The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 13, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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Order of Amaranth
Has Impressive
-; Ceremony
One of the most , lmpresslre
lodge affairs ot the past months
was that which was conducted by
Hanaa Rosa court, No. , order of
lit the Masonic Tempi. The oc
casion vu the enual Inspection
made by 'the Grand Royal Matron.
-Mrs. : Minnie Klussmaa, and the
Initiation ceremony which was
conducted tor four, candidates.
" .Dinner was serred at t:S0
o'clock, and this was . followed
with lodge business and work. .'At
ft : 3 Oi o'clock initiation work-Xor
the four candidates was presented
with Mrs. "Mlnnio Protiman. roy
al matron of Hanna Rosa coart
presiding; with the royal patron,
J Burton Crary. '
The ceremonial room was beau
tiful wltu a-- profusion of richly
colored fall flowers.
. Many visitor were present tor
this lmpreasire and very beauti
fully executed Initiation ceremony.
These were Mrs. ' Minnie i Kluss-
man, Eugene, grand royal matron;
R. DeU McCartf. Eortlandgrand
royal patron; Mrs. Jennie D.
Smith. ' Portland, grand associate
rwfttrnn:' MnATnneM 15. . Hnrl-
burt. Portland, grand' secretary,
Mrs. Madl ; Beck, Eugene, grand
Eugene, grand marshal, Mrs. Ma
bel , . McCarty, Portland, grand
marshal In east, Mrs. Pearl Sco
bert, Eugene, grand marshal In
west, Robert H. Henderson, grand
iUtorlan, Mrs. Pearl Terwilliger,
Portland, jtrand truth.: Mrs. Em
ma Bougner, ; roruana, grana
charity, Mrs. Nannie Fergusonrtjug, ABgBBta Gerllnger, Mrs. Walr
Portland, grand warder, Mrs. Ver.
lie W. Ellis. Salem, grand trus
tee, sua jars, jv&io jti. DJEBiuiuus,
Portland, New Jersey grand repre-
centatire. - V -
Officers of the Salem lodge are
Mrs. Minnie Protiman, royal ma
tron; J. Burton Crary, royal patron,-
Mrs. Ella C. Hathaway, asso
ciate matron, Jay B. Hewitt, asso
ciate . patron, I. . R. , Campbell,
treasurer, Mrs. Ruth B. Crary, se
cretary, Mrs.Jennle P. Campbell,
conductress, Mrs. Cora - Rafiety,
associate conductress, Mrs. Jessie
Darby, Standard bearer, Mrs. Nor
ma i Terwiniger, marshal in the
eastrMrs. Irra Hewitt, marshall
In the west, H.i B. T. delayer,
prelate Mrs. Mary Crawford,, hi
toriaa. Mrs. Katie E. Elgin, musi
cian,. Mrs. Margaret Montgomery,
truth,, Mrs. Carrie Chase, faith,
Mrs. Alice Hoff, wisdom, Mrs. tm
Bushey. charity, Robert Craw
ford, warden, N. P. Rasmussea,
sentinel, J. B. Protzman, trustee,
and Mrs. Maude Lester, trustee.
.-. - .:
a & P. W. Executive V
Board Will Meet: H;"
Mrs. Susan Tarty, president of
the Business .and '. Professional
Woman's club has called a -.mejfcn
log or the executive board to meet
at her home, 50 D street, Batur
c ay erenin g at 7: 3 0 o'clock. r At
this time committees tor the year
will be announced. This ' is the
first meeting; of the executrre
board, for this year. ,
. Members of the exeeutlre com
mittee are Mrs. Susan Varty, Mrs.
Grace Sehon, Mrs. Maude Point
er, Miss Mary Sheldon, Miss Ruth
Moore, Miss Signs Paulsen, Or.
Mary-PuTlne, Miss Julia .Web
ster, Mrs. Olga Hoffard, Miss
Clara McNeill, Miss Hazel Price,
Miss Laura Hale, Miss Isora Tern
Mrs. Madalene Callin.
. r .
- vooi rMi v.m n i
AyAavvycb vj uiava iictu -uvjia iiieyr
meeting of the season at the homeJ
" ernoon.'
.A regular business meeting was
presided orer by the president,
Mrs. L. M. Bitney. After the busi
ness session tn ladles spent an
enjoyable hour of conversation and
sewing. At the close of the. meet
. lng refreshments were served by
the hostess.
Those attending .were Mrs. tu
M. Bitney, Mrs. Frank Wolf,' Mrs.
Henry Miller, Mrs. Susan Liresley,
Mrs. John Nolan. Mrs. C. J. Espy,
airs, ti. u, ttmmeu, dl newoers,
Mrs. T, C. Poornian, Mrs. Harold
Austin Mrs. H. I. GUI and Miss
Hazel Bitney. Additional guests
wren Mm. Blaine McHnrd. Mrs. Lr
man Shorey, - Miss Elizabeth Mc-
- Cord and Mrs. Walter Tesche of
- Sacramento, California, , . ; ;
- " --I 'h. K
wOODBURN - The ErergTeen
"Chapter No. 41 of the -Order of
. the Eastern Star heldjthe first
meeuns oi u seaaun. la vua
' aonie Temple Monday night.
A large percent of the members
.'hare hot yet returned from their
vacations so the attendance was
rather small. Worthy Matron, Mrs.
' F. G. Havf man. presided. , -.
Mrs. Robert Molten Gatke did
I. aI Annmnenw Wf .ft at Via rfiV t.a
Batem from Vancouyer, B. C.
where they have been the guests
of Mr. Gatke's parents tor several
weeks , past. Mrs Gatke will re
main: lor several weexa longer, or
' until the Illness of Mr. Gatke's ta-
.. the? 1 less serious.
airs, John J. Wood of Payette
Idaho, will be a house guest at
the N. C. Kafoury home oyer the
weekend. Plans are being made
for -several informal "affairs .to
compliment Mrs. Wood, during; her, - . ?
: Officers of the Three Link club
. are to entertain all Rebekahs Fri
day, September 13, at Marlon
Square. This is to be the first
meeting after the vacation season.
The marriage of Miss Nan La
Roche, daughter of Mrs. W. P.
La Roche, and Harold M. Ladd. of
Salem, will be quietly solemnised
next Saturday afternoon
; ' -
Hiss Mary Eafoury and her
liouse guest Miss Lucy Brown, ef
Ti!j Alto, CalKaraia, will motor
Olive M. Doak,
Mrs. Minnie Protzman,
Royal matron of order of Am
aranth,' who wended over
Wednesday night ceremony.
?No Hose9 Dinner
Is Spa Event
Miss. Flora Brown will be host?-
ess at her home tor an eTenlng of
bridge following' a Mne host" : 30
o'clock dinner at the Spa tonight
Late summer flowers twill '"be
used to add eayetr to the gtfest
room Thee three tables of bridge
will be In play during the eTe
nlng. . .
Guests forthls affalg will be
Miss Marlorle Jackson, Miss Ethel
Jackson -Miss oteua Friar,- hiss
Barbara Chapman. Miss Cleo Guy,
ter Craven, Mrs. V. O. WilUanls,
Mrs. Lawrence Smith, all ot Dal
las; and Mrs. D. Gordon Simpson,
Miss-Viola Keller, and Miss Tiora
Wom2ins Club Head
Asks For Art Exhibits
DALLAS An effort is to. be
made this year to feature the work
of Oregon artists as part of the
exhibit at the Oregon state fair.
The art department is now under
direction of Mrs. G. J. Frankel,
president of the Oregon federation
of women s clubs, assisted by Mrs.
William Bell of Roseburg. -
Where possible Mrs. Frankel is
asking some one in each county to
arrange tor exhibits from their
communities." Mrs. Charles N.
Bilyev of Dallas a member of the
art. division of the state federa
tion. will have charge
county. .
Any one with oil paintings, pas
tel or water color work,,; jesso
work or parchment lamp shades Is
aBked to communicate wltn Mrs.
BUyeu and make arrangements
tor exhibiting their work.
Mrs. George Trott
s Bridge Hostess
The first of a series of bridge
teas planned by the Unitarian Al
liance was given Tnursaay axier-neon-with
Mrs. George Trott act
ng as hostess at her home on
lth street .
Bridge was In pSay at several
tables daring .the first hours of
the afternoon. Honors were held
by Mrs. E. N. Simon and Mrs. M.
B. Wagstaff. i
Following bridge Mrs. Trott
served tea during a pleasant so.
rial hour. The,; next one of the
series will be given In October,
e e
-,"-' - ' v
Mr. and Mrs. James Richards
Humphrey ; are receiving f limita
tions on the arrival of a son Tues
day morning, who has been named
James Richards, Jr. Mrs. Humph
rey and son are progressing very
satisfactorily at the Salem Gen
eral. hospital. : .
Mrs. H. J. Jumper left for her
home in Caruthersville, Missouri.
Wednesday. She had spent several
weeks in Salem with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. East 120
Court street
Mrs. R. C. Hazeltlne, Mrs. War
ren Jones, Mrs. Lor en Peden and
Mrs. D. W. Beaver left for Seattle
by motor Thursday." .They will
spend a week visiting' there, -
! 7
"Raglan Shoulders Smart"
and Glut An
Society Editor.
Social Calendar '
- V Friday . v -
l Daughters of Union Veter-
am. S o'clock. Woman's dob-
house. "
Three Links dub entertain .
Rebekahs, Marlon Square.
- Wnmin'i Tlav.- Tmrni.
mcnts. ia play, Salem Golf
- 8atoxday - 1
. Woman's dub, business
meeting .2:30 and program,
'g o'clock. Woman's dub-'
house, N. Cottage street - ..
Raphaterian Club
"Afternoon Guest
Of Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Ray L. Smith was hostess
Thursday atternooa for the first
meeting of the RaphaterJait dab
for tfala talL The guests were re
ceived in the lovely back lawn of
the Smith home.-Ifere tables and
garden furniture made an attract
ive setting for a social afternoon.
Tea was served at a daintily ap
pointed tea table where Mrs. Mary
Reeves,' mother of Mrs. Smith,
poured, assisted, by Mrs. W. D.
Smith . . - .'.V .
Guests for the afternoon were
Mrs. John Evans. Mrs. ' Charles
Bates, Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs,
Lee -TJnruh, Mrs. Carle Abrams,
Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, Mrs. Floyd Utter, Mrs.
William Hamilton, who was a spe
cial guest, Mrs. Albert A. Siewert
Mrs. E. A. Colony and Mrs. Guy
Mrs. W. L. Lewis is
Shower Hostess
, Mrs. W. L. Lewis entertained
atsa shower given at her borne on
North 6th street in honor of Mrs.
Vivian Lane-Bonney who became
the bride o Kelly Bonney August
24 in Centraua. wasn.
The bride received many beau
tiful and useful gifts. ',
The evening was spent with mtt-
sic and merry making. An attrac
tive, luncheon was served by Miss
Virginia Lane, twin sister of the
bride.- - : S '
The guest list included Miss
Evelyn Cummlngs, Miss Dorothy
Sawyer, Miss Freda Wittlngton,
Miss Lavada Carter, Miss Blanch
Bonney, Miss Ethel' Bonney, Mrs.
Sylra Harvey, Mrs. Eva Harvey,
Mrs. Arthur Bonney, Mrs, Harry
Bonney, Mrs. Merl Bonney, Mon
mouth, Ore., Mrs. Chas. Samson,
Oregon City, Ore., Mrs. Alma
Lane, Miss Virginia Lane, Miss
Elizabeth Lewis, Mrs. W Fane
and Mrs. Carl Martin. '
Women's Tournament
Today the first woman's golf
tournament of the season will be
played on the Salem golf course.
The pairings as they , will appear
today are Mrs. Ercel Kay and Mrs.
Bert Hill; Mrs. H. K. StockweU
and Mrs. Mert Hemingway; Mrs.
Earl Newton and Mrs. Curtis
Cross; and Mrs. 8. H. Anunsen
and Mrs. J. H. Garnjobst .
Other members are urged to
cpme out and play for there will
be a prize zor low meaaust.
... ,
HOPJsWELL Announcements
are being received of the marriage
of Miss Meryl Dissmore of .this
community to Glenn M. Weston of
Amity. Wednesday, September 4,
rMs. Weston is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Dissmore and
a v graduate of the - McMinnvllle
high school. Mr. Weston Is the
son. of Mr. and Mrs. William -Wes
ton and has been r employed, in
Amity for several years. Mr. and
Mrs. Weston have a host of friends
who Join In wishing them much
happiness, -
JEFFERSON - The Eastern
Star- met Tuesday evening for
their regular meeting in the lodge
room. The regular routine of bus
iness was followed, and after
social hour dainty i refreshments
were served to the 2S members
present - . v
. Rev.' and Mrs. 8. Darlow John
son and their children, Darlow,
Roberta, ; Carol, -and Wendell of
Salem were . the dinner guest of
Mr. and Mrs. CS. Teeple at their
country home Wednesday evening.
.. PATTERN -1676
Statesman life . Practical Fazteni
The little bloomer frock model
snown toaay, uesign z7, is ex
tremely smart because of the un
usual raglan shoulders that are so
new. - Two tinverted pleats ! give
ample fullness to the frock. The
collar,' cuffs, pockets and bloomer
bands 4 are made of contrasting
plain color fabric - -
' Printed gingham, percale or lin
en are suitable fabrics for the de
velopment of Design 1878, Smart
and seasonal colors are - green.
brown and yellow on grounds of
the same color in a lighter shade
or. on wuta - . .
May be obtained only In sizes
1, 4, and f.t ' r
Size 4 requires tU yards tT
' inch material . and yard of
trimming:. . .
This model Is easy to make. No
dressmaking experience Is : neces
sami Eacb pattern comes to yon
with simple and exact : Instruc
tions including yardage for ev
ery size A perfect fit is guar
anteed.' -
Patterns will be delivered upon
receipt of fifteen cents (lse) in
coins . . carefully wrapped or
stamps.- Be sure to write plainly
your name, address, style number
and sue wanted. -
The fashion book If fifteen
cents, but only ten cents when or
dered with a xattern.- Address, a:
mail J orders t3 CtaUsrsan r:t
Tb 02EGON STATC&IAN. galeru
Summer Travelers
; Thursday
Mrs. - F. C DeLong and Mrs.
Benjamin Blatchford were Joint
hostesses at the-home of Mrs. Pe
Long on Chemeketa street Thurs
day tor an afternoon given In com
pliment' to Mrs. H. M. Durkhet
mer, Mrs. B. E. Carrier, and Mrs.
E. E. dUberfwho have each epent
part of the summer in Alaska.
Mrs. Durkbelmer, Mrs. carrier
and Mrs. GUbert Trent to Alaska
together in 4une. Mrs. Durkhei-
mer and Mrs. Carrier returned
after two . weeks spent there but
Mrs. Gilbert; . stayed for two
months with her brother, who Is
a paetor in charge of one, of he
cnurcn districts tnere. .
The DeLong home was very
beautifully decorated vltt many
loreiy. fau flowers, lnciuolsgr
roses, gladioli and sinulss.
; The-afternoon, was spent In dis
cussion, much of which; was cen
tered around the- experiences of
the three- travelers while they
were In Alaska. Miss Helen Ash-I
leman added several pleasing pi
ann salon to thai nroirram. .
Mrs. DeLong and Mrs.' Blatch
ford. serred late in the afternoon
assisted by Mrs. E. B. Millard and
Miss Ashleman, , ,
"There'are numerous magazines
that contain articles from time to
time on the momentous Question,
Who killed Jesus r Each has dif
ferent opinions, but always states
that it la very sad that Jesus
should have been killed and that
It was poor business on the part
or the Jews to kill Jesus. Again,
others claim Jesus was a victim, of
circumstances. But the scriptures
teach that Jesus, the manifesta
tion of God, was independent of
all human circumstances," said
Evangelist William E. Booth-
Cllbborn. Wednesday' eveninjc at
the Evangelistic tabernacle, 13th
and ' Ferry streets, In his sermon
on "Who killed Jesus?"
"You can't get the truth in peo
ple's hearts until you get the error
out Christ died a horrible death.
God took all our sins' and laid
them before Jesus. The Jews and
the Romans were no more guilty
than was all the world of the
death of Jesus. Jesus last prayer
on the cross 'Father, forgive them
tor they know not what they do'
was a success; Pilate felt guilty
and washed' his hands in water."
Booth-Cllbbora further Said,
"Water. cannot wash away guilt
and sin. Some people think" of
uoa in relation to this world i
tnougn Me were driving a caa
down a steep hill with very poor
breaks, having a hard time guld
ins things, but God has all things
in His control.
xnrist cast His shadow all
through the old testament The
cross was -a - perfect redemptive
work as it bad not the touch of
human hands. Jesus bad power
to lay down His life and power to
fake It up again. Jesus looked
forward with Joy. to the hour of
His death, for when -that 'hour
had come He. beingr delivered by
the determinate counsel and tore-
knowledge of God.' gave His lite.
God outguessed man on every turn
of Christ's betrayal and death. AU
human hands were pushed off; He
was 'smitten of God. God nro-
viaeu the ottering- for human sin
His only begotten Son.", - -
SEATTLE, Sept 12. (AP).
Resolutions providing for a five
day week were considered here to
day by delegates to the Intern o-
tlonal Typgraphlcal Unln, but ac
tion, on them waa, deferred for. a
day. Houston,. Texas, was chosen
the 1930 convention city when
Montreal withdrew. - -v
One resolution.? Introduced. by
the camaen, N. delegation,
asked the international te recog
nize the short week as s para
mount issue of the' anion,' assert
ing improved machinery: threat
ened Increased unemployment
When it was discovered similar
resolution was la the hands of the
resolutions committee a vote was
postponed. 7 .
'me ' convention adopted
recommendation that all ' local
Typographical unions throughout
the United States and Canada ap
point five day, week committees
tor an intensive campaign of edu
cation on the proposal. , ;.
JUNEAU, Alaska, Sept II
( AP) Disappointed In an attempt
te find evidence that- man first
came to the North American con
tinent from Asia b way of Alas
ka, Df. Ales Hrdllwju Smithsoni
an Institute anthropologist was on
his way south today after Cover
ins .60 0 miles along the Yukon
river, between its source and Its
mouth, since early last June
While finding a number - bf
skulls, none of them were ever
160 years old, Dr, Hrdllcka said.
Ha hopes to return to continue his
search, probably on the Kuskok-
wim river, where ne seueves ne
may be successful. He was assist
ed by Dr. Vldl Ualy, professor at
Prague university
Thi Oreron Statesman and The
rortland Vzlcsraa, twn reat
Oregca, Friday Morning, September 13, 192$
OUT flfJ STfllKE
iew Orleans Situation En
ters Tenth Week With.
Little Chanoa
NEW ORLEANS; Sept ; Itr-
(AP)The New Orleans , street
cai strike today entered the tenth
week, while officials sought : to
piece together: the loose ends of
the settlement controversy.
The striking- conductors and mo-
tormen rejected by a vote of !
001 to ST the settlement agree
ment drafted . by William; Green,
president of, the American Fed
eration of Labor, and A. Patter
son, vice-president or the New Or-
leanr public service at a confer
ence in New York. The agree
ment also was approved by W. D.
Mahon. nresldent of the Amalga
mated association of street and el
ectric railway employes.
yMlsnnderstandlng, Is
Claimed by Green.
At Indianapolis Mr. Green said
he rejection of the agreement was
due to a "misunderstanding and
from Seattle came word that Mr.
Mahon regarded the negative vote
of the ear men as a "serious mis
take" and that he would agree to
have the vote reconsidered. ;. V '
Local union officials asserted
that judther Mr,lGien Hojrlfr
Mahon had the true facts of the
ocal situation. Which was aggra
vated by the refusal of public ser
vice officials to -give the union
any assurances that the strikers
would be taken back, to work, the
clause-in the agreement, the un
ion officials said, aia net ovna the
company to reemploy, the men and
they naa reason to oeiieve tnai
about 400 of the former employes
never would be reinstated.
In a telegram today to Mr. Ma
hon in response to. a telegraphic
query, Mr. Patterson salds
"Subject to prompt acceptance
bf the agreement by your associ
ation a large number of men can
be returned to work immediately,
the others as fast as conditions
will permit
Acting Mayor T. Semmes Waim-
sley today demanded an investiga
tion into the throwing of tear gas
bombs by police and, deputy mar
shals last night when a crowd had
gathered around a dynamited car.
Mr. Walmsley said he was in the
crowd, which, was. orderly and
peaceful, and that he would nave
been arrested If some one had not
told the deputy marshal he was
the acting mayor.
Police Superintendent Theodore
Ray- tohf the -commission council
he would conduct an inquiry and
had directed the police not to use
the-tear bombs except to breakup
riotous crowds. -
Today passed Quietly, the street
cars operating on schedule, but
the placing- of dynamite on the
tracks last night frightened many
patrons away. r : .
Aldin Jayes was turned over to
the juvenile court Thursday after
noon after being arrested on
charge of larceny of a bicycle. The
frame ef the stolen wheel was rec
ognized by the owner Wednesday
and the theft traced through three
: S
7 T hfS VU ' - -hi. 7tete Stores to Serve YouH ' "V
Garrett, Ambassador to
Rome, Wilis
are many - people scatterea
throughout the United States with
gratitude In their hearts for. Am
erica's newly appointed ambassa
dor to Rome John Work Garrett
For be is the man who came to
their aid when they. needed ?lt
most f.
After returning to his -banking
business in l Baltimore - following
boys ttflTayes who was arrested at
hop yard' near Independence." .
Jayes Is said to have stolen the
bicycle in July and later to nave
given it to another boy. ; This lad
sold It to another tor IS, who in
turn sold the frame to a third who
was . riding - it when ; the . owner
recognized ; it All parts of the
stolen wheel were , recovered. ,
No charges I will be placed
against the boys who. received the
stoles goods bit all were gvren
warnings by the police to be sure
of the- legal ownership of any bl
cycles or parts of blcydes they ex
pect to buy. ;
' t
Assisting Stmnded Yanks
Ah Easier Way td Slender ness
lricK?s-Off,,' tfie newe!aslid'by.M removes inches
"of I figure . mests and jnolds the Silhouette iiitoj
lovely untroken lines which are so smart. .You will be'
surprised at the comfort you will experience in wearing
Inches Off, for while its tension is much greater than;
other elastics, it is so flexible as to allow much freedom,
Jowsiirdl Coirsetl:
S - .165 N. Liberty St
Tha school clothes problem is always, a big one, but we have done our best, to help mothers
cclve this problem by assembling the most complete assortment of school clothes for chfo
dren and junior girls that it has ever been our, good pleasure to offer. Everything from
f i ctkto raincoat Is here in great variety, and and at prices to suit all purses. .
Natty little Care models with smart trim
going details, fashioned of lorely woolen
materials, some with fur collar and cuffs.
$port and dress models In new colors..
$2.983 .$19.95
English ribbed three
.er hose, fancy tops. .
Name for Self
long service In the diplomatic ser
vice, Mr. Garrett was crossing- the
Atlantic ocean to Join his wife In
Europe when the world war broke
out -
He immediately returned to
America and was sent back to Eu
rope as sr "special agent by Secre
tary Bryan to aid stranded Americans.-
Burdened with sold, Garrett
went straight to Switzerland.
There he helped arrange-facilities
to enable American tourists to re
turn to their homes ia the. United
His work completed, be moved
on to Paris,' where he remained
helping-1 at the American embassy
until that time when the Trench
were being rnshed in tstTcabs to
the defense of the Marne.
In 8eptembe,r, 1911, be moved
tor Bordeaux as the' special agent
of Ambassador Berrlck, remaining
three months in charge of Ameri
can Interests. He toosr' charge of
German and Austro-Hungarian
dvillan prisoners until the, united
"CS-- "
COATS Flannel Dresses
Cotton Broadcloth ensembles, guaranteed fast eolprs. These ensembles (3"j AO
regularly sold at W3.-PECIAL....... ............7....... V AeaO
Three quarter rayon hose,
fancy top and fast color,
- quar
Pleated Shirts
vear la
COipco coat style vool sweaters
for school vear. Special--
. - S1.98 '
States entered -the fight.
Until the Armistice was signed, f
Garrett was in the thick of war. f
menta, but proved a' friend of; v
France when he visited prison
e&nni in Germany and obtained
some mltlration of conditions at- -
fecting French prisoners. He. be
came minister to the Netherlands
in 1917 when Dr. Henry Tan Dyke
TowaiiL the end of the war he
again "went to Switzerland, this
time as jcinflrman of a special dip
lomatic. commission to negotiate a
treaty with the Germans regarding
war prisoners. Be was there seven
weeks ami was able to accomplish
a notabli teup-of forcing; the Ger
manf id asfr to release all Amer-
lean iiafa in Germany.
l InlWYbSte reOied to unofficial
life, resuming U his eonnecUons
with the Baltimore banking firm
of Robert Garrett and Sons, found
ed by his grandfather, . but was
called back in 1921 to serve as
secretary general of the limita
tions of armament conference In
Washington. , -;.".
In bis long service, In the diplo
matic corps. Garrett's assignments
ranged from secretary of embass
ies to minister to five countries,
and he was charge d'affaires .ad
Interim numerous times at Lux
emburg, Berlin, and Rome.
Plannel and Jersey dresses. Smart net.
styles In shades of blue; green, rose, crey,
black and other fall shades. A real Talus.
2k hose to the new fall
shades. Priced per pair--
shlrti for "ecHOol' (Q 7C
red. taxt'and bhie...7p I O
Bayon wndenrear, combinations
slips and -bloomers Each - .
rrUay, t P. Ii
- September U
. far ti. K
Calem Cost
ttuzl ft ruxj. ' -.