JS- NEW FEATURES Farh week, . The States- WEATHER t Fir today; Continued low humidity today and Monday. Max. temperature Saturday 83; Mis. 45; Calm; Hirer -2.4; Xo rain. alms to Increase lta news Ttlne by improvement of service. Kotlce the radio newt in today's paper. FOUMDEP 1651 SEVENTY-NINTH TEAR, No. 148 Salem, Oregon Sunday Morning, September 15, 1929 PRICE FIVE CE3T3 r 1 r. i F I r r 2 ADINTS WILL BE MADE UPON BUS BILL Proviso is to Specify No In crease in Rates May Be Effected Requirements Incorporated To Submit Measure to - Salem Voters Two amendments calculated, to remove much. It sot all of the ob jection to the ordinance crantinff an exclusive franchise to the Ore gon stages for operation of street bosses In Salem, will be incorpo rated In the bill Monday night be fore It comes up for final disposi tion, It was learned Saturday. The first ef these will provide that' the present fares of seven cents or four tickets for 25 cents, will not be increased during the life of the franchise, with the pro viso however that in ease the leg islature passes a law; putting these street! busses ' inderiJth. Jurisdic tion of the state public seryiee commission, this provision will 'no longer apply. Ordinance Provisions WnnU llMvtm TnnneraHve The proviso is there for therea son - that should such a-' law be passed, 'the ordinance provisions on the subject of fares would, no longer be of any effect This proposed amendment will be incorporated in the bill at the request of the bus company, it was authoritatively stated. The second amendment will provide that the franchise ordi nance, before it becomes effective, shall be referred to a vote of the citizens of Salem at thQTimary election next May. Thiamend- znent- also is understood to have the approval of the company- of ficials. . ' . Measure Believed Certain to Fass With these changes, the ordi nance is practically certain to be passed by the council, it was lndi cated Saturday. Little other business- of impor tance has been fooeaast for the Monday night meeting. The ordi nance granting a change to sone three special covering the proper ty upon which T. W. Campbell de sires to operate a grocery store in a dwelling on North 24 th street, -will be Introduced, and there is a possibility that if no opposition develops, it will be passed under suspension of the rules, as Mr. Campbell's petition has been hang ing fire for several mouths. . T Walter J. Finke, Jr., who shot and killed Herbert Beam, May 20 In a Portland high school building because he believed Beam had "stolen his girl," was dressed in at the state penitentiary here Sat urday along with three other con victs from Portland. He is still being held In the receiving cell and officials of the prison have not decided to what tasks he will be assigned. Life miprisonment was the sen tence In Finke's case, following his plea of guilty to the charge of ocond decree murder. He had been charged with first degree murder, but the state accepted tne plea on the lesser charge, in view of his youth and other circum stances surrounding the case. H3 is 17 years old. mm F IE IS PEN Gripping Serial of World iWar Days Will be Printed f 1 In the Oregon Statesman The first chapter of "AH rtn ai the Western Front begins on page 17 of this morn- tug's issne. Ho serial ever been pnb lisned in the Statesman equals in Its vividness and Its Intense picture of war that revealed in AS Quiet on the Western Front," Critics the world over have acclaimed the hook with out stint. At considerable ex pense, the serial rights have been secured by' the Statesman which now offers the story to lta circle) of readers. Among the outstanding com Starts Today in Statesman: I Birthday' 1 HISBHRMFHT IS SOUGHT AFTER r 1 LAWSUIT ENDS V 1 V ' CHIEF JUSTICE IAFT 5 JUSTICE TIFTW .72 YEARS OF AGE Former President Passes His Birthday Without Customary Party WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. (AP)- Chief Justice Taft. now at his summer home at Murray Bay, Canada, will be 72 years old to morrow, but will have no birthday party. , The anniversary falling on Sun day, the chief justice has decided to postpone the party until next year. He promises to compensate then for the delay by providing a more elaborate dinner Jbsn' has so far marked such occasions,. : It has been customary for many years for the chief justice to-clU max the celebration with a dinner to about 100 guests, all that could be seated at tables in the numer ous living rooms in his large sum mer home on Murray Bay, Can ada, he will, of course, be the re cipient of numerous gifts of flow ers and other remembrances and the numerous letters and tele grams of congratulation, which always pour in on his birthday. His neighbors and friends, con stituting the permanent and sum mer residents of Murray- Bay probably will follow' their custom of calling to congratulate the dis tinguished former president. Captain Irwin Is Promoted to Rank of Major Clifton M. Irwin, captain of headquarters battery, 249th Coast artillery, has been promoted to the rank of major and assigned to command the first battalion, 249th, according to orders issued Saturday at the Oregon National Guard headquarters. Major Irwin is at present at tending the service school at Fort Monroe. Va.. and will not return to Salem until the middle of No vember. He succeeds Major Clyde M. Malone of Ashland, who resign ed several months ago to accept a position In the Philippine Isl ands. Irwin has served with the Oregon National guard approxi mately 10 years, and Is a World war veteran, serving overseas in the engineer corps. ments made concerning the book are the following i "The greatest book about the war that I hare yet seen." Christo pher Moriey." "I regard any mature reader who has a ehance to read this book and does not, and who, having read It, does not pass it -on among a dozen others, as a trai tor to humanity." Christo pher Moriey in The Saturday Review of Literature. A most remarkable book (Turn to Pa S, Column 1.) Scandal Arises Out of Con demnation Suit Against Water Company Parties With Woman Mem ber of Jury Described in Complaint Filed OLTMPIA, 8ept. 14. (AP) Disbarment of Theodore B. Bruen er, prominent Aberdeen attorney. was asked in a complaint filed here today with the clerk of the state supreme court by the state board of bar examiners and the attorney general's office. The com plaint cited Bruener to appear be fore the board at Aberdeen Sep tember 2 to answer charges to Jury tampering and fraud. The disbarment proceedings re lative to alleged jury tampering developed out of the suit institut ed by the City of Hoqulam against the privately -owned utility com pany which supplies the city with water to force purchase of the system by condemnation. The disbarment complaint recit ed that "at various times during the jury trial Bruener conversed with Mrs. Law (one of the jurors) and kept various appointments with her for the purpose of influ encing her vote on the jury in fa- yot of his side of the case, and on July 20 made and kept an ap pointment with her on the Satsop river, in a secluded spot In Ma son county, spending the entire time with her, drinking liquor and petting, all for the purpose of in fluencing her to favor his side, Bruener is further charged with advising John Henry Asman, trus tee in the bankruptcy case of W. J. Patterson and wife to list a piece of Grays Harbor real estate at 1 100, in closing the case, where as the bar board said Bruener knew the property to have a value of $750. It was charged that Bruener so advised his client for the purpose of defrauding credit ors of the bankrupt and to enable him to "obtain the land at less than its real value. Patterson was former Aberdeen banker, whose bank failed in 19 27? 1 COIL SPILLS DOWN TAMOMA, Sept 14 (AP) Deep down in the Carbona coal mine double crew of rescuers is frantically digging at a huge pile of coal which holds the body of one of their comrades, Egan Bo- garty, 40, father of two children, who was trapped in a cave on Thursday night. All hopes of finding the en tombed man alive were abandond ed today when his only possible haven of safety was uncovered and no trace of the victim found. A companion who had been working with Bogarty left the scene of the cavein a few minutes before the crash and as he return ed to the pit he saw two huge SO foot pillars of coal that sup ported the roof of the crosscut begin to crumble. He Bhouted a warning but Bogarty was unable to get cleat and was caught be neath thousands of tons of coal. Blast Follows Hunt for Leaks With Lantern Fire and gasoline just don't mix. and so J. H. Belcher, 2S10 North - 4 th, learned last night when he attempted to locate leaks about hit automobile by means of 1a.ntern lirht. Belcher found the leaks; the leaks found the lan tern; there was an explosion; ana as a 'result Belcher will nurse a severely burned right band for the next few days. Belcher sustained a few other alizht burns, however none will prove more than temporarily ser ious, reports Dr. R. T. Boals, phy sician, who was caned. Beicuer is at his home. JohnBayne Heads Bar Association John Bavne will head the Mar Ion countv bar association for the next year.- He was elected to this position at Saturday's meeting. C. M. Inman was named as rice pres ident and Poster C. Cone secre tary-treasurer. MB K LIED WHEN FIRE SITUATION HELD SLIGHTLY Blaze in Mount Hood Nation al Forest Only One Out of Control Thousands of Acres of Val uable Timber Burned " In This State PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 14. (AP) Although the tire situa tion In Oregon was generally re ported improved tonight, 2S0 men were waging a losing battle against flames which had spread orer 1,000 acres of second growth timber near La Dee in the Mount Hood national forest. The fire was said to be growing rapidly. Major John D. Guthrie of the district forest office left tonight for the Umpqua national forest to inspect fires burning there. He said he might also visit the Sis kiyou forest, where several large Area, had destroyed thousands; of Another fire that was spreading tonight was the Elk creek blase near Tiller. It was said to have de stroyed more than 2,000 acres of Umber. Fighters released today from the Falls creek fire in the Sluslaw national forest were being rushed to the Elk creek blaze. The crash of an airplane near (Turn to Page S, Column .) Mysterious Personage Is Sought "Who's Dr. JekyllT" That's the question thousands and tens of thousands of Salem people will be trying to answer Thursday night, September 19, when merchants of Salem coop erating with the Advertising club of Salem stage the annual fall op ening here. Be It known that Dr. Jekyll for the purpose of fall opening is an unknown citizen who will be in the downtown section throughout the two hours of the window op ening. Only E. A. Brown, member of the club and Dr. Jekyll himself will know the Identity of this mys terious party. But . . . and hereby hands three prizes of five dollars each. If you approach a man, slap him on the back and inquire "Are you Df. Jekyll of the Salem Ad vertising club" and if he's the man, the five dollars Is yours. The search for Dr. Jekyll is on. ly one of the many features for fall opening. The Legion drum corps will be out in full dress for a final down town march before the trip to Louisville, Kentucky. The big public dance at o'clock will be staged as usual. The annual treasure hunt, a feature which always Is a big drawing card, will start shortly after 7 o'clock. And merchants will vie with each other for the best appear ing windows as well as other feat ures to attract the purchaser of fall merchandising. All In all, fall opening here next week will excel those In former years according to Gardner Knapp, chairman of the Advertis ing club committee in charge of the event. Believe It or Not About Salem The Salem district is the only district in the United States producing fil berts commercially. No fil bert in the world compares in flavor or sweetness with the km Du Chilly filbert and the round Barcelona filbert grown in the Salem district. Filberts pollenize early In the year and then you do not harvest them until they droD to the around. If it rains in September, it does not bother the filbert. You harvest after the rain is over. Tk ItiluMi m vslesaw ee trikattoni fism its nasan mt th r MnarkabU fsets aWst Balsa. i NI " . ar n m m - ar v 1 he Greatest bto Gastonia Strikers Face Jurors h tea; mm wM The entire Jury impaneled to try the strikers accused of killing Chief of Folke Aderholdt, of Gav tonia, N. CX, during recent strike disorders In that .city was discharged and a mistrial declared when one of the Jurors west insane. (Inset) Show Arthur jr. Roach, former deputy sheriff ef Gastonia, who was the first officer to testify during the trial. c 1 Communists Free, on $1000 t Bdhtf sii Deferjfe Force " Is Assembled h . CHARLOTTE, N. C, Sept. 14. (AP) The Inquiry here into the Gastonia anti-commanist mob by Judge Thomas J. Shaw was re cessed for the week end this-afternoon after the defense had he gun Its efforts to disprove state ments by the state witnesses sb to the Identity of mob members. At the same time, the eight communists and union members arrested here Thursday night and charged with attempting to over throw the government by dissem ination of communist doctrines, were released on $1000 bond after Judge E. A. Currie, city recorder has continued the case against them until Monday. The feature of the day's pro ceedings in Judge Shaw's inquiry was the appearance as the open ing state witness of Solicitor John G. Carnenter. who with Judge Shaw is conducting, the investigaif tion In open court. The solicitor and Major A. L. BnlwinkJe, former congressman, were called to the witness stand deny the statement of C. D. Say lor, one of the three 'men kid naped from the Gastonia rooming house.that he had seen them in the crowd that gathered outside the house Monday night. Saylor, Ben Wells and C. M. Lell were taken from the house into Cabarrus county, more than forty miles distant, where Wells was beaten. MEIER PURCHASES PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 14. (AP) Purchase of a controlling interest in the Pacific bancorpor- ation which controls 10 banks in the state was announced here to day br Julius L. Meier, executive head of the Meier & Frank com pany, and a group of associated Oregon capitalists. G. S. Hinsdale, wealtby banker and lumberman of Lane county. will become president of the ban- cornoration and one of its mem bers, the American National Bank of this city, the announcement re vealed. Meier will become cnalr man of the board of the American National bank as well as a direc tor of the bancorporation. Other Prominent Men Are Also Involved Others associated In the deal, the announcement said, are W. U Thompson, president of the Co lumbia River Packers' associa tion: J. E. Roman, president or the National Bank ot commerce of Astoria; T. P. Rlsteigen, super Intendent ot banking for the ban- corporation, and Judge Earl C. Brohauxhsn. Portland attorney. Transfer of the controlling in terest in the bancorporation was regarded here as one of the most (Turn to Page 2, Column I.) Chamber Meets At Noon Monday Weekly luncheons of the Salem chamber ot commerce will be re sumed Monday noon after a recess since June, and the speaker at the first fall luneheon will be w. u B. Dodson. manager ot the Port' land chamber ot commerce. His subject will be "Development of tbe Willamette Valley.' Mr. Dod son has been in charge ot the Portland chamber's attain for 12 years, and is recognized as one ot the leading lights In his spe cialised profession. ' . 6ISTH Wk am RECESS M 11 Eugene Register Now to Publish Afternoon Paper EUGENE, Ore-, Sept. 14 (AP) Beginning Monday an afternoon per will be published by The Eugeno Register which , has been is. sued as a morning paper for the past 25 years. The Reg ister will carry an announce ment of the new addition to morrow. The morning edition will be continued and will ' be furnished to those subscrib ers who prefer it, the an. noun cement will say. Full leased wire telegraph news service will be printed in both editions. SINCLAIR WILL BE El WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 (AP) The Washington Star rill say tomorrow that Harry Sinclair, oil magnate and bis assistant, H. Mason Day, have had their peti tions for pardons disapproved by Attorney General Mitchell and must finish their sentences in tne district pail. Sinclair was not Incapaciteu from his duty as Jail 'pharmacist by reason of ill health, the Star will say, adding .that in addition to this plea, Sinclair's petition as. Eerted that the affairs of stock holders or his companies were ikely to suffer if he was forced longer to remain from active di rection. The story adds "while United States Attorney Leo S. Rover and District Supreme Court Justices Gordon and Siddons, to whom the petition was referred by the de partment of justice, have declined to comment on their recommenda tions, it is understood that two of them were favorably Inclined toward pardon." Salem Lighting Ordinance Kept In Force Here Attempts to flout Salem's light ing ordinance do not pay, a Port land company dealing in Illumi nated slens discovered late last week. Electric signs were in stalled In front of two local bust ness houses before permits were issued for them. The lighting committee of the city council found that they also failed to cor rennond to the regulations, so they were ordered taken down They will be re-installed after tne permits are granted. The lighting committee nas an nounced that its enforcement of this regulation will be rigid In tbe future. DEN I HIS PARDON Livestock Entries Closed Today; State Fair Opening Now Qnly Week Away Entries for livestock at the 8th Oregon State Fair close today, which means that the f-' will fopea a week from tomorrow, in Sept. IS. Other entries close as follows: Poultry, rabbits, chickens, on the 18th; textile, art, domestic baking, Kn the 2 2nd, at p. m. Continuous activity Is now go ing on at the fairgrounds with on ly seven days left until the gates will open to the great crowd that will surge Jn from all over Ore gon and the northwest. Conces sions are rapidly going up, the agricultural pavilion has come alive, and horses have already E ver W ritten o :3juT v TWO IPS COLLIDE imeraeiiE Vessels Crash Together as Way Matfcf. Through Dense Fog SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14. (AP) Groping blindly through a dense fog which blanketed the Golden Gate today, the Panama Pacific liner Virginia, bonnd for New York with a large list of pas sengers, and the Brussgaard line freighter Hermion, inbound, col lided in the Golden Gate off Lime Point. Despite the force ot the col lision which tore an 80-foot hole in the starboard bow of the Virginia and seriously damaged the freigh ter, only two casualties were re ported. Two members of the Vir ginia's crew were said to have been slightly injured. The Virginia, the largest pas senger vessel touching this port, had left its pier just one half hour before the crash, the Her mion, which had been fogbound in the Golden. Gate since early this morning was at anchor, according to A. C. Starren, insurance man, who boarded' the craft after the collision. '- No panic or excitement follow ed the crash on either vessel, crew and passengers said. The Virginia put back to port under her own steam, while the Hermoin, after radioing for a tug, made her way to the Williams, Diamond com pany pier under tow. Damage to the Virginia was esti mated by the Panama Pacific line officials at $100,000. Federal steamboat inspectors boarded the large passenger ehip and ordered her into drydock. Repairs will be made immediately and it Is expect ed that the liner will resume her interrupted trip on Thursday. Few Changes to BS Necessary in State Blue Book Few changes will be needed in the final edition of the Oregon Blue Book, according to Hal Hoss, secretary of state Following a custom of some years standing a small first edition was -printed to i . . 1 1 . 1 t i V I allow iur corrections ubiuio iuc regular run of from 30,000 to 40,000 copies came off the press. Most of the changes to be made wil be corrections in the names of city officials in which there is a considerable change from year to year. Mr. Hoss said Saturday that pro. fessional men, newspaper men and especially school administrators and teachers were urgent in their demands for the Blue Book which Is used constantly in their work. come in to occupy their stalls In the race and show barns. Every type of entertainment s being planned by those in charge. To those to whom a circus ap peals, there wfll be the Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, a S scoot er ear and a Red Bug. This Is the first year the Red Bug has been installed at the fair. It has been at Jantxen beach the past season, and proved so popular, that the fair board has- had it brought here. On a Quarter ot a mile of sharply curving track, red racing bugs will offer thrills to the most (Turn to Pas 2, Column 1.) n sr. u 14 Die; 5 Avia&fi AccideEls Sis Persons Killed as Bans Crashes and Burns Near Ontario ' Air Collision Above Chisago Causes Four Deaths; Woman Slain By The Associated Press la the brief space of a U hours, at least 14 persons plurgtd to their deaths yesterday in five geographically widely separate airplane accidents. Six persons perished when a passenger plane crashed aa4 burned ! between Merriton , ar,4 Thorold, Ontario. . Four died in au air colUskn over Chicago. CaliLwhen'a plane took BrrJla il? ice air auu eraaucsu uiid uvu-y- A. young. woman tyro-paraehuia jumper died at Wichita, when ttf apparatus failed to function. -Similar Accident Occurs Near Minneapolis Near Minneapolis the pilot ef -4 plane was killed when he los control of It and made an unsuc cessful parachute jump. Twelve passengers in a trip motored plane from Denver whirls took the occupants to MeCc4rV Neb., to attend an air meet barely escaped a possible death or injury in a forced landing in a rough field near McCook. The shlpwas almost wrecked. L. V. Rex of Portland. Ore., was seriously injured at Bedford. Ore., when an airplane 'piloted by W. J. Muirhead crashed. The pilot was not hurt. The crash occurred when the craft struck a power line. CHICAGO. Sept. 14 (AP) Two airplanes collided at an alti tude ot 800 feet here tonight, carrying four "persons to their deaths. The dead included both allots and a passenger in each plane. They were dead before rescuers reached the wreckage. The dead were identified as; Pilot Walter Myers, licensed flier. Mrs. Benjamin Bird, his pass enger and sister of the owner of his plane. Pilot Charles Krone, an unli censed pilot. William Johnson, Deerfield, 11)., his passenger. Attempt To 8ideslip Proves Unsuccessful As the planes neared each other, Meyers, apparently sensing the danger, endeavored to maneuver away from the other plane. He tried to sideslip Krone's ship, bat was unsuccessful. Krone, seen by witnesses to be working frantically to prevent the collision, almost had his'ahip clear but the wing dipped slightly Just when It appeared the pilotivu. would be successful in Jhetr ei- (Tr.rn to Page 2, Column 4.) newspape 1 f W wTTT" w T ansnsnl BSSsnni anaanni nanni 0 ran or it r the W ar ft -;