ .1.08 -L11V4 60 - IPerlfty. te , ixnn 1 Hsv I JL . . . I van aaa vexca -14.00 Dressed Meats (Baying Price) Vest, too .to as Hs. top wooI Medium . Coarse Wool and Mohair -40 -S3 so -29 -35 -60 ot fcf"?01 y Kid General Markets POXTLAITO GSATsT PORTLAKD, Ore. Sept 17. (AP) w neat intares: Onea ; High Close 11.1 Sept 122 1224 1 U I r- . 1284 12S 74 13S T 138 A 138M 1ST Cask Sralas: Wheat Big Bend blnesteas, hard white 91.32 ; sit white, weatera watts 1.33 H H,r -inter, aorthora iprisf, w6tern ftd Hall, A fllAhy Inflelder, hU red $L20 j. hhi f wrri- himaAif -nt r o.'u K.2, 88 lb wUt. . - L1!?!--at 01 vatoa) --y. a. ? St.. WaU I Barter. No. 2. 45 lb B. W 482.00. Cora, Xo. 2, eastern yeUew. ahlpment if 44.30. Aiuirua, alaaaara, ft9Jlt, i s. 1 EAT ' ' Hart nmjt' priVi:T terVOreton uus l-v . to7t rleei)t Ante, heavy 4K Ibs tet audi af keas. IU0H lac, SaepSSe; light, aader hk Uk, 20i21ei broilers, 1 lbs 20Ifte; colored broilers, t to 8 Ib- 3780: tpriog Pelda Jacks, 4 lbs and ever, tOe; eld Pekia dacka 13ls. 4rats: Ueau. e. . X graee.' z.iaa $.00 per ewt. . . ,v. urxsrocx :v --i PORTLAND. Ore, Sept IT. fAP) Cattle and calves, steady. SOe lewer fee mediant te rood steers; receipts, cattle. So; calves 1. Steers, good, $10.50611; do. feed, flO.5O0LL85; do. ntdiuai $0 10.50; do. cosMaea. $79. Heifers, good $0.00 .S0; t stediaam SS.SO9. Cows. goed. 08fi8.5O; . ewmai median $48; d lew .cstUr $36. Balls, good te choice, $808.50; do. cuf ter t s-sdiom $6.S0$. Calves, awdiaai t eaoie $ toe 13.60; eaU. to wnn $ 7.50 10. Vli amilk fed, fowl to choice $13014.60; aiediaai $ll;18; euH te eeauaea 4011. Haft: 6ter: rereipts. ISO. ' HesryweUbt $9 11; sftsdiass weirst, 910-11.I5; lirkt wsixat IH811J5; ligat Ughta, $10 0 11.25. Packing aowa,: reagk and -aaweta 0T.5O. Blsagatar pigs, $9.7510.T3. Feeder and seke pigt, $10 HI. (Soft or oily hen sad rMstiag pigs exclaeed in eeeve ata tiem). i - " Sheep and lassbt: Slew, abent sUady receiptc, 850. Lambt, $4 lbs., down, good te ehelc $11612; SMdiam $0.64yll; all weights cull te eoaiawa $7 0.SO: yearliag weth ers. 110 Ibsv, dew, aseaiass t ebeiee, $6.5O0; ewes. 120 lb, dewa. atediass to choice $3.735; de. 120 te 125 lbs, Bed ram te caeiee $34.50; sit weights, commoa $19 3. SO. DAIBT r PORTLAXD, Ore., Sept. IT. (AP) Batter: Extras 40c; stssdaras 48e; prime firsts 47e; firrta 42c. gga, txras 40 ; firsts, SOe; mediam extras 35c; atediaat firiti 84c CHICAGO OXADT , CHICAGO, S.B4. 17. (AP) Baltytag power developed ssreegly ia ta wheat -market teds? after reports a copiooa. rin throughout the Argentine drought re gion hi -pitched prices uewa to the low est level siace July 13 last. Today's bottom qnotatieas were "near ly 10 ceata a bushel uader kit week's Inn firarca. Aebseaaeat rallies were Isrsa Ijr owiag to Uaited States department of agriculture advices that the world's 1924) wheat was tthaated at a boat 500,000,000 baahels less thaa last rose. Besides, tv dicatioas today wero tbat yotteroay a hesvr seflinr of wheat was en the port f apecttUter for a decline rather thaa for Urge holdan. , Wheat closed firm to le above yee terdsy'a finish. Cora closed 6-0e te 7-8 up and eats aacaaBgea te 4e nirser. NEW YORK, Sept 17 (AP) Entrance ot General Motor corporation into the radio receiver set manufacturing field was fore shadowed today when the Radio Corporation of America announ ced that "discussions are In prog ress" between the two organisa tions for the use by General Mo tors of certain of Radio's basic patent rights. For the last several days the fi nancial district has heard various reports concerning a proposed working agreement" between tba two companies, one ot which was to the effect that General Motor was to distribute the products ot th radio corporation. Clarification of the several re ports came today when David Sarnoff, executive vice president ot the radio corporation, issued a statement that, his organisatioa would continue to distribute 1U own products and added that Gen eral Motors was seeking to obtala the use of his organizations' pat ents. At the officials of General Mo tors details of its plans to enter the radio Industry were not ob tainable, last month it was an nounced it would acquire the Day- Fan Electric company, of Dayton. Ohio, radio manufacturers, al though no explanation was mad as to what use General Motor proposed to make of it. HliS STARTED The Interstate commerce com mission notified the Oregon publi service commission that it would open Us hearings on the applica tion of th Idaho-Pacific railroad company for permission to con struct a line from Nyssa Oregon, to Winnemucca, Nerada, in Port umhhs 1 to make radios OCTOBER WORD land on October 14. The line in- - volved would b 128 miles Ions and woudl connect th Oreroa Short line at Nyssa. with the West ern Pacifie at Winnemucca. Pro tests against th construction of the proposed rout hare been filed by various other railroad nd bjT the Oregon commission, whieh re gards th proposal as jut attempt It throw cold water on ttsowa program for a cross-, stal line through Oregon from east to west." Paddlers Make Record Journey 200 Mile Cruise UOUISVILLE, Ky., (AP) Paddling their eanoe approxim ately 200 miles down Mississippi river tributaries from Dayton, Ohio, to Louisville in 42 hour and 41 minutes, Malion Lowe It. end Joseph Cardosl 21, hung up re cord that probably wilt bring thesa a silver loving cup. A prize .for the best record on the Dayton-Louisvill river course haa been offered by a Dayton citizen tor those competing Labor day. Lowe and Cardosl lopped al most aa hour off the previous best time of 43 hours and 44 minute. Conscientious PlayerWorries Himseli Jobless - S GREENVILLE, 8. C, (AP) every baseball job lie rets. Four or five year ago, Macon old Halt to the Chicago Cubs tor $7,090. But Hall got off to a poor 1 start and worried himself tight off . the Cub roster. He ts so conscientious and take the game so seriously that an er ror or t hitlesa day causes aim to lose tour or fly pound' weight, his friend say. " Tbe Columbia e!u of the South Atlantic association released Hall the other day and for the same old reason. ...... V