Fanchon-Marco Girls Listen to Radio! 4 s i r J , - --V'' - - v !, - Tfa bemutital Faachom and Marco fiwUcbt BcmUh, which are featured every week fa Faachoa and Marco stage production at the EWnore, al wars eay practicing their daace stcpa throngh radio nnslc Ia this photo they are aeea '""'"g to the tane of a pop alar aumber Irom a now model Spartoa radio. I lawwnMM -jal n Along with Our . . rn We gEj;e green stamps (Redeemable for beautiful PREMIUMS) Owr FsVe Repair Dept. Never Closes Keep Smiling v with Kellys ?i Cep. .Pw:win bo offered to Elsinore theatre patrons, Satorday and Sundar. tf?Ift8 J1 1,0 P11 FanchoB and JIarro's "Speed Idea,- featuring the lfl Suakist Beaa tS G t.- an"tlkte conasdj -Fast Compaajr. adapted from Ring 'Lardmer'a Camons .tory, "Elmer It PLionc -44 ancf Our Service Car is soon there SPEEDY Car Washing-Genuine ALEMITE Lubrication High Tfest Gasoline Too Libertr Jica' Bill" The Station With a Clock Invite Us to your - Next Blow Out 9 I -in Its MBWl"iTBY J r 0 ATUnBAY and GEJneAIT On the Stage . . . THE FASTEST . . . SWIFTEST . . . AND SPEEDIEST . STAGE SHOW YET CONCEIVED! i A. X7 A show that will make yea feel . . . younger tjnggf n 151 TrUI-jsKi! V Prices: Slat. S5 Eve. 60a , f , Faachon II-- - : - - it- - - ' i 1 i POPULAR 1 in PRICES I " i J ? ! f 1 Doom Open 1:45 P. IL peppier With ft superliti?e ag gregatioa of entertainers . including-- : THElGStJNklST BEAUTIES Parker and Alack . BlackKat Four -Helen Burke Dorothy and Leona Cal Norrls GreyhormdJ "LOS ANGELES -NEWS" Sayi: There eTeryttlng thst'f pep py fa this latest stage rente ... It llrei right aa to if tttlt. I ... On Our Human Screen! The 100 Afl Talkie Comedy Riot. : Ton Win Burst Laashinx Adapted From Rlag Lariaeri Story ft 1 "Elmer, The Great" K ichest of a a DO vo in A NEJP SPARTON jr if It v sJ! a 3 189 50 . The NrtrSFABTON Consols) Model 930 jrtth DYNAMIC Speakex Open Your Accotmt With Us COMPLETE WTIH TUBES Never before has such purity and mag nificence of tone been found in any , radio receiver other than the revolution Sparton EQUASONNE. Now this renowned circuit in a beautiful console model, is brought within Txcich of alL The millions, vho ,havc heard and WISHED for SPARTON EQUASONNE instruments need wait no longer. We believe the new Sparton ICiodel 930 is the greatest value in radio today. Be sure to near it. 1 I IMiL.WfWWIWl Jpiaaaaia I 1 J FrT! J -Sold ; r - On Convenient Terms