joit 'ijr maierV. snl ride down town today on the S. P. street bus.- ,7 - FREE 13th K. J NEW FELT HATS WomenV faU felts to e tab, and other off-the- C II fin ... Uwvm Ml MlM II tj V II WW BassJfint. WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Manufacturer's cooperation le;of fine neckwear. SI nil.- .. afrilava mmhiIm V 11 vvuu muu 0cwi wuuo vmmhk cw v Mua 10 3X0. MAIN FLOOR. Jt' Women's Leather House Slippers Sale ol leather house slippeia In red. tan, blue and black. Padded soles of chrome leather. MAIN FLOOR. 98 ARMY RAINCOATS If en's army rain coats that sell at $5.00 and more U1 be offered Miller Day at H95. Ventilated cape boulder, very durable. BASEMENT. COTTON PRINTS $2 2000 yards cotton prints, batistes, etc. Values to 50c yd. Arranged for Miller Day in one big sale at per yard lPcr-Basement. FLAT CREPES , New fall shades in this flat crepe special Includes the new browns, greens, blues, reds and of course black. A splendid quality 40 inch dress fabric MAIN FLOOR. 19 $ H -49 JL SHOE SPECIAL A collection of broken lines of good shoes in values to. $8.00. Oxfords, pumps, sport footwear, etc. A good, range of sizes. MAIN FLOOR. a.95 FELT HATS Imported French hats in autumn's newest fash Ions. Colors to harmonise with your new frock or coat Also chiffon velvets. A special purchase direct from New York. MEZZANINE. Reg. $545. TABLE OF ODDS OS A large table will be devoted to an manner of odds and ends for Miller Day and the price win be your choice for thirteen cents. BASEMENT. EACH CHIFFON VELVETS Fashion's popular dress fabric win be featured In this sale of chiffon velvets. Pretty shade. See it MUler Day MAIN FLOOR. YARD JUMBO-KNIT COATS Jumbo knit sweater coats for school or sport wear in white, tan, navy and black. An Ideal coat tor all purpose MAIN FLOOR. . " '3 .95 BOY'S PRINT SHIRTS Soys' guaranteed fast color print shirts for school and dress. New fall patterns tn blue, tan, lavender, green, etc BASEMENT. ' - RAYON BED SPREADS 5te 06X80 rayon bed spreads long enough for bolster f win be shown Miller Day in the new colon at this Special sale price, MAIS FLOOR. : , . . . 19 Miller Day was planned for. the second Friday in September, and. as this falls upon the 13th, we shall call it "Lucky 'day.. We've been most fortunate in rounding up good will bargains this year Factories from whom we have been buy ing for years are keenly interested and MEN'S SWEATER COATS Men's part wool tine ribbed sweaters. Sport style or coat style In light weight materials. Dark colors. AU sizes. BASEMENT. FELT SLIPPERS Women's felt house suppers in sman sizes S to 4H. Padded soles. In colors, tan, rose, grey, etc. MAIN FLOOR. 9& 39 VANTA BANDS Vanta teething bands of sUk and wool, also Vanta silk and wool hose at this special price. MAIN FLOOR. FABRIC GLOVES 50 Wen known fabric gloves in qualities up to $1.50. Fan styles and colors. Miller Day spedaL MAIN FLOOR. 79' RAYON UNDIES 50c Hundreds of pieces of fine rayon undies in this sale. Panties, vests, chemise, shorties, bloomers, etc. BASEMENT SILK CfcEPE FROCKS One special group of silk crepe dresses. Values $15X0. Sixes 18 to 38. Extra Talue giTing for Miner Day, Friday, September 13th. MAIN FLOOR. : 5 .00 SHOE BRUSHES Lambs wool shoe brushes. Exc silent polishing brushes. Miller Day feature. 10' BAKING' DISHES Highly decorated baking dishes In bright modern latic or floral patterns. GIFT SHOP SECOND FLOOR. 25c SPUN SILK Hundreds of yards of this fine quality spun sUk specially priced for Miller Day. Many new shades as wen as pastels. Regular $U0O yanL MAIN FLOOR. YARD 65- PERRIN KID GLOVES ETtry woman knows the quality of Perrin kid gloTes. Perrin cooperate with Miller Day with kid stores at halt price. New 'tall stylearegular $4.98 quality. MAIN FLOOR. 2 .49 Men's Ties re. $1 - Men's Shirts to $3.00 , , SPECIAL GROUPS 59c Men's Iter- 1Ol chiefs, re 25c IA 2 Men's rayon f Aft onion suita vlvii Men's sweaters go AO wg.S5.00-1.0yO woMEssiucnioacs:.J... 55.00 Women's ; 019 QC rain coats jI are cooperating with us that we may. be , successful in our endeavors in promot ing annual Miller Day. For the past two months we have been busy collecting fall merchandise for this event 'And now! We announce MILLER DAY Today. Door open at ,9 o'clock. Extra Special A table of extra specials will be featured in apparel section. Sweaters, blouses, khaki knickers, blaser sport coats worth $3-50 and many others. -lfTLTTR1 DAT MAIN FLOOR. 4i 00 CHILDREN'S SHOES Men's Part-Wool Union Suits A special collection of children's school shoes sixes 84 to S. Values to $14)0. A close out troop. Tour choice $1.00. MAIN FLOOR. :1 .00 Men's part wool union suits in this special purchase for Miller Day at only $14)0 each. 81xes 34 to 46. 9 BASEMENT. 1 .00 FRAMED PICTURES PLAID BLANKETS Bought for Miller Day these framed pictures repre sent big ralues. New subjects. Polychrome frames. 12x20, 12x22. Very colorful. CUT SHOP SEC OND FLOOR. 1 .00 Full bed size cotton blankets in blue, rose, tan, lav ender and grey plaids (slightly imperfect) BASEMENTS 69' CHILDREN'S FROCKS VANTA Guaranteed fast color ash frocks for school. Gay prints in popular colors. Sizes up to MAIN FLOOR. 14 yearsi $ .69 Vanta special offered by courtesy of Vanta Corpor ation silk and wool shirts of very fine .quality. MAIN FLOOR. 1 .00 SILK UMBRELLAS HEADLIGHT OVERALLS Fancy stub style with 16 ribs. Also fancy border U QC nlaln HV TCmwn ton Mil ffroon mtr MAIN W - FLOOR. 2 Famous Headlight overalls in sizes up. to 33 inch waist These are all bib style usually selling at $2.00 BASEMENT." $1.29 DRAPERY FABRICS COSTUME JEWELRY Values up to $1.50 in this collection of odd draper ies. An opportune time to choose for fan redecora tlon. MAIN FLOOR. TARD 89 The newest fall fashions in Jewelry will be shown In this collection of recent arrival for Miller Day, Rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Values $3.25. Miller Day, your choice. 79 DRESSING ROBES Dressing robes of blanket cloth in plaid tones of rose, orchid, grey, red, blue, etc Ideal for the col- p .95 lege girL MAIN FLOOR. RAYON PAJAMAS A factory cooperation of rayon pajamas at $1-98. . New necklines, sew trims in contrast colors. Fancy S II motifs In applique. Also newest prints included II MAIN FLOOR. JL .98 GOSSARD STEPINS GOSSARD COMBINATIONS pay. Regular $80 brocaded silk stepln corset with S .Hh FLOOR. Ocesard combination girdle and brassiere. Ideal foundation garment for th new fall atvtac frocks. Brocaded rayon, all sizes. MILLER DAT- UAIN TLOOR. .98 STATIONERY found writing paper In Ramon ripple with en velopes, to match. Colors and white. $L00 value, 67c ferVset MAIN FLOOR. 67' CRETONNES SILKOLINES A vast collection of cretonnes, silkolines, challies for hangings, comfort eorers, smocks, bouse dress es, etc BASEMENT. TARD- 15c Miller Day" HOSIERY Specials! THEME faPr. Our first big sale of the famous Theme qual ity hosiery. Fine gu&ffe all pure silk Themes in fuU fashioned chiffons and heavy service: weights In dozens of smart autumn shades. This sale is made possible by the splendid co operation of the Theme Hosiery Mills. Center aisle, Main Floor. .1 - Holeproof : Sub-Standarids! -i So slight are the tiny imperfections in these fine Holeproof pure sflk hose that one can : scarcely detect them, In fact, many pairs pos itively defy detections And here Is -good choosinrfor the new fall shades are shown in this sale. All sizes and a wide range from which to select your hosiery wardrobe. Cen ter aisle, Main Floor. PATR - - - - - i - ' - - r ' - - . . ... a TVi: