The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local News Briefs
Credentials Asked The offices
t Willamette -university hire
.baa asked to transfer the cred
4tOi Charles Kaufman, graduate
M -1919, to the University of
-Washington, and the credits of
(Robert McGilvra to the Massacha
etta Institute of Technology.
jKaufmaa will pursue graduate
study of English literature, and
McGilvra. will study engineering.
sHeme Purchased C. A. Handy
of Portland has acquired the res
idence property of G. T. Hegtwedt
en .South Main street, in SUverton.
He will operate a rariety store in
Sllverton. Mr. Handy traded pro
perty in Portland for the SilTerton
home. The deal was handled by
1. W. Haagen, Salem realtor.
mm to Quiet Title The Bene
' fit Barings and Loan association
Friday filed suit to quiet title
gainst Fred and Leona R. Han
son and W. W. and Katherine Wil
kenson. , The salt Involves 2,
SSf.58, certain interest, flio at
torneys' fees and certain named
real property in Jaarion counry.
Bishop Recovering Robert
j&ishop, who was badly bruised
Ml Injured Tuesday morning la
a automobile accident near Ger
ais in which J una Moody, Indian
And, was fatally injured, is recov
ering nicely. BUhop is at the
htme of his grandparents, Mr.
od Mrs. C D. Gabrielsoa, 155
sNerth 14th.
$fro. BUckweOl Visit Mrs.
Hand Blackwell of Jeftersoa visit
ed over Friday at the home of her
nephew, Merrin D. Fldler, ziS
Spath list street. Mrs. Blackwell
dma Juct returned from visiting
,reUt1ves in WasUagtoa and her
brother, Joha -Tidier, In Astoria.
Schiller Used J. W. Scfcaller.
Berry street, was fined S5 In
police court for falling to stop at
Imro atop signs. He missed the
tops at Court and State streets
oo Chureh street. Officer Edwards
Publisher Visits R. E. Davey,
jolisher . of the Newport Jour
nal, was a gaest at the Salem
. jons club luncheon Friday. He
is In the- Willamette ralley oa a
mission in connection with the
campaign for completion of the
Jioosevelt coast highway.
Move to ManhfieM Mr. and
Mrs. John Farmen. resident of
Woodburn for several years, have
closed their affair thorn, aad
juered to Marshfield. where Mr.
Farmen will operate an oil sta
- tian.
Iwelling Planned Becke and
Hendricks have taken out a per
ju it to build a dwelling costing
S2800 at 1710 Madison street. An
derson and Martin have the con
tract. ' default Order Filed An order
of default against the defendant
9-93 handed down Friday by Judge
McMahan in the ease of R. E. Mc
Caffrey versus Roy H. Simmons,
August Ostrin and Ernest Ostrin.
Dismissal Ordered An order
M dismissal was handed down
Friday by Judge McMahan in the
case of the Commercial corpora
tion versus RaeJT. Gibbons.
Case Continued The case of
JJoyd DemareBt, held , for non
support, was continued yesterday
oy Justice of the Peace Small.
ioveall Booked W. M. Loveall
ot Eugene, was arrested Friday
night for failing to stop at a
through street.
JBoy to Xewtoas Mr. and Mrs.
Frank M. Newton. 2706 Brooks
oxvenue, are parents of a 10-pound
who arrived Friday morning
Find It Here
Dance With Tneau Bras. :
Mellow Moou Wed. and Sat
Kyerty IJesed rManea Hare
Carried over 700 people from
the airport la the last month in
special flight aad popular $1
trips. Flying as usual Sunday.
Dun't Purchase Your Fur Coat
Until you see Mrs. Loehelles
special display (one day f only)
Tuesday. Sept. 17th. 134 (Ferry
st. Further information, phone
'tinning Pearlies
At 1999 N. Capitol.
Your Turn et to See Salem
For il at the airport Sunday.
Always licensed planes and pilots.
" T'.-csh Apple Oder
At 1999 N. Capitol.
Wewtcd Experienced
Newspaper solicitor for rural
field, Willamette Valley territory,
salary and commission. Apply Cir
culation $ept., The Oregon States
man. "
For Sale- $ 1500.00-Modern
Home, 14000.00. $2000.00 cash.
See home and owner at 1780 N.
Cottage before Monday night,
Sept. 16t!.
Old Time Carnival Dance
Salem armory, Sat. Sept. 14th.
Willard Mathis orchestra. Pro
ceeds for - Capital Post Drum
Roy C. Taylor, Route 3
Box 30, Salem. Ore., wants his
friends to visit him at ace.
Ifestlar Pinner
Every night t:in t I at (r
Marion bote.
llr. B. H;Vhlte
Has completed re-arrangements
of his offices aad has resumed his
practice at the aame location, 06
Vnlted States Natl. "Bank Bldg, -
Jrrs. Saurmaa A Strereo '
Announce the association of Dr.
Vejrden E. Hockett in the pratiee
of medicine and surgery. 422-432
V-J5. Nat'l Bank Bid g.
4 Busy Place
- -k One of. tho ' busiest places ' In
Salem these days Is the Capital
Business college. Students are
fiarolUng for the. opening of the
fU term next Monday. Any who
have not yet registered should do
9 today.
Rotarians to llcJIinavflle Five
Salem Rotarians motored to Me
Minnville Friday to attend the
regular weekly luncheon of the
Tamhill county club. In the group
were W. I. Staley. president of the
Salem dub; E. L. Wieder, W. H.
Dancy. George W. Hug, who form
erly taught at McMinnville, and
A. A. Gneffroy.
Baby Girls Arrive The girls
had things 'their own way ont at
the Salem General hospital yes
terday. At least both tho rabies
that arrived there were girls. They
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Craven of Independence, aad to
Dr. aad Mrs.-Charles Robertson ef
Salem. The little Miss Robertson
is a grandchild of Dr. C. H. Rob
ertson of this city.
Conducts T. A. T. Clhtija Dr.
Vernon A. Douglas, county health
officer, was in Sublimity Friday
afternoon to conduct a toxin-anti
toxin clinic for preschool children.
; Thursday afternoon he held at T.
A. T. clinic Im preschool children
at SUverton.
PortUnder Flaed F. W. Den
ver of Portland, was lined SZ.50
In police court Friday for driving
past anothed machine at a street
intersection. Dearer was driviag
a truck and passed another car at
Union and Capitol streets.
Wtndekdeld Wings Stoles D
B. Jolly. 655 Marlon street, re
ported Friday that a pair of wind
shield wings had been stolen from
his automobile while it was
parked on a downtown street
Thursday night.
Orabtree Improving Floyd
Crabtree. promiaent Start on man,
who receatly underwent a major
operation at a local hospital, is
recovering rapidly and win be able
to be removed to his homo in a
few .days.
Mrs. Sinks Arrives Mrs. H. C.
Sinks, wife of the county sanitary
in pec tor, arrived late Friday from
St. Paul. Mian., to join her bus
band here. Mrs. Sinks was accom
panied west by her sieter.
Lrenres For School Delbert
Harritt, son of Mr. Karl W. Har
ritt of this city, left for Portland
to enter Hill Military Academy for
the school year. Young Harritt
also attended Hill last year.
Asks Credit be Transerred
Norrai Gamble. June graduate of
the senior high school, has asked
the principal's office to transfer
his credits to Willamette univer
Sllverton Folk in Town War
ren Crabtree and Hulga Anderson,
both of SUverton, were among the
Friday visitors at the office of the
county school superintendent.
- Returning- from Vacation Dr.
and Mrs. J. O. Matthla and family
returned to Salem Friday from
Newport where they have been en
joying their annual vacation.
Visit McMinnville E. L,. Wel
der, A. A. Gueffroy and Wl I.
Staley of the Salem Rotary club
were guests at the McMinnville
dab's luncheon Friday.
Boy to BmHTs Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Baulig. 1195 North West,
are parents of a boy born here
Goetx In City Robert Goetz,
superintendent ot the SUverton
Bchools, was in the city on busi
ness Friday.
Mrs. BoytaKtou Visits lurs.
Mabel Boyingtoa was a Friday
business visitor In Salem from her
home in the Mehama district.
Veltoa Arrested John Veltou
was in the city jail Friday night
under a drunk charge. .
A case of smallpox was report
ed this week to the health office,
and after contacts had been stu
died. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas,
health officer, said Friday that
the disease was brought here from
Falls City. The woraaa who has
the disease is now in Salem, how
ever the home where she Is stay-
other members of the family were
ing has been Quarantined. All
previously vaccinated.
Several eases of chickenpox
have also been reported from Sa
lem homes so far this month, and
these are watched carefully be
cause ot the similarity to a mild
case of smallpox.
Another ease of typhoid the
third In the county, was also re
ported in the last day or so. how
ever this patient was not ill en
ough to call In a doctor. In this
last instance, water from an old
well which the man was using is
surmised to be the source, al
though the disease may have been
contracted in a hop yard near In
dependence in which he was work
ing. This case has been isolated.
No reports on the water sample
have yet been received by the
county health officer.
Fanchon and Marco' will today
and Tuesday offer theatregoers
one of their fastest novel stage
productions, Sped Idea"
A versatile aggregation Is to be
seen in this unusual performance,
Ther consist of the 16 beautlfal
Sunkist' beauties, Parker and
Mack, Black Kat Four. Helea
Burke, Dorothy and Leona and
Cal Korris' Greyhounds.
On the screen will be "Fast
Company," which Is a talkie er.m
edy, featuring Evelyn Brent, Jack
Oakie aad Skeets Gallagher.
It. Carlos Meier and his sym-
phonlsts win offer as their over
ture number, "Raymond."
Famed Finalist at National
tournament is Made
Club Uemfcer
When the next national ama
teur golf championship tourna
ment is played, the ..Salem-Golf,
club will hare a memher entered,
althoagh he probably wtu not be
playing under Ike -local club's
colors. At the reception given la
his honor Friday noon at tho Ma
rion hotel. Dr. O. T. Willing, runner-up
fa the tournament at Peb
ble Beach last week, was present
ed an honorary membership la
the Salem dub.
.Governor Pattersoa. Mayor
Lreealey ot Salem and Mayor Ba
ker of Portland participated In
tho tribute paid to Dr. Willing.
The governor stressed particular
ly the excellent sportsmanship dis
played by the Oregon golfer under
unusually trying circumstances.
Emphasizing the favorable repute
which Dr.' Wining has earned for
Oregon in the world ot golf, the
governor mentioned that it was a
natural result, since Oregon has
more golf eourses than any other
state, and Portland more than any
city of its else.
Mayor' LIvesley expressed Sa
lem's pleasure at the opportunity
to be host to Dr. Willing and the
other distinguished guests pres
ent, aad added his word of praise
for the character as well as the
ability of the eminent golfer.
"Portland's first cltisen" was
thephrase with which Mayor Ba
ker described the esteem in whieh
his fellow townspeople hold Dr.
"He is the most steady golfer
in the world, and I predict that he
will be the champion of the world
before he finishes." the mayor
continued. He invited the people
of Salem to participate in the civic
reception to Dr. Willing and the
other Oregon golfers who partici
pated in the national tournament
The reception will be held next
Wednesday night at tho Masonic
temple in Portland.
In response. Dr. Willing voiced
his appreciation for the honor
paid him, and said in answer to
the mention which had been
made of the hostile attitude of
persons in the gallery at the tour,
nament finals, that it was not re
presentative of the majority of
Californians, who would have pre
ferred to see a coast golfer win.
Others wh owere introduced by
Jimmy, Richardson, master of cer
omiino InlnHa1 Uro XL'!!! 5 n crl
UVU4V f WUWXA 4MvaaVa V a"F I
Rudie Wilhelm and Russell Smith,
other Portlandera who played in
the tournament. Mel Smith, Port
land golf professional, and Ercel
Kay, president of the Salem Golf
club. About 75 persons attended
the luncheon.
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 13
(AP) Unprecedented fa the his
tory of Pacific northwest golf was
the welcome extended Dr. Oscar
Ellis H. Stuart died at a local
hospital September 11, at the age
ot 19 years. Survived by his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stuart of
Des Moines, Iowa. The remains
are in care of Salem mortuary.
Remaias were forwarded Friday
to Des Moines. Iowa, where fu
neral services and Interment will
take place.
Mrs. Sallie A. HoUiday. S3, died
Thursday night la a local hospital.
Survived by her-hnsband George
H. HoUiday and two brothers, E.
G. Howard of Portland aad Jo
seph Howard ef Texas. The re
mains will be forwarded to Los
Angeles for services and inter
ment. Rigdoa mortuary in
James J. Nelsons 1, died at the
home of his sister, Mrs. May N.
Howell at 749 University street.
Deceased came to Salem nine
months ago from Kellogg, Idaho.
where he was a miner. Survived
by his sister, aad by two nieces
and a nephew, Mrs. C F. Unrig of
LaCenter, Wash.; Mrs. Cbalmer
George and G. N. Howard of Sa
lem. He was a member of the B.
P. O. E. at Wallace, Ida., and of
the Eagles lodge at Kellogg. The
body will bo seat to Kellogg for
final services and interment. 'Rig
don mortuary ia charge.
City View Cemetery
Established 1808 Tel. 1260
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable .
Peltreat iflemoria!
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
. . Just tew minutes from the
heart of towa
Indoor Buxlcl .-5 ,
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Saturday Morning September 14. 1929
m btii --a l' Mmt swsr.Tnyr.'Ws
hf Tr'
F. Willing, runer-up in the recent
national amateur championship
tonrnameat at Pebble Beach. Cali
fornia, on the return of "Portlaad
aad Oregon's, first citizen," as
Mayor George Baker described
him today. '
Dr. Willing was. met at Salem
by a delegation of - Portlaaders
who went to the state capital by
Special train. The semi-finalist
was tendered a luncheon there.
A public demonstration was
started upon Witling's arrival at
the park blocks here.
Mrs. H. D. Brunk of this city died
Wednesday evening In a Salem
hospital at the age of 64 years.
She had been in 01 health for the
past four years. Funeral services
will be held In the Keeney funeral
home Friday at 2 o'clock. Rev.
E. G. Ranton officiating.
Harriet Rosella Morrow was
born In Corvallis. May IS, 18(5.
She wag married to H. D. Brunk
July 23, 1818. To this union were
born three children, two of whom
died In Infancy. One daughter,
Mrs. Vera Broughton lives in Oak
land, Cal. Mrs. Brunk is survived
by two sisters, Mrs. Olive Dou
cette, Tacoma, Wash., and Mrs.
Winnlf red Austine, Seward. Neb.,
and one brother, William Morrow
of Independence.
Mrs. Brunk had been a resident
of Oregon all her life, having lived
in Polk county for 60 years and in
Independence 24 years. She was
a member of the Christian church
and of the Neighbors of Wood-
1 at.
- 1 L L
Forest fires in the vicinity of
Silver Creek falls will not inter
fere with the scheduled hike--of
the Salem Chemeketans. who will
make their first local hike of the
season in the Silver Creek falls
district Sunday.
The eight mile walk will follow
tho course of Silver creek, just
south ot Sllverton. and will not
reach the area which has been
The party will leave the local
T. M. C. A. at 8 o'clicc Sunday
morning In private ears for Sll
verton where the Mke will start.
Further information may be ob
tained at the Y., and persons who
hare not their own can may regis
ter there for transportation. Lead
ers for the day will be Miss Cath
erine Gaylord ot Salem and Miss
Clara Lars en of Sllverton.
Two Couples Get
Licenses Friday
Some persons are either fear
less, or else such a mere matter
as Friday the 13 th la their lucky
day. William Mason, 45. ot Mill
City obtained a marriage license
yesterday to wed Grace V. Hull.
38. of Salem. It Is Mason's third
marriage and Miss Hull's second.
Another license was issued to Wil
liam F. Denlmore, 21, of ML An
gel aad Mamie Helvte, 19,. of
Scotta Mills.
30c - 35c
trt V. OmI ntr. mm
I. Saffron aad S. Klin havs
taken over tho entire own
ership of the Salem Bargaia
House aad tho Salem Junk
Company aad will operate
under the same names as
heretofore. We are always
In tho market to bay and
sell everything.
Salem Ikrg23 House
Saffron Kline"
Phono IBS
SSO N. Coamnaercaal St,
W 1
--. . WEWiUPay , ;
y to 2c per lb. for Rags. 75e ca. for Auto Batt;
10c to 40c. per hundred for Iron. v
.... 25c per hundred for Paper and Mag.
We also buy Sacks Radiators - Brass - Bottles - Etc.
Bythe bridge.
15 Center SL
Children's Scrap on School
Bus Results in Death
Of Participants
PORT ANGELES. Wash., Sept.
13. (AP) The gay laughter of
school children was gone from the
Joyce school bus today as pupils
returned to their classes saddoaed
because an. angry boy had killed
both himself and a girl who told
oa him for taking her book.
As the bus was taking the boys
and girls home from school yes
terday, Jesse Spurior, 18, took a
book from Helen MeClalne, 13, and
threatened to tear it.
Just a few hours later as it was
getting dark, Jesse shot and killed
Helen, who with her sister Leo as,
10, was returning homo from a
neighboring ranch with milk. The
boy had lain ia 'wait for her along
the lonely path that connected the
neighboring farms.
Youth Appears Suddenly
Beetde Lonely Tnal
Leona said 8purior suddenly ap
peared in ferns at the side of the
trad and tired at them. The bullet
from the 30-30 rifle entered Hel
en's right shoulder and emerged
from her left shoulder. Tho girl
was dead when her father reached
her. A short time later a sheriffs
posse led by the girl's father
found Spurior dead near the trail.
He was shot through the head
with his own riflet .
Helen was the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. MeClalne, Lyre riv
er ranchers, and the boy was the
son of nearby ranchers, Mr. and
Mrs. Warrea Spurior.
Tho dividing Hue between life
and death proved but a slender
thread for despite the pleadings
of the three girls, two ot them
Spurior's sisters, Helen chose the
short cut path where death lurk
ed in tho tall ferns. The girls
pleaded with her to walk with
them down the county highway to
her home. The boy's sisters were
Esther, 11, and "Bertha, 10.
Mother Can't Believe
Her Son Meant to Kill
"He must hare been shooting at
a grouse when Helen came along
the path. My son never meant to
kill her. Why he wouldn't hurt
anyone' sobbed Mrs. Spurior.
"If they had only coma with
us we would have seen Helen and
our Jess, but we will never see
them any more," the two Spur
riof girls said again and again.
The youth was a ''lone wolf"
sort of a boy who did not mix in
his playmates' games at school,
they said. For this he was teased
and only a week ago N. E. Lytle,
superintendent of the Joyce con
solidated schools told the boys to
stop teasing Jess.
The fathers of the two dead
children are fellow employes of
the White Horse shingle mill, four
miles west of Joyce.
ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo., Sept. 13
(AP) Sidney Derbyshire, 27,
en route from Australia to the
east, committed snicide last night
on a Union Pacific train as the
train was passing Bryan station,
39 miles west of here.
HURON, 8. D., Sept. 13. (AP)
Unable to free himself after his
finger had been caught la a corn
binder while he was working
alone, Paul Harding, Tale farmer,
amputated his owa finger with a
The Oregon Statesman and The
Portland Telegram, two great
dailies for 00 coats per month. To
order phone 600.
Oregon Electric Ry.A
Willamette Valley Line now
Farmers' Day
Sat. 1:30 P.M.
F. N. Woodry's
Auction Market
1610 N. Summer St.
Cea tlstlng of
S geese, UX.LL PnUeia,
lets off other things.
Public Attention
If yew have aaytsdng to sell
bring It in, want snare horses.
cMdctt, furniture,
thing of value.
Cash paid for
t as aactt see see
511 Established lOlf
Phone 393
, fans ma-
er aay
I furniture
7 .Wonders -Of
Are Picked
When it comes to wonders, Sa
lem has them! The seven won
ders of the world are recognised
facts. To confine tho outstanding
features of Salem to so. small a
scope Is far more difficult, .opin
ions of prominent people whose
ideas are quoted in this actlcle.
The seven wonders of Oregon,
the seven wonders of Portland.
Eugene, and other . cities, have
been the subject of recent news
discussions. -
After some miaates ef hesita
tion Hal E. Hose, secretary ot
state, expressed tho fact that "the
cordial friendliness ot its citizens"
makes Salem a desirable place to
live. A prominent down-town
business man seconded the opin
ion ot Mr.' Hoas in remarking that
"Salem la the largest AU-Amerl-caa
city ia the United States, for
93 per cent of local citizens are
native norn." . .
Mr. Hoss further selected:
' t. Stability as a business cea-
ter. -
Z. Theatres.
4. Baaks.
K. Band concerts aad electric
fe an tain.
0. Streets and parks.
7. State Institutions and pub
lic buildings ether than the
court house and city hall.
Mrs. Virginia Bacon, state li
brarian, protested that she was
not acquainted with the outstand
ing features of the etty. since she
is a newcomer. She observed.
"Anyone will notice -upon enter
ing the towa the unusual width of
the streets."
Mrs. Bacoa Also Chose
2. The homes and the gardens
are beautiful.
3. There is a particular charm
due to the amount ot running wa
ter, two creeks and a river en
hance the beauty of the natural
4. The public library with Its
auditorium and its school librari
an can be looked for only in large
5. The capitol and university
buildings located in the center of
town are a combined aid to the
appearance of the town.
fi. The uninstltutional appear,
ance of the state institutions is s
real wonder. The beauty of their
surroundings removes the prison
like appearance which can be no
ticed about many state hospitals
and other Institutions.
7. It is difficult to choose
whether the beauty of the First
National Bank building or that
of the new Presbyterian church is
the greater marvel for a city the
size of Salem. In visiting the
churches of both Philadelphia and
New England, I have never seen
a church whose architecture is so
fine as your new Presbyterian
church. However, splendor of the
bank building makes it difficult
Eyeglass; Insurance and thor
ough examination included.
110 N. Commercial St.
Without uenttoa er less ef
srt Oram aids.
This week-end nlr
Only at
The Original Yellow Front aad
Candy Special Store
al Salem
K 13 Commercial St.
la cSsdc
ancnt ef Kartsse Umigtge fertna, Quit Oaim Decga Arwtrart forma,
133 ,g SaJa, BsLSnz Contract, Prwiissory Notes, lacitalBent Ntd
CenenJ Ham, Fover ef Attm, Pim IJocks P S r
ceiBtaV etc TJmsjo Items am xnt2j prepared for tmi eonrta and
pditjatsTttoUnmnxzitrcaictaUlmlt crTi fjierr, and
The Statesman Publisliing Go.-
to choose. r
"Do you mean tho outs
features of the city 13 Queried C,
A. Howard, superintendent of
public Instruction. '
1. The most outstanding thing
oni" notices In juli driving
through is general beauty, of the
city, including its civic center.
2. Salem is a city of homes, la
which people take pride In keep
ing up their old homes. This is
substantiated by the fact that
there are so many old homes
maintained instead -if tearing
them down to build new.
3. There is aa air' of spacious
ness due In the main to the wide
streets of tho town.
4. Salem possesses an excel
lent' school organization; in fact,
far better than it is entitled to
for the amount of money expend
S. The state capitol and the
state activities affect the atmos
phere of the city.
f. Willamette university is a
great asset, for it is one of the
strongest educational Institutions
of the aorthiaest.
7. Tho wonderful view obtained
at the south edge of the . city to
which I often drive In my mo
menta of relaxation would be co4
sidered a scenic wonder in the
middle west. ' One can see both
tho river and the mountains from
the heights overlooking the city."
Does Salem have its points?
What seven are your choice?
CAMP PERRT. Ohio, Sept. It.
(AP) United 8tates service
teams today outstripped tha .na
tional guard and civilian squads
ia the national rifle matches and
tonight at the conclusion of the
first four firing stages were so tar
in front as to practically assure
them all major positions.
The navy team was in the lead
tonight with a score of 1,886 out
of a possible 2,000 points.- Sec
ond place was held jointly by the
United States infantry squad and
the United States marines with
1,847; the United States coast
guard with 1,827. and the United
States cavalry with 1,815.
The first four stages today were
fired over the 200-yard alow fire,
200 and 300 yard rapid fire, and
the 600 yard courses.
The final stage tomorrow ia
over the 1,000 yard course. Each
of the ten men on the teams will
be given 20 shots and the possible
team score will be 1,000.
Tomorrow's firing will conclude
the rifle matches here for the year
and service men and civilians to
the number of 4,000 will leave
immediately after the scores are
AtintSiBa Sail
Property of J. H. Rohwein, 24 miles north of Albany
on the Hub Bryant estate farm
HORSES Bay Filley 4 years old, weight 1500 lbs.; Bay,
Horse 10 years old. weight 1100 lbs.; Bay Mare 9 years old,
weight 1500 lbs.; Set Heavy Harness, 2 Sets Plow Harness, f
LIVESTOCK Guernsey ,Cow, 4 years old; Jersey Cow, 4 "
years old; Jersey Cow, 4 years old; 2 Jersey and Guernsey
Coirs, 3 years eld; Jersey Cow, 7 years old; Guernsey Cow,'
1 years old; Jersey Cow, 1 years old; Jersey' Cow, IS
months old; Holstein Cow, 18 months old; Guernsey and Dur
ham Calf, i months eld. The above cows are all T. B. tested,
and are due to freshen before Christmas.
FARM MACHINERY No. 7 Birdsell Clover Huller. in good
shape; Fordson Tractor In A-l shape; 3 1-4 Mltchel Wagon
with box, S 1-4 Wagon with hay rack, fi-foot McCormlck Bind
er in good shape; 7-foot Superior Grain Drill. lS-lnch Oliver
Steel Plow, Heavy Spike Tooth Harrow, Spring Tooth Harrow,
4-Horse Disc, 1 horse Gas Engine in good shape. Force
Water Pump, Saw Mantle mounted on sled, 2 1-horso Culti
vator with shovels aad sweeps, 10-foot Hay Sweep good as
mew, Scalding Vat, No. 15 De Laval Cream Separator, So-gallon
Gas Tank, 1 Steel Barrels, 10 Wooden Barrels, Iron Kettle,
Brass Kettle. - .
HOGS Brood Sow, farrow en or before sale, weight 309
lbs.: 4 Shouts, weight 00 lbs. each.
HAT and GROUND FEED, POTATOES 7 er 8 Tons of
Clover and Grass Hay, 20 Sacks Ground Feed.
Quantity ot Household Furniture.
MISCELLANEOUS 3 -Horse Evener. complete; 2 Log
Chains; SO White Leghorn and Barred Rock Chickens; Wire -Stretcher;
20 Geese, and other articles too numerous to men
TERMS All sums of $20 and under, Cash; over that
amount six months credit on bankable notes. Interest
S per cent.
Albany State Bank, Clerk Auctioneers
271 North Commercial St, Salem, Oregon
Phone 75 - Right down town
See ns Personally for your Farm and City Sales
- Satisfaction Guaranteed
srfcr US Isssl ttsnks tailed to
i: Cpntmrt f Safe. Coad Notice,
X5 to 59 casts -
At BnslAeas Office, Gronnd Floor
lenrpjif iTfiDc i ncr
Oil H
NEW YORK. Sept. 18 (AP)
Friday the 13th proved an unlucky - -day
for thousands of speculators
In the stock market who cold se
curities at a loss when priees ot
many issues broke $3 to 115 a
watch the same etocks rally brisk- -ly
and close. Irregularly higher
l when professional traders bought -
large blocks at advancing prices . '
during the afternoon.
So great was the rush, to buy:
and sell that total sales again .
crossed the 1,900,000 share mark.
Uneasiness over the credit situ
ation, accentuated by the unex
pectedly large increase of $120.
000,000 In federal reserve brok
ers loans to another new high'
record, was blamed for the early
selling, which carried TJ. S. Steel .
common. - American Telephone,
General Electric, Westinghouso
Electrie aad many of tho other.
leaders down $4 to ft a share.
The 'subsequent lowering ef tho
call money rate from t to T per
cent helped to revive speculative
confidence and moat of the losses
were either cut down or convert-'
od into gains. Midland 8teet pro- '
ducts preferred dropped $1S and
rallied 110 aad American Machine
A Foundry made up all bat a few
cents of its early decline of 810 a
MOUND3VILLE. W. Va.. Sept.
13. (AP) Millard F. Morrison.
24. and Walter E. Willmot. 31.
both of Elizabeth, N. J., were
hanged at the West Virginia state
prison here tonight for the slay
ing of Frank Bowen, Lene Creek
filling station proprietor, who waa '
fatally shot last Msy. Tho traps
were, sprung simultaneously.
Claims totaling 81115.70 have
been paid to Statesman readers by
the North American Accident In
surance Co., in the past year.
These claims were paid on tho
11.00 policy Issued to Statesman
Spray after fruit is off and be
fore a rain if possible
Use Bordeaux
We can supply yon
SPECIAL Twine for
sacking prunes, lb. .
Salem Seed & Orchard
Supply Co.
178 S. Com'l St. Phone t03
iatrt aay bssines
T7I3 Forns, Axslgn-
- . s