The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 13, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    Acr roun
Xo Favor Svays Us: So Fear Shall Awe.m
' From Firrt Statesman, March 28, 1851
CUASIX3 A. Stsaclc, Sheldon f. Sacsxtt, Publisher
CiiAtixa A- Stzacvb
Sheldon F. Sackett
hleinber of the Asaociated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled te Am se far
publication of all sews dispatches credited to it or sot otherwise
credited in this paper. ' f ' ' ,
. Entered at tie Potty fiae at Salrm, Oregon. m$ Second-Cles
Matter. Published every storaiaf except Uondvg. Eusimere
office SIS S. Commercial Street. .
'Pacific Coast Advertising Eeprssentatjves: '
Arthur W. S types. Int. Portland,- Security BHg.
San Francisco, Sharon Bids.; Los Angeles, W. Pac Bldg.
- . .)
Eastern Advertising Representatives:
Ford-Parsons-Stecber, Inc., New York, 271 Madison Atc;
Chicago, 360 N. Michigan Ave.
Standard Oil Holds Up, Delivery 1
THE Standard Oil company refused to delirer gasoline
Wednesday to Day & Niles became they bad a sign up
"Gas 20c" Not until Day & Nile agreed to change the sign
Thursday morning to 22c did the 'Standard trucks deliver
gas to them. Perhaps this will be the way the gas war will
end, by the companies framing a hold-up on the independents.
The independents claim that the undercutting of the Stand
ard chain was what started the recent flare-up.
In the good old trust-busting days the attorney-general
mitrVif main an imrairv as to the oractice of the Standard ia
hn riirtntino- the resale mice
attorney might launch an inquiry. Nowadays the companies
can get away with most, anything though and no questions
asked by the attorney general or anybody else.
Here are some things that are price conundrums to gas
consumers in this territory which we would like to have the
' Standard of California answer. Why is it that gas should
be forced to retail here at 22c when the retail price in New
York City is 17c? The haul here is far shorter than the haul
to" New York; and vast quantities of California oil and gas
are shimmed to the New York markets. '
? Why do the Standard and
. . J - m
Individual consumers like xarmers, truckmen ana owera aw
prices actually below the price which they sell to service sta
tions ? Jhe price to service stations is 18c Yet gasoline will
be hauled away out in the country and dumped in some farm,
ers tank or at a logging camp for a price asserted to be 15c
This is the worst feature of the gas business, utterly without
justice or even excuse. It is rank discrimination. So flag
rant is it that it is a fit subject for investigation by the state
attorney general or the district attorney, if we have such
off icers except onpay days. ...
The independents aver that the oil companies are trying
to break them and then get control of the choice stations and
hamstring any others who try to hang, on. The Standard has
already made a sort of wash sale of its service stations to an
organization composed of "former" officials of the company.
Other companies ere said to be following up this move and
copying it.- . .
Station operators ought to get a fair profit on the gas
they pump.. When they have to pay the oil companies more
than private consumers do it is hard, to see where they can
set a price which will hold the business and leave them the
profit they are entitled to. '
The IncomeTax Test
INDUSTRIES engaged in single lines of business ought not
to object to. having their income tax reports scrutinized
by the senate committee in charge of the tariff bill. There is
no such secrecy about corporations as there used to be. The
majority of them issue reports to stockholders certified to
by public accountants. By turning to a Moody's Manual the
senators could get most of their information: without organiz
ing a man-hunt and unleashing the bloodhounds. On the
lumber business they could study reports of concerns like
Long-Bell and Central Coal and Coke which controls the Ver
nonia operations. -Their earnings are made public and have
been so poor in late years as to force passing of dividends.
The danger of such an examination as is proposed lies in
these circumstances: in given lines one or two large corpor
ations may make excellent prof its even in very dull times,
while the big majority of other companies in those lines lose
money. For instance the generous profits of the Great West
ern Sugar Refining company are not a true index of the pros
perity of the beet sugar interests. With this company should
be considered Utah-Idaho, American Beet Sugar, Holly, Am
algamated whose profits have been thin of less than that for
some time. Again corporations now have a diversity of pro
ducts. Total profits may be no index as to the condition of
specif ic branches of a company's business. In a big packing
enterprise like Swift's, the fertilizer or hide branches may be
unprofitable though the losses were overcome by profits in
other departments.
All of these facts the senate committee will have to re
member when it studies the
eases where the investigation ought to be really worth while.
There are the watch companies who appear in beggars' role
to get increased protection. Taking a look at the tax reports
of Elgin, Hamilton and Gruen ought to disclose their poverty
and need of higher protction. Of course the senate won't
call for the tax reports of the
that the farmers, none of them,
- x"'" -
A N investigation has been
XX ed in the Congressional Record for June 14 wno nave
heert killed bv orohibition officers In performance of their
dutyr The number of appalling,4t ls-true. But a study and
investigation of the individual cases discloses no sucn wua
and indiscriminate slaughter as the anti-prohibitionists try
to make out. Here is' what the investigation showed:. 55 of
the number were already firing at officers before they were
fired upon; 32 drew their guns first, but failed to follow up
with speed on the trigger; in 10 cases both officers and vic
tims fired, the evidence, not
first: 12 had attacked officers
In the remaining cases the
search or arrest. " -
j Of the total of 155 the study showed that only six could
be classified as innocent victims. One of these was killed
with a gun in his hand; one was struck by a stray bullet,
which sometimes happens in ordinary efforts at arrest, two
were killed in a boat collision ; two more were automobile fa
talities.: r; i. " .
; The shedding of innocent blood is always a mistake and
a tragedy. Enforcement officials have repeatedly stressed
use of weapons only in self-defense. When the bootleircrers
and law violators lay aside
lies ana nignt-sucjuj. .
. I Motor Tank Cars
. .. 3 -a; -i
TjAVE you noticed these
M-painted green,! that are helping turn the highways into
freight rights-of-way paid for by the public? They are own
ed by a private transportation company which contracts
!it. It ; . . m . -- - .
wiiu ou companies 10 transport
bv rail. Thev are now mbh!no
' of tiie tank car freight These motor gas tanks haul from
naewaier 10 smau aistnouting
, iau stations tnat cave large
- - Editor-Manager
Managing Editor
of srasoline. Or the district
other oil companies sell to
a.l A a
tax returns. There are many
farmers. They prefer to think
have to make out tax returns.
"' ml W
trie Score '
made of the 155 persons report-
being clear as to which fired
with other weapons than 'guns.
majority were resisting lawful
their, rifles, machine uns and
-- ..-.;
Crowd Hurhwavs
double - Tointed tank Vara.
gasoline oy trucic rather than
tht nilmaTo nf A
stations; or they haul to re-
enougn capacity, ivvv gallons.
,J2 rN
(sate IP 'l&ci 31
We know of no finer stimulus to airplane flying than
turning the highway over to perambulating boxcars. How
long will the public continue to subsidize the truck lines by
furnishing the right-of-way and then expect the railroads to
carry a big share of the tax burden?
Sweet Home reports Us first frost. That ooght to ret a column
editorial la a certain daUy of vide
Con tin a Ins the Thompson story
Toby vms the name of Riddle's
Modoc wife. She and her husband
begged General Canby not to go to
the conference, as treachery was
surely Intended. Bat the general
replied that his government had
ordered him to go, and a soldier
bad no choice but to obey orders.
The conference went on, by a
camp fire. General Canby passed
tne cigars to tne rea uenas. Ail
ready I" shouted Captain Jack, as
he drew a pistol and shot General
Canby. Sconchin shot Meachem
through the shoulder, in the head
and in the arm, whila" Boston
Charley shot Rev. Thomas dead.
Dyar fled, closely pursued by
Hooker Jim, but escaped Rev.
Thomas and General Canby were
stripped and the general scalped.
Meachem was insensible, and as
the Indians started to scalp him
Toby told them the soldiers were
coming, and they left him and
fled. Meaehem's scalp was partly
cnt loose. While these scenes were
being enacted, two Indians ap
proached the lines of the soldiers
with "a white flag. Lieutenants
Sherwood and Boyle went out
about 500 yards beyond their line
to meet them. They were fired
apon by savages la ambush, and
Lieut. Sherwood .mortally
wounded. .
Says Col. Thompson: 'Thus end
ed the long, dreary farce of the
peace commission And ; at what
a price! There lay the noble Can-
by .prone apon his face, cold and
till la death; having breasted
the hurricane of - many a well
fought field to fall at last by the
treacherous, assassin hand of
a prowling savage to whom he had
come upon a mission of peace and
friendship. There was another of
the commissioners; a -man of
peace, a preacher ot'the gospel-of
eternal love, stricken down, with
the words of mercy and forgive
ness upon his lips, lils gray and
reverent locks all dabbled in bis
Own blood. Another, shot and
hacked and stabbed, covered with
wounds, beaten down with cratl
Mows, Motionless bnt still alive.
And there was another, with
warhoop and pistol shot ringing
at his heels, fleeing for his Me;
whUe at the side scene was tha
"honorable Capt. Jack, stage man
ager of the awful play, arch de
mon of massacre, with pistol that
took the priceless life of Canby
stiU smoking la his hand, leap
ing with glee,' his dark face all
aglow with the glare of the dread
spectacle, like a fiend daaclag In
the fire-light of hell. No wonder
that in its lurid light the govern
ment for a moment: forgot Its
dawdung peace policy, and let
sup the doge of war "
April 12, 187J; the day after
the massacre, preparations- were
made for an attack in fall force
by the regulars. But no- general
forward movement was made till
the Hth., There was a battle ot
three days and. nights and amid
the hum ot-tons of leaden bullets
and the bursting of countless
shells, not a single Indian was
klued; except one buck who tam
pered 'with an nnexploded shelL
to get out the powder and lead
with a me and hatehet, and was
Bcauerea over the lava beds for
nis incjuisltiveness. - On the 18th
Col. Alvia C. Gillem of the rer.
ulars. who had been put la charge
oi me campaign and General
w neaton relieved, sent CoL Thorn
as and Major Wright of the reg
ulars in cnarge of a scoutlngart
of 0 men, to discover if possible
ue wnereaooou of the savages.
I7o Doxtt
kM Inmi nr. Cat Inta.
Gillem was not experienced la
fighting Indians of the character
of the Modocs, or be would have
sent experienced scoots Instead of
inexperienced regulars. The party
scouted aheut for several miles la
the lava beds, and saw no Indians
or signs of Indians. They sat down
in supposed security to eat their
lunch. The Indians tuietly sur
rounded them, and, at the first
rifle fire, the soldiers were panic
stricken. That panic became a
rout, and the rout a massacre. Of
the 62 men In the scouting party,
all were killed excepting two, and
they were badly wounded! The
communications of CoL Gillem
were cut off and his supply trains
captured, horses and alL "Whip
ped again," was the verdict ot the
nation. The entire eomiaand of
Gillem was demoralized, and de
sertions were by the wholesale,
a m
Then General Jeff C. Davis ar
rived and on May 2 took- charge,
and restored the command to
General Wheaton, able and veter
an fighter. But CoL Hasbrouck,
old soldier that he was. had a les
son to learn. A few days later, his
command chasing Modocs went
into camp In the lava bed feeling
secure, as no Indians or Indian
signs had been seen. But as day
vegan to break over the desolate
hills, the Indians from three sides
poured. Into the camp a withering
fire. Captain Jack, standing weU
out of harm's way, (dressed in
the uniform of the dead General
Canby!), had staged another mas
sacre. Several of Hasbroack's reg
ulars were killed by the first fire;
but the Modocs had not counted
on the near presence of a band of
Wasco Indians under Captain
George, their chief, who the night
before had stealthily and Quietly
made their camp near that of
Hasbrouck. and when the surprise
firing began attacked the Modocs
from the rear. It was Captain
Jack's turn to be surprised; and
the Modocs ecarrled to their hid
ing places In the lava beds. From
a rout of the soldiers it became a
rent of the Modocs. Captain Jack
was the first man to Turn. This
was the beginning of the end. The
rapscallion redskins under Cap
tain Jack Quarreled with him and
among themselves. ''
They t rake into smaU parties and
fled from the lava beds. With the
he!? of friendly Indian scouts and
the assistance of white leaders
who. knew Modoe character, or
lack of character. Including Col
onel wiluam. Thompson and the
Applegates, t the remnant bands
surrendered. Hasbrouck and the
Waseo scouts gathered la Captain
Jack and his followers two days
later. Jack was an arrant coward.
Some of his followers would have
fought to the death, but when he
was cornered he gave up, hoping
lor mercy. Black Jim and his
crowd were taken la by CoL
Thompson, General Roes and their
company,- .'
CoL Thompson relates aa in
teresting Incident ot the evening
wnen Black Jim and his ragged
bunch had been turned over to
General Davis. (Black Jim's trail
nad been fouowed by the marks
ot a crutch ot one of his followers
who had been shot in the fighting
or January i Tin, by John Fair
euids,- who was at that time by
the side ef CoL Thomas Thomp
son - wnen : tne citizen soldiers
wanted to be allowed to go Into
Captain Jack's camp and finish
the war.) Mrs. Body, Mrs. Schlra,
and Mrs. Brotherton were at the
camp ot General Davis, provided
i by the commanding officer with a
tent. The families of these women,
settlers of that section, had all
been wiped out butchered by Mo
docs with Black Jim. These women
bad asked to see the Indian cap
tives, with the Idea ot securing
from the murderers of their hus
bands, sons and daughters some
of the keepsakes they had stolen
irom tnem. suddenly Fox, corre
spondent of the New Tork Herald,'
caned at the door of the tent of
General Davis, and -cried, "the
women are going to kill the In
dians!" Col. Thompson and Gen
eral Davis sprang from the tent
door and rushed to the tent where
the women were domiciled. Co.
Davis was ahead of Thompson.
The latter says he saw Mrs. Schira
with a double edged knife noised.
Black Jim was standing fronting
the women, stolid as a ' bronze.
MrS. Sehira's mother was attemot-
ing to cock a revolver. General
Davis made a grab for the knife,
catching the blade in his right
nand and in the struggle his hand
was badly lacerated. A surgeon
was called and dressed the wound
ed hand.
About 40 officers were seated
at dinner at the mess that night:
men grown gray in their country's
service, young lieutenants from
West Point, etc During the dinner
one er tne young men made some
slighting remarks about the con
duct of the women in attemotine
to kill the Indians. (But lack nf
pace makes it necessary to wait
one day for the seuueL)
Yesterdays b
Editors Say:
Announcement ot plane of the
Washington Co-operative Egg and
Poultry association for a chicken
cannery In BelUngham, with a cap
acity -ot 700,000 birds a year, or
2,000 a -day. draws attention to a
unique branch ot the ooultrr in
dustry which is increasing daily la
popularity at home and abroad.
The poultry association sow is
canning 1,000 chickens a day at
Its Lyndea plant, and the market
for fLynden Canned Chicken"' is
expanding so rapidly that a sec
ond cannery, twice as large as that
now In operation, is needed to
meet the growing demand for this
Whatcom county product. Sales of
the Lynden brand have increased
se per cent siaoe the association
took it oyer, and by the time the
BelUngham plant is completed.
about the first of next year. It is
expected a considerable part of Its
output will be in Immediate de
Alaska and Hawaii, particularly,
are caning ior more and more
wnatcom county; canned chicken.
ana tne association foresees, aa un
limited world market. esMdallr in
tne warm and cold climates where
poultry does not thrive as it does
in the temperate zones, notably in
tne Pacific Northwest.
More than 9,000 poultrymen in
fa a iwuliUaa tot
and araT.airfa
- Is is the i
tL rjJLznr cm? zzsnr
Western-Washingtoa are members
- W. . m.i.ImHm.
wMebr 4m a lmalaoaa axrreratlng
about 125,000,000 annually, end
there arw'nmnareaa m xnaepciut
entn who are' profiting from the
$10.000,00e industry 1 this state.
The expansion of the "tinned
eMOnjtem tt industry, wo-
v-idlnr a market outlet for hens
that do not come, np to laying
standards and tne aundreas ana
thousands of cockerels those not
sold as broUers that constitute
am annual meat surplus, 'wfll help
te balance the industry and Insure
continuing profits to thov poultry
The peultryntea of the state are
following la the steps- of the dairy,
fish, vegetable, fruit and other In
dustries that hare gone out after
world markets with canned goods
that can be preserved Indefinitely.
The experimental stage has been
passed and henceforth the prob
lem apparently Is to provide a sup
ply adequate to meet the domestic
and foreign markets.
The industry Is one to be en
couraged, for it is particularly
wetl adapted to Whatcom county,
which produces 1,000,00 1 new
chickens every year and between
one-fourth and one-third of all the
eggs raised la Washington. It Is
merely another ot the "acres cf
diamonds" that re being uncov
ered all about us. BelUngham
There is a movement on foot to
force the commission to issue a
million dollars worth of bonds a
year for three years all to be
spent on the Roosevelt highway.
The coast cities are all tor It, of
course, for purely selfish reasons.
But the expenditures cannot pos
sibly be justified by the amount
of prospective trivet as compared
with the actual travel that Is al
ready in the WUlamette valley.
Moreover, most of the prospective
Roosevelt highway travel is pleas
ure travel, tourist travel. The
road to Portland is lined with
cars going there- on business. They
are Oregon cars and travel the
roads many times the year. They
are entitled to first consideration
and first relief. The present
roads are too crowded for safety.
They are dangerous and the death
and injury toll in itself la suffi
cient reason tor the project. WU
lamette valley towns and counties
should organize,, not to oppose the
building of roads elsewhere, but
to insist that present congestion
be relieved and the roads made
safe where they1 are used most at
least to the extent and In reas
onable ratio with the amount of
money raised tin the valley and In
Portland by auto licenses and gas
tax. Corvallis Gazette-Times.
Old Oregon's
Town Talks from The States
- man Our Fathers Read
Seocember IS. 10O4
President Downing of the state
fair board has accepted the resig
nation, of Aasoeiata Jndee O. A.
Westgate of Albany, and appoint
ed Frank Frailer ot Pendleton In
his stead.
Success of the second day of
the state fair Is larrelv dne to the
Woodmen of the World which fur
nished the principal entertainment
outside of the regular racing pro
Hon. Charles's. Fulton, United
States senator from Oregon, and
Senator John Mitchell are in Sa
lem for the state fair and business
conferences in connection with
their public offices.
Eugene Bosse, who visited Mc
MlnnvIUe last week, thinks the
outlook flax growing in that sec
tion good, and will send 50 bush
els of seed there for distribution.
Penney Company
Has New Man in
Dallas Store
DALLAS. Sent. 12. Lewie
Wick, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Wick et Dallas, commenced work
with the local J. C Penney com
pany, joonaay morning.
Lewis takes the nlace vaeitef
by the transfer ot Forest Ginn to
Wttleta, Calif. :
. For the past three years young
Wick, has been employed in the
shoo department of Olds. Wort.
man and King ef Portland.
j hshment in the
; e -
o.ui.Ci J.8D1 xna
rSSL Never ha, lU
j Estimates eheerralr.f urnished. Work ddivered
mm . I a -
" ."'.in.. ' ' .. -M- ' ' fl ' ffl
Assistant War Secretary
Says Range of Bombers
WiJ be Doubled
WASHINGTON Sept. 12 -(Special)
The army air service has
"put on seven league hoots' to ex
tend Us effective range of mili
tary operations through the recent
development of long-range refuel
ler devices, TJ Trubee Davison,
assistant secretary of war tor
aeronautics, said tonight tn a
radio address brer a nation-wide
hookup. "
Mr. Davison summarized the
stgnifieanee of the military and
commercial endurance flights with
the aid of refueling hr the air as
the eleventh; guest speaker oa the
&oad of the Sky" avfattoa aeries,
sponsored by the Aeronautical
Chamber of Commerce and the Na
tional Broadcasting company.
Mr. Davison said that the range
ot present bombardment planes
WQl be doubled as the result of ex
periments with refuelfag in the
air carried out since the- first his.
tory-making flight ot the "Ques
tion Mark. which started last
New Tears day
"With existing fuel arrange
ments bombardment planes have a
radius et action not more than
1,200 miles under the most favor
able conditions," Mr. Davison said.
"Now we can double this radius of
action through the use of refuel
ing ia flight.
"There is a strong possibility
that refueling In flight may help
to solve a most pressing problem
with respect to the relationship
between pursuit and bombardment
aviation. The farther bombers can
penetrate into enemy territory to
destroy enemy munitions, factories
sad mobilization centers, the more
effective will this branch of avia
tion be. , .
"On the ether hand, to extend
the range of bombing pianos be
yond the range ot their protective
pursuit planes would impose a
distinct handicap upon the bomb
ers which would be compelled to
rely upon their own weapons In
defending themselves against
enemy attack.
"We must now study how the
range of pursuit planes may be ex
tended by refueling in flight, to
keep them abreast of the long
range, but slower moving, bomb
ers," Mr. Davison said.
"The greatest enemy of flying
today is fog. and here I can point
to progress which indicates that,
in the not far distant future, fog
will be completely defeated. We
hare-learned now to fly hour after
hour In fog without any horizon,
without being able to see the sky.
or the ground, by means of instru
ments which were developed prln-
The Marie of
TJ Aim ASHEnr is IH an oU
friend, tried and true. There
can never be a iitisf actore mhi.
tate for either one. Bayer Arpiris
as is tne accepted anti
dote for Bain. Ita relief
bo relied on, whether used for the
occasional headache, to. head-off c
COld, OT far the more aertAaa air
and pains from nMmtHi
ghewmatiim or other aihnnta It's
easy to uranury Bayer Aspirin hy
the Barer Cross an am- aau v.
the name Bayer oa the box aadtho
wuxa itttumo prialed ia red.
- - - i
That Pleases
state outside of Portland. Pr-iti UTr VTri
coraraercial printins of
Statesman - ha laA ci...
cjpahy ty army orngtacors.
"Wan frying ia f og has virtual
ly beam made safe, the next queer
Uoa is how does the pilot get his
plana to his destination when an
the landmarks are alddeaT Here
again the army has made a vital
contribution to firing because ot
the very important role it - has
played ia the development of the
radio beacon.
"AH the pilot who flies oa the
beacon 'has to do is to . follow a
yellow light on tha iastrament
board of his plana. When the
lamp ehangee from yellow to ted
or arreea. a h-aw fc la (tbr a
the right or left of his coarse sad
gets Daca: tarongn in eauspae ax
nedlent of klefrtnr the rmAAmo
until the light shows yellow once
more. The raaio neacea is aa ewe.
trie hlxawar taat stretches ever
distances of hundreds af mfiea.
No rale vn shatter ft: aa foe can.
obnterats' It"- -
Ia eoaclaaioa. Mr. Davison nU
that "the war department
eager to make as many eontrfbu
tioaa toward' tha ermaais of
and In doing se to fester an agency
commercial aviauom aa peeeseio
of peace and good wUL"
Assistant Secretary of the Nary
David & Ingalls will talk over the
radio at the uu tlaa r Tim.
day night as the twelfth speaker
ci ine nova oi ue bay ana
tion series sponsored by tha Aero
nautleal Chamber ot Commerce ef
America and the National Bread,
casting company.
Vegetable Seed
Grown on Farm
At Silverton
Madsen completed a three weeks'
threshing period this week when
he completed his four acres of
kale seed. . He reports that the
crop was very good. He has set
out another field ot kale which
will be harvested next year.
For the past 25 years vegetable
seed has been grown on the Mad
sen farm, first by Mr. Madsen's fa
ther, and since his death feur
years ago, by Victor Madsen. The
seed , is raised under contract to
wholesale seed houses.
Dr. Mellenthin
la LttfraaZ Melldtte for the -past
0tem jears
U Q Le at
Kaiwa HuteL Friday, Sept. 27
Office Hours: 10 a. in. to 4 OJn.
No Charge for Ccnsaltation
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular
graduate la medicine and surg
ery and is licensed by the state of
Oregon. He does not operate -for
chronic appendicitis, gall stones,
ulcers ot stomach, tonsils or ade
noids. He has te his credit wonderful
results in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wet
ting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheu
matism, scjatica, leg ulcers and
rectal ailments.
Below are the names ot a few
of his many satisfied patients in
Oregon who have been treated
for one or the other ot the above
named causes:
Mrs. H. H. Blake, Marshfield. Ore.
Alfred Clemmena, Corvallis, Ore.
Cbas. Desch, Portland, Ore.
Mrs. J. C. Huntsucker, Toledo. Ore
John Lucian, Echo; Ore.
Bert Lampa, St. Helens, Ore.
Mrs. Maybelle Snyder, Alsea. Ore.
Miss Emma Turner, Mikkalo, Ore.
J. H. Wood, Eugene, Ore.
Mrs. Jennie Woolery, Salem, Ore.
Remember above date. tha.t"on-
sultatioa on this trip will be free
and that his treatment Is differ-
Married women nnii H rrnm-
paaied by their' husbands.
AddreM? 4991 Wm TV! .A
Street, Los Aagelea, ICallf ornla.
r-r - ' - . mmm . . . tit
or . .
when promised,