The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning. September 14. 1929 PAGE THREE Church News .. Su and Hcperiings of the Week . : , CHOIR POSITION MISSION PROJECT - WORK OF CHURCH First Methodist Church Se lects New W. U. Music Dean for Director MID Street Congregation Bend Efforts Largely to Bring Joy to Children Whether tt is generally known or not, one Salem church, the Hill street M. E.. has spent the past year In successfully patting over a city missionary project; in fact. practically the entire attention of the church has been given to-thir nhs of tha work, with the rnlt Professor Emery W. Hobson lth- bars and rfrls of tha South has submitted his resignation as galem district adjacent to the director of the large Tested choir ch.nrch haTe been reached with of the First Methodist church to gratifying results. The mission take effect at one, it was an. arjr project was started last Octo nonnced Friday from the church her by Rev. Patrik Dahlin, paa officet. tor, who left Salem early this sum- The music committee, consist- mer for the east, and has since tng of A. A. Schramm. R. C. Glov- been carried on by Mrs. Alta M. er and O. E. Price has engaged Gentry, acting pastor. Professor Forrest W. Gaw, the A glimpse of the work with new dean of music in Willamette young people may be gained from unhrersity, to take charge of the report of the work to September church music until the church 1, made at the recent quarterly board meets. Professor Hobson has conference meeting by Mrs. Gen- conducted the church choir for try.' In the 11-month period, 44 nine years and has had great sue- young people's meetings were held cess In organising a large chorus with a total attendance of 551: of SB TOices. He-has directed sev- the Intermediate group of the eral sacred concerts in the church church school held 25 social meet each year, which attracted capa. ings with an average attendance citw conarentlons. He will be of 14; the juniors held 1C social greatly missed In his position as meetings with seven the average music director. Professor Gaw comes to the uni versity and the church with high attendance. These social, or "in terest creating" meetings were of course in attention to the 48 reg I"!"' "ftd lr church school meetings at- STnrUondncrrh re- W-M or an hearsal. and have chge of the Si XsnUha, .SHt"?52k. -Si M?. . . u.a Paw uuuu were vrgauueu inio . me If. J!2EL what JTiely Indians, under leadership S YbN rht blarieant'arSe No Sorenson. and the Pio- of the Night? by sargeani ai we neerg under leadergMp of Mr T Th.rtwlHn- These groups met Satur- .JX!l3?Z2L J the church and Y. M. C. A. rr., Li.w.VMearhTs Ior recreational program, the 1st and will celebrate thl i y ear his IndUn9 holdlng lx meet. 25 th year In that capacity. Ings until early summer and the Pioneers 45 with a total attend ance of S3 9. Tiny tots between the ages of three and nine met at the church each Saturday after noon for "story hour," conducted First Congregational Church to Show Films I new we w v Aemn n Sermon Aldm Mrs. Gentry. a - In addition to the work with Fall activities of the First Con- comunlt7 club Ior - . 7 I In lnnlt pnnrrn mamhAH watt tr- of "the cTur'e SJK T t- ,. wrv mnA f.iiow. Bmmr d mT revived again !v. . . VC -v -t,-. f". These were weU attend- ?a7m. report. Rev, -CTE. Ward. f5 naT L.f I p.erM pastor. Three special Meetings for 7dV. ?neV S this week are In storefor various tJnf - f e 'd""8' f!.1?" m il. . V.uVf ejoupn oi me memmniu. . , -WBninsr .wnr.hln y,rtnAcA. the regular Sunday morning and club Mel . J t... .nnlnr it ""'. u Banquet, r , f-tf nVmai Mrt, ,, watch night, missionary meeting, 7:30 for an Informal party ana . . m, r, JLV church supper. Mother's Day pro gram, six club meetings and three rallv. IDT lieu lO LUC UUHig VI lui. u.w Mrs. Mark McCallister,-1710 South Winter street. Thursday evening at 7:30 for an informal "get together. .As this is the first con gregational gathering aside from the church services it is hoped that all members will attend. The Woman's Union will meet . at the church for a work and A Sermon for the Week A Missionary Religion By REV. W. G. IXENEAEMPER (Pastor of Reformed Church, Salem) For we cannot bat speak the things which we have seen and heardv Acts 4:20. . . These words, spoken by Peter and" John soon after their Divine Master had commanded them: "Go ye Into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature!" art the expressions of an essential principle, which lies at the heart of the Chris tian religion. ThiT' -,e la: The Christian religion is in Us essence a missionary iy-on. ' The apostles had seen and heard Jesus, had believed and experienced his message concerning sin, grace and redemption, which la the three-told message of the gospel; therefore they could not but speak. This, then, is the principle of missions When we have seen ana heard, believed and experienced the message of Christianity, we cannot but bear witness to it. Christianity i a religion that will not keep. The only thing to do with It is to use it, spend it, give it away. The duty of preaching the gospel to every creature Is on ethat Inheres In the very nature of the Gospel Itself. The. Christian religion is the only religion ntted and intended for every creature. "There is no other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved, than the name ot Jesus." YOUNG PEOPLE PLAN PROGRAM Sunday Night Event at Jason Lee Will be Repeated at 'Annual Conference CONGREGATIONAL ACTIVITY STARTS Three Groups Plan Meetings For Evenings This Week First Events of Fall . First Conrregatoinal cbureh will start Its fall and -winter series of illustrated Sunday evening ser mons the latter part of the month, announces Charles W. Ward, pas tor. For several seasons now Mr. Ward has employed a moving pic? tare to help in presentation ot the Sunday evening message, and has found this practice meets with enthusiasm. Always the pictures are in keep ing with the Institution in which they are presented. nd frequent ly are late and even popular films. Occasionally the length requires two Sundays for presentation. Last year the outstanding show offered at the church was "The Kins; of Kings", called by some critics the best movie ever produced in this country. The young people of the Jason' Lee church will rive a special nro- gram in the church, North Winter and Jefferson streets, 'Sunday evening, when "The Challenge to Be" will be the entertainment theme. The sameprogram will be presented -before the annual con ference -of Oregon Methodist- churches at the Centenary Wilbur Kchureh In- Portland on Sunday eve-; nlnjr, September 19. . Following is the program Congregational singing, an nouncements, offerfnr. "The Challenge." a reading by Maurice Fuestman. "The Holy City," solo by Her man Rehfu8s. Scripture lesson and prayer Hayes Beall. . . "The challenge to be all for Christ," Evelyn Cummlngs. "My Task." solo, Bernice Rick. her committee. Miss Dorothy Tay-1 man. . lor, Miss Mildred Cook, Miss Mar-1 "The Challenge to be Like garet Townsend, Raymond Wad- Christ," Leah Fanning, dell and Arthur Hollenberg. The Lead On, O King Eternal, eon devotional hour which will follow gregatlon. at : SO will be in charge of Missl Miss Barbara Barham will be Marjorle Nelson, the first vice I at the organ for all musical nam- president. Mr. and Mrs. Frank bers Learner "are councillors for this goup. Epworth League Plans Freshman Fellowship The University chapter of the Epworth League of the First Methodist church will begin its year's program with a fellowship hour In the church parlors at B o'clock In honor of the freshmen who are on the campus. This time of social fellowship will be in charge of Miss Margaret Schrel- ber, the fourth vice president and Pastor Here , Missionaries do Great Work! In Orient, Tully Says; White Giving Natives Leadership Physical" and Religious Endeavor in China Making Strides But Will Take Years to Bring to Peak - ----- o f Editor's Xsta: KtT. . K. TBUT. -1 meuioai were oaien oil or mis- tor t rt Tint Prcb7tria ckarch, wk sionary experiment, and the pres- rtturntt Uii.week fraai a tdy tear f . f af nnAratinn .... U OrisBt, lu writtea tat foltowiar to- "el" f",011, We,re MiMi ef aiMMurr BdMvor ia tha pioneered In by the missionaries East ior Stuamaa readers. and then giren orer to the move- As one travels through the .t". Ze. J Orient obserrinf the unacens- 7 tomed conditions amid which the "ecreury. larger portion of the human fam- I U Japan there Is Kagawa, per- ny lives, he finds ms mind in a naps ue most aynamie spiritual mess.- He knows that imoresslons personality now living. His work are being registered, but wonders I ia the slums of Kobe, his vast so lf they are correct or important I cial enterprises, and his ft resent Rer. W. L Ueakaeanper, pastor enough to be permanent. He re-1 evangelistic campaign for a mil. of the Reformed chaxch, who says I allies that years ot brooding lion converts to Christ, are-the fas this week's special sermon that though and careful study will be wonder of the Christian world. the Christian religion is a mis- necessary to "read, mark, and in. ut Kagawa is the product of the wardiy digest" those Impressions missionary enterprise. Bo valuable to any profit. man is he to society that present It this is true ot political, eco- ministry has Implored him to en- nomic. Social and cultural condi- ter the government as social work tlons, it Is much more true of ths secretary. I heard Kagawa say missionary enterprise. So all-per- that Christianity brought freedom sionary rdigJoa. Food Stand at State Fairgrounds is Again Plan of Jason Lee Booth Clibborn Holding Series Of Meets Here All member. f thnmr.. Evangelist William E. Booth- tion ot the Jason Lee church, and Clibborn, who for 20 years prior esneclallv tha women, are nnitinr rV"' """"v preacn- ln an effort to make this year a banner one at the state fair grounds, where the church annu ally conducts one ot the food stands. The Jason Lee stand will begin service Monday and con tinue through the entire week. For the most part, help is donat ed, the church paying only the cook and dishwasher. Mrs. P. L. Frailer has general charge ot the booth." Last year the church realised more than $1,200 from the week's labor at the fairgrounds. The sum was applied In the work of the church. W ... Booth-CUbbom ed in Germany, Russia, Poland, Holland and England, and since that time In this eountry, is conducting a series ot meet ings at the Evange 1 1 s 1 1 c tabernacle. 13th and Ferry streets. Evan gelist is preach. 7:45 o'clock each ing here at night except Monday, and will be here throughout next week. Assisting him In the campaign ia his wife, Genevieve Booth-Cllb- born. Clibborn is a grandson ot the late General Booth, founder FIRST MEET SUNDAY First meeting following summer ning at the First Spiritualistic ot S?.- church, which meets in the Fra ternal temple on Center street. Rev. Luella La Valley ot Portland is the regular pastor of the church. ' rntST SFISITTJAUST Fraternal Temple en Center street be tween Liberty and High. SerTices this Sunday eTeninr at 7:43 o'clock. The rer nlar Dsitor. kt. I.u.Da I.. V.11..V f business meeting Wednesday at I Portland will b the speaker. Topic : I'll) o'clock. The work Will In- theBetarn of Spirit Retard Their ,v rroeress! ilessscet. CiUUD quuuus auu i ji m. ." Booth-Clibborn is in many re spects a remarkable preacher, Born in Switzerland in a great tide of revival, he was cradled in the center of great spiritual move' ments, writes a friend ot him. At the age of 12 years he was con Terted and soon after started to preach. His style of. preaching is declared by those who have heard him here to be impassioned and Itionsl serriees at 11 a. m. 8ubjeet of i pastor at 11 a. and a rain at 7:80 p. m. dramatic, plentifully Illuminated sermon: "too way oi vaivary. Being tspeeiai tinging- preceding these serriees. With V1V1Q Illustration and WOrd . i i l rm xr t . . ... ..i - ibo wens oi acnes au eiivr w idi xoang reopie s aoeiaiy aoias Its I ntotnrpq answer the. Question: "What Bhall I Do meetings at 7:80. Prayer meeting. Thnrs- v lvtulca- - to Uam eternal Ldiei ' Mrs. w . a. uen-i aay evening at v:S0. Marion county health demonstration. ton, director of masie, and at the piano. Labish Tent Meetings Making Good Progress Rev. Scheuerman Says 2TkS2," A " CHRISTIAN SCIEKCB Corner of Liberty and Chemeketa. Serr lci at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ra. Subject:' "Snbstasee." Wednesday evening meet ings at 8 o'eoek include testimonials of healing through Christian Science. Sun day school for papils 20 years old and nnder are held at 9:45 and 11 o'clock. Reading room at 406 Masonic Temple. :80, except Sundays ble and all author. Ued Christian Science literature but ba The community teni meetings rd' purchased. ' being conducted at Labish Center CHUUCH of the by Evangelist E. W. COX Of Bel- On block 8. of Center on 19th street. lingham. Wash ar-Ung good progress. Attendance IS increas- Healinr or Jesns Onr Oreat Physician." ing Steadily and real interest is Special mnsic: Frank Litwiller and Mrs. manifest, especially by heads of SrJf;.L7o,,". ?J?Bi;,f families, a number of whom have olU found the saviour through the "Judas by transgression fell, that he meetings, reports,-the community ro to u own place." special a- u II Tt h.nprmm ,c: cld Hoffer riM sing a solo and pastor, Rev. H. R. Scheuerman. Url u D Mi4 Smith wiU Three services will be held Sun- (iDr j0et. Rnnday tchooi. 9:45 a m.; dav at 11 O Clock in the morn-I Tank Litwiller, supt. Midweek serriees am eft 4k, M 4k. rAiAA. I .w mm. ua. ruucQuaj . uaiiur. ssBmanaga- - 111 iw Inl.r.: rknrh Y.,,, PVl-'. 1- 1 O J I - nTi a ing. of the community. A. .'.IA., in vna Avail I m . a ... n- agaui ab i.v w v.wk. m "' - i oanaay 0:3 jtiss inea eampsoa, pres. Inr The Lavman'S KOSnel team I J. 8. rnesen. leader. Jaaior S. T. P. flnafTeUrnooneB ""T ihr the afternoon services. Con- Bi,Bt tB ehllieht president u rtlnnatlon ot the meetings alter 1 charge. Sunday Is depeiident upon the win vzt TEw"c55icH or cmuiT Court and 17th streets. B. 1. Shoema ker, pastor; Phono 1576-J. Morning serr tea 11 oeioek; subject: "Missions- in Japan." MiM Grace Farnham. miasionarr from Japan, preaching. Evening aetrico 7:80 o'clock. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Prank Marshall, aapt. Midweek semees: 7:SO p. nv. Wednesday; place: Chnrch parlor. Tonng meetings: Chris tian EadeaTor and Jaaior meetings :S0 P. James Davis Chosen Heaivf Church of God Board of Trustees James Davis was elected chair man of. the board ot trustees of the Church of God for the. new Tear when the board met this ' GLAD TIDINGS MISSIOH S41H Court street. C. S. Johnson. Das- tor. Res. 1520 N. Front. Mrs. C. 8. John son, assistant pastor. Services S and 8 p. m. Bandar school 3 p. an. Week-day serriees, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day evenings. Everybody welcome. Full TOST BAPTIST Marion and Liberty streets. Robert L, Payne, pastor. Phone 1920. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock; subject: "A Coward Re covered." Sepeial music by church choir. "Jonah and tha Whale." Donbtcrs and wacmng, skeptics especially invited. Special gospel rausie. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Fred TOST CONGREGATION AI, Broor, supt. Midweek services 7:30 p.m. I Liberty and Center streets. Charles E. Thursday. Young People s meetings : I Ward, pastor; phono 591-R, Morning xnrae eapust xoang People s meeungs 1 service ki o cioea; anbjeet: The Be at 6:80 p. m. St Paul's Episcopal Church School to Open Sunday After Vacation Free Methodist Group Schedules Activities; 17.. Inrtint Mt vasive ia the jnlsslonary influence of thought to Japan; that ehrls- .mm- ...... -w. q.j 0Be often looks "anlty Is love In action; that ' I at nn tt l. Hiwit runlti nil I Christianitw !fl Tirodnelnar a hiata- The Missionary society . of the vnnwa what h vnr 4n.lment acrainst itrnnr HrinV- Free Methodist church has laid rnirnnarrlni Pr in I christlanitv Is eleratinr woman. plans for Its activities during the cv.-t.hai t. th vataar .rint I hood, renressinr vir. anf nmv , """6 J. ; Yrc u.lDl I ing establishment in the world by lnt; society, it is the missionary " " J' every sUndard, from quanUty and enterprise mat is taking ehris- be the annual convention to be nam- n, wnrV rnA,, a Uanitv to Janaa. neia in November in tfie interest,i.R tstm..t nt .m The direct ohWftfv of mu. of foreign and home missions. An pioyees. Yet the three Chinese ons Is to produce a naUve ehurch offering will be taken for 'the aid who established that great that will be self-supporting, self- 01 Dicumi lumsiuu worn, m inaia. 1 n.titntlnn .nnTroWrt mrA 1 rovernlnr. nd Rfilf.nrnnnwntinc The society has ready Its pro- Mgrlui . .B- irBhvtartan mLsinn This roal has been attained In inl gram for regular meetings for the of shanghai, and got their print- numerable Instances. In Shanghai tui, JtMl auu uas iui lng ud publishing training in the 1 visited the services of five na- li" lur raiBiu.u aua iu- 1 preb-rteria.n mtaston nrera of that I "Te native cnurcbes. and saw i cmvu uvuuuj lucci-ig. 1 1 mem eonancted nv nativ iair. ... r . mm u . i . . V 1. PreBlueai; Likewise, the great mass educa- "hip, in excellent buildings built Mrs. Lillian Iornr is secretary, and tlon moTeinellt of Chln. conduct- wholly by native money, taking up z li I, I ed by the beloved Jimmy Yen and J offerings to give the gospel to society reports excellent activity hU -TiHai nrkr. and trotnr I others, and I had to stoo talkinsr ana a growing interest. Uirhr inn thA fm. in tb.ii with some f thf-lr nttiMr aftF eayarn taV " a a ,mv aamauavav eaa uvi - " huU with the three R's, civic, eco- service because it was time for an nomic and moral instruction, and I official meeting to consider some practical help in ralsinr the level problem. The white missionary ot existence, had its Inception does not domlnte;Jie helps. He re- amonr the missionaries. The con-1 Joicee in turning over the leader. Woodhurn Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Has Meet At Paul Mills' Home dltlons of its success were created hP to the native by the missionary movement, the WOODBURN. Sept. 13 The regular monthly meeting of the Homc omintf' WiU be PrMthTterian T-nKoa' aM .a. bald I 11 W'"C tUUH If 111 UC Feature at Methodist Presbyterian Ladies' aid was held at the home of Mrs. Paul Mills Wednesday -afternoon. After the business session Mrs. Donald Orr sang two vocal selections and Mrs, Church AU Day Sunday The soul's experience in Christ, a knowledge of the needs of the world, and obedience to the Great Commission, constitute the mis sionary motive. It is slowly but surely making all things new. A century and a quarter ago no enterprise on earth could have ap peared more helpless than the John Myers gaye an interesting Homecoming services will be nhvslcal and spiritual transform a- talk on the "State Training held in the First Methodist church tlon ot China, yet both are pro School". Following the program on Sunday when all of the mem-UMin. tMM tnAav Th fv wrin refreshments were served by the bers will assemble to celebrate the not be comnlete for a lone time to hosteses, Mrs. PauL Mills, Mrs. J. IHoIt Communion and resume theism Tha niinnrtM Iiomh ih J. Hall. Mrs. Jack Hansen, and I nroeram of the church for the I inrs. xvut iwwuw, new Tear, 'i n a na&ior. iiev. irrea iY. win Ka nAA to rarr on In attendance were Mrs. O. W. n Taylor "who returned this week Noyes, Mrs. Henry Layman, Mrs. from his vacation, will be In his ately by the natives. 80 our re- w. x-. ucomiu, mm. nrj xa.iiiio, puipit at Dotn services on sunaay. sponseought to be: "3Ire work Mrs. John Myers, Ms. W. Bohn, The morning worship will be feat, ers and better wrk; more chapels Ms. Donald Orr, Mrs A. H. Dean, ored with a reception to the and better preaching; more hos- raa jnyruo viara, nan. kbx new- freshmen students at the Univer- pitals and bettt?r doctors: more I AV tmtm I tm liri Ihabi ma tm U ra- a . . .a n m I . . - . w. mi". ". suy ana miroaucuon ot iroiessor i schools and better teaching; more uiooons, airs. u. a. xaocnei, Mrs. and Mrs. Forrest Gaw, who will books and better writing; more Henry Hanson, Mrs. Elburn Sims, Eing. The sacraments of baptism spirit of the living Christ and Mrs J. J. Hall, Mrs. Jack Hansen, and the Lord's supper will be of- better Christian living and giv- airs. ttoy iweeats ana me nosiesB. I f ered by the Dastor. ine 1 The young people will hold a Ford Memorial's Aid Society Plans to Hold Called Meeting Soon iwiTtSSrliTii won Membership the new University students will T.nnhx Ahead to Annual Rally to be October 13 be welcomed and introduced. CENTEX 8TEEET Thirteenth and Center Sehnert. pastor; phane 680-31 service 11 o'clock; subject: "Testing by Tatting." Evening service 7:45 o eioek: That Thy Faith Pall Not." Sunday K'-hool 10 a. m. ; Martin Sehreiber, supt. Midweek services 7:5 p. m. Wednesday at the home ot Rev. J. W. Beckley, 166 21st street. Ko Toang People's meetlat;. VraST OBBHAH BAPTIST W. Cottage and D streets. O. W. Bataeh, minister. O. Behanke, an't min. Pheat 2827-J. Morning seme 11 a'elock; gob- act: "A Great Woman of Hospitality." toecia! music by the church choir: "My Father Watchea O er Me. Evening serv ice S o'eloek: aubiect: "Tha -Great Things That tha Man of Ood Hath Dsss. Bpaeiai .musle: Duet by Mr. and Mra. O. w. jMtseht school 9:4 The church school of St. Paul's Episcopal church, corner Church and Chemeketa streets, which has been closed for a few weekav will eovery of God." Special musle br a mixed have Its onenina service Sunday 2!!rtek j " 'Mortoa at the or- morning. September 15, beginning METHODIST P"- Sunday school 9 45 a. m ; T. E. g..R r streeta. P. J. ToS Pfopl ' eetini?: Tha " v.. 2 : I .wrimzniiT V.1UD win bmi intMtt At i a xj uvsiu vit. rcjisiuui niuca- tin sv 7:80 'ha manse for an informal party tlon of the school ia comnnsert of meeting Wednesday afternoon at aav raiiy. an memoer urgea M com I tha fntlowino- mom hero. T f! VuL I the home Of Mrs. Raltth Sebem. I TYm .aTin rl-rrl. nt bo TaiHos' I e,- m.Ur. nl.n. tnr hm CEBI8T X.VTHZBAH n. Linn F. Cronemiller. Mrs. This meeting will be nnder leader- AJd society o fthe First Methodist rally seaso activities to termin- 18th ana state street. German serv- Alice Fisher. Mrs. Rex Sanford. "hip of the new officers, elected church will resume their meetings at the weet of October 8-ls. and and Mrs. E. S. Thayer. The school 'or the coming year, and has been I Rnd take up the work of the year to reach high tide with the rally a a I enllAil f) A eVIflAtiaw 4 i a ena I . .a . i a I . A mi is uooen neiraeyer wu w v"-i at ine meetinzs to ne neia on i nn nctotier i x Sunday." Band.y school at t:4o a. m., and the school secretary. Miss Ann I gram and work. I Wednesday afternoon. The circle Reed Burns. I Tne cnurcn cnoir neia n nrsi presidents are Mrs. A. A. The Ladies' Aid society of the SfUfilt Af. E. Circles na.j ir .m. ..a. nrs e9A I rviu mviuurHii ;ui cxx. ivcsi da i nravv mm www w v I lem, will hold a called business rTIlI Meet IT eanesaayS Fall opening at Jason- Lee church began last Sunday with much enthusiasm evident, and now the congregation Is looking Martha BaUerman. anot. Bar. Amoa - E. mnneman, pastor. tendent in -chargre. The rector of the church will be present in the CHBISTIAir AJro MISSIOVaXT A1XIAHCB 655 Terry atrets. Loaisa PinnalL ' aet- mm Mild, i nn . 1 Q17.J lfAmln. l.. ice ii o'clock; subject "The Christians I ehancel and lead In the prayers. armor." special musie; Vocal auat: Miss Pinnell and Mra. eilhart Wkita I,nl Iery Palaces." Sunday I service 7:80 o'eloek; subject: "GetUnc a. isani ocaiman. raps. I uus of irypt fvanwelUtte aoag Service. The opening service win be held practice ot the ran this week, with Schramm. Mrs. I. L. McAdams. in the church with the superin- Mrs. Brinkiey as leader, and Miss Mrs. P. L. Kunti, Mrs. E. C. Mil uoris rnenrce as pianist, unoir ier jjrs. A. A. Underbill, Mrs. E. pracuce win ne neia next weanes- day evening at S o clock. Beginning next Thursday, a study of the Book of Revelation Already two special events have been held. Including the fall party held by the Young People's league tn the Church parlors Wednesday night, and the recent B. Millard and Mrs. F. A. Legge. fall party held by the high school leagues Ruth Baumgartner is pres. SIMS AT NEWPORT lldent and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter Midweek services 8 p. m. Wednesday; pastor, , leader; place: Chares, Sunday achool 9:45 a. an. Mra. Gilbert White, supt. Midweek services 7:80 . m. I I Tuesday. Toung People's meetings C:80 11X8T nBSBTTKBTAW Sunday sight. Cottage prayer meeting on Comer af Jf Winter r.iM Thnrsdsy night at tha aoma ef Daa streets. IUt. Korman K. Tnny, D. D., I Sheets, HIghUn are. Rev, and Mrs. Coffee Fdsrar P. Sims, castor Hlrhland conncilor of the latter rroun. will be started for the mid-week Friends church and Mrs. Sims are Next Friday evening the leagues ntVl. UMtnM 4til .fltjl. t. .ATI. I . . . . . 1 . ... . . . . j n m jr c I -t. ""o, ---j w va i spenams: a weea at rxewpurx. l oi me cnurcn are 10 oe aosiees 10 KetUm from Oeattle tlnue over a period of weeks, says Biixabeth Ward ot North Pacific the Incoming students of Willam- tne pastor, Rev. Mereaitn Groves. Bible institute of Portland will ette university. Special arrange- Rer. and Mrs.,W. N. Coffee are pastor. Chnrch school at S:S0 o'eloek. I Lb M. Kamaga. supt. Classes Tar. all agaa. .OT. UU Wia., VW11CV B1Q 1 mmm. . WW . S8!. ta ftr trfp to Missionary Society oeaiue wnere iney uaa oeen to i nv r If D rf r tanning rau nauy fill the pulpit during Rev. Sims' ments are In progress for a novel absence. 'party and get acquainted time. moke at the church Wednesday and Thursday evening of this week, each time giving most inter esting talks. Rev. C. W. Hatch Is the local pastor. Financial Conditions To be up Monday Night Mm v --.ST. VATA'S EPISCOFAX. -Corner Chnrch and' Chemeketa streets. Kev. George Herbert Swift, rector. Phono . 1 rt 4 c T -i : : .nn. ., wee.. Mil. nuwirwu w uauicu u0ly commonioa, amt at 11 e flock mere- Vice-president and Lyle KnOX lS ing prayer and sermon. Sunday achool the new secretary-treasurer. 9:45 a. m.. Robert yiemeyer. aupt . Rev. L. Hopkins, who is travel ' ev ah ozxi sti c tabkbsactx In the Interest Of the Church sem- Corner 13th and Ferry streeta. Two inary located at Anderson, Ind., "" court sidg. night. William Booth-Clibbora preaching. Each evening service 7:45. Monday night omitted. Banday achool hour at 9:45 a.m. The Evangelist speaks at 11 o'clock. A speceial ehUdren'a service conducted in his own unique and helpful manner by Doota-ciioDorn at p. m. TrT!ST,TW MEMOBIAI, (Mtthodlst Episcopal) South Commercial and Myers streets. 8. Darlow Johnson, pastor; phone 2764. Morning service 11 o'clock: subject: "Aa a AAtnv ftf tit Knard nf stew. I Effective Combination." pastor preaehinr. r ha ITlrot Mpthndlat chnrch 1 "Pe" "' Antnem: - un, iiste ana ards of UiestMeoaisx cnurcn gM., (HeTier) iTenlDf ,frrietK f.30 hSS been called by Dr. B. ElatCh-ioeJ: .object : "The Challenga of a ford, chairman Of the finance com- I Big Job." tha pastor preaching. Special ..... u.i... ..nln, at I mask: Solo hv Mrs. Irene Love. "Lead i wr t? .tery. sad.y .chooi whn comnose this board Will make I week aervices: . 7:30 . m Thursday: ..nnrt kf tba ille maiin -and I Toung People's meetings: Leslie (Toung J .! -n .hA I pastor, loader; place: Church auditorium. make plans for closing np the mni rTnnei, Arabory (hirfc year's financial obligations, before I school) leacnea 6:30. Topics: "What Do the annual conference which meets j We Mean, by 'Heal Living' V In Portland September 24. amtea-Zuthesax Chnrch street between chemeketa and Center. Rer. P. W. Eriksoav pastor. Phono 8921. Prof. P. W. ' H, Frederick, D. 1 dean of Pacific Theological Sem inary. Seattle, will deliver both mora' ing and evening sermons in the absence n. UTMliim .ft It mm mmd Preliminary arrangements fori at 7:30 p. m. 0 pedal mnsie at both serv- necial meetings to be conauciea I teea by tha caarca cnoir. wiiiiam ate thlTfall at the Free Methodist eu.V f.V IA.T-8-"1?? chnrch have been made, reports 1 Arfk. eharra of adult BibU eiats! the Dastor. ReT. W. N. Coffee. Arnold Kmrer. of T. P. department and Complete Program for these ser. prt-ant. W lCfyo W AAA W aauveiiyvm Plans for the fall and winter work have been discussed with aiewi HXOKLABD PXlXHOS Maraiaw vimiiis .t 1 1 .--wk a.m I Church and Highand rtreeta. Xdrar r. I bid farewell to their danrhter and tr :lrif -1 ?,V,UrA.i?-?.,?".w- 1 her family who sailed early this "est. nrst uorintMana s:ll; an effort l f"".'7 . - . V ub ,v I . . to direct our minds to the fandam tal I raeuw r.vaageusio BIBie institute I Z7 V. X . I Jk. rally program lur uiw principles of- spiritual raecesa a a new IC11B- T""f service am a. jar. souee u pastor ox ine i work of the Women's Missionary ?!!!' JS!i?fc..TO-3?!-2 iunda; ioT . V rlJlZl.rV cnnrn' ir re- uoclttj of the Calvary Baptist - - . ..n :r: - ii iinrn m isaiam waa nrraainn tot a i .v .i. v- vt.s i.m.w To fho Trumpet" (Andrews). christUn At Church. Touaa;'. PoopU'e moot- surprise gathering at the parson- BOoa at 1:S0 o'clock at the home Endeavor societies meet at 8:80 p. m. I 0:80 p. sa. lege, 10 members of the church I nf Mra K. H. Pickens. 95 North -I. .u. Pleasantries. . . 1 Everv member of the society ts Special Meetings Plan Of Free Methodists votioBal ting. TJjTTTaXIajT CHU1C1I - - .i uosiaaa ana uinwsns aireew. t. tO macing e new year one i l Umrtim. T. Forrey, minister. Chwrek achool 7:30 o'clock. Sermon by Dr. Tulry,- "first Thing Krat." Matt. 0:38: ah attempt to point ent to rOKD MZMOBIAI. WEST SALEM) Corner T Uerth - Avenue - and - Thir at. yousi people the tragedy of not bad t I J?5J- Jienii l Oroves, pastor. Boa. frittered livea. Anthem by tha choir, "In Heavenly Lova Abiding" (Brown). Mid- week meeting Thursday at 7:30 o clock. SOTJTH SALEM miENDS Corner South Commercial and Wash ington streets. 10:00 s. m. Snnday school. Il:on e clock Jlominc worship. Sermon: "Kather's Request." 7:30 it. m. Worshlo. Sermon: "Our Protram." Thursday T:30 as. Prayer meeting and Bible study. Chertea C Haworth, pastor. 1655 South Liberty. ices: Sunday aehool 9:45 a. as. Lester tenter Street Lauren f iHipp, superintendent. Classes with good 1 n. . jm , teachers ior au ages. Vacation season la past. Bally to the attendance of tha Sun day school. Morning service 11 o'clock. Subject: "fhe Beeona sJoming of Christ." Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Bubiject: The Dividing Line." SoecUl nrasie at both services including a vocal solo by Miss Jocephine Albert .at the ovaaing I the church next Tuesday evening mcw. urn Draw an i ... s aarrw People's leagues meet at 0:45. urged to be present at this regn lar business session. Mrs. 8tod a . a,. . .4 Of n t 9 oara win nave caarge oi bciouwui rlanS tor Lontefence and Mrs. Ross Is arranging the I program for the afternoon. The fourth quarterly conference I Deacons ot the Calvary church of the Center Street Methodist I will meet at the ehurch Tuesday Episcopal church will bexheld In evening at 7:45 o'clock. ran methodist episcopal Corner State and Church streets. V. ST. JOHJT'S LUTHEXAN 16th and A streeU (block north of ' I lf J fT 9. Went8ca Jennisons on Trip mtendent, wm preside. J 0 LClltOmta rOlMS C. T.Tlor tiairtr- r,).n.. 071 M.rln 1 Old People's Home). H. W. Gross, pastor, I 11 .r,,b. .Ivi.. ..-rv. aMawi. I Morning service. Engluh, S:46 o'clock; I t:4S. A Maa'a BeHeiaa win V. h. t of tne IjOTS's Bun- I " V , . w " - r imw as ii a. m. vaoir eireeraa ny mra. sii Rnlimss W.l- I kowu w.vv m. m. ant Life." 8a. per. fioma Coming sad freshman Wel come. Ppecisl maiie: Oreran Prelude. "PastOTalo" Wly: Organ Offertory. elupplieation Frycinger: Dut C ALT AST BAPTIST Car. Court and High Rev. Earle V. Jennison, pastor du.iuii. esuni wui iarnisB special mu- I -. y.v . si. fftifft foram a t. T .. I Mrs. Jennison, son John and BAPTIST I snoot at 8:80. Evening praise aerviee U I daughter Marolvn, hare left for a ?A .tfu 5: Jrr2 1 to be in the hands of Ua Tomtg Peo-1 threcweek motor trip through .T7","K P enarrn ociBmaa- a. 7:so. alia- t r.,1lfni, arTil M-r1 :- I waoa program Thursday evening at 7:80. " r " ----- preaching. I Chair atactica Wadaesday avaalmv at I the RedWOOd highway. SUd Will .a . i i . . a .it . i aL - .v 1 I ' f.' .rrv'L.'i" Zl, ,V's.t".V T:,tt- : to as far south as Ban Jose, umf mm vimm v. mmm om. i Lliuaiin U f uuuu I a . . ... . . . trmisf nmiea f:4S o'eloek ! aubiect : I tax V.l rk-k . ii mr I Wnere Uey Will T1S11 Mrs. jenni- " flay nan." w. mm coenraa, preacn- I Hatch, pastor; phono 1B60-J. Morning I ion parenxs. miss iorene nyor big. Special mu sift by the chorus chedr. i service IX o'eloek; the pastor preaching. I of Salem is acCOmnanvlnK them on Baaday .achool S:45 Evening aerrieo 7:30 o'eloek. Sunday .v. nnHn. Tnsluii's V.. aei i 8 ukii.1 in . . i vi. ri .... tt : j i - -- - - o v V. (CltUBUH fWlU USIS KUai(B ; ot services at the tabernacle. great Interest and profit. at 10 a. as. Graded instsention. Dove Watchman! Vhat of the Kightt" 8ag-1 Coefcran. Pastor,: Peaa 151 M leant), Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Gaw. Even ing 10:50 o'eloek; anbjoet: servira 7:30 e'eloclr uubject: 'Sacrifice Mf .F?w W' Earl Coenraa prs and SalraUon." Sunday school, 8:48 a. m.; n. T. uinti, supt. MidweK sen Ices 7:80 p. m. Thursday; loung People's meetins: 17nivenvity chaster Epworth Xmma mm V.lljaw.litn Iimiv H -AA a. aai la. honor ot freshmen. Devotional mooting Aio smg-plraton. Sunday achool mt a. an l .),.,. v...;. v.i. la. m.: w. T. Wenu. aunt. MMWeea vtrmt ,mtm riaA Wuj i ices: i :sa w. m. v eaneeaay : w. a-an i vttt aervices waanaaaav 7:io n Win ; "Wh.t u . 1 Cochran, leader: place: Church. Toung lit the church. Toanc Peonla'a maetian be a Christian ia fho Home.", I People's meetings: Senior end Interne-1 8:80 Sunday oveaing. "Tha Daager of - . I diato B. I. r. w. e:4 e otoea. iveon I Thinking and sot Thinking." : inn EVAJf GELICAL l noma, loaaer. Topic: -nnnf o into Liberty and Canter Bts.. A. P. Layton, I the Budget." naatar nhaM MU. Ifwiiin- mhIm. Ill . . . . ..... w . ..I . wttt imiim neouantto I ...... f.u , ai . v vt. .l O ClOCK , SUDJCC.: CHI n UOOUI saver.- . urhw, aniwn a. num. imjh 1 -rrr-j-..,- wltt, T-n ..wk. ntltft. I 15th and Milla streets. Alta M. Gemtrv. I I983-J. 9:4S a. m. Bihla achooL 8entom- I lors Wednesday AlternOOn With "A Sr?ne on the Aaetloa Block." San- I acting paator. Mmmg oarriee U :90 I her ia the monU Si preparatioa. "Bally I Mrs. H. F."Batterman, Mrs. Adolph day aehool :44 a. nm. L. IV. . Thoratoa. 1 o'ctock; aabaH. J'Failwra." EvoaglDay ta aej for tho first Saa4sy n Oo- 1 Bombeek and - Mra. Chris Bat mpt. Midweek eervieaa 7:80 s. m. Thart I sarvica T -.SO . clock; ahc: "How tholtobor. "6 ia attemdaaoa" ia tho aim. ! .,,2T . ssy; O. T. Enkine. leader; placet At I Nation Fan." Sunday achool 8:43 a. m. 1 11 a. m. Worship, (Jommuaioa aad preach (Jhureh.! day Makii nxs Methodist l" I - - - . I "The Magnetism ef tae Crosa." spodai I The Oregon Statesman and The Ceraer ef Market aai iftsrlk Wtaterl juwuh:-- J aratis at mtk seme. Ths audwstkpny I Portland TeletraTJS two "fTea Streeta, w a. vouce. pastor, eancay l ona w am ssa niena uixeera. n. i er mowuBg win do cnangea iram 3anre I AmVUcm tnv SA mss m mimtli T aehool at 0:48 a. sa, with Herbert Ban-B. CarpMtar in ahargo mt the eharch 1 day to Wednesday a 7:30 p. m. lca"le" T Bee1 JWf HOW1U TO as, upcrintaauaat. rreechiac ey tho acaoot ta toaaioa ay aepartmeaaa m t reaearaaa xanrsany i;ee p. aa. eiust fuvm aft. SOCIETT MEETS TTBST CSKISTIAV I - Tha TVirraa avifttw nf the fThrlrt amwSl.pS Lutheran met at! the church par tAllon, hostess. The afternoon was ch, Young people's mefUngi: 8oa- Kiss Esther Iriekion, sapt Midweek lag. Benson by tka pattor: "Tie Ef- j Spent In tewing j and pl&nsig for evening 6:30. Topics "Onr Part in aorrieee 8 p. m. Wednesday ; Mrs. Gentry, fieaey ef Prnyor." S:80 p. sa Christian the annual baaaaT. inw e Batter WorM." . leader; placet At Church. Story hoax Sat- EaAaavor aaeatingc. V:S0 p. an. PraUo 1 T' ""' - " v. mrday aftornssm at a Wcloeh. aervlea Ud by . Victor Wolfe. Sermon: I " .' ' . First Baptist Church Sunday Evening The sermon topic will be (Jonah; And The Whale) Skeptics and doubters Especially invited ROBERT L. PAYNE, Pastor First Methodist Church HOME COMING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 :4S A. If. Chnrch School Session 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Sermon "The Abondant Life" by the pastor :10 P. 1C. Toung v People's Service -7:S0 iy M. Evening Worship Sermon "Sacrifice and Salvationw by the pastot Special musie hy Professor and Mrs. Forrest W. Gaw " Calvary Baptist Church Cor. Coart Bibt -, Grand Theatre - ' -J Sunday School f:4S A. II. - W. T., JENKS, Supt. Preaehlns services 10:50 A. M., 7:45 P. If. '. B..T. P. TJ.'s f: 45 (senior and - "v " tatermediate) . A. M. -A CHOSEN FEW Anthem "Bless the Lord, 0 Mr Soul,., Ashford "P. M. "PLAY BALL -Special Music - . Join us in our SINGSPIRATION W. SARIe COCHRAN, Pastor ..: A. i