The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, . Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September 18, 1929
1 ' J '
B rid ge Evening
Miss Geer
. , "' - -
Miss Florence Botch and Miss
Hazel George entertained with
.tiv tables of -800" at the tome
of Miss Busch' Tuesday evening la
compliment to Mies -Leon Goer,
a guest here from Los Angeles.
The guest rooms were beauti
fully decorated with slnnlaa. and
asters In the lovely shades of -fall.
, Following the evening of cards
Mist George end Miss Bosch
' served a late sapper.
G nests for the evening were the
. guest Qf honor, , Miss Leona Geer,
: of Los Angeles' Miss Jtfne Hud-
son. Portland; Miss! Ellen Rowe,
Portland f tss Eldore-- KMtfgr.
Carlton r "Silas ' Helen Leighton.
Yamhill ; .Mrs. Lucille Denning.
Miss -Wiim Otero- Miser Leota
Cell, Miss Virginia Best; Miss Mar
garet Vao-Vleet, 1V -Gwendolyn
Shipley. Miss Beulah Bailey. Miss
Isobel George. -Miss Pan line Max
- uach, Miss Paaline Johnson, Miss
Lucille Beddicopp, Miss Esther
Wood, and' Miss Josephine Jas-
Chadwick Chapter
Selects Worthy
Chadwtek chapter. No. 37, Or
der of Eastern Star, elected as its
new worthy matron Mrs. Mary
Johnson at the meeting called
-Tuesday night at the Masonic tem
ple. Her daughter. Miss Lela John
eon acted as Installing officer. This
lection was made necessary by
the death la July of Mrs. Anna
Kantner, then worthy matron. For
the two meetings which have been
held between the J death of Mrs.
Kantner and the ' Tuesday , night
"meeting, Mrs. Pearl-Pratt has pre-
" -Following the' electlon'Tuesday
nlght Miss Esth'ef Wood, now
worthy- adrlsoe of the Chadwick
chapter,' Order of the Rainbow for
girls, and- Grand Faith, Jn "the
Grand assembly of the Oregon
Oregon of' the Rainbow for girls,
was 'initiated' into the' Order of
the.. Eastern Star. '
' ' .'
Past Presidents Club, ; .
.Guest of Mrs, Lovelan'd
, . The-Past Presidents clnb of the
Woman's Belief corps, met at the
..heme . of 1 Mrs. Bertha Loteland
Tuesday afternoon'- for a regular
meeting- and a special comment
oration of Constitution "day. The
afternoon was spent in a discus
sion' or a phase of AmeTtcaaliePf
tlen and the . Constitution of the
raited States. ' The" discussion
was led by Mrs. Liuto-ttmitk. Fol
lowing this Mrs. LoTeland served
aeetsttd by Mrs. Florence Oden
borg. ; . . ' :
Those present for this meeting
were Mrs: Llsxie Smith, Mrs. Het
tie Cameron, Mrs. Norma Terwil
liget Mrs. CUra Adams, Mrs.
Helen Soutkwick, Ms. Mary -E.
Johnston, Mrs. Florence Odenborg,
"Mrs. Clara Peterson, Mrs. Katie
Shott, Mrs.. Bessie Martin, and
Mrs. Levels nd. ..
Officers of this club axe Mrs.
Hattie Cameron, president; Mrs.'
Norma Terwilliger; vice presi
dent;. Mrs. Sara Peterson, secre
tary, and Mrs. Clara Adams, tcas
urer. . Meetings were held the
third, Tuesday of every month.
Mrs. Terwilliger- will be the
. next Jiostess, October 22
Birthday Picnic is
Fairgrounds Event
The Harold family gathered at
'- the state fairgrounds for a de
lightful picnic dinner Sunday.
September 15, honoring Miss lna
Harold, Curtis C. Cole. George
Zwicker and 0. E. Price all of
whose birthdays fall during the
month of September.
Following dinner the birthday
folk were seated on a bench, pre.
rented with gifts followed by
grab bag presents. These proved
undeniably claver and afforded
ranch laughter.
The guesta were Mr. and Mrs.
Raleigh Harold "and sons Ray and
Vilas of Stay ton; Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Harold and daughter Dor
is of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Harold, Miss Tena Harold, Mr.
end Mrs. , Ralph Harold and son
rerel all of. Salem: Miss Christi
na M. Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Cur
tis Cole; their son. and daughter
Howard and irma; Mr. O. E.
Price. Miss Hazel Price, and' he-'
phew Everett," Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
George Zwicker and sons. Ken
neth, Delbert and MelvinMr. and
Mrs. Herman Schelberg, Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Caldwell and daugh
ter Miss Malda', all of Salem; Miss
lna Harold and '-friends Misses
Nellie and Letha Ca vender of SI1
verton; -.Mrs. Pearl Branter and
' children Pearl, Thomas and Har
old of Chemawa.
prances Louis Lau
Is Honor Guest
Mrs. J. F. Lau entertained in
compliment to. the. fourteenth
birthday ot her daughter, Frances
Louis Lau, at the Lau home Tues
day evening. Dancing was. en
joyed daring the first part of the
evening and- was followed by a
welner roast -on the Island which
Is in M1U: creek Just back ot- the
Lau. home,; Mrs. Lau was assist
ed by Miss Mary Jane Lau. "
. v The guest list included the hon
or guest, Frances Louis Lau; Jose
phine Cornoyer, -Josephine McGil
christ, Esther ; Glbbard, Dorothy
Alexander, Jerym Upston;. Helen
Doan. Win Jeaka, Richard Pearee.
Richard Cooley Jtmmie Nlcolson,
"Wiufield Needham, Wayne Dougb-
; ton. - Blllie Dyer, and Milner San-
! ford. -"
. Miss- Florence Cartwrlght ha
a her guest Mr. Arthur Creaver
of Albany; . Mrk Creaver; was for-JXounr Married People' claw of 1
roerly Mlss .Lavonne Coppock, ot:the' First , Presbyterian church re-1
Ealem. . . - . "
ews an
- -
ss Olot IX. DojfX,
Wednesday .,
All day meeting, Mrs.
Maud H. Pointer. 1050 N.
15th street. Knight Memorial .
church, missionary commit-
tee. ,
South circle of First Chris-
tian church, all day meeting,
covered dish dinner. Mrs. J.
D. Sears, 1173 South High
- Woman's Foreign Mission-
ary society, Leslie M. E.
charcu. Jars. . J. P. Murray,
390 E. Washington.
"' South Central circle of
First Methodist chureh. Mrs.
E. T. B. HUL 1 MO Fir street.
West Central circle. ; First
M. E. church, Mrs. A. E. Hale,
ii Marlon street
- East -Central circle, of
First M. E. churchr Mrs. W
C. Young, ftr Chemekcta
street, 1 o'clock luncheon. - -
: Southeast circle. First M.
Er church, Mrs. H? M. Dark-
heimer, "H5 South 15th
street. . r-.
Tew Park circle, First M.
E. church, Mrs. A. A. Under-
hill, 125 12th street. 1 o'clock
Naomi circle, First M. E.
church. Mrs. E. fi. Millard,
1811 J) street.
Lucy Anne Lee, First M.
E. church, Mrs. F. A. Legge,
, im SUte -street.
Young -; Married People's
class. First Baptist chureh,
regular monthly meeting, so-
cial meeting following, 7:30
Mary and Martha circle,
First Christian church, 2
o'clock, Mrs. E. J. Reason,
345 South 18th street.
Chapter G.. P. E. O., with
Mrs. W. H. Hughes. -
Executive - board meeting,
. Business and . Professional
Women, Mrs. Susan Varty,
50 D street. 7:30 o'clock. .
. Friday
. Women's Missionary so-
. eiety. Calvary Baptist church,
Friday." 2: 30 o'clock. Mrs. K.
H. Pickens, .55 . N. 17th
street. .
Woman's Auxiliary, St.
Paul's church, .2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. A. C. F. Perry. 1 ti
'- Washington street.
Ever Ready Birthday club.
. Mrs. Bertha Loveland; 405
South 25th street,'-
- r ' , Saturday . '
Chadwick chanter, of th
Order of the. Rainbow, instal-
Jation ceremony at Masonic
Temple.. . ---. -
- -Wonlaa'e- Relief Corps; ,
.Mlller'e hall,' 2 Vclocir.
e. - V -
D. E. Club Hold Firist
Meeting of Season .
. The D.'S. dub after a vacation
of two months, held -theirs first
business meeting. receaUy..Thw
annual rummage safe; wen. fsjfc
ed and it was decided ta hold it at
420 Court street, on. FrMjty , and
Saturday. October f ourt aad
fifth. - Mrs -Albere O'Brien, wlit
hare ekargswer the rummage sale
An apron sale will also be held
on Saturday, -October fifth in. the!
southern Pacific-office on N. Ll -
berty street. Mrs. T. D. McClain
will have charge of the aprons.
As the rummage sale, last Oc
tober netted the club such a
splendid sum the members are
quite enthusiastic over the com
ing sale as each member will re
ceive credit for all rummage col
lected. This credit will apply on
the 1 25 road each member is
striving to earn for the educa
tional fund. ' v
After, the business meeting, re
freshments were served, by the fol
lowing committee, Mrs. B. F. Dim
eter, Mr. -M. Lane and 'Mrs. Al
bert O'Brien.
The next meeting of the club
will be Tuesday. October first, at
which the annual election of of
ficers will be held.
Mrs. D. S. Denning
Is Honor Guest
A group of Oregon State Col
lege Delta Delta Delta sorority sis
ters of Mrs. D. S. Denning, form
erly Lucille Snook, and who with
her husband has only ; recently
come to Salem from Madras, Ore
gon, were invited to .a 6:10
o'clock dinner in the balcony
room of the White House res
taurant Tuesday night to honor
Mrs. Denning. Mrs. Denning was
surprised with a delightful shower
during the dinner hour.
Covers were laid for the guest
of honor Mrs. Denning, and Miss
Leona Geer. Miss June Hudson,
Miss Ellen Rowe. Miss EI Dora
Kidder, Miss Helen Leighton, Mis
Paulino Johnson, and the hostess.
Miss Haiel George.
Alpha Chi Omega .
Elect Of ficers
Members of the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority met at the Gilbert
studio Monday evening for-a busi
ness meeting, and an electloa ot
officers. Mrs. Burton Myers, was
elected president, Mrs. Ted Cham
bers, vice president; ' Mrs. OllTer
Jeftsnp, secretary -treasurer, and
Ms. Carl Pope, corresponding sec
retary. . The next meeting will be a so-
meeting with Mrs. Monroe
Gilbert and Mrs. Robert Shina as
hostess,. October 2 1. H; -
:-'; .
f Mrs. - Bertha Loveland will be
hostess to the. Ever .Ready Birth
day club ather home, 40$ South
15th -street, Friday afternoon.
This' dub meets once each, month
at a date nearest the birthday of
some one or more of its members.
Of fleers for this year are Mrs.
rlda'IShoesmrth, president; - Mrs.
Mary ; Hall, vice- president; Mrs.
Bertha Loveland, secretary treas
urer.. - ' " -
" Mrs. Arthur . Bates ' was the
guest..of honor for an afternoon
sBonaered by.. the women of-the
d Club Aff
Society Editor
Woodbum P. E. O.
Announce Plans .
WOODBURN The Chapter J.
P. E. O., has Issued their year
book tor the season, 1121-1139.
The off leers for this year are
Mrs. Ida Moshberger, president;
Mrs. Iran C Been, rice president;
Mrs. Minnie Dean, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Myrtle Gill, treasurer;
Mrs. Catherine Powell, chaplain;
Mia. Lois Grubb, guard; Miss WU
ma. Morrison, organise
The committees tor the year are
4 as follows:
Tear book: Mrs. Mary Seollard,
Mrs. F. G. Havemann and Mrs. V.
D. Bain.
Courtesy:. Mrs. Harry Grubb
and Mrs. H. F. Butterfleld.
Entertainment: - Mrs- Wayne
CIll.cMrs.. Paul Mills and Mrs. Jf.
W. Settlemter.
- B.X L.:' Mrs. George Landon,
Mnu. A. E. Autsin, Mrs. Gladys
Adams, Mrs. A. H. Dean and Mrs.
Fred Evenden. . . .- r
. Frees correspondent: Mrs. Ivan
C. Beers;
During the year a book, "A
Trip Around the World." from "A
Globegadder's Diary." will be read,,
each time a person reading or tell
ing of a portion of the book. The
hostesses and those in charge of
the book for each meeting are as
September 28: Hostess, Mrs.
Ivan C. Beers, "Across the Atlan
tic," Mrs. F. G. Havemann. .
October 10: Hostess Mrs.
Wayne Gill, "Funchan to Gibral
tar," Mrs. V. D. Bain,
October 24: Hostess, Miss Wil
ma Morrison, "Algiers to Monte
Carlo," Mrs. Ivan C. Been.
November 14: Hostess, Mrs. W.
D. . Simmons, "Naples to Athens,"
Mrs. Hx F. Butterfield.
- November 28: Hostess,. Mrs. A.
H. Dean, "Sues to Agra," Mrs.
Fred Evenden.
December 12: Hostess, Mrs. H.
F. Butterfield, '.'Egypt," Mrs.
Wayne Gill. ..
December 26: Hostesses, Mrs.
Eugene Moshberger and Miss Mary
Seollard, "The Holy Land,! Mrs.
A." H. Dean.'
. January 9: Hostess, Mrs. Etta
Hall. "Delhi to Mt Everest," Mrs.
Harry Grub.
. January 23: Hostess, 'Mrs. F. G.
Haremann. . ,; ...
February 13: Hostess, B. I. L.
.. February 27: Hostess, MrsT.
D. Bain, "Calcutta- to Colombo,"
Mrs. George Landon. ;
March 13: Hostese,- Mrs.- Flor
ence oulet, "Rangoon to JaTa,?
Mrs. A. E. Austin. -
April-10: Hostess. Mrs. F...W.
Settlemter,' "Zamboanga fo Hongl
Kong. Mrs. Paul -Mills.
- April ti: Hostess, Mrs.- GeorgeH
Landon, VCanton to Peking," Miss
ftladys Adams. . ' J
May 8: Hostess, Mrs. E. J. Al-
Iel&. "Chemulpo, to Kobe,". MnC
W-. D. Simmons. ,;
If ST 22: Hostess.- Mrs.' Perl
June .12: Hostesses. Mrs. Fred
Evenderaad Mxs.4Catherine Pow
eU. ;V Yokohama -to New ..Totk,"
Mias. Mary Seollard. . .
k - The ones in charge of-the cur-
rent topics which are given at each
meeting are worthwhile, plays,
Mrs. F. W. Settlemter; Oregon pio
neers, Mrs. A. E. Astin; philan
thropies, Mrs. C. F. Whitman;
bulb culture, Mrs. George Landon;
Oregon products, Mrs. Florence
Goulet; styles and materials, Miss
Gladys Adams; Oregon authors,
Mrs. Etta Hall; customs, science
and discovery, Mrs. H. F. Butter
field; wit and humor, Mrs. F. G.
Havemann: locaf places of inter
est, Mrs:. Wayne GUI; health, hints,
Mrs. Paul Mill; girls' activities,
Mrs. Eugene Moshberger; art,
Mrs. IvanC. Beers; household
hints, Mrs. E. J. Allen; outstand
ing books, Mrs. Katherine Powell;
limericks. Miss Mary Seollard:
sports, Mrs. Fred Evenden; P. E.
O. record, Mrs. A. H. Dean; native
birds, Mrs. V. D. Bain; music,
Miss Wilms. Morrison.
The resident members of the
local chapter are Mesdames A. E.
Austin, V. D. Bain, I. C. Beers, H.
F. Butterfield, A. H. Dean; F. G.
Evenden, Wayne Gill.- Florence
Goulet, Harry Grubb. E. N. Hall,
u. Havemann. George Landon,
Perle Love, Paul Mills, Eugene
Moshberger, Katherine Powell, W.
D. Simmons, C. F. Whitman and
Misses Wilma Morrison. Mary
Seollard and Gladys A lams.
Mrs. I. D. Bennett
Is Honor Guest
In honor of the birthday, of
their mother, Mrs. I. D. -Bennett.
Miss Mario Bennett and Mrs. Har
ry C. Bennett entertained inform
ally at the family home at Labish
Center on Sunday. About 35 la
dies called during the afternoon.
Mrs. James A. Remington assist
iMoore Music Teachers
Meet With Mrs. -Bush
Salem Moore music teachers
meet at the home et Mrs.' Jessie
Bush recently to discuss plans lor
winter. Salem teachers present
for this meeting were Mrs. Bertha
Junk Darby. Mrs. Ethel P. Phelps,
Mrs. Lena Waters, Miss Lena Dot
son and Mrs. Jessie Bush. -
Plctnrea for the honae - Pictnrea for the school
r- i .. .Iarea for the office
'J Etchings ' . ' Xithographa ';'
V Block prints " ItaMan Mate
For f ramins; thaTs different
' ' - Foir craft"
For the pictare yon-win enjoy
"Gilbert Studio and Crait Shop :
Cnstaira t 14T North CtosaaMrcial . r 'v ; :f1iene 83t ;
Etokta Club Plans
Year's Program .
Mrs. R. C. Arpke and Mrs. Rich
ard Erickson were hostesses to
the members of -the Etokta club
for its first meeting ot -the fall
season Taesday afternoon. Plans
were made for the coming months
ot tte clab work. - V
October will bring a trip by tne
clnb member to the Poerabecker
hospital in Portland where they
will jnake an inspection tour, and
later enjoy a potluck dinner with
Mrs. Clifford Elgin, who was tor.
merly a member of the Salem
In November Mrs. H. F. Boss
hard And - Miss -Gertrude Aiken
will be nests lor a benefit tea, the
proceeds to go .to the Children's
Farm home. ; . ''-.
MrsJt C Churchill and Mrs.
Claude - Ellison -will be hostesses
for a Christmas meeting., ..
, Beginning -with-:. .January - a
course in the study of modern art
will be begun. Mrs. Claud Van
Slyke, and Mrs. W..J. McKenile
will be hostesses for this meeting.
February, and March meetings
will be a continuation of the mod
ern, art study. Mrs. Harry -Elgin
and Mrs. W. H. Bretx will be host
esses for the February meeting
and Mrs. A. A. Selwert and Mrs.
Mason Bishop will be hostesses
for the March' meeting.
Mrs. Alice Fisher and Mrs. J.
Ray Pemberton will be hostesses
in April for a benefit tea for the
Doernbecker hospital.
The May meeting which will be
the last meeting of the season will
be a picnic and an election ot of
ficers. Officers of the Etokta club are
Mrs. Yard A. Hughes, president;
Mrs. Claude. Ellison, rice presi
dent; Mrs. A. J. .Vick, secretary,
and Mrs. Harry Elgin, treasurer.
Following, the business meeting
the club, enjoyed a social hour.
Mrs. Arpke was assisted In serving
oy Mrs. H. s. Rosshard.
lar meeting of the Home Econ
omics club was held in the
Grange Hall Thursday afternoon,
Mrs. A. T. Clive presiding. Plans
weye made for the Grange-fair to
be held, at North-Howell hall-October
lsY- All committees -ea ex
hibits -were appointed and : much
interest la being--shown-in the
various booths and displays. -
Most of the-articles .on-ethibl-tien
will be- gold the day, of- the
fair. : - .. . ' . i-.-
Dinner will be served from 12
to two and lunch In the evening. .
' . This fair is- being held under the
auspices of - the' North. Howell 1
Grange and Home Economic
club. Everyone s cirdially Invit
ed to attend and" enjoy the day,
. ... e . e e
-WOODBURN; September 14.
The first meeting of the Rural
club this season was held at the
home of Mrs. Ira Simmons- on
Wednesday afternoon.
A busiaess- meeting , was held,
but aething definite -was accom
plished. After an hour of- soelal
conversation . refreshments were
served, r.
Attending the meeting were
Mesdames R. L. Lots, Ellsa Davis,
Charles Dean, William Morrison,
F. P. Bruhard. E. Mattson. J:
Peldmulder, M. M. Myers and
Miss Wilma Morrison.
The next . meeting ef the club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Eliza Davis.
e. e
The Multnomah Bar association
used the poem 'U. S. Constitu
tion," written by Miss Edna Gar
field, at - the- celebration of Con
stitution day in Portland, Tues
day. Miss Garfield received a let
ter of appreciation from the asso
ciation concerning the poem.
e e e ,
U. S. Grant circle No. E, Ladies
of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic, will held a business session
Thursday afternoon, beginning at
2 o'clock, in the veterans' room 1n
the Armory.
Current Radio Pro
grams From
4S3. Meter C29 Key
7:45 to t 1 in. Devotional servW
i to a. m. SbeM Happy Time. NBC.
to 9:10 a. m. New.
:10 to 9:30 a. m. Oregonlan Cook
ing school.
9:3d to 10:J a. m. Town Crier.
10:30 to 11:30 a. m. "Maaazine cf
the Air," NBC.
1 to 1 :15 p. m. TJ. S. market report.
1:15 to 3 p m. Musical entertain
ment ) to 4 p. m. Cabin Door. NBC.
4 to S p. ra. Organ recital.
5 to 5 :30 p.m. Movie talk.
5 :36 to ( :30 p. m. Pal mo If e proaram.
:0 to 7 p. m. Strom berg- Carlson
program, NBC.
I to 7 :15 p. m. Studio entertainment.
7:15 to p. m. National Light Op
era. NBC .
to S:30 p. m. "Roads to Romance.
NBC. :
S:30 to 9 p. m. Maytag Radioett.
9 to 9 AO p. m. Brunswick Hour.
9:30 to 10 p. m. Studio pro tram.
10 to 11 p. m. Orchestra from KOMO.
II to 13 midnight Organ recital. -
4CI.5 Meter 040 Key
I m. Shell Happy Time from KPO.
f a. m. -Bess Kilmer's hints to houes
wlve 9:30 hi. Sylvia's Happy Hour.
10:34 m. Woman's Magasm ef
: the Air, NBC.
11:30 a. m. "Mental Rxercise"
Francis Hancock.
work 'X"--
' '..' J
. ajx
It noon Dept. of Agriculture talk,
IS :ie p. m.r-Federal and MM market
report. " -
12:11 .p. b. Talk from the ebartirs
Cflce. -
i p. m. ln Archer.
S:1S p. as. Wtnnl Fields Moore. .
t:l p. av-Pbenomena.-
4 :1S p. m. Stock reporta.
'4 :3t p. m.- Blf- Brother.
t p. in. Calif. Dairy Council program,
S:e p. m. PatRKdlve Hour. NBC
1:30 p. m. etromberg .Carlson Badi
procram, NBC
1 p. m. Nick Harris, detective storie
S p. n.- Roads to Romance with Jack
and Ethyl UntornutM. NBC,
S:3 p. m. Stdio proarui. -
t p. m. Orchestra; Blanche Gross
man. ontraHa ;
IS p. m. Cotton Blossomr Minstrels,
'It p. m. KFI news bureau.
', SS5.9 Meter SJO Key
73S a. m. Inspirational service
t i m.iShell. Happy Time. .
9 am. Organ recitaL . -IS
a. m. T. SC. C. A;; health exerdar
1:1S" a. m. "What to Prepan tor
: Dinner." - ' . . ' i
It :3 m. Women's Magaxlne of the
"Air. NBC
11 :3t a. m. Madelln Dvorak. Doro
thea Wei, Greenwood Mitchell. -
11 - a. m. Mannola So-A-Ton.
12 noon Pacific Vagabond NBC
1 p. . m. Orchestra : Fred Lynch. G.
Donald Gray .and mixed quartet. :
I p, a Cabin. Door. NBC
A p. m. Mining stock quotation .
4 :1S p. -m. KkkMas- psoavami
pC'm. Stack and bond oaotatlonS.
t ps. a Orchaatra ; Dorothea Wat.
1:90 p. ax Pabnollve Hour. NBC
I :W xh m. Stromberg-Carlaon Pro
- sraaa. NBC . - .
7 p. jnv Mala quartet.
7 :tS - pi -nx National Grand , Opera.
NBC " ' v : ' - --"
I k m. Roads to Romance, NBC.
S:30 p; m. News flashe . .
Begin Music
William Wallace Graham
Concert Violinist and Teacher Head of the Violin
Department, Willamette University
Cor. Liberty arid- Chemeketa Sts. TeL 540
- Mr. Graham ha artist pupils playing and teaching
in all parts of the United States
Elizabeth Levy
: . TeacHec of Violin
. American and Enropcasi Training
Mus. B. degree granted In New York, violin major with
Ceaear. Thomson. Belgian Maestro.
In accordance with Miss Leyy's policy to giro her students the
most recenti and approyed. methods , of fiolln Inetructlon she
' attended the 1129 summer, master daises of Josef Borrisoff.
.teacher ot Cecilia,- Hansen exponent of the Leopold ' Auer
Method. . J.V -. 7
Professional pupHa playing and teaching successfully
Orchestra Training Ensemble Classes
. ; Hig Sefeeoi Credits
U Studio Now Open ' 254
MM! fi
f Eurbpeah . Voice Pedagogue . .
. . . Italian Method ...
Director of
. SALEM Conservatory of Music '
1544 Center St. - Phone 626
High School Credits . Diplomas
Voice Piano 'CeHo Harmony
Counterpoint, Composition, Orchestration, Ctmductirrg
Lena Belle Tartar
Contralto Soloist Vocal Teacher Chorus Director
(Old Italian Method)
Specialist with Toung Voices High School Credits
Known throughput the northwest as a director ot prize
winning soloists, quartets and choruses.
Director of Music Salem High School
Studio 164 No. Liberty St. Res. 340 No. Liberty St,
Phone 334 Phone 1497-R
Musical Bandergarten
September 30, 1929 Congregational Church Rooms
Monday, Wednesday
Friday Mornings
Phone 2392J, 1755J
or 1427J for details
Lena May Dotson
Special Classes for Children
Residence Studio 1109 Union.
Mrs. Lena Waters
Teacher of Piano,
Moore, Fundamental Musie -System .
Residence Studio 1658 Court St. TeLliSOW,
- - r AecredUed Piano Teacher
Authorized Instructor of the Moore's Fundamental and Mu
sidanship School of Music, also Progressive Series ef Piano
Lessons - for : Older Students ' . :
Studio 79 N. MS':?
l i Bush. Studio of PianoVoiceTJramatlc Art. - -.
i - Graduate of raUsonhHe
' . . '
- Ph9ne S372R, 1363 S. Com! St. -
1:41 av m. Orchestra ;. Agnes Skart
edt. contralto ; . duets by Helen
Hoover and Aanea Skartvedt.
S HI p. m. Drama by ToUm Theapt-
aMt . . , - . - -
IS p. m. nhar Blend Hour,
lip. a Maatcal Musketeer NBC.
It to 11 :3 a. m. Organ recital.
ISS.l Meter UTS Key
( :4I m. Radio Time Clock.
7. a. m. Breakfast Club. -t
:3t a. m. Program of general
:4S a. m.- Talk br Dr. Arthur.
1 a. m. Dm mm lona OUmea : Studio pro-
BTram. - '
12 noon Organ recital, Frederick
12 :30 p. m. Rotary Club luncheon.
1 :30 p. m. Matinee Melodfc
2:4S p. m. BaaebaU game.
4:45 p. , nv News Items and weather.
5 p. m. Service program.
p. m. Seaaion Chime
7 :15 p. m. Marsurt Gray, ptano,
7:45 p. n. Annar Jacooaon, vocalist.
S n. m. Brldre tame. -
1:3 p. m. Ban Joe and Eddy.
S p. m. "A XitUe Sunahlna."
10 p. m. Sessions Chime
10:15 p. m. KOL AudltioU Hour.
313.1 Meter 904 Key
7 to 7 :J a. m. Physical culture per
iod. 7:30 to 7:4 a. nv--New Tork stock
quotation . -.
7:4e to 8 m. Don ILee, Inc pro-
S to 9 :30 , nu Heeordmjr , -8
:34 to 9 a. nx "Alarm Clock."'
9" to 10 nx Recording . .
1 to 1 aina---Agn.ea White, "At Our
House. - , - - -
... 11 .9A m' m.HMtAMmn.
"12 to 12:3e p. -'nx Biltmore Concert
OrcDeatr , - .
1 j .30 to 12 :45 p. m. World-wide new
12:46 to 1:90 p. m. Kiwanis Club
Lessons Early. Classe
N. Church St. Phone 1194
Assistants -MISS
of School of Professional
t X
P' Piano.-; Beginners aad : '
A4vaaeedciait la:
; V Oofa;Jr;Bdaenials -
luncheon. .
1:3 a a tvBL Caarlto Wallman's
2 to 1 p. m. Fada Radio procram.
3 to 4 p. m. Fred C McNabh, 'Oar
den" -
4 to S p. art Mattnee Melody Master
5 to k:34 p. m. The Story Man.
S .34 to p. m. Don Lea Dance Band.
to :4S p. m. Organ procram.
4 :4S to 7 p. m. World-wide new
7 to 7:2S p. m. U. & Rubber com
pany pros-ram.
T :34 to S p. m. Pel ton Motor proaraa
I to I p. m. Don Lee Symphony.
I to II p. m. Chanslor A Lyon pro
gram. 10 to 12 midnight Earl Bortnett
Dance orchestra.
12 to 1 a. m. Wesley Tourtetlote. or
' ganlst.
279.1 Meter 7 Key
S:30 to 10:30 nx Calif ornlaHwne
Life. .
10 to 11 :30 a. m. Uagaaine of the
Air. NBC. " ,
11:30 to It noon Rembrandt Trio.
11 to 1 p. nx Pacific Vagabonds.
NBC. i .
1 to 1:15 p. m. Weather ; stocks, bul
letin 1:15 to 1:30 p. m. U. S. Department
ot Commerce talk.
9 to 4 p. m. "The Cabin Door." NBC
4 to" 4 :30 p. m. Kdward J. Fitspatrick
and his Hotel St. Francis Salon or
. chestra.
4 :30 to 5 p. m. S. F. and N. T. stocks,
BL F. produce-, dally bulletin and
C ti c -IS n m TiulVHcidtiL KBC
$ :30 to ( jo p. m. Palmollvo Hour.J
0:30 to 7 p.- to. Etromberg Carlson
ptosTram. NBC.
7 to- 7 :10 p. nx Agricultural nro-,
gram. ,
7:30 to 9 p. m. Two-piano concert ;
PhyUida Ashley and Aileen Fealy.
8 to 8 :30 p, m. Jack and Ethyl, the
Motor Mates -NBC.
8:30 to 9 p. nx Parisian Quintette,
s and private lessons
Specializing in Tone building through the
Modern Weight Relaxation
Ensemble Playing -Harmony and. Eartrnining
The Dunning Improved Manic Stndy
Student anH Graduate, under Carrie LoutseuqniBg, founder
of the .Dunning System. " Twenty-two jara,. successfully
teaching this Method v "
Studio 695 N. Liberty St. . lone 1351
' " " ' ' v "f MAntVa
T. S.
Accredited Teacher fKaa S rS Y i -.
a ru prored Music 1 Study jer
Piano and Pipe prgan beginnera. -"
t. Pupils should enroll now
Res. 505 N. Summer;. , , : ' - .Telephone 1370
Graduate New Eag Con. Boston. Recelred Normal Dunning
Diploma in N. T. Clty under Carre, Louise Dunning. Qrigiaater.
For. fire years .was Head ot Violin Dept. and Piano Instructor
at-WUUmette Unrrerslty. , While teaching at Willamette or
ganised and directed first Violin Ensemble In Salem.
-Feature public recitals -and programs for student
Free OrchtaUa-d Easesnble Classes
Studio 33i N. Capital St. . Phone 468M.
Prof. E. W. Hobson
Graduate ot Apollo Club. Portland, aad Salem Civic
Male Chorue
Studio: Kelson nida Tel. 540 Best 1530 SUte St.
Minnetta Magtars
Nelson Bldg. High School credits Given Telephone 540
Teacher ot Piano. Professional Accompanist.
High School Credits given. Classes now Starting. ,
Nelson Bldg. Telephone 540
Mrs- Walter Denton
Both private and la classes; Moore Fundamental Music System
for Children. Enroll Now.
Studio: Nelson Bldg. Tel. 134. Residence 1336 Court.
Frank E. Churchill. Laura Grant Churchill
Accredited Teachers
Teacher In Pipe Organ aad. Teacher of Piano. Wallace
Piano. Both Begianers and Color Kindergarten and
Advanced Students. , , Moore Fundamental.
805 N. Winter TeLv142W. Enroll No
Graduate Teacher et Piano
Moore Fundamental School ot Music. Private or class lessons.
- High School CredlU. , ' . . ,
Rea. 8todlo 1120 Chemeketa Phone 2934J
Down town atndkv Room 4 Stesuleff Bldg.
. Authorised? represeaUtlve e(tthe Moera fundamental
-- Music System .
y Std1o: 7Ja Stewart 8vHiHrwaowa Studio:
-Itt Parish Grove. Phoaa 1037J. - " - Steaslotf Bldg.
PF;2?ma, Violin, Zcnat Thomas, Piano
1- v Accredited Melody-War Teackera
-'r 1 . New and snodera. tcleatifle mttkodr - -:iy
;v':; ,wri.f eommunity and school, oxekejtra : -
tjiktLi' 'HiakSehoot credits giren - --W--.
- Tr.?. ' ;- teitCawaan 6.
and Anna belle Jones Rose, contralto. p. m. Drama. The Family
, Boa' by Helen Non-id prenMyt
b-r the KGO player Wild WiUon
' 'Church direct Inic.
It to 11 p. m. Henry Halsiead's Ho
- tel St. Francta dance orcheatra.
440.9 Meters. 080 Key
7 to I . ra. S. A W. health exerclyea
trv Hnalt Barrett Dobbe and William
H. Tancok.
S to 9 a. nx Shell Happy Time hv
Hugh Barrett Dobbs and William
H. Haneok.
:SO to 10 " w. "Wn-'! rfcir- Chat.
10 nx Bank of America of Califor
nia. 10:30 to 11 :10 a. m. Magasine of the
Air, NBC
12 to 12 :0S jp..ny. Scripture reading ;
announ euieiit ...
12. -05 to 1 u. Tn.TTtplJa Trio.
I to M tVarXcm,rmaine, bal-
1 :! to 2 p. M. Ana Warner's Horn
2 to 3:30 p. m.House of Drcamx,
Paul Pitman;
2:30 to 2:43 p. m. Te Town Crj-r.
Z:43 to 3:45 p. m. Konk RAdiorram.
2:4S to 4:30 p. nx--BasebaU broad
cast. 4 :30 to 4 :40 p. nx Stock market quo
tation 4 :40 to S p. nx Children's hour.
5 to S:J4 p." m. California Dairy
i :30 to :S0 p. m.-TrPalmolive, NBC.
4:30 to 7 p., m.--Strom berg-Car Ism,
7 to a n. nxr Boa Masters of Music.
8 to 8:30 p. hxTHJack hl Ethvl. NBC.
8 :30 to 9 p. ini-"HUl "feJirya, NBC.
9". to 9 :30 p. nx 'California Croon-
era" '
9 ;30 tQ 10 p.. nx Tommy Monroe and
Bob Tllten.
10 to 11 pt nx Palace -Hotel danre
- orchestra.
11 to 11:02 p. ra. Kosak Radiogram
11:02 to 12 midnight Musical Mus
keteer NBC
starting now.
Ethel H.